Re: nslookup --- which package?

2003-02-20 Thread Michael Waters
On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 02:44 -0600, Gary Turner wrote:
> I have been unable to locate this utility.  The more I look, the sillier
> I feel.  Wasn't this in some util pkg?  The closest I've come is
> ptknslookup in the ptknettools pkg.  I'd prefer non X.
> Running Sarge.


I hate it when that happens to me. :)

$ dpkg -S `which nslookup`
dnsutils: /usr/bin/nslookup


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Re: Burning cd's makes the computer really really slow

2003-02-20 Thread Michael Waters
On Fri, Feb 21, 2003 at 01:43 +, cirrus wrote:
> Ok I know the answer is somewhere out there but can't seem to find it.
> I've got a 48x speed cd-recorder and whenever I start writing a cd, cpu usage 
> goes up to 100%(well almost 100%, can't even play an ogg file properly).
> Grabbing a copy of cdrtools-2 did help when burning iso's. Now i can burn iso 
> images in just 3 minutes, but when burning bin/cue images using cdrdao the 
> problem is still there(and it takes around 5-10 minutes for each cd). I've 
> tried with dma enabled and disabled and played around with the drive settings 
> using hdparm, but nothing changed.

Is this by any chance on an asus motherboard?  I used to see this often
with an a7v133 and an a7v333.  Burning audio or mode2 images would take
over my computer (mode1 data cds didn't seem to have the problem as
much) and moving the mouse or loading a page in a browser would be
ridiculously slow.  Also, the system clock would be a few minutes slow
after one burn.  After finding a thread on linux-kernel which explained
a few shortcomings with the kernel, burning cds, and via chipset, I
stopped looking for a fix: . 
Apparently 2.5 will be better with cds.

Recently the a7v333 started refusing to boot at all and I replaced it
with a different board (msi kt3 ultra - same via kt333 chipset as the
a7v333).  I've burned a few cds and was very surprised to find that
burning a cd didn't take over the system anymore and the problem with
the clock slowing is gone.  audio/mode2 cds still seem to take up cpu
but it's a whole lot better than before.  Not sure what's going on...
but I'm happy the problem's gone for me.


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Re: VCDs (was Newbie Functioning In Debian)

2003-02-27 Thread Michael Waters
On Fri, Feb 28, 2003 at 06:46 +0800, Robert Storey wrote:
> Greetings Mark. You piqued my interest when you mentioned "burning
> VCDs." Under Linux, I have not been able to either copy or
> roll-my-own VCDs. Xcdroast, for example, seems to copy VCDs fine -
> but the copies won't play. Most any Windows burner program I've used
> can at least copy a VCD without a hiccup. What software are you
> using? Is there a FAQ you can point me to that gives some info on how
> to convert VHS tapes to VCDs?

No need for windoze... I've used vcdimager and cdrdao a few times
without problems.


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Re: XMMS and CD Audio Broken

2003-03-06 Thread Michael Waters
On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 19:04 -0800, Lonnie Sutton wrote:
> I am using Woody 3.0 and XMMS 1.2.7 and until recently had both a SCSI
> CD Burner and an IDE CDROM that I used for normally reading data and
> playing CD's, using XMMS. My IDE CDROM recently died, so I thought I
> would just change my fstab to point to the SCSI burner and use that for
> the CD's I wanted to play. While XMMS plays streams OK, such as
> Shoutcast, it does not see the CD player. Just to add to the confusion,
> I tried to play a CD using Gnome's gtcd player. It sees the CD I want to
> listen to, and says it is playing it, but no sound. I made sure that the
> CD burner had group CDROM and I am listed as belonging to that group.

Is the cd audio cable attached to the soundcard? :)  Is there a link
/dev/cdrom -> /dev/scd0



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Re: Some kernel compile questions

2003-03-07 Thread Michael Waters
On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 13:14 +0530, Sukrit wrote:
> i have some kernel related questions, i have read the fine manunal
> (kernel-howto) but didn't get answers to these.
> 1. How do i decide which modules to load at boot time, which file is
> to be edited? (i am thinking that i'll compile support for lots of
> devices - cd-writer, different network cards - as modules that way i
> won't have to recompile kernel when i add those devices. So i don't
> want all my modules to be loaded at boot time. Also, i don't want to
> dynamically and automatically load/unload modules)

I've compiled kernels the non-debian way without kernel-package so my
advice below is probably not the 'right way' to do it...  :)

The modules you list in /etc/modules get loaded at boot.

> 2. What is the function of file, after compiling kernel
> (the non-debian way) is it necessary to copy the file to /boot and edit
> lilo.conf to reflect changes.

Not sure what it does exactly... something to do with giving the kernel
an idea about compiled modules maybe.  I copy it to

> 3. i compiled the kernel, now do i need to get kernel-headers? What is
> the function of kernel-headers?

I don't use this package if I've compiled my own kernel.

> 4. Right now i am copying kernel bzImage into /boot renaming it, and
> editing lilo. Also for modules i 
> #make modules
> #make modules_install
> If i already have the same version of kernel running does old module
> tree get over-written or not?

to avoid this I edit Makefile and put something in `EXTRAVERSION =`


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Re: what tool to view CDROM containing TV show?

2003-10-30 Thread Michael Waters
On Thu, Oct 30, 2003, Dan Jacobson wrote:
> Gentlemen, I have been send a CDROM with a television show on it.
> What might be the right tool to view it?  The CDROM's structure is:
> $ tree -s
> |-- [   27]  autorun.inf
> |-- [ 2048]  cdda
> |-- [ 2048]  cdi
> |-- [ 2048]  ext
> |-- [   155648]
> |-- [ 2048]  mpegav
> |   `-- [445904896]  avseq01.dat
> |-- [   129024]
> |-- [36864]  playwnd.exe
> |-- [ 2048]  segment
> `-- [ 2048]  vcd
> |-- [ 2048]  entries.vcd
> |-- [ 2048]  info.vcd
> |-- [ 2048]  lot.vcd
> `-- [ 2048]  psd.vcd

You can use mplayer, xine, vlc to watch vcd/svcd.  For mplayer, don't
mount the CD, just `mplayer -vcd 2` or `mplayer vcd://2`.


> However even with the right tool, it seems there will be additional
> problems, seen with similar CDs, and both my CD drives:
> $ wc mpegav/avseq01.dat 
> wc: mpegav/avseq01.dat: Input/output error
> 0 0 12288 mpegav/avseq01.dat
> In /var/log/kern.log:
> I/O error: dev 0b:00, sector 2436
> Of course trying mount -o sync doesn't help either.

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Re: International Characters

2003-10-14 Thread Michael Waters
On Tue, Oct 14, 2003, Tom wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 14, 2003 at 11:44:22AM +0200, Gavin Costello wrote:
> > On 14-Oct-2003 02:35AM -0700, Tom wrote:
> > > What I don't understand is, a lot of the European developers will send 
> > > an email with what is obviously a lowercase-grave-accent-e, which is 
> > > clearly supported by my fonts, but it shows up as ? in mutt (and 
> > > gnome-terminal, which I've set up for ISO8859-1).  Some of the german 
> > > characters are a bit more unusual, but all these fonts display OK at the 
> > > console, just not in X.  (Haven't reading European characters in Mutt at 
> > > console).  How come I can't see just the basic extended ASCII things?
> > ---end quoted text---
> > 
> > What is the output of mutt -v on your system?
> > 
> > If it doesn't contain "+LOCALES_HACK", you will probably need to
> > recompile mutt and pass the "--enable-locales-fix" parameter to the
> > configure command.
> I have -LOCALES_HACK, I'll try what you say.

If you're using the mutt deb package, look in
/usr/share/doc/mutt/README.Debian  at the top, there's info on
displaying characters.

I'm using mutt and see accented letters fine...  in /etc/environment ,
I have:


Maybe try that, log back in and restart X.

> Mutt aside, I've dropped out of X to type this.  I'm in Nano
> and will press F5 to insert a file containing the 1/2 character
> and uppercase-accent-E:
> [begin]
> ½É
> [end]
> When I do the same action from within gnome-terminal in X,
> I see ?? instead of the charcters.  How can I overcome that?
> AFAIK these are upper-ASCII, not UTF, chars.
> I cannot paste these upper-ascii characters into gnome-terminal,
> but they seem to work fine in Kate, gedit, and Mozilla.  ??

hmm... I just tried copy-pasting `½É` in gnome-terminal and it works...
hope you get it working.


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Re: Zapping's sound no longer works after a power outage

2002-11-01 Thread Michael Waters
On Fri, Nov 01, 2002 at 23:18 +, Paul Lewis wrote:
> Audio from Zapping has stopped working, all other desktop sounds seem 
> to work fine. Mail arrives, windows open with a whooosh. So I have 
> audio but not through Zapping.
> Anyone suggest where to look?
> Zapping sound configuration is set to /dev/audio
> but I have tried using /dev/dsp

Hi,  have you tried opening up a mixer program like aumix, gmix,
kmix... and see if maybe the line-in volume got messed up with the
power failure.

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Re: Upgrading to a SMP kernel ?

2002-11-05 Thread Michael Waters
On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 00:49 -0900, W.D.McKinney wrote:
> Thanks Nate.
> Does Debian package the whole kernel, headers , etc. like this ?
> Been running SuSE for a long time and I'm moving to Debian.
> Hope these questions are not bugging you :-)

The headers are in package 'kernel-headers'.  kernel-image has the
compiled kernel and modules. There's also kernel-doc and kernel-source.
Try going here and search for 'kernel' and you'll
see the different packages: .

You could also use dselect and see all the available packages.


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compile pan 0.13.2 in testing

2002-11-09 Thread Michael Waters

Has anyone who runs testing been able to successfully compile pan
0.13.x source ?  0.13.1 compiled and ran for me a while back but now
although the build finishes, if I try to run pan, it immediately exits
with a segmentation fault.  I can only guess that something I recently
apt-get upgraded has made a broken pan.  I tried reverting recent
updates to older versions but it didn't help.  It's odd though because
the pan 0.13.0 package in testing works.

Thanks for any help.


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Re: true type fonts

2002-11-09 Thread Michael Waters
On Fri, Nov 08, 2002 at 23:41 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have been trying to setup truetype fonts on my box. I did find good doc
> when
> I searched on google and did follow the instructions to the dot. save for
> the simple fact that /usr/local/share/fonts/truetype is a link to
> /usr/share/fints/ttfonts 
> I am not sure as to how to verify if all the fonts are working. xset q 
> shows /usr/share/fonts/ttfonts so I guess it there in the path. 
> and /XF86Config-4 does have /usr/share/fonts/ttfonts as the first line in
> the fontpath 
> But how do I verfiy if the applications are are actually able use these
> fonts. I did not check the list of fonts before installing the ttf fonts
> from Windows 98 fonts dir, so I am cannot compare to know what was there and
> what is there now. 

Hi, are you referring to this: ?  There's a lot of
stuff there about adding your own fonts and stuff but all I did was
install msttcorefonts and xfs.  Then add a couple lines to
/etc/X11/fs/config so that the 'catalogue' section looks something like:

catalogue = /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc/,

then restart xfs.

The new fonts should appear as available in any font choice dialogue
such as to configure mozilla or konqueror.

> Another trivial question how to do I universal copy paste enabled in KDE
> that is copying pasting between different applications. 
> Like I try to copy the urls from konquerer to mozilla or i copy a message
> that i recieved in yahoo messenger to kword and stuff. 

I just leftclick highlight / middleclick paste.  It doesn't work perfectly
all the time in every application though.

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Re: true type fonts

2002-11-09 Thread Michael Waters
On Sat, Nov 09, 2002 at 03:22 -0500, Michael Waters wrote:
> Hi, are you referring to this:
> ?  There's a lot of
> stuff there about adding your own fonts and stuff but all I did was
> install msttcorefonts and xfs.  Then add a couple lines to
> /etc/X11/fs/config so that the 'catalogue' section looks something like:
> ...

...oops I forgot - if you install xfs, you'll need to edit the "Files"
section of XF86Config-4.  Here's an example:

Section "Files"
FontPath"unix/:7100"  # local font server
# if the local font server has problems, we can fall back on these

actually, it'll probably tell you what to do when you install it.  :)

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Re: dockable apps for icewm?

2002-11-09 Thread Michael Waters
On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 18:00 +0100, Jens Grivolla wrote:
> I have been using Icewm with a nice and lean theme for quite a while
> now and find it very nice.  However, I have been unable to find any
> applications that would dock in the taskbar (except for the network,
> mail, and APM monitors that come with it).  There seem to be tons of
> applets out there for Gnome, Windowmaker, or KDE, but none for
> Icewm. :-(
> The things I would really like to have are:
> - ICQ (possibly a licq frontend)
> - an ACPI monitor
> - a keymap selector
> Does anybody know of such applets?
> If those do not exist, it might be easy to adapt existing applets to
> make them icewm-compatible.  Does anybody have any experience with
> icewm-programming and could point me to some documentation on this (I
> will be looking for it myself but haven't got around to do so yet).

I've never tried it but there's this: .

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Re: dockable apps for icewm?

2002-11-09 Thread Michael Waters
> I've never tried it but there's this:
> .

Or you could run just the gnome-panel (not gnome) on an edge of the
screen where the taskbar is not and add applets that you want to it. 
The panel binary is named just 'panel'.  :)

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Re: compile pan 0.13.2 in testing

2002-11-10 Thread Michael Waters
On Sat, Nov 09, 2002 at 03:02 -0500, Michael Waters wrote:
> Has anyone who runs testing been able to successfully compile pan
> 0.13.x source ?  0.13.1 compiled and ran for me a while back but now
> although the build finishes, if I try to run pan, it immediately exits
> with a segmentation fault.  I can only guess that something I recently
> apt-get upgraded has made a broken pan.  I tried reverting recent
> updates to older versions but it didn't help.  It's odd though because
> the pan 0.13.0 package in testing works.

Well I guess I'm having conversations with myself. :)  I can't figure
it out and the version in unstable also segfaults on startup.  I got
one of the rpms on the pan page, used alien, and it works.  go figure.
If anyone knows the explanation, please tell me.  :)

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Re: compile pan 0.13.2 in testing

2002-11-12 Thread Michael Waters
On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 20:10 +1100, Rob Weir wrote:
> The 0.13.1 version you bulit from source segfaults on start?  Have you
> tried the Debian version?

Hi,  0.13.1 in unstable or from source segfaults for me, however 0.13.0
in testing works.

> > I can only guess that something I recently
> > apt-get upgraded has made a broken pan.  I tried reverting recent
> > updates to older versions but it didn't help.  It's odd though because
> > the pan 0.13.0 package in testing works.
> Maybe pull the source from sid and bulid it locally?  If that doesn't
> work, then report it to the BTS (

I got an rpm of 0.13.2 from the pan page and installed with alien. 
It's working fine.  When 0.13.2 gets debianized, maybe I'll give your
suggestion a try.  Thanks.

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Re: (semi-OT) JPG files -> Movie file

2002-11-13 Thread Michael Waters
On Wed, Nov 13, 2002 at 00:39 -0800, nate wrote:
> I am in the process of learning perl, one of my first "real" scripts
> is a script that goes to and grabs the current temp
> and humidity and the radar report for a zip code so I can graph
> it in mrtg( I was wondering
> if there is any way to merge multiple .jpg files to form a sort of
> movie/animation? I think it would be cool to save all the data from
> like the past 500 retrievals(so 500 .JPGs) and make a movie so I
> could see the weather patterns(according to radar) in motion.
> I coulda swore i've seen software to do this in the past, but
> looking at freshmeat I couldn't find anything. and running
> a couple searches in apt-cache(i'm on woody) doesn't turn
> up much either.
> perhaps something to convert to motion jpeg? or mpeg? or avi?
> (would prefer mpeg-1 due to it's portability but i'll take
> anything).

Hi, I've only tried something like this a few times but mencoder which
comes with mplayer can do this.  If you have a bunch of jpgs in a dir
you could do  `mencoder \*.jpg -mf on:fps=3 -o output.avi -ovc lavc`
and it will make a video of it.  i'm not absolutely sure but I think
mencoder can output only to an avi container, however it can contain
video in mjpeg, mpeg1, or avi.

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Re: What's an X2 modem?

2002-11-13 Thread Michael Waters
On Wed, Nov 13, 2002 at 09:53 -0200, andrej hocevar wrote:
> recently, someone's gave me an older internal USR V.90 modem,
> supposed to work at 56k. However, all I got were speeds at about
> 33k. That was when I noticed the modem uses some X2 technology. 
> Can I make such a modem useful? I've read some sites saying it
> depends on the ISP -- so does it mean mine doesn't support it or are
> X2 modems simply out of fashion? Is there any software I lack to
> make full use of the modem?

whoa, this is a while back but I believe before they standardized on
v90 56k there was x2 and flex? 56k standards.  Not sure about this but
if the isp has USR or USR compatible 56k modems then you could
conceivably get more than 33k, if not, then not.  I would try to see if
you can update the firmware or bios or whatever it's called for your
modem. Maybe this would make it workable with v90.  Maybe at 3com's
site somewhere.

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Re: gtreetop

2002-12-03 Thread Michael Waters
On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 15:44 +0700, Oki DZ wrote:
> gtop displays on a GUI what top can do (and more).
> I'm looking for "gtreetop"; the one that does something like pstree. In
> pstree, it is pretty simple to get the topmost pid of a particular parent
> process. Please tell me where I can download such program, if there's
> any...

I like qps.

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Re: Shell based text editor for writing prose

2003-04-02 Thread Michael Waters
On Thu, Apr 03, 2003 at 12:02 +1000, Joyce, Matthew wrote:
> I tried many editors, I found them all crap.
> What I wanted was a port of Edit which came with MSDos6.  Alas there is non.
> I did try using RHIDE, a programming IDE, for a while, ok as a text editor.
> These days I just use Touch to create a file and then Midnight Commander's
> built in editor.

If you haven't already tried it, you might like fte/sfte.


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Re: many packages need to be upgraded

2002-12-15 Thread Michael Waters
On Mon, Dec 16, 2002 at 02:04 +, Colin Watson wrote:
> In the case of gcc-2.95:
> gcc-2.95 (2.95.4.ds13-11woody1) stable; urgency=low
>   * Upload to woody-proposed-updates:
> - Fix profiling for arm.
> - Fix internal compiler errors on s390.
> - Update Pascal release candidate 7 to final release.
> - Build the protoize-2.95 package again just in case that somebody
>   relies on the protoize-2.95 and unprotoize-2.95 binaries.
> - No other changes to other compilers and architectures.
>  -- Matthias Klose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Fri, 13 Sep 2002 23:58:04 +0200

Is there a way of showing this info for upgraded packages before
downloading them?


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md5sum & cmp don't work on wav & avi files

2003-01-14 Thread Michael Waters

I was stress testing an old P233 that I just got when I discovered that
md5sum, cmp, and cksum don't seem to work on particular wav & avi
files.  Does anyone know anything about this?  

If I use md5sum several times on the same particular file, I get
differing sums.  If I copy the file to a different drive or partition
and use cmp, cmp reports differences.

The file here exhibits this for me: .

Am I going crazy or do I have bad hardware?  I can't seem to find any
info in search engines.  Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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Re: md5sum & cmp don't work on wav & avi files

2003-01-15 Thread Michael Waters
On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 22:14 -0800, nate wrote:
> sounds like it could be bad hardware. I've never had such a thing happen.
> I tried downloading that WAV file and copied it to 4 different places
> (2 local partitions and 2 NFS partitions located on different systems) and
> the md5sum remained the same for all.
> maybe bad ram..or something, not sure

On Wed, Jan 15, 2003 at 00:54 -0600, Alex Malinovich wrote:
> 3 different file systems here, 2 different machines, same md5sum and no
> differences reported by cmp. I'd guess it's a bad drive or possibly bad
> RAM.

I ran memtest86 and you're both right... bad ram. :(  memtest found bad
ram in test 5 not on the old machine but on a newer machine that I
didn't suspect.  I've been running this machine for a while without any
obvious problems so it's surprising to me...  installed debian and
compiled kernels without problems...

Should I be thinking of reinstalling from scratch after replacing the
ram?  :( Is there a way of checking md5sums of installed debs?


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Re: md5sum & cmp don't work on wav & avi files

2003-01-16 Thread Michael Waters
On Wed, Jan 15, 2003 at 17:22 +, Colin Watson wrote:
> > Should I be thinking of reinstalling from scratch after replacing the
> > ram?  :(
> Shouldn't be necessary, although you may have to reinstall a few
> packages if they turn out to have been broken ...
> > Is there a way of checking md5sums of installed debs?
> Yes, try debsums. Not all packages come with md5sums, but the majority
> do.

Thank you, I used it and it found no mismatches with any binary
files... only a few config files that I must have edited at some point. 
Thank you Colin, nate, and Alex.  :)


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Re: Kmix: mixer cannot be found

2004-12-06 Thread Michael Waters
On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 09:20 +0800, Lian Liming wrote:
> Hi all,
>I am using kde and my sound card can work under the kde environment. 
> I can use xmms or mplayer to play music or video. I can also heard the 
> sound of kde startup.
>But when i want to use kmix to control the volume, it reports "mixer 
> cannot be found".
>I don't know what is the relation between sound card and mixer. I 
> wonder why my sound card can work well with that mixer cannot be found.

Hi, are you able to use another mixer program like aumix or gnome
mixer?  You could try changing the config for kmix and try /dev/mixer ,
/dev/mixer1 ...


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mozilla window position

2005-01-06 Thread Michael Waters

I upgraded mozilla in unstable from 1.7.3 to 1.7.5 and now it doesn't
remember its previous window position.  Does anyone know an option to
force a position such as -geometry or --geometry= ?  I've tried those as
well as searching through about:config and trying lines such as below in

Gecko.geometry: =966x966+0+0
Mozilla-bin.geometry: =966x966+0+0

The manpage has '-height' and '-width' but those don't seem to have any
effect.  I use icewm.  Does anyone know how to fix this for mozilla or


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Re: mozilla window position

2005-01-06 Thread Michael Waters
On Thu, 06 Jan 2005 03:40 -0500, Michael Waters wrote:
> I upgraded mozilla in unstable from 1.7.3 to 1.7.5 and now it doesn't
> remember its previous window position.  Does anyone know an option to
> force a position such as -geometry or --geometry= ?  I've tried those as
> well as searching through about:config and trying lines such as below in
> ~/.Xresources.
> Gecko.geometry: =966x966+0+0
> Mozilla-bin.geometry: =966x966+0+0
> The manpage has '-height' and '-width' but those don't seem to have any
> effect.  I use icewm.  Does anyone know how to fix this for mozilla or
> firefox?

There doesn't seem to be a way to pass mozilla any window position
options.  But if anyone is using icewm and has this problem, I found the
lines below will work in ~/.icewm/winoptions.

Mozilla-bin.geometry: 966x966+0+0
Firefox-bin.geometry: 966x966+0+0


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Sandisk sddr-75 CF/SM usb reader problems

2003-07-27 Thread Michael Waters
Hi list,

I can't get this usb reader to work at all with a smartmedia card (i
don't have a compact flash card to test) although searching on the web
suggests that the sddr-75 is a standard USB Mass Storage device and
there are reports that it works in linux.

I've followed the suggestions here:

I'm using the debian supplied kernel-image 2.4.21-3-k7 with sid as well
as a self-complied 2.4.21 and also tried versions of 2.4.20 & 2.4.19.

To load the usb modules, in a boot-up script, I have:

modprobe usbcore
modprobe usb-uhci
modprobe usb-storage
mount -t usbdevfs none /proc/bus/usb

Instead of doing this, I've also tried using hotplug and usbmgr as well
as loading the modules in /etc/modules.

`mount -t vfat /dev/sd[a,b] /mnt/flash/`  gives:
mount: /dev/sd[a,b] is not a valid block device

I think the problem may be that sg is not mapping the reader slots to
/dev/sda and /dev/sdb. When I do `sg_map`, I get:  (scd0 is a cdrw)

/dev/sg0  /dev/scd0

Does anyone know how to get /dev/sg2 mapped to /dev/sdb?  

I bought the reader because I was having similar problems with my
camera. It's an Olympus D-510.  I didn't use it for a while but I had
it working fine in linux last year with an earlier 2.4 kernel.

I'd really appreciate any help as this has been driving me nuts for a
few days.  :)  I've included more info below in case it's useful.

Thank you,


parts of lsmod:  

Module  Size  Used byNot tainted
st 28636   0  (autoclean) (unused)
sr_mod 14552   0  (autoclean)
sg 32252   0  (autoclean)
usb-storage67520   0 
usb-uhci   23312   0  (unused)
usbcore62604   1  [usb-storage usb-uhci]
vfat   10604   1  (autoclean)
fat32088   0  (autoclean) [vfat]
ide-scsi   10288   0
scsi_mod   94176   6  [st sr_mod sg usb-storage ide-scsi]
ide-cd 32128   0

cat /proc/scsi/scsi:

Attached devices: 
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
  Vendor: LITE-ON  Model: LTR-52246S   Rev: 6S0C
  Type:   CD-ROM   ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
  Vendor: SanDisk  Model: ImageMate CF-SM  Rev: 0100
  Type:   Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 02
Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 01
  Vendor: SanDisk  Model: ImageMate CF-SM  Rev: 0100
  Type:   Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 02

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Re: Sandisk sddr-75 CF/SM usb reader problems

2003-07-27 Thread Michael Waters
On Sun, Jul 27, 2003 at 18:03 -0400, Neal Lippman wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-07-27 at 16:38, Michael Waters wrote:
> > I think the problem may be that sg is not mapping the reader slots to
> > /dev/sda and /dev/sdb. When I do `sg_map`, I get:  (scd0 is a cdrw)
> > 
> > /dev/sg0  /dev/scd0
> > /dev/sg1
> > /dev/sg2
> > 
> > Does anyone know how to get /dev/sg2 mapped to /dev/sdb?  
> > 
> > I bought the reader because I was having similar problems with my
> > camera. It's an Olympus D-510.  I didn't use it for a while but I had
> > it working fine in linux last year with an earlier 2.4 kernel.
> >

Hi, thank you for replying.

>   The output for sg_map indicates that the sg1 and sg2 device are not
> being detected as disk drivers, tape drives, or cdroms. I'm not sure why
> that is the case at this point.

yes, this is driving me nuts. :)

>   Two questions:
> 1. Are you certain that the USB ports on your computer work - since you
> indicate problems accessing your camera directly as a usb device as
> well. 

I'm fairly sure the usb ports are not defective. I've got only three
usb devices to test but all work fine if I use windoze 98. :( My
printer (epson c60) works fine in debian as well.

> 2. It would be helpful to unplug the media reader, plug it back in, and
> see what messages, if any, the usb-storage module generates in the
> system message buffer (use dmesg to see this or cat /var/log/syslog).

This is what I get in syslog:

Jul 27 18:01:59 bach kernel: usb.c: USB disconnect on device 00:10.0-2 address 6
Jul 27 18:02:03 bach kernel: hub.c: new USB device 00:10.0-2, assigned address 7
Jul 27 18:02:03 bach kernel: WARNING: USB Mass Storage data integrity not assure
Jul 27 18:02:03 bach kernel: USB Mass Storage device found at 7

Thank you for your help.


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Re: Sandisk sddr-75 CF/SM usb reader problems

2003-07-27 Thread Michael Waters
On Mon, Jul 28, 2003 at 00:23 +0200, Florian Ernst wrote:

> > `mount -t vfat /dev/sd[a,b] /mnt/flash/`  gives:
> > mount: /dev/sd[a,b] is not a valid block device
> > 
> > [...]
> > 
> > I bought the reader because I was having similar problems with my
> > camera. It's an Olympus D-510.  I didn't use it for a while but I
> > had it working fine in linux last year with an earlier 2.4 kernel.
> Did you try to mount a specific partition on the cam and the reader
> instead of the whole device, ie. 'mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/flash/'?

Yes, I should have said so. I've tried /dev/sda1, sda2, 3, ... &
/dev/sdb1, 2, ... many, many, times.  :)

> It is reported to work like that without any problems and it does work
> here with a Olympus C-220 (which actually needed a patch, but that's
> a different story)...

I had my camera (olympus D-510) working last year but now I've got
problems as described before with it and the sandisk SDDR-75 reader. :(


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Re: Sandisk sddr-75 CF/SM usb reader problems

2003-07-28 Thread Michael Waters
On Mon, Jul 28, 2003 at 09:52 +0200, Florian Ernst wrote:
> Neal accidentally sent this message to me instead of to the list...
> ,[ Neil Lippman's message ]
> | >
> | > Did you try to mount a specific partition on the cam and the
> reader
> | > instead of the whole device, ie. 'mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/flash/'?
> | 
> |   A good point, which I missed in your original posting - you need to
> | include the partition on the drive, which is (as far as I can tell)
> | always partition 1 - so you need to access /dev/sda1 or /dev/sdb1.
> | However, sg_map should show you which sd[ab] each of sg[123] maps to
> |  if the devices are being correctly recognized by
> |  something still seems amiss.

Hi, yes I've tried /dev/sda1 as well as /dev/sdb1 but I still get:

mount: /dev/sdb1 is not a valid block device

Any other ideas...  anyone?  I'm stumped.

Thank you,

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Re: Sandisk sddr-75 CF/SM usb reader problems

2003-07-28 Thread Michael Waters
On Tue, Jul 29, 2003, Andrew McGuinness wrote:
> I had endless trouble setting up my SmartMedia reader.  The key problem
> was...
> I was putting the SmartMedia card in the wrong way up!
> I spent about a day messing about with /dev/sda, /dev/sda1, mount -t
> msdos, this variable, that variable, but when I got really desperate and
> turned the card contact side down, it worked (with /dev/sda1, incidentally).
> Just a suggestion...

Hi, thanks for the suggestion. I've been putting the card in the right
way with the contact side down.  For kicks, I just tried with contact
side up. ...doesn't work the wrong way either.  :)


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Re: Can't Keep Kernel Log Messages From Console

2003-07-29 Thread Michael Waters
On Mon, Jul 28, 2003, Brian White wrote:
> I've been trying to stop kernel log messages (generally from iptables)
> from going to the console, and thus making the console unusable for login.
> I've tried different things, but they just keep popping up.
> I have "iptables" lines like:
>   iptables -A WATCH -m limit -j LOG --log-level warn --log-prefix ACCEPT-
> and those message always appear on the console -- nothing else; just these
> messages.  I've attached the "syslog.conf" file for more information.  Any
> help is appreciated!  Thanks!

One way is to add `kernel.printk = 1 4 1 7` to /etc/sysctl.conf.


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Re: Network card not detected or listed in installation

2003-07-29 Thread Michael Waters
On Tue, Jul 29, 2003, ThinKer wrote:
> Ok.. I have the disks partitioned and mounted.  I am ready to install
> the base system, but when I installed the kernel and driver modules, my
> network card was not detected. I then went to configure device driver
> modules and selected 'net' for Drivers for network interface cards, and
> my card is not listed. 
> When I choose 'dummy' as a generic substitute I get a 'installation
> successful' message, but I still am not served an ip from my dhcp
> server.
> When I try to manually enter the IP address, domain, gateway, and dns,
> the machine can't find 
> which is where the install files are supposed to be.
> Someone please tell me what I am doing wrong (this time).
> Network Card
> Netgear Fa311 10/100 NIC (PCI)

I haven't used this NIC but it appears to use the module "natsemi". 
I'd try to load that and see if it talks to your card... and then set
up the network as you tried above.


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Re: Sandisk sddr-75 CF/SM usb reader problems

2003-07-29 Thread Michael Waters
On Tue, Jul 29, 2003, Andrew McGuinness wrote:
> Michael Waters wrote:
> | Hi list,
> |
> | I can't get this usb reader to work at all with a smartmedia card (i
> | don't have a compact flash card to test) although searching on the web
> | suggests that the sddr-75 is a standard USB Mass Storage device and
> | there are reports that it works in linux.
> |
> I had endless trouble setting up my SmartMedia reader.  The key problem
> was...
> I was putting the SmartMedia card in the wrong way up!
> I spent about a day messing about with /dev/sda, /dev/sda1, mount -t
> msdos, this variable, that variable, but when I got really desperate and
> turned the card contact side down, it worked (with /dev/sda1, incidentally).
> Just a suggestion...

Hi again, is your reader the same model, SDDR-75?  Do you use hotplug,
usbmgr, or a different way of loading the usb modules?  What is your
motherboard?  I'm about ready to give up and maybe try getting a
different card reader...

Thank you,

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Re: Can't Keep Kernel Log Messages From Console

2003-07-29 Thread Michael Waters
On Tue, Jul 29, 2003, Brian White wrote:
> > > I've been trying to stop kernel log messages (generally from iptables)
> > > from going to the console, and thus making the console unusable for login.
> > > I've tried different things, but they just keep popping up.
> > >
> > > I have "iptables" lines like:
> > >
> > >   iptables -A WATCH -m limit -j LOG --log-level warn --log-prefix ACCEPT-
> > >
> > > and those message always appear on the console -- nothing else; just these
> > > messages.  I've attached the "syslog.conf" file for more information.  Any
> > > help is appreciated!  Thanks!
> > 
> > One way is to add `kernel.printk = 1 4 1 7` to /etc/sysctl.conf.
> This sounds like the best way, but I can't find any documentation on what
> the four numbers mean.  Do you have a reference?

It's in the kernel source in
/usr/src/linux/Documentation/sysctl/kernel.txt  or 
/usr/src/linux/Documentation/proc.txt in older kernels.

> Other things suggested (but not posted to the list were):
>  - add "-c 4" to KLOGD in /etc/init.d/klogd
>  - echo 4 >/proc/sys/kernel/printk

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Re: Sandisk sddr-75 CF/SM usb reader problems

2003-07-29 Thread Michael Waters
On Tue, Jul 29, 2003, Neal Lippman wrote:
> can you post the output of:
> 1) ls -l /dev/sd*
> and
> 2) cat /proc/devices

Hi, thank you again for trying to help me. I appreciate it.  Below is
the output.  I apologize to the list for the size of this email but I
hope someone can see something amiss...

# cat /proc/devices
Character devices:
  1 mem
  2 pty/m%d
  3 pty/s%d
  4 tts/%d
  5 cua/%d
  6 lp
  7 vcs
 10 misc
 14 sound
 29 fb
128 ptm
136 pts/%d
162 raw
180 usb
226 drm

Block devices:
  1 ramdisk
  3 ide0
 22 ide1

# ls -l /dev/sd*
brw-rw1 root disk   8,   0 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda
brw-rw1 root disk   8,   1 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda1
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  10 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda10
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  11 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda11
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  12 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda12
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  13 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda13
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  14 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda14
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  15 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda15
brw-rw1 root disk   8,   2 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda2
brw-rw1 root disk   8,   3 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda3
brw-rw1 root disk   8,   4 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda4
brw-rw1 root disk   8,   5 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda5
brw-rw1 root disk   8,   6 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda6
brw-rw1 root disk   8,   7 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda7
brw-rw1 root disk   8,   8 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda8
brw-rw1 root disk   8,   9 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sda9
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  16 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  17 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb1
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  26 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb10
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  27 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb11
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  28 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb12
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  29 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb13
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  30 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb14
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  31 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb15
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  18 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb2
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  19 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb3
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  20 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb4
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  21 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb5
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  22 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb6
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  23 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb7
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  24 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb8
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  25 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdb9
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  32 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdc
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  33 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdc1
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  42 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdc10
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  43 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdc11
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  44 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdc12
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  45 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdc13
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  46 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdc14
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  47 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdc15
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  34 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdc2
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  35 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdc3
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  36 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdc4
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  37 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdc5
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  38 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdc6
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  39 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdc7
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  40 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdc8
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  41 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdc9
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  48 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdd
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  49 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdd1
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  58 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdd10
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  59 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdd11
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  60 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdd12
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  61 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdd13
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  62 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdd14
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  63 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdd15
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  50 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdd2
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  51 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdd3
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  52 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdd4
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  53 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdd5
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  54 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdd6
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  55 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdd7
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  56 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdd8
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  57 Jul 27 02:51 /dev/sdd9
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  64 Apr 14  2001 /dev/sde
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  65 Apr 14  2001 /dev/sde1
brw-rw1 root disk   8,  74 Apr 14  2001 /dev/sde10

Re: Sandisk sddr-75 CF/SM usb reader problems [solved]

2003-07-31 Thread Michael Waters

it works!!!  Thank you so much Neal, thank you, thank you, thank you.  I
had given up hope. :)

On Wed, Jul 30, 2003, Neal Lippman wrote:
> OK, here's what I notice: in /dev, your /dev/sd* device entries are
> correctly set up with block major device number 8, as is the case for
> the first (I think) 33 scsi disk devices.
> The output of /proc/devices, however, does not show that you have a
> block major device 8 entry, which should show the "sd" driver.
> My system's output for the same two commands does indeed show block
> major 8 as a device in /proc/devices, with sd as the driver - so I would
> surmise that this is your problem and why the devices don't seem to
> exist. When you try to mount /dev/sda1, the kernel should be looking
> for  driver registered to handled block major 8, but there isn't one.
> A harder question is WHY you don't have one. On my system, it appears
> that scsi disk support is built into the kernel - because I haven't
> loaded sd.o as a module and no such module appears in
> /lib/modules/2.4.18.../kernel/drivers/scsi.

I couldn't find an sd.o anywhere but browsing around in
/lib/modules/2.4.21.../kernel/drivers/scsi , I saw sd_mod.o . I tried
`modprobe sd_mod`, now I can use the reader. :)  I've added sd_mod to
/etc/modules.  I guess the kernel I was using last year when I had no
troubles with my camera must have had this compiled in; I don't
remember changing /etc/modules at all.

> You need to verify that on your system, with whatever kernel you are
> running, that either a) scsi disk support is compiled into the kernel,
> or b) if it is built as a module, you are loading the module (eg by
> putting this entry into /etc/modules or by whatever other mechanism you
> prefer.
> While the kernel does dynamically locate and load some modules as needed
> based on system calls, I don't know if the scsi subsystem or mount
> subsystem does that for the scsi disk drivers; maybe someone on the list
> has delved into that aspect of the kernel code and can help here. My
> guess would be "no".

Thank you again, it's really made my day to get this finally working. 


Just in case someone with similar trouble reads this in the future, the
necessary modules appear to be:

usb-uhci (or I guess usb-ohci or usb_ehci depending on the motherboard)

the output of `mount` should show:
none on /proc/bus/usb type usbdevfs (rw)

/dev/sg0  /dev/scd0
/dev/sg1  /dev/sda   (this particular reader has 2 slots)
/dev/sg2  /dev/sdb

# cat /proc/devices 
Character devices:
  1 mem
  2 pty/m%d
  3 pty/s%d
  4 tts/%d
  5 cua/%d
  6 lp
  7 vcs
 10 misc
 14 sound
 21 sg
 29 fb
128 ptm
136 pts/%d
162 raw
180 usb
226 drm

Block devices:
  1 ramdisk
  3 ide0
  8 sd
 11 sr
 22 ide1
 65 sd
 66 sd

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Re: kernel 2.4.27 doesn't set dma

2004-08-26 Thread Michael Waters
On Mon, 23 Aug 2004 13:01 +0300, Alexei Chetroi wrote:
>   I've recently upgraded to kernel 2.4.27 and noticed that my disk
> doesn't use dma, though it was instructed to do so by hdparm. cat
> /proc/pci shows me
>   Bus  0, device  31, function  1:
>   IDE interface: Intel Corp. 82801BA IDE U100 (rev 18).
>   I/O at 0xfc00 [0xfc0f].
> and on previous versions I've used module piix.o for this chipset. But
> on 2.4.27 piix gets loaded but is unused, which is strange.
> /proc/ide/piix isn't created either on module load with 2.4.27. Does
> anybody had same problems? Any hints?

I have the same problem.  I've tried putting piix and ide-detect in
/etc/modules but no success.  Please tell me if you find a solution. 
I switched back to the latest 2.4.26 deb package which works fine for
me  :(


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Re: rip VCD audio

2004-03-06 Thread Michael Waters
On Sun, 07 Mar 2004 00:59 +0800, Uwe Dippel wrote:
> Bought a VCD, where I am only interested in the sound. 
> I can play it (xine), but have no good clue how to rip the audio only; to
> MP3 on debian.
> I tried google, without much success. Also apt-cache search didn't come up
> with a convincing entry.

mplayer should be able to dump a wav file...

mplayer vcd://2 -vc dummy -vo null -ao pcm -aofile audio.wav

lame audio.wav audio.mp3


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Re: "Yahoo briefcase"-like app?

2004-03-08 Thread Michael Waters
On Mon, 08 Mar 2004 15:52 -0800, Vineet Kumar wrote:
> Does anyone know of a web application that provides "Yahoo
> Briefcase"-like functionality for authenticated users?
> Basically, this is a general-purpose storage space to allow
> putting and getting files via a web frontend.
> The ability to use this from any computer with just a web
> browser (no requirements on scp/ftp clients, for example) is
> a must.  Imagine it must be usable from a cybercafe, for
> example, where software installation is impossible, ftp/scp
> is probably not available, but there is a web browser.
> Is anybody aware of any free software packages that provide
> something like this?  Failing that, any recommendations for
> packages that do something close to this, that I could hack
> in the particulars with minial effort?

There's this: .  It's packaged as
libapache-mod-dav .  I've never tried it :) but I was once looking for
the kind of thing you describe and came across it.  ...never got around
to trying it though...


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Re: xsetwacom parameter question

2006-10-28 Thread Michael Waters
On Sat, 28 Oct 2006 09:13 -0400, Thomas H. George wrote:
> I have tried changing the Motion_Buffer from 256 to 0 with xsetwacom set 
> cursor Motion_Buffer 0.   Result: Motion_Buffer is an unknown parameter.
> My object is to correct the following problem resulting from the move 
> from Sarge to testing:
> Now my Wacom Graphire 4 mouse moves in fits and starts. It worked 
> smoothly before the upgrade.  The upgrade was from Debian Sarge with a 
> 2.6.11 kernel to Debian testing with a 2.6.17 kernel built from 
> linux-source-2.6.17 with the same .config I used to build the 2.6.11 
> kernel.

Sorry I don't have an answer.  But I just got the same tablet and the
mouse behaves as you describe.  I'm using etch so I've never experienced
the mouse working right...  I haven't tried to fix it really because I'm
trying to use the pen as a mouse substitute and I have another mouse
attached if I really need it.  But please let me know if you find a


> The only difference I can find is in the output of xinput list from my 
> computer (testing, 2.6.17 kernel) and a neighboring computer (testing, 
> 2.6.15 kernel, Wacom Graphire 4 mouse working perfectly). The values are 
> identical except for the value of Motion_Buffer which is 256 for my 
> computer with a jerky mouse movement and 0 for the neighboring computer 
> with a smooth mouse movement. 
> Have I correctly identified the problem? If so, how do I correct it?
> Note: I have also posted this question to a Sourceforge forum but as yet 
> have received no replies.
> Tom

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Re: Problem: wacom - Partial Sol'n

2006-10-28 Thread Michael Waters
On Wed, 25 Oct 2006 15:31 -0400, Thomas H. George wrote:
> I forgot that I had encountered a problem when I first attached the
> wacom pad which I ultimately solved by editing the xorg.conf file to add
> the following sections:
> Section "InputDevice"
>   Identifier  "stylus"
>   Driver  "wacom"
>   Option  "Device""/dev/input/wacom"
>   Option  "type"  "stylus"
>   Option  "USB"   "on"
> EndSection
> Section "InputDevice"
>   Identifier  "eraser"
>   Driver  "wacom"
>   Option  "Device""/dev/input/wacom"
>   Option  "type"  "eraser"
>   Option  "USB"   "on"
> EndSection
> Section "InputDevice"
>   Identifier  "cursor"
>   Driver  "wacom"
>   Option  "Device""/dev/input/wacom"
>   Option  "type"  "cursor"
>   Option  "USB"   "on"
> EndSection
> Section "InputDevice"
>   Identifier  "pad"
>   Driver  "wacom"
>   Option  "Device""/dev/input/event0"
>   Option  "type"  "pad"
>   Option  "USB"   "on"
> EndSection
> and added the following lines in the Section "Server Layout":
>   InputDevice "stylus""SendCoreEvents"
>   InputDevice "eraser""SendCoreEvents"
>   InputDevice "cursor""SendCoreEvents"
>   InputDevice "pad"
> With these changes the pad is working again but with a time delay when
> moving the cursor.  The module evdev is loaded but there must be some
> other configuration which I have overlooked.  Still searching.

hmmm, I don't see a time delay with the cursor... my set up is pretty
much like yours except I have 
Option  "Device""/dev/input/wacom"

for "pad" and I'm using the debian packaged kernel 2.6.16-2-k7.

In my case, xorg was not loading 
/usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/ complained about a version mismatch or something.  I got
linuxwacom-0.7.6-1.tar.bz2 from ,
compiled it and replaced /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/ (I
know it's probably not the "right" way to do fix that) and then it works
except for the mouse problem you've described in your other email.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Trouble browsing secure web sites (

2006-11-12 Thread Michael Waters
On Sun, 12 Nov 2006 18:38 -0800, Alan Ianson wrote:
> On Sun November 12 2006 17:54, Douglas Tutty wrote:
> > On Sun, Nov 12, 2006 at 04:53:52PM -0800, Alan Ianson wrote:
> > > Hello List,
> > >
> > > I am having trouble browsing my banks web site to do online banking. I
> > > can log into the site but web pages don't seem to load up in the browser.
> > > This is only the case when running testing or unstable, I can navigate
> > > the site just fine with sarge.
> > >
> > > This has been the case since shortly after the release of sarge last
> > > year, I could never use the site with testing or unstable. It's been my
> > > hope that it would clear up before the release of etch as stable, but now
> > > I wonder if it will since the scheduled release of etch is only a month
> > > or so away.
> >
> > I've installed Etch amd64 and used both firefox and galeon in https with
> > no difficulties.  However, I haven't tried scotia's website.  That
> > computer is off right now or I would try it.
> That's what I have too. I've tried every browser at one time or another and 
> so 
> far it just doesn't go.
> > Can you access any other https sites?  I know that I can access ebay,
> > try that.  If you don't have an account, click register.  It will give
> > you a form in https.  If you get the form, then it works.
> I Only use a couple like gmail and ebay and I've never had a problem.
> > Try running the bowser from an xterm (or rxvt) and see if your browser
> > issues any error messages.
> I just ran konqueror from konsole and saw no errors. It did load up the first 
> page OK but when I tried to look at my account details it doesn't work again. 
> I can see my modem lights flash so something is happening but nothing shows 
> in my browser window.

Have you tried spoofing the user-agent as IE in Konqueror?  In konq
settings -> Browser Identification, it gives you choices of fake IDs
including ones for IE.  I think there's an extension for firefox that
does the same thing.  Have you tried allowing all popups from the site?
Maybe it's trying to open a new window when you login.

If you can't get it to work, I guess you could run IE in qemu or
vmware...  and complain to your bank or switch banks. :)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Trouble browsing secure web sites (

2006-11-12 Thread Michael Waters
On Sun, 12 Nov 2006 19:38 -0800, Alan Ianson wrote:
> I did change the user agent an hour or two ago to IE6 & Windows/XP just to 
> see 
> and it didn't make a difference.
> The site doesn't use pop-ups either. I just loaded the site with firefox and 
> after a few minutes of being patient as I can and reloading the page multiple 
> times I did get a look at my account details page. I might be able to go 
> further if I was patient enough. I hate to think what could happen if I am 
> paying bills and reloading the page multiple times.
> > If you can't get it to work, I guess you could run IE in qemu or
> > vmware...  and complain to your bank or switch banks. :)
> I have thought of all the above. The answer may be there. :)

shots in the dark:

- do you have a firewall running? have you checked the log during
  connection problems to see if it's blocking the site...

- echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]