This is the third time I've subscribed to debian-user. Each time I leave
in disgust because of the attitude of a few posters. Debian is *not* the
easiest distribution to install, but some of you folks are not helping
your cause.
I've been a linux user since 0.12, so I'm hardly a newbie. But each
distribution has it's own peculiarities and I continue to try to
understand debian's as I suspect a lot of new users are. I don't post
because I've got a pretty good handle on Unix in general and Linux in
particular, but you've got people new to unix and new to linux with
valid questions and valid comments and what do they get?? -- A lot of
'Fuck Off'. Great PR.
I hope to be around for a while longer. I truly like the non-commercial
aspects of debian and I'd love to make it my distribution. I've got
woody cd's on the way and I'll try again to create a system that's to my
liking and hopefully pull some more information from this list. If not,
I'll go back to the distributions that work (for me).
Hey, I know.. Don't the the door hit me in the butt. But if you guys
want debian to be something more than it is, some of you who provide
support need to take a break and understand that everyone doesn't
understand Linux/debian the way you do and try to provide *real*
Jerry Gaiser in North Plains, Oregon USA (Zone8a) - 45.6933N 123.0418W
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