blank screen in Xvnc / xrdb can't open display - on Woody

2003-11-16 Thread John Stumbles
[3rd time lucky? apologies if you've seen this: NTLworld seems to be even
more pants than usual and to have lost my original usenet post and repost of
this message as far as I can tell, so I'm now trying through the mailing

I'm trying to connect to my Woody (3.0r1) box from vnc client on windoze,
but I only get blank (textured) screen and X mouse cursor (initially in
centre of screen, then follows windows mouse cursor around when that enters
the vnc window).

When I run vncserver it says:

New 'X' desktop is Hostname:1

Then .xsession-errors gets [re]written with:

xrdb: Connection refused
xrdb: Can't open display 'Hostname:1'

but why?
Googling produced one suggestion that it might be lack of a "Screen" section
in /etc/X11/XF86Config. I don't actually have an XF86Config file - mine is
XF86Config-4 - though symlinking it to XF86Config doesn't fix the problem.
The file does have a Section "Screen" (with DefaultDepth 16 and "Display"
SubSections with Depths 1,4,8,15,16 and 24 each with modes 800x600 and

Anyway I'm running X successfully on the Woody box (with Gnome) so the
XF86Config should be OK, shouldn't it? (Though when I first booted my new
installation from floppy and tried to startx I had similar problems, and I
think I had to run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 to get it to work OK.)

I think I read somewhere else that it could be an Xauth cookie issue, but
I've lost that piece and haven't a clue how to investigate that possibility.

 [fx: OP slamming into brick wall :)]

John Stumbles
  Pessimists are never disappointed

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Re: blank screen in Xvnc / xrdb can't open display - on Woody

2003-11-17 Thread John Stumbles
"Jonathan Dowland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Sun, Nov 16, 2003 at 07:04:42PM -, John Stumbles wrote:
> > xrdb: Connection refused
> > xrdb: Can't open display 'Hostname:1'
> >
> > I think I read somewhere else that it could be an Xauth cookie issue,
> > I've lost that piece and haven't a clue how to investigate that
> This sounds like a possibility. Are you trying to run xrdb remotely? Try
> locally, and perhaps another app like xterm, locally. Try moving
> ~/.Xauthority for your user, restarting X and vnc  and see if that makes a
> difference (unless you know that you need this file for another purpose,
> and make sure you don't weaken the permissions)

Sorry, I didn't understand that.

I'm running the vnc viewer on a different (windows) machine to the server
(which is on woody), but the error message (xrdb: Can't open display) is
generated when I run vncserver, not when I start the remote vnc viewer (so I
don't think the other, windoze, machine has anything to do with it).

I did try moving ~/.Xauthority and running vncserver. I get:

xauth: creating new authority file /home/user/.Xauthority

New 'X' desktop is Hostname:1

Starting applications specified in /etc/X11/Xsession
Log file is /home/user/.vnc/Hostname:1.log

but .xsession-errors still gets [re]written with

xrdb: Connection refused
xrdb: Can't open display 'Hostname:1'

With my new .Xauthority if I try running xterm I get
Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: Client is not authorised to connect to Server
xterm Xt error: can't open display: :0

If I switch back my .Xauthority to the original one and run xterm I get an
xterm on my local gui.

Incidentally my .Xauthority is -rw--; the original (which seems to be
created by my gui session) is size 418 but the one created when I run
vncserver is size 101.

Durr, i still don't understand: .Xauthority seems to be created by my
regular gui X session, and is not overwritten by vncserver's startup, though
vncserver will create its own (smaller/broken?) .Xauthority if none exists.
Is this what should happen? Is this the problem? (and if so, what is the
solution? :-)


John Stumbles
   I've got a book about motivation but I've never got round to reading it

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Re: Penalty of SELinux?

2007-09-24 Thread John Stumbles

Manoj Srivastava wrote:

On Sun, 23 Sep 2007 17:13:59 -0700, consultores agropecuarios

The real problem with SELinux is that it come from a really well known
untrusted organization around the globe;

This is one place I differ.  I know and like Stephen Smalley,
 and I do not look at all the products of the NSA as being, umm,
 untrustworthy.  And it is not as if it is closed source; gazillions of
 security conscious eyes have looked at the offering.

"To what extent should one trust a statement that a program is free of 
Trojan horses? Perhaps it is more important to trust the people who 
wrote the software."

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Re: how to find out IP address used by router?

2007-10-06 Thread John Stumbles

Ron Johnson wrote:

Most, if not every, home router made in the last 5 years has an
embedded web server and an internal IP address.

So if the external interface is down and thus can't get to ipchicken
or whatismyip, connect to that web server and it will tell you what
the external address is.

If you need to script that you can use Perl e.g.


use warnings;
use strict;
use HTML::TreeBuilder 2.97;
use LWP::UserAgent;

parse_contents (get_page());

sub get_page {
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new ;
'dsl:80',   # note 1
'Linksys BEFW11S4', # note 2
'username', # DSL login user name
'passwd'# DSL login password
) ;
my $request = HTTP::Request->new(
GET => 'http://dsl/Status.htm'  # note 3
) ;
my $response = $ua->request( $request ) ;
unless($response->is_success) {
warn "No response: ", $response->status_line, "\n";
return $response->content ;

# notes:
# 1 'dsl' in /etc/hosts is IP address (on private 192.168 network)
#   of my DSL box
# 2 is string in web login box
#   "Enter username and password for Linksys BEFW11S4 ..."
# 2 page containing public-facing IP address of DSL

sub parse_contents {
# this does the dirty work taking apart the HTML returned from the 
web page - this will be different for other routers

my $page_contents = shift or die "No contents returned from page\n";
my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new();

my $table = ( $tree->look_down('_tag','table') )[3];
my $row  = ( $table->look_down('_tag', 'tr' ) )[10];
my $inet_table  = ( $row->look_down('_tag', 'td')   )[0];
my $ipadd_row  = ( $inet_table->look_down('_tag', 'tr' ) )[0];
#...then do things with $col3...
my $ipadd_col  = ( $ipadd_row->look_down('_tag', 'td' ) )[1];
print "\t", $ipadd_col->as_text, "\n";

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Re: HELP! can't become root

2007-10-06 Thread John Stumbles

Thilo Six wrote:

What you did is:

chmod -R /dev 777 as it seems

where inside /dev is your whole system ( e.g. /dev/hda1)

But surely doing chmod -R /dev/hda1 isn't the same as doing chmod -R / 
(where /dev/hda1 is mounted as /) is it?

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Re: HELP! can't become root

2007-10-07 Thread John Stumbles

Kevin Mark wrote:
This is a basic HOWTO for the above advice.

Though one needs to save and restore one's sources.lst if it's not the 
system default in order to reinstall all the packages. And if the distro 
version has moved on since the original install some more jumping 
through hoops will be required.

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Re: df -h listing

2007-10-09 Thread John Stumbles

roberto wrote:

$ du -k ./ | sort -n | tail

du {filesystem} | sort -rn | more

produces a biggest-first list of space hogs.

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Re: Converting mp3 to audio CDs

2007-10-09 Thread John Stumbles

Brad Rogers wrote:

Set up correctly, K3b can take the mp3s and create an audio disk.

FSVO "correctly" :-)

IIRC you used to have to install an mp3 decoder for k3b separately from 
the k3b package itself, though in etch it seems to be bundled.

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Re: OT: camera for small work

2007-10-17 Thread John Stumbles

Douglas A. Tutty wrote:


Magnifying glass on a stand?

The depth of field with a camera is likely to be so shallow it'd be 
useless for 3D work.

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Re: OT: camera for small work

2007-10-17 Thread John Stumbles

Douglas A. Tutty wrote:

So at this point, the question is can a consumer digital camera function
like a web-cam and then do I just view it with something like VLC?

None of the cheap digicams I have/had (Nikon Coolpix and various Canons) 
nor my Pentax K100D DSLR can work as a webcam.

My Panasonic NV-GS37 camcorder has a webcam mode but I failed to find a 
Linux driver for it - AIUI each camcorder implements its own protocol.

None of them has the sort of macro you're looking for either.

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Re: How to read phone memory card?

2007-10-18 Thread John Stumbles

Rodolfo Medina wrote:

Does anyone know how can Debian read a mobile phone memory card?

I think I properly inserted the card into the PC, but then, how to mount it -
*if* possible?

On my etch system with kde when I insert a card into a card reader I get 
a window popping up asking me if I want to 'open' it, by which it means 
(p)mounting it as /media/sdX1 and opening a konqueror filebrowser window 
on the mounted system. If that doesn't happen, or you tell it not to, 
you can pmount it yourself. You just have to know what X is, which 
depends on the mysteries and vagaries of usb, but you can get a clue 
from dmesg.

For processing digicam pictures I have a script which tries various devices:

CARD_DEVS="sdb1 sdf1 sde1 sdg1 sdd1 sdc1 sda1"

mount_card () {
echo -n "Trying "
for DEV in $CARD_DEVS; do
echo -n "/dev/$DEV ... "
pmount /dev/$DEV 2>/dev/null && check_mount_point\
 && find_dcim_dir && return 0
echo "*** Couldn't mount card ***"
return 1

check_mount_point () {
if [ ! -d $MOUNT_POINT ]; then
echo "** /dev/$DEV mounted but not found mounted on\ $MOUNT_POINT"
return 1
echo "mounted on $MOUNT_POINT"
return 0

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Re: How to read phone memory card?

2007-10-19 Thread John Stumbles

Rodolfo Medina wrote:

Thanks for your replies, but not lsusb nor dmesg or fcdisk seem to tell
anything about what the device could be.  In the output of dmesg there's no
`sd*' entry.

# tail -f /var/log/messages
Oct 19 14:06:04 localhost kernel: SCSI device sde: 960512 512-byte hdwr 
sectors (492 MB)

Oct 19 14:06:04 localhost kernel: sde: Write Protect is off
Oct 19 14:06:04 localhost kernel: SCSI device sde: 960512 512-byte hdwr 
sectors (492 MB)

Oct 19 14:06:04 localhost kernel: sde: Write Protect is off
Oct 19 14:06:04 localhost kernel:  sde: sde1

dmesg gives:
SCSI device sde: 960512 512-byte hdwr sectors (492 MB)
sde: Write Protect is off
sde: Mode Sense: 03 00 00 00
sde: assuming drive cache: write through
SCSI device sde: 960512 512-byte hdwr sectors (492 MB)
sde: Write Protect is off
sde: Mode Sense: 03 00 00 00
sde: assuming drive cache: write through
 sde: sde1

I don't know why it doesn't work for you, sorry

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Re: Obtaining my IP, strange results

2006-05-14 Thread John Stumbles

T wrote:
... there is no reliable way to get my IP now. 

I know it's not the answer to your specific question, but in terms of 
getting your IP address There's More Than One Way To Do It (tm) :-)

On my LinkSys DSL router I use a Perl script which uses LWP and 
HTML::TreeBuilder to get the status page from the router and grok out 
its IP address.

John Stumbles

use warnings;
use strict;
use HTML::TreeBuilder 2.97;
use LWP::UserAgent;

parse_contents (get_page());

sub get_page {
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new ;
# 'dsl' is in my /etc/hosts, otherwise us IP address of your DSL
# router (192.168. etc private IP address as seen from connected PC)
'dsl:80',   # note 1
'Linksys BEFW11S4', # note 2
'foo',  # DSL login user name
'bar'   # DSL login passwd
) ;
my $request = HTTP::Request->new(
GET => 'http://dsl/Status.htm'   # note 3
) ;
my $response = $ua->request( $request ) ;
unless($response->is_success) {
warn "No response: ", $response->status_line, "\n";
return $response->content ;
# notes:
# 1 'dsl' in /etc/hosts is IP address (on private 192.168 network)
#   of my DSL box
# 2 is string in web login box
#   "Enter username and password for Linksys BEFW11S4 ..."
# 3 page containing public-facing IP address of DSL

sub parse_contents {
# this does the dirty work taking apart the HTML returned from the 
web page

my $page_contents = shift or die "No contents returned from page\n";
my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new();

my $table = ( $tree->look_down('_tag','table') )[3];
my $row  = ( $table->look_down('_tag', 'tr' ) )[10];
my $inet_table  = ( $row->look_down('_tag', 'td')   )[0];
my $ipadd_row  = ( $inet_table->look_down('_tag', 'tr' ) )[0];
my $ipadd_col  = ( $ipadd_row->look_down('_tag', 'td' ) )[1];
#$ipadd_col->dump(); # debug
print "\t", $ipadd_col->as_text, "\n";

sub dump_contents {
my $page_contents = shift or die "No contents returned from page\n";
my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new();

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dovecot sees ~/Maildir, seeks folders in ~/ on Lenny (OK on Etch)

2009-06-13 Thread John Stumbles
I've got dovecot set up on an Etch box to use maildirs, with folders 
under ~/Maildir.

The same setup on Lenny finds a user's INBOX in their ~/Maildir but 
doesn't find any other folders - instead it looks for them in the user's 
home directory.

The users' filesystem is the same: it is hosted on the Lenny box and 
exported to the Etch box. I have fiddled with /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf 
and even copied over the config file from the working Etch box.

I've also tried deleting the ~/Maildir/dovecot.index* files.

I've tested with icedove (thunderbird) and sylpheed on the Etch box 
(accessing the dovecot server on the Lenny box) and icedove and mutt on 
the Lenny box itself.

I've got `mail_debug = yes` in dovecot.conf but don't get anything 
useful in syslog

Jun 13 11:03:45 kryten imapd[9922]: connect from (
Jun 13 11:03:45 kryten imapd[9922]: imaps SSL service init from
Jun 13 11:03:47 kryten imapd[9922]: Authenticated user=john [] mech=PLAIN
Jun 13 11:15:02 kryten imapd[9922]: Hangup user=john []

Nor do I get a /var/log/dovecot file.

I'm getting to the point of thinking maybe it's a bug with dovecot 
itself (although Googling for "dovecot debian lenny Maildir bug" doesn't 
pick up anything like what I'm experiencing) and, as a way of checking 
this, I wonder if I could install the Etch version on the Lenny box.

# file `which dovecot`
/usr/sbin/dovecot: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 
(SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.4.1, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for 
GNU/Linux 2.4.1, stripped

 - suggests I couldn't simply copy the executable and run that, as the 
shared libraries would be all wrong. What would be involved in getting 
an older version working? I've heard of (but never used) "backports" 
which AIUI are versions from newer distro releases. (And of course I 
could try that too, in case it was a bug that got fixed later.)

# perl -ne 'print if /^\s*[^#\s]/' dovecot.conf
protocols = imap imaps
log_path = /var/log/dovecot
login_process_per_connection = yes
mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir
mail_extra_groups = mail
mail_debug = yes
protocol imap {
protocol pop3 {
  pop3_uidl_format = %08Xu%08Xv
auth default {
  mechanisms = plain
  passdb pam {
  userdb passwd {
  user = root
dict {
plugin {

John Stumbles

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dovecot sees ~/Maildir, seeks folders in ~/ on Lenny (OK on Etch)

2009-06-13 Thread John Stumbles

I've got dovecot set up on an Etch box to use maildirs, with folders
under ~/Maildir.

The same setup on Lenny finds a user's INBOX in their ~/Maildir but
doesn't find any other folders - instead it looks for them in the user's
home directory.

The users' filesystem is the same: it is hosted on the Lenny box and
exported to the Etch box. I have fiddled with /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
and even copied over the config file from the working Etch box.

I've also tried deleting the ~/Maildir/dovecot.index* files.

I've tested with icedove (thunderbird) and sylpheed on the Etch box
(accessing the dovecot server on the Lenny box) and icedove and mutt on
the Lenny box itself.

I've got `mail_debug = yes` in dovecot.conf but don't get anything
useful in syslog
Jun 13 11:03:45 kryten imapd[9922]: connect from (
Jun 13 11:03:45 kryten imapd[9922]: imaps SSL service init from
Jun 13 11:03:47 kryten imapd[9922]: Authenticated user=john [] mech=PLAIN
Jun 13 11:15:02 kryten imapd[9922]: Hangup user=john []

Nor do I get a /var/log/dovecot file.

I'm getting to the point of thinking maybe it's a bug with dovecot
itself (although Googling for "dovecot debian lenny Maildir bug" doesn't
pick up anything like what I'm experiencing) and, as a way of checking
this, I wonder if I could install the Etch version on the Lenny box.

# file `which dovecot`
/usr/sbin/dovecot: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1
(SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.4.1, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for
GNU/Linux 2.4.1, stripped

 - suggests I couldn't simply copy the executable and run that, as the
shared libraries would be all wrong. What would be involved in getting
an older version working? I've heard of (but never used) "backports"
which AIUI are versions from newer distro releases. (And of course I
could try that too, in case it was a bug that got fixed later.)

# perl -ne 'print if /^\s*[^#\s]/' dovecot.conf
protocols = imap imaps
log_path = /var/log/dovecot
login_process_per_connection = yes
mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir
mail_extra_groups = mail
mail_debug = yes
protocol imap {
protocol pop3 {
  pop3_uidl_format = %08Xu%08Xv
auth default {
  mechanisms = plain
  passdb pam {
  userdb passwd {
  user = root
dict {
plugin {

John Stumbles

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Re: dovecot sees ~/Maildir, seeks folders in ~/ on Lenny (OK on Etch)

2009-06-14 Thread John Stumbles

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> In <>, John Stumbles wrote:
>> I've got dovecot set up on an Etch box to use maildirs, with folders
>> under ~/Maildir.
>> The same setup on Lenny finds a user's INBOX in their ~/Maildir but
>> doesn't find any other folders - instead it looks for them in the user's
>> home directory.
> Odd, I have a similar setup on Lenny and things work fine.

OK, thanks.

FWIW I found a workaround: I installed courier instead ;-)

John Stumbles

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Configuring laptop interfaces The Debian Way?

2008-01-03 Thread John Stumbles
I'm trying to set up a laptop with both wired and wireless interfaces. 
Apart from difficulties in getting the wireless to work I'm a bit 
surprised by the way even the wired setup works. If I boot up the laptop 
when the wired ethernet is disconnected it spends quite a long time 
looking for a DHCP server! Surely this can't be correct behaviour?

I'd expect default bootup behaviour to be
IF  wired ethernet link == up
ELSEtry wireless ...

Am I missing something?

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include ~/bin in $PATH under kde on debian (sarge)

2006-04-26 Thread John Stumbles

On kubuntu (and SuSE, IIRC) if I have a ~/bin directory it gets included
in my $PATH but this doesn't happen under debian. (In all cases I'm
using kde with kdm as my window manager.)

The ~/.bash_profile of any new users I create has:
# include .bashrc if it exists
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc

# the rest of this file is commented out.

# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
#if [ -d ~/bin ] ; then

In my own .bash_profile I have uncommented the last 4 lines above but
even after logging out from kde and back in again my $PATH does not
include ~/bin (although it does work if I log in on a tty e.g.
Ctrl-Alt-F1). Thus it would seem that .bash_profile is not run on
startup under kde (nor under gnome, both under kdm).

If I put the code above i.e.

if [ -d ~/bin ] ; then

into my .bashrc it does set $PATH for terminals (e.g. konsole) but 
anything I try to run in ~/bin from K menu->Run Command is not found

unless I prefix it with ~/bin.

I have also tried putting the code into .xsession.
There seems to be a mechanism in
for running this file
# If no X session startup program was passed to the Xsession script as
\ an
# argument (e.g., by the display manager), or if that program was not
# executable, fall back to looking for a user's custom X session script,
# allowed by the options file.
if [ -z "$STARTUP" ]; then
  if grep -qs ^allow-user-xsession "$OPTIONFILE"; then
  if [ -e "$STARTUPFILE" ]; then
if [ -x "$STARTUPFILE" ]; then

The options file:
contains the necessary permission, but $STARTUP must be getting set (I
can't see where or how from looking at Xsession or the other startup
files in Xsession.d) as .xsession is not being run. (I added a command
to create a timestamped tag file whenever .xsession is run and it's not
being run at X session startup.)

I've googled www and usenet and searched debian lists but not found an
answer to the question of setting the environment for my whole X
session, not just for console session within X.

I would also like to understand what happens when a gui session starts
under kdm - what scripts etc get run?

John Stumbles

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Re: include ~/bin in $PATH under kde on debian (sarge)

2006-04-26 Thread John Stumbles

Felix C. Stegerman wrote:

Try renaming `setpath' to `'.

Aha! that works! Thanks.
Is that documented somewhere?
I've looked at especially, and

Of course it only works for kde. That's good enough for now since I only 
use kde but I'd like to know how to do it for gnome and other sessions.

John Stumbles

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Re: include ~/bin in $PATH under kde on debian (sarge)

2006-04-26 Thread John Stumbles

Jon Dowland wrote:

It depends entirely on which session manager is used or
which method of starting your session. If you create a
~/.xsession script which execs "startkde" you could specify
the PATH before that and have it inherited by startkde and
all subsequent processes. You then would need to instruct
your display manager (KDM?) to execute this. With GDM, you
would choose "default system session". I don't have KDM
handy to check.

Example .xsession:

export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH

On my system .[x|X]session doesn't exist by default, so kde (or whatever 
is chosen at the start-session menu) is getting started by some other 
mechanism. From my regular debian sarge installation I installed kdm so 
that I could have a user-friendly way for users to start a new session 
when an existing session is logged-in and locked. At the 'Start new 
session' option from the K menu the new user has the option to choose 
the type of session (KDE, Gnome etc) they want to run. I guess whatever 
is doing this session management bypasses 'conventional' X session 
startup methods.

The KDE sysadmin guide covers startup in this kind of
detail: <>.
KDM calls startkde which calls kdeinit which is the magic X
process and spawns most of everything else.


John Stumbles

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Re: include ~/bin in $PATH under kde on debian (sarge)

2006-04-27 Thread John Stumbles

Jon Dowland wrote:

At 1146072858 past the epoch, John Stumbles wrote:

On my system .[x|X]session doesn't exist by default, so
kde (or whatever is chosen at the start-session menu) is
getting started by some other mechanism.

Yes, KDM is calling startkde which in turn calls kdeinit.

Thanks. I have recently learned that, though I'm still trying to get my 
brain around what the various components do.

At the 'Start new session' option from the K menu the new
user has the option to choose the type of session (KDE,
Gnome etc) they want to run. I guess whatever is doing
this session management bypasses 'conventional' X session
startup methods.

What is the full range of options for type of session: there
should be an equivalent to gdm's "Default system session"
that executes $HOME/.xsession .

I have a menu of

Session Type
Remote Login
Console Login

Session Type -> submenu:

I can't see where that's configured (I've looked mainly in 
/etc/kde3/kdm/). In particular, I don't know what/where/how the 'Custom' 
Session Type is configured. I'm also in the dark about the 'Remote 
Login' option, and how 'Console Login' differs from Session Type -> 
Failsafe. (I haven't tried all the options: I'm still learning about 
Linux in general and Debian, KDE, KDM etc etc and there's so much to do, 
so little time to do it in :-()

John Stumbles

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Re: how to test Ethernet connection

2006-04-27 Thread John Stumbles

Mike McCarty wrote:

Disadvantages:Not secure.
Cannot act as a bridge.

What do you mean "Cannot act as a bridge"?
When I was a network admin a switch _was_ a bridge (a multi-port one).
Is the word used differently now?

And what do you mean by 'not secure'?

Advantages:Full-duplex, no collisions.
Can mix speeds.
Secure if has separate WAN/LAN.
Can do NAT.
Can act as a bridge.

Disadvantages:More difficult to configure.
More expensive (but not *much*

Again, not all routers can necessarily do NAT (used to be quite the 
exception, though it certainly seems common enough with the cheap 
routers available for home use since they're usually used to access a 
broadband link with only one 'real' IP address.

John Stumbles

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GNOME V. KDE (was Re: New user need some help

2006-04-27 Thread John Stumbles

Magnus Therning wrote:

On Thu, Apr 27, 2006 at 05:57:41AM +, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:

apt-get install x-window-system kde kdm

I simply have to answer this.
The command line above is clearly not right, it should of course say:
 apt-get install x-window-system gnome gdm

Given that the OP said he's new to Linux there's a good chance
he's familiar with YouKnowWhoDOZE so KDE's likely to be a better bet for

My own progression was
Mandrake: easy to use (KDE), PITA to manage (packages etc)
SuSE: more or less ditto
Ubuntu: couldn't get my brain round the GUI
Kubuntu: phew!
debian (w/kde)

I did try to use and understand GNOME (honest!) but it's too warped for
my brain (or vice versa :-). To give an example: burning a CD etc under
KDE I invoke k3b, select type of disc to burn, pick files to put on it,
set a few options (e.g. joliet if I want to play my mp3s on my car
player) and off we go. Under GNOME there's some business with nautilus
which doesn't seem to allow for any of the options I may need to set.
Not even whether I want to write to a CD or a DVD (though maybe it
detects that).

ISTR there were other foibles that put me off GNOME, though it's so long
since I've used it in anger I've forgotten them. Maybe I should give it
another try, but can you (Magnus) as an obvious GNOME-o-phile, tell me
what you like so much about it rather than KDE, that you think would
benefit other users?

John Stumbles

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Re: GNOME V. KDE (was Re: New user need some help

2006-04-27 Thread John Stumbles

Mike McCarty wrote:

John Stumbles wrote:

I did try to use and understand GNOME (honest!) but it's too warped for
my brain (or vice versa :-). To give an example: burning a CD etc under
KDE I invoke k3b, select type of disc to burn, pick files to put on it,
set a few options (e.g. joliet if I want to play my mp3s on my car
player) and off we go. Under GNOME there's some business with nautilus

Umm, on my system, I do the same thing, using GNOME.
Is K3b part of KDE? I wasn't aware of that. If so, then how come I
can use it with GNOME? I thought KDE and GNOME were simple managers
which can invoke any number of applications.


Mostly, I use it to load my e-mail handler, my web browser, and
start CLI windows.

I fail to see how either KDE or GNOME could be much better or
worse at doing these things than the other.

I've on occasion seen people who really love or hate either
GNOME or KDE, but for me I fail to see that one or the other
has any particular advantage.

OK, Fairy Nuff. I guess the choice comes down to
(a) the look & feel
(b) what apps are bundled with it
Since my first experience with GNOME was of the apps bundled with it 
that rather put me off. Now that I know what I want to use (e.g. k3b) I 
could probably get along with GNOME if I had to. However since I'm now 
reasonably familar with KDE it'd be a learning curve to get into GNOME 
so there'd have to be some positive incentive to do so.

John Stumbles

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Re: how to test Ethernet connection

2006-04-27 Thread John Stumbles

Mike McCarty wrote:

John Stumbles wrote:

What do you mean "Cannot act as a bridge"?

A switch uses MAC addresses for ascertaining where to forward
a message. It is unaware of IP addresses, so it cannot connect
different nets.

Yup. That's bridging, defined in 802.1d

And what do you mean by 'not secure'?

No firewall. Any message sent to a given MAC is delivered to
it. There is no concept of LAN side vs WAN side.

OK. from a different POV they _are_ secure: unlike a hub (repeater) 
which sends every packet to all connected ports switches only forward 
[1]packets to their destination ports. This is more secure as traffic 
cannot be sniffed by stations on other ports[2]. Which just goes to show 
that 'security' is not a simple quality of which one can have more or 
less (like money) but a set of qualities.

John Stumbles

[1] non-broadcast
[2] bar certain exploits such as MAC flood attacks

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Re: how to test Ethernet connection

2006-04-28 Thread John Stumbles

Nate Duehr wrote:

The newbies don't remember bridges.  You're going to be here for a while 
explaining it if you're in the mood to teach.

How about:

Some of us remember when you needed them to break up a too-busy LAN into 

Yup: a very expensive box connected via D15 cables to transceivers
larger than a modern ADSL modem+router+switch+wireless box, connected
via a bee-sting tap made with a sort of twist drill bit in a plastic
holder to big fat yellow thick Ethernet cable running at a blistering

Ahhh, happy days :-)

John Stumbles

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: how to test Ethernet connection

2006-04-28 Thread John Stumbles

Nate Duehr wrote:

The newbies don't remember bridges.  You're going to be here for a while 
explaining it if you're in the mood to teach.

Some of us remember when you needed them to break up a too-busy LAN into 

Yup: a very expensive box connected via D15 cables to transceivers 
larger than a modern ADSL modem+router+switch+wireless box, connected 
via a bee-sting tap made with a sort of twist drill bit in a plastic 
holder to big fat yellow thick Ethernet cable running at a blistering 

Ahhh, happy days :-)

John Stumbles

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transcode package for stable?

2006-05-03 Thread John Stumbles

Anyone know if there's currently a debian stable package of transcode? no longer seems to have it.

My sources.list has:

deb stable main

# apt-get install transcode
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Package transcode is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
However the following packages replace it:
E: Package transcode has no installation candidate

transcode-doc gives me all the talk but none of the walk :-/

Alternatively, are there other tools I should be using in place of 
transcode? I want to create dvds from .avi files.

(Links to resources for editing and converting video files in general 
are most welcome: another thing I[1] would like to be able to do is 
convert AVIs and other video files to .3GP format to play on a mobile 

[1] actually it's for the 13-year old nipper with the flashy mobile. My 
own mobile does phone calls and that's enough for me :-)

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Re: transcode package for stable?

2006-05-03 Thread John Stumbles

Rob Sims wrote:

deb stable main

Didn't the stable/testing/unstable aliases get dumped by Marillat quite
some time ago?  Replace "stable" with "sarge" and retry.

I think he's got them symlinked. In any case I get exactly the same 
error with s/stable/sarge/ in sources.list.

Where does the message about package transcode-doc replacing package 
transcode come from? How does the system 'know' this?

And if I compile transcode from the sources am I likely to end up in 
dependency hell? Is there a debian-ish way to go about it?

John Stumbles

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Re: Contact My Secretary

2006-05-06 Thread John Stumbles

mrs_stellamohamed wrote:

Dear Friend,

[snip Nigerian scam]

Brilliant - you couldn't make up stuff like this!

I don't know which I liked better, "his name is Mrs. Stella Mohamed" or 
"all the sufferness".

I'm sure these folks could make more money as entertainers than from 
these scams.

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Re: Contact My Secretary

2006-05-06 Thread John Stumbles

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

Florian Kulzer wrote:

On Sat, May 06, 2006 at 11:50:17 +0100, John Stumbles wrote:

mrs_stellamohamed wrote:

Dear Friend,

[snip Nigerian scam]

Brilliant - you couldn't make up stuff like this!

I don't know which I liked better, "his name is Mrs. Stella Mohamed" 
or "all the sufferness".

I'm sure these folks could make more money as entertainers than from 
these scams.

Apparently they even have conferences about their business model:

But what befuddles the mind, or my mind at least, is: do they actually 
get customers to ante up?

Dunno, I heard of one where the scammer ended up paying out (not 
$130,000,000,000, but > 0).

Much entertainment here too

John Stumbles

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How to submit bug re: kcontrol printers stops cups working

2005-12-01 Thread John Stumbles

[Sarge with KDE]

I've found what I think are 2 bugs in the way kcontrol sets up 
cupsd.conf which stops cupsd running.

kde control center (kcontrol)
   [note 1]
 [Administrator mode]
   Print Server
 Configure Server
 Listen to (by default contains Listen: *.631)
 enter an address
 leave port set at default 631 [2]

This will write an erroneous /etc/cups/cupsd.conf file with lines like

Listen *:631
Listen foobar:631

and attempt to restart cupsd which will give an error in 

StartListening: Unable to bind socket for address c0a8010a:631 - Cannot 
assign requested address.

So I think this is a bug with kcontrol, that it writes a broken 
configuration file which stops cupsd running.

I think it is also a bug(-ette) in cups that the error message it gives 
is unhelpful, and in /etc/init.d/cupsys that it happily reports that it 
has restarted cupsd when it hasn't.

(Sorry if this sounds like a rant: you shold see how little hair I now 
have left :-)

[1] Incidentally at this point a box pops up saying:
Unable to retrieve the printer list. Error message
received from manager:
Connection to CUPS server failed. Check that the CUPS
server is correctly installed and running. Error:
connection refused.
Why does this happen and what does it mean?

[2] yes, I know - now - but I didn't at the time. Anyway the system 
should check erroneous user input rather than silently bork the print 
system. IMnshO :-)

John Stumbles

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