Drivers for Serverworks chipset

2003-02-21 Thread Neal Lippman

I have on order a Dell server, which is based on the ServerWorks Grand
Champion SL chipset.

I was wondering if anyone knows what drivers should be used with this
chipset, particularly the on-board 10/100/1000 ethernet? I expect there
is Linux support, because Dell offers RedHat installed (I didn't order
that, figuring I would just load up Woody once the machien arrives).


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Re: kernel 2.6.0-test4 and ASUS P4P800

2003-10-17 Thread Neal Lippman
Don't forget that for hyperthreading support to appear like 2 cpus, you
also need to enable ACPI Processor Enumeration for HT (ACPI_HT) and
enable HT in the bios.

Then again, I have yet to get a bootable 2.6.0-testx on my P4P800. If
you have a working config file, please forward if you would!

(I suspect my use of gcc 3.3 is part of the problem, so I have to figure
out how to make gcc use my old 2.95).


On Fri, 2003-10-17 at 00:40, Jim McCloskey wrote:
> |> In all of the 2.6.0 series (not just -ac), you can enable SATA with
> |> your 865/875 chipset by selecting the ATA | IDE block devices |
> |> Intel PIIXn chipsets support option.
> Thank you! I didn't know this.  So the crucial kernel-options, then,
> would be:
> Do I have that right?
> Thanks,
> Jim
> -- 
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NFS has a file size overflow problem

2003-10-21 Thread Neal Lippman
I don't know if this is known or not known, so I am throwing it out here
first to see if anyone has heard of this one before. My guess is this is
a known problem...

I use nfs to share my /home and a /shared directory on my fileserver to
workstations. The fileserver runs testing and is up to date. The
workstation was just upgraded to unstable.

As a backup mechanism, on the server, I tar up my whole directory tree,
split it into 600 MB files and burn to cds. I figure in the event of
catastrophe, just copy the cd files back to hard disk, cat them
together, and untar.

So, I backup via:
tar zcf /shared/backup/hometar; split -b 600m hometar
then take each split file for burning to cd.

Anyway, that's all beside the point except to explain how I wound up
with a file that's about 5.5 GB. So, I do ls -l in the backup directory
and in one xterm the file size is 5.5 GB, and in the other it's around
1.3 GB. So, what gives? Further, the split which divides up into 600MB
files generates the expected number (around 9) of subfiles, so I know
the actual size must be around 5.5 GB.

Then, I realize that if NFS reports the file size in a 32bit entity,
then subtracting the 4 GB or so you can get in 32 bits, the overflow is
around the difference, around 1.3 GB or so. AND, I see the correct 5.5
GB in the xterm that is ssh'd over to the server and therefore NOT
getting info via nfs, while the incorrectly small amount is in an xterm
logged in to the workstation.

So I'm thinking maybe nfs is stuffing a 64 bit file size on the server
into a 32 bit filesize in the info it sends to the workstation.

Here's the weird thing, though: I tried wc hometar in both the xterm on
the server and the one one on the workstation - and they both give the
same results that ls -l showed, eg running wc on the workstation gives
the same incorrect 1.3 GB character count. Now, I would have guessed
that wc worked by reading chars until EOF - so you'd figure it would get
the correct 5.5GB answer. I'm further guessing, however, that the
filesystem, after stat'ing a file, knows how large it is and doesn't let
you read off the end of the file and generates the EOF without having to
ask the server for data that exists but which the NFS client thinks is
beyond the end of the file.

So: presumably NFS is known to use 32 bit file sizes, but ls understands
a 64 bit file size? I also note that the fstat, stat etc system calls
return the file size as an off_t, which in the i86 header files for
2.4.22 is a long - which should be 32 bits on x86- so how does ls -l get
the correct >32bit file size?


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OT: Rio SonicBlue S10

2003-01-27 Thread Neal Lippman
I am trying to figure out if this device is supported under linux-usb.
I've found no direct references to it (the Rio-500 seems supported by a
specific driver, but that's the closest I've come).

It seems that this device might be supported as a usb mass storage
device - usb-storage driver. Does anyone know if that is true? If so, am
I correct in assuming that the proper filesystem to mount is FAT?


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Sort of OT: network logins

2003-01-27 Thread Neal Lippman
The subject doesn't really explain what I am looking for, but I couldn't
think of a better two-word summary. I know this is a bit off topic, but
I was hoping the collective expertise would provide me with some ideas.

I am looking for an approach to the problem of having multiple
installations of debian on each computer on my lan that I use. While it
is certainly reasonable to have a minimal install on each system,
consisting of a basic debian system, it seems counterproductive to have
to install each program that I use on each workstation, rather than
having such software "served" by a central applications server.

My present setup consists of a fileserver which exports various
directories via nfs, including both a network-wide data store (called
/share, for lack of a better idea), and /home. /home of course contains
all my home directories (for myself and everyone else using our
systems), and on each local workstation I have a full debian install
with all software, and in the /home directory the actual files are
symlinks to the appropriate nfs share.

By way of example, the workstation mounts server:/home onto /nfs; my
home directory on the workstation (/home/nl) is a symlink to /nfs/nl.
This way, no matter which workstation I log into, I have my global
/home/nl directory. Network-wide logins are handled by nis.

Currently, I install all software onto each workstation. It would be far
easier, however, to install it once onto an application server and have
it available to each workstation.

I've thought of two possible solutions:
1) Somehow get apt to install the software to /opt on the server, and
nfs mount /opt to each workstation;
2) Install as usual to the server, and have each workstaiton mount /usr
via nfs from the server;

Since /etc would be local to each workstation, the same install could
conceivably be used by each system with it operating differently because
of different config files (X comes to mind here, since hardware may

Another issue is that I use KDE. On the plus side, if I edit my kde
menus on one system to point to the appropriate places in /usr or /opt,
then since menus are stored in my home directory, I'll have the right
stuff whereever I log in. A problem, however, is that (as far as I can
tell) KDE does not understand multiple simultaneous logins, and
therefore I risk file corruption (or worse?) if I log in twice to my
account at the same time.

I had thought of solving this latter problem by implementing a login
script to copy /home//.kde from the server to local storage, and
then a logout script to sync it back onto the server at logout.
Theoretically, I would need to do this for any porgrams that cannot
sucessfully sync shared storage (like evolution), however - so this
isn't really a good overall solution. I am also unsure how to make kde
run a script at session start and end (or if there is even a way to make
this happen under KDE).

Any advice, pointers to references, etc, thoughts greatly appreciated.


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Photo archiving software?

2003-02-01 Thread Neal Lippman
Wondering if anyone has any suggestions for photo indexing and archiving
software - something like (what I have been told) iPhoto does on the

I have boxes full of old photos, and would like to scan them all in for
storage; I need something that will handle that sort of task, including
indexing, retrieval, viewing, etc. Ideally it would allow archving to CD
as well, but if not I can figure out another solution to that problem.

Any suggestions welcome.


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Re: List of users from a certain group

2003-02-02 Thread Neal Lippman
On Sun, 2003-02-02 at 14:18, Jason Lunz wrote:
> > I have a group of users in my system just for mail, the name of that
> > group is "correo".
> > 
> > My question is, how do I obtain a list of users from this group?
> $ apt-get install members
> $ members correo
> Jason

Why not just use
$ grep correo /etc/group | cut -f 1 -d ":" | xargs echo

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nfs is driving me crazy...

2003-09-07 Thread Neal Lippman
I could use some help from someone knowledgeable re: nfs.

I have been using nfs for some time now, probably at least two years. My
fileserver contains all user's files in /home, and /home is exported by
nfs. This directory is mounted to /nfs on my workstation, and serves as
my home directory on the workstation because /home/nl is a symlink to

Similarly, I have a directory on the server called /shared, and this is
also exported by nfs and mounted to /shared on the workstation.

I was in the process of upgrading the workstation, which I did by
putting in a new HD, partitioning, and copying (via tar) all data from
the corresponding partitions on the old (smaller) hd. I then removed the
old hd, swapped the new one in as primary, and rebooted.

The problem was that I was unable to connect up to the nfs shares.
Despite a great deal of hacking around with this tonight, including
apt-get --purge remove'ing nfs-kernel-server nfs-common and reinstalling
on the server (just in case), I couldn't get mounting the nfs shares
from the workstation to happen. Finally, I rebooted both machines, and
the /home export mounts, but the /shared one will not. I've been playing
around with it for a while and I am just plain stuck.

For reference, both systems run testing. However, it's been a long time
since I did an apt-get dist-upgrade on the server (for obvious reasons),
while I do the dist-upgrade regularly on the workstation. I cannot see
how this would matter, though, and in any case apt-get -u dist-upgrade
on the server shows all the packages that would be upgraded and added
and there doesn't seem to be anything relevant to nfs in there.

WHen I try (on workstation):
mount -t nfs -o rw,hard,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 nfs:/shared /shared
(NOTE: nfs is assigned to the server) I get:
"mount: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection refused"

Now, here's the output of showmount -a nfs issued from the workstation:
rpc mount dump: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection refused"

and from rpcinfo -p nfs issued on the server:
   program vers proto   port
102   tcp111  portmapper
102   udp111  portmapper
191   udp804  yppasswdd
142   udp802  ypserv
141   udp802  ypserv
142   tcp806  ypserv
141   tcp806  ypserv
 6001000691   udp807
 6001000691   tcp809
172   udp814  ypbind
171   udp814  ypbind
172   tcp817  ypbind
171   tcp817  ypbind
132   udp   2049  nfs
1000211   udp  32770  nlockmgr
1000213   udp  32770  nlockmgr
1000214   udp  32770  nlockmgr
151   udp868  mountd
151   tcp871  mountd
152   udp868  mountd
152   tcp871  mountd
1000241   udp891  status
1000241   tcp894  status
So at least the portmapper seems to be working.

Because rpcinfo seems to work, I assume the port-mapper is working ok,
and based on these error messages it seems that rpc.mountd on the server
is refusing connections, but I don't know how to go further or figure
this out any further. Any help would be greatly greatly appreciated, as

Oh, yeah, I should also mention that both hosts.allow and hosts.deny on
the server contain onlycomments, so if I understand tcpwrappers
correctly (which I understand remote mounting to use) emtpy hosts.allow
and hosts.deny should result in everything being accepted, so that
shouldn't be the problem.

Thanks to any help or suggestions on what to look at further.

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A little more on my nfs problem...

2003-09-07 Thread Neal Lippman
Also, some more stuff I've been noticing:

1) My understanding was that /var/lib/nfs/xtab was the file actually
consulted by mountd to respond to an nfs mount request. Interestingly,
that file only contains the info on /home, but not on the /shared
export, even though /etc/exports includes both.

The same directory has a file called etab, and that file does contain
both exports.

Issuing exportfs -a -v prints out two lines, indicating both exports are
being processed, but xtab doesn't change. I don't understand this.
exportfs -r gives the same behavoir.

I tried exporting another directory (/tmp) by adding it to /etc/exports
and reissuing exportfs -a -> the new export got added to etab but not
xtab, and in any case I could not mount the new share either - same
connection refused error from the workstation.

2) I thought maybe the problem was that the /shared mount point is
Reiserfs, thinking (without good reason) that maybe there is a problem
with nfs exporting reiser filesystems, but the /tmp export I
experimented with is ext2 (as is /home, the export that seems to work,
at least for now).

I suspect there is something wrong with mountd, and that it died after
letting me mount the one export that works, but I cannot figure out what
it is. There are no error messages in syslog to help me.


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Last nfs related post tonight...

2003-09-07 Thread Neal Lippman
OK, one final bit of info. I tried showmount -a on the server and it too
failed witha connection refused error.

ps aux didn't show mountd running! So, /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server
restart, and now mountd is running.

Immediately thereafter I could mount the shared partition.

Based on this, it seems that the problem is that mountd is exiting
unexpectedly...and I have no idea why this would occur, I cannot find
any error messages in the logs to explain this.

Any thoughts>


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Do all debian kernel packages require an initrd?

2003-09-07 Thread Neal Lippman
Tonight, I tried to apt-get install kernel-image-2.4.21-4-k7 (AMD Athlon
system). During the installation phase, I was given a warning that this
image requires an initial ramdisk - which I am not using, as far as I am
aware, with the stock 2.4.18-bf2.4 kernel that originally came with
woody (now sarge).

Are all debian kernel packages created with initrd? If so, is justing
proceeding with the install sufficient, or is there some special way to
modify my menu.lst for grub to handle this (the install gives
instructions for lilo, but I don't use lilo).



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Re: Last nfs related post tonight...

2003-09-08 Thread Neal Lippman
On Mon, 2003-09-08 at 02:55, Erik Rask wrote:
> On 7 Sep 2003, Neal Lippman wrote:
> > OK, one final bit of info. I tried showmount -a on the server and it too
> > failed witha connection refused error.
> > 
> > ps aux didn't show mountd running! So, /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server
> > restart, and now mountd is running.
> > 
> > Immediately thereafter I could mount the shared partition.
> > 
> > Based on this, it seems that the problem is that mountd is exiting
> > unexpectedly...and I have no idea why this would occur, I cannot find
> > any error messages in the logs to explain this.
> > 
> > Any thoughts>
> > 
> I have the same experience as Marc Wilson described earlier, although the
> nfs-kernel-server/testing package doesn't work regardless of client
> version. There are bug reports to this effect. My solution was to
> downgrade to stable and hold it as long as testing is messed. 
> To see if your problem is the same as mine, try restarting NFS on the
> server, mount one share and then one more. If the first succeeds and any
> subsequent mounts fail, that's what I had.
> Back to work.

This is the same sort of behavoir that I sawit's starting to sound
like mountd is broken in testing, although I don't recall any recent
upgrades to it and I've been running this setup for some time now
without this kind of problem.


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Boot time module configuration - stored in initrd.img?

2003-09-12 Thread Neal Lippman
I noted strange behavoir after installing linux-kernel-2.4.21-4.On
reboot, a host of modules that I had never selected with modconf were
installed. They were not in /etc/modules, however, so the kernel upgrade
had clearly not modified this file (although they did appear selected in
modconf - perhaps modconf determines what is installed by looking at
/proc/modules rather than /etc/modules?).

Anyway, "strings /boot/initrd.img-2.4.21" did show all of these modules
listing, making me think that these modules are hardcoded into the
initrd image.

If this is the case, then of course removing them with modconf will have
no effect on reboot time - so if I don't want all these modules, there
is no alternative but to compile my own kernel - or add a boot time
script to remove the unwanted modules, which is far less elegant.

Is this an accurate understanding of what is going on here?


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2003-09-12 Thread Neal Lippman
Has anyone been able to successfully use this package? I installed it
but make xconfig just dies with a million errors, all coming out of

For reference, I have installed libqt-dev, so I thought I would be good
to go

Debian version is testing, btw.


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Re: .config file for kernel-2.6.0-test4

2003-09-16 Thread Neal Lippman
>From what I have read (see my later post re inability to get 2.6.0
working, btw), there are enough incompatibilities between 2.4.x and
2.6.0-test-n that just copying the .config will not work. You could use
that as a starting point, but you shoudl go through the config line by
line and modify as needed.

Personally, I prefer to build a .config from scratch in this instance,
since enough seems to be new that i like to read the help for each item
and decide. 


On Tue, 2003-09-16 at 12:00, Brian P. Flaherty wrote:
> mess-mate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > So, can I use my .config file from the 2.4.20 kernel ??
> Does 'make oldconfig' work?  It should read through an old config,
> taking your past answers and ask about new options.  Note that between
> 2.4.20 and 2.6.0-test4, there will be a lot of questions.
> Brian
> -- 
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Not impressed with 2.6.0-test2 so far...

2003-09-16 Thread Neal Lippman

Well, so far I'm less than impressed with 2.6.0-test2. Specifically,
although I have installed both the source and run several compiles, as
well as the pre-compiled kernel-image version, I have yet to get a
running and working 2.6.0.

The precompiled package in testing doesn't work at all; after numerous
error messages during the boot (which go by so fast I cannot see them
all), followed by a bunch of failures trying to load lvm_mod (don't know
why), the system panics after trying to kill the init process. Not

My own compiled version gets farther, but after a mess of dma errors on
/dev/hda6 (don't get that running 2.4.22), staring KDE fails and I am
dumped back to a login prompt in the console. From what I can see, there
are a lot of usb errors. Again, don't know why, becaue the keyboard
doesn't work so I cannot log in and check dmesg.

I'm wondering if anyone has gotten 2.6.0-test2 compiled and runnign at
all and has any pointers? I've read what I can online, fixed the
pitfalls noted (for instance, since CONFIG_VT, CONFIG_VGA_CONSOLE, etc
must be compiled in and not modules, you'd think the config scripts
would tell you that) but not yet making progress.

Oh well, another config and another try tonight...


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Re: Not impressed with 2.6.0-test2 so far...

2003-09-16 Thread Neal Lippman
On Tue, 2003-09-16 at 22:11, J. Bruce Fields wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 09:07:38PM -0400, Neal Lippman wrote:
> > I'm wondering if anyone has gotten 2.6.0-test2 compiled and runnign at
> > all
> Of course; tons of people are running it.  It's what I use for most of
> my daily work.  My laptop, alas, is a little unstable under 2.6, but two
> other computers at work are running fine.
> > and has any pointers?
> It probably won't be possible to do any troubleshooting without more
> detail about your particular situation: exact error messages, hardware
> involved, etc.

Unfortunately, it's a bit hard to provide full details because, as I
outlined above, I cannot even get a system working well enough to log in
and review dmesg.

For the record:
Hardware is: AMD Athlon XP 1700+ on MSI K7T-266Pro motherboard, 512 MB
Mushkin PC2100 DRAM.
1 WD 80 GB HD, IDE, as hda
1 Pioneer 106S DVD reader as hdc
1 HP CDRW as hdd (ide-scsi under 2.4.x)
Linksys 10/100 ethernet card (tulip driver)
ATI Radeon 7500 video, AGP
Creative SB Value sound card (PCI)

Using 2.6.0-test2, I find that with the kernel_image in sarge, I get a
series of "dma errors" on hdc, followed by errors loading module
lvm_mod, followed by a panic after attempting to kill /sbin/init.

With my own complied 2.6.0-test2, I am finally able to boot, but kdm
cannot start. At the login prompt, I cannot log in as the keyboard does
not work. I will review the .config and maybe I made the keyboard a
module and it is not getting loaded.

I d/l'd 2.6.0-test5 from tonight. That doesn't even
compile, with error:
drivers/built-in.o(.text+0x1d553): In function
 undefined reference to `register_serial`
drivers/built-in.o(.text+0x1d6ad): In function `wmave_exit':: undefined
reference to `unregister_serial'

I haven't even begun to look at the source yet to see if I can figure
that one out.

I'd be happy to post my .config files if anyone has the time to look
through them.

Oh yes, I am running sarge. gcc version is 3.3.1 20030626 Debian


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Question on make-kpkg

2003-09-17 Thread Neal Lippman
I've been using make-kpkg to build my new kernel,playing around with
2.6.0-test2. (aside: Thanks to all who responded to my earlier request
for help.I've got a bootable 2.6.0-test built, but now I need to play
with the config a bit and figure out what's causing some of the errors
during boot; at least it hasn't crashed in about 24 hrs so far, though).

Anyway, as I play with the config parameters, I'd like to be able to
create kernel packages with different names to help keep track of what's
what. This is helpful by labelling packages with the build date, and
also with some info, esp as I will eventually build a package for a
different architecture as well (I'm going to swap my MSI
motherboard/Athlon process for a new ASUS MB and P4, and I'd like to
prebuild the kernel and have it ready to boot).

Anyway, I started out by using:
fakeroot make-kpkg append-to-version=.20030915 kernel_image
because I first did the build on 9/15. Now, if I try to issue
fakeroot make-kpkg append-to-version=.20030917 kernel_image, I get an
error message telling me that the changelog wants to build
vmlinuz-2.6.0-test2.20030915 "but I thought I was building

I was expecting that I could keep using make-kpkg in a given linux
source tree and change the append-to-version on each build, but
obviously I don't understand something important about make-kpkg. The
man page isn't really helping me out here.

Can anyone shed some light?



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modconf under 2.6.0-test?

2003-09-18 Thread Neal Lippman
Thanks again to those who have offered great advice on getting
2.6.0-test2 up and running. I have a bootable system, got sound working
with relatively little trouble,so I'm continuing to work down myproblem

Would appreciate thoughts on two more problems:

1) modconf doesn't find any modules. It just comes up with an empty
menu,with the only choice being "exit." I understood that modconf used
the output of uname to find the appropriate tree in /lib/modules, and
since that tree is where it should be, I am stumped. I do have the new
module-init-toosl installed, and I can install modules just fine.

2) Shutdown: as far as I can tell, the USB layer is trouble. In booting
up, I get a ton of usb related errors - no specifics yet, I'm trying to
narrow down where these are coming from first. However, on shutdown,
while dconfiguring the usb devices, the shutdown hangs and never
completes, so I just have to hard-reset the machine. I ran into this a
long time ago on an early 2.4 series kernel on an ASUS CUSL-2/Pentium
III system, and never figured out the problem. Wondered if anyone else
is seeing somehting similar.

For reference, the only USB device hooked up is an external Belkin hub
and a generic USB memory card reader (that handles CF, SM, etc). The
reader always worked fine under 2.4.x with the usb-storage module. I
actually haven't testing it yet to see if it reads cards under 2.6.0.


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modconf under 2.6.0-testn

2003-09-20 Thread Neal Lippman
I have been unable to get modconf to work under 2.6.0-test2 or -test4.
The program runs, but shows only the "exit" option, with no modules
displayed for selecting. Has anyone else seen this sort of problem,and
if, any suggestions?


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is the tty serial layer working in 2.6.0-testx?

2003-09-20 Thread Neal Lippman
I have run into another problem with 2.6.0-test2 and -test4.

I use a Pilot M505 which I have always synced using the serial port (I
never got around to getting it connected via USB). This has worked fine
under the 2.4.x series, but does not work now that I have started using
2.6.0-test2 and -test4.

I think the problem lies with the serial tty layer and not the
pilot-link interface, because "setserial -g /dev/ttyS0" returns
"/dev/ttyS0: No such device."

The output of "ls -l /dev/ttyS0" is:
crw-rw  1   root pilot 4,   64/dev/ttyS0
which looks just fine and reviewing devices.txt in the kernel docs
indicate that the major/minor for this device hasn't changed.

I am pretty sure the drive is installed; here's the output of 
"cat /proc/devices":
Character devices:
  1 mem
  2 pty
  3 ttyp
  4 /dev/vc/0
  4 tty
  5 /dev/tty
  5 /dev/console
  5 /dev/ptmx
  6 lp
  7 vcs
 10 misc
 13 input
 14 sound
 21 sg
 29 fb
116 alsa
128 ptm
136 pts
171 ieee1394
180 usb
202 cpu/msr
226 drm

Block devices:
  2 fd
  3 ide0
 22 ide1

so it sure looks like the devices for tty are there.

I'm not sure how else to troubleshoot - does anyone have any ideas?


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Very confusing network problem!

2003-09-21 Thread Neal Lippman
I have encountered a networking problem that has me just stumped, so I
wonder if anyone could lend some thoughts. My post is long to try to give
enough detail to help figure out what is going on; I appreciate anyone who
can read this and lend some thoughts.

Here's the background: The system is debian testing. Previously, it used an
MSI K7T-266 MB / AMD Athlon XP processor, with a Linksys 10/100 NIC. THe
kernel was a self-compiled 2.4.21 from the debian kernel-sources, and I was
also playing with a 2.6.0-test4 for about a week now. Everything has worked
fine. However, in a fit up upgrade-frenzy, last night I swapped out that
MB/processor and installed a new ASUS P4P800 (intel 865 chipset, onboad 3com
3c940 10/100/1000MB NIC) with a P4-2.4GHz. Strangely (or not so strangely, I
don't know yet) the 2.6.0-test4 kernel that I had precompiled (before
swapping the MB) ready to go for a P4 processor doesn't boot with so many
error messages, going by so fast, that I cannot even start to work on that.
THe stock installed debian 2.4.18-bf24 also doesn't boot (which I find
strange), getting through with the loading the kernel line and then just
rebooting. Odd. Anyway, my precompiled 2.4.21 kernel for P4 does boot, both
with HT enabled and disabled (the kernel is compiled for SMP support) and I
am up and running KDE.

I downloaded the driver for the onboard NIC from ASUS's website (yep, they
had a Linux driver!) and compiled and installed it. THe module loads just
fine, and I can bring up the interface.

Now, here's the problem: I can ping basically anything - my Linksys cable
modem, my in-house file server, the (outside) DNS servers for my ISP,
whatever - as long as I enter the IP address. DNS resolution does not work
(and yes, resolv.conf, etc are properly configured - it's the same setup
that worked fine before I swapped the motherboard). Further, I cannot make
any sort of UDP or TCP connection that works. For instance, I usually
connect to my file server via SSH, but now, when I SSH to the server (using
its IP address) the connection just hangs. THe Linksys cable modem is
configurable via a http interface, but if I try to get the index page:
wget -v the -v flag shows me that a connection
IS made to the host on port 80, then wget reports that it is downloading the
requested web page, then: nothing, it just hangs forever.

Since it's new hardware and a new driver, the temptation is to assume that
either a) the driver is borked (Jim McCloskey has told me of a patch to
2.4.22 he's using from the 3com website that I can try), or the hardware is
borked (maybe a bad motherboard?). However, since I CAN ping any host
internal or external to my network, that leads me to believe that the
hardware must be working. Doesn't that seem right? If so, why am I unable to
get TCP/UDP connections to fly? (Yes, I checked my .config and I did include
TCP/IP networking, and anyway I shouldn't be able to ping if I didn't).

Any advice/thoughts would be greatly appreciated, because I am totally
stumped on this one.


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NIS updating question

2003-10-02 Thread Neal Lippman
I use nis on my LAN for storing passwd, group, hosts, services, etc,

I need to update the hosts file with new ip addresses. Is there an
command or easy way to propagate updated host information to the NIS
database, or do I just use ypinit and rebuild the whoe database?



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kernel 2.6.0-test4 and ASUS P4P800

2003-10-06 Thread Neal Lippman
I'm having a heck of a time getting 2.6.0-test4 to boot on my ASUS
P$P800-based system. I didn't have any real trouble getting a config
working on my Athlon based system, but I cannot figure out where i am
going wrong...

If anyone has this MB and has successfully compiled a 2.6.0-test
kernel, I would GREATLY appreciate it if you would be able to send me a
copy of your .confg file for comparison with mine.



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Re: Web-based e-mail system?

2003-10-07 Thread Neal Lippman
You may wish to check out "horde". My ISP uses this for webmail, and it
is very nice. I understand it to be open source. I do not know the
status of it in debian, or what backend mail stores it can access, soyou
will need to research it.


On Tue, 2003-10-07 at 09:49, Aaron wrote:
> Hey, Debian users!
> I currently use a fetchmail / procmail / mbox / mutt e-mail setup,
> with ssmtp (properly linked through `sendmail` of course) for sending.
> I would really like to have a web mail system set up so that I can at
> least read, if not send, e-mail from my website as well.
> Does anyone know of a package that can put mbox mail on the web? It
> sounds kind of silly, given the inefficiency of mbox, so I'm not
> holding high hopes, but if anyone has info. about it, that'd be great.
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Aaron Bieber
> -
> Graphic Design // Web Design
> -- 
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Is anyone else having trouble isntalling/upgrading mplayer?

2003-10-07 Thread Neal Lippman
I'm just wondering if anyone here is experiencing apt-get problems with

I'm running testing. I was using mplayer and the mplayer-plugin for
mozilla just fine on my prior (athlon) system - I had mplayer-k7

I upgraded that system to a new mb and processor, so now it's a P4
system, and the installed mplayer was balking, so I removed the existing

Now, when I apt-get install mplayer-686, I get the following:
output from apt-get follows
Reading Package Lists...
Building Dependency Tree...
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.

Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
that package should be filed.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  kde: Depends: kdebase-audiolibs but it is not going to be installed or
kdebase3-audiolibs but it is not installable
  mplayer-686: Depends: libavcodec1 (>= 1:0.4.8) but it is not going to be installed
   Depends: libvorbis0a (>= 1.0.0) but it is not going to be installed
*end output

The only thing is, here's the output from:
 apt-show-versions | grep "audiolibs\|avcodec\|vorbis"
**output follows:
libvorbisenc2/testing uptodate 1.0.0-3
libvorbis0 1.0.0-1 installed: No available version in archive
kdebase-audiolibs/testing uptodate 4:2.2.2-14
libvorbisfile3/testing uptodate 1.0.0-3
libavcodec0 1:0.4.6-sarge0.1 installed: No available version in archive
vorbis-tools/testing upgradeable from 1.0rc3-1 to 1.0.0-2
end output

so it looks to be like audiolibs IS installed, while strangely it thinks that 
libavcodec0 is installed
while having "no version in archive".

I should also note that "apt-get check" does not report any dependency problems.

The whole problem seems to be the kdebase-audiolibs, because apt-get install 
libavcodec1 fails because
libvorbis0a is not isntalled, AND apt-get install libvorbis0a fails because kde has an
unmet dependence of kdebase-audiolibsand I cannot apt-get remove kdebase-audiolibs 
becuase it gives
the same unmet dependency for kde error as trying the install, while apt-get install 
tells me it is already installed. I tried apt-get --reinstall for both 
kdebase-audiolibs and kde, but
that didn't fix the problem. I'm stuck.

Any suggestions would be mighty appreciated.


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Weird dependency problems installing mplayer...

2003-10-11 Thread Neal Lippman
I posted this once before, but figured it was worth another shot to see
if anyone could help, as I am still stuck...

I'm running testing. I was using mplayer and the mplayer-plugin for
mozilla just fine on my prior (athlon) system - I had mplayer-k7

I upgraded that system to a new mb and processor, so now it's a P4
system, and the installed mplayer was balking, so I removed the existing

Now, when I apt-get install mplayer-686, I get the following:
output from apt-get follows
Reading Package Lists...
Building Dependency Tree...
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.

Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
that package should be filed.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  kde: Depends: kdebase-audiolibs but it is not going to be installed or
kdebase3-audiolibs but it is not installable
  mplayer-686: Depends: libavcodec1 (>= 1:0.4.8) but it is not going to
be installed
   Depends: libvorbis0a (>= 1.0.0) but it is not going to be
*end output

The only thing is, here's the output from:
 apt-show-versions | grep "audiolibs\|avcodec\|vorbis"
**output follows:
libvorbisenc2/testing uptodate 1.0.0-3
libvorbis0 1.0.0-1 installed: No available version in archive
kdebase-audiolibs/testing uptodate 4:2.2.2-14
libvorbisfile3/testing uptodate 1.0.0-3
libavcodec0 1:0.4.6-sarge0.1 installed: No available version in archive
vorbis-tools/testing upgradeable from 1.0rc3-1 to 1.0.0-2
end output

so it looks to be like audiolibs IS installed, while strangely it thinks
that libavcodec0 is installed
while having "no version in archive".

I should also note that "apt-get check" does not report any dependency

The whole problem seems to be the kdebase-audiolibs, because apt-get
install libavcodec1 fails because
libvorbis0a is not isntalled, AND apt-get install libvorbis0a fails
because kde has an
unmet dependence of kdebase-audiolibsand I cannot apt-get remove
kdebase-audiolibs becuase it gives
the same unmet dependency for kde error as trying the install, while
apt-get install kdebase-audiolibs
tells me it is already installed. I tried apt-get --reinstall for both
kdebase-audiolibs and kde, but
that didn't fix the problem. I'm stuck.

Any suggestions would be mighty appreciated.


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Totally confused about what apt-get is doing...

2003-10-12 Thread Neal Lippman
OK, I've posted here before with my problem installing mplayer, and I've
finally tracked things down to a missing libvorbis0a package.

Here's what I cannot (now) figure out.

1) apt-show-versions | grep "vorbis" - shows me that I have no installed
packages with vorbis in it, so I don't have libvorbis0a installed.

2) apt-get install libvorbis0a tells me:

Reading Package Lists...
Building Dependency Tree...
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.

Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
that package should be filed.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  kde: Depends: kdebase-audiolibs but it is not going to be installed or
kdebase3-audiolibs but it is not installable
E: Broken packages

so clearly I cannot install libvorbis0a. But why?

3) apt-get -d install libvorbis0a says the same thing, so I cannot seem to even just
download the deb.

4) I know the deb is there, because on, I can find the libvorbis0a
package under testing (yes, I have testing properly configured in 
and I can manually retrieve the deb from the same server I have listed in my 

5) dpkg --info on the package thusly retrieved seems to show the correct information 
in it.

So, does this mean something is broken with apt, the packages lists (I did do an
apt-get update first), this packages, or my system? (I should mention that apt-get 
does not show any errors).

Thanks for any help!


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Re: Totally confused about what apt-get is doing...

2003-10-12 Thread Neal Lippman
On Sun, 2003-10-12 at 15:07, Naitik Shah wrote:
> I dont know if you've already dont this, but could you post
> your sources.list?

Yes, here it is:

deb testing main contrib non-free
deb testing/non-US main contrib non-free
deb testing/updates main contrib non-free

#deb testing/
deb testing main

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Re: Totally confused about what apt-get is doing...

2003-10-12 Thread Neal Lippman
On Sun, 2003-10-12 at 15:08, Shri Shrikumar wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-10-12 at 19:30, Neal Lippman wrote:
> > 2) apt-get install libvorbis0a tells me:
> > 
> > Reading Package Lists...
> > Building Dependency Tree...
> > Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
> > requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
> > distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
> > or been moved out of Incoming.
> > 
> > Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
> > the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
> > that package should be filed.
> > The following information may help to resolve the situation:
> > 
> > The following packages have unmet dependencies:
> >   kde: Depends: kdebase-audiolibs but it is not going to be installed or
> > kdebase3-audiolibs but it is not installable
> > E: Broken packages
> > 
> > so clearly I cannot install libvorbis0a. But why?
> Do you have testing / unstable system running with KDE 3 from unstable?
> If so, try running 
> $apt-get -t unstable install libvorbis0a.

No, I am running testing with version of KDE standard in testing (2.2.2,
I think).

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Re: Creating a new machine with the same set of packages as an existing one?

2003-10-12 Thread Neal Lippman
On Sun, 2003-10-12 at 18:45, stan wrote:
> How cna I do this?
> The machine I want to match is a "testting" machine, that I quit updating
> about a month agao. Still has Gnome 1.4 for instance.
> Will this ne a problem?

One approach is to create a list of all of the packages currently
installed on your system, for instance with dpkg --get-selections or
with apt-show-packages. You can parse the output and save into a file to
get the names of all of the installed packages, for instance:

dpkg --get-selections | cut -f 1 >package-listing-from-dpkg
apt-show-versions | cut -f 1 -d / >package-listing-from-apt

Now, install a base woody system on the new machine. Modify your
/etc/apt/sources.list for testing, and do apt-get update; apt-get
dist-upgrade to bring you up to testing since that is what your current
machine is.

Now, using either of the above package lists, you can do:
for pkg in $(cat package-listing-from-xxx);
apt-get install $pkg;
which will work although not be the most efficient way (because you will
have to run apt-get for each package, and hence dependences are
re-resolved over and over, or:
cat package-listing-from-xxx | xargs apt-get install
will also work and let apt-get do all the resolving at one time,
PROVIDED the total listing of your packages does not exceed the maximum
line length of bash. Since it is likely that it WILL do so, you might
want to stick to the first approach of installing each package one by
one. Slower, but of course later packages that have already been
installed won't need to happen again.

I haven't testing this in practice, and note that there isn't any error
handling here, but you can always give it a shot.


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Re: Creating a new machine with the same set of packages as an existing one?

2003-10-12 Thread Neal Lippman
On Sun, 2003-10-12 at 21:14, Roberto Sanchez wrote:
> Neal Lippman wrote:
> > Now, using either of the above package lists, you can do:
> > for pkg in $(cat package-listing-from-xxx);
> > do
> > apt-get install $pkg;
> > done
> > which will work although not be the most efficient way (because you will
> > have to run apt-get for each package, and hence dependences are
> > re-resolved over and over, or:
> Better way:
> (after adjusting sources.list)
> apt-get update
> dpkg --set-selections  apt-get upgrade
Yes, of course. Dumb of me to use --get-selections without also using
--set-selections. Doh.

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Strange permissions behavoir on NFS mount...

2003-10-13 Thread Neal Lippman
Wondering if anyone can explain sort of odd behavoir I noted tonight on
an nfs share.

The setup: I have mounted an exported nfs share from my server onto my
/home directory on my workstation (mount -t nfs nfs:/home /home). On the
server machine (nfs), /home is exported with root_squash, so I would
expect that as root on the workstation, I would NOT have access to ANY
of the contents of this share.

Here's what is actually happening, though. Assume there are two users,
userA and userB, both with directories in /home on the nfs server:

permissions directory
drwx--  userA
drwx--  userB

When you look at the /home from the workstation, you see exactly the
same directories and permissions, as expected.

Now, suppose I log in as userA, and attempt to look in /home/userA and
/home/userB. As expected, I can look into /home/userA, but NOT into

Now, I su to root. As root, I can STILL look into /home/userA but NOT
into /home/userB. Strange. Interestingly, if I look at two subdirs in
/user/userA at this point, dir A and dir B, with the following

permissions directory
drwxr-xr-x  A
drwx--  B

after su'ing from userA to root I can look into directory A but NOT into

Now, I su to userB, and things reverse: I can see into /home/userB but
not /home/userA, again as expected. If I again su to root starting as
userB, I can still see into userB but not userA.

I find this hard to sort out. It's as though, despite su'ing to root,
the NFS server is still getting the original uid, not root. But,
somehow, once I am into the dir (eg looking inside /home/userA), trying
to access a subdir no longer has that uid (because I can get into
/home/userA/A but NOT /home/userA/B after the su to root).

Does anyone understand this? What uid/gid is sent to the nfs server
after an su to root? Note, that I have checked the results of getuid(),
geteuid(), getgid(), getegid(), getresuid() and getresgid() as userA,
after su to root, and with sudo to run a program to output these values.
As userA, uid and gid are all userA as expected. As root, whether after
su or with sudo, uid/gid are all 0, so these values are what would be
expected...and not consistent with teh above results.

Any thoughts?

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More info...? NFS bug

2003-10-13 Thread Neal Lippman
I am convinced something is wrong with nfs. This is a f/u to my earlier
post on nfs permissiosn problems with root_squash. Having played with
this a bit more, I find that as userA -> su to root, sometimes I can see
userB's files and sometimes not on the nfs share...even though with
root_squash and permissions being drwx-- on all directories, I
should not be able to see any of these files after su to root.

The nfs server runs testing and should be up to date, unless there has
beena new nfs release in the last few days.

Haev I found a bug somewhere in nfs?


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Linksys PCMCIA network card - what module to use?

2002-10-14 Thread Neal Lippman

I decided to have a go at getting debian installed on my Thinkpad 770ED;
mostly I was able to get the initial module configuration to work (a few
glitches, but I can work those out later). However, until I can get
networking up and running, I cannot continue the install.

I have a Linksys 10/100 PC card (PCMCIA), but I cannot figure out what
the correct driver is for this. Anyone have any information?

The card is a mode PCMPC100, for what it's worth.



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Network startup on IBM Thinkpad

2002-10-16 Thread Neal Lippman

, ds, iThanks to all who responded with info to my question regarding
the correct drive for a Linksys PC-Card 10/100 NIC for IBM Thinkpad. As
best as I have figured out from the various responses coupled with
online sources, the correct driver is the axnet_cs driver.

Interestingly, this driver does NOT appear under the selection choices
from modconf during woody install. When I retried the install, I simply
did not select any NIC driver, which caused the install to skip
configuring the network entirely (bad). Once I was installed, however,I
just manually created an entry in /etc/network/interfaces for eth0,
restarted the network (/etc/init.d/networking start), and somehow the
system found the network card entirely on its own.

I do seem to have the necessary modules running: pcnet_cs, 8390, ds,
i82365, pcmcia_core - all of which seem somehow related to the pcmcia
subsystem, and I am guessing that pcnet_cs is the pcmcia network driver,
which somehow seems to work. I don't fully understand what happened, but
so far so good.

Here's the problem: when I reboot, the system doesn't seem to see the
nic unless, after the boot is completed, I remove the card and reinsert
it. I assume the problem is that the bootup sequence is not probing the
card correctly, but when the card is reinserted, cardmgr is then
correclty configuring it.

So, my question: how can I get the pccard to be probed at startup and
properly configured? This isn't a trivial point for me, since my user
accounts are actually served on my home lan via nis, but nis cannot
start up because it canot bind to the ypserver because the network isn't
fully up...

Any help apprecaited. Thanks.


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X 4.1.0 - is there gatos code?

2002-10-23 Thread Neal Lippman
I was wondering if any knows of the "official" XF 4.1.0 debs in woody
include any gatos code? I am planning to hook up an ati radeon 7500 dual
port (DVI-I and VGA) card, and have been advised that the drivers
modified with "gatos" project code do not work properly. 



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ATI Radeon 7500 / X4.1.0 - need help!

2002-10-20 Thread Neal Lippman
I just got an ATI Radeon 7500 card with dual outputs (DVI-I and VGA). My
search of the Xfree86 site, various newgroups, etc, turns up conflicting
information regarding the status of this card.

The only driver referenced on the XFree site is the ATI site, which does
not list any radeon cards as supported. My install (Woody) does include
a radeon_drv.o module (as well as the ati_drv.o module) in the X drivers
tree, but I cannot find a reference to it on the XFree site.

Any info on the current support state of this card, and which driver is
correct appreciated. If anyone has a sample XFConfig-4 file that
supports this card, that would be appreciate as well. Finally, I would
like to use the DVI-I port, and maybe dual-head a second VGA monitor off
of it as well - but maybe that's asking for too much.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: XF4.1 on ATI Mobility Radeon 7500

2002-10-22 Thread Neal Lippman
On Tue, 2002-10-22 at 08:07, Florian Thiel wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 22, 2002 at 01:35:47PM +0200, Juergen Stuber wrote:
> > Oleg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > 
> > > I've installed Debian on half a dozen different machines, and configuring X 
> > > has always been the greatest pain. Currently, I'm trying to do this on a 
> > > Fujitsu Lifebook E-7110 laptop that has an ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 card 
> > > (32MB) and an LCD that can do up to 1400x1050 @ 60 Hz.
> > > 
> > > When I tried installing Mandrake 9.0 just for kicks, it configured X without 
> > > even asking me any questions (I should have probably saved its XF86Config-4 
> > > for reference, but I didn't). Now with Debian on the same machine instead, I 
> > > spent all night trying to get ANY graphics to work. WTF?
> > 
> > AFAIK you need XFree 4.2, which is in unstable.
> Yes. The Radeon drivers are only in 4.2. You could use apt's pinning
> feature  (worked for me; I use testing).

Is there a difference between this and the "ati" driver that I am told
will work with ATI radeon 7500 cards under X4.1.0? How does this differ
from the radeon_drv.o driver I also have on my system (woody with

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Strange nis / services problem - any thoughts?

2002-10-29 Thread Neal Lippman
I just recently converted over to using nis to deliver my /etc/passwd
and /etc/group data on my home lan. All has been working fine with that
for a few weeks, so I decided last night to convert over to having my
workstation obtain /etc/services, /etc/protocols, /etc/ethers, and
/etc/rpc data from the nis server as well. I modified /etc/nsswitch
accordingling (by changing the entires for services, protocols, ether,
and rpc from "files" to "nis files").

Tonight, I booted up, and issued "sudo apt-get update" as I usually do -
and instead of retrieving the appropriate info, apt spit out a slew of
error messages being unable to connect to any of the deb mirrors I
usually use. At first, I thought the mirrors were broken, but realized
that several different mirrors were unlikely to _all_ be broken the same
way at the same time. 

Thinking my mod to nsswitch.conf could have broken something, I edited
it and removed "nis" from the above databases, and retried the apt-get
update, and it worked fine. Further, I found that one of my standard
tricks to check network connectivity, telnetting to an smtp port on an
outside server, failed - when I tried "telnet smtp", I
couldn't get connected when nsswitch used nis for services, but could
connect when it only used files. Because the line reads 'services nis
files', I assume that nis must be returning bogus info for the service,
because if it just failed to return anything, then presumable the lookup
would go on to my local file which would give the right data.

I then wrote a quick program to call getservbyname with a specified
service parameter and print out the results, and found that I got back
the same data regardless of whether nssswitch specifies nis is to be
used or not. Finally, I can specify nis for ethers, rpc, and protocols
without breaking anything, but if I do for services, then apt, telnet,
etc are all broken. 

I'm not sure what's going on here to cause this to happen. Any thoughts


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Need help with NIS

2002-11-02 Thread Neal Lippman

I just recently converted over to using nis to deliver my /etc/passwd
and /etc/group data on my home lan. All has been working fine with that
for a few weeks, so I decided last night to convert over to having my
workstation obtain /etc/services, /etc/protocols, /etc/ethers, and
/etc/rpc data from the nis server as well. I modified /etc/nsswitch
accordingling (by changing the entires for services, protocols, ether,
and rpc from "files" to "nis files").

Tonight, I booted up, and issued "sudo apt-get update" as I usually do -
and instead of retrieving the appropriate info, apt spit out a slew of
error messages being unable to connect to any of the deb mirrors I
usually use. At first, I thought the mirrors were broken, but realized
that several different mirrors were unlikely to _all_ be broken the same
way at the same time. 

Thinking my mod to nsswitch.conf could have broken something, I edited
it and removed "nis" from the above databases, and retried the apt-get
update, and it worked fine. Further, I found that one of my standard
tricks to check network connectivity, telnetting to an smtp port on an
outside server, failed - when I tried "telnet smtp", I
couldn't get connected when nsswitch used nis for services, but could
connect when it only used files. Because the line reads 'services nis
files', I assume that nis must be returning bogus info for the service,
because if it just failed to return anything, then presumable the lookup
would go on to my local file which would give the right data.

I then wrote a quick program to call getservbyname with a specified
service parameter and print out the results, and found that I got back
the same data regardless of whether nssswitch specifies nis is to be
used or not. Finally, I can specify nis for ethers, rpc, and protocols
without breaking anything, but if I do for services, then apt, telnet,
etc are all broken. 

I'm not sure what's going on here to cause this to happen. Any thoughts


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bash scripting question

2002-11-02 Thread Neal Lippman
I am trying to solve a bash scripting problem, but I cannot figure it

I frequently need to execute a command of the form:
for x in {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z); do

This works fine if I actually type out the entire alphabet list on the
command line as above, but that's sort of a pain. So, I tried setting a
shell variable to the alphabet string (export alpha="A,B,C,...,Z"), but
then the command:
for x in {$alpha} ; 
echo $x;
winds up printing the string "{A,B,C,...,Z}" rather than each letter on
a separate line as expected.

I've tried various versions, including escaping the {} characters, etc,
using xargs, etc, but I cannot hit upon a sequence that works.

I also tried writing a program that printed the alphabet string to
stdout, but same results.

Can anyone suggest a syntax that would do the trick here?


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Mounting a partition with access allowed for only one user

2002-11-03 Thread Neal Lippman
I am wresting with a mount question but getting nowhere.

Suppose that I want to mount a disk partition onto a subdirectory of
/home, but want it to be available only to one particular user. Is there
any way to effect this?

eg, I create a directory called /home/restricted, and then want to mount
a local disk partition containing an ext2fs file system:
mount /dev/hda8 /home/restricted

When I do the mount, the ownership and permissions of /home/restricted
are now changed to root.root and rwxrwxrwx, regardless of what I have
set for the ownership / permissions of /home/restricted prior to the

How can I make it so that the partition mounted is accessible only to a
selected user?


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What's the best way to contact someone knowledgeable on nis?

2002-11-07 Thread Neal Lippman
I'm trying to sort out a strange problem with nis - or at least, I think
it's with nis. I haven't been able to find answers, including with an
earlier post hear, so I was wondering if I could locate, perhaps,
someone knowledgeable in the internal workings of nis, but I don't know
how to go about that. Anyone with suggestions?

The problem I have is strange. I use nis for lookups for passwd, groups,
hosts, etc, so that I can keep a central database on one server in my
home LAN and not have to duplicate accounts, etc.

The problem is with /etc/services. When I set up nsswitch.conf to use
nis for servers, some commands no longer work properly. For instance,
apt-get. If I try apt-get update or apt-get upgrade, they fail, stating
that connections to my various apt sources are refused. However, when I
edit nsswitch.conf so that servers uses the local file instead of nis,
all works fine. I've tried ltrace'ing and strace'ing apt-get to see if I
can spot where the problem lies, unsuccessfully. The same thing happens
if I try to telnet to a specific port (eg telnet pop3), but
only when services is being delivered via nis.

I'm at a loss to figure out why this is the case. A test program to use
getservicebyname works identically regardless of whether services is
handled by nis or not.

Any thoughts?


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OT: awk problem

2002-11-10 Thread Neal Lippman
Sorry for another OT post here, but this is the best place I've found
for linux knowledge even when not debian specific.

I am trying to write a short awk script to process my /etc/services file
into a format that the utilities supplied with yp/nis can correctly
handle. What I need to do is to parse off the service name and
portnumber/protocol, and the following comments, and rewrite these
fields out in a different format. My script does the parsing correctly,
but after processing about 991 lines, it fails saying:
'awk: program limit exceeded: maximum number of fields size=32767
FILENAME="-" FNR=991 NR=991'

I don't know why this would occur - it would seem that the field count
should reset with each line read, and the line that follows the last
processed line is not different in format that any preceeding line, so I
cannot figure out why this fails. I'm obviously not an awk expert, but
still... Note that the script is written to exclude lines with an email
address in them (finds "@") and lines with the string "--none---"
because these are comment lines which I don't need and nis will not need
anyway...but other comment lines (starting with "#") are kept for
readability and just output without the parsing.

Here's the command I am running:

cat /etc/services | \
awk '{ if (index($0,"@") == 0 && index($0,"--none---") == 0) { \
if substr($0,1,1) == "#") print $0; \
else {  \
TMP = $1"\t\t"$2"\t\t#";\
for (i = 3; i <= NF; i++) TMP = $TMP $i; \
print $TMP; \
}   \
}   \

Thanks for any suggestions.


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Re: OT: awk problem

2002-11-10 Thread Neal Lippman
No, it doesn't help...I tried putting it in a file - same exact problem.
I assume you ran it with mawk? (/usr/bin/awk links to
/etc/alternatives/awk which links to /usr/bin/mawk on my system).


On Sun, 2002-11-10 at 22:53, Elizabeth Barham wrote:
> It works for me although I did place your script into a file and
> ran it as:
> awk -f neals-script.awk /etc/services
> {
> if (index($0,"@") == 0 && index($0,"--none---") == 0) {
>   if(substr($0,1,1) == "#") {
> print $0; 
>   } else {
> TMP = $1"\t\t"$2"\t\t#";  
> for (i = 3; i <= NF; i++) 
>   TMP = $TMP $i;
> print $TMP;
>   }
> }
> }
> }
> hth, Elizabeth
> -- 
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Re: NFS Question

2003-08-14 Thread Neal Lippman
On Sat, 2003-08-09 at 19:19, Nyc0n wrote:
> Im going to attempt to set up an NFS, I have done so in the past and
> failed, ive read all the howtos and everything, but I had one question,
> I already have the drives I want to make into the NFS, they are
> currently reiserfs and already have stuff on them, do they have to be
> blank? Or can I just tell it which drives I want to use and it take over
> the reiserfs ?

NFS isn't really a filesystem in the same way that ReiserFS or ext{2,3},
are. NFS is a protocol for making your existing file systems accessible
to other systems over a network connection. The windows world equivalent
is that you might format your hard drive as FAT{12,16,32}, NTFS, etc and
then share the drive over the network via SMB. You can mix and match
on-disk filesystems and network sharing protocols, too - for instance,
you could have an ext2 filesystem on a hard drive partition on your
linux system, shared via SAMBA to other systems that understand the SMB
protocol (like a windows system).

You do not need to do anything specific to your current file systems,
whether they are ReiserFS, ext2, etc. YOu just need to install NFS, run
the NFS daemons on your server, and export the filesystems through NFS,
and then NFS clients can connect to them. You specify the exported file
systems on the server via /etc/exports, and on the client mount them as
nfs type file systems.


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How to "fool" apt-get into believing a package is installed?

2003-08-23 Thread Neal Lippman
I am looking to install squid onto a system which runs my imap mail
store, using cyrus-imap. As part of the cyrus installation, I have also
installed cyrus-sasl. I compiled both myself, because at the time (over
1 year ago) that I did this, the version of cyrus-sasl and cyrus-imap
running in stable and testing was quite old and outdated.

My problem now is that squid depends on libsasl2, which I already have
installed via my self-compiled cyrus-sasl. Rather than risk losing or
breaking my cyrus-imap installation by installing the debian libsasl2
package, it would be better to make apt- realize that I already have a
sasl2 library installed.

Is there a reasonable way to do this?


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Re: How do I install a second harddrive

2003-08-29 Thread Neal Lippman
On Fri, 2003-08-29 at 14:38, Wathen, Metherion wrote:
> Hi all,
> I know that sounds stoopid, but I'm having trouble finding info
> that tells me what I need to do to get a second harddrive on my system
> recognized by linux.
> When i boot the system dmesg clearly shows hdb as found.
> however I don't know what to do to see the contents (if any) of hdb in a program
> like gmc.
> So my question is 
> 1) what do I use to 'see' the 2nd harddrive
> 2) how do I format it for use w/o messing up my 1st drive
> 3) how do I make it part of my existing filesystem

I'll take a stab at this, although there are, I'm sure, others who could
be of greater help.

Your system appears to already "see" the second HD since dmesg shows
that hdb is being found; I assume you already had one harddrive called
hda, and you installed the second hard drive as the slave drive on IDE
channel 0, hence it comes up as hdb. (presumably you also have a cd rom
or something on IDE channel 1, coming up as hdc).

Anyway, assuming this is a new harddrive fresh out of the box, you need
to partition it first, and then format it. DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT do
this if this is a previously used HD from which you intend to reclaim
data - partitioning and formatting will lose all existing data on the

In any case: to partition the drive, you use an fdisk tool - fdisk,
cfdisk, etc. I usually use fdisk. As root, you would do "fdisk /dev/hdb"
and then using the "m" command in fdisk to see a list of allowed
commands. Basically you will create as many partitions as you like,
either primary or logical, and of course you would (in general) set the
type of partition to linux, assuming you are going to use a standard
linux file system like ext2, ext3, or reiserfs. If you are planning any
windows type file systems like FAT, NTFS, etc, you would set the
appropriate partition types. Once you have the partitions the way you
want them, write the partition table to the disk and exit fdisk. I
usually reboot after repartitioning the HD, as the program advises,
although I'm not sure (under Linux) that this step is absoluately
necessary. You want to be really careful that you don't mistype and
fdisk /dev/hda by mistake, because then youcould wipe out the data on
your existing drive (you have to write the partition table to the drive
using the proper fdisk command; no changes are actually written to the
drive until you do this, so if you realize you mistyped the initial
command to get into fdisk, just exit before doing the write.) "man
fdisk" for more info.

Once the new HD is partitioned, you can address the individual "drives"
just created using /dev/hdbn where n is a number representing the
partition on the drive. Primary partitions are numbers 1-4; logical
partitions start at 5. Note, however, that you can have a max of 4
primary partitions, and if you want logical partitions, one of those
must be an "extended" partition which can contain other (logical
partitions). When I need a multipartition drive, I usually made three
primary partitions (here called /dev/hdb1 /dev/hdb2 and /dev/hdb3) and
one extended partition in which I place the logical partitions
(/dev/hdb5 /dev/hdb6 /dev/hdb7 and so on) so there is not /dev/hda4
because the container extended partition doesn't actually "show up" as a
usable device.

Now you need to format each partition as whatever filesystem you want to
use - ext2, ext3, reiser, etc. Use "man mkfs" to learn more.

Once the partitions are formatted, you need to mount them. Decide on
your mount points, and use the mount command (man mount); also add the
appropriate lines to /ext/fstab so the partitions are automounted at
reboot. (man fstab).

That about does it. Let's assume, for instance, you wanted to make the
new drive contain all the data in your current /home tree, and needed to
move all the current data in /home to the new partition as well. Once
you've partitioned the drive(so you have one big partition, /dev/hdb1),
format it and mount it to a temporary location:

mkfs -t ext2 /dev/hdb1  #format /dev/hdb1 as ext2 file system
mount -t ext2 /dev/hdb1 /mnt# mount to temporary location

now, copy old data from /home to "new" location
cp -a /home /mnt
OR, tar up /home and untar into /mnt with
cd /mnt; tar -cl /home | tar -xv#you may want to change options
#to suit your needs

then replace old /home with new /home
umount /mnt 
mount -t ext2 /dev/hdb1 /home

(note all of the above requires that you are root.)
Once you are sure everything made it over to the new drive, you may wish
to delete the contents of the old /home tree. MAKE SURE you umount the
/dev/hdb1 partition from /home to "uncover" the old contents in /home
before you do this!!! Remember that in linux, you mount a drive
(/dev/hdb1) to a "mount point" (here, /home) and when you do that, the
newly mounted drive hides the original contents at that mount point, but
it is still there, accessible after you umount the drive f

Re: sony digital handycam (DCR-TRV60E) in linux

2003-08-30 Thread Neal Lippman
I also have a Sony digicam, which is connected to my system via a
firewire card.

To use it, via firewire, I modprobe'd video1394, ohci1394, raw1394 and
ieee1394. All were with standard woody install (later dist-upgraded to
testing) and no kernel recompile was needed.

I have used both dvgrab and kino to grab video from the camera. They
work "ok" but not great; in fact, I noticed an increase in
frame-droppage for unclear reasons when I went from stable to testing,
but I'm not sure why.

I'm not sure how you would do the same via a usb connection if that is
what you are using as I've never looked into that.


On Sat, 2003-08-30 at 12:19, Benedict Verheyen wrote:
> Hi,
> i bought a Sony DCR-TRV60E camera. I can also take pictures as well as
> record videos. I can mount the camera as /dev/sda1 to look at the
> pictures i've taken but i don't know how i can download the film i've
> recorded.
> Do i need to compile additional stuff in the kernel?
> What programs can i use to playback the film and maybe edit it?
> Thanks for any pointers or documentation.
> Benedict
> -- 
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Packages: required vs recommended vs suggested

2003-08-31 Thread Neal Lippman
I was wondering if someone could clarify how apt-get handles the various
categories of related packages.

I did in install last pm of a package which "recommends" other packages,
which it turned out I needed in order to make things work. However,
apt-get install  did not automagically install the recommended
packages (it did get required dependencies) and I spent quite a while
before I figured that out.

How do you cause apt-get to at least ask you about installing
recommended, or suggested, package dependencies?


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[OT] Why does X need so much CPU power?

2003-09-01 Thread Neal Lippman
I'm just wondering if anyone has any info on why X seems to need so much
CPU power?

Way back when, probably around 1996 or 1997, I first tried to install
Linux. Back then, I tried distro's from Corel and Redhat. My system was
a Pentium 133 with 48 (and then 96) MB Ram. This system ran both Win 95
and Win NT 4.0 reasonably well, but when I made the switch and installed
Linux, any sort of desktop - eg Gnome or KDE, not a vanilla WM) was just
so slow as to be unusable. Eventually I gave up for a while and went
back to WinNT for some time.

For the past 3 years or so, my workstation has been exclusively Linux,
first Mandrake on a PIII-800, and for the last year, I've been hooked on
Debian on an Athlon XP 1700+, and on both of those systems performance
has been just fine, so I didn't really think about the troubles I
originally had, and when I did, I figured I must have done something
wrong on my first install attempts on the Pentium system.

A few months ago, I decided to put debian on my old Laptop, an IBM
Thinkpad 770ED (PII-266, 64MB Ram). Once again, with KDE running, the
desktop was so slow and unresponsive as to be really unusable (except in
an xterm window). This is a system that has run Win95, Win98, and WinNT
just fine over the years.

So, my question is: Why does X seem to need so much more CPU power than
windows - such that systems I have tried to use that worked fine with
various windows flavors just were unusable with KDE loaded? I assume the
problem isn't in Linux itself, since my old Pentium 133 was just fine
with X not running, and enough people have attested to the ability of
systems with Pentium processors running Linux without X being able to
handle massive firewall, router, web server duties, etc. Maybe the
problem is KDE and not X - but I had similar trouble with Gnome, so it
isn't just a KDE issue.

I'm just curious and wonder if anyone has any thoughts.


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Re: [OT] Why does X need so much CPU power?

2003-09-01 Thread Neal Lippman
On Mon, 2003-09-01 at 18:20, Nicos Gollan wrote:
> On Tuesday 02 September 2003 00:02, Neal Lippman wrote:
> > I'm just wondering if anyone has any info on why X seems to need so much
> > CPU power?
> It's not X eating resources like mad, it's the way desktop environments 
> forcing it to do things that it was never meant to do.It was never meant to 
> display eye candy like KDE and Gnome feature. You'll find that it's doing 
> just fine with a "lighter" window manager that doesn't use transparencies and 
> tons of bitmaps for window decorations (FVWM2, OLWM, WindowMaker, etc.). 
> WindowMaker should run OK on a Pentium 266 measured on its performance on my 
> 150MHz laptop w/32MB RAM. After some time you won't miss too many things.
> IMO the whole X(free) system needs a healthy kick in the butt. It's one of the 
> main factors in keeping Linux away from the desktop, not just lacking in 
> performance and features, but also a royal PITA to configure with new 
> problems cropping up every five minutes.
> I'm going to bed now. But perhaps this one will keep people away from the 
> "Quoting" and C popularity threads which are scrolling off to the right; 
> reading them is like coding python with a tabwidth of 8. (xinerama is another 
> thing in X that's FUBAR while we're at it, I literally *lost my mouse 
> pointer* while trying to set it up.)
Well, most replies to my posting have pinned the "blame" on KDE and
Gnome rather than X per se. I'll have to reinstall on the laptop and see
how it looks with a more minimal WM.

This does still beg the question of how Win95/98/Me/NT, etc, managed to
provide a reasonable "desktop" when KDE/Gnome could not, however. It
really doesn't seem to me that either KDE or Gnome provide a more
complex desktop environment than Windows, at least not from the end-user
perspective, even if the underlying OS (eg Linux vs Windows) is more
robust and possible more feature-full.

From what little I know of X, I'd tend to agree that X is being
overtaxed supporting a desktop environment that it was never designed to
do. Aside from the present market penetration of X (which could also be
used to argue to stick with Windows instead of ever having adopted
Linux), what would be the obstacle (other than, of course, the
time/effort for development) for a new graphics paradigm to sit atop
Linux? [Yes, I know there'd be a lot of apps to redo and so forth as
well, although if there were a Gtk+ compatibility layer...)

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Re: Packages: required vs recommended vs suggested

2003-09-02 Thread Neal Lippman
On Mon, 2003-09-01 at 02:05, Bob Proulx wrote:
> Marc Wilson wrote:
> > Neal Lippman wrote:
> > > I did in install last pm of a package which "recommends" other packages,
> > > which it turned out I needed in order to make things work.
> > 
> > Then perhaps they're actually dependencies?  Did you file a bug?
> For discussion purposes what package are you talking about?

The specific problem was with libsasl2 which lists libsasl2-modules as
recommended, but in fact, without these (or other) plugins, the package
is unusable (see the output of apt-cache search libsasl2). I suppose it
is possible that libsasl2 makes libsasl2-modules a recommended but not
required dependency in case someone has other sasl2-pam plugins
available, but I'm not sure where this would be the case (the modules
contained in sasl2-modules are part of the source that comes with
cyrus-sasl on which libsasl2 is built).

Since I'm far from a sasl expert, I emailed this info to the cyrus-imap
maintainer (who was very helpful in getting my install of cyrus21-imapd
going) to see what he thought about this before I file a bug.


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i865 based systems

2003-09-02 Thread Neal Lippman
Has anyone installed a 2.4 series kernel on a system based on the intel
I865 chipset? If so, I am wondering if there are any recommendations re:
motherboards that seem to work well.

>From a quick grep through the 2.4.21 source (latest kernel available for
testing) is appears that both i865 support and sATA support are in the
kernel, which are the two major issues with this chipset (since I think
the onboard gigabit LAN became supported in 2.4.19).

As far as I can tell, there is sATA support in 2.4.21, although I cannot
figure out what the device major number or /dev entries for that would


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Re: [OT] Why does X need so much CPU power?

2003-09-03 Thread Neal Lippman
On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 18:01, Micha Feigin wrote:

> The main problem I see with linux is the lack of commercial programs.
> Unfortunately for some stuff there is no way around it. For commercial
> quality image/video processing  for example there is no alternative at
> the moment, or places where you need to be able to show reliability
> certificates, which cost quite a lot with free software. Sometimes you
> also need some to be legally liable if something goes wrong when running
> critical systems, and that costs money.
> I think that whats holding linux back from the home market is mostly
> that people tend to stay with the preinstalled os they get with the
> computer, since replacing it is usually to daunting for most users. Also
> linux currently has a name as a hard to install/configure/maintain for
> geeks only os. To get it into the home market, it needs to change its
> market image and arrive preinstalled to change the market share.

I think this is well said. The fact is that, in my opinion, most people
would be able to work quite satisfactorily with a good installation of
KDE or Gnome, at least as well as with Win98. Where Windows has Linux
beat is a) the OS comes pre-installed which just plain makes it easier,
and b) there really is good consistently (not perfect, but good) between
the way the start menu is configured from install to install. This is in
contrast to both KDE and Gnome, where the K or G menu comes up with a
mess of programs, not well organized into logical categories and
submenus, and often with menu items created without the programs
installed (for instance, a "Games" submenu even though I never install
the games programs).

The lack of good commercial apps really is a problem that we open
source zealots don't want to acknowledge, and the reason it's a problem
is very straightforward. While I think we would all agree that the
quality of the Linux kernel, X, KDE, Gnome, etc is at least as good and
often better (like the kernel) than the equivalent components in
Windows-land, the fact is that many of the apps that we use regularly
are not as slick, polished, or feature-rich as similar programs in
windows land.
I think that this is largely because while some of he large projects
(kernel for instance) have many developers and a a fair number of those
developers are working full time on Linux under the auspices of whatever
Linux or non-Linux company sponsors them, a large number of the other
programs that would be mighty useful for the Joe-Desktop-Windows-95 user
are written by one guy in his spare time trying to hold down a day job -
and it's just plain hard to get a lot of quality programming down in the
odd hours between when the kids are in bed and when I need to go to bed
myself to be up the next AM for my real (non-computer) job.
Here's an example: digital photography. Kudos to the gphoto team aside,
so far I've only been able to find ONE application that handles the
highly useful task of importing digital photos either from a digicam or
from jpg files on disk and displaying them in a photoalbum kind of
interface, and that program is unfinished and sparse compared to similar
programs for Mac or Windows systems. [Aside: This is not intended to be
a poke at the guy writing this program, far from it - I wish he could
work on it full time so that I could get it to use!] For the Mac you get
iPhoto, the "definitive app" in this category; for windows there are
many options including the highly rated Adobe Photoshop Album. But
nothing at that level for Linux. The difference: the programs for
Windows and Mac are developed by companies devoting teams to this
full-time, so no wonder they make faster programs. Heck, if we could get
as many people working on "lPhoto" for Linux as there are on the

Another problem Linux faces is that frankly too much choice is as bad
as too little. Having competing desktops, while often put forward as a
advantage (choice is good), is fine if you are an enthusiast who likes
experimenting with KDE, Gnome, Windowmaker, Blackbox, etc until you get
just what you want, customized the way you want it. But for Joe-Desktop
buying a computer, even having to choose between K and G during his
standard Dedhat install is just a decision he cannot make - so he goes
to Windows, where no choice really is a better choice. Having
development efforts all focussed on ONE really good, fast, well-written
desktop (with an advanced config mode for those who really really really
want to customize the appearance and function of every last pixel)
would, I think, really help Linux move onto the desktop.


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"Restoring" system after MB/processor upgrade

2003-09-03 Thread Neal Lippman
I'm thinking about upgrading my system from its current AMD Athlon XP
based system to a P4 (actually, I need to put together a new system for
my son, so I'm thinking of giving him my current MB/processor and
putting a new MB/processor into my system).

Obviously, I don't want to lose my current testing installation in the
process. I'm hoping that an MB/processor swap into the case and a reboot
will leave me just with a rerun of modconf to change installed modules
to match the new hardward's ethernet and sound cards (I'm goign to reuse
my current video card) and I'll be back in business.

In case things go awry, however, and I have to do a new fresh install, I
was thinking that I could use apt-show-versions to good effect.

My thinking was to use apt-show-versions -b to get a listing of all
installed packages, run the output through sed to remove the "/testing"
part of each package so I am left with just a listing of installed
packages, and save the output to a file.
apt-show-verions -b | sed -e "s/\/testing/" >saved-package-list

Then, if the whole thing goes kablooey and I need to reinstall from
scratch, I just throw in my woody CD, redo the install and configure
modules. Then, I can re-update to testing with dist-upgrade, and then
use apt-get install $(cat saved-package-list) to suck back in all the
packages and stuff presently on my system.

Since all of my data and my /home are on an nfs share from my server,
including all my kde menus and stuff, this should (hopefully) give me a
full system restore.

Comments - will this work?


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Re: "Restoring" system after MB/processor upgrade

2003-09-04 Thread Neal Lippman
On Thu, 2003-09-04 at 16:22, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> on Thu, Sep 04, 2003 at 12:07:04AM -0400, Neal Lippman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > I'm thinking about upgrading my system from its current AMD Athlon XP
> > based system to a P4 (actually, I need to put together a new system for
> > my son, so I'm thinking of giving him my current MB/processor and
> > putting a new MB/processor into my system).
> > 
> > Obviously, I don't want to lose my current testing installation in the
> > process. I'm hoping that an MB/processor swap into the case and a reboot
> > will leave me just with a rerun of modconf to change installed modules
> > to match the new hardward's ethernet and sound cards (I'm goign to reuse
> > my current video card) and I'll be back in business.
> Most likely, nothing's going to change.

That was my assumption / hope...but you never know.
> There are no drivers specific to the CPU (mostly), though there are
> kernel flavors specific to specific kernel architectures.  If you're
> upgrading CPUs within the P4 familiy, it's a transparent change.

Well, I'm going from an Athlon XP to a P4 system; the new system will
probably by i865 based - as far as I can tell, 2.4.21 supports the 865
chipset. With sATA, on board lan, etc, there will be some modconf'ing to
do. The only package I am aware of that is specifically compiled for the
K7 platform is mplayer, so I'll obviously need to remove and reinstall
the 586 platform version.

> Best bet is to have bootable media (boot floppy, Tom's Root Boot,
> LNX-BBC, Knoppix) handy.

I always keep a tom's root boot handy just in case (it's also helpful
at work when I need to reboot a windows workstation into Linux too ).

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autofs permissions

2003-03-25 Thread Neal Lippman
I am wondering how I can control the permissions of a directory created
dynamicall using autofs.

I have autofs4 enabled (sarge). I have a map for the /mount directory
(called /etc/auto.mount), which has an entry for my floppy drive

The problem is that ordinary (non root) users cannot write to a floppy.
If I put in a blank floppy and try to copy a file to it (cp 
/mount/floppy), the autofs created directory /mount/floppy has root.root (the owner/group of /mount),and permissions
rwxr--r-- (the permissions of the /mount directory). 

Presumably autofs is creating the /mount/floppy directory with the
propagated permissions of /mount. I don't want to chmod /mount to
rwxrw-rw-, because that would allow ordinary users to potentially drop
files, etc, into /mount itself.

Does anyone know of a way to affect the behavoir of autofs to create the
subdirectory with the needed permissions? I though of changing the map
to run a script that does the mount and chmod's is; I don't know if that
is possible or not.

I could chgrp /mount to some useful group (like floppy), set its
permissions to rwxrw-r-- and let anyone who needs to write to the floppy
be in the floppy group, but that would still allow those users the
ability to write into /mount, and that's not what is required - they
just need to be able to write into /mount/floppy.


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CD label maker - what's your preference?

2003-04-05 Thread Neal Lippman
I am looking for a utility for making cd labels (round ones to stick
onto the CD itself) and jewel case covers, and need to do this both for
audio cds (I like to copy my CD's so I can have a copy at home and a
copy in the car) and for data cd's.

A scan through apt-cache shows (at least) the following offerings:

Another choice, kcdlabel, which I used a while back when I ran Mandrake,
doesn't seem to be available, at least in the official debian packages.

Any comments on relative merits / drawbacks for these packages greatly


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Re: Security Questions

2003-04-06 Thread Neal Lippman
A few answers, but first a question: How do you know that your network
has definitely been compromised? If the only evidence you have is that
your daughter received returned emails she didn't send, how to you know
that someone didn't generate those emails elsewhere, spoofing her email
address and reply-to header? You could gain some insight by looking at
the emails more carefully; if the emails were bounced by a mail relay
along the way and returned, then you can see by the headers if the
originated at your normal smtp (outgoing) server or not, which would
give you some information. Just a thought.

Assuming your network IS compromised (and even if it isn't), remember
that a wireless network cannot be 100% secured with current
implementations, but you can do a lot to limit breaches: employ WEP
encryption, disable SSID broadcasting, set up your router to allow
access only by specified MAC addresses (this is the hardware address
encoding into every ethernet interface, not the IP address used by the
corresponding computer), and so on. There was an excellent article on
wireless LAN security on a few months ago that you
should read.

My personal preference for dealing with a compromised system is to fully
wipe the HD (repartition and reformat) and reinstall everything. There
are, I suppose, other approaches you can use - for instance, if you
compared the size, timestamp, and contents of every "system" file on a
suspected system to those on a clean distribution and found no
mismatches, it would be unlikely at a root kit was installed. I have
seen occasional references to scripts that can do this here and there,
but don't recall any of them offhand. Another approach is to build a
"snapshot" of the entire system (file name, timestamp, permissions,
size, uid.gid, etc) into a file. YOu can then periodically compare the
state of the current system to the saved database (stored, of course,
offline to avoid being changed by a malicious intruder) and that would
tell you if the system has been changed or not. That doesn't help you
here, but does help to detect a later breach. (Remember, if you do
something like this, that every time you apt-get
install/remove/update/upgrade/dist-upgrade you change the system, so you
need to run the scanner to verify system intregity before any apt-get -
to ensure the system is ok before you start -, and again after the
apt-get in order to create a new snapshot).

Lastly, bear in mind that as long as you allow an "unsecured" system
behind your firewall (your grandson's computer) there is no way to
ensure the security of your network.

Good luck.

On Sun, 2003-04-06 at 10:09, Thomas H. George,,, wrote:
> I have read Security-Quickstart-HOWTO.
> I believe my home network has been compromised (my daughter received 
> returned emails she neversent) and plan to take drastic action.  The 
> network consists of DSL modem, a wireless router and four computers.  I 
> have no concerns about the family members and the houses in the 
> neighborhood are widely separated so it is very unlikely that the 
> wireless connection has been used by outsiders.  The DSL link to the 
> internet is my concern.  Here are my quesions:
> 1.  How to erase hard drives?  I plan to pull one computer off line and 
> reinstall Debian Woody and Windows from CD's (Regretably I still need 
> Windows for a few applications).  Is reinstallation enough or must, and 
> can, the hard drives be wiped clean of any residual programs?
> 2.  What is the best Firewall?  I have an old Compaq 486 machine with no 
> math coprocessor.  I assume I can install two ethernet cards (I believe 
> it has two PCI slots, must look though), load Woody, set up iptables and 
> a sniffer and place it between the DSL modem and the wireless router.   
> When I am ready to put this firewall in place I have all the computers 
> off line.  I will bring up the one that has its operating systems and 
> applications reinstsalled from CD's and download all the security 
> updates from Debian and Microsoft.  The procedure can then be repeated 
> for the other computers.
> 3.  DHCP or static addresses?  I have been using static addresses.  I 
> believe I have seen in the references that it is possible to set the 
> wireless router to receive and transmit to these addresses only?  If so, 
> is this the best approach?
> 4.  How to deal with a rogue computer?  The fly in this ointment is my 
> grandson's laptop, a gift from his father (my daughter's ex-husband). 
>  It came with XP Professional and I don't have the CD's to reistall it. 
>  My grandson likes to go on the internet and also use our wireless 
> network to print his homework on one of the printers attached to the 
> fixed computers.  Would it work and not compromise the system if I give 
> it a static address and instruct the other computer's on the network to 
> refuse any transmissions from this address?  And could I then attach one 
> of the printers to the computer serv

Re: Cheap high resolution (1600x1200) video card for debian

2003-05-29 Thread Neal Lippman
I am using an ATI Radeon 7500 on the DVI output at its maximum res of
1600x1200, and it works fine with X under testing. This card can do
higher resolutions on analogue as well.

I would suggest avoiding an OEM card based on the Radeon chips. I have
read that the OEM cards, for unclear (to me) reasons to not work
properly with standard XFree drivers, although perhaps ATI's own drivers
would work better. I had an OEM version initially, and there was a line
of incorrect pixels runnign down the side of the screen. This problem
went away when I got a new ATI-branded 7500; of course, I don't know if
this was just single defective card or a problem with teh OEM version.

I have seen the ATI-branded 7500 cards with dual VGA/DVI output for
around $75, so it's not that much more expensive.


On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 10:01, J F wrote:
> Is there a cheap high resolution (1600x1200) video card for debian.
> My old system is running an ATI 3D Pro Turbo PC2TV installed
> 4 years ago.
> The thing I liked about it is I have a Virtual desktop
> of approximately 2000 x 1800
> with a panning window of 1600x1200.
> Fonts were readable even if medium size.
> Does the Radeon 7000 have or the Nvdida have
> this capability?
> I would even go for a virtual desktop of 3200x2400
> if the card and driver would let me without a
> lot of hassle.
> 3D is not important, but 2D and crispt text
> is very, very important.
> I see some ATI OEM radeon 7000 for $32 to $45
> and wonder if they would work ok?
> -- 
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Compile options for standard debian kernel?

2003-06-02 Thread Neal Lippman
Is there a way to find out the config options that were used for
compiling the standard 2.4.19 kernel that comes with stable or testing?

I need to compile a new kernel as the stock kernel does not seem to have
the udf file system support enabled, but it would be handy to know what
was compiled in the distributed kernel vs modules, etc, so that I don't
mess up my system configuration when I configure the new kernel.


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Re: Compile options for standard debian kernel?

2003-06-03 Thread Neal Lippman
Yes. Thanks much! 

On Sun, 2003-06-01 at 21:18, Kenton Brede wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 01, 2003 at 09:07:08PM -0400, Neal Lippman wrote:
> > Is there a way to find out the config options that were used for
> > compiling the standard 2.4.19 kernel that comes with stable or testing?
> > 
> > I need to compile a new kernel as the stock kernel does not seem to have
> > the udf file system support enabled, but it would be handy to know what
> > was compiled in the distributed kernel vs modules, etc, so that I don't
> > mess up my system configuration when I configure the new kernel.
> > 
> Should be in your /boot directory.  Probably called config-2.4.19.
> hth,
> kent
> -- 
> "I am always doing that which I can not do, 
>in order that I may learn how to do it." --Pablo Picasso
> -- 
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Re: Compile options for standard debian kernel?

2003-06-03 Thread Neal Lippman
Thanks. I actually have 2.4.18-bf24 currently, and UDF isn't mentioned
at all in the config file. I thought it was included in the sources for
2.4.18, but that may be wrong. In any case the module does not appear on
my system and modconf does not list it, so I need a recompile or update
to 2.4.19.

On Sun, 2003-06-01 at 21:37, Donald Spoon wrote:
> Neal Lippman wrote:
> > Is there a way to find out the config options that were used for
> > compiling the standard 2.4.19 kernel that comes with stable or testing?
> > 
> > I need to compile a new kernel as the stock kernel does not seem to have
> > the udf file system support enabled, but it would be handy to know what
> > was compiled in the distributed kernel vs modules, etc, so that I don't
> > mess up my system configuration when I configure the new kernel.
> > 
> > nl
> If you installed your  current 2.4.19 kernel from a Debian 
> "kernel-image" deb, then you will have a copy of the ".config" file used 
> to create it in your /boot/ directory.  It will probably be named 
> something like: "config-2.4.19-k7".
> BTW, here is what my 2.4.19-k7 kernel config file says about UDF:
> # CONFIG_UDF_RW is not set
> Looks like it is already setup as a loadable module for read-only 
> support.  You might try modconf and see it it is listed there... it is 
> listed on my system.  If it is, try loading it and see what happens.  It 
> might save you the trouble of a re-compile...
> Cheers,
> -Don Spoon-
> -- 
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Modules weirdness after upgrade to testing...

2002-12-21 Thread Neal Lippman
Tonight, I took the plunge and upgraded woody->testing, so that I could
get X4.2.1 and try out my new ATI 7500. Anyway, there are a few weird
things that I could use some help on; this post relates to modules.

I did the upgrade by changing all occurrences of "stable" to "testing"
in /etc/apt/sources.list, then:
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

On bootup, I am getting error messages that state:

Dec 21 22:12:00 gandalf insmod: Note: /etc/modules.conf is more recent than 

I'm not quite sure why this is occurring. I tried "sudo depmod -a" to update 
modules.dep, but on reboot the error message is

I was assuming I would not need to do "update-modules" under the assumption that 
update-modules was already part of the dist-upgrade process...

cat /proc/modules shows the right stuff installed. So, do I need to be concerned about 
this, and if so, what do I do to fix it?


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After upgrade to testing, ?zinf problem

2002-12-21 Thread Neal Lippman

I just dist-upgraded from woody->testing tonight. After the upgrade, I
tried to test things out to ensure nothing was broken, and when I got to
testing sound, tried to play an ogg file with freeamp - which just
didn't work right. I also could not get ogg123 to work, since it
demanded, and after the upgrade I only seem to have (Note: I couldn't guarantee ogg123 worked before the
upgrade, since I never tried it as freeamp always worked so well).

A bit of looking around let me to conclude that freeamp is superceded by
zinf in testing, so I tried:
apt-get remove freeamp
apt-get install zinf

zinf works, in the sense of playing the files. However, when I open the
equalizer and try the balance control to shift from centerline to
playing only on the left or right speaker, only the left plays - and
after using the balance control, there is no sound at all until I adjust
the sound level control.

I don't remember seeing this problem at all with freeamp, and I also
note that sound is fine with KDE generated sounds (such as when you log
in from kdm) - so the sound stuff seems to work ok (as it should,
really, since I did not change the kernel or modules).

Is this a zinf bug - or is something misconfigured? And, is ogg123 still
supposed to work,and if so, why didn't it upgrade to understand the
appropriate libraries that I have? (oh, btw, 
/usr/lib/ is a symlink created tonight at the time I
did the dist-upgrade, so I assume this is an upgraded version or a new


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A little dpkg wierdness after upgrade to testing

2002-12-21 Thread Neal Lippman
I noted a little weirdness with apt-get and dpkg after my dist-upgrade
from woody->testing tonight.

My practice is to run in my usual user-level account (nl) and use sudo
for all root-like operations. When I install, for install, I use 'sudo
apt-get install ' and so on. That has always worked just fine,
even when my current directory is /home/nl.

Of note, however, /home/nl is just a symlink to /nfs/nl, and /nfs is
(surprise) and nfs mounted share from my fileserver. The relevance of
this is that when running as root on my workstation, I cannot
create/access files in my usual home directory (/home/nl) because that
maps to the nfs share which as root_squash for security reasons.

Now, to the point. After the dist-upgrade to testing, when I do sudo
apt-get install , it fails because it is trying to create a file
called .dpkg (or something similar) which it cannot do, because my
current working dir is /home/nl.

Of course, it's easy to fix this by just cd'ing to /tmp which is mounted
on a local partition. 

However, I bring this up because this did NOT ever happen under woody.
This makes me think something has changed in apt or (more likely) dpkg -
and apparently dpkg is trying to create a file in teh home dir of my
personal account even though, via sudo, it should be finding the home
dir for root.

I don't know if this is a bug, feature, or "don't care" - but I thought
it was worth asking about.


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Re: network print server

2003-01-11 Thread Neal Lippman
On Sat, 2003-01-11 at 21:21, Michael West wrote:
>  I have been using samba as a print server at home, but 
>  I am often mucking around on my debian box, and sometimes this
>  results in my wife not being able to print.
>  To increase user satisfaction I am considering purchasing one of
>  these dedicated print server appliances which attach directly to
>  the network.  It must work for win98, XP pro and Debian.  Ideally
>  it would have parallel and usb support.  
>  I am looking for recommendation as to where to research what would
>  work best.  I couldn't find anything at on this.

I would guess that just about any printserver will work fine for you. I
have been using a Linksys 3-port printserver (has three parallel ports)
for several years without any problems. While I don't think this
particular model is still available, I would imagine that the current
models work quite similarly; in fact, there was info on the Linksys
website when I first bought it that told me how to make it work with

The printserver that I have has a built-in lpd server, so you just talk
to it using lpd. It may also support IPP, I'm not totally sure of this.

It was easier to configure under Linux - I just told CUPS to use it as
an lpd server at DeviceURI lpd:// This particular device
labels its three ports L1, L2, and L3. There are instructions for
setting the IP address for the device here:
and you can do this using telnet or tftp pretty easily.

Under W95/98, it was actually a bit harder to set up because I had to
install supplied "TCP redirector" software which basically allowed me to
create "printer ports" that redirect to the printserver. I think this is
much easier under XP as my understanding is that XP supports IPP
directly. I'm not totally sure about this as I pretty much boot my
windows 98 machine only for Quicken, and even that's going away now with
Quicken working pretty well under CrossoverOffice/Wine.

Good luck.

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email-fax gateway - need suggestions

2003-01-13 Thread Neal Lippman
I was hoping some folks here could give me some suggestions on setting
up an email to fax gateway.

My project is basically to provide a mechanism so someone can email to a
an address in my office (eg "[EMAIL PROTECTED]") and have that email
automatically faxed out. This idea is to eliminate the manpower
requirement for faxing out reports, which is  overwhelming our staff who
presently have to print the email and manually fax each report,
sometimes to multiple recipients.

I am aware that this problem has been addressed in various ways using
efax or hylafax, but my requirements are a bit unique compared to the
solutions I've seen:

1. Most commonly, the document that needs to be faxed will be an MS Word
document, send as an attachment to the email message. As a result,
simply trying to fax the email body itself won't work.

2. The people generating the email that needs to be faxed will generally
know the name of a person (or people) to recieve the fax, but not their
fax numbers. We will have an LDAP directory online which will contain
fax numbers, so the handler needs to look up the recipient(s) and
translate names to fax numbers automatically.

3. The sender should get back an email acknowledgement so he knows if
the fax went through or not.

4. After the fax is sent, the file itself (word document) needs to be
saved on our fileserver for later reference as well.

Our present email implementation uses cyrus-imapd as a mail store. Our
email is received at an external pop3 server. We use fetchmail running
as a daemon to periodically retrieve email for all accounts and forward
the email to cyrus (via an lmtp connection).

I was therefore thinking of the following solution: 
1. Write a demon that listens for lmtp connections from fetchmail which
will forward fax related emails to this demon via lmtp (I am in the
process of writing something similar to handle emails and forward them
to the printer automatically, so I can reuse this code anyway).

2. The demon can process the email body based on mime-time. For straight
text, should assume a first line of the format
"FAX:[,recipient...]>". For MSWord attachments, the process
is more complicated: The filename will consist of the local patch to
store the file, followed by a list of recipients. Via this mechanism,
the demon knows both where to store the file on the file server and to
whom the file should be faxed.

3. Using wv, the file is converted from MS Word to postscript, and can
then be fed into efax for transmission. The exit status of efax
indicates whether the fax went through, which can be emailed back to the

I would appreciate anyone who knows of a better / simpler solution, or
comments on what I have proposed I would very much appreciate it.


PS: I am aware that there isn't any security in the above system, and I
recognize the opening this gives for someone to use my fax as a
forwarding station. I haven't yet decided how to handle security in a
meaningful way, but I'm also open to suggestions on this score.

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Mplayer help

2002-09-02 Thread Neal Lippman

Looking for some help. I've installed mplayer from the .debs available

deb stable/
deb stable main

and it seems to work ok (a few errors on startup about missing fonts and all, but I 
can live with that for now).

I would like to be able to view realmedia files via mplayer as well. I obtained the 
RealVideo for Linux from
RealMedia, and tried installed the libraries that came with it.

I copied all the library files in the "Codecs" directory from the RealVideo install 
into /usr/local/lib, added /usr/local/lib to 
/etc/, and ran ldconfig.

However, mplayer still cannot play realvideo files. 

Does anyone know if there is something else I need to install/configure for this to 
work? Is the version available from
the above source NOT compiled to support realmedia files, and so I should uninstall 
and compile one for myself?


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Re: Mplayer help

2002-09-03 Thread Neal Lippman

On Tue, 2002-09-03 at 07:33, Udo Schlaepfer wrote:
> Burkhard Ritter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Date: 22.06.2002 18:33:20 (CEST)
> ??
> > does mplayer support realmedia? if that is the case you have probably to
> > compile it from source and configure it in the right way. so yes, give
> > compiling a try.
> Yes mplayer does. One should read the docu (§, §, §
> Tschoe Udo.

I did indeed read the directions - which state that mplayer "should
detect the RealPlayer libraries in the standard locations of a full

My problem is that I don't know what that standard location should be,
and that's what I am looking for help with.

I tried copying the realplayer libraries (obtained as suggested in the
docs from RealMedia) to /usr/local/lib, adding said dir to
/etc/, and running ldconfig, but that didn't cause mplayer to
be able to recognize .rm video files. I'm wondering what other location
I should be trying.


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NIS setup question

2002-09-28 Thread Neal Lippman

I don't think I understand the NIS Howto. I was left with the impression
that with libc6 installed, I would not need ypbind because libc6 knows
about NIS all by itself. 

I have set up another system as an NIS server (running ypserv), but my
client system cannot seem to see the information from that server.

It is the case that ypbind must be running on any NIS client system
regardless of whether it is using libc6 or not?



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How "stable" is "testing"?

2002-09-28 Thread Neal Lippman

I am wondering how stable people are finding testing for use on their
workstations. I am running woody, and very happy with it. However, I
would like to be a bit more up to date with some of my software - for
instance, I'd like to be using KDE 3 instead of 2.2, and the newest
evolution, so I was thinking about doing a dist-upgrade to sarge. I
don't, however, look forward to severe breakage now that I finally have
my system configured and working.

Any advice appreciated.



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Re: HTML editing

2001-12-11 Thread Neal Lippman
On Tuesday 11 December 2001 01:25, Alec wrote:
> Hi
> I just discovered that Mozilla has a gread WYSIWYG HTML editor. Up until
> now my favorite choice was VIM. I'm still trying to figure out how to start
> that editor without starting Mozilla itself, but does anyone know if KDE
> offers any WYSIWYG HTML editors of similar excellence?
> apt-cache search kde | grep -i html
> produced nothing :(

You are right! I never tried editing HTML with Mozilla composer before, but I 
just gave it a quick spin and it looks excellent.

I am unaware of any specific KDE-based HTML editor. I have used Quanta Plus 
and Bluefish, but unfortunately have found problems and buggy behavoir in 
both, which were disappointing.

Help getting KDE!

2001-12-14 Thread Neal Lippman
I could use some pointers; I've gone back a few months in the mailing list 
archives, and just cannot find an answer to this.

I'm a debian newbie, having been running Mandrake for the past year. I just 
got a second computer to use for debian, figuring I'd work out all the kinks 
on the install there before trashing my "main" machine with a from-scratch 
debian install.

Anyway, I got potato CDs (burned them from downloaded isos) and installed 
potato on the new system, without installing X. I then upgraded to woody 
(changed stable to testing in sources.list, and did apt-get update and 
apt-get upgrade-dist) and this seemed to go ok (actually I lost the "man" 
command, but apt-get install man-db seemed to fix that). 

My problem now is: How do I get kde? apt-get install kde doesn't work, 
telling me I need to specify a package name. Looking at the listing of 
packages in /var/apt/cache, there are a whole bunch of kde-related packages, 
but it isn't clear what to select to just get the whole kde installed (I am 
assuming that when I apt-get kde, X will come along automatically due to 
dependencies). Do I need to install each kde package individually? That 
doesn't seem right, since I thought the whole point of debian (well, one of 
the whole points, anyway) was the power and simplicity of apt-get.

I also tried tasksel, but while it does give me gnome as a choice, I prefer 
kde and that doesn't seem to be one of the pre-configured tasks.

Help appreciated, especially if there is some location I should be looking in 
that gives this sort of information in general for various packages. I have a 
bunch of stuff on my MDK system that was installed by the MDK installer 
automagically (like cdrecord and cups). I don't mind getting the specific 
things I want via apt-get (in fact, I prefer it so my harddrive doesn't 
resemble a junkyard filled with stuff I don't want) but it's a bummer if I 
have to ask for help to identify the packages needed for each thing.


How to read CD label?

2001-12-25 Thread Neal Lippman
Is there any utility that can give me the lablel on a CD (mouinted or 
unmounted - doesn't matter to me). I generally burn CD's with a volume label 
(with cdrecord), and I use them to keep track of what is on the CD, 
especially for backups which I encode with the date of the backup for future 
reference. However, when I mount the CD (I actually use autofs) I don't see 
any way to easily tell what CD is in the drive.  'man -k cd 'didn't turn up 
anything that seems to do the trick, and if it is in the CD howto, I missed 



OT: Need help from bash experts...

2002-02-11 Thread Neal Lippman
Sorry for OT posting; I am not sure if there is a newsgroups for bash 
experts, so I figured I'd try here.

I need to be able to write a bash script that can copy files from a directory 
who's name includes a space (long story, but it's a windows directory under 
Win98 on a machine on my network).

Anyway, supposing that the directory is "/mount/windows/spaced name" and I 
need to copy all of the files in the directory to a target.

At a bash prompt, I can issue either:
cp "/mount/windows/spaced name/*" target 
cp /mount/windows/spaced\ name/* target
and all works fine.

However, from within a bash script, something like:

sourcedir=/mount/windows/spaced\ name
cp $sourcedir/* target

fails, because the space isn't properly passed to cp, AND further the shell 
doesn't do expansion on the wild card in the file name.

I have tried all sorts of variants:
sourcedir="/mount/windows/spaced\ name"
sourcedir="/mount/windows/spaced\\ name"
sourcedir=/mount/windows/spaced\\ name"

and the cp command with various quotes and not quotes, and cannot seem to get 
this to work. Within the script, if I try:

sourcedir="mount/windows/spaced\ name"
echo $sourcedir/*
echo $anotherdir/*

the first echo shows that there is no expansion of the wild card, while the 
second echo works as expected, echoing the name of every file in 

Clearly the problem is that dreadful space in the directory name. Any help on 
how to syntax this greatly appreciated.


Re: autofs

2002-02-12 Thread Neal Lippman
On Tuesday 12 February 2002 14:40, Mirek Dobsicek wrote:
> Hi all,
> I feel a bit lost in running autofs.
> I've installed autofs package, compilled  autofs4 support into kernel
> and hoped that now my /floppy becomes automounted, but no :-((
> I read man pages from autofs and auto.master, but i'm too lame to
> understand it. Please help me.

Perhaps you could post the following data, which might help in 

1) Contents of /proc/modules
2) Contents of /etc/auto.master
3) Contents of specific config files pointed to in /etc/auto.master (etc 
/etc/auto.mount, /etc/auto.mnt, whatever)


Re: newbie .. how to start with autofs

2001-11-08 Thread Neal Lippman
On Thursday 08 November 2001 04:25, Mirek Dobsicek wrote:
> Hi,
>  I'd like to have my cdrom and floppy, automatically mounted and umounted.
> A friend told me "use autofs" . But this advice is not any help to me :-(
> Mirek Dobsicek

I've been using autofs under MDK 7.2 and 8.1 for some time now (yeah, I know 
- but I haven't had time to face a new install and upgrade process to change 
to Debian, although I've been planning it for a while).

Anyway, autofs works extrememly well (for me). I use it to automatically 
mount my DVD, CDRW, floppy, a windows share over the network, etc.

Basically, there are two components: the autofs code in the kernel, and the 
automount daemon which is used to do the actual mounting on demand. You need 
to ensure that your kernel is compliled with autofs support in it. There are 
two versions, autofs (which is the version 3 form) and autofs4 (version 4). I 
use the latter, although I am unsure what the differences are. If you choose 
to build autofs4 as a module, you need the line 

alias autofs autofs4 

in /etc/modules.conf so that modutils will know to look for autofs4.o (the 
autofs4 module) when the kernel needs autofs. If you are using autofs you 
obviously don't need that line.

You also will need a startup script to launch the automount daemon on 
startup;  presumably the .deb package that automount comes in for debian will 
include such a script.

The system is configured with several files. /etc/auto.master is used when 
the daemon is started / restarted and contains the "mount points" which 
autofs controls. Each mount point is the root of a directory tree, under 
which automounting can occur. For instance, here's my /etc/auto.master:

# $Id: auto.master,v 1.2 1997/10/06 21:52:03 hpa Exp $
# Sample auto.master file
# Format of this file:
# mountpoint map options
# For details of the format look at autofs(8).
#/misc  /etc/auto.misc  --timeout=60
#/net   /etc/   --timeout=60
/mount  /etc/auto.mount --timeout=15

You can see that I have commented out the ones that came with the MDK 
install, and I have a mount point called /mount, under which all my 
automounting takes place. You can have as many such mount points are you 
want. This file specifies that the details of how to handle /mount is 
containined in the configuration file /etc/auto.mount, which looks like this:

# $Id: auto.master,v 1.2 1997/10/06 21:52:04 hpa Exp $
# Created 10-21-2001 NL
# This is an automounter map and it has the following format
# key [ -mount-options-separated-by-comma ] location
# Details may be found in the autofs(5) manpage
dvd -fstype=iso9660,ro,nosuid,nodev,exec,user   :/dev/dvd
cdrw-fstype=iso9660,ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,user :/dev/cdrw
floppy  -fstype=auto,nosuid,noauto,user,nodev,unhide:/dev/fd0
windows -fstype=vfat,user,exec,umask=0  :/dev/hda2

So, if I cd to /mount/dvd, autofs mounts /dev/dvd onto the mount point 
/mount/dvd, as an iso9660 filesystem. Similarly for cd to /mount/cdrw; cd'ing 
to /mount/floppy mounts /dev/fd0 and autodetects the file system on the 
floppy in the drive. /mount/windows is a windows partition on my computer in 
/dev/hda2, which /mount/kirk automounts the windows share //kirk/ddrive onto 
/mount/kirk as an smb filesystem. All of this works magically and 
transparently once configured.

Once you have autofs / automount installed, man autofs, man automount, man 
auto.master will tell you all about how to handle this stuff. You can 
automount NFS file shares, or even have scripts executed (so that if you set 
things up correctly, for instance, you can have autofs handle things so that 
if you cd to /mount/xxx where xxx is the name of any system on your LAN, the 
/home directory on that system is automatically mounted for you - and you can 
set this up to work as new systems are added/removed from the network without 
having to change your configuration files once the initial scripts are set 
up. It's very powerful and I have not had a single glitch (or at least, the 
only glitch I have is because of the way windows does (or does not) wake up 
properly from a suspend on my laptop).

Good luck.


Re: persistent storage hardware: recommendations, comments, and opinions please

2002-01-21 Thread Neal Lippman
On Monday 21 January 2002 22:26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > "dman" == dman  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   dman> First my current setup:
>   dman> 10GB Maxtor IDE disk
>   dman> Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
>   dman> 5.6G  5.1G  271M  96% /
>   dman> 4.0G  2.5G  1.3G  64% /home
>   dman> 125M   40k  124M   1% /tmp  (tmpfs, not on-disk)
>   dman> I want to buy another disk to augment this.  There's not enough
> room dman> on this one for my music _and_ an OS (and working files --
> homework, dman> etc).

I would with briand's comments. IDE drives should be plenty fast enough for 
most desktop/home use systems, and even for a small server (eg something for 
a home LAN and/or small office setup) and will save you plenty of $ over a 
SCSI setup.

In terms of specific drives:

I am presently running an IBM Deskstart XGP 45MB (7200 rpm/ATA-100) and a WD 
Caviar 40GB 7200 rpm ATA-100 in my main machine. I got the IBM for about $140 
online ( and have had no problems with it, but would probably not 
recommend it as a first choice right now due to the presence of drives of 
this model that can suddenly trash all your data (a lot of postings on line 
about this a few months ago). Mine works fine, but maybe I've been lucky so 
far. The WD (which houses my /home partition) has also been without problems, 
and both drives installed without any special effort under Linux. Actually, I 
never got around to switching them to ata-100, so they both have been running 
ata-66. Speed is excellent even without ata-100.

Other drivers to consider are the WD Caviar 80GB 7200/ata-100, which seems to 
go through various specials from time to time - last week it was at OfficeMax 
for $199 with an $80 rebate. Sadly, I didn't get there until the end of the 
week and all were sold out.

Another drive, which I considering for my house server (which I am just 
building) is the Maxtor Diamondmax series, which seems to be well liked at 
places like

My best recommendation is to stick with a brand like the Maxtor Diamondmax or 
WD Caviar, and watch the flyers in the weekend papers from CompUSA, Best Buy, 
Office Max, Staples, etc. You are bound to find a drive with a significant 
discount or rebate if you can afford to wait a few weeks for one to come up.


Re: Where can I get JetAdmin for Linux?

2002-01-22 Thread Neal Lippman
On Tuesday 22 January 2002 10:29, Brian P. Flaherty wrote:
> "Stan Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I'm replacing a HP-UX workstation with a woody box.
> >
> > One of the functions of this HP box is to rotuinely check that status of
> > a HP jetAdmin printer.
> >
> > Can I get JetAdmin software for Linux? If so has anyone got a pointer to
> > a location?
> I don't know if you can get JetAdmin for Linux, but I suggest looking
> at CUPS.  I have JetAdmin at work on Solaris and CUPS at home and they
> seem pretty similar to me.  When you say check the status of an HP
> printer, what do you mean?  Is it something more than a cron job
> grepping the result of 'lpstat -p printer'?
> Brian

Good luck.

Woody / SMP - how to set up

2003-07-01 Thread Neal Lippman
I am wondering if a stock woody install will support a Pentium 4 system
with Hyperthreading to appear as a two processor system. Will the
standard woody 2.4.18 kernel do so, or is a recompile required?


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How "unstable" is unstable?

2003-07-06 Thread Neal Lippman
I'm wondering, from those running sid, just how "unstable" is it at the
present time?

The reason I am asking is that I would like to move on to KDE 3 and am
feeling behind the times, still using KDE 2.1 in woody. I've been
reluctant to track sid since I do need my workstation to be up and
working pretty well, so I'd be interested in hearing from some who are
using unstable regularly.


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Re: Suggestions on choosing an IMAP server

2003-07-16 Thread Neal Lippman
On Wed, 2003-07-16 at 19:07, Mike Fedyk wrote:
> Hi D-U :)
> I'm going to switch from pop3 to imap, and I'd like to know what you guys
> think is the best debian packaged IMAP server, and why.
> I'd really like to use MailDir mailboxes.
> Thanks.

Although it seems that courier-imap is the most popular imap server for
debian users, I have been using cyrus imap for about 1.5 yrs now and
have been quite satisfied with it.

The reason that I selected cyrus over courier was that it provided me
with the ability to use fetchmail to retrieve my email from all of my
pop3 mailboxes and forward the mail via lmtp into the imap store,
because cyrus provides an lmtp daemon; this means that I don't have to
run a full smtp daemon. I could not figure out whether courier does or
does not include the capability to recieve incoming messages via lmtp.

A drawback to cyrus is that, last time I checked, both stable and
testing included only an older version of cyrus; the most recent (2.x)
series is only in unstable. I d/l'd the latest sources and compiled them
myself, which turns out to be somewhat difficult - there were a lot of
glitches and gotchas which held me up for some time before I got
everything sorted out. I did this for my home server; when I tried to
install a later cyrus version in setting up my office's server (both, at
the time, woody) I ran into a _different_ set of gotchas. Once I had
them up and running, however, they have worked perfectly.


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automount permissions problem

2003-07-26 Thread Neal Lippman
Here's my problem, maybe someone can help. I have a usb media reader
than handles smartmedia, compact flash, etc. It works fine in the sense
of being able to put media into it and mount the media, using the
usb-storage module, and copy files off the media. The devices look like
scsi disk drives, as expected with the use of usb-storage.

It would be ideal to be able to use autofs to mount these drives, as I
do for my dvd and cdrw drives, so I added the appropriate entries into
auto.mount, the control file for my /mount automount directory. It looks
like this:

# Automount map file
# 6/4/02 nl
# key [ -mount-options-separated-by-comma ] location
dvd -fstype=iso9660,ro,nosuid,nodev,exec,user   :/dev/dvd
cdrw-fstype=iso9660,ro,nosuid,nodev,exec,user   :/dev/cdrw
floppy  -fstype=vfat,nosuid,noauto,user,nodev,unhide:/dev/floppy
cf  -fstype=vfat,ro,nosuid,noauto,user  :/dev/cf
sm  -fstype=vfat,ro,nosuid,noauto,user  :/dev/sm

/dev/cf and /dev/sm are symlinks to /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1.

The media cards automount all right, but the protections on the
directories created by autofs is rwxr--r--, which means I cannot cd into
or list the files in subdirectories on the media unless I become root,
which is not ideal. And that's the problem.

I don't have this problem with automounted cd's or dvd's - the
protection mask for those is rwxr-xr-x, so all works fine.

Is there something I should have done in the auto.mount file? Is this
something about the way the cf and sm cards work (they are formatted in
a digital camera, so I don't really have any control over how various
bits are set in the filesystem.

Any thoughts/help appreciated.


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Re: automount permissions problem

2003-07-26 Thread Neal Lippman
On Sat, 2003-07-26 at 18:06, Shawn Lamson wrote:
> On Sat, July 26 at  5:49 PM EDT
> Neal Lippman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> I don't use automount but to get proper permissions for my vfat fs's i
> use this type or entry in fstab
> /dev/hdb1   /mnt/win98  vfatdefaults,gid=6,umask=002
> then as long as I am in group 6 ( disk on my box ) I have read access...
> The key is the umask portion and equates to permissions of 775 or
> rwxrwxr-x in case you aren't familiar with umask.

Ah...that makes sense. I will review mount options; I should be able to
include any options mount accepts in the auto.mount file...hopefully
this will work.


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Re: Sandisk sddr-75 CF/SM usb reader problems

2003-07-27 Thread Neal Lippman
On Sun, 2003-07-27 at 16:38, Michael Waters wrote:
> Hi list,
> I can't get this usb reader to work at all with a smartmedia card (i
> don't have a compact flash card to test) although searching on the web
> suggests that the sddr-75 is a standard USB Mass Storage device and
> there are reports that it works in linux.
> I've followed the suggestions here:
> I'm using the debian supplied kernel-image 2.4.21-3-k7 with sid as well
> as a self-complied 2.4.21 and also tried versions of 2.4.20 & 2.4.19.
> To load the usb modules, in a boot-up script, I have:
> modprobe usbcore
> modprobe usb-uhci
> modprobe usb-storage
> mount -t usbdevfs none /proc/bus/usb
> Instead of doing this, I've also tried using hotplug and usbmgr as well
> as loading the modules in /etc/modules.
> `mount -t vfat /dev/sd[a,b] /mnt/flash/`  gives:
> mount: /dev/sd[a,b] is not a valid block device
> I think the problem may be that sg is not mapping the reader slots to
> /dev/sda and /dev/sdb. When I do `sg_map`, I get:  (scd0 is a cdrw)
> /dev/sg0  /dev/scd0
> /dev/sg1
> /dev/sg2
> Does anyone know how to get /dev/sg2 mapped to /dev/sdb?  
> I bought the reader because I was having similar problems with my
> camera. It's an Olympus D-510.  I didn't use it for a while but I had
> it working fine in linux last year with an earlier 2.4 kernel.
The output for sg_map indicates that the sg1 and sg2 device are not
being detected as disk drivers, tape drives, or cdroms. I'm not sure why
that is the case at this point.

Two questions:
1. Are you certain that the USB ports on your computer work - since you
indicate problems accessing your camera directly as a usb device as
2. It would be helpful to unplug the media reader, plug it back in, and
see what messages, if any, the usb-storage module generates in the
system message buffer (use dmesg to see this or cat /var/log/syslog).


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Re: Sandisk sddr-75 CF/SM usb reader problems

2003-07-30 Thread Neal Lippman
OK, here's what I notice: in /dev, your /dev/sd* device entries are
correctly set up with block major device number 8, as is the case for
the first (I think) 33 scsi disk devices.

The output of /proc/devices, however, does not show that you have a
block major device 8 entry, which should show the "sd" driver.

My system's output for the same two commands does indeed show block
major 8 as a device in /proc/devices, with sd as the driver - so I would
surmise that this is your problem and why the devices don't seem to
exist. When you try to mount /dev/sda1, the kernel should be looking
for  driver registered to handled block major 8, but there isn't one.

A harder question is WHY you don't have one. On my system, it appears
that scsi disk support is built into the kernel - because I haven't
loaded sd.o as a module and no such module appears in

You need to verify that on your system, with whatever kernel you are
running, that either a) scsi disk support is compiled into the kernel,
or b) if it is built as a module, you are loading the module (eg by
putting this entry into /etc/modules or by whatever other mechanism you

While the kernel does dynamically locate and load some modules as needed
based on system calls, I don't know if the scsi subsystem or mount
subsystem does that for the scsi disk drivers; maybe someone on the list
has delved into that aspect of the kernel code and can help here. My
guess would be "no".

Hope this helps.


On Wed, 2003-07-30 at 02:56, Michael Waters wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 29, 2003, Neal Lippman wrote:
> > can you post the output of:
> > 
> > 1) ls -l /dev/sd*
> > 
> > and
> > 
> > 2) cat /proc/devices
> Hi, thank you again for trying to help me. I appreciate it.  Below is
> the output.  I apologize to the list for the size of this email but I
> hope someone can see something amiss...
> # cat /proc/devices
> Character devices:
>   1 mem
>   2 pty/m%d
>   3 pty/s%d
>   4 tts/%d
>   5 cua/%d
>   6 lp
>   7 vcs
>  10 misc
>  14 sound
>  29 fb
> 128 ptm
> 136 pts/%d
> 162 raw
> 180 usb
> 226 drm
> Block devices:
>   1 ramdisk
>   3 ide0
>  22 ide1
> # ls -l /dev/sd*
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,   0 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,   1 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda1
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  10 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda10
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  11 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda11
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  12 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda12
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  13 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda13
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  14 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda14
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  15 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda15
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,   2 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda2
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,   3 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda3
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,   4 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda4
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,   5 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda5
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,   6 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda6
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,   7 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda7
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,   8 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda8
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,   9 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda9
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  16 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  17 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb1
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  26 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb10
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  27 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb11
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  28 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb12
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  29 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb13
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  30 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb14
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  31 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb15
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  18 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb2
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  19 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb3
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  20 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb4
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  21 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb5
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  22 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb6
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  23 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb7
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  24 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb8
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  25 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb9
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  32 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdc
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  33 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdc1
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  42 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdc10
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  43 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdc11
> brw-rw1 root disk   8,  

Re: Sandisk sddr-75 CF/SM usb reader problems [solved]

2003-07-31 Thread Neal Lippman
Congrats. Glad to hear you are up and running!

On Thu, 2003-07-31 at 03:43, Michael Waters wrote:
> it works!!!  Thank you so much Neal, thank you, thank you, thank you.  I
> had given up hope. :)
> On Wed, Jul 30, 2003, Neal Lippman wrote:
> > OK, here's what I notice: in /dev, your /dev/sd* device entries are
> > correctly set up with block major device number 8, as is the case for
> > the first (I think) 33 scsi disk devices.
> > 
> > The output of /proc/devices, however, does not show that you have a
> > block major device 8 entry, which should show the "sd" driver.
> > 
> > My system's output for the same two commands does indeed show block
> > major 8 as a device in /proc/devices, with sd as the driver - so I would
> > surmise that this is your problem and why the devices don't seem to
> > exist. When you try to mount /dev/sda1, the kernel should be looking
> > for  driver registered to handled block major 8, but there isn't one.
> > 
> > A harder question is WHY you don't have one. On my system, it appears
> > that scsi disk support is built into the kernel - because I haven't
> > loaded sd.o as a module and no such module appears in
> > /lib/modules/2.4.18.../kernel/drivers/scsi.
> I couldn't find an sd.o anywhere but browsing around in
> /lib/modules/2.4.21.../kernel/drivers/scsi , I saw sd_mod.o . I tried
> `modprobe sd_mod`, now I can use the reader. :)  I've added sd_mod to
> /etc/modules.  I guess the kernel I was using last year when I had no
> troubles with my camera must have had this compiled in; I don't
> remember changing /etc/modules at all.
> > You need to verify that on your system, with whatever kernel you are
> > running, that either a) scsi disk support is compiled into the kernel,
> > or b) if it is built as a module, you are loading the module (eg by
> > putting this entry into /etc/modules or by whatever other mechanism you
> > prefer.
> > 
> > While the kernel does dynamically locate and load some modules as needed
> > based on system calls, I don't know if the scsi subsystem or mount
> > subsystem does that for the scsi disk drivers; maybe someone on the list
> > has delved into that aspect of the kernel code and can help here. My
> > guess would be "no".
> Thank you again, it's really made my day to get this finally working. 
> Michael
> Just in case someone with similar trouble reads this in the future, the
> necessary modules appear to be:
> scsi_mod
> sd_mod
> vfat
> sg
> usb-storage
> usb-uhci (or I guess usb-ohci or usb_ehci depending on the motherboard)
> usbcore
> the output of `mount` should show:
> none on /proc/bus/usb type usbdevfs (rw)
> #sg_map:
> /dev/sg0  /dev/scd0
> /dev/sg1  /dev/sda   (this particular reader has 2 slots)
> /dev/sg2  /dev/sdb
> # cat /proc/devices 
> Character devices:
>   1 mem
>   2 pty/m%d
>   3 pty/s%d
>   4 tts/%d
>   5 cua/%d
>   6 lp
>   7 vcs
>  10 misc
>  14 sound
>  21 sg
>  29 fb
> 128 ptm
> 136 pts/%d
> 162 raw
> 180 usb
> 226 drm
> Block devices:
>   1 ramdisk
>   3 ide0
>   8 sd
>  11 sr
>  22 ide1
>  65 sd
>  66 sd
> -- 
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Linux logical volume manager - a few questions

2003-08-02 Thread Neal Lippman
I am looking at installing the lvm layer on my file server, which is
presently running woody. I have two 80GB hd's, one of which presently
stores my /home partition (exported via both nfs and samba to the other
systems on my home lan), and another which I just installed. (Actually,
there's a third 80GB which stores /, /boot, /usr, /tmp, and /var, but I
won't be including that in the lvm). Anyway, I figured the best approach
was to turn both 80GB data drives into one 160gb logical volume. Since
this is the main file store of everyone at home, stability is a very
very high priority.

My questions are:

1) Which lvm package to install? There are two obvious choices, lvm10
and lvm2. While lvm2 is the new rewrite, which is supposedly "stable",
it apparently lacks some features and according to the
description of the package is not yet ready for production use. So, I
assume I am correct in going for lvm10 at the present time?

2) If I do go with lvm10, will upgrading to lvm2 once it is ready for
production use just be a matter of apt-get install'ing lvm2 and removing
lvm10, or are there incompatibilities in the on-disk structure that
would mean starting over from scratch? That would be a major problem
once I have stuff scattered across 160GB of logical space on two
physical drives.

3) lvm10 recommends kernel version 2.4.20; I am running the standard
2.4.18 on the server. It is crucial to do this upgrade? (I suppose it
wouldn't hurt since 2.4.20 contains the driver for my server's onboard
gigabit ethernet chip, which I am not presently using as 2.4.18 did not
support it, but still, I like to do as little as possible to the

4) Is anyone using lvm on their system who can comment on success,
failure, pitfalls, etc?

Thanks for any input. 


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Need help re LVM setup...

2003-08-03 Thread Neal Lippman

I am looking at installing the lvm layer on my file server, which is
presently running woody. I have two 80GB hd's, one of which presently
stores my /home partition (exported via both nfs and samba to the other
systems on my home lan), and another which I just installed. (Actually,
there's a third 80GB which stores /, /boot, /usr, /tmp, and /var, but I
won't be including that in the lvm). Anyway, I figured the best approach
was to turn both 80GB data drives into one 160gb logical volume. Since
this is the main file store of everyone at home, stability is a very
very high priority.

My questions are:

1) Which lvm package to install? There are two obvious choices, lvm10
and lvm2. While lvm2 is the new rewrite, which is supposedly "stable",
it apparently lacks some features and according to the
description of the package is not yet ready for production use. So, I
assume I am correct in going for lvm10 at the present time?

2) If I do go with lvm10, will upgrading to lvm2 once it is ready for
production use just be a matter of apt-get install'ing lvm2 and removing
lvm10, or are there incompatibilities in the on-disk structure that
would mean starting over from scratch? That would be a major problem
once I have stuff scattered across 160GB of logical space on two
physical drives.

3) lvm10 recommends kernel version 2.4.20; I am running the standard
2.4.18 on the server. It is crucial to do this upgrade? (I suppose it
wouldn't hurt since 2.4.20 contains the driver for my server's onboard
gigabit ethernet chip, which I am not presently using as 2.4.18 did not
support it, but still, I like to do as little as possible to the

4) Is anyone using lvm on their system who can comment on success,
failure, pitfalls, etc?

5) I was debating using ReiserFS instead of ext2 as I have been - any
thoughts on whether that would make sense?

Thanks for any input. 


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What happened to Zinf in testing?

2003-08-03 Thread Neal Lippman
Can someone enlighten me on what happened to zinf in testing? I used to
use freeamp. Around 6 months or so ago, freeamp seemed to disappear and
was replaced in testing with zinf.

Tonight I was looking to reorganize my mp3 and ogg files, and went
looking to see what my program choices were, and foudn that zinf seems
to no longer be available in testing (but is in unstable).

Can anyone enlighten me? What are people using for mp3/ogg organization
and playback under testing? (Ideally, I'd like something that even
understood how to download into an mp3 player, but that might be asking
for too much...but something that working like itunes would surely be a
great thing)


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Re: Moving /var to another drive

2002-03-12 Thread Neal Lippman

> George Karaolides <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Andrew,
> >
> > 
> >
> > And transfer the data using tar:
> >
> > tar cplf - -C / var | tar xvf - -C /mnt
> >

I recently did something similar, moving my personal files to a new HD so 
that I can mount the entire drive (partitioned as one big drive) to /home/nl 
for my personal files. Interestingly, because I now have an entire ext2fs 
file system mounted as my home directory, I now have a lost+found directory 
in my home directory. Not, obviously, a big problem, just something to keep 
in mind.

One thing I wondered about, though. You are using the technique of taring up 
the entire directory tree and then untaring it into the target partition. Why 
not just use cp -a   instead?


Re: GnuCash vs MoneyDance vs Kapitol

2002-03-16 Thread Neal Lippman
On Saturday 16 March 2002 10:15, hanasaki wrote:
> Yup a new one for $35 that is Linux only.  Thoughts?

Well, I decided to buy Kapitol about 1.5 years ago, when it was first 
announced. I did this because Quicken is basically the only application that 
I use at home that requires me to boot Windows98, and is hence the only 
reason I ever boot windows now.

After paying (I think it was $25 for the downloadable version), I had a 
tremendously difficult time actually doing the download, because the links I 
had never seemed to work. On the good side, however, the email response from 
the company was prompt and helpful, and I eventually got it downloaded. 
Unfortunately, it would not install due to dependences (Mandrake 7.1 at the 
time) that I couldn't get fixed. I was told by the company that those 
dependencies would be eliminated by the time the final product was released, 
slated for September 2001, so I decided to wait. I have checked their website 
intermittently, and every time I look it seems that the final release has 
been delayed...last I looked was back in January and I think they said there 
would be a final release in February.

I guess I'll look again now and see there is a final release, and I'll give 
it a try and let you know...


Re: OT: Wireless NIC to NIC; need WAP?

2002-03-16 Thread Neal Lippman
On Saturday 16 March 2002 17:34, Kent West wrote:
> I've got two Debian (Sid) boxes in different parts of the house. Can I
> put in a wireless NIC into each one of them, and them talk to each
> other, or must I have a Wireless Access Point as an intermediary?

Wireless NIC's can, as far as I am aware, operate in two different 
one of which allows them to speak directly to each other, and the other which 
requires a separate wireless access point. So, you should be able to do what 
you want to do. I don't know if something specific at the driver level is 
required for this, however.

> Also, as long as I'm on the subject. Typically I'd buy some name brand
> I'm more familiar with, like D-Link or Netgear, but the Siemens box
> specifically mentions that Linux is a compatible OS. For that reason,
> I'd like to throw my money toward Siemens. Any technical reasons not to?

Don't know the answer to this. I have been contemplating adding some 
wireless to my network, and have been looking at Linksys for a very practical 
reason - my LAN currently employs Linksys cable-ethernet router and two 
Linksys hubs, and I have a Linksys adapter in my Linux Desktop. My experience 
has been that mxiing vendors can sometimes cause the network to be 
unreliable, but I don't quite understand why that has occurred.

I don't know details about the Siemens products, but will surf their 
because if they are supporting Linux drivers (esp if GPL'd) that would be a 
real plus.

One thing to keep in mind: It is not at all uncommon to find that 
hardware from one vendor will not work with wireless hardware from other 
vendors, so it makes sense to select a vendor for, at least, all of your 
wireless needs and stick with that vendor. This is esp. true if software 
encryption is employed.

> And one more: why can't I find a PCI wireless NIC, instead of a PCI
> wireless NIC adapter plus a wireless PCMCIA NIC? To me, that seems
> stupid. (But then, someone mentioned that the Apple wireless Airport
> basestation does the same thing; puts a wireless PCMCIA nic in an adapter.)

Linksys now makes a PCI NIC that is wireless in addition to their 
PCMCIA card and their PCI adapter for the PCMCIA card. Check their website. I 
do not know if the wavelan driver used for the PCMCIA card works for the PCI 
card, however - it may not, since this seems to be a very new product. 

Good luck.


Video card support

2002-04-06 Thread Neal Lippman
I would appreciate input as to what video card to get for a new system I am 
about to assemble.

My requirements: i don't game, so superfast 3d support isn't needed, but I do 
watch an occasional movie, and want good support for 2d graphics. I don't 
want to break the bank on this purchase either, so pricing is an important 
factor as well. My present system has a GeForce 2MX, which I am happy enough 
with. Since that system is a PIII with the i815 chipset, I could (in a pinch) 
just pull the GeForce out and reuse it. The old system is going to become a 
fileserver, and so could make do with the i815's onboard video.

My present monitor is a 19" CRT, but I am strongly considering a move to one, 
maybe two LCD panels - so a card that supports dual monitors would be great, 
but at the least whatever i use needs to work well with a second card if need 
be to add the second monitor.

I will likely install woody on this system, but with components of sid as 

Thanks for any help.


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Woody install infinite loop

2002-05-05 Thread Neal Lippman
I haven't been able to find anything posted on this; wondered if anyone has 
heard about this.

I am attempting a woody install, having d/l'd the disk images over the 
weekend. This is going onto a new system; because it may be relevant, here 
are the specs that I think are needed:
MSI K7T-266A Pro2A MB with Athlon XP1700+; 512MB ram
GeForce2MX video card

The install proceeds as expected until I get to the point of specifying the 
system time. The HW clock is NOT set to GMT, so I select NO for that option. 
I give my locality as US; Eastern. I then create a root account/password and 
a user account for myself. After I do that, the install loops back to ask me 
again if the HW clock is set to GMT. From that point on, nothing I do breaks 
this loop, and all of the above steps just keep on cycling. I have tried the 
install twice, restarting from the very beginning and reformatting all drive 
partitions to ensure there isn't any residual data from a prior install that 
could mess things up; same result each time.

Interestingly, the FIRST time that the question is asked about the HW clock 
and GMT, the correct time is displayed, but each time thereafter the 
displayed time is off by two hours. I verified on reboot that the BIOS 
retains the correct time.

Any thoughts? Is this a known bug that I just cannot find? I thought about 
not creating a user account until later, but didn't see how that would be the 
problem...but I could try it if no one has any better ideas.

Neal Lippman

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Woody install infinite loop seems fixed...

2002-05-21 Thread Neal Lippman
For those who like me were getting stuck on the woody install infinite loop 
problem (at the point where you specify your timezone, then create a root 
password and user accounts):

I d/l'd a new woody CD #1 iso (via jigdo) over the w/e, and just tried it and 
the bug is now fixed. I guess the borked package is now replaced with teh 
working version. 

I've gotten to the point of scanning CD's for packages. Since I was planning 
more than one install, I d/l'd all 8 CDs (yeah, I know, I should have gone 
for the network install, but I was clearly being brain-damaged), so now to 
burn the remaining CD's so I can load them up.

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Interesting question on nfs permissions

2002-06-08 Thread Neal Lippman
I have come across an interesting ( :confused: ) and difficult problem with 
an nfs mount; maybe someone has an idea.

THe basic situation is that I have one linux box (running MDK 8.2, but that's 
probably not relevant) that I have just set up as a file server, and a second 
linux box (running Debian Woody, but again prob. not relevant) that I will 
use as my workstation. 

The server exports its /home partition via both samba and nfs, so that my 
home directories are accessible across the network. To access one's files 
from the workstation, I use symlinks from /home. Thus, on the debian 
workstation, /home/nl is a symlink to /nfs/nl, and obviously the  nfs share 
from the server is mounted onto /nfs.

Here's the problem: I used mkisofs to make an iso file with some things I 
wanted to burn to a cd, and then issued the appropriate cdrecord command, 
which failed due to a permission error on the iso file to burn.

The reason is, obviously, that cdrecord is setuid root, and so the attempt to 
open the iso file on the nfs share appeared to come from root, and with 
root_squash on the nfs export, it couldn't get at the file.

My thoughts as solutions are:

1. disable root_squash for any workstation that has a cdburner and thus might 
be subject to this problem (not a great idea, although since it's my home LAN 
and only I have root passwords, I could do this).

2. make cdrecord NOT setuid root. Since I have the cd burner owned by root, 
group cdrom, and my user account has the cdrom group, I should be able to 
write to it, but I don't know if cdrecord needs setuid root for other 

3. Keep a local tmp folder, and whenever I make an iso file, just do so to 
that tmp directory, and burn the cd from there - or even just get in the 
habit of piping the output of mkisofs onto cdrecord directly.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

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