Re: Debian GNU/Linux Books

2023-11-12 Thread Marco Moock
Am 12.11.2023 um 01:35:25 Uhr schrieb Timothy M Butterworth:

> I have been looking for commercial books written about Debian and
> there is very little selection. I am considering writing an updated
> Debian GNU/Linux Bible for Bookworm/Trixie. Before I started writing
> it I was wondering if anyone would even be interested in buying a
> copy of it?

I don't think book are a good way to teach stuff that changes. A wiki
(maybe with paid access, like RedHat does) is much more better than a
book that can't be updated and will be mostly useless with the next
release because beginner don't know which parts are still entirely
adaptable and which aren't.

Re: Debian GNU/Linux Books

2023-11-12 Thread Marco Moock
Am 12.11.2023 um 17:56:46 Uhr schrieb Bret Busby:

> I still have my "Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 Bible" and other relevant Linux 
> printed texts.

But how relevant is it still?
Many things changed and especially for beginners those books are
useless today because they don't know what information is still
applicable to current versions.

Re: Debian GNU/Linux Books

2023-11-12 Thread Marco Moock
Am 12.11.2023 um 12:05:30 Uhr schrieb Roger Price:

> Are you saying that I should stop relying on my Dr Linux 4th Ed.
> ©1996 ?  What's going on here ?  Can't trust anything these days.

If you know what information is still applicable today (like using cd,
ls, vi etc.) and which isn't (Sysvinit, classful routing).

Re: Debian GNU/Linux Books

2023-11-12 Thread Marco Moock
Am 12.11.2023 um 06:46:42 Uhr schrieb Dan Ritter:

> sysvinit is still a valid and supported init for Debian.

But people need to know that it isn't by default and that they need to
replace systemd to use switch to sysvinit if they want.

Re: claws-mail

2023-11-12 Thread Marco Moock
Am 13.11.2023 um 04:39:02 Uhr schrieb

> Linux MikesPI 6.1.0-rpi4-rpi-v8 #1 SMP PREEMPT Debian 1:6.1.54-1+rpt2
> (2023-10-05) aarch64 GNU/Linux This install didn't include exim4,
> postfix or anything supplying sendmail and fetchmail won't work
> without an MTA. I've set up several accounts in claws-mail for email
> accounts at and but so far haven't got them right
> to  the point that claws-mail will collect mail from any of those
> accounts via POP mail.

Claws mail directly supports IMAP, POP3, SMTP and NNTP without an MTA
or fetchmail installed.

You also don't need sendmail nor the sendmail command to send mail via
SMTP with Claws Mail.

Re: claws-mail

2023-11-13 Thread Marco Moock
Am 13.11.2023 um 07:09:55 Uhr schrieb Jeffrey Walton:

> It might be a good idea to join the Claws-Mail mailing list. I think
> you will find there is a difference in the level of support for POP3
> and IMAP. There are usually several messages a month about the
> differences.

Can you please tell us more about that?

IIRC both protocols are supported and thus they are different protocols
with different specification, they behave different.

Re: Part II dd copy destroyed DVD

2023-11-18 Thread Marco Moock
Am 18.11.2023 um 15:42:57 Uhr schrieb Schwibinger Michael:

> I put in a "good" DVD.
> dd if=/dev/dvd of=/path/to/dvdcopy.iso
> is working and I can convert the ISO
> But I put in the damaged DVD
> dd cannot start.

What is the error message?

Are you sure the DVD is broken or is it maybe a stupid DRM?

Re: it: perhaps? gmail issues.

2023-11-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 20.11.2023 um 11:22:52 Uhr schrieb Karen Lewellen:

> This morning google began circulating a plan to force standard gmail
> on users still keeping basic html spite of posts on their
> own accessibility list from members around the world experiencing
> disabilities who still need basic html.
> I personally have a great deal of content, for work and otherwise in
> this inbox.
> making it worse for me is that one must solve a captcha to prove 
> yourself, something I physically cannot do.
> so,  thinking of Debian shells or Ubuntu ones, how would you find a
> path to gmail firmly?

I cannot understand why people use Google's web interface when IMAP is
available. They can choose the IMAP software they want and Google
doesn't change the GUI.

Re: no smartd in logwatch

2023-11-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 20.11.2023 um 15:14:51 Uhr schrieb

> if i look in /var/log/syslog i see many entries

What is the name of the entries?

For me it is smartd.

Re: no smartd in logwatch

2023-11-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 20.11.2023 um 17:54:27 Uhr schrieb

> 2023-11-19T07:24:45.772306-06:00 honey smartd[858]: Device: /dev/sdb
> [SAT], SMART Usage Attribute: 194 Temperature_Celsius changed from
> 111 to 112

Looks good. Can you check logwatch for any error messages?

Re: no smartd in logwatch

2023-11-21 Thread Marco Moock
Am 20.11.2023 um 21:56:02 Uhr schrieb

> export LOGWATCH_LOGFILE_LIST='/var/log/daemon.log '
> it seems my bookworm doesn't have a daemon log

Then tune syslog to create that file or let logwatch use another file
that contains the logs.

Re: in Debian bookworm /var/log/syslog is empty

2023-11-21 Thread Marco Moock
Am 21.11.2023 um 05:15:24 Uhr schrieb John Covici:

> hmmm, I looked at the release notes, but it does not say how to
> restore the old behavior, it just says many files are no longer
> necessary and lists them.

Please post you syslog configuration.

Re: Weird MAC address

2023-11-22 Thread Marco Moock
Am 22.11.2023 um 11:29:47 Uhr schrieb Nicolas George:

> As you can see, the server is on the …96.0/22 subnet, i.e. …96-…99,
> but it sees MAC addresses on the 100 and 103 networks.

Are those networks on the same ethernet link?
Are some systems with wrong subnet masks on the link and the router has
gratious ARP enabled?

Re: Weird MAC address

2023-11-22 Thread Marco Moock
Am 22.11.2023 um 11:51:36 Uhr schrieb Marco Moock:

> Are some systems with wrong subnet masks on the link and the router
> has gratious ARP enabled?

Sorry, not gracious-arp, proxy-arp can be responsible for that.

Re: Weird MAC address

2023-11-22 Thread Marco Moock
Am 22.11.2023 um 11:58:55 Uhr schrieb Nicolas George:

> I do not see what the router has to do with anything. Can you
> elaborate what you mean?

Proxy-ARP offers the possibility to answer ARP requests of addresses
outside the own subnet sitting on another ethernet link.
In normal cases that is not needed. It is needed when systems exist
that don't have the same subnet mask - for whatever reason.

It is a niche situation mostly for very old operating systems, so
disable it by default on the router.

> On the server, we never enabled an option to accept ARP information
> that does not come as a reply to a request from the network stack, if
> such an option even exists, so even if such a packet came it should
> not have reached the ARP tables.

I dunno if your system accepts such ARP replies, maybe give it a manual

Re: Weird MAC address

2023-11-22 Thread Marco Moock
Am 22.11.2023 um 12:00:52 Uhr schrieb Nicolas George:

> Thanks for clarifying. But AFAIK, with proxy ARP, the network mask
> covers all the networks covered by the proxy. That is not the case
> here.

Does your Router have a default route?
The it covers

Re: Security vulnerability at curl package: CVE-2023-44487: HTTP/2 Rapid Reset

2023-11-28 Thread Marco Moock
Am 28.11.2023 um 08:56:28 Uhr schrieb Marold Marcus (DC-AE/ESW1):

> I would like to request an upgrade of the curl package (Linux Ubuntu
> Core 22 / Jammy) to Nghttp2 v1.57.0 because of
> CVE-2023-44487:
> HTTP/2 Rapid Reset.

That is the debian user mailing list, not related to Ubuntu.

Debian has curl 8.4.0 included.

Testing and unstable already have nghttp2 1.58.0.
Stable doesn't.

Contact the maintainers (listed on the left) about that.

Re: Troubleshooting PS/2 interface issues?

2023-11-29 Thread Marco Moock
Am 29.11.2023 um 10:55:35 Uhr schrieb Scott Denlinger:

> I'm running Trixie/Sid with a stock 6.5.10 kernel, and I have a
> Centronics Model M keyboard from 1988 (from my very first IBM PC!)
> which I love.

I have an IBM Model M from 1990 directly connected to PS/2.
I have also used it with various USB controllers and those failed many

IIRC the Model M has more power consumption. Can you try both the USB
controller and the PS/2 port of the motherboard with another PS/2 kb?
> I do have a USB keyboard I can use to do some testing. Can I have both
> keyboards plugged in at the same time--the model M in the PS/2 port
> and another USB keyboard connected via USB?

Of course.

Re: Mailing List

2023-12-01 Thread Marco Moock
Am 01.12.2023 um 10:05:02 Uhr schrieb Pocket:

> I get
>   Error: Overload
> On the page

Works perfectly fine for me.

Re: Mailing List

2023-12-01 Thread Marco Moock
Am 01.12.2023 um 15:55:41 Uhr schrieb Joe:

> I received a message timed 22:52 on 28th, the last that day, the next
> three were on 29th at
> 08:39
> 13:14
> 15:55
> then normal flow was resumed, which is typically about 50 messages per
> day.
> So yes, there was a problem.
> Times UTC by the way.

IIRC the amount of messages varies depending on how much people take
part in discussions.

I don't think the current behavior is unusual.

Re: Telnet

2023-12-02 Thread Marco Moock
Am 02.12.2023 um 09:50:00 Uhr schrieb William Torrez Corea:

> sudo telnet
> > Trying
> > Connected to
> > Escape character is '^]'.

That means that the telnet connection was successful

> > Telnet connection from refused.

That means that the remote system closed it.
Check the syslog/journalctl and check how telnet is implemented.
Are tcp-wrappers in inetd used?

Show you inetd config and 
cat /etc/hosts.allow
cat /etc/hosts.deny

Re: Telnet

2023-12-03 Thread Marco Moock
Am 03.12.2023 um 12:06:40 Uhr schrieb Michel Verdier:

> On 2023-12-02, Andy Smith wrote:
> > Can someone examine the list's configuration? This email from 1994
> > seems to have only just been delivered.  
> How do you find 1994? It seems to be a mail from yesterday:

For me it sounded like a joke.

Telnet is unencrypted (although it is possible to run it over TLS to
encrypt it) and SSH exists more than 20 years.

Re: DHCP Problem

2023-12-03 Thread Marco Moock
Am 03.12.2023 um 12:30:53 Uhr schrieb Charles Curley:

> I have changed the DHCP server to use the new router's address, and
> shut the server down and restarted it. Existing clients insist on
> using the old router anyway. Is there any way to goose clients into
> using the new one short of manually using the ip route command?

Did you check with a sniffer that the answer from the DHCP includes the
new router address?
As long as the lease time of the old lease the route may stay in the
routing table.

Re: Telnet

2023-12-04 Thread Marco Moock
Am 04.12.2023 um 09:23:16 Uhr schrieb Nicolas George:

> If you want to test a network protocol, you should use a really
> transparent client. Traditionally people use netcat (nc), but it
> handles EOF approximatively.

ncat also uses ^C to kill the process.

Re: Telnet

2023-12-04 Thread Marco Moock
Am 04.12.2023 um 09:28:30 Uhr schrieb Nicolas George:

> Marco Moock (12023-12-04):
> > ncat also uses ^C to kill the process.  
> No, this effect of ^C is part of the operating system.

Is that really the case?

Other applications like telnet or vi don't care about it, so I
assume(d), it is up to the application to handle it.

Re: Recommended simple PDF viewer to replace Evince

2023-12-04 Thread Marco Moock
Am 04.12.2023 um 19:19:37 Uhr schrieb Paul M Foster:

> Don't think it has a CLI interface. However, I would imagine that
> simply feeding a PDF to the printer should work for printing. I could
> be wrong, though.

IIRC that depends on the printer.

Simply running lpr file.pdf didn't work for my printers.

Re: Recommended simple PDF viewer to replace Evince

2023-12-04 Thread Marco Moock
Am 04.12.2023 um 17:12:28 Uhr schrieb Tom Browder:

> I would like to use another program which is similar but has good
> documentation. I don't need a heavy duty program like LibreOffice,
> Just something for viewing and printing.

Try xpdf, but be aware it doesn't support forms nor other special stuff
in PDF like video.

Re: Fastly error: unknown domain: : Fastly is cdn for Debian.

2023-12-10 Thread Marco Moock
Am 10.12.2023 um 14:38:34 Uhr schrieb Mario Marietto:

> is not
> valid yet (invalid for another 8744d 7h 58min 21s). Updates for this
> repository will not be applied.

Is your date correct on your machine?

Re: EIO error - I/O error

2023-12-11 Thread Marco Moock
Am 11.12.2023 um 15:46:03 Uhr schrieb Rachid Oubelk:

> Please, we are using Debian GNU/Linux 9.13 (stretch) installed on a
> UC-8112-LX controller version 3.4, and it shows the error EIO  ( IO
> error ).

Where does that error message appear?
In which application?

Re: EIO error - I/O error

2023-12-11 Thread Marco Moock
Am 11.12.2023 um 16:39:47 Uhr schrieb Rachid Oubelk:

> We received this message from our software based on the errno utility
> (Linux Errors). The Debian used is installed on a controller that has
> two serial ports (RTU) and two LAN ports (TCP). When we test these
> two serial ports, we notice this error.

Can you connect the serial port to a computer and rund minicom to see
the tty?
Does that work?

Re: lists

2023-12-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 20.12.2023 um 13:39:04 Uhr schrieb Brad Rogers:

> You don't need to be subbed to post to the list.  Of course, you won't
> receive any posts from the list.

He can read that list via Usenet because it is gatewayed to it, 
nobody will block the messages there.

Re: lists

2023-12-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 20.12.2023 um 16:11:05 Uhr schrieb Christoph Brinkhaus:

> I have heard that there is a countermeasure against spam run be big
> mail providers by rejecting the first contact by SMTP and accepting
> the next contact. Most spammers seem to try just once.

Do they reject with 5xx or 4xx?

Re: lists

2023-12-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 20.12.2023 um 11:07:16 Uhr schrieb Pocket:

> Spectrum limits the number of concurrent connections from a sender,
> as well as the total number of connections allowed. Limits vary based
> on the reputation of the IP address. Reduce your number of
> connections and try again later.

You can't fix that until you make your mail provider change those

The operator of the sending MTA for the Debian lists can limit the
amount of connections to spectrum, talk to the postmasters there if you
think the might implement that.

Re: lists

2023-12-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 20.12.2023 um 15:58:48 Uhr schrieb Joe:

> For many years my SMTP server has requested an ident (TCP port 113)
> from outside sending servers. Since nobody now runs ident servers,
> there will be no reply, and my server waits for a timeout of thirty
> seconds before continuing.

Good admins don't use DROP in firewalls, so either you get a TCP RST
(because no application listens on that port) or a ICMP administratively
prohibited, so your server knows that no identd runs there and can

Re: lists

2023-12-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 20.12.2023 um 17:26:25 Uhr schrieb Thomas Schmitt:

> A while ago this list had a problem with fake bounces. A troll managed
> to convince the list server that some of the subscribers would reject
> the list mails. I am not familiar with the exact technical properties
> of that attack and how it was finally disabled by the listmasters.

Bounces go to the address in the Return-Path header


As you can see the address is unique to the subscriber.

You can look how normal bounce look like and send such a message to the
address in Return-Path.

One possibility to mitigate that is to check SPF of the domain of the
included address, in that example the list server could check of the
server sending the bounce is listed in the SPF of - and if
not - reject the message.

Re: lists

2023-12-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 20.12.2023 um 11:30:24 Uhr schrieb Pocket:

> On 12/20/23 11:26, wrote:
> > On Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 11:16:02AM -0500, Pocket wrote:
> >
> > [...]
> >  
> >> Why is the user list the only one that has this issue?  
> > It is the busiest list, thus the bounce probability might
> > be the highest.
> >
> > And yes, yell to your provider. Everyone and her dog coming
> > up with random policies is what's killing email.  
> I am sure the will be quaking in their boots if I call them to demand 
> them to fix this,  ROLLS EYES

Then choose another one.

Re: lists

2023-12-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 20.12.2023 um 11:44:42 Uhr schrieb Pocket:

> Does one email constitute "persistently undeliverable"?

5xx error indicate that, read the SMTP RFCs.

Re: lists

2023-12-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 20.12.2023 um 16:49:17 Uhr schrieb Joe:

> I'm not actually looking for an ident reply, I'm looking to hold up
> the transaction for thirty seconds to weed out the spambots. This is a
> convenient way to do it.

sendmail offers the FEATURE GreetPause for exactly that behavior -
without using ident.

Re: lists

2023-12-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 20.12.2023 um 14:04:41 Uhr schrieb Pocket:

> I have emails from other lists and personal email from other with the 
> same time frame
> So in this case it was not because the email box/account was not
> available.

Are you really that thick as a brick that you don't understand that
this is specific to the sender IP, in that case the Debian mailinglist

> That only leaves the number of sessions that were opened.
> How many sessions were opened sending that one email?

Only one can be opened for that.
But multiple connections might exist for multiple mails, maybe also for
different users.

Your ISP blocks those with a hard error and that is the fault.

There is no hard limit in the SMTP RFC.
Your mailbox provider is the fault here.

> second question does handle all the mail for all 
> debian lists?

There are other servers too that handle some mailing lists (e.g. for
bug reports), but bendel handles the "normal" Debian mailing lists that
end with

> And could that be the reason to multiple sessions were opened from 
> debian list servers?

No, the reason is that SMTP doesn't specify that only a special
amount of connections can be established, but your provider enforces
that and give back a hard fail (5xx error).
If your mailbox provider handled that properly, it gave a 4xx error, so
bendel tries it again after a certain amount of time.

> If that is the case then why no bounces occurred for the other lists

Ask your mailbox provider for the logs to find out, we can't tell you.

Re: lists

2023-12-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 20.12.2023 um 15:08:32 Uhr schrieb Pocket:

> Sent from my iPhone

Nobody is interested in that, maybe the auto-unsubscribe is a good
thing for all other list members.

> > On Dec 20, 2023, at 2:14 PM, Marco Moock  wrote:
> > 
> > Am 20.12.2023 um 14:04:41 Uhr schrieb Pocket:
> >   
> >> I have emails from other lists and personal email from other with
> >> the same time frame
> >> 
> >> So in this case it was not because the email box/account was not
> >> available.  
> > 
> > Are you really that thick as a brick that you don't understand that
> > this is specific to the sender IP, in that case the Debian
> > mailinglist server?
> >   
> Ignoring your personal attack,  has it occured that if spectrum
> blocked bendel that i would lose all my subscribed lists .  Which i
> have not.

If there is a rate-limit, only those connections are denied that excess
that limit. Exactly that explains why you received some messages.

> As others here received the same bounce ails could it also be yrue
> that the user list rmails look like spam to the ISP?

Ask your ISP.

> This issue seems to only be associated with this list only

Most likely because many messages arrive here - other lists don't have
that much traffic.

Re: Dealing with SPAM.

2023-12-25 Thread Marco Moock
Am 25.12.2023 um 08:56:41 Uhr schrieb Brad Rogers:

> On Mon, 25 Dec 2023 16:50:13 +1100
> Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
> Hello Zenaan,
> >OMG money! I, being Debian User it  
> The best thing to do is ignore SPAM.
> If you *must* reply, don't quote the whole thing and send it to the
> list *again*.  

Replying to spam will just tell the spammers that the mailbox is being
read and that makes the address much more interesting for spam.

Re: Nvidia driver on Debian 10

2024-01-03 Thread Marco Moock
Am 03.01.2024 um 11:36:03 Uhr schrieb Thomas Anderson:

> Key information:
> I am aware that there are two different installation paths for the 
> nvidia driver, either through the repos or from nvidia downloads.
> I think I did the later, but I have misplaced, lost, and cannot
> download the driver listed above to uninstall it. Apparently, you
> need the nvidia installer to uninstall the driver.

> I tried from CLI:
> apt nvidia purge
> but that did not work.

Because that only applies to DEB packages installed (most of them come
from a repository).
If you installed it by the shell script, it is unrelated to the
apt/dpkg stuff.

Run dpkg -l *nvidia*

and show the output.

Re: Nvidia driver on Debian 10

2024-01-03 Thread Marco Moock
Am 03.01.2024 um 11:52:59 Uhr schrieb Thomas Anderson:

> Here is the output. Wow, a lot.

All those lines with ii at the beginning mean the package is installed.

apt remove *nvidia* -s

Check if the result is ok and then run it without -s (-s only

Re: Edit NIC Address

2024-01-05 Thread Marco Moock
Am 05.01.2024 um 04:30:44 Uhr schrieb David:

> With the latest Debian I'm trying to find the file to edit to change
> the IP address of a remote box, can anybody point me in the correct
> direction please?

There are various ways to configure it.
Files in /etc/network, systemd-networkd, NetworkManager, etc.


2024-01-05 Thread Marco Moock
Am 04.01.2024 um 18:19:57 Uhr schrieb Pocket:

> Where can I find information on how to configure NFS to use ipv6 
> addresses both server and client.

Does IPv6 work basically on your machine, including name resolution?

Does it work if you enter the address directly?

How does your fstab look like?

Re: Edit NIC Address

2024-01-05 Thread Marco Moock
Am 05.01.2024 um 10:41:26 Uhr schrieb David:

> But I cannot find the file to edit.

Use the Networkmanager (nmcli, nmtui) to edit it.

nmcli connection show

nmcli connection edit 

"print" gives all attributes
changes it.

save to write it and then 
nmcli connection up  to apply it.

Re: Installing Debian on an old Asus EEE PC

2024-01-05 Thread Marco Moock
Am 05.01.2024 um 16:48:39 Uhr schrieb Eric S Fraga:

> anybody here have any experience installing a recent(-ish) version of
> Debian on an Asus EEE PC?

Which CPU does it have?

Re: Debian on Asus X205TA [Was: Re: Installing Debian on an old Asus EEE PC]

2024-01-06 Thread Marco Moock
Am 06.01.2024 um 10:46:56 Uhr schrieb Leandro Noferini:

> In my Asus EEEPC (X205TA) the bios/uefi is 32 bit but the processor is
> 64 so you need only the grub 32 bit but the remaining of the operative
> system, including kernel, is 64 bit.

There was another thread (maybe on debian-users-german?) discussing
that and Debian 12 doesn't ship multiarch installers, so it will be a
bit harder to make it work with 32 bit UEFI.

Re: Debian on Asus X205TA [Was: Re: Installing Debian on an old Asus EEE PC]

2024-01-07 Thread Marco Moock
Am 06.01.2024 um 17:44:41 Uhr schrieb Steve McIntyre:

> The amd64 installation media now includes the bits needed to start the
> installer on mixed-mode UEFI systems like the Bay Trail platform in
> the X205TA.

Is that documented anywhere?
I haven't found any information on this.

The wiki only mentions multi-arch images.

Re: Donate money

2024-01-08 Thread Marco Moock
Am 08.01.2024 um 11:07:30 Uhr schrieb noah poulton:

> I was wondering, is there a way to donate to Debian via direct debit?
> I want to to donate but I don't have a paypal account (and I don't
> really want to create one).

There are other ways like IBAN bank transfer:

Re: ipv6: temp address does not renew

2024-01-08 Thread Marco Moock
Am 08.01.2024 um 13:01:38 Uhr schrieb Andreas B:

> I haven't checked thoroughly (yet), but the only immediate difference
> I can see, is that the router lifetime is 600 seconds (RA). My ISP's
> router used a lifetime of 86400 seconds (24h), I think.

That affect when the old addresses must be removed from the interface.

   valid_lft 582619sec preferred_lft 63918sec

in ip a for each address.

Re: Temporary failure in name resolution

2024-01-10 Thread Marco Moock
Am 10.01.2024 um 19:19:41 Uhr schrieb Rodolfo Medina:

> > What is the output of "grep -F $(hostname) /etc/hosts"?  
> It's:
>   caterina-thinkpad.home  caterina-thinkpad


::1 localhost localhost.localdomain ip6-localhost ip6-loopback   localhost localhost.localdomain

Re: Temporary failure in name resolution

2024-01-11 Thread Marco Moock
Am 11.01.2024 um 16:34:01 Uhr schrieb Curt:

> On 2024-01-11, Max Nikulin  wrote:
> >
> > There was a thread that "home" as the top level domain might not be 
> > really safe (somebody might register it). A reserved domain is 
> > "" so e.g. to have "thinkpad", the /etc/hosts entry should
> > be
> >
> > thinkpad
> >  
>  The .arpa domain is the “Address and Routing Parameter Area” domain
> and is designated to be used exclusively for Internet-infrastructure
>  purposes. is a special reserved domain for the uncoordinated usage.

Re: No Release file for Security Update

2024-01-16 Thread Marco Moock
Am 16.01.2024 um 11:30:09 Uhr schrieb Thomas George:

> The result was  bookworm InRelease, bookworm-updates InRelease, 
> bookworm-secutity Relesse 404 Not Found [IP: 80]

There seems to be a typo!

Re: Debian 11 & Debian 12

2024-01-16 Thread Marco Moock
Am 16.01.2024 um 22:25:40 Uhr schrieb Jeff Jennings:

> Recently, I decided to download Debian 12.4 and was alarmed to notice
> that Debian 12 downloads are no longer through https connections.

https works fine here.

Re: I've an editable .pdf form I need to fill out

2024-01-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 21.01.2024 um 00:35:13 Uhr schrieb gene heskett:

> The AG has sent me a form letter PDF with fill in the blanks for all
> the info.
> Do we have an editor in our arsenal that can do that to a pdf?

If the fields are technically a form, evince can fill them out.
If not, you can use Libreoffice, but format might break.

Re: ip link versus nmcli device, WIFI

2024-01-21 Thread Marco Moock
Am 21.01.2024 um 15:58:18 Uhr schrieb Geert Stappers:

> How to make NetworkManager aware of a WIFI device?

Is the device commented out in /etc/network?

Re: ip link versus nmcli device, WIFI

2024-01-21 Thread Marco Moock
Am 21.01.2024 um 16:36:09 Uhr schrieb Geert Stappers:

> Even better   :-)
> It doesn't exist in /etc/network

Is system-networkd being used?

How did you configure it in the past?

Re: Regarding: ip link versus nmcli device, WIFI

2024-01-21 Thread Marco Moock
Am 21.01.2024 um 17:21:13 Uhr schrieb Geert Stappers:

> It was a firmware thing.

How did you solve it?

Re: rfkill list wlan, Hard blocked: yes

2024-01-21 Thread Marco Moock
Am 21.01.2024 um 18:58:43 Uhr schrieb Geert Stappers:

> It does report "hard blocked", but rfkill can't change it.

Look for a hardware switch or a keystroke (mostly combined with FN) to
enable it.

Re: OT: Is there any size limit for ISO's?

2024-01-22 Thread Marco Moock
Am 22.01.2024 um 21:07:55 Uhr schrieb Hans:

> I copied the file using dd to an usb stick, but it does crash at boot.

Is the USB stick equal or bigger than the ISO?
If not, the writing process will just stop at the end of the device and
the stick data will be corrupted because they are incomplete.

Re: Debian 12 System Requirement

2024-01-22 Thread Marco Moock
Am 23.01.2024 um 04:09:14 Uhr schrieb CHENG YING KIT KEITH:

> Can I install Debian 11 or 12 with "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2699 v3 @
> 2.30GHz" CPU?

The amd64 images support that processor.

Re: Wine in bullseye, which way to go?

2024-02-01 Thread Marco Moock
Am 01.02.2024 schrieb Miroslav Skoric :

> This time I was puzzled when noticed that Synaptic installed lots of 
> amd64 packages even though my system is i386.

uname -a

and post it here.

If your system is i386 only, amd64 software can't run on it.
Remove that architecture from dpkg.

Re: Wine in bullseye, which way to go?

2024-02-01 Thread Marco Moock
Am 01.02.2024 schrieb

> CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit
Model name: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4500

That processor can run amd64 Debian, so install that architecture.

Re: install Kernel and GRUB in chroot.

2024-02-01 Thread Marco Moock
Am 01.02.2024 schrieb Dmitry :

Why don't you use the normal setup?
It does many tasks for you.

> After:
> 1. Creating GPT table and GPT partition with fdisk.

Use gdisk for that.
You can create an EFI partition there.
Choose Type EFI (EF00), 100MB.
Format it with FAT32.

> And at the point two (Install GRUB) I a little bit confused.
> 1. Need to create ESP

Do that before the install with gdisk.

> and put GRUB there.

That is done automatically if it is mounted at /boot/efi.

> 2. Need to configure GRUB to select appropriate kernel and ramdisk.

Do you need a special configuration here or is the default just fine?

> How to create a ESP partition and mount it to /boot?

That must be mounted to /boot/efi.

If you create a separate boot partition (do you really need it?), it
must be mounted at /boot.

> How GRUB would understand where to be install and where is the kernel?

It chooses by the path.
grub-install is the command, no device as parameter.

Re: install Kernel and GRUB in chroot.

2024-02-01 Thread Marco Moock
Am 02.02.2024 um 00:09:56 Uhr schrieb Dmitry:

> I made experiments with a FlashDrive, and create GPT there,
> if I want to use standard Debian Image how I should partition that
> flash drive (MBR, GPT)?

Do you want to install the OS on it?
For the partition table, I recommend GPT.

Do you want an encrypted system?

>  > Do you need a special configuration here or is the default just
>  > fine?  
> Need just working one. But I am confusing about how GRUB would get a
> plenty of things related to filesystem, kernel location and so on.

That is being done be the installer. If you don't need special
configuration, use the install process. It does everything for you.


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Re: install Kernel and GRUB in chroot.

2024-02-01 Thread Marco Moock
Am 02.02.2024 um 01:46:06 Uhr schrieb Dmitry:

> 2. ==>BAM<== some how that binary knows the system partition.

That information is on the EFI partition, where the GRUB bootloader
binary also resides.

root@ryz:/boot/efi/EFI# cat /boot/efi/EFI/debian/grub.cfg
search.fs_uuid 5b8b669d-xyz root hd0,gpt2 #boot partition
set prefix=($root)'/grub'
configfile $prefix/grub.cfg

If that information is loaded, the kernel can be loaded from the boot


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Re: install Kernel and GRUB in chroot.

2024-02-01 Thread Marco Moock
Am 01.02.2024 um 19:20:01 Uhr schrieb Tim Woodall:

> $ cat /boot/efi/EFI/XEN/xen.cfg
> [global]
> default=debian
> [debian]
> options=console=vga smt=true
> kernel=vmlinuz root=/dev/mapper/vg--dirac-root ro quiet
> ramdisk=initrd.img
> menuentry "Xen EFI NVME" {
>  insmod part_gpt
>  insmod search_fs_uuid
>  insmod chain
> #set root=(hd1,gpt1)
>  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root C057-BC13
>  chainloader (hd1,gpt1)/EFI/XEN/xen.efi
> }

Then this file tells the boot loader about the /boot or / partition.
Is that the Xen virtualization software?


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Re: install Kernel and GRUB in chroot.

2024-02-01 Thread Marco Moock

Max Nikulin schrieb:
On a *removable* drive EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi (that is actually 
/usr/lib/shim/shimx64.efi.signed that loads grubx64.efi) may allow to 
boot without modification of boot entries in NVRAM.
Yes, UEFI can (and must be able) to boot from a device without a boot 
entry in the UEFI. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to install an OS.
You can boot such a device by simply selecting the device in the UEFI 
boot manager. Often it shows the model number of the device.
Likely it is implementation-dependent whether a drive with GPT 
partition table is considered as a removable. For regular (internal) 
drives UEFI requires GPT.

MBR should also work.

Re: IPv6, ip token, NetworkManager and accept_ra

2024-02-02 Thread Marco Moock
Am 02.02.2024 schrieb Ralph Aichinger :

> In my quest to advance the IPv6 preparedness of my home LAN I want to
> find a solution to use IP tokens on all my clients. IP tokens (keeping
> the host part of the IPv6 address static while getting the subnet part
> by SLAAC) seem very elegant to me, because it avoids DHCPv6
> completely, and still makes mostly working DNS records possible.
> Opinions on SLAAC+IP tokens are welcome ;)

The process of the automatic generation is called SLAAC, regardless of
the identifier being used.
In the past the default was to use EUI-64 and have the MAC address in
the address. If that is suitable for you (privacy!), use that.

> One of my clients is a surface laptop running Debian sid, Gnome, 
> NetworkManager and getting connection via WiFi. The first hickup with
> this is, that seemingly ra is disabled on my NetworkManager configured
> device wl0:
> root@surface:~# ip token set ::5fac dev wl0
> Error: ipv6: Router advertisement is disabled on device.
> This can easily corrected with 
> echo 1 >  /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/wl0/accept_ra
> But: Is this a misconfiguration on my machine, or to be expected, when
> using NetworkManager? I am using the following settings in the GUI:
> IPv5: "Disable", IPv6 "Automatic". Do I risk messing up other stuff by
> manually setting this eg. with the help of /etc/sysctl.conf? 

Use the NetworkManager to configure that.
Automatic means using SLAAC (if available in the RA) and DHCPv6 (if
available in the RA).

> But what is the correct way to do this "ip token set" with
> NetworkManager (or in spite of NetworkManager ;)?

# nmcli c mod enp4s0 ipv6.addr-gen-mode eui64
# nmcli c mod enp4s0 ipv6.token ::deca:fbad:c0:ffee

You need EUI-64 for that. Disable the Privacy extensions completely if
you don't like an ADDITIONAL address with a randomly generated
interface identifier that changes time to time.

Re: install Kernel and GRUB in chroot.

2024-02-02 Thread Marco Moock
Am 02.02.2024 schrieb Dmitry :

> I want OS at the SSD.

Then the ESP should be on that SSD too.

Re: IPv6, ip token, NetworkManager and accept_ra

2024-02-02 Thread Marco Moock
Am 02.02.2024 schrieb Ralph Aichinger :

> On Fri, 2024-02-02 at 14:28 +0100, Marco Moock wrote:

> > # nmcli c mod enp4s0 ipv6.addr-gen-mode eui64
> > # nmcli c mod enp4s0 ipv6.token ::deca:fbad:c0:ffee  
> This is not permanent, is it?

It should be if you enter "save" in the nmcli.

Re: Wine in bullseye, which way to go?

2024-02-02 Thread Marco Moock
Am 01.02.2024 um 18:03:47 Uhr schrieb

> I am not sure what do you mean by "install that architecture". I have
> been using i386 versions of Debian, and I do not plan to reinstall it
> now just because the CPU may allow that. So instead, I ask whether it
> was expected and properly when Synaptic installed lots of 64-bit
> stuff during Wine installation from repo. Was it ok or not? Or shall
> I remove it and follow instructions from WineHQ website?

According to documentation I found in the internet, it is possible to
upgrade a Debian system to the amd64 architecture.
Maybe do that, but do a full backup before.

i386 is dead for Debian, the next release won't be available for i386.

As long as you have a i386 kernel, you can't use amd64 software on it.


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Re: Network Problem: Redirection

2024-02-02 Thread Marco Moock
Am 02.02.2024 um 14:03:46 Uhr schrieb Charles Curley:

> From apt-proxy ( icmp_seq=2 Redirect Host(New
> nexthop: hawk.localdomain (

Check the routing table on apt-proxy.
ICMP redirect happens if you have 2 routers on the same ethernet link
and the router you try to contact know a better route to the
Although, both routes need to point to the same direction.


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Re: Network Problem: Redirection

2024-02-02 Thread Marco Moock
Am 02.02.2024 um 14:03:46 Uhr schrieb Charles Curley:

> root@hawk:~# host samba
> samba.localdomain is an alias for hawk.localdomain.
> hawk.localdomain has address

> root@hawk:~# ping samba
> PING samba ( 56(84) bytes of data.

Sorry for the first post.
Your problem is located in the name resolution.

Show /etc/nsswitch.conf

kind regards

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Re: what keyboard do you use?

2024-02-02 Thread Marco Moock
Am Fri, 2 Feb 2024 20:09:09 -0600
schrieb Nate Bargmann :

> I have several of the now classic IBM Model M keyboards I procured in
> the '90s.  Modern BIOSes don't like them even with a PS/2 to USB
> adapter so I gave up on them.

They need more power that normal keyboards, so not every converter

I have a mainboard from 2019 wit PS/2 and the model M works fine.

Re: what keyboard do you use?

2024-02-02 Thread Marco Moock
Am Fri, 2 Feb 2024 20:25:09 -0500
schrieb Lee :

> I figure there's a high percentage of keyboard jockeys here so ..
> which keyboard do you like and why?

IBM Model M.
They are still made by the company Unicomp, with PS/2, DIN or USB.

Re: Wine in bullseye, which way to go?

2024-02-03 Thread Marco Moock
Am 02.02.2024 um 15:10:32 Uhr schrieb Greg Wooledge:

> It's dying, I would say.  Not all the way dead just yet.

That's why I think it's time to change to amd64 before it is
completely dead.

> The next release will not offer an *installer* for i386, but upgrades
> from Debian 12 i386 to Debian 13 i386 might continue to work.

IIRC those packages will still exist for backwards compatibility for
certain application, but I read the rumor that no current i386 kernel
will be available.


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Re: Network Problem: Redirection

2024-02-03 Thread Marco Moock
Am 02.02.2024 um 17:12:06 Uhr schrieb Gremlin:

> On 2/2/24 16:28, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > On Fri, Feb 02, 2024 at 02:03:46PM -0700, Charles Curley wrote:  
> >> root@hawk:~# host samba
> >> samba.localdomain is an alias for hawk.localdomain.
> >> hawk.localdomain has address  
> > 
> > host(1) looks in DNS only.  It doesn't do the standard name
> > resolution that applications do.
> >   
> host gremlin
> has address
> has IPv6 address fe80::a940:6c49:a620:4c09

You have to check from where the other IP address comes.


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Re: Network Problem: Redirection

2024-02-04 Thread Marco Moock
Am 04.02.2024 um 07:12:50 Uhr schrieb Gremlin:

> I also slay all the mDNS non sense.

mDNS works fine if the host names are properly set and no other way of
setting the addresses (Unicast DNS, /etc/hosts) is being used.

kind regards

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Re: Mixing HDD and SSD in lvm

2024-02-05 Thread Marco Moock
Am 06.02.2024 um 07:17:02 Uhr schrieb Kamil Jońca:

> Should I worry about anything (speed differences or sth)?

Speed differences will occur because reading and writing from/to the
SSD will be much faster.

kind regards

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Re: Mixing HDD and SSD in lvm

2024-02-06 Thread Marco Moock
Am 06.02.2024 um 08:54:18 Uhr schrieb Kamil Jońca:

> Marco Moock  writes:
> > Am 06.02.2024 um 07:17:02 Uhr schrieb Kamil Jońca:
> >  
> >> Should I worry about anything (speed differences or sth)?  
> >
> > Speed differences will occur because reading and writing from/to the
> > SSD will be much faster.  
> Of course, but can it make any data damage to lvm?
> I am asking because some time ago was a (different) story  about SMR
> drives whose can make problem when in RAID. And I am wondering if
> here I can similar problems.

That was because they have a significant decrease in writing
performance when shingled data needs to be rewritten.
Some RAID controllers treated that as a drive failure.
SSDs normally have a constant write speed, so I don't think this
problem occurs here.


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Re: Debian bookworm 12.4 installation wifi card not being detected

2024-02-10 Thread Marco Moock
Am Sat, 10 Feb 2024 05:55:17 -0600
schrieb Exeonz :

> I'm trying to install debian bookworm 12.4 on MacbookAir7,2 that
> doesn't have an ethernet port and the installer doesn't recognize
> it's wifi card and what drivers it needs for the card to work. From
> searching the web I found that it uses Broadcom BCM 4360 wireless
> network adapter and requires broadcom-sda-dkms firmware drivers to
> function.

Please run 
lspci -nnk
and post the result of the network card here.
That includes the ID and that makes it possible to identify it and find
the right driver/firmware.

Do you have a smart phone with a USB cable?
You can connect that and use tethering to get internet connection.

Re: Debian bookworm 12.4 installation wifi card not being detected

2024-02-11 Thread Marco Moock
Am 10.02.2024 um 14:41:42 Uhr schrieb Exeonz:

> /03:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries 
> BCM4360 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter [14e4:43a0] (rev 03)
>      Subsystem: Apple Inc. BCM4360 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter 
> [106b:0117]
>      Kernel driver in use: wl
>      Kernel modules: bcma, wl/

> During debian install it's same result but without /kernel driver and 
> kernel modules/

Install the package broadcom-sta-dkms

> I use an iOS device and I don't think tethering feature is supported
> there.
It seems to be supported.


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Re: which package to file a bug report ?

2024-02-22 Thread Marco Moock
Am 22.02.2024 um 13:18:48 Uhr schrieb Frank Weißer:

> I use to encrypt my swap and /var/tmp partitions during installation.

That is LUKS.

> the partition tool in debian installer offers me randomized keys for 
> that and has 'delete partition' set to 'yes', which costs lot of
> time, not necessary on new hdd/ssd and - my opinion - on randomized
> keys. I propose switching to 'no', when selecting randomized keys.

A user can rather easy select what he wants.

> Further I can select ext2 or swap for partition format.

That is really strange. swap is only for the special-purpose swap

> I use ext2 for /var/tmp, but
> - in /etc/crypttab the marker 'tmp' is missing for the /var/tmp
> partition

Which marker?
crypttab is only for decrypting the partition and creating a device
file for the encrypted one.

> - in /etc/fstab ext2 is set instead of ext4, that cryptsetup defaults 
> to. So on reboot I end up in emergency mode.

If you format it in ext2, choose that.
Or was that an automatic decision by the installer?


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Re: Inclusive terminology (instead of master/slave) for network bonding/LACP

2024-02-23 Thread Marco Moock
Am 23.02.2024 schrieb :

> On Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 10:33:08AM +0100, Mariusz Gronczewski wrote:
> > On 22.02.2024 11:19, Ralph Aichinger wrote:  
> > > Hello!
> > > 
> > > I know this is a loaded topic. I really don't want to discuss the
> > > political aspects of the "why", but just want to know the facts,
> > > i.e. how far this has been progressed in Debian.  
> > 
> > There is no good reason *why*. It's entirely US political feel-good
> > activism  
> [...]
> Oh, goody. A culture warrior.

I'm sure you have good reasons for changing the terms. Feel free to
provide some real arguments that have a benefit for the users.

Re: Inclusive terminology (instead of master/slave) for network bonding/LACP

2024-02-23 Thread Marco Moock
Am 22.02.2024 schrieb Ralph Aichinger :

> I know this is a loaded topic. I really don't want to discuss the
> political aspects of the "why", but just want to know the facts, i.e.
> how far this has been progressed in Debian.

Debian is mostly a collection of many packages that are packed in the
Such changes are normally done upstream.

> Is there anything planned to get "master/slave" terminology out of
> network bonding/LACP in Debian (or Linux kernel or whoever decides
> this terminology)? I know these things are slow to change, just
> wondering.

I don't know why somebody should waste time for changing terms there.
There is almost no technical benefit and the amount of people who
operate Ethernet bonds is small, so the probability that somebody feels
disturbed by those terms here is also small. Most people don't care
about master/slave either, they simply use that and don't let the wokes
spoil the party.

If you like to change that, feel free to create a fork of the upstream
projects and use the terms you prefer.

I don't think that spending time on that is a valuable thing, there are
more important tasks like testing or adding functionality.

The only package I am aware of that changed some terms is sendmail.

They decided to use blocklist_recipients instead of
backlist_recipients, but blacklist still works.

Re: Inclusive terminology (instead of master/slave) for network bonding/LACP

2024-02-23 Thread Marco Moock
Am 23.02.2024 schrieb Alain D D Williams :

> It is "fixing" an issue for today's English speakers. Should we scour
> our systems looking for similar issues in other languages ? Then in,
> say, 20 years time when different words will then be considered
> offensive, by some, do this all again ?

In Germany, some organizations do that as well - and most people are
annoyed by that because it has no benefit.

The most important thing is that the upstream projects would need to
change that - including all the translators.

This is always a PITA - for no realistic benefit.

Re: Inclusive terminology (instead of master/slave) for network bonding/LACP

2024-02-23 Thread Marco Moock
Am 23.02.2024 schrieb Arno Lehmann :

> If there's a single person in the world who feels existing
> terminology to hurt them, I consider my usage of such terms.

Everytime there is somebody who doesn't like something.
I mostly care about technology and not the feelings a small amount of
users has.
It is free software - everybody can create a fork and change the stuff.

> If it makes one person feel better, I think I did something good.

I simply don't care about those feelings.

> If it makes others feel worse, I have to balance arguments. Arguments 
> such as "it was always thus" or "it's too much effort" are not strong
> ones.

The amount of work needed to change it is of course a really strong
argument because there need to be people who are willing to change it
and spend their time on it.
The technical gain of that is exactly zero, it doesn't solve any bug,
it doesn't add a feature, it doesn't make it easier to use, it simply
makes some tiny amount of users feel better.

> As it happens, I prefer being called "woke" above being rude.

Feel free to do so. I like the freedom in free software, so everybody
can create software without "problematic" terms.

> Oh, and tech and culture can not be separated, but that's probably
> also a loaded topic.

It cannot be completely separated because there is a language that is
being used and that language is part of a political discussion.

Although, it doesn't mean that a developers needs to change something.

Re: which package to file a bug report ?

2024-02-23 Thread Marco Moock
Am 22.02.2024 schrieb Frank Weißer :

> I only choose ext2 for formatting the encrypted partition, because 
> nothing else is offered.

That is really strange. If I did install Debian 12, it offered me a
list of different file systems, including ext2/3/4.

> Despite that the partition in fact is getting formatted ext4, so the
> entry ext2 in /etc/fstab leads into emergency mode.

Does the installer format it as ext4, but shows ext2 and places that in
Or do you format it manually?

> I think the partitioning tool in installer should offer to format the 
> encrypted partition in ext4, as LUKS (?) does, instead of ext2 and
> must write ext4 to /etc/fstab, as this is, how it ends up.

LUKS is only a container and doesn't care about the file system inside.
After opening it, it is a file under /dev/mapper that can be formatted
like /dev/sdXY.

Re: Inclusive terminology (instead of master/slave) for network bonding/LACP

2024-02-23 Thread Marco Moock
Am 23.02.2024 um 12:51:59 Uhr schrieb Dan Ritter:

> 1. The terminology is bad, and I'm willing to work on fixing it.
> 2. The terminology is bad, but I can't work on it myself.
> 3. The terminology does not bother me, but I don't care if someone
> else wants to fix it.
> 4. The terminology is good and we should not fix it.

5. The terminology is completely different, because machines are
involved and not people.
Many languages have words that are used in many ways for completely
different things.

Just check what different meanings GIMP has.
Maybe some more people now feel uncomfortable with using it.


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Re: Where to report print driver bug

2024-02-23 Thread Marco Moock
Am Fri, 23 Feb 2024 14:47:41 -0500
schrieb James Klaas :

> "Generic PCL 6/PCL XL Printer Foomatic/pxlcolor (recommended)"

Do you know the file that provides that?
If so, you apt-file search "file" to find the package that provides it.

Re: which package to file a bug report ?

2024-02-24 Thread Marco Moock
Am Fri, 23 Feb 2024 13:59:41 +0100
schrieb Frank Weißer :

> First of all: I use german during installation; but I doubt that is 
> relevant.

Try to reproduce it in English if you like.

> Marco Moock:
> > Am 22.02.2024 schrieb Frank Weißer :
> >   
> >> I only choose ext2 for formatting the encrypted partition, because
> >> nothing else is offered.  
> > 
> > That is really strange. If I did install Debian 12, it offered me a
> > list of different file systems, including ext2/3/4.
> >   
> It does on non-crypt partitions, but not if I choose 'physical volume 
> for encryption' there; then afterwards I only have the choices to use
> it as ext2, swap or lvm or leave it unused for the encrypted
> partition.

I chose manual partitioning and I created the LUKS container manually
and then created an ext4 partition inside.

> >> Despite that the partition in fact is getting formatted ext4, so
> >> the entry ext2 in /etc/fstab leads into emergency mode.  
> > 
> > Does the installer format it as ext4, but shows ext2 and places
> > that in fstab?
> > Or do you format it manually?
> >   
> The installer does format it as ext4, but shows ext2 and places that
> in fstab, what ends up in emergency mode. That's why I'm here

That is definitely a bug.

Re: Inclusive terminology (instead of master/slave) for network bonding/LACP

2024-02-24 Thread Marco Moock
Am Sat, 24 Feb 2024 14:42:39 +0100
schrieb Emanuel Berg :

> I think the reason is black people shouldn't be associated
> with everything negative that is black in language.

I can't understand why people draw that association.
Black as a color is different from the skin and different from illegal
activities on black markets.

Re: Reportbug Assisance

2024-02-26 Thread Marco Moock
Am Mon, 26 Feb 2024 22:49:55 -0500
schrieb Tom :

> I originally filed this bug with the KDE team, but they asked me to
> file with Debian. There was a decent amount of discussion which I
> will link here: I need
> to know how to file this bug. Will I be filing under a package or one
> of the other categories?

bugreport kinfocenter

Re: {OT] Mailing lists etc for postmasters

2024-03-01 Thread Marco Moock
Am 01.03.2024 schrieb "Gareth Evans" :

> I am subscribed to mailop (though don't read it as often as I
> should!) but from a mail search there doesn't seem to have been
> anything there about this recently.

That topic has been discussed there, you can find those discussions in
the archive (you need to be subscribed to read it).

Re: systemd-resolved resolving fails sometimes on Debian12

2024-03-03 Thread Marco Moock
Am 02.03.2024 um 15:06:01 Uhr schrieb Victor Sudakov:

> In my case the problem seems related to IPv6. That is, when I disable
> IPv6 via "sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1" the problem
> disappears.

Please run 

that shows the resolvers available.

Check each of them with
dig @

If that doesn't work for one of them, this must be fixed and is not a
problem of IPv6 nor of systemd-resolve.


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Re: how to wiki

2024-03-05 Thread Marco Moock
Am 05.03.2024 um 16:15:20 Uhr schrieb

> how do i access the debian wiki
> all i get is

Works for me.


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Re: 404 Not Found Error Problem

2024-03-06 Thread Marco Moock
Am 06.03.2024 schrieb "Stephen P. Molnar" :

> The requested URL was not found on this server.
> Apache/2.4.57 (Debian) Server at Port 80

Check the apache config.
What is the Webroot?

Is the file you are looking for available in the webroot?

Re: Ethernet not working on a Dell notebook

2024-03-12 Thread Marco Moock
Am 12.03.2024 um 09:11:20 Uhr schrieb

> Finally while trying to find the solution I tried this command and
> after some seconds I was online:
> sudo mii-tool enp19s0 -F 10baseT-FD

That seems to be an autoneg problem.

Please tell us more about your cabling (direct, via sockets etc.) and
the device (switch, router) the laptop is connected to.

kind regards

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