Compaq Insight Manager, resp. Health and Wellness Monitoring on adebian Box

2002-11-01 Thread Marcel Weber

Does per chance anybody know if the compaq insight manager client agents 
run on a debian woody box? I found drivers for Red Hat, SuSE and so on, 
but Debian is not on the list of Compaq's supported plattforms.

As we got quite a lot of Compaq Servers we're monitoring via Compaq's 
Insight Manager, it would be fine if we could do this with our debian 
boxes as well.

All I found were binary packages for different distributions. Is there 
source code avaiable? Esp. for those kernel modules, if required.

Any hint would be appreciated.

Please put me CC on the answer as I'm not subscribed to this list (too 
much traffic)



Marcel Weber  - [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re: Checking Signatures and Checksums

2002-09-03 Thread Marcel Weber


As I remember we had this discussion already. My latest knowledge is, if you install 
debsig-verify, debsigs and debian-keyring you get the feature requested. As the dpkg 
used in woody checks if debsig-verify is installed and if so checks the signatures of 
the packages you want to install. If a package signature is not valid, the package 
won't get installed.

Take a look at the following thread:

Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Also sprach "Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  am Tage Tue, 3 Sep 
2002 09:38:28 +0200:

> On Tue, Sep 03, 2002 at 07:18:08AM +, Aurelio Turco wrote:
> > 
> > My question is this: Is there another script (for verifying signed
> > releases) that can be used in conjunction with dselect?
> > (Yes, there are people who prefer to use dselect over apt-get!)
> > 
>   Umm... you are right in your explanation but your question is
> wrong:
>   dselect ---> (uses) --> apt-get ---> (uses) --> dpkg
>   Dselect is a GUI for apt-get which is a common interface for dpkg.
>   Asking release checks for dselect would be like asking release
> checks for aptituted, gnome-apt, et al.
>   Regards
>   Javi
> -- 
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Re: Checking Signatures and Checksums

2002-09-03 Thread Marcel Weber

Sorry for not reading the first mail in it's full length. Yes, the release file issue 
isn't resolved yet, as far as I know.

And sorry for posting to all these mailing lists, I did not check the mail before 
sending, but just hit, reply to all. Posting a message to more than one list is BAD 



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Re: Using Debian as an Access Point?

2004-12-22 Thread Marcel Weber
Olle Eriksson schrieb:
What exactly is the problem with the wireless routers? I was just about to 
buy one and would like to know more about you experiences. Loose 
settings, crash? That doesn't sound good. I was hoping to make it easier 
for myself by having all that stuff separated from my linux machine. 
Should I not?
Well most consumer access points are crap: I tried the following devices:
- D-Link DWL 614+ (revision A with two antennas) Bad Wireless range. 
Router part was more or less okay but not very performant.

- SMC 2804WBR: Crashed all the time. Lost it's settings. Hang after 36 
hours uptime. A real nightmare.

- Zyxel G-2000: Quite stable. Hangs once or twice a month. Router part 
has problems with to many connections (especially p2p). Newer firmware 
is buggy and unstable.

I for my part would recommend a decent access point WITHOUT any routing 
functions and a seperate router (best would be a linux box). 
Alternatively, for the adventerious building a dedicated Linux WLAN box. 
You could take a mini-ITX-system like the Via EPIA CL6000E. Passively 
cooled, featuring a PCMCIA card slot for a WLAN card and with a moderate 
power consumption would it make a good choice. Of course, such a system 
would still be bigger and more expensive than a WLAN router from the 
shelf. Of course if it is just the size that matters, you could buy a 
industry biscuit PC. With these you can even get rid of the PC power 

There is a linux based wireless router from linksys, but I don't have 
any experiences with it. But I would expect that the community can 
improve the software.

Don't think that problems of $50 to $100 consumer devices will ever get 
fixed. There IS a reason why "professional" access points are still 
selling at $1000. So do a longer google research for seeing if other 
users are having the problems with a specific model before buying it. Be 
aware, that most vendors sell different hardware under the same name. 
There exist at least two DWL 614+ models which differ completely.

Just my 2 cents
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Re: unable to create bcm5700 driver!

2005-05-11 Thread Marcel Weber
Amira Youssef schrieb:
I've installed the debian package bcm5700-source.deb and it has created 
2 dir:
debian --> contains some changelog, control, rules files
src --> contains Makefile, bcm* files
when I follow Broadcom readme file and make the driver it creates a 
faulty one with lots of undefined symbols.
Should I make use of the debian dir.?
I'm running Woody 2.4.18-1-686-smp
Note: couldn't locate tg3 source and couldn't install kernel 2.4.27
Hi Amira
I used these bcm5700 drivers for quite a long time on two proliant ml 
350 servers, but recently I switched to a newer kernel than the 2.4.18, 
which supports the broadcom chips natively. It's a 2.4.27 from Use the trigon "tg3" module which runs flawlessly 
with most broadcom gigabit chips.

All you need to do is adding the following line to your 

deb stable kernel-image-2.4.27-i386
Unless you prefer compiling you're own kernel, of course.
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Re: clamscan in unstable not detecting DOOM/SCO virus

2004-01-27 Thread Marcel Weber
Fraser Campbell wrote:


Does anyone know why the clamscan in unstable doesn't detect this latest 
virus?  clamscan in unstable is 0.60-10, the latest clamscan is 0.65.  I 
would have thought that the freshclam updater would have fetched the updates 
regardless of the version number though.

Freshclam is claiming that my virus database is up to date and I've confirmed 
that the emails I've received are recognized as viruses by clamscan's online 

I discovered the same thing: Clamscan 0.65 knows about 32000 virii, 
including DOOM/SCO virus. But unstable / backported clamav in debian 
knows only about 21'000 virii. Did they move their database, or are the 
signature geared toward the newest version?


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Re: clamscan in unstable not detecting DOOM/SCO virus

2004-01-27 Thread Marcel Weber
Fraser Campbell wrote:


Does anyone know why the clamscan in unstable doesn't detect this latest 
virus?  clamscan in unstable is 0.60-10, the latest clamscan is 0.65.  I 
would have thought that the freshclam updater would have fetched the updates 
regardless of the version number though.

Freshclam is claiming that my virus database is up to date and I've confirmed 
that the emails I've received are recognized as viruses by clamscan's online 

As an alternative use the up to date packages directly from clamav 

deb stable main
deb-src stable main


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Re: anti-virus software for Gnu/Linux

2004-02-03 Thread Marcel Weber
MJ Inabnit wrote:

I have read several opinions regarding AV for Gnu/Linux.  The last one is Rick's rant .  However, the information is dated.

So what is the opinion now-a-days?  I just read a post last week where a new Gnu/Linux user strongly advocates AV for all new users.  The claim was something along the line of "What if I send you an Email with an executable attachment like [cd, rm -r]".  I still don't buy the claim that I need AV on my box, but I'm also very open to sound security advice.


Well my opinion is, you do not need an antivirus for linux. There are of
 course virii and worms for linux, but they never spread in a greater
number and for these 20, rather theoretical threats, you really do not
want to spend money.
There are antivirii, as, a GPL one which is really
good and several commercial ones, but the idea behind these antivirii is
to protect Windows users from getting dangerous emails or picking up
virii from a network share.
The example with "cd; rm -r" is a good one, but remember:

- No sane Linux user works as root, except for configuration stuff. So
such a virus cannot damage your system, but just the user specific stuff.
- Why should an attachment be put onto your disk with executable flags?
This would be a severe security breach by your email software.
- As only your user specific data could theoretically be threatened by a
virus, make backups. But this is nothing new, as you do backups anyway ;-)
Another story is of course if you're using Windows apps, like MS Office
via crossover office / wine. Then it wouldn't hurt to check the files
for makro virii.
My 2 cents...


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Re: How to see if SMP is working

2004-02-06 Thread Marcel Weber
Hans du Plooy wrote:

Intel MultiProcessor Specification v1.1
Virtual Wire compatibility mode.
OEM ID: INTELProduct ID: RD440LX DP   APIC at: 0xFEE0
Processor #0 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
I/O APIC #1 Version 17 at 0xFEC0.
Enabling APIC mode: Flat.   Using 1 I/O APICs
Processors: 1

Looks as if only one processor is activated. Usually you should find this:

Processors: 2

For each processor some entries saying something about it's speed, etc.

Perhaps you could check these things:

- Has the second processor ever worked? Is it activated, etc.
- Did you try a precompiled debian kernel package with SMP Support?
- Is there a way to enable the newer "Intel MultiProcesssor Spec 1.4"
- perhaps are there some kernel boot flags to force things
just my two cents (I'm using a AMD Athlon MP box and I did never have 
any problems to bring both processors to live)


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Re: clamav and fetchmail?

2004-02-11 Thread Marcel Weber
stan wrote:

I've just discoverd clamav. I'm using fetchmail, procmail, and spamassian
to fetch mail from various POP accounts, for loal reading on one of my
debian boxes.
Can I add clamav to this processing stream? If so is there a document on
how to do this with debian?

I'm using fetchmail which in turn delivers the mails to postfix. Then I 
plugged amavisd-new in with clamav and MAIL::SpamAssassin. Works fine, 
but perhaps there are simpler setups.


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Re: clamav and fetchmail?

2004-02-11 Thread Marcel Weber
stan wrote:

Other than I'm running exim, this sounds like what I'm trying to do.

Can you enlighten me as to how you did this?


Well the key is setting up amavis, or amavisd-new (which is a backported 
package, you can find some places on

For clamav you can get the newest debian packages from

- First set up postfix / exim.
- Install Clamav
- Install spamassassin (there are also nicer backported packages)
- Install amavisd-new
- fetchmail
*** This stuff here is MTA dependend. I have no idea about Exim ***
Set up the amavisd-new configuration file in /etc/amavis/amavisd.conf. 
It's well documented within the file. One of the most important things 
is the virus checker against the end of the file. Comment out all except 
clamav, this saves you CPU time.

Choose how the amavisd daemon should receive the emails. This is MTA 
dependend. Plug amavisd-new into your content filter of your MTA. No 
idea how this works with exim, but with postfix you have to edit the accordingly.

Let fetchmail deliver the fetched emails to you local MTA, which in turn 
delivers it to the mailboxes / procmail, whatever.

In the /etc/fetchmailrc I have the following settings:

poll server_to_get_mails protocol POP3 user username_on_distant_server 
password some_password_on_distant_server is local_user_name_to_deliver_to

Everything on one line of course.

If you want to stay with exim, just check the documentation of 
amavisd-new. It's should be all documented.

Some useful deb archives
# BAckport of postfix 2.0.16
deb stable postfix  
# amavisd-new backport which is way faster / better than amavis-postfix
deb hmh/amavisd-new/
deb hmh/misc/
# Official Clamav source
deb stable main
Hope this helps


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