epson printer dilemma

2003-02-17 Thread James Tappin
I have a dilemma regarding setting up my Epson 640 printer.

If I use the magicfilter filterset, I get good fast printing in 360dpi
mode, but the 720 and 720x1440 filters don't work. No output appears.

On the other hand if I use apsfilter, I have all the resolutions available
but the 360dpi mode is seriously slow.

What I'd really like to be able to do is to use the apsfilter drivers for
high quality printing and the magicfilter stuff for ordinary text printing
but the dependencies won't let me do that (though looking at the printcap
files there doesn't seem to be any good reason why the two systems can't

Is there any way round this??

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Re: Cd destroyed in cd drive

2003-02-22 Thread James Tappin
On Sat, 22 Feb 2003 14:25:11 EST

> Hi, I was wondering how a cd could break into pices in a cd drive?

Modern fast CD drives do spin the cd very fast indeed (IIRC the peak speed
on an audio player is around 600rpm, and while the 52x of a 52 speed drive
is relative to the _slowest_ speed of a player, it's still 1000's of rpm)
so if there was a small flaw in the edge it could easily fly apart. The
problem of going above 52 speed is that the CD stretches of the order of 1
track pitch at that speed


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Re: packages being kept back during upgrade

2003-02-23 Thread James Tappin
On Sun, 23 Feb 2003 16:38:10 -0500
Josh Metzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If so, it probably means that the packages that were kept back conflict
> with some other package on your system that would need to be removed to
> upgrade these.  To see which one, do
> apt-get -s dist-upgrade
> the dist-upgrade will remove the necessary packages to satisfy the
> conflicts. the -s option makes apt-get pretend to do this, so you can
> see what package(s) will be removed.

apt-get -u dist-upgrade
Will list the packages to be removed, and those to be added as well as
those to upgrade and then ask whether you want to go ahead.


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Re: Check the update from Microsoft.

2003-03-19 Thread James Tappin
On Wed, 19 Mar 2003 15:36:00 -0500
"Jeremy Gaddis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Got this message in my Inbox today, and it appears that it
> was sent to a bunch of subscribers to debian-user.  It had
> an executable file attached, q157498.exe, which is, of course,
> a virus, if anyone had any doubts.

Must be something designed to prevent apostates and backsliders;-)

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Disk corruption on crash

2003-10-17 Thread James Tappin
I've just had a system crash (possibly a power glitch), and one of my
disks seems corrupted.

>From dmesg (or /var/log/syslog):
Partition check:
 hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 hda4 < hda5 hda6 hda7 hda8 hda9 hda10 hda11 hda12 >
 hde: hde1 hde2 hde3
 hdf: hdf1 hdf2 hdf3 hdf4 < >
 hdg: hdg1 hdg2

hdf should have two logical partitions hdf5 and hdf6, which are not found.
Naturally fsck gets very upset about this when it tries to verify them
before mounting. However more worrying is that if I try to fdisk the disk
(I do have tape backups) it complains that it cannot seek. (cfdisk also

Is there any tool in Debian (or even outside of it) that can at least
format this disk or is it a case of bin the disk and restore to a new one?


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Re: GNOME == bloatware?

2003-01-22 Thread James Tappin
On Wed, 22 Jan 2003 13:10:48 -0600
"Jamin W. Collins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 22, 2003 at 10:05:20AM -0800, Steve Juranich wrote:
> > So I'm wondering if I've got some binaries that aren't optimized for
> > my system somehow, or this is just the state of GNOME.  If so, I'm
> > going to take a serious second look at ditching the whole 'desktop 
> > environment' altogether and go with something like IceWM.
> That seems to be about the state of things.  The "desktop environments"
> are quite bulky.  There are quite a few nice things about them, but they
> do take quite a bit of room (WRT to both HD and memory space).  I
> wouldn't attempt to run any of the DEs on most of my systems.  However a
> sensible combination of window manager and applications work fine.
> Define the features that you need from your applications and then take a
> look for applications that provide them with small foot prints.  You'll
> be amazed at how little memory and drive space you need to consume.

The third DE; Xfce is well worth a look, V3 is quite usable if a bit too
much like CDE in looks and will run happily on a PII 266 with 64MB. V4
doesn't yet have a session manager but is starting to look very nice, I've
not tried it on the 266, but it runs fine on a PII 333 with 192 which is
quite glutinous with KDE3.1.


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Re: xfwm4 'Application lost its connection'

2003-01-23 Thread James Tappin
On 23 Jan 2003 14:56:02 +0100
Eamon Roque <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi!
> Has anyone gotten xfwm4 to work? I keep getting "Application 'xfwm4'
> lost its connection ..." or "Could not connect to session manager"
> messages.
> Calling xfwm4 from .xsession doesn't seem to have any effect, the same
> errors are logged.
> Could someone point me in the right direction?!

Have a look at:
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Re: Window Managers

2003-01-26 Thread James Tappin
On Sun, 26 Jan 2003 23:41:39 +1100
"James Buchanan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> also it should have a "hot key" so that if you press F12 for example in an
> emergency the whole Window system can be brought down and you can login at a
> command prompt instead of that annoying wdm login thing.  This is awful when
> someone gets their X setup wrong and the screen goes mad, the mouse goes
> nuts and you can't login because nothing works and you need a command prompt
> to get back into XFree86Setup!

Ctrl-Alt-F1 = Goto virtual console #1 (etc up to F7 which is usually X)
Ctrl-Alt-Backspace = Kill the X-server

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Re: gvim / vim -g WON'T WORK

2003-01-28 Thread James Tappin
On Tue, 28 Jan 2003 12:16:30 -0800 (PST)
Joris Huizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When I try to run gvim I get this error:
> E25: GUI cannot be used: Not enabled at compile time
> What does it mean ? How can it be solved ? 
> I'm not somebody who thinks every prog should be
> graphical but it's easier to have more than one file
> open so I can view them at the same time

Methinks you have only vim installed. If you install vim-gtk then you
shold get gvim.


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Re: alsa and saving mixer settings

2003-01-29 Thread James Tappin
On Wed, 29 Jan 2003 09:23:51 +0100
Qian Gong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 07:27:33AM +0100, Roman Joost wrote:
> > On Mon, Jan 27, 2003 at 03:06:43PM -0500, Matthew Weier O'Phinney
> > wrote:
> > > Unfortunately, I find that the first time I want to play anything, I
> > > have to open a mixer (I use gmix), which then sets the levels,
> > > before I can hear anything.
> Try alsamixer. The settings are stored.

Not true, you need to run "alsactl store" to preserve settings through


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Re: exim and relaying -- for ONE user

2003-01-29 Thread James Tappin
On Wed, 29 Jan 2003 11:30:35 -0600
will trillich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> looking for a way to accept HARDLY ANY relays -- hopefully more
> than just "anybody from"...
> i've got a partner who'd like to be able to send email from
> -- but he's way out in the northeast using
>, and i'm way out here in the midwest using
> podunk-isp-r-us.
> when he tries sending email as coming from, it's
> accepted if it's TO another serensoft user; but for any external
> destination it gets bounced as a relay attempt, because of the
> line
>   relay_domains = 
> in the /etc/exim/exim.conf file.
> if i change it to
>   relay_domains =
> then he can certainly send email from @serensoft to @out-there
> but then SO CAN ANYBODY ELSE using that small, tiny,
> insignificant network (of thousands and
> thousands).
> is there some way to further restrict the relaying? i DO NOT want
> any black hats turning my server into spam-o-rama. ideas welcome.

If your partner has fixed IP, then you could try adding to
host_accept_relay otherwise I'll have to defer to those who really know
what they are doing.


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Re: LaTex editor

2003-01-31 Thread James Tappin
On Fri, 31 Jan 2003 14:28:40 -0500
Derrick 'dman' Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 31, 2003 at 03:09:43AM -0800, ian wrote:
> | Hi all,
> | I would like to know a good TEX editor...any recommendations?
> vim.
> Some would say emacs.
> (the .sig really was randomly inserted without manual intervention)

I'd go for emacs especially if you tend to get lost in your emacs source,
colour coding etc. (that said I'm afraid I do most of my LaTeX stuff with
texshop under OsX)

> -- 
> (E)ventually (M)allocs (A)ll (C)omputer (S)torage

Or of course (E)scape (M)eta (A)lt (C)ontrol (S)hift ;-)

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Re: Highlighted in X, is there a buffer ?

2003-02-05 Thread James Tappin
On Wed, 5 Feb 2003 07:04:34 +
Dave Selby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When using X, you can highlight text and copy it to another area via the 
> middle mouse button.
> Is there a buffer file that holds the highlighted text ? This would be very 
> usefull for passing URLs etc to the ctrl-alt-f1 command line. Sometimes Xterm 
> is not ideal because it ceases when the user is changed. The same goes for 
> the GUI !
> Yep I am thinking of downloading long files via wget !
> Any Ideas
> Dave

Not ideal, but I guess that:
cat > tmp.tmp

In the xterm, followed by
apt-get install `cat tmp.tmp`
At the console should work.

Hope this is useful even if only as a stop-gap.


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Re: DAT tape

2003-02-13 Thread James Tappin
On Thu, 13 Feb 2003 14:18:38 -0300

> I have an dat tape drive om my debian 3.0r1 server...
> How i can mount?

You don't need to, you just read/write to the device.

e.g. tar cvf /dev/nst0 /home

> How i can use cron to make backups?
> There an frontend backup soft?

Check out amanda 


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Re: a good argument for ext3 or reiserfs

2002-10-11 Thread James Tappin

On Fri, 11 Oct 2002 15:26:35 -0400
jeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i'm considering converting my current ext2 file system on my nice debian
> box. could i get some feedback from the list? i have read through some 
> manuals and how-to's but i would like to hear personal experience on 
> what you think might be better or maybe faster or whathaveyou.
> 1) my box is just a home internet station... which would be 'better' in 
> your opinion.
> 2) what's a good url for ext3 how-to
> 3) what's a good url for resierfs how-to
> much appreciated list. i know you won't let me down.  :-)

For an existing system, ext3 is much easier. All you need do is add a
journal with tune2fs, change the /etc/fstab entries and reboot (or just
remount). You do need to use the 2.4 kernel as 2.2 doesn't support ext3.

I've not used reiserfs on Debian, but I did have some corruption issues on
SuSE (which may of course be resolved now it was a year or so back).


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2002-10-24 Thread James Tappin
On Thu, 24 Oct 2002 13:45:29 +0200 (METDST)
Sebastiaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes. Now your CDRW is a SCSI device, so /dev/hdc does not exist anymore.
> Try doing a 'mount /dev/scd0 /cdrom'. if that works and you are happy
> with it, do:
> rm /dev/cdrom
> ln -s /dev/scd0 /dev/cdrom

However there is ONE place where /dev/hdc is still needed, and that is for
enabling dma via hdparm.


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Re: sparc mouse

2002-10-25 Thread James Tappin
On Fri, 25 Oct 2002 21:47:13 +0400
Andrei Smirnov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Anyone know if sparc station 1 has PS/2 mouse? (it is an optical
> 3-button mouse, plugged into keyboard)

Not sure exactly what a sparc-station 1 is, but all pre-blade sparcs I've
seen (Sparc 4, 10, 5, Ultra 1, 2 and 60) the mouse has rather less pins on
its connector than a PS/2 mouse (only 4 or 5 IIRC). Also those old optical
mice that needed a special ruled mouse pad are quite vile to use as the
pads slide around as soon as the felt on the mouse gets a bit sticky:-(

Hope this is of some use:

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Re: architectures

2002-11-27 Thread James Tappin
On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 17:02:33 -0500
Meredith Richmond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> how do i know what architecture my computer is?
> my computer  is an acer notebook P1 (i sent a previous email saying it 
> was a 486, but i was wrong)
> i would like to make sure linux is compatible with my computer before i 
> change over but i find this a little confusing, so any other tidbits of 
> info would be useful.

Pentia, 486's, Athlons all count as 386's for basic architecture. [Macs
are ppc's]. The only place you need to delve deeper is for kernels and
even there a 386 kernel will work just fine but won't necessarily use all
the new instructions/pipelining etc.


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Re: Clock running slow

2002-12-04 Thread James Tappin
On Wed, 04 Dec 2002 21:16:23 -0800
Bill Moseley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I setup a machine for a friend and every few days I ssh in to see how
> things look.  Twice now I have found the date about twenty minutes
> behind.

Does the machine have a SCSI bus or a device running under ide-scsi? I
have seen clocks run extremely slow (less than half speed) when using SCSI
devices with disconnects disabled. NTP can fail to correct if the shift is
too big.


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Re: Speaking of ntp, yes CD-R does mess with the clock!

2002-12-24 Thread James Tappin
On Tue, 24 Dec 2002 13:19:35 +1100
Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd say this is the sort of thing people mean when people say 'IDE
> sucks!'; the CPU has to babysit the burner through the entire process...

It's actually probably even more subtle. My experience has been that
cdrdao causes problems but cdrecord doesn't. I also noticed a similar
effect recently when copying a large number of CDs to disk (several
hundred), on a couple of occasions a timeout caused DMA to become disabled
on the CDrom drive and when that happened the clock started running slow.


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Re: Cannon USB Cammera

2002-12-24 Thread James Tappin
On Tue, 24 Dec 2002 23:57:39 +0330
Aryan Ameri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all:
> I have a Cannon PowerShot A40 Cammera, which (after upgrading gphoto and
> gtkam), works perfectly well with Mandrake 9.0, but isn't working with
> Debian (mixture of sarge and sid).
> On debian, I am using the same version of gtkam (a gphoto frontend) that
> I'm using under Mandrake, and my cammera, powershot A40, is indeed
> listed in the cammera's lists. But when gtkam tries detecting the
> cammera, it gives me two error messages
> " could not list folders in '/' "
> and 
> " could not initialize cammera".
> I checked modconf, and although many USB devices are selected and
> loaded, I couldn't find any cannon thing. Any ideas on why this is
> happenning?

This is pure guesswork.
For Canon (and most other) cameras, there are no kernel modules as gphoto2
uses the userland libusb. It's possible that your hotplug configuration is
not setting the device to have the correct permissions. You might try the
suggestions in:
Substituting the relevant device ID in place of that for the S20.

The other possibility is that the devusb filesystem is not enabled --
anybody know if stock Debian kernels enable it?.


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Re: cannot open dislpay: debian:0.0

2003-01-02 Thread James Tappin
On Thu, 2 Jan 2003 02:12:34 -0800
"Kevin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If I try xhost +localhost
> xhost:  unable to open display "debian:0.0"

3 alternatives spring to mind; either:
xhost +debian # as the original user
export DISPLAY=localhost:0 # as root before running make xconfig
or even:
ssh -X root@localhost # instead of su

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Re: fetchmail can't send to exim

2003-01-02 Thread James Tappin
On Thu, 2 Jan 2003 15:36:56 -0700 (MST)
"J. Scott Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I installed Debian on this machine several months ago and at the time it
> did not need to do any email so I didn't configure it during the
> install.
> But now our network has been reconfigured and I need to use it to fetch
> my mail.  I used the default exim configuration file and installed
> fetchmail and fetchmail appears to be getting the mail ok, but it must
> be going into/dev/null because I can't find it anywhere.
> I can send email from one user on the localhost to another and it seems
> to work ok.  Exim appears to be set to run in /etc/inetd.conf.  I also
> tried to run it directly as a daemon (exim -bd) but it still didn't
> work.
> I can't find any messages in any of the files in /var/log that seem to
> have anything to do with this.
> Can anyone suggest where I should look next?

Try running eximconfig and go through the responses (I seem to recall
there was an option for use in conjunction with fetchmail or similar in
there), and see if that works.(IMHO dpkg-reconfigure exim should do it but
it doesn't). Otherwise it might be the fetchmail config that's screwy.


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SDL with JPEG support?

2003-01-16 Thread James Tappin
Does any of the various libsdl packages supply the above which is needed
to build piave?

Running the piave configure script on my system fails at:
checking for sdl-config... /usr/bin/sdl-config
checking for SDL - version >= 1.1.8... yes
checking for IMG_LoadJPG_RW in -lSDL_image... no
configure: error: *** Unable to find SDL_image libary with JPG support

I currently have libsdl1.2debian-all 1.2.4 and libsdl1.2-dev installed.


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Re: Viewing avi files

2002-10-02 Thread James Tappin

On Wed, 2 Oct 2002 18:19:21 +0200
Tinus Kotzé <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am personally using Xine, but have also used aviplay. Both is part of
> the Debian dists. Xine looks nicer and can play most video formats, but
> aviplay is less resource intensive and can play dix4(i heard also divx5
> with correct codecs). 
> I think aviplay comes under the package avifile. It also includes
> compressing and recording utils.
> Greetings
> Tinus
> On Wednesday 02 October 2002 18:01, bob parker wrote:
> > Using Woody.
> > Please advise what program to view avi files
> > Thanks
> > Bob

Also xanim and xanim-modules (both in non-free or contrib I forget which).
The problem is that avi (like mpeg) covers a multitude of sins -- some
codecs are
supported by xine and not xanim and others vice-versa and probably some by
neither (possible even some by both).


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System lockups - SiS on board video.

2004-01-06 Thread James Tappin
I have a system that I plan to use for experimental stuff. It's a 1.2G
Athlon with an SiS motherboard with on board sound & video. Currently it's
got Debian Sid on it, as a familiar setup to get to know the box. However
there is a problem:
Quite often when the screensaver is running, the system locks up entirely
(no keyboard, and no ssh into the machine) and needs to be power cycled.

The video line from lspci gives:
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] SiS630
GUI Accelerator+3D (rev 31)

This is one of those vile things that uses system memory for the graphics
(settable to 8, 16 or 32M in the BIOS). Currently it uses 32 of the 576Mb
in the system. I'm using the sis xfree86 server without framebuffer.

Has anyone seen a problem like this before, or better still know what to
do about it?

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Re: Segmentation fault - meaning

2004-01-08 Thread James Tappin
On Thu, 8 Jan 2004 09:30:33 +0200
Hans du Plooy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thursday 08 January 2004 00:05, Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra 
> wrote:
> > > I try to run it on the laptop I get a segmentation fault.  What does
> > > that mean, and what sorts of things might cause it?
> > This is a but, plain and simple.  It means that the program tried to
> > access some protected memory segment.
> Worst case scenario, this could also mean your RAM is bad.  If you want to 
> rule out this possibility, google for memtest - a bootable image that stress 
> tests your RAM.

Or just "apt-get install memtest86" and add it to /etc/lilo.conf

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Re: Woody-->Sid - any current gotchas?

2004-01-12 Thread James Tappin
On Mon, 12 Jan 2004 23:05:30 +0200
Micha Feigin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The main thing you should do if you plan to install sid is install a
> minimal woody (just the core packages and nothing else), then do a dist
> upgrade, and only then install the rest of the packages.
> It will most probably upgrade right even if you install other things
> but this way there is much less chance for trouble (the core systems
> upgrades cleanly some of the other things require resolving if they are
> upgraded which can leave unwanted things behind or cause problems).

Also -- it's quicker you don't have to download the big stuff (X, tex and gnome
or KDE) twice, once for the woody install and then for the upgrade. 

Very often if there is a problem it's most likely a rearrangemant of
packages giving a cyclical dependancy; which is usually resolved by an
"apt-get -f install" and then re-running the dist-upgrade again. As I
recall the last time I upgraded a fully-installed woody system to sid I
had to do that 2 or 3 times.


James Tappin, O__  "I forget the punishment for using
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   --  \/`Microsoft --- Something lingering data loss in it I fancy"  

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Re: usb scanner, kernel 2.6.3

2004-03-07 Thread James Tappin
On Sun, 7 Mar 2004 06:44:15 -0500
Antonio Rodriguez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, Mar 06, 2004 at 09:45:21PM +0100, Philippe Marzouk wrote:
> > On Sat, Mar 06, 2004 at 09:32:48PM +0100, Kenneth Macdonald Karlsen
> > wrote:
> > > Philippe Marzouk wrote:
> > > >the kernel you have to swith to using libusb.
> > > >
> > > >For my Epson scanner I had simply to put 
> > > >
> > > >usb 
> > > >
> > > >on the epson.conf file
> > > >
> > > >Philippe
> > > For my epson it was not as simple.
> > > Sane is now supported by libusb and not kernel.
> > > Run sane-find-scanner. You get something like this:
> > > 
> > > found USB scanner (vendor=0x04b8 [EPSON], product=0x0104 
> > > [Perfection1200]) at libusb:001:003
> > >  # Your USB scanner was (probably) detected. It may or may not be 
> > > supported by
> > >  # SANE. Try scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage.
> > > 
> > > Then I put this in /etc/sane.d/epson.conf:
> > > usb libusb:001:003
> I am having a bad time making this work. I have tried a
> bunch of different options, including one found on the net about
> making some changes in fstab:

> none/proc/bus/usb   usbfs   defaults,devmode=0666   0  
> 0

> Here is another output:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sane-find-scanner
> found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0, product=0x0401) at libusb:003:002
>   # Your USB scanner was (probably) detected. It may or may not be
>   # supported by SANE. Try scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage.

> Made the change in /etc/sane.d/hp.conf
> # HP ScanJet 5200C
> #usb 0x03f0 0x0401
> usb libusb:003:002
> and also tried without libusb as indicated by one of you:
> # HP ScanJet 5200C
> #usb 0x03f0 0x0401
> usb
> Nothing works. Any ideas?

That's further than I get with the Epson perfection 1660 photo:

sane-find-scanner with no arguments doesn't find anything

sane-find-scanner -f /proc/bus/usb/001/003 reports:
found USB scanner (UNKNOWN vendor and product) at device
  # Your USB scanner was detected. It may or may not be supported by
  # SANE. Try scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage.
  # `UNKNOWN vendor and product' means that there seems to be a scanner at
  # device file but the vendor and product ids couldn't be identified.
  # Currently identification only works with Linux versions >= 2.4.8. You
  # need to configure your backend manually, see the backend's manpage.

The relevant bit of /proc/bus/usb/devices has:
T:  Bus=01 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=05 Cnt=01 Dev#=  2 Spd=480 MxCh= 0
D:  Ver= 2.00 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=ff Prot=ff MxPS=64 #Cfgs=  1
P:  Vendor=04b8 ProdID=011e Rev= 1.00
S:  Manufacturer=EPSON
S:  Product=EPSON Scanner
C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=c0 MxPwr=  2mA
I:  If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=ff Prot=ff Driver=(none)
E:  Ad=81(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=0ms
E:  Ad=02(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=0ms

the versions of sane and libusb are:
ii  sane-utils 1.0.13-3   API library for scanners --
ii  libusb-0.1-4   0.1.8-4Userspace USB programming

The kernel is 2.6.3 for AMD k7 (Debian Sid stock kernel).

(I'm not totally convinced I understand the controllers on this machine as
the scanner shows up on Bus 001 (the USB2 bus) whichever socket I plug it
into, while the printer (also supposedly a USB2 device) never does).

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Re: Text console corruption

2004-03-18 Thread James Tappin
On Thu, 18 Mar 2004 14:35:25 -0600
Jorge Santos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello, as of today I have been having some text console corruption
> issues, basically, the console comes up with nothing but colorful
> vertical lines and it doesn't change no mather what I do, well
> actually I can get different useless patterns after booting X :-).
> Nevertheless, I can login blindly and X will come up all right.
> The corruption starts after a while in the bootup process.  I have a
> Matrox M200 video card and the problem _may_ have been triggered by a
> recent upgrade (maybe a kernel issue?) (I'm using Sid).
> Does anyone have any idea how I may fix or work around this problem.

I can't offer much by way of a workaround or solution, but I do believe
that this is unlikely to be specifically related to the Matrox card as
I've seen similar behaviour with both an Nvidia (using the nv drivers) and
an SiS. With the Nvidia it is generally only triggered when X is killed by
an OOM condition whereafter the text consoles contain a snapshot of the
X-display. The SiS seems to be related to marginal video modes as I've
also seen the monitor complain about out of range refresh rates (on the
TEXT consoles).

I know this is not much helpin itself but I submit it in the hope that it
may give someone else some clues.


James Tappin, O__  "I forget the punishment for using
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Re: Howto get an usb scanner working under linux 2.6.3

2004-03-21 Thread James Tappin
On Sun, 21 Mar 2004 17:22:55 +0100
Joris Huizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to get my scanner to work under linux 2.6.3; It used to work 
> fine under 2.4.24 but it turns out the scanner module was remove in 2.6
> Can anybody tell me how to get the scanner to work? I tried something 
> with libusb but it won't work; I followed 
> - but running sane-find-scanner under linux 2.6.3 didn't show any 
> scanners even though it should've found the scanner as it was on; So I 
> got the data under 2.4.24 and continued -- but no luck (I also tried 
> following the other hints in that thread)
> Also /proc/bus/usb doesn't show anything at all (no files there)

Sounds as if you haven't got usbdevfs and usbfs enabled or at least
try adding:
none /proc/bus/usb usbfs defaults  0  0
to /etc/fstab and then doing "mount -a"

The other possible gotcha is an old sane installation in /usr/local,
although that wouldn't prevent /proc/bus/usb having the devices.

> Is there a known way to find this epson (epson perfection 1650) under 
> 2.6 ? Did I forget to put in a module in this 2.6.3 kernel? I could go 
> back to 2.4.24 if support really is gone but I'd prefer getting this 
> last hardware problem solved :p

After I'd killed the old sane in /usr/local my 1660 (basically the same
thing + slide unit) was fine.

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Re: Howto get xsane with libusb working for normal users (was Re: Howto get an usb scanner working under linux 2.6.3)

2004-03-22 Thread James Tappin
On Mon, 22 Mar 2004 19:03:24 +0100
Joris Huizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to get xsane to work with libusb;
> Now, as root user xsane finds the scanner but as a normal user xsane 
> doesn't find it! This is both on 2.6.3 and 2.4.24 (where I took out the 
> scanner.o module)
> I found this page 
> about configuring libusb but the scanner still doesn't work. I attach 
> /etc/sane.d/epson.conf, /etc/hotplug/usb.usermap, and 
> /etc/hotplug/usb/epson_scanner I currently have
> Can anybody tell me what's wrong? I've got an Epson Perfection 1650 
> scanner. This is what sane-find-scanner says:
> found USB scanner (vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0110) at libusb:001:004
> It seems the numbers at libusb keep changing I hope I don't have to 
> update settings each time or so :-/
> Thanks for any help,

You shouldn't need a new script, just use the libusbscanner that is in
/etc/hotplug/usb, the pointer to it may need to be in
/etc/hotplug/usb/libsane.usermap rather than /usr/hotplug.usb.usermap.
Also just a plain usb in epson.conf (i.e. without the manufacturer and
model codes) should suffice.


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Re: graphic system setup

2004-01-26 Thread James Tappin
On Mon, 26 Jan 2004 15:52:14 -0500
David Z Maze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > My card is a S3 TrioV64+, but I don't know the memory size. I've tried
> >>From 256k to 2M.
> I think S3 cards in general lost support between XFree86 3.3 and 4.0;
> you might try using the older X servers in woody, e.g. xserver-s3.

Certainly for the S3 Virge on the Toshiba Tecra 780 laptop, the only 4.x
that works is the VESA one. The S3 driver just causes the screen to fade
slowly to white (ish).

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]   --  \/`Microsoft --- Something lingering data loss in it I fancy"  

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FireWire disk - sharing with an iBook?

2004-01-29 Thread James Tappin
I have a Lacie Firewire pocket drive. I'd rather like to be able to use it
on both my Debian (Sid) box and my iBook (Mac OsX).

I have no problems making it accessible to either machine but neither
seems to be able to read the other's partition table. Is there any way to
be able to read a Mac partition table on the Linux box or to write a
partition table on the Linux box that will be readable on the Mac?

The fact that a colleague has a USB keyring solid-state disk that is
readable on Mac, Linux and Windows without any problems suggests that it
should be possible


James Tappin, O__  "I forget the punishment for using
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   --  \/`Microsoft --- Something lingering data loss in it I fancy"  

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Re: FireWire disk - sharing with an iBook?

2004-01-29 Thread James Tappin
On Thu, 29 Jan 2004 13:49:31 -0600
Alex Malinovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 2004-01-29 at 13:05, James Tappin wrote:
> > I have a Lacie Firewire pocket drive. I'd rather like to be able to use it
> > on both my Debian (Sid) box and my iBook (Mac OsX).
> > 
> > I have no problems making it accessible to either machine but neither
> > seems to be able to read the other's partition table. Is there any way to
> > be able to read a Mac partition table on the Linux box or to write a
> > partition table on the Linux box that will be readable on the Mac?
> > 
> > The fact that a colleague has a USB keyring solid-state disk that is
> > readable on Mac, Linux and Windows without any problems suggests that it
> > should be possible
> I must admit that I know very little about the inner workings of a Mac,
> but from everything I've seen with regards to Debian I had been under
> the impression that just about anything a Mac has Debian will in some
> way support. What's odd is that you say that they are unable to read
> each other's partition TABLE. By this I'm assuming you mean that doing
> something like 'fdisk -l /dev/sda' (assuming sda is your firewire drive
> of course) shows nothing? This leads me to believe that this isn't
> really related to the partition table at all. Possibly a
> misconfiguration with regards to firewire somewhere along the line.
> What are you doing in order to use the firewire drive under Linux? Do
> you have all of the appropriate modules loaded with no error messages?
> (ieee1394, ohci1394, and sbp2)
> -- 
> Alex Malinovich
> Support Free Software, delete your Windows partition TODAY!
> Encrypted mail preferred. You can get my public key from any of the
> keyservers. Key ID: A6D24837

Initially I formatted the disk on the Mac and created a single Ext2
partitition on it.

When I plugged it into the PC, hotplug detected the disk and loaded the
relevant modules successfully. However when I ran fdisk to determine which
partition was in use it complained that there wasn't a valid partition
table on the disk:
xena:~# fdisk -l /dev/sdb

Disk /dev/sdb: 40.0 GB, 40007761920 bytes
64 heads, 32 sectors/track, 38154 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 2048 * 512 = 1048576 bytes

Disk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table

The same thing when there is no disk present gives no output at all.

If I format the disk on the PC the Mac sees a partition but fails to read
it. (Endianness issue in the OsX Ext2 driver?).

In each case the disk works correctly on the system on which it was formatted.


James Tappin, O__  "I forget the punishment for using
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   --  \/`Microsoft --- Something lingering data loss in it I fancy"  

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Re: FireWire disk - sharing with an iBook?

2004-01-29 Thread James Tappin
# KDE Config File  
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=CD writing program
Comment[el]=Πρόγραμμα εγγραφής CD
Comment[es]=Programa de escritura de CDs
Comment[et]=CD kirjutamise rakendus
Comment[fr]=Programme de gravure de CD
Comment[he]=תוכנית צריבת תקליטורים
Comment[hu]=CD-író program
Comment[it]=Programma di masterizzazione
Comment[pt]=Um programa de gravação de CDs
Comment[pt_BR]=Programa de escrita em CD
Comment[ru]=Программа записи компакт-дисков
Comment[sk]=Preogram pre zápis CD
Comment[xh]=Ubhalo lwe Cd lodweiso Iwenkqubo
Comment[xx]=xxCD writing programxx
Comment[zh_CN]=CD 刻录程序
Comment[zh_TW]=CD 燒錄程式
Comment[zu]=Uhlelo lwemisebenzi olubhala i-CD
On Thu, 29 Jan 2004 14:35:51 -0600
"Jacob S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 29 Jan 2004 19:05:14 +
> James Tappin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a Lacie Firewire pocket drive. I'd rather like to be able to
> > use it on both my Debian (Sid) box and my iBook (Mac OsX).
> > The fact that a colleague has a USB keyring solid-state disk that is
> > readable on Mac, Linux and Windows without any problems suggests that
> > it should be possible
> I suspect this is because the USB keyring is formatted with a dos/fat
> partition. When I was trying to swap Iomega zip disks between Linux,
> Windows and Mac this was the easiest way to get it to work.
> In theory, you should be able to do the same with the Firewire drive,
> though if you don't have a copy of Windows you might have trouble
> getting it formatted with a fat partition.

The keyring is vfat, (which can be created on Linux but not for a 40Gb
disk). But I do have Ext2 on the Mac and that's what I created.


James Tappin, O__  "I forget the punishment for using
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   --  \/`Microsoft --- Something lingering data loss in it I fancy"  

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: FireWire disk - sharing with an iBook?

2004-01-31 Thread James Tappin
On Thu, 29 Jan 2004 19:05:14 +
James Tappin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a Lacie Firewire pocket drive. I'd rather like to be able to use
> it on both my Debian (Sid) box and my iBook (Mac OsX).
> I have no problems making it accessible to either machine but neither
> seems to be able to read the other's partition table. Is there any way
> to be able to read a Mac partition table on the Linux box or to write a
> partition table on the Linux box that will be readable on the Mac?
> The fact that a colleague has a USB keyring solid-state disk that is
> readable on Mac, Linux and Windows without any problems suggests that it
> should be possible
>   James

I know it's generally bad form to reply to one's own posts, but for the
benefit of anyone searching the archives for a solution to a similar
problem I'll describe the resolution.

If you format the disk on the Mac you're pretty much on a non-starter,
although the Debian kernel config has "CONFIG_MAC_PARTITION=y" it won't
recognize the partition table  (does than only handle OS9 and below

Format the disk on the Linux PC and create a single partition at number 4
(remember ZIP disks?). Create an Ext2 filesystem on the partition, and add
a world-writable directory to it. Then provided you have the ext2 package
for the Mac (locatable via you have disk that can be used
on both boxes.

The one thing I still don't understand is how the USB keyring whcih shoed
up at partition 1 was seen by the Mac.


James Tappin, O__  "I forget the punishment for using
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   --  \/`Microsoft --- Something lingering data loss in it I fancy"  

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Re: Apt-Get Update Stalling

2004-02-02 Thread James Tappin
On Mon, 2 Feb 2004 20:59:01 +0100
Vincent Lefevre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 2004-02-02 08:55:59 -0600, David Thurman wrote:
> > We are trying to get an apt-get update and it seems to stall here
> > 
> > 38% [Connecting to (] [Connecting to
> > (]
> BTW, is there a way to bypass this machine (without editing the
> sources.list as this is temporary)?

Ctrl-C or just wait for it to time out.

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]   --  \/`Microsoft --- Something lingering data loss in it I fancy"  

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Re: 2.6 upgrade (mouse)

2004-02-02 Thread James Tappin
On Mon, 2 Feb 2004 15:28:28 -0500
Derrick 'dman' Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 30, 2004 at 05:58:36PM -0800, Brian Corman wrote:
> | Sorry about the lack of information. It is a ps/2 mouse, and lsmod
> | doesn't return any mouse related modules.
> For 2.6, load the 'psmouse' module to use a PS/2 mouse.  Older kernels
> "just work" with PS/2 devices (IOW the hardware handling code is in
> the kernel rather than a module).

Methinks this is going to be an FAQ (if not a VFAQ or even EFAQ), and as
such should go into the appropriate FAQ as soon as possible.

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2004-02-04 Thread James Tappin
On Wed, 04 Feb 2004 13:29:41 -0600
Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dr Gavin Seddon wrote:
> >Hello,
> >I am having difficulty installing sarge due to hardware problems with
> >its kernel.  I can inst woody which will not 'recognise' the devices. 
> >Is it possible to use apt to install sarge?  If so, how?
> >
> >I will worry about the kernel when sarge is running.
> >
> >Many thanks,
> >Gavin.
> >  
> >
> Install woody, then change your lines in /etc/apt/sources.list to point 
> to sarge instead of woody, then "apt-get update" followed by "apt-get 
> dist-upgrade".

Unless of course the network interface is one of the devices woody won't
recognize. In which case you might need to get CD1 of woody and at least 1
of Sarge via jigdo on another box and do a CD woody install followed by a
sarge upgrade, then go over to network.


James Tappin, O__  "I forget the punishment for using
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   --  \/`Microsoft --- Something lingering data loss in it I fancy"  

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2004-02-04 Thread James Tappin
On Wed, 04 Feb 2004 23:46:15 +
"Pedro M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have my usblp= in usbdevfs .
> When I try to print using CUOS I recieve the message :
>   Deskjet-1   Test Page   root15k  aborted
>   Deskjet-2   Test Page   root22k aborted 
>   Deskjet-3   Test Page   root22k aborted 
>   Deskjet-4   (stdin) gdm 281kaborted 
>   Deskjet-5   (stdin) gdm 281kaborted 
>   Deskjet-6   Test Page   root22k aborted 
>   Deskjet-7   Test Page   root22k aborted 
>   Deskjet-8   Test Page   root22k aborted 
>   Deskjet-9   Test Page   root22k aborted 
>   Deskjet-10  Test Page   root22k aborted 
>   Deskjet-11  (stdin) gdm 262kaborted 
>   Deskjet-12  Test Page   root22k aborted 
> Aborted !!
> Why ??.
Which version?

Try checking in /var/log/cups/* to see if there's anything there (403
errors inidcating connection refused for example).


James Tappin, O__  "I forget the punishment for using
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   --  \/`Microsoft --- Something lingering data loss in it I fancy"  

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Re: server to compute dist-upgrade needs

2004-02-08 Thread James Tappin
On Sun, 08 Feb 2004 05:55:33 -0500
Paul Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, 08 Feb 2004 07:53:13 +0800, Dan Jacobson wrote:
> > [Say] we can't do apt-get dist-upgrade over our puny modem.  We must
> > go to town to burn the files onto a CDROM and take them back to
> > install it.
> > 
> > Sure, we could do apt-get dist-upgrade --print-uris, or use apt-zip,
> > but that creates a list that gets stale in the few days it takes us to
> > get to town... we'll miss the latest upgrades.
> > 
> > Therefore there should be an "" web server to compute
> > what we need on the spot.  One would give it various detail about our
> > machine, and a sources.list and e.g. dpkg --get-selections output...
> > all of which we have taken to town.  It would spit out a fetch list of
> > URIs.
> > 
> > OK, I suppose 99% of people are better connected than my scenario, and
> > perhaps this is only applicable to the third world.
> I have been using debian for a number of years.  I have done several
> installations from scratch as I have built new machines.  I have done
> *all* installs over a 56K modem.  I am currently running sarge.  I keep
> my system up to date by running apt-get (usually dist-upgrade) on a
> daily basis.
> Apart from a couple of overnight marathons to get first the base system
> and then X installed, I usually see much less than 10MB of upgrades at
> any one time.  In other words, rarely does a dist-upgrade take even 30
> mins, unless something big (like OpenOffice) is upgraded.
> Unless you have a broken modem, or a noisy telephone line which results
> in very low negotiated connection speeds, it's really not a very big
> deal to keep a system up to date (or even do an install from scratch)
> over a standard dial up connection.  The key is to run daily upgrades.
> I suppose that keeping a sid installation up to date would be more time
> consuming, though.

Could be expensive though, I remember when I was using dialup, about
1-hour/day connection at off-peak rates only cost only about £5 /month
less than I currently pay for ADSL 24 hours /day at 10 times the data


James Tappin, O__  "I forget the punishment for using
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   --  \/`Microsoft --- Something lingering data loss in it I fancy"  

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Re: window managers with maximize-vertical?

2004-02-08 Thread James Tappin
On Sun, 8 Feb 2004 11:59:36 -0700
"Monique Y. Herman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 2004-02-08, Monique Y. Herman penned:
> > It seems to me that, long ago in a galaxy far, far away, I had a
> > window manager that supported maximize-vertical (as opposed to
> > maximizing in both directions).
> >
> > Anyone using a window manager right now that does this?  Preferably
> > one that interacts well with gnome.
> >
> Btw, I'm using metacity right now, but I don't see any such option.

Not sure about gnome ones but both kwin and xfwm4 have all 3 possibilities
(vertical, horizontal and full).


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2004-02-11 Thread James Tappin
On Wed, 11 Feb 2004 11:15:11 +
Dave Howorth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> Does anybody have any recommendations or warnings about ADSL ISPs in the
> UK? I will also need (perhaps as part of the package) a mail address.
> (I'm currently with BTO but their refusal to support anything other than
> Outlook Express has finally stung me into action.).

I've been with Andrews and Arnold for well
over a year now and have found them reliable (I guess the best thing one
can say about an ISP is that you can forget that they are there). Their
package includes your own domain and they have a a POP3 server that will
handle mail to your domain, or you can run your own mail server (and use
their server as a secondary).

They support Linux, MacOS and Windows and will do their best with anything

There are several different options, so you should take a look at their
web site and then talk to someone before choosing what configuration to


James Tappin, O__  "I forget the punishment for using
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   --  \/`Microsoft --- Something lingering data loss in it I fancy"  

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Re: Kernel 2.6.2 and X (no core pointer)

2004-02-12 Thread James Tappin
On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 11:49:00 -0200
Marcio Merlone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello all!
> I have just installed a kernel 2.6.2 on my box and cannot make my X
> work. I read /usr/share/doc/kernel-doc-2.6.2/README.Debian where it
> says:
> "PS/2 Mice
> -
> If your PS/2 mouse does not work, make sure that the modules psmouse and
> mousedev are loaded."
> Well, I got intel-agp, psmouse, mousedev and sermouse loaded but X still
> complains about "no core pointer".
> I have a debian woody heavly backported, running X 4.3, kernel 2.6.2
> (X works fine with 2.4.22). Machine is a Dell Optiplex GX 110 with a
> i810 video card and a ps/2 mouse.

I think this may be a 2.6.2-specific issue. On my experimental box
(sid+experimental, latest kernel etc.) I had the ps/2 mouse working fine
with 2.6.0, but on upgrading to 2.6.2 it complained about not finding
/dev/psaux (though it shows up as a character device if I ls -l it). So
far the only fix I've found was to switch to using the mouse in the USB

So if you don't have a USB mouse you might try what happens with 2.6.0
(IIRC has that as well as 2.6.2).


James Tappin, O__  "I forget the punishment for using
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   --  \/`Microsoft --- Something lingering data loss in it I fancy"  

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Smartmontools (Simple question)

2004-02-12 Thread James Tappin
In the /etc/init.d script for smartmontools there is a condition that
checks whether start_smartd is equal to "yes". Is there a "proper" way to
set this variable so that smartmontools starts at boot -- or is the whole
thing a leftover SuSEism and thus a bug that should be reported?

This is with version 5.26-4 on Sid.


James Tappin, O__  "I forget the punishment for using
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   --  \/`Microsoft --- Something lingering data loss in it I fancy"  

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: eth0/eth1 which one?

2004-02-12 Thread James Tappin
On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 13:02:42 -0800
Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2004 at 10:40:11AM -0800, Lars Jensen wrote:
> > I have two network cards on my machine How do I tell which one is eth0
> > and which one is eth1 ?
> If you have DHCP on your segment, then you can plug one in and see
> which iface gets the IP...

I assume that you have identical network cards (if you don't then just use
aliases in modules.conf to set them the way you want).

Otherwise the card with the lower PCI bus address will be eth0. Usually
the addresses go from top to bottom or bottom to top on the M/board, so if
there are other cards in the board you can check by running lspci and
comparing the addresses listed with the order of the cards on the back of
the box. For example on the box I have with 2 ethernet cards lspci gives:
00:09.0 Multimedia audio controller: Trident Microsystems 4DWave NX (rev
00:0d.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8029(AS)
00:0f.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8029(AS)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. Voodoo 3 (rev

Now I know that the sound card is below the ethernet cards, therefore eth0
is the physically lower card.


James Tappin, O__  "I forget the punishment for using
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   --  \/`Microsoft --- Something lingering data loss in it I fancy"  

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Smartmontools (Simple question)

2004-02-12 Thread James Tappin
On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 13:05:55 -0600
Alan Shutko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> James Tappin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > In the /etc/init.d script for smartmontools there is a condition that
> > checks whether start_smartd is equal to "yes". Is there a "proper" way to
> > set this variable so that smartmontools starts at boot
> Check /etc/default/smartmontools


James Tappin, O__  "I forget the punishment for using
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   --  \/`Microsoft --- Something lingering data loss in it I fancy"  

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]