Where are the keys defined in X-windows?

2002-10-15 Thread Larry Alkoff

I would like to change some X-windows keys,
especially the END and HOME keys which do not work at present.

I do not wish to run the executable xmodmap - I want to edit the data file.

I changed /etc/inputrc but that didn't work.

Do the changes go in xmodmap?  If so, which one?

In /etc/gdm/Sessions there is a file for _some_ window managers which seem
to call the xmodmap executable to map the keys.

However, the files for the window managers I have checked look for xmodmap (the data 
in places it does not exist.

Specifically /etc/gdm/Sessions/KDE looks for
Xmodmap in both /etc/X11/Xmodmap and /$HOME/.Xmodmap
but it doesn't exist in either place.

Locate finds may  versions of xmodmap but I can't tell which one is being used.

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GPM acts funny

2002-10-15 Thread Larry Alkoff

Forgive me for posting this on two lists but there seems
to be a lot more activity in debian-users.
I'm using Libranet 2.7 and have a strange problem.

I can start and stop gpm from the command line with
gpm -m /dev/mouse -t imps2  
and  gpm -k

However when I try to start and stop gpm from /etc/init.d
using /etc/init.d/gpm start or stop as root,
the gpm program hangs up until I move the mouse.
Then it reports:

init.d/gpm:  /dev/mouse:  Permission denied
Starting mouse interface server: gpm.

It then works.

Similarly when I boot up or shut down - it hangs in exactly the same way.

In /dev mouse is soft linked to /dev/psaux with permission crw--- with owner root.

In /etc/init.d/gpm I added to the cmdln as follows:
cmdln=-m  /dev/mouse  -t  imps2
which is the same as I use with no problems in the command line.

Any ideas on what's going on?

Thanks for any help.

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Where are the keys defined in X-windows?

2002-10-16 Thread Larry Alkoff

After a lot of googling I found a wonderful article on handling "special" keys
in X-windows.  It's going to be my bible for re-mapping keys in X.

I include it here because others may find it useful.

Larry Alkoff N2LA

Re: Consistant Keyboard Configuration (was Re: Another packages wishlist)

Subject: Re: Consistant Keyboard Configuration (was Re: Another packages wishlist)
From: Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 06:33:05 -0500
In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; from [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Tue, 
Feb 29, 2000 at 06:56:53AM -0800
Mail-Followup-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
User-Agent: Mutt/1.1.5i

On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 06:56:53AM -0800, Jim Lynch wrote:
> And I have a request too...
> At one point there was a group working on making the keyboard configuration
> of debian consistant between x and console. Does this group still function
> and contribute to debian?
> Slink was great for its keyboard configuration... potato is so far
> horrible and broken in some ways. Consistancy between console and
> X is badly broken, and no one seems to be talking about that.
> If anyone knows about this group or is/was working with them, could
> you point me to them? Or better yet, if they are inactive, can someone
> reactivate them?
> You can consider this a Request For Discussion to add consistancy wrt
> key mapping between x, console, telnet, ssh and as many other things
> as possible that would make sense to have consistant mapping, to
> the debian policy document.

This is because of two things:

1) Yann Dirson keeps horking the console-data package in new and exciting
   ways; one example is the release(s) that set your keymap to "azerty"
  regardless of what you told the dialogs.  I gather from certain people
 who have reason to know that Yann doesn't know how to use debconf

2) There was a period of time where the xterm terminfo data in the
   ncurses-base package was badly out of sync with the xterm binary package.
  That was fixed weeks ago.

I have no power over console-data, so I can't help you there.

But if you think X is misunderstanding the keyboard, you should file a
bug...if and only if you have done your homework and can file a bug report
with useful information in it.

1) Install the xcontrib package and use the "xev" tool to determine what
keycodes and keysyms are being generated by the problematic keys.

2) If what xev says makes sense to you, and yet your X clients (xemacs,
xterm, what have you) are doing the wrong thing, this is NOT, repeat
NOT, a problem with the X server and its notion of your keyboard.  It's a
problem with the X client.  Skip to step

3) If what xev doesn't make sense, then the X server is confused about
your keyboard.  There are several things to check:

- Are you using XKB?  Most people should.  If you have "XkbDisable"
uncommented in the keyboard section of your /etc/X11/XF86Config,
you're not using XKB.

+ Do your XKB settings make sense?  Here are mine, which make
perfect sense for North American qwerty keyboard users:
XkbLayout   "us"
(If you're not using a "Windows" keyboard, you can change the
"pc104" to "pc101").

+ Are you using /etc/X11/Xmodmap or $HOME/.Xmodmap to override what
XKB thinks about your keyboard?  If so, cut it out.  You should
only be using xmodmap stuff with XKB if you really know what you're

- If you're not using XKB, then you're relying on the console
keymap, which is often wrong for the reason given above.  At the
very least, you'll probably have to uncomment an appropriate piece
of the default /etc/X11/Xmodmap file to get the backspace and
delete keys working correctly.

4) You're having an X client problem.  How you address this depends on
the client.  A favorite gripe of people is xterm.  Unfortunately,
there are many places where things can go wrong with xterm.

- It can receive the wrong keysyms from the X server; to debug this,
go back to step 3, or even step 1.  All X clients will receive the
same keysyms from the server, so you can use xev to find out what
key events are being generated.

- xterm can be translating the key events into the wrong terminal
control sequences; this part is all about X resources.  The default
xterm X resources in /etc/X11/Xresources/xterm are known to work
for 3.3.6-4, there are only two; backspace generates ASCII 127 and
delete generates ESC [ 3 ~).  If you have stuff in any X dotfiles
in your home directory that look like the stuff in
/etc/X11/Xresources/xterm, you might be shooting yourself in the

- Whatever is running in the xterm (like the shell) can be getting

Howto add window managers to gdm?

2002-10-22 Thread Larry Alkoff
I'd like to add the following window managers to gdm:

black box 

I'm running Libranet 2.7 based on Debian.
Evidently the menu is controlled by files in 

This presently contains Gnome, KDE, Libranet (ICEwm-experimental), XFce and Fluxbox
plus Default soft linked to (presently) KDE.

I'd like to add the others above but each of the existing files has a completely 
command line and I don't know how to proceed.

Is there a resource where I can get information on this?  I've tried the obvious ones.

Larry Alkoff

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

xhost +localhost doesn't work

2002-10-26 Thread Larry Alkoff
Forgive me for posting a Libranet question here
but Libranet is a very close Debian clone
and there is a much greater volume of expertise here.

I'm trying to use xhost +localhost in Libranet 2.7 
to load programs as root in X-windows - eg Synaptic.

I _believe_ xhost +localhost _used_ to work but now it does not.

The only thing that works is
xhost +
which opens up the computer to anyone.

An example of a program I want to start is synaptic 
which requires to be run as root.

Here is what I would expect to work: (I think it _used_ to work)
  As user:
  xhost +localhost
  synaptic  Now get error Synaptic: could not open display

Here is what works:
  As user:
  xhost + Opening up to the world
  export DISPLAY=:0   I didn't use to do this - did I?

Am I doing something wrong or did I break something?

As a workaround I've installed sudo, added a group wheel and added myself to that 
Now I can simply type
sudo synaptic
and it works fine without the need to use xhost.

However I wish someone could give me a hint how to fix xhost.

Larry Alkoff

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xhost +localhost doesn't work

2002-10-26 Thread Larry Alkoff
On 26 Oct 2002 19:25:19 +0200, Haim Ashkenazi wrote:

>On Sat, 2002-10-26 at 13:32, Larry Alkoff wrote:
>> Forgive me for posting a Libranet question here
>> but Libranet is a very close Debian clone
>> and there is a much greater volume of expertise here.
>> I'm trying to use xhost +localhost in Libranet 2.7 
>Try 'xhost + localhost' (and not +localhost).

Acts exactly the same way whether there is a space
between x and localhost or not.

synaptic: could not open display

>> to load programs as root in X-windows - eg Synaptic.
>> I _believe_ xhost +localhost _used_ to work but now it does not.
>> The only thing that works is
>> xhost +
>> which opens up the computer to anyone.
>> An example of a program I want to start is synaptic 
>> which requires to be run as root.
>> Here is what I would expect to work: (I think it _used_ to work)
>>   As user:
>>   xhost +localhost
>>   su
>>   synaptic  Now get error Synaptic: could not open display
>> Here is what works:
>>   As user:
>>   xhost + Opening up to the world
>>   su
>>   export DISPLAY=:0   I didn't use to do this - did I?
>>   synaptic
>> Am I doing something wrong or did I break something?
>> As a workaround I've installed sudo, added a group wheel and added myself to that 
>> Now I can simply type
>> sudo synaptic
>> and it works fine without the need to use xhost.
>> However I wish someone could give me a hint how to fix xhost.
>> Larry Alkoff
>> Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX
>> -- 
>> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xhost +localhost doesn't work

2002-10-26 Thread Larry Alkoff
On Sat, 26 Oct 2002 11:31:12 -0700, Earl F Hampton wrote:

>On Saturday 26 October 2002 10:25 am, Haim Ashkenazi wrote:
>> On Sat, 2002-10-26 at 13:32, Larry Alkoff wrote:
>> > Forgive me for posting a Libranet question here
>> > but Libranet is a very close Debian clone
>> > and there is a much greater volume of expertise here.
>> >
>> > I'm trying to use xhost +localhost in Libranet 2.7
>> Try 'xhost + localhost' (and not +localhost).
>Try xhost +local:localhost

Ohh, that works!
Thank you.

Now, after 
xhost +local:localhost
xhost says "non-network local connections being added to access control list"

This is quite different than anything I had before.

However after su I must still
export DISPLAY=:0

Then I can load synaptic.

I'd like to not be required to type the 
export DISPLAY line every time.
I _believe_ I didn't have to do that in the past.

Also since
xhost +localhost
used to work fine, I'd like to understand why it has ceased to work.

Any idea on that?

Thanks very much for your tip.

>I think it defaults to inet. So xhost +localhost is the same as 
>xhost +inet:localhost which isn't what you want unless you're also setting 
>$DISPLAY to an ip.
>Earl F Hampton
>with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xhost +localhost doesn't work

2002-10-26 Thread Larry Alkoff
On Sat, 26 Oct 2002 11:31:12 -0700, Earl F Hampton wrote:

>On Saturday 26 October 2002 10:25 am, Haim Ashkenazi wrote:
>> On Sat, 2002-10-26 at 13:32, Larry Alkoff wrote:
>> > Forgive me for posting a Libranet question here
>> > but Libranet is a very close Debian clone
>> > and there is a much greater volume of expertise here.
>> >
>> > I'm trying to use xhost +localhost in Libranet 2.7
>> Try 'xhost + localhost' (and not +localhost).
>Try xhost +local:localhost
>I think it defaults to inet. So xhost +localhost is the same as 
>xhost +inet:localhost which isn't what you want unless you're also setting 
>$DISPLAY to an ip.

Strangely enough if I try various variations of localhost
which should show me the allowed connections
always shows me the same things:


With an xhost - in between I have tried:
xhost +localhost
xhost +local:localhost
xhost - !! should clear everything
xhost +

The only difference is if I go
xhost +linda
then  added to the list displayed with a simple xhost is:

Linda is a computer on my internal network with a fixed IP in /etc/hosts.

Any idea what this all means?


Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xhost +localhost doesn't work

2002-10-26 Thread Larry Alkoff
On Sat, 26 Oct 2002 18:09:13 -0400, Gregory Seidman wrote:

>Larry Alkoff sez:
>} On Sat, 26 Oct 2002 11:31:12 -0700, Earl F Hampton wrote:
>} >Try xhost +local:localhost
>} Ohh, that works!
>} Thank you.
>} However after su I must still
>} export DISPLAY=:0
>} Then I can load synaptic.
>} I'd like to not be required to type the 
>} export DISPLAY line every time.
>} I _believe_ I didn't have to do that in the past.
>When I need to do that sort of thing, I use su -c, e.g.
>su -c synaptic
>It keeps the environment.

>From su -c synptic I get a password display but then:
synaptic: could not open display

Something has gone wrong here
but I DK what it is.


Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xhost +localhost doesn't work

2002-10-27 Thread Larry Alkoff
Problem is solved.  My thanks to all who offered suggestions.

Perhaps the below may be useful to someone, sometime.

Several things went wrong - first the ugly.

xhost +localhost examines the /etc/hosts file to make sure
the host (localhost in this case) is valid.

I had copied over the most recent hosts file from another computer.
Unfortunately, it was a Windows computer so the file had crlf instead of simple lf
line endings.  I discovered all those ^M at the end of line when I fired up joe
to make sure localhost was in the file - it was but guess the ^M confused xhost.
My bad - sorry.

After running dos2unix on /etc/hosts I was able to 
xhost +localhost

However that still required me to 
export DISPLAY=:0
each time.

Here is the good.

I read Rob Weir's discussion about setting the XAUTHORITY variable
in the su environment.

I like aliases so I set up a new
alias sup='su -p'
The -p variable preserves the user's environment and shell,
including the XAUTHORITY variable.

Now  I 
and just run synaptic (my test "suite") and up it comes!

Here is the bad which turns out good:

For some time I could not
su -
for some reason.  I always got an
su: unknown id -
error message.

While looking for a nice stop in bashrc for my sup alias I
found this:
alias su='su -'
Gee I had forgotten about that and immediately
changed it to
alias su-
The moral of that story is be careful about making aliases with the exact same name
as programs that take special parameters like su -
since the - is easily confused with an option.

In my case I was really typing
su - -
each time - no wonder it didn't work.

Again thanks to all who helped.
Larry Alkoff

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Microsoft's plans to kill open source: TCPA

2002-11-02 Thread Larry Alkoff
Top posting so this can be clearly read.

I'm interested in what TCPA is but the web site mentioned is very poorly written.
There is no clear explanation of what TCPA is and why it should be opposed
on the main page.

Examination of the web site gave me no information about TCPA at all.
It's a good canditate for the excellent book "Web Sites that Suck".

The only thing I saw is the need to reconfigure my email program - I'm not going to do 
without a really good reason.

Somebody needs to radically change the site.
In the meantime, can anyone please tell me what  this TCPA is all about?

Larry Alkoff

On Sun, 3 Nov 2002 02:13:41 +0100, Calber Chainy wrote:

>Hi Hauke:
>Even I did not know about this I am not surprised, day after day governments and big 
>companys try to control us more
>and more.
>Reading about it i found in every paragraph violation of our privacy rights.
>They are planning to gain a lot of space by this move, but is in our hands to fight 
>inch by inch.
>Our virtual freedom is in danger since Internet started to be what is now.
>On Sat, Nov 02, 2002 at 11:57:51PM +0100, Hauke Goos-Habermann wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Microsoft plans to kill all OpenSource software on hardware level. This
>> technology is called TCPA.
>> What's TCPA in general you can read at the anti-tcpa site:
>>  http://antitcpa.alsherok.net/
>> All OpenSource developers should think the same way: If TCPA becomes reality
>> GPL is dead.
>> Now we have to act and stop it!
>> We should build a strong anti-TCPA alliance with all OpenSource developers,
>> communities, companies,...
>> Please tell me, what you think about it (and excuse ma bad english).
>> Regards Hauke Goos-Habermann
>> --
>> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

NFS not working any more with UNIONFS

2005-08-16 Thread Larry Alkoff

I used to have no problems using NFS to mount Knoppix
to another computer and read files in most of the directories
with the exception of /home.

Now the directories are all soft linked to something like
etc -> /UNIONFS/etc
and I'm unable to view or cd to them.

Is this UNIONFS something new to Knoppix?

Any suggestions how to mount these directories under NFS?


Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX
Using Thunderbird on Slackware Linux

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]