Re: Identifying CPU

2013-08-29 Thread Kailash
On Thursday 29 August 2013 07:28 PM, staticsafe wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 08:25:35AM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
>> I'll be installing Debian 7.1 on two unrelated sets of machines. I
>> have no record of the cpu in any of the machines. Is there a utility
>> to identify the processors, particularly bus width. All machines
>> originally ran various 32 bit MS Windows incarnations.
>> Three personal machines:
>> 1. A Lenovo desktop currently running WinXP Pro SP3
>> 2. An IBM/Lenovo T43 Thinkpad laptop running WinXP Pro SP3
>> 3. A Lenovo R61 Thinkpad laptop currently running various
>> configurations of Squeeze. There were stickers on it when I
>> purchased it saying "Intel Core2 Duo" and "Windows Vista Basic".
>> Windows was completely removed when I installed Squeeze.
>> A collection of donated machines at church being used for a outreach
>> program for the neighborhood K-6 children. OS include Win98 and
>> later.
>> For the time being all Debian installs will be 32 bit. In a year or
>> so, capable machines will be migrated to 64 bit. There are
>> non-technical constraints precluding immediate migration to 64 bit.
>> Suggestions/comments?
>> TIA
> cat /proc/cpuinfo and Google will do the job.
Hi Richard,

A few weeks ago we had an interesting thread discussing the performance
advantage of 64bit vs 32bit kernels and the outcome was that except for
server loads where a couple of % points make a difference, you may not
really need to go for 64bit.

So, unless there's a reason like huge amounts of RAM, you're better off
with the 32bit kernel.

2 cents,

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Re: itunes under debian

2013-09-04 Thread Kailash
On Wednesday 04 September 2013 12:02 AM, Mike McGinn wrote:
> On Tuesday, September 03, 2013 14:16:49 Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:
>> Am Dienstag, 3. September 2013, 19:23:20 schrieb Pascal Obry:
>>> Le 03/09/2013 19:00, Mike McGinn a écrit :
>>>> Has anyone in this group had any luck getting iTunes to work under
>>>> Linux?
>> I believe, iTunes10 can be installed in Playonlinux, when you set a mark in
>> the "testing" option.
>> Sorry, but I did not test it, but I tested iTunes (do not know, which
>> version, I believe it was 9) using wine.
>> However, iTunes is a crap, maybe there is an alternative? If he just wants
>> to listen music and not buy frome the store, he might take a look on
>> "amarok".
>> Best
>> Hans
> Unfortunately he buys a lot of music from the store. My friend will get his 
> Windows 7 going for a case of microbrew, but I am looking into Mint now also.
> Mike
Hi Mike,

I ran into a similar situation with a friend earlier. After much
searching and trying, the only option that worked for her was to install
a WinXP VM. So we installed VirtualBox on her Debian install and
installed WinXP on it. We patched it to SP2 and then were able to
install iTunes and connect successfully.

If you try this solution and run into issues, I'd be happy to share how
we fixed ours.


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Re: XFCE4 - gedit - was Re: Thanks

2013-09-04 Thread Kailash
On Sunday 01 September 2013 08:24 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On 9/1/13, Joe Pfeiffer  wrote:
>>> I'm just going to revert to squeeze, that desktop actually worked.
>> Another vote for xfce.  I switched to it quite a while ago, and have
>> been happy since.
> I find it adequate; ~8months now; I am however reasonable with the command 
> line.
> I don't like mousepad editor however, and I don't gedit. So I installed gedit.
> But gnome apps aren't configuring properly; in particular, in the menu
> bar of gedit (and I've seen it elsewhere I think), all the menus are
> jammed up against each other - no nice spacing between them. Anyone
> know what I ought to install to make these gnome menus work properly
> with XFCE4 ?
Hi Zenaan,

Have you tried running gedit from terminal? Perhaps some interesting
errors or warnings may crop up.


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Re: XFCE4 - gedit - was Re: Thanks

2013-09-10 Thread Kailash
On Thursday 05 September 2013 07:48 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On 9/5/13, Nate Bargmann  wrote:
>> * On 2013 05 Sep 05:48 -0500, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
>>>> Turns out, they both produce almost identical errors. Gedit error:
>>>> (gedit:15593): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:101:18:
>>>> Not using units is deprecated. Assuming 'px'.
>>>> Evince error:
>>>> (evince:15620): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:101:18:
>>>> Not using units is deprecated. Assuming 'px'.
>> It sounds like you're lacking a GTK3 theme engine.  For example, I have
>> the clearlooks-phenix-theme package installed so that GTK3 and GTK2 apps
>> look nearly identical.
> Thanks. Adwaita's not too bad either. A theme is another thing I'd
> like to create one day - cross-desktop, cross-display engine,
> highly-customizable theme.
> Now my text box in firefox is no longer expandable - hopefully will
> fix itself on restart.
> That's all folks, and thanks again,
> Zenaan

So was the gedit issue resolved?


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Re: Security?

2013-09-10 Thread Kailash
On Tuesday 10 September 2013 12:27 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Mon, 2013-09-09 at 20:20 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>> Obama is as evil as a human being can be, it's impossible to be more
>> evil. He is in one league with [...] idiots.
> Nobody was hooked :), that's good, because it's nonsense, resp. a
> provocation. But indeed, people died because of the politic, so IMO
> stealing data is less an issue, than other issues we've got on our
> planet. I wonder that nobody writes endless mails about starvation and
> wars and when there is the comparison between the USA and China, keep in
> mind that there is more serious wrongness in China, than in the USA.
> We can't protect ourself against living in a country were hunger is an
> issue, we can't protect ourself against wars, but we can protect ourself
> against data robbery, by not providing important data by the Internet.


We have some software solutions. Could a system be also compromised when
using a generic hardware layer? And if so, what options exist?

Any pointers would be appreciated.


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Re: only GDM3 greeter screen works

2013-09-12 Thread Kailash
On Friday 13 September 2013 06:38 AM, Dean Allen Provins, P. Geoph. wrote:
> Hello, 
> Apparently I have mucked something up.  The GDM3 greeter screen (i.e. the
> screen that displays your name, and solicits the password) functions, 
> but it will not sign me on.
> I can sign on via a terminal session, so it isn't a userid or
> password problem.
> I've run "dpkg-reconfigure gdm3", but that didn't help.
> I've run "/etc/init.d/gdm3 restart", and that didn't help either.
> Any ideas?
> Dean
reinstall gdm3?


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Re: under GDM3 printer outputs only blank pages

2013-09-12 Thread Kailash
On Thursday 12 September 2013 08:24 AM, Dean Allen Provins, P. Geoph. wrote:
> Hello:
> I finally upgraded to Wheezy and GDM3 in August.  Since then, my
> Postscript printer which functioned correctly under GDM2 outputs
> ONLY blank pages when print requests are submitted to CUPS.
> The printer does function correctly if I run:
>   cat > /dev/lp0
> But using "lp" or "lp FILE.txt" outputs only a blank
> page.  Similar results occur if I print from ghostview for
> example.
> Any ideas on where to look, or what config file might need
> tweaking?
> Thanks,
> Dean
Hi Dean,

CUPS uses a PPD file that describes the printer's postscript version.
Perhaps that was somehow altered or changed. My next move would be to
check the ppd version installed in CUPS - http://localhost:631 and
search online to see if the manufacturer has a ppd that could be used


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Re: Security?

2013-09-13 Thread Kailash
On Friday 13 September 2013 12:50 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> Indeed
> "pussy riot"
> with and without the quotes is filtered by, while Google
> does show hits regarding to the "Russian feminists". IMO they are not
> really important, serious feminists.
> Just for fun I tried
> "moby's dick"
> ;) and by Google I got (G-rated, don't
> worry) and only shows Moby Dick.

No spying, only spelling correction.

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Re: How to eliminate these 'Script ETH1START is broken'

2013-09-13 Thread Kailash
On Friday 13 September 2013 05:20 AM, John W. Foster wrote:
> How to get rid of these messages;
> System is working fine, but I get these now and then when installing or
> uninstalling debian apps
>> insserv: Script ETH1START is broken: incomplete LSB comment.
>> insserv: missing `Default-Stop:'   entry: please add even if empty.
>> insserv: Script ETH1START is broken: incomplete LSB comment.
>> insserv: missing `Default-Stop:'   entry: please add even if empty.
>> insserv: Script ETH1START is broken: incomplete LSB comment.
>> insserv: missing `Default-Stop:'   entry: please add even if empty.
>> insserv: Script ETH1START is broken: incomplete LSB comment.
>> insserv: missing `Default-Stop:'   entry: please add even if empty.
>> insserv: Default-Stop  undefined, assuming empty stop  runlevel(s) for 
>> script `ETH1START'

Could you run
"locate ETH1START"
and post a copy of the file here?
Fixing the error might be easier.

IMO, this is probably a script file in /etc/inid.d which seems to be
have the errors list.


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Re: -- SPAM --Re: nm eth0 connection

2013-09-13 Thread Kailash
On Friday 13 September 2013 10:12 AM, Robert Holtzm wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 12:23:50AM +0100, Sharon Kimble wrote:
>> On Thu, 12 Sep 2013 14:13:30 -0700
>> Robert Holtzman  wrote:
>>> On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 10:22:38AM -0400, Tom H wrote:
>>>> What's "no-auto-default=00:21:CC:B6:06:8F,"?!
>>>> I've never seen "no-auto-default=..." before but I'd blame it for
>>>> your NIC not coming up automatically since "00...8F" is its MAC
>>>> address!
>>> That line is commented out. Not sure why it didn't show up that way
>>> in my post. Tried uncommenting it with no effect. I don't understand
>>> what it's doing there. Pinging my router as root still gives
>>> "Operation not permitted". It says I'm sending packets but none are
>>> received.
>>> At this point I'm completely snowed to the point where I'm tempted to
>>> try the M$ solution (reload the OS). So far I'm fighting the
>>> temptation.
>> Daft as it sounds, have you tried rebooting? That might well clear the
>> bottleneck, hopefully :)
> Any number of times, after any change. Don't know if it's required but
> it can't hurt.
Ok, so if network manager's working and you have a valid IP address, and
you can't ping, then there may be some issue you with routing.
might be a good starting point.


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Re: VLC freezes system

2013-10-02 Thread Kailash
On Thursday 03 October 2013 09:37 AM, Anubhav Yadav wrote:
> Hi list, 
> Recently whenever I open some videos in vlc, debian freezes, I cannot
> even switch to tty1 and all I have to do is restart the system. 
> I see that I have VLC media player 2.0.3 Twoflower (revision
> 2.0.2-93-g77aa89e) installed in debian,
> I tried installing the latest VLC (2.1.0) from the backports repository
> apt-get -t wheezy-backports install vlc
> but is says that VLC is installed to the latest version.
> Any help?
Have you looked at any of the logs? Messages? Kernel?
I recently had some crashes on my desktop and when nothing showed up on
the logs, I ran the memtest. Turns out that one of the RAM chips is out.


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Re: sid dist-upgrade will remove Xorg and hold back replacement

2013-10-05 Thread Kailash
On Sunday 06 October 2013 10:01 AM, Joel Roth wrote:
> xserver-xorg-video-apm
>   xserver-xorg-video-ark xserver-xorg-video-chips xserver-xorg-video-i128
>   xserver-xorg-video-i740 xserver-xorg-video-rendition xserver-xorg-video-s3
>   xserver-xorg-video-s3virge xserver-xorg-video-sis xserver-xorg-video-tseng
>   xserver-xorg-video-voodoo
Hi Joel,

Atleast in the case of libboost the version will be upgraded from your
present 1.49 to 1.54

Re the xorg packages, they all appear to be video drivers which are
going to be removed.


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Re: Mouse scrolling speed

2013-10-06 Thread Kailash
On Monday 07 October 2013 01:27 AM, Rob Owens wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 06, 2013 at 09:15:18AM -0700, Dolev Farhi wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I'm running Debian 6 with GNOME.
>> My mouse scroll is somewhat slow, It takes about 5-6 scrolls to get to
>> the bottom of a page.
>> in the mouse control GUI there is no indication of scrolling speed.
>> Googling about this brought no solutions except using XFCE.
>> anyone got a clue how to speed up the mouse scroll?
> I know that xset can be used to change the mouse pointer speed.  Maybe
> it's able to change the scroll speed as well, but the man page doesn't
> seem to mention it.  But if you've got no other leads, you might want to 
> look into xset in case I missed something in the man page.
> -Rob

Have you seen this?


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Re: Mouse scrolling speed

2013-10-06 Thread Kailash
On Monday 07 October 2013 01:27 AM, Rob Owens wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 06, 2013 at 09:15:18AM -0700, Dolev Farhi wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I'm running Debian 6 with GNOME.
>> My mouse scroll is somewhat slow, It takes about 5-6 scrolls to get to
>> the bottom of a page.
>> in the mouse control GUI there is no indication of scrolling speed.
>> Googling about this brought no solutions except using XFCE.
>> anyone got a clue how to speed up the mouse scroll?
> I know that xset can be used to change the mouse pointer speed.  Maybe
> it's able to change the scroll speed as well, but the man page doesn't
> seem to mention it.  But if you've got no other leads, you might want to 
> look into xset in case I missed something in the man page.
> -Rob
And for reference, here are my pointer settings
Pointer Control:
  acceleration:  2/1threshold:  4


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Re: You can have any color you want - as long as it's Gnome?

2013-10-07 Thread Kailash

> Is there an alternative network manager for XFCE, and can one be
> selected during initial installation?


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Re: another dependency question

2013-10-26 Thread Kailash

> why produce PDF with such
> capabilities.
> Reco
To convert a PowerPoint presentation with embedded multimedia to PDF
would be one example.


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Re: apt-get aptitude dependencies purge

2013-10-27 Thread Kailash
On Sunday 27 October 2013 03:17 PM, Chris Bannister wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 08:42:18AM +0100, Slavko wrote:
>> Ahoj,
>> Dňa Sat, 26 Oct 2013 20:55:57 -0600 ruckusrogue 
>> napísal:
>>> Anyone know the proper tool (shell) to best remove (purge) packages
>>> and their dependencies after installing?
>> There are three types of dependencies:
>> + depended = required
>> + recommended = optional
> Unless you explicitly set recommended to optional, then they are
> automatically installed.
> e.g.
> # less /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90local
> APT::Default-Release "jessie";
> APT::Install-Recommends "false";
> APT::Acquire::Languages "en";
> #Debug::Acquire::Ftp "true";
> #Debug::Acquire::Http "true";
Can't comment as to behavior, but I've had some issues with my own
experimental installation. I use deborphan to identify removable packages.


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Re: Squeeze - recovering from power outage

2013-11-26 Thread Kailash
On Monday 25 November 2013 09:46 PM, Atle Solbakken wrote:
> Den 25. nov. 2013 16:23, skrev Roman Gelfand:
>> I had recently a power outage on debian squeeze.  Even though it
>> appears to working, it stalls at times and very slow.  Is there a
>> recommended troubleshooting steps and/or maintenance I need to after
>> this happens?
> Any suspicious messages in /var/log/syslog or dmesg ? My first guess
> would be that a hard drive is failing. Might also be DNS-problems not
> directly related to the outage, might use dig to check it out.
> Atle.

Unrelated to power outages, one thing to check would be to look at the
root directory. If you're low on diskspace that can often cause slow-downs.


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Re: Setting up wordpress on wheezy using the debian packages?

2013-11-27 Thread Kailash
On Sunday 24 November 2013 07:09 AM, Rick Thomas wrote:
> Can someone point me at step-by-step instructions for going from
>   sudo aptitude install wordpress
> on a freshly scrubbed, newly installed Wheezy system to a working wordpress 
> website on the same machine?
> I've read the README.Debian in /usr/share/doc/wordpress/ and the stuff in 
> examples/ but they are just hints, I think.
> I've googled till I'm blue in the face, but all I find is people who insist 
> on installing wordpress from the downloadable tarball at the wordpress 
> development site and ignore the debian package entirely.  I'd much rather do 
> things the "Debian way".
> Somebody must have done it, I would think -- or what's the point of having a 
> Debian package in the first place?  If you have, can you share your recipe?
> All help will be appreciated!
> Rick
Hi Rick,

These instructions should work for Debian as well:

The main thing is to get Apache & PHP configured properly. Once that's
done, Wordpress config goes easily.

I'll be happy to help you troubleshoot this if needed.


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Re: Firestarter Events always empty

2013-12-02 Thread Kailash
On Sunday 01 December 2013 08:10 PM, Gábor Hársfalvi wrote:
> 2013/12/1 Andreas Rönnquist  <>>
> On Sun, 1 Dec 2013 13:31:28 +0100,
> Gábor Há>> wrote:
> >Why?
> >
> >Thanks for all possible answers
> From the Debian description at [1]:
> "Firestarter is no longer developed and is missing some critical
> features such as IPv6 support, so users may be advised to look into
> more modern alternatives such as gufw."
> To me it looks like (sadly enough) it hasn't had an upstream release
> since 2005. [2]
> If I were you, I would look for alternatives.
> [1]:
> [2]:
> -- Andreas Rönnquist
> <>
> <>
> --
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> <>
> Archive:
> I know its too old - but on other PC-s Firestarter works well with the
> same system - Debian Squeeze.
> I just tried gufw too - but its not so good for me - in Firestarter I
> like Events tab where I can block/unblock anything very quickly. Is
> there any Firewall for Debian like this? I will try that

This shows the list of firewall apps/scripts (with tags) in the debian
main repository. I'm sorry, I've only experimented with Firestarter and
UFW to date.


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Re: key error message from squeeze-updates repository

2013-12-02 Thread Kailash
On Monday 02 December 2013 11:06 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> I am getting the following error message when I run aptitude update:
> W: GPG error: squeeze-updates Release: The 
> following
> signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not 
> available:
> NO_PUBKEY 8B48AD6246925553
> The debian-archive-keyring package is installed.
> What has gone wrong and how do I correct it?  I have googled but found 
> out only that the debian-archive-keyring package ought to be 
> installed - and it is!
> I am trying to get Squeeze fully upgraded before upgrading to Wheezy.
> Lisi
Hi Lisi,

Have you seen this page?

You'd have to substitute your key for the key listed there. When I ran
the first half of the recommended solution, I get the following:
gpg: key 46925553: public key "Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key
(7.0/wheezy) " imported

I'm sorry, I've got no concrete ideas on what causes the error.


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Re: No Video

2013-12-02 Thread Kailash
On Monday 02 December 2013 07:52 PM, wrote:
> Hudson --
>  My video - the data on the DOS partition is essential to me.  It is
> obvious that the FAT table has been corrupted, and therefore I do
> not know where the DOS files are.  They may be in the Linux
> partition.  That is why I cannot do an install on that disk.

Hi Ethan,

I apologize if I've missed a mail or two in this thread. What are you
trying to get to at this point?

If your X server does not work, you still have access to your console to
perform some rescue operations. Alternatively you can also access your
machine with a LiveCD to copy data off and perhaps even perform repairs.


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Re: Install?

2013-06-05 Thread Kailash
On Mon, 3 Jun 2013 17:14:36 -0400
Harry Prevor  wrote:

> On 6/3/13, Kailash Kalyani  wrote:
> > I tried the install a couple of days ago on my laptop. I got an
> > offer to resize
> > my windows partition. Can't recall getting an option to install
> > inside the NTFS partition.
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but I *believe* how goodbye-microsoft works
> is that it installs a very minimal debian-installer OS (just enough to
> boot the installer) in a file in Windows (just like how Wubi would
> install all of Ubuntu in one file, but smaller). Then, you can boot to
> that file using the Windows bootloader and install the rest of the
> system normally (maybe it moves the whole installer into RAM upon boot
> so you can repartition the disks?).

Hi Harry,

Yes, initially a file is stored on the windows partition and the
boot-up menu is modified so you can get into the installer on reboot.
Once you reboot you go into an installer that suggests resizing of
partitions etc. 


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Re: Sound But No CD Sound

2013-06-05 Thread Kailash
On Wed, 05 Jun 2013 02:50:09 -0500
Kent West  wrote:

> On 6/5/13 2:18 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > On Ma, 04 iun 13, 09:15:35, Thomas H. George wrote:
> >> My system is Wheezy.
> >> ogg123 plays ogg files perfectly with sound.
> >> workbone plays the cd but there is no sound.
> >> cdir lists the tracks on the cd.
> >
> > This may be obvious to you, but... the CD usually has a dedicated
> > channel. Did you check the volume level and mute/unmute?
> >
> > Kind regards,
> > Andrie
> My memory is hazy, but I vaguely recall that CD drives used to also
> have a dedicated audio cable that plugged into the motherboard.
> Without that cable, there would be no audio, I think.

No more. :) Now it's just the regular cable and power connection.

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Re: Alsa sound errors

2013-06-05 Thread Kailash
On Wed, 05 Jun 2013 07:24:16 -0700
Marc Shapiro  wrote:

> On 06/04/2013 11:04 PM, Raffaele Morelli wrote:
> > 2013/6/5 Marc Shapiro  > >
> >
> > There are three people with logins to my desktop box -- myself,
> > my wife and my daughter.  My daughter plays Flash games with sound
> > all the time and has no problems.  I run YouTube videos and
> > otherwise use sound with no problems.  My wife gets no sound
> > whatsoever.  We used to have a problem with the sound being
> > grabbed by something and then I would need to kill things
> > manually, but I eliminated all KDE apps and that problem went
> > away.  I think that was back when I was still running Etch,
> > anyway.  When I need to verify that sound is working and not
> > locked up, I just use 'play' with a .wav file.  My wife was just
> > playing a video and getting no sound, so, under my login I ran:
> >
> > play /home/marc/public_html/footpain/media/montoya.wav
> >
> > /home/marc/public_html/footpain/media/montoya.wav:
> >
> >  File Size: 14.8k Bit Rate: 13.1k
> >   Encoding: GSM
> >   Channels: 1 @ 16-bit
> > Samplerate: 8000Hz
> > Replaygain: off
> >   Duration: 00:00:09.04
> >
> > In:100%  00:00:09.04 [00:00:00.00] Out:434k  [  |  ]
> > Clip:0 Done.
> >
> > and, as you can see, it worked just fine.
> >
> > So I swiched over to my wife's login and did the same thing:
> >
> >  play /home/marc/public_html/footpain/media/montoya.wav
> > ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:985:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to create IPC
> > semaphore
> > play FAIL formats: can't open output file `default':
> > snd_pcm_open error: Permission denied
> >
> > As you can see, it failed.  Can anyone tell me just what is
> > failing and how to correct it.  My first thought was that it
> > was a permissions problem and perhaps she needed to be added to the
> > 'audio' group, or some such, as she is only in her own group.
> > But then I checked my daughter's account.  She is also only in her
> > own group; not in 'audio' or anything else.  So that ruled out that
> > solution.  The error says 'Permission denied" however, so it is
> > some kind of permissions problem, I just don't know what.
> >
> > Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Marc
> >
> >
> > You should use
> >  ipc_key_add_uid TRUE
> >
> > in your .asoundrc when defining dmix.
> >
> > Details are in 
> >
> >
> > Regards
> > /r
> Is that a user lever file?  I do not find that config file anywhere
> on my box.
> Marc

Hi Marc,

Based on what R stated in reply-to Andrei, you need to try and reboot
your machine and log onto your wife's account. If the sound plays fine
then the issue is the one he described.

The .asoundrc file should be in the home directory of each user as
you're using ALSA to play sound. I've got PulseAudio on my system, so
can't check this for you.


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Re: Activities? Dash? Hot-corner?

2013-06-05 Thread Kailash
On Wed, 5 Jun 2013 14:55:23 -0400
"Eric d'Halibut"  wrote:

> Yes, I just dist-upgraded to wheezy. I was so baffled by the gnew
> Gnome that I launched "Help" from the Accessories menu. Help tells me
> I am supposed to have the items I listed in my Subject: heading, i.e.
> if i may repeat myself, Activities, Dash, Hot-corner.
> None of these entities seem to exist on my new Gnome. I have searched
> debian-user for this problem and come up empty handed. Sorry if I
> missed a really useful discussion of my situation, but can anyone
> steer me to a gnewbies Gnome How-To that addressed Wheezy's Gnome?
> All best,

Hi, if you go to the top left corner of your screen, you enter
"Activities". You should see a panel on your left which has some
default favorite apps. 

If you want to run anything else, just type away... 
A simple video intro here:

Hope that helps,

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Re: Can't (re)install libapache2-mod-php5 on SID

2013-06-05 Thread Kailash
On Tue, 04 Jun 2013 16:50:40 +0200
Csanyi Pal  wrote:

> Joe  writes:
> > On Sun, 02 Jun 2013 20:36:18 +0200
> > Csanyi Pal  wrote:
> >> on my Debian GNU/Linux unstable (sid) system I can't (re)install
> >> libapache2-mod-php5 debian package. 
> >> 
> >> It remain half configured after an upgrade process.
> >> 
> >> In Aptitude interface when I try to reinstall it, I get error
> >> message: E: Internal Error, No file name for
> >> libapache2-mod-php5:amd64 
> >> 
> >> What can I do to solve this problem?
> > Difficult to say. The current version is 5.5.0~rc2+dfsg-2 and my
> > previous version upgraded today OK, also sid on amd64. There are new
> > versions of both apache2 and php5.
> >
> > What you have sounds like a confused aptitude rather than an apache2
> > issue. You might first try an update, then a reboot and update, and
> > if this hasn't cleared the problem, try one of the other tools,
> > either Synaptic or apt-get dist-upgrade. Synaptic does a
> > dist-upgrade by default.
> Well, I don't remember what I did, probably try in aptitude interface
> to remove packages, and it's dependencies, but now I have only one
> package that I can't remove: ldap-account-manager.
> When I try to purge it in Synaptic, I get the following message:
> E: ldap-account-manager: subprocess installed post-removal script
> returned error exit status 1
> Removing ldap-account-manager ...
> [ ok ] Reloading web server: apache2.
> invoke-rc.d: initscript apache2, action "reload" failed.
> dpkg: error processing ldap-account-manager (--remove):
>  subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 1
> Errors were encountered while processing:
>  ldap-account-manager
> W: Waited for dpkg --assert-multi-arch but it wasn't there - dpkgGo
> (10: No child processes)
> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
> A package failed to install.  Trying to recover:
> So on my Desktop system, I can't run apache2, and can't remove
> ldap-account-manager. 
> What I want it the following: to get again a running apache2, php5,
> and ldap-account-manager. 
> The ldap-account-manager is now Half installed, and can't to do with
> it anything.
> Advices?


I looked at this thread:

And while it's not debian the suggestion was to use the following
sudo dpkg --clear-avail && sudo apt-get update

That seemed to fix it.
from dpkg man pages:
  Erase the existing information about what  packages  are


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Re: How to consistently install a set of packages?

2013-06-06 Thread Kailash
On Thu, 6 Jun 2013 17:30:24 +1000
David  wrote:

> On 06/06/2013, James Richardson  wrote:
> > David wrote:
> [...]
> >> Because some packages create users and groups, I want to be sure
> >> that these packages are installed in the same sequence on every PC
> >> so that numeric uid & gid in /etc/passwd and /etc/group end up the
> >> same on all PCs. This will make admin easier when keeping the
> >> shared data in sync if the numeric uid and gid are the same in
> >> every OS.
> > The only thing I can suggest (and I am by no means an expert), is to
> > create the users/groups before installing the packages. You can use
> > dpkg --get/--set-selections to set the selection state of the
> > packages, but as this doesn't actually install anything, I would
> > doubt it would give apt-get/aptitude any hints about ordering, but
> > if the user/groups existed before hand it should still be ok.
> Hi James
> Thank you for your thoughts. I appreciate your lateral thinking which
> is appealing. But I wonder how a package install process would make
> the decision to take over a pre-existing user or group?
> For example, if I created user=approx and then installed the approx
> package which wants to run as user=approx, how thoroughly would its
> installer script assess if the pre-existing user=approx is free for
> its use? If there already was some other unrelated user=approx, it
> would be undesirable for the approx package to assimilate that user.
> And would each package that wants to do similar behave consistently?
> Any thoughts on that?
> My guess would be that a package install would probably abort if the
> user or group it wanted was already in use. Or perhaps the installer
> will ask what to do? I'd prefer if it would run unattended. I can't
> set up a test immediately, but if necessary I can test this later in
> the week.


I did some searching re UIDs and GIDs, and it appears that the
adduser.conf file can be used to manage this behavior. 

In addition if you look at the manpage of adduser the option "--uid"
will allow you to choose the user's ID. And addgroup has a similar

So, perhaps all you need is a common script that does it for you.
Please do refer to the policy manual re the allocation policy for


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Re: boot fails on wheezy

2013-06-06 Thread Kailash
On Tue, 4 Jun 2013 09:17:44 +0300
Andrei POPESCU  wrote:

> On Ma, 04 iun 13, 07:04:29, Pierre Frenkiel wrote:
> > After a problem with a ligthscribe dvd, I had to reboot my PC,
> > After that, impossible to boot. Even the "grub loading" message is
> > absent.Booting with the wheezy install cd in rescue mode, I tried
> > almost all the known
> What about the option to reinstall the bootloader?
> Kind regards,
> Andrei


You could try using this tool that’ll help you fix most of your boot


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Gstreamer Jack plugin

2013-06-06 Thread Kailash
Hi All,

I'm experimenting with sound settings on my box: 7.0 stable

Using main non-free and contrib repositories.

I've currently got PulseAudio running and several apps which use
Gstreamer for audio. I'd like to use Jack instead. I've tried some
searches to find a Gstreamer Jack plugin, but haven't found any. 

Any help here would be appreciated.


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Re: Installing libgtk2.0-0:i386 on amd64 system

2013-06-06 Thread Kailash
On Thu, 6 Jun 2013 08:26:56 -0400
Brad Alexander  wrote:

> Hello,
> As the subject says, I'm having problems installing libgtk2.0-0:i386
> on my amd64 sid system. The problem is that I am using the cisco
> anyconnect client, which requires the i386 version, but when I
> attempt to install at one (the amd64 version is installed), I get a
> bunch of dependency issues:

I'm guessing you've already added the i386 architecture using dpkg.

Once done, you should run apt-get update.
Then try 

> # apt-get install libgtk2.0-0:i386


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Re: Debian/Linux tutorials.

2013-06-06 Thread Kailash
On Thu, 06 Jun 2013 08:11:45 -0500
Richard Owlett  wrote:

> Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > On Jo, 06 iun 13, 14:11:21, atar wrote:
> >> Hi there!!
> >>
> >> I wanted to know please where can I enrich my knowledge about Linux
> >> at general and especially about Debian regarding variety of topics
> >> such as the system boot process, what are tty's? and where are
> >> located the scripts that the system runs during the boot and
> >> shutdown process, how to manage groups policies and how manage the
> >> whole system at all. where can I find some useful
> >> resources/documentation/references that speak in clear fashion,
> >> because the man pages often uses some concepts which aren't
> >> familiar to the beginner user, so I look for some resources that
> >> are friendly with the beginner user.
> >
> >
> >
> Speaking as a beginner myself, those are written by and for experts.
> I found out, during an engineering co-op assignment 40 years ago, 
> just how difficult it is to write technical documentation aimed 
> at someone with a different background. And it was only a ten 
> page production line test procedure.

Hi, I'm going through the same process myself. For me, a good start was
the TDLP site. Specifically "Introduction to Linux" was a great start:

although obsolete is still gives you a good grounding, I feel.

After that, you can try working into specific topics by searching on
youtube, google etc.

Good luck

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Re: Upgrade from 6.0.7 to 7.0 issues

2013-06-06 Thread Kailash

On Sunday 02 June 2013 11:37 PM, Miroslav Skoric wrote:

I upgraded the other day, and noticed some differences between my
desktop appearance (Gnome) and what is described in the Help. According
to Help, there should be some Activities menu or something like that in
the upper left corner, but only I see is Applications and Places in that
screen area. Any idea?

Hi Miroslav,

Looks like you're booting into Gnome Classic. Logout and see if you have 
other Gnome desktops available.


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How can I use Jack instead of Pulse

2013-06-08 Thread Kailash

Hi All,

I'm experimenting with sound settings on my debian box: 7.0 stable

Using main non-free and contrib repositories.

I've currently got PulseAudio running and several apps which use
Gstreamer for audio. I'd like to use Jack instead. I've tried some
searches to find a Gstreamer Jack plugin, but haven't found any.

Any help here would be appreciated.


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Re: Cut an paste from icedove email messages

2013-06-08 Thread Kailash

On Fri, Jun 07, 2013 at 02:17:23PM -0700, Gary Roach wrote:

I keep having the situation where I want to cut and paste a section
from an email to another document. Is there any way to cut and paste
from iceweasel to the clipboard to a text document?


Would logging your clipboard help?


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Re: Can't (re)install libapache2-mod-php5 on SID

2013-06-08 Thread Kailash

On Saturday 08 June 2013 01:49 PM, Csanyi Pal wrote:


Kailash  writes:

On Tue, 04 Jun 2013 16:50:40 +0200
Csanyi Pal  wrote:

Joe  writes:

On Sun, 02 Jun 2013 20:36:18 +0200
Csanyi Pal  wrote:

on my Debian GNU/Linux unstable (sid) system I can't (re)install
libapache2-mod-php5 debian package.

It remain half configured after an upgrade process.

In Aptitude interface when I try to reinstall it, I get error
message: E: Internal Error, No file name for

What can I do to solve this problem?

Difficult to say. The current version is 5.5.0~rc2+dfsg-2 and my
previous version upgraded today OK, also sid on amd64. There are new
versions of both apache2 and php5.

What you have sounds like a confused aptitude rather than an apache2
issue. You might first try an update, then a reboot and update, and
if this hasn't cleared the problem, try one of the other tools,
either Synaptic or apt-get dist-upgrade. Synaptic does a
dist-upgrade by default.

Well, I don't remember what I did, probably try in aptitude interface
to remove packages, and it's dependencies, but now I have only one
package that I can't remove: ldap-account-manager.

When I try to purge it in Synaptic, I get the following message:

E: ldap-account-manager: subprocess installed post-removal script
returned error exit status 1

Removing ldap-account-manager ...
[ ok ] Reloading web server: apache2.
invoke-rc.d: initscript apache2, action "reload" failed.
dpkg: error processing ldap-account-manager (--remove):
  subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
W: Waited for dpkg --assert-multi-arch but it wasn't there - dpkgGo
(10: No child processes)
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
A package failed to install.  Trying to recover:

So on my Desktop system, I can't run apache2, and can't remove

What I want it the following: to get again a running apache2, php5,
and ldap-account-manager.

The ldap-account-manager is now Half installed, and can't to do with
it anything.


I looked at this thread:

And while it's not debian the suggestion was to use the following
sudo dpkg --clear-avail&&  sudo apt-get update

That seemed to fix it.
from dpkg man pages:
   Erase the existing information about what  packages  are

OK, when I run this command
sudo dpkg --clear-avail&&  sudo apt-get update

and right after that I run
sudo apt-get install ldap-account-manager

I get the following output with error.

csanyipal@debian-asztal:~$ sudo apt-get install ldap-account-manager
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
ldap-account-manager is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 57 not upgraded.
1 not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 0 B/11.8 MB of archives.
After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]?
dpkg: error processing ldap-account-manager (--configure):
  package ldap-account-manager is not ready for configuration
  cannot configure (current status `half-installed')
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

What can I do to solve this problem?


Here's one solution:

One option would be to try dpkg -r  before you try the 
above workaround.

Hope that helps,

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Re: Can't (re)install libapache2-mod-php5 on SID

2013-06-08 Thread Kailash

On Saturday 08 June 2013 05:08 PM, Csanyi Pal wrote:

I finally purge ldap-account-manager.

I find help in the documentation here:

in the Chapter:
2.3.4. Tidying auto/manual install status

So, does that mean you were able to reinstall it as you wanted?

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Re: gdm broken after upgrade from squeeze to wheezy

2013-06-08 Thread Kailash

On Sunday 09 June 2013 09:49 AM, fireball wrote:


I am unable to install gdm3:

# apt-get install gdm3
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
gdm3 is already the newest version.
The following packages will be REMOVED:
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 2 not upgraded.
1 not fully installed or removed.
After this operation, 16.4 kB disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Y
(Reading database ... 173914 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing glx-diversions ...
No diversion 'diversion of /usr/lib/ to
/usr/lib/mesa-diverted/ by glx-diversions', none removed.
No diversion 'diversion of /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ to
/usr/lib/mesa-diverted/i386-linux-gnu/ by glx-diversions', none
No diversion 'diversion of /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ to
/usr/lib/mesa-diverted/x86_64-linux-gnu/ by glx-diversions',
none removed.
dpkg-divert: error: mismatch on divert-to
   when removing `diversion of /usr/lib/ to
/usr/lib/mesa-diverted/ by glx-diversions'
   found `diversion of /usr/lib/ to
/usr/lib/nvidia/diversions/ by libgl1-nvidia-alternatives'
dpkg: error processing glx-diversions (--remove):
  subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

View this message in context:
Sent from the Debian User mailing list archive at


I found a similar bug-report here:
Have a look. It seems that the issue is caused by orphaned packages that 
need manual removal.

Hope that helps,

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Re: shutdown and restart menu item disappeared from user menu

2013-06-08 Thread Kailash

On Saturday 08 June 2013 03:04 PM, Antti Talsta wrote:

On Sat, Jun 08, 2013 at 05:07:00AM -0400, A Fascilla wrote:

On my system on one user (the other user are unaffected) there is no
more a command to restart or shutdown the computer in the user menu in
Gnome (I mean the one in the top-right corner).

Press Alt and click your username.

> From some days the menu ends with the line suspend, while in the past

(and still for the other users) I had to more lines: restart and

Difference between Gnome 3 and Classic AFAIK.


You can install gnome-shell-extensions and you should have the power off 
option available.


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(Solved) How can I use Jack instead of Pulse

2013-06-09 Thread Kailash

On Sunday 09 June 2013 01:55 AM, Joel Roth wrote:

Kailash wrote:

Hi All,

I'm experimenting with sound settings on my debian box: 7.0 stable

Using main non-free and contrib repositories.

I've currently got PulseAudio running and several apps which use
Gstreamer for audio. I'd like to use Jack instead. I've tried some
searches to find a Gstreamer Jack plugin, but haven't found any.

Any help here would be appreciated.

The output of Gstreamer can be directed to PulseAudio.

The output of PulseAudio can be directed to Jack.

And here is a more general reference about using PulseAudio
with Jack.




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Hi Jack,

Got it working this way! :)

I wonder if it would be possible to remove PulseAudio altogether...


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Re: shutdown and restart menu item disappeared from user menu

2013-06-10 Thread Kailash

On Sunday 09 June 2013 04:43 PM, Greg wrote:

Is there a way to install these extensions to all gnome users?

On Sun, 2013-06-09 at 11:15 +0530, Kailash wrote:

On Saturday 08 June 2013 03:04 PM, Antti Talsta wrote:

On Sat, Jun 08, 2013 at 05:07:00AM -0400, A Fascilla wrote:

On my system on one user (the other user are unaffected) there is no
more a command to restart or shutdown the computer in the user menu in
Gnome (I mean the one in the top-right corner).

Press Alt and click your username.

 From some days the menu ends with the line suspend, while in the past
(and still for the other users) I had to more lines: restart and

Difference between Gnome 3 and Classic AFAIK.


You can install gnome-shell-extensions and you should have the power off
option available.



This page gives you the bare bones of what needs to be done:

In short you need to do two things:
1. Install the extensions system-wide or per user
2. Enable the extensions

Step 1. Install the extension system-wide or per user:
If system wide then they need to be copied to the folders:
 /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions and

If per user then in folder:

The name of the folder is the extension name that you'll use in the next 

Step 2.
Enable it. Enabling involves using gsettings like so:
gsettings set enabled-extensions "['folder>','']"

So on my machine, it is:
gsettings set enabled-extensions 

Hope this helps!

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Re: Wheezy Alongside Windows7

2013-06-11 Thread Kailash

On Monday 10 June 2013 09:53 PM, visakh vijayan wrote:

How can i install my debian wheezy alongside my windows7. I want both of
them during booting and the option to select. Please help. is a great way to do this.
But as others have pointed out, please do go to and read some 
of the documentation.


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Re: /dev/dsp missing in Wheezy

2013-06-18 Thread Kailash

On Tuesday 18 June 2013 11:19 PM, Alan Ianson wrote:

On Mon, 17 Jun 2013 11:16:15 -0400
amber gilchrist wrote:

I want to throw out another problem I am having in this Wheezy
upgrade: sound! I used to use ALSA with Squeeze, no problems.
After the upgrade, I am able to get sound in my browser, I can play
MP3 files, but I can't record and can't play wav: $ mpg321
radio.mp3(works fine) $ bplay radio.wavbplay: /dev/dsp: No such file
or directory$ I am not sure how to debug this one. I tried loading
the oss-compat package, and that hasn't changed things either. What
could have happened in the Squeeze->Wheezy upgrade to get rid
of /dev/dsp?

I'm not sure if this will help you, but I have to load the snd_pcm_oss
and snd_mixer_oss modules with modprobe to use mp3blaster. I'm not
familiar with bplay but maybe it needs those modules too.

Funnily enough, I was just reading up on sound in Linux. /dev/dsp is the 
OSS emulation provided by ALSA

bplay's code appears to have been written in '98 so probably OSS.
Options would be to review the url above to see what else you've missed 
or switch to a newer player.

Best wishes,

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Re: Problems installing wheezy

2013-08-11 Thread Kailash
web site:
gpg public key:
skype: gregn1
(authorization required, add me to your contacts list first)

Free domains: or mail

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Re home directory, you may wish to run a chown command to ensure that 
any ownership issues are resolved.


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Re: Migrating 32 -> 64

2013-08-11 Thread Kailash

On Sunday 11 August 2013 12:59 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

On 8/10/2013 7:25 PM, Gregory Seidman wrote:

I have a low-cost (i.e. old and refurbished) server at home, but it's
showing indications of impending hardware failure (e.g. the on-board NIC
was being reset automatically every 2 seconds for a while because it was
hanging). As a result, I have purchased a new (old and refurbished)
machine. The difference is that this one has an x86-64 whereas the old one
is 32-bit.

Ideally, I'd like to move the HD from the old one to the new one, boot, and
tell it to upgrade all the packages for the new architecture.

Ask yourself this question:  Is the juice worth the squeeze?

In your case the answer is almost certainly NO.  Thus I recommend you
simply plug the drive into the new machine and soldier on, saving
yourself the time and potential headaches of such an upgrade.  There is
no discernible performance difference between the two with your
workloads.  You'll gain nothing from moving to 64 bit but for an
irrational warm fuzzy feeling knowing you have it.

Like many, I suspect that having a 64 bit capable CPU is simply an
overwhelming itch you feel compelled to scratch.  Resist that urge, swap
the drive, be happy.

I second Stan's stance. x64 is great for heavy loads, but for a home 
server you may not notice any discernible speed increases:


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Re: How to recover after unintentional 'dpkg --unpack' ? (was ... Re: Dpkg SNAFU was Re: Oops!)

2013-08-11 Thread Kailash

On Sunday 11 August 2013 10:39 AM, Dom wrote:

On 11/08/13 03:43, Patrick Bartek wrote:

On Sun, 11 Aug 2013, Chris Bannister wrote:

On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 06:13:20PM +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:

Changing subject as suggested by Chris, and reposting original

Still an unhelpful question, esp when one knows the true meaning of

have resulted in Gnome being install, too.  More or less.  So I
just did as root in /root a 'dpkg --download,' and then an
'--unpack' thinking that would uncompress the .deb file in /root
from which I would get the single svg file I needed, and then just
delete everything else.  Simple. Right?  Wrong. Now, I'm stuck with
about 4.5 megs of Gnome data, icons,

AFAIU, a .deb file is just an 'ar' archive.

As to how to recover after an unintentional unpack, ... dunno.
Hopefully someone on this list knows now that the subject explains
your predicament.

Fortunately --unpack just "installed" files to their appropriate
directories, but didn't "trigger" or configure anything.  Not all that
up on dpkg. Have always used apt-get.

If I don't hear anything bad to the contrary in the next day or so, I'm
just going to use "--purge" to remove the package after creating
a copy of the file I need in a safe directory, then copy the copy back
after the purging.  Hopefully, it will work.

Good luck with that, it sounds like it will work.

Alternatively you can get a list of the files contained in the .deb file
using "dpkg -c debfile". With a little bit of wrangling that will give
you a list of files and directories to delete - although you should only
delete directories if they are empty.


As per the man pages:

dpkg -s 

will give you the status of a package. As per the man file, it should 
show the status as "unpacked".

dpkg --purge

should work as expected. To make sure that it does work as expected you 
can add add the --no-act option which will ensure that no changes are 

caveat: Be sure to give --no-act before the action-parameter, or you 
might end up with undesirable results. (e.g. dpkg --purge foo --no-act 
will first purge package foo and then try to purge package --no-act, 
even though you probably expected it to actually do nothing)


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Re: Problems installing wheezy

2013-08-11 Thread Kailash

On Monday 12 August 2013 06:06 AM, Anubhav Yadav wrote:

Finally able to boot my machine with my new debian distro! Thanks a lot!
I am gonna stay here forever!

Some post-installation questions,

1) The desktop seems to be unusable, no icons on the desktop and I
cannot right click onto it. Or it normal? Is there a setting to unlock
the desktop? or is something wrong with the installation?

2) Now I have downloaded the dvd-iso-1 and installed debain, I will be
downloading the other too dvds too this week. If I am not connected to
the Internet and I have these iso/s/ will I be able to install other
packages using them? Else I will skip downloading them.

Thanks again! Feels great!

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 5:55 AM, Anubhav Yadav>> wrote:

On Aug 11, 2013 1:56 PM, "Brian">> wrote:
 > On Sun 11 Aug 2013 at 07:00:37 +, Anubhav Yadav wrote:
 > > Thanks a lot, I read the documentation and mistook the word
mounted for
 > > unmounted.
 > Can we clear on this so that people do not lose confidence in
using an
 > isohybrid image?
 > 1. You ensured the USB device was unmounted.

I did this mistake and this time I ensured that the usb was UNMOUNTED

 > 2. You did either
 >   cp debian-7.1.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso /dev/sdc
 >   cat debian-7.1.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso > /dev/sdc

The second one, but yes both works!

 >(Both commands are equally as good).
 > 3. Booting the stick now succeeded.

It sure did!! :)

 > --
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Anubhav Yadav

Default desktop is Gnome 3. Try watching a video tour of Gnome on youtube.


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Re: wireless problem

2013-08-20 Thread Kailash

On Tuesday 20 August 2013 07:16 PM, Selim T. Erdogan wrote:

Robert Holtzm, 19.08.2013:

On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 06:07:57PM -0700, Robert Holtzm wrote:

I have a wireless connection that disconnects sponaneously. NM claims
I'm connected but I'm not. Can't ping the router (operation not
permitted). Ethernet connection is no problem when wireless is down.
Tried installing wicd with no luck. Not only no luck but with wicd I
couldn't turn on the xciever. At one time wicd wouldn't play nice w/ NM.
IIRC this is no longer true. Can anyone confirm?

I just purged wicd and NM fired up my wireless connection w/ no problem.
I'll see how long it lasts.

FWIW I'm running Wheezy fully updated w/ fxce4 DE.

Well, that didn't last long. Wireless ran fine until this AM when it
died and won't restart. As before, ethernet is fine. I'm floundering
here and could use a hand. Not sure what areas to research. Anyone have
any ideas?

Can you unload and reload the wireless module using modprobe?

Hi Robert,

I recall having a similar problem with the wifi with Squeeze. I resolved 
it by disabling ipV6 in the Network Settings.

Hope that helps,

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Re: Missing Makefile

2013-08-21 Thread Kailash
On Monday 05 August 2013 08:10 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> On 8/4/2013 5:22 PM, Tom H wrote:
>> On Sat, 03 Aug 2013 22:11:16 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>  > On 8/3/2013 10:30 AM, Tom H wrote:
>>  >>
>>  >> Do the following four symlinks exist on your box
>>  >> (for 3.2 of course).
>>  >>
>>  >> /lib/modules/3.10-1-amd64/build ->
>>  >> /usr/src/linux-headers-3.10-1-amd64
>>  >>
>>  >> /lib/modules/3.10-1-amd64/source ->
>>  >> /usr/src/linux-headers-3.10-1-common
>>  >>
>>  >> /usr/src/linux-headers-3.10-1-amd64/scripts ->
>>  >> /usr/lib/linux-kbuild-3.10/scripts
>>  >>
>>  >> /usr/src/linux-headers-3.10-1-common/scripts ->
>>  >> /usr/lib/linux-kbuild-3.10/scripts
>>  >
>>  > Yes, all of the symlinks are there. Any other ideas?
>> None given that the only clue is "I can't run make" and "everything else
>> is OK."
>> Your broken setup might be fixed by re-installing linux-headers and
>> linux-kbuild.
> Thanks, but I've already done that twice.  It's got me.
> Guess I'm going to have to just dump this system and start from scratch.
>  Fortunately, it's only a test system I built to test the new module(s).
Hi Jerry,

Reinstalling the system won't help.

I used to figure this out and followed the solution
listed here:

Have you installed the package dkms?

This in turn should install the package linux-kbuild-3.2 which includes
the needed scripts.


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Re: What if I choose install text-based mode than X?

2013-08-22 Thread Kailash
On Thursday 22 August 2013 04:11 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Wed, 2013-08-21 at 19:41 -0700, 郭靖 wrote:
>> I've burned a Live CD, and I tried it on VirtualBox, it looked fine
>> but I chose the wrong place for GRUB, at last it didn't run well.
> More information is needed to comment this.
>> is Synaptic different from apt-get? Which of them has more softwares?
> Both use the same list of repositories, so the same software is
> available.
>> mc looks fine and I may tried out.
> mcedit is the command to access it's editor directly and
> mcedit /path/to/file/foo will open the editor and a file directly. nano
> is another easy to use editor, but you should know the basics how to use
> vi, or vim, since those are the editors that usually are separated from
> the rest of the userspace and available if everything should be broken
> on UNIX like systems.
> If you want to learn Linux this way I would recommend to use another
> distro, but this are only my 2 cents. I for example prefer Arch over
> Debian. Beside the repositories that provide binaries Arch comes with a
> build system similar to FreeBSD ports, packages neither for this build
> system, nor for the binaries are split, as they are for Debian. Arch
> packages follow upstream, IOW a lib will not get a separated package,
> headers don't get separated packages too. Building packages for Arch is
> much easier than doing it for Debian. The _real_ rolling release model
> of Arch does provide latest _stable_ software, so if you want to develop
> using a lot of new stuff from git, svn etc., you wouldn't run that easy
> into issues, as you'll do when using Debian.
>> If I dual-boot Debian on my MBP, then install rEFIt, would it be fine?
> I don't know.
> Debian:
> Arch:
>> And can I send and/or receive mailing list or emails, and talk on IRC
>> channels?
> You are already doing it ;), but yes you can do it using Linux too :).
> Regards,
> Ralf


The questions you're asking about are probably covered better in the
Debian Administrator's handbook.

They have a free ebook version available from their website too. It
covers the basic choices you'd need to make working you through the
install process, and explaining the basic packages necessary on Debian.

Another good site would be where you can find some good
introductory material on linux to get you going.

Hope that helps,

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Re: Missing Makefile

2013-08-22 Thread Kailash
On Thursday 22 August 2013 09:32 PM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> On 8/22/2013 1:50 AM, Kailash wrote:
>> On Monday 05 August 2013 08:10 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>> On 8/4/2013 5:22 PM, Tom H wrote:
>>>> On Sat, 03 Aug 2013 22:11:16 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>>   > On 8/3/2013 10:30 AM, Tom H wrote:
>>>>   >>
>>>>   >> Do the following four symlinks exist on your box
>>>>   >> (for 3.2 of course).
>>>>   >>
>>>>   >> /lib/modules/3.10-1-amd64/build ->
>>>>   >> /usr/src/linux-headers-3.10-1-amd64
>>>>   >>
>>>>   >> /lib/modules/3.10-1-amd64/source ->
>>>>   >> /usr/src/linux-headers-3.10-1-common
>>>>   >>
>>>>   >> /usr/src/linux-headers-3.10-1-amd64/scripts ->
>>>>   >> /usr/lib/linux-kbuild-3.10/scripts
>>>>   >>
>>>>   >> /usr/src/linux-headers-3.10-1-common/scripts ->
>>>>   >> /usr/lib/linux-kbuild-3.10/scripts
>>>>   >
>>>>   > Yes, all of the symlinks are there. Any other ideas?
>>>> None given that the only clue is "I can't run make" and "everything
>>>> else
>>>> is OK."
>>>> Your broken setup might be fixed by re-installing linux-headers and
>>>> linux-kbuild.
>>> Thanks, but I've already done that twice.  It's got me.
>>> Guess I'm going to have to just dump this system and start from scratch.
>>>   Fortunately, it's only a test system I built to test the new
>>> module(s).
>> Hi Jerry,
>> Reinstalling the system won't help.
>> I used to figure this out and followed the solution
>> listed here:
>> Have you installed the package dkms?
>> This in turn should install the package linux-kbuild-3.2 which includes
>> the needed scripts.
>> Sincerely,
>> Kailash
> Thanks, Kailash, but I've already seen that (and several other)
> solutions.  linux-kbuild-3.2 is installed.  I tried it with dkms
> installed also, with no change.
> Meanwhile, since we haven't been able to get this working, we may have
> to do it under Windows.   And I hate windows, but we have to get this
> working.  The old OS/2 system is on it's last legs.
Hi Jerry,

If you don't mind, I'd like to look at some things if you're still up
for it. I'll try and do a repro on my end.

Could you post the contents of your sources.list file?

Also could you show a listing of the relevant packages installed?


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Re: sda sdb sdc confusion

2013-08-24 Thread Kailash
On Saturday 24 August 2013 06:26 PM, Daniel Bareiro wrote:
> On Saturday, 24 August 2013 16:40:16 +0500,
> Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
>> i have 3 HD sata 1TB , same vendor same size drives for RAID1 and remaining
>> one is for fail safe. now the question is how would i know which cable is
>> attached to which device. manually unplugging and testing, yes i can do it
>> but there could be a easy way.
>> i know there are commands like fdisk, smartctl etc. but still i can not
>> learn which drive is what.
> Hi, Muhammad.
> You could identify the drive serial number as follows:
> # smartctl -i /dev/sdb
> # hdparm -i /dev/sdb
> Record the output (serial number) of either of these two commands and
> compare it with what you have written on the disks.
> Regards,
> Daniel

hdparm -i /dev/sdb | grep Serial
gets you the line directly.


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network issue

2013-08-25 Thread Kailash

I've got two machines at home with Debian (Wheezy) installed: A & B.
A is a desktop and B is a laptop. A connects to the network via a wired
connection and B via the wireless. Both have RAM in excess of 1 GB and
for machine A, I've set up XFCE.

When browsing the internet, I often find that B is much faster than A.
After entering a url, when I hit enter, the browser just seems to take a
while to even connect to the destination server.

How should I go about figuring out this issue?


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Re: network issue

2013-08-26 Thread Kailash
On Monday 26 August 2013 01:22 PM, Pascal Hambourg wrote:
> Kailash a écrit :
>> I've got two machines at home with Debian (Wheezy) installed: A & B.
>> A is a desktop and B is a laptop. A connects to the network via a wired
>> connection and B via the wireless. Both have RAM in excess of 1 GB and
>> for machine A, I've set up XFCE.
>> When browsing the internet, I often find that B is much faster than A.
>> After entering a url, when I hit enter, the browser just seems to take a
>> while to even connect to the destination server.
>> How should I go about figuring out this issue?
> Check DNS resolution.

To ease matters, I installed a PDNSD on the same machine and updated the
network configuration to check the local machine.

I guess my next step will be to try out wireshark.


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Re: Debian logging - confused

2014-01-15 Thread Kailash
On Wednesday 15 January 2014 04:44 PM, Tanstaafl wrote:
> Hi all,
> I understand and agree with the argument for having separate logs for
> different services, as it makes troubleshooting individual servcies much
> easier - in most cases.
> However, I also would like to have *one* log that *everything* goes to,
> because in many cases it makes it much easier to see at a glance if
> there is a problem - at least on systems that aren't extraordinarily busy.
> So, does debian have a single log (in gentoo, everything is logged to
> /var/log/messages, then you can also send individual services to
> separate logs as well)?
> The reason I'm asking is, I can't seem to find where sshd is logging
> (I'm having someone remote in and help me with something, but can't find
> any record of him having been there yesterday)...
> Appreciate any pointers...

/etc/rsyslog.conf defines where the various messages are logged to.
rsyslog.conf has an excellent manpage.


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Re: No Display was Nvidia Problems

2013-11-14 Thread Kailash Kalyani
On Wednesday 13 November 2013 10:01 AM, 

Dear List

After removing all th eNvidia d\riversd I fouind that I did not have a
default window manager.

manager did not exist.


nano   /etc/X11/default-desktop-manager and set the value to /etc/gdm3
dpkg-configure gdm3
service gdm3 start

Login screen
all the screen shows is the icons.  The desktop files exist..

Added another user to see if my desktop files were corrupted.

With Gnome classic, the login screen has four icons on the top right
[on/off sound language and  applications for hard of hearing, or
vision].  After login, a blank screen that reverts to the login



Hi Ethan,

For starters, could you tell us what version of Debian you're using?

Have you run:
apt-get -f install


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Re: Problem with halt

2013-11-14 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Thursday 14 November 2013 12:45 AM, Curt wrote:

On 2013-11-13, Curt  wrote:

On 2013-11-13, Antonio Paiva  wrote:

Have you tried using 'shutdown -h -P now' ?


I was having similar issues with some machines not powering down after
shutdown and that solved it for me. In my case, I simply set that as the
exit command for my window manager, and I have no idea how you might go
about doing it in a desktop env.

You'd type the command in an xterm and press enter.

Actually I think in gnome you could just create a little launcher (or
something), for example.  Well, at least in the old gnome everyone
regrets you could.

Thank you, at any rate. I'll experiment with the -P flag later this

In Gnome you can use alacarte (menu editor) and add a new entry which 
points to script that could run

shutdown -hP


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Re: Problem with halt

2013-11-14 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Wednesday 30 October 2013 02:17 AM, Wawrzek Niewodniczanski wrote:

On 29 October 2013 17:13, Bob Proulx>> wrote:

Wawrzek Niewodniczanski wrote:
 > Recently I moved my home desktop from (x)Ubuntu to Debian Wheezy. The
 > experience is positive, with one exception: shutdown doesn't stop
power for
 > my computer.

How did you move from Ubuntu to Debian?  Fresh installation?


I have this very, very vague memory that if pm-utils and
powermgmt-base packages are not installed that this problem ensues.
Not very sure of this however.

Seems that both are in:
root@rome:~# aptitude versions pm-utils
Package pm-utils:
i A 1.4.1-9
p A 1.4.1-12
testing   500
root@rome:~# aptitude versions powermgmt-base
Package powermgmt-base:
i A 1.31

I also looked at their dependencies and all nothing obvious us missing.
I'll check the firmware thread.


Dr  Wawrzyniec Niewodniczańskior Wawrzek for short
   PhD in Quantum Chemistry  & MSc in Molecular Engineering
   Linux User #177124


Do you get something similar when you run the following search?
$aptitude search "~i pm-u" "~i firmware" "~i acpi"

i   acpi- displays information on ACPI 
i   acpi-support-base   - scripts for handling base ACPI 
events such
i   acpid   - Advanced Configuration and Power 
i   firmware-linux  - Binary firmware for various 
drivers in the
i   firmware-linux-free - Binary firmware for various 
drivers in the
i A firmware-linux-nonfree  - Binary firmware for various 
drivers in the
i A pm-utils    - utilities and scripts for power 


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Re: problem with selinux and Iceweaseal

2013-11-14 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Thursday 14 November 2013 02:38 AM, wrote:

Hi everyone,

I have a problem with selinux and Iceweaseal.

I install a fresh debian wheezy amd64 on my machine, and then selinux.

If I set selinux enforce to " 1 " from " 0 " icewaesel don't start anymore.

I don't make any change in iceweasel, no plugin, no flash.

King Regards,


Hi Lorenzo,

From what I understand, you'll probably need to tweak your policy for 
selinux. On the selinux site issues with mail apps not getting access to 
directories, keys etc. is listed as a common issue.

Just my 2 cents. Never used selinux, but that's what my brief reading 
dug up.


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Re: Problem with halt

2013-11-14 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Thursday 14 November 2013 06:40 PM, Curt wrote:

On 2013-11-14, Kailash Kalyani  wrote:

In Gnome you can use alacarte (menu editor) and add a new entry which
points to script that could run
shutdown -hP

Thank you. I was unfamiliar with the program alacarte; however, prior to
resorting to such an expedient I have experimented with the -P flag in
an xterm and unfortunately the results are far from encouraging
(meaning: it didn't produce the desired effect).

Hi Curt,

so you used:
shutdown -hP now

and that did not produce the result. From debian wikis it appears to be 
an APM issue.

aptitude search "~i firmware"
should show if you've got the free & nonfree firmware installed.
I generally prefer to install the metapackage firmware-linux which 
installs both.


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Re: Procedure to uninstall nvidia drivers and restore nouveau

2013-11-14 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Monday 11 November 2013 11:11 PM, Curt wrote:

On 2013-11-11, Chris Bannister  wrote:

Will the nouveau driver be "unblacklisted" after the purge?

Ask yourself - "Would you, as system administrator, expect this?" then

Oh, sorry, I thought you were answering the OP, a newbie who asked for
the procedure (even a wiki) involved in going back to the nouveau driver
from the nvidia packages, which might involve manually unblacklisting
the nouveau driver (or not), a potentially lethal point which I don't
believe you mentioned.

Hi All,

I've used the sgfxi script and it supports removing non-free drivers and 
installing free ones instead.
What is sgfxi (simple graphics installer - s gfx i)

The primary purpose of sgfxi is to install non-free graphics drivers. It 
also supports removing non-free graphics drivers and replacing them with 
the free version. To do this it cleans out the system of any previous 
drivers, then installs the latest versions of the driver you have 


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Re: Debian 7 installation

2013-11-17 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Sunday 17 November 2013 04:16 PM, Chris Bannister wrote:

On Sat, Nov 16, 2013 at 07:32:04PM -0800, Atari McBits wrote:


I am having some problems installing Debian 7 on a old laptop of mine. So,
I press "Install" and then after a few minutes, the screen just goes black
and I have no idea what is going on.

Right. Could you tell us a bit more about the laptop, or is it a secret?
What image are you using?


I've had this happen when I used a x64 image. I'd recommend a 32 bit 
image if your case is similar.


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Re: Install Google Chrome

2013-11-17 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Monday 18 November 2013 10:10 AM, wrote:

Dear List -

I have done the following -

Downloaded chrome from site into /opt

root@meow:/opt# ls

install -

root@meow:/opt# dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb

now I get

dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of google-chrome-stable:
  google-chrome-stable depends on gconf-service; however:
   Package gconf-service is not installed.
  google-chrome-stable depends on libgconf-2-4 (>= 2.31.1); however:
   Package libgconf-2-4 is not installed.
  google-chrome-stable depends on libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 (>= 2.22.0); however:
   Package libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 is not installed.
  google-chrome-stable depends on libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.24.0); however:
   Version of libgtk2.0-0 on system is 2.20.1-2.
  google-chrome-stable depends on libnspr4 (>=; however:
   Package libnspr4 is not installed.
  google-chrome-stable depends on libnss3 (>= 3.14.3); however:
   Package libnss3 is not installed.
  google-chrome-stable depends on libstdc++6 (>= 4.6); however:
   Version of libstdc++6 on system is 4.4.5-8.
  google-chrome-stable depends on libx11-6 (>= 2:; however:
   Version of libx11-6 on system is 2:1.3.3-4+squeeze1.
dpkg: error processing google-chrome-stable (--install):
  dependency problems - leaving unconfigured

What should I do?



Hi Ethan,
apt-get -f install

That should take things forward.


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Re: Debian 7 installation

2013-11-18 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Monday 18 November 2013 05:28 PM, Chris Davies wrote:

Kailash Kalyani  wrote:

On Sat, Nov 16, 2013 at 07:32:04PM -0800, Atari McBits wrote:

I am having some problems installing Debian 7 on a old laptop of mine. So,
I press "Install" and then after a few minutes, the screen just goes black
and I have no idea what is going on.

I've had this happen when I used a x64 image. I'd recommend a 32 bit
image if your case is similar.

And I encountered a different problem with Debian that might possibly
be related to this when I sneezed last week. But I'm not going to give
out any details either.


Ah, the benefits of responses like yours... soon enough, I'll have skin 
like a Rhino's.


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RE: Unmounting/Ejecting removable media

2013-05-11 Thread Kailash Kalyani
Hi Curt,

Caching and I/O scheduling give performance benefits which is why they're used 
with most media. As I understand it you're wondering if it is possible to 
disable write caching in Windows? The answer to that is yes. 

Here's an old support article that describes how:
If you do a google search you'll find it works similarly for XP. 

>From Kernel 2.6 onwards udev ( is the dynamic 
>device manager.
But despite searching for a while I've not figured out how to control the rules 
for mounting the devices.

However, fstab entry "sync" or "async" controls what happens:


> From:
> To:
> Subject: Unmounting/Ejecting removable media
> Date: Fri, 10 May 2013 22:47:01 -0400
> Hash: SHA256
> Dear Debian Users,
> I was contemplating today the fact that I know several people who have 
> scrambled various removable disks and thumb drives by failing 
> to "unmount" or "eject" before removing them.
> Mostly this has happened in Windows, not because there isn't 
> an "eject" feature, but through ignorance or accident.
> This happens, I am told, because of unwritten buffers which are 
> emptied only when the device is unmounted or ejected.
> Why?
> Removable media are already a class unto themselves, so why aren't 
> they marked something like "sync immediately"? It's not like a USB 
> drive is being used as multiple fast file accesses, benefiting from 
> buffering in RAM. These are repositories, places where whole files 
> are written or read and then the media removed.
> It seems logical to me that there would be a way to say "sync 
> immediately" or "do not buffer", so that when the drive was inactive 
> it could be yanked without danger of corruption.
> Any suggestions?
> Curt-
> - -- 
> The Magistrate, enrobed in taxes, condemns the thief in stolen rags.
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
> tzmnWu3LNQD9F+6uyO8szP3eFiUqTpQMTbaeWJhwsHM+fZyqLHwfaRc=
> =YiRT
> -- 
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> Archive:

RE: gnome doesn't save brightness value

2013-05-11 Thread Kailash Kalyani
Have you seen this?


> Subject: gnome doesn't save brightness value
> From:
> To:
> Date: Thu, 9 May 2013 22:35:12 -0300
> Hi!
> This is my first time on this list. I've just installed the stable
> Wheezy and I'm facing a problem: Gnome isn't saving the brightness level
> in my laptop, so I must set it at each boot.
> -- 
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> Archive:

RE: gnome doesn't save brightness value

2013-05-11 Thread Kailash Kalyani
Sorry that was just the png file. Here's the link to the extension:


Subject: RE: gnome doesn't save brightness value
Date: Sat, 11 May 2013 13:42:57 +0530

Have you seen this?


> Subject: gnome doesn't save brightness value
> From:
> To:
> Date: Thu, 9 May 2013 22:35:12 -0300
> Hi!
> This is my first time on this list. I've just installed the stable
> Wheezy and I'm facing a problem: Gnome isn't saving the brightness level
> in my laptop, so I must set it at each boot.
> -- 
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> Archive:


RE: grub finding but not adding other OS

2013-05-11 Thread Kailash Kalyani

I found this documentation on the Ubuntu site, so I'm guessing it should apply 
for debian too.

First you need to ensure that an entry appears in the /etc/grub.d folder. This 
entry must be executable.
chmod +x 

Then you execute update-grub as root.


> Date: Thu, 9 May 2013 23:59:06 +0800
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: grub finding but not adding other OS
> Maybe you could edit the configure file /boot/grub/grub.cfg manually to add
> a menu entry for another OS.
> On Thu, 2013-05-09 11:17:41 -0400, Tony Baldwin wrote:
> >Date: Thu, 9 May 2013 11:17:41 -0400
> >From: Tony Baldwin 
> >To:
> >Subject: grub finding but not adding other OS
> >
> >Hi.
> >My machine is dual boot, with two hdd.
> >The first one has Fedora 18, the second (which is really the one
> >I primarily use) has Debian, just upgraded to Wheezy yesterday.
> >The BIOS generally chooses the first hdd, with Fedora, and I had
> >grub on there booting Squeeze by default.
> >After upgrading to Wheezy, I booted the fedora and ran grub2-mkconfig,
> >and it found Wheezy, but did NOT add it to the boot menu.
> >I used the BIOS to boot the second drive and updated grub on the Wheezy disk.
> >Same thing, either with grub-mkconfig or update-grub, it finds the Fedora
> >OS, but it does not add it to the grub menu.
> >Personally, I'd like to install grub from the wheezy side, to the fedora 
> >side,
> >with wheezy as the default, but including the fedora as an option.
> >I seem to be finding conflicting information, and my attempts so far have 
> >failed.
> >I'm finding I have to enter the BIOS and choose the second hdd manually to 
> >boot
> >wheezy, which is a PITA.
> >
> >Any and all assistance, as always, appreciated. (alliteration)
> >
> >thanks,
> >tony
> >--
> >

RE: wu-ftp substitute

2013-05-11 Thread Kailash Kalyani
Hope these help


> Date: Sat, 11 May 2013 10:30:23 +0300
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: wu-ftp substitute
> On Mi, 08 mai 13, 01:08:14, T o n g wrote:
> > On Tue, 07 May 2013 16:26:58 +1200, Joel Wirāmu Pauling wrote:
> > 
> > >> I'm looking for a wu-ftp substitute, i.e., an ftp server that is
> > >> relatively easy to configure the anonymous upload.
> > >
> > > vsftpd
> >  
> > I hope that you *did* notice that I need an ftp server that is
> > *relatively easy* to configure the *anonymous upload*
> > 
> > But these are the only pages I found talking about vsftpd anonymous upload 
> > configuration, 
> > 
> >
> > applications/437065-vsftpd-anonymous-upload.html
> >
> > 
> > Needless to say, none of them say that vsftpd anonymous upload is working. 
> > 
> > If you did mean vsftpd for easy anonymous upload configuration, than I'm 
> > sorry, please advice where I can find that easy configuration guide. 
> Maybe configuring it is so easy that it's not necessary to write a guide :p
> Kind regards,
> Andrei
> -- 
> Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

RE: X Window System error

2013-05-23 Thread Kailash Kalyani
> I just update debian6 to 7 and bad surprises:
> lazaro@utopian:~$ mtpaint 
> The program 'mtpaint' received an X Window System error.
> This probably reflects a bug in the program.

> lazaro@utopian:~$ emelfm2 
> (emelfm2:3422): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_tree_store_iter_next: assertion 
> `iter->user_data != NULL' failed
> The program 'emelfm2' received an X Window System error.
> lazaro@utopian:~$ geany 
> The program 'geany' received an X Window System error.
> This probably reflects a bug in the program.

> I'm using:
> lazaro@utopian:~$ ps fax|grep Xf
> 13474 tty1  S<  3:02 /usr/X11/bin/Xfbdev -screen 1024x768x32 -t 1 -mouse 
> /dev/psaux,5,4 ttys7
> An ancient X server due my OLDER computer. I can't use Xorg, so please, I
> shall be very glad resolving this problem.
> Geany and emelfm2 two are not from debian's repo and their ALL WAYS was
> working to me without problems. I guest the problem is with GTK+
> i   libgtk1.2   - The GIMP Toolkit set of widgets for X   
> i A libgtk1.2-common- Common files for the GTK+ library   
> i A libgtk2.0-0 - GTK+ graphical user interface library   
> i   libgtk2.0-bin   - programs for the GTK+ graphical user interface 
> library  
> i   libgtk2.0-common- common files for the GTK+ graphical user 
> interface libra
> lazaro@utopian:~$ gimp -v 
> GIMP version 1.2.3
> work fine... the problem is not old or new applications...

Hi Lazaro,

Based on your inputs it may be that the GTK version dependencies may be causing 
this. GIMP works and GTK was built for GIMP, so that's not surprising. Based on 
some reading, it appears that GIMP 1.2.x was built around GTK 1.2

And you seem to have gtk 1.2 installed in part at least. 

As the other programs were previously working, the "new" GTK errors might 
indicate a change in the libraries? If so, then knowing the versions of your 
other apps would help determine which GTK version they were based on. What do 
you think?


Re: virtual users

2013-06-02 Thread Kailash Kalyani
On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Pol Hallen  wrote:

> Should be patch postfix or add quote options to courier?

I think this is off-topic for this list, however, here's a tutorial that
might help:
as per the article: (quota is not built into Postfix by default, I'll show
how to patch your Postfix appropriately)

Best wishes,

Re: virtual users

2013-06-03 Thread Kailash Kalyani
On Sunday 02 Jun 2013 11:08:47 AM Pol Hallen wrote:
> Should be patch postfix or add quote options to courier?

I think this is off-topic for this list, however, here's a somewhat dated 
tutorial that might help:
as per the article: (quota is not built into Postfix by default, I'll show
how to patch your Postfix appropriately)

Best wishes,

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Re: Install?

2013-06-03 Thread Kailash Kalyani
On Monday 03 Jun 2013 6:50:03 PM Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > The reviews I read said the same or similar, but an Aussie tech
> > magazine from 2007 said that after the standard installer starts,
> > Debian is installed as a single file on the Windows partition--no
> > partitioning needed.
> That was not the case for me.  I was offered to resize the ntfs
> partition to make room for the Debian partition but there was no option
> to "install within a file inside the ntfs partition".
> I remember hearing of such an install method, but AFAIK it was not the
> one offered by the goodbye-microsoft thingy.  And it stands to reason:
> you wouldn't really be able to say "goodbye" if the install went into the
> NTFS partition.
> Stefan
I tried the install a couple of days ago on my laptop. I got an offer to resize 
my windows partition. Can't recall getting an option to install inside the 
NTFS partition.


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Re: How to disable UTC time?

2013-07-09 Thread Kailash Kalyani

Yuwen Dai wrote:

On 7/9/13, Ralf Mardorf  wrote:

On Mon, 2013-07-08 at 22:12 -0600, Joe Pfeiffer wrote:

Yuwen Dai  writes:

Dear all,

My BIOS clock is set the time as my local time, debian thinks it's UTC
so it adds 8 hours because I'm in timezone UTC+8, this is not correct.
I do
these actions to disable UTC:

1.  add UTC=no in /etc/init.d/rcS


Sorry, my typo.  I also modify /etc/default/rcS in fact.


2. remove UTC , add LOCAL in /etc/adjtime

Neither of the above works.  Yesterday  I set the BIOS clock as UTC
time, then
Linux added 8 hours to it, it's my local time which was correct.  But
morning, the system time in Linux is 8 hours ahead again.

So how to disable UTC or set the correct clock?  I'm using Debian

Best regards,

I realize this is the sort of answer that annoys me to death when I get
it...  but why not fix the time on your BIOS clock?

Then the OP would get the wrong time by the computer e.g. for software
that does run without an OS, for saved BIOS settings.

I use local time too and for Arch Linux ntpdate doesn't set the hardware
clock anymore, so after running ntpdate I run hwclock on Arch, perhaps
this now is needed for Debian too.

My unused Debian install:

[rocketmouse@archlinux avlinux]$ cat etc/init.d/rcS
#! /bin/sh
# rcS
# Call all S??* scripts in /etc/rcS.d/ in numerical/alphabetical order

[rocketmouse@archlinux avlinux]$ ls etc/rcS.d/
S00live-config S36udev-mtab
S03udev  S18ifupdown-clean S38pppd-dns
S49console-setup  S20module-init-tools  S39ifupdown
S05bootlogd S40networking S30procps S40pcmciautils
S06keyboard-setupS31hibernate  S43portmap
S07hdparmS34fuse   S44nfs-common

[rocketmouse@archlinux avlinux]$ cat etc/adjtime
0.002664 1363282063 0.00

[rocketmouse@archlinux avlinux]$ cat etc/default/rcS
# /etc/default/rcS
# Default settings for the scripts in /etc/rcS.d/
# For information about these variables see the rcS(5) manual page.
# This file belongs to the "initscripts" package.


The manual of rcS says UTC in rcS is not supported and suggests use
UTCor LOCAL in /etc/adjtime.  I tried both UTC=no in rcS and LOCAL in
/etc/adjtime,  no effect.  And /etc/adjtime seems a dynamically
created file.

Best regards,
Yuwen dai


Depending on the version of windows you're using you can configure 
windows to use UTC time. Here's the archwiki link:

Best wishes,

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Re: CD drive not showing up anymore

2013-12-04 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Wednesday 04 December 2013 12:46 AM, Slavko wrote:


Dňa Tue, 03 Dec 2013 10:38:00 +0100 Ralf Mardorf

On Tue, 2013-12-03 at 10:31 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Tue, 2013-12-03 at 10:23 +0100, Matthias Bodenbinder wrote:

Can this be a dbus issue?

MO it could, but as written off-list in German, udev might be the
culprit too. And for GNOME-like DE's such as Xfce, it should be the
task of gvfs, while for KDE it might be KIO.

A security issue might be possible too, perhaps the kid family is
broken, policy kit or whatever might have to do with it.

My daughter has similar problem. I investigated it remotely only, but
it seems, that the CD/DVD drive is not recognized at boot time. Then it
is not a DE's related problem. I cannot tell more yet.

Hi Matthias,

I'm not an expert, but from my reading of the manpages for udev and 
udisks if you run the following command in the terminal

udisks --monitor
and try and load a cd and later eject it. You should see some messages 
at this point.

If this works, your udev rules are fine. You'd then have to look at the 
desktop side - gvfs in gnome's case.

In case this doesn't work your issue lies somewhere between the kernel 
and udev - driver issue or rules issue.


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Re: CD drive not showing up anymore

2013-12-04 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Wednesday 04 December 2013 02:54 PM, Kailash Kalyani wrote:

On Wednesday 04 December 2013 12:46 AM, Slavko wrote:


Dňa Tue, 03 Dec 2013 10:38:00 +0100 Ralf Mardorf

On Tue, 2013-12-03 at 10:31 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Tue, 2013-12-03 at 10:23 +0100, Matthias Bodenbinder wrote:

Can this be a dbus issue?

MO it could, but as written off-list in German, udev might be the
culprit too. And for GNOME-like DE's such as Xfce, it should be the
task of gvfs, while for KDE it might be KIO.

A security issue might be possible too, perhaps the kid family is
broken, policy kit or whatever might have to do with it.

My daughter has similar problem. I investigated it remotely only, but
it seems, that the CD/DVD drive is not recognized at boot time. Then it
is not a DE's related problem. I cannot tell more yet.

Hi Matthias,

I'm not an expert, but from my reading of the manpages for udev and
udisks if you run the following command in the terminal
udisks --monitor
and try and load a cd and later eject it. You should see some messages
at this point.

If this works, your udev rules are fine. You'd then have to look at the
desktop side - gvfs in gnome's case.

In case this doesn't work your issue lies somewhere between the kernel
and udev - driver issue or rules issue.


For looking into D-BUS you can run
from the terminal and try popping in a CD to see if it shows messages 
being passed.

For automount it seems that nautilus is the actor in Gnome:

In XFCE, when you install xfce4-goodies it includes a mount plugin 

But as Chris put it, it could simply be the trigger action that's needed.


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gdm3 issue

2013-12-09 Thread Kailash Kalyani

Hi All,

This issue started the day before. I log into Debian and instead of a 
login screen I get a message about gnome-fallback session failing to 
load and an alert asking me to contact the administrator.

The issue started when I removed old linux images from Ubuntu which is 
on another partition. That resulted in a grub update from ubuntu and 
since then I've had this issue. Ubuntu has its own swap and home 

Looking at the error messages I found this in auth.log:

Dec  9 14:25:57 Sthir gdm-welcome][3599]: pam_unix(gdm-welcome:session): 
session opened for user Debian-gdm by (uid=0)
Dec  9 14:25:57 Sthir gdm-welcome][3599]: 
pam_ck_connector(gdm-welcome:session): nox11 mode, ignoring PAM_TTY :0
Dec  9 14:29:40 Sthir polkitd(authority=local): Registered 
Authentication Agent for 
unix-session:/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session1 (system bus name :1.42 
[/usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1], object 
path /org/gnome/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_IN)
Dec  9 14:29:42 Sthir dbus[2670]: [system] Rejected send message, 2 
matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.43" (uid=113 pid=3818 
comm="/usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-simple-greeter ") 
interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" member="GetAll" error 
name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination=":1.14" (uid=0 pid=3534 
comm="/usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon --no-daemon ")
Dec  9 14:29:42 Sthir dbus[2670]: [system] Rejected send message, 2 
matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.43" (uid=113 pid=3818 
comm="/usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-simple-greeter ") 
interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" member="GetAll" error 
name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination=":1.14" (uid=0 pid=3534 
comm="/usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon --no-daemon ")
Dec  9 14:29:42 Sthir dbus[2670]: [system] Rejected send message, 2 
matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.43" (uid=113 pid=3818 
comm="/usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-simple-greeter ") 
interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" member="GetAll" error 
name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination=":1.14" (uid=0 pid=3534 
comm="/usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon --no-daemon ")
Dec  9 14:29:42 Sthir dbus[2670]: [system] Rejected send message, 2 
matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.43" (uid=113 pid=3818 
comm="/usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-simple-greeter ") 
interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" member="GetAll" error 
name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination=":1.14" (uid=0 pid=3534 
comm="/usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon --no-daemon ")
Dec  9 14:29:42 Sthir dbus[2670]: [system] Rejected send message, 2 
matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.43" (uid=113 pid=3818 
comm="/usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-simple-greeter ") 
interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" member="GetAll" error 
name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination=":1.14" (uid=0 pid=3534 
comm="/usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon --no-daemon ")
Dec  9 14:29:48 Sthir gdm3][3827]: pam_unix(gdm3:session): session 
opened for user kailash by (uid=0)

Dec  9 14:29:48 Sthir gdm3][3827]: pam_ck_connector(gdm3:session):
So the error appears with the gdm greeter being rejected.
nox11 mode, ignoring PAM_TTY :0
Dec  9 14:29:48 Sthir gdm-welcome][3599]: pam_unix(gdm-welcome:session): 
session closed for user Debian-gdm
Dec  9 14:29:48 Sthir polkitd(authority=local): Unregistered 
Authentication Agent for 
unix-session:/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session1 (system bus name 
:1.42, object path /org/gnome/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale 
en_IN) (disconnected from bus)
Dec  9 14:29:52 Sthir polkitd(authority=local): Registered 
Authentication Agent for 
unix-session:/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session2 (system bus name :1.63 
[/usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1], object 
path /org/gnome/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_IN)
Dec  9 14:30:04 Sthir login[3617]: pam_unix(login:session): session 
opened for user kailash by LOGIN(uid=0)
Dec  9 14:32:08 Sthir sudo:  kailash : TTY=tty1 ; PWD=/var/log ; 
USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/less auth.log
Dec  9 14:32:08 Sthir sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for 
user root by kailash(uid=0)
Dec  9 14:33:00 Sthir sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for 
user root

Is this relevant? If not, what should I be looking at?


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Re: compose:menu in xfce

2013-12-09 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Monday 09 December 2013 12:36 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:

I've used setxkbmap -option compose:menu multiple times in XFCE, but for
some reason, something keeps kicking it back over to the same useless
functionality that the menu key has in Windows.  What's the real way to
bind compose to the menu key and make it stick?

Hi Paul,

You could add the command to a start-up script.


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Re: gdm3 issue

2013-12-09 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Monday 09 December 2013 04:36 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Mon, 2013-12-09 at 15:15 +0530, Kailash Kalyani wrote:

The issue started when I removed old linux images from Ubuntu which is
on another partition. That resulted in a grub update from ubuntu and
since then I've had this issue.

So the answer already seems to be there. Ubuntu did likely automatically
write a broken grub.cfg with what ever obscure boot option that does
break to log in your Debian.

If possible you should use a good boot loader instead of GRUB, e.g.
Syslinux. I use GRUB 2 just for fun too, but edit grub.cfg manually.

Use GRUB 2 from Debian, hopefully it's defaults are more sane than those
of *buntus and automatically generate a saner grub.cfg.


Hi Ralf,

Thanks, I tried that using update-grub2 from my Debian install. That did 
not resolve the issue :(

I think it's a PAM issue with gdm - can't say if I'm making any sense, 
but I haven't found a explanation of how they hang together.


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Re: gdm3 issue

2013-12-09 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Monday 09 December 2013 07:35 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Mon, 2013-12-09 at 19:25 +0530, Kailash Kalyani wrote:

Thanks, I tried that using update-grub2 from my Debian install. That
did not resolve the issue :(

JFTR did you install GRUB by Debian. If not, at least copy
the /boot/grub/grub.cfg to the Ubuntu install.

I think it's a PAM issue with gdm - can't say if I'm making any sense,
but I haven't found a explanation of how they hang together.

I don't know.

But at least removing the Ubuntu kernel wouldn't cause to change
something for the Debian install.

You could take a look and/or post the /boot/grub/grub.cfg entry that is
used by grub to boot Debian, maybe there is a bad boot option.

Hi Ralf,

Here's the boot.cfg (attached).

Thank you for the link! It will at the very least give me some 
understanding of PAM.


# It is automatically generated by grub-mkconfig using templates
# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub

### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/00_header ###
if [ -s $prefix/grubenv ]; then
set default="0"
if [ "${prev_saved_entry}" ]; then
  set saved_entry="${prev_saved_entry}"
  save_env saved_entry
  set prev_saved_entry=
  save_env prev_saved_entry
  set boot_once=true

function savedefault {
  if [ -z "${boot_once}" ]; then
save_env saved_entry

function load_video {
  insmod vbe
  insmod vga
  insmod video_bochs
  insmod video_cirrus

insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root='(hd1,msdos3)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root ddea8c2f-f4b3-4c3f-8809-a3c6c1309776
if loadfont /usr/share/grub/unicode.pf2 ; then
  set gfxmode=640x480
  insmod gfxterm
  insmod part_msdos
  insmod ext2
  set root='(hd1,msdos3)'
  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root ddea8c2f-f4b3-4c3f-8809-a3c6c1309776
  set locale_dir=($root)/boot/grub/locale
  set lang=en_IN
  insmod gettext
terminal_output gfxterm
set timeout=5
### END /etc/grub.d/00_header ###

### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme ###
insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root='(hd1,msdos3)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root ddea8c2f-f4b3-4c3f-8809-a3c6c1309776
insmod png
if background_image /usr/share/images/desktop-base/joy-grub.png; then
  set color_normal=white/black
  set color_highlight=black/white
  set menu_color_normal=cyan/blue
  set menu_color_highlight=white/blue
### END /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme ###

### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###
menuentry 'Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.2.0-4-686-pae' --class debian --class 
gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
insmod gzio
insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root='(hd1,msdos3)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 
echo'Loading Linux 3.2.0-4-686-pae ...'
linux   /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-4-686-pae 
root=UUID=ddea8c2f-f4b3-4c3f-8809-a3c6c1309776 ro  quiet
echo'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
initrd  /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-4-686-pae
menuentry 'Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.2.0-4-686-pae (recovery mode)' 
--class debian --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
insmod gzio
insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root='(hd1,msdos3)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 
echo'Loading Linux 3.2.0-4-686-pae ...'
linux   /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-4-686-pae 
root=UUID=ddea8c2f-f4b3-4c3f-8809-a3c6c1309776 ro single 
echo'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
initrd  /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-4-686-pae
### END /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###

### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/20_linux_xen ###
### END /etc/grub.d/20_linux_xen ###

### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+ ###
menuentry "Memory test (memtest86+)" {
insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root='(hd1,msdos3)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 
linux16 /boot/memtest86+.bin
menuentry "Memory test (memtest86+, serial console 115200)" {
insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root='(hd1,msdos3)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 
linux16 /boot/memtest86+.bin console=ttyS0,115200n8
menuentry "Memory test (memtest86+, experimental multiboot)" {
insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root='(hd1,msdos3)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 
multiboot   /boot/memtest86+_multiboot.bin
menuentry "Memory test (memtest86+, serial co

Re: gdm3 issue

2013-12-09 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Monday 09 December 2013 08:47 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

menuentry 'Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.2.0-4-686-pae' --class debian --class 
gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
 insmod gzio
 insmod part_msdos
 insmod ext2
 set root='(hd1,msdos3)'
 search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 
 echo'Loading Linux 3.2.0-4-686-pae ...'
 linux   /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-4-686-pae 
root=UUID=ddea8c2f-f4b3-4c3f-8809-a3c6c1309776 ro  quiet
 echo'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
 initrd  /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-4-686-pae

I can't speak for such default crap as load_video, but at least the
options ro and quiet shouldn't cause an issue.

My grub.cfg does start with

$ cat /mnt/saucy/boot/grub/grub.cfg
set timeout=8
set default='0'; if [ x"$default" = xsaved ]; then load_env; set 
default="$saved_entry"; fi
set color_normal='light-blue/black'; set color_highlight='light-cyan/blue'

# 2013-Dec-05


and then there are only menu entries, nothing more. I also don't add the
quiet option and should delete the set default line.

Thank you for your feedback Ralf,

Yeah grub as a culprit would've been nice and easier to tackle. :)

I've also tried the following:
apt-get install gdm3 metacity --reinstall

But that did not resolve the issue. I'll keep looking.

From my research it seems that switching display managers will remove 
my problem, however, for now I'd rather stick to gdm3 and figure out the 


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(SOLVED) Re: gdm3 issue

2013-12-10 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Tuesday 10 December 2013 07:27 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Tue, 2013-12-10 at 02:25 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Mon, 2013-12-09 at 19:08 +, Tom H wrote:

The Ubuntu-created grub.cfg cannot be blamed for a GDM problem. If GDM
is being launched, grub's job has been done many seconds ago.

This seems to be true here, but you're mistaken, a boot option could
still cause something when a DE session already is running, e.g.
"threadsirq", "noatime", sure, "noatime" won't brake something, but
"threadirqs" at least could slow down GUI performance, assumed it's a
lowlatency kernel.

PS: Let alone options such as e.g. "single" ;).

Thank you all for your assistance!
After reading your posts, I decided to tentatively look at causes other 
than grub. I searched the mailing archives and googled the 
issue some more. The solution that worked for me was to run check the 
debian boot partition with gparted (e2fsck -cfkp). While I did not note 
any addition bad sectors, etc. the issue seems to have been resolved.

Thanks again,

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Re: nautilus -> spacefm

2013-12-11 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Wednesday 11 December 2013 12:58 PM, Sharon Kimble wrote:

On Tue, 10 Dec 2013 13:16:47 -0500
Dave Woyciesjes  wrote:

On 12/10/2013 12:38 PM, Tixy wrote:

On Mon, 2013-12-09 at 16:25 +, Sharon Kimble wrote:

On Mon, 9 Dec 2013 15:03:33 +
Sharon Kimble  wrote:

I'm trying to move over to spacefm from nautilus because it


my usb drives and kindle, but I've hit a snag. I occasionally
need to mount a partition via shfs of my website on a remote
server, but I cant see how to do that in spacefm. Can anyone help
me please?

Answering my own question, neither pcmanfm nor spacefm could do
it, bu


thunar can. The first two also didn’t show hidden files [think
'.foobar'] but thunar can, so I'm moving over to thunar as it, so
far at least, does everything that I've asked of it.

Thunar can -
* automount usb drives,

pcmanfm can do that, in pcmanfm it's a tickbox under the 'Volume
Management' tab of the Preferences menu.

* mount sftp drives,

pcmanfm can do that, if you have gnome vfs packages installed
(gvfs-backends and gvfs-fuse I beleive).

* show hidden files,

pcmanfm do that, it's the 'Show Hidden' option in the 'view' menu,
and it will remember you're last preference for that setting.

And I would expect other file managers to also support these things.

Have you checked out Nemo? It aims to be what Nautilus was...

Thanks for this Dave. I had just installed 'nemo' when I installed
'cinnamon' to try out, but hadn't thought to try nemo, but now I have,
and so far it does the job!

Thanks again

Hi Sharon,

Do you have Gnome installed? I have nautilus installed (default Debian 
install) as well and it seems to automount my usb disks and my kindle 
and my Kobo reader just fine.

Maybe I'm missing something.

Re hidden files, it's a preference - see attachment.


Re: nautilus -> spacefm

2013-12-11 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Wednesday 11 December 2013 12:58 PM, Sharon Kimble wrote:

On Tue, 10 Dec 2013 13:16:47 -0500
Dave Woyciesjes  wrote:

On 12/10/2013 12:38 PM, Tixy wrote:

On Mon, 2013-12-09 at 16:25 +, Sharon Kimble wrote:

On Mon, 9 Dec 2013 15:03:33 +
Sharon Kimble  wrote:

I'm trying to move over to spacefm from nautilus because it


my usb drives and kindle, but I've hit a snag. I occasionally
need to mount a partition via shfs of my website on a remote
server, but I cant see how to do that in spacefm. Can anyone help
me please?

Answering my own question, neither pcmanfm nor spacefm could do
it, bu


thunar can. The first two also didn’t show hidden files [think
'.foobar'] but thunar can, so I'm moving over to thunar as it, so
far at least, does everything that I've asked of it.

Thunar can -
* automount usb drives,

pcmanfm can do that, in pcmanfm it's a tickbox under the 'Volume
Management' tab of the Preferences menu.

* mount sftp drives,

pcmanfm can do that, if you have gnome vfs packages installed
(gvfs-backends and gvfs-fuse I beleive).

* show hidden files,

pcmanfm do that, it's the 'Show Hidden' option in the 'view' menu,
and it will remember you're last preference for that setting.

And I would expect other file managers to also support these things.

Have you checked out Nemo? It aims to be what Nautilus was...

Thanks for this Dave. I had just installed 'nemo' when I installed
'cinnamon' to try out, but hadn't thought to try nemo, but now I have,
and so far it does the job!

Thanks again

Ah, found an article (on Ubuntu, but checked it on my Debian install and 
it works fine).

Using dconf-editor you can edit the automount behavior here:

And here's the article with screenshots.


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Re: nautilus -> spacefm

2013-12-12 Thread Kailash Kalyani

I'm using 'nemo' now, and things like my
kindle appear when plugged in but need to be manually mounted, but I
can live with that.

Have you looked at udisks-glue?

udisks-glue is useful for automatically mounting removable devices or
running arbitrary commands.


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Re: XFCE4 DateTime applet - custom timezone

2013-12-12 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Thursday 12 December 2013 02:34 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

I would like a second copy of DateTime in my panel, with a custom
timezone - UTC for now.

Is this possible with xfce4-panel ?

Seen this?


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Re: sound problems after upgrade

2013-12-12 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Thursday 12 December 2013 09:12 PM, Christopher Judd wrote:


I have a testing box, kernel 3.2.0-3-amd64, using KDE. After an upgrade
earlier this week, I am having problems with sound. The system is an MSI
760GM-P23 motherboard with onboard RealTek ALC887, and sound has always
worked fine previously.

The problem is that there is no sound output from Amarok, or when I try
to test the various sound devices from the KDE system config window.
Sound works fine in VLC, however.

I have phonon configured to use the VLC-phonon backend; pulseaudio is
not installed.

How can I determine where the problem is, or which package is broken?


| Christopher Judd, Ph. D. |

| Research Scientist III |

| NYS Dept. of Health |

| Wadsworth Center - ESP |

| P. O. Box 509 518 486-7829 |

| Albany, NY 12201-0509 |

Hi Chris,

I seem to recall something similar reported in this mailing list's 
archives. Something about volume being set to zero after the upgrade...

Hope this helps,

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Re: Jesse install images?

2013-12-12 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Thursday 12 December 2013 07:29 AM, Shane Johnson wrote:

Sorry I also should have stated that you can use either a Live CD or a
Rescue CD.


On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 6:57 PM, Shane Johnson>> wrote:

Nope, It's a little more difficult, but you can do a bootstrap
install following these instructions adapted to Debian.

Ubuntu Debootstrap instructions


On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 6:36 PM, Jon N>> wrote:

I have a new computer that needs (AFAIK) the kernel version 3.10 or
better to support my ethernet (Qualcomm Atheros AR8171).  I was
I could do this with a small download, like the net insttall
ISO, but
so far I haven't been able to find one.  Are by only choices to
install Jesse to download multiple CD or 1 DVD file?


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Rasmussen Equipment

Shane D. Johnson
IT Administrator
Rasmussen Equipment


The I've found that the netbootcd works best for me...

You can choose the distro and the release at install time.


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(SOLVED) Re: Backported Kernel - install question

2013-12-13 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Friday 13 December 2013 02:32 AM, Reco wrote:


On Thu, 12 Dec 2013 21:33:45 +0100
Ralf Mardorf  wrote:

On Thu, 2013-12-12 at 21:32 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

I experienced that synaptic for *buntu Saucy is broken, perhaps it's for
Debian broken too. Sometimes nothing is inconsistent, but Synaptic
claims that a dependency should be broken. After closing and opening
Synaptic everything is ok.

If apt-get does work, than a not buggy Synaptic must work too ;).

apt, aptitude and synaptic handle package install conflicts differently.

These tools do the same in trivial situations like installing or
removing package from the main archive.

But, put a number of packages with the same name and different versions
(add versioned dependencies to the picture) - and these 3 tools start
behaving differently. Add the fact that any package in backports
archive has special version that is _lower_ that any version in main
archive - and sometimes these tools may produce funny results.

Basically, apt provides you with the most dumb solution possible
(works most of the time) - install what you want, upgrade dependencies.

Aptitude gives you multiple ways of installing package (and one has to
choose carefully) - install what you want, upgrade/downgrade
dependencies (and may remove something just for fun :).

Synaptic assumes that you are not lazy, and will use Ctrl+E (IIRC, may
be wrong) to force particular versions for needed packages.

So, it's possible to use Synaptic for the task, it just will violate
the great IBM principle - 'People should think, machine should work'.



Apt-get gave me the following error:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 linux-image-3.11-0.bpo.2-686-pae : Breaks: initramfs-tools (< 0.110~) 
but 0.109.1 is to be installed

E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

And so I installed initramfs-tools from wheezy-backports first and then 
the linux-image-3.11-0.bpo.2-686-pae

However, was apt-get correct in not attempting to upgrade 
initramfs-tools as well?


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Re: How to install Packages on Debian-Wheezy

2013-12-13 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Friday 13 December 2013 07:08 PM, Wally Lepore wrote:

I've also noticed a graphical package installer that was included in
the initial install of Debian-Wheezy called, "GDebi Package

Has anyone utilized this for installing .deb packages?

On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 9:38 AM, Ralf Mardorf

On Fri, 2013-12-13 at 01:29 +1100, Scott Ferguson wrote:

On 13/12/13 00:59, Wally Lepore wrote:

Wow! What a... site :/

For newbies it's hard to search for information about Linux, because
they don't know the terms, as long as they don't know the structure of
Linux and in addition it's hard to distinguish the good, the bad and the
ugly websites.

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Yeah, I have, but I still prefer synaptic.


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Re: Up-to-date kernels

2013-12-13 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Friday 13 December 2013 10:29 PM, Rares Aioanei wrote:

Hello everyone,

I have a question : since I usually make debs for myself from the
latest vanilla kernels, I wondered if those would help somebody else,
for example in cases of needed hardware support or some bugfixes. I
know about Debian's policy about untrusted software sources as well as
the thorough testing done, but I see some usefulness for these kernels
(for example I'm compiling 3.13-rc3, while the latest in experimental
is 3.11-rc4, if I'm not mistaken). The config is the exact Debian one
with added hardware support. If anyone thinks this is a good idea,
please let me know and I'll try to get some hosting space.


Hi Rares,

I'd appreciate it. :) I'm a relative noob and still have a ways to go 
before I get to compiling my own kernel.


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Re: (SOLVED) Re: Backported Kernel - install question

2013-12-14 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Saturday 14 December 2013 12:06 PM, Kailash Kalyani wrote:

On Friday 13 December 2013 02:32 AM, Reco wrote:


On Thu, 12 Dec 2013 21:33:45 +0100
Ralf Mardorf  wrote:

On Thu, 2013-12-12 at 21:32 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

I experienced that synaptic for *buntu Saucy is broken, perhaps it's
Debian broken too. Sometimes nothing is inconsistent, but Synaptic
claims that a dependency should be broken. After closing and opening
Synaptic everything is ok.

If apt-get does work, than a not buggy Synaptic must work too ;).

apt, aptitude and synaptic handle package install conflicts differently.

These tools do the same in trivial situations like installing or
removing package from the main archive.

But, put a number of packages with the same name and different versions
(add versioned dependencies to the picture) - and these 3 tools start
behaving differently. Add the fact that any package in backports
archive has special version that is _lower_ that any version in main
archive - and sometimes these tools may produce funny results.

Basically, apt provides you with the most dumb solution possible
(works most of the time) - install what you want, upgrade dependencies.

Aptitude gives you multiple ways of installing package (and one has to
choose carefully) - install what you want, upgrade/downgrade
dependencies (and may remove something just for fun :).

Synaptic assumes that you are not lazy, and will use Ctrl+E (IIRC, may
be wrong) to force particular versions for needed packages.

So, it's possible to use Synaptic for the task, it just will violate
the great IBM principle - 'People should think, machine should work'.



Apt-get gave me the following error:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  linux-image-3.11-0.bpo.2-686-pae : Breaks: initramfs-tools (< 0.110~)
but 0.109.1 is to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

And so I installed initramfs-tools from wheezy-backports first and then
the linux-image-3.11-0.bpo.2-686-pae

However, was apt-get correct in not attempting to upgrade
initramfs-tools as well?


FYI only.

My new install of the kernel caused VirtualBox to stop functioning:
I followed the following steps:
1. Installed the wheezy-backports version of VirtualBox (no change- the 
kernel modules failed to start)
2. Tried to check versions of dkms - have the latest stable (no updates 
in backports)
3. After looking through VirtualBox installation page 

I figured I was missing the headers for the new kernel.
4. sudo apt-get install linux-headers-3.11-0.bpo.2-686-pae
followed by
sudo apt-get install virtualbox/wheezy-backports --reinstall

fixed the issue.

Hope this helps.

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Re: (SOLVED) Re: Backported Kernel - install question

2013-12-14 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Saturday 14 December 2013 02:22 PM, Reco wrote:


On Sat, 14 Dec 2013 12:06:15 +0530
Kailash Kalyani  wrote:

Apt-get gave me the following error:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
   linux-image-3.11-0.bpo.2-686-pae : Breaks: initramfs-tools (< 0.110~)
but 0.109.1 is to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

And so I installed initramfs-tools from wheezy-backports first and then
the linux-image-3.11-0.bpo.2-686-pae

However, was apt-get correct in not attempting to upgrade
initramfs-tools as well?

Yes, it was. Compare this:

# apt-get install linux-image-3.11-0.bpo.2-amd64

The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  linux-image-3.11-0.bpo.2-amd64 : Breaks: initramfs-tools (< 0.110~)
but 0.109.1 is to be installed E:
Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages

To this:

apt-get install -t wheezy-backports linux-image-3.11-0.bpo.2-amd64

The following extra packages will be installed:
Suggested packages:
   linux-doc-3.11 debian-kernel-handbook
The following NEW packages will be installed:
The following packages will be upgraded:

Unless you allow apt to search dependencies outside of preferred
release (wheezy) - it will try to install from backports only the
package you've told it to install (i.e. linux-image).


Thanks for the clarification! Much appreciated!

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Re: xfce4-panels - bottom panel disappeared off the screen, after reboot without docking the laptop

2013-12-14 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Sunday 15 December 2013 07:02 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

Any idea if there is some way to bring back my bottom xfce4-panel?

I started with two external monitors, 1920x1200.

I logout (save session on exit), shutdown.

Un-dock the laptop (disconnecting both monitors).

Now reboot (laptop only). Laptop has 1366x768 resolution.

left hand dock is visible

bottom dock is not to be seen, even after changing virtual desktops

I log in to linux console, then run startx from there.


Hi Zenaan,

When you go the xfce-panel preferences you should see a drop-down which 
lists all your active panels.
You could reposition it from there.


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Re: xfce4-panels - bottom panel disappeared off the screen, after reboot without docking the laptop

2013-12-14 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Sunday 15 December 2013 09:43 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

On 12/15/13, Kailash Kalyani  wrote:

On Sunday 15 December 2013 07:02 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

Any idea if there is some way to bring back my bottom xfce4-panel?
I started with two external monitors, 1920x1200.
I logout (save session on exit), shutdown.
Un-dock the laptop (disconnecting both monitors).
Now reboot (laptop only). Laptop has 1366x768 resolution.
I log in to linux console, then run startx from there.

left hand dock is visible
bottom dock is not to be seen, even after changing virtual desktops

When you go the xfce-panel preferences you should see a drop-down which
lists all your active panels.

Yes, Panel 0 and Panel 1. Panel 0 is my bottom panel, which I've selected.

On this page, "Orientation" appears to match what I'm seeing as "Mode".

You could reposition it from there.

I only see General -> Mode ->
[ Horizontal | Vertical | Deskbar ]

and no "panel position" (such as top, bottom, etc).

There is "Lock panel", which, when I disable this, I have panel
handles, and can then move the panel up or down that particular
(xinerama) 'screen', but not onto the other 'screen', and there is no
option in the panel preferences to position the panel.

So no, I can't move my panel so that it is visible.

Even running xrandr does not fix it, with or without the laptop being
docked (and plugged into my external monitors).

Even killall xfce4-panel and restarting them, does not cause my bottom
panel to become visible...


Hi Zenaan,

There's a similar bug report here:


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Re: xfce4-panels - bottom panel disappeared off the screen, after reboot without docking the laptop

2013-12-14 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Sunday 15 December 2013 09:43 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

On 12/15/13, Kailash Kalyani  wrote:

On Sunday 15 December 2013 07:02 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

Any idea if there is some way to bring back my bottom xfce4-panel?
I started with two external monitors, 1920x1200.
I logout (save session on exit), shutdown.
Un-dock the laptop (disconnecting both monitors).
Now reboot (laptop only). Laptop has 1366x768 resolution.
I log in to linux console, then run startx from there.

left hand dock is visible
bottom dock is not to be seen, even after changing virtual desktops

When you go the xfce-panel preferences you should see a drop-down which
lists all your active panels.

Yes, Panel 0 and Panel 1. Panel 0 is my bottom panel, which I've selected.

On this page, "Orientation" appears to match what I'm seeing as "Mode".

You could reposition it from there.

I only see General -> Mode ->
[ Horizontal | Vertical | Deskbar ]

and no "panel position" (such as top, bottom, etc).

There is "Lock panel", which, when I disable this, I have panel
handles, and can then move the panel up or down that particular
(xinerama) 'screen', but not onto the other 'screen', and there is no
option in the panel preferences to position the panel.

So no, I can't move my panel so that it is visible.

Even running xrandr does not fix it, with or without the laptop being
docked (and plugged into my external monitors).

Even killall xfce4-panel and restarting them, does not cause my bottom
panel to become visible...


And a related one here:

Hope this helps...

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Re: Daisy player applications that did not go out with the ark :-(

2014-01-12 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Saturday 11 January 2014 11:58 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

I have two separate but related problems.

1. I can find no up to date daisy playing software that will run on
Linux.  Suggestions, please?

Hi Lisi,

I'm not clear on which use-cases you're looking at. Have you looked at 
the following?

1. Emerson Reader:
2. Daisy Book Reader:


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Re: gpm dumping info to /var/log/messages

2014-01-12 Thread Kailash Kalyani

On Wednesday 08 January 2014 01:17 PM, Mike McClain wrote:

Is there any way to stop gpm from dumping to /var/log/messages every
time I copy/paste without stopping other deamons from writing info
there too? I see no such provisions in the man pages.
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?

Hi Mike,

You should look at the manpage and documentation of rsyslog.conf

if you want to discard messages from gpm you could add a line in the 
RULES section which goes

#this discards all messages from gpm
gpm.*   ~


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Re: Skype video question

2015-05-31 Thread Kailash Kalyani
On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 12:49 AM, Haines Brown  wrote:

> I used to run skype without a problem, but now when someone calls, they
> can hear and see me. I can hear but cannot see them. My video camera is
> working fine. I installed guvcview and it has no trouble using my
> camera.  When I go to Skype, options, video device, I see that video is
> enabled and I see myself.
> But when I try to skype someone, the camera icon on the interface is
> crossed out. And the camera LED does not come on at the beginning. The
> interface proceeds to allow me to leave a voice message.
> Have you seen this?
*Question:* Why can't skype use my webcam?
*Answer:* You probably need to preload v4l compatibility.

Try this:

LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/ /usr/bin/skype


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privoxy refusing connections?

2015-06-05 Thread Kailash Kalyani

Hi All,

Came across privoxy and wanted to test it out so I installed it

sudo apt-get install privoxy

And configured my browser to use the proxy at port 8118

I keep getting the error: "The proxy server is refusing connections"

I checked the privoxy config file and the log file. Log file's empty and 
the config file has a line:

listen-address  localhost:8118

Would anyone have pointers on how to solve this?


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