Modem problem

2000-03-27 Thread Hilary Hertzoff

I just got a new computer and loaded Debian on it.  I've managed to switch
modems (it came with a winmodem) and after about a week of struggle
managed to get it to log on to my ISP...and now I know why it was so
difficult.  My modem/computer only seems to be getting the first 10-20
characters of whatever gets sent by the ISP and then hangs.  I can force
it to go on by pressing/sending a return (which is how I finally managed
to log on), but I can't get it to start PPP or get anything to run on a
shell account.

Any ideas?

Hilary L. Hertzoff  From here to there,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   a bunny go where a bunny must.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   - Little Bunny on the Move
  by Peter McCarty

Questions from a new debian user

2000-03-31 Thread Hilary Hertzoff

I've looked in through the documentation until my eyes blurred and I
haven't been able to find the answers to these rather basic questions.

1. Is there a way to exit X without halting the computer?  The methods
I've tried have either shut down the computer correctly or brought me back
to the X login prompts. 

2. I downloaded a file from the internet through lynx for the browser I
used to use in Windoze.  Now I can't find the file. Where would lynx have
dropped it.

3. When I find the file how do I install it?  It's in .tar.gz format
rather than .deb and the explanations I've found are a bit confusing and
assume a little more Linux knowledge than I've acquired yet (three weeks
and counting)...

I've found the list very helpful and have been saving messages explaining
things I expect to need in the future.


Hilary L. Hertzoff  From here to there,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   a bunny goes where a bunny must.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   - Little Bunny on the Move
  by Peter McCarty

Re: Questions from a new debian user

2000-04-01 Thread Hilary Hertzoff

Thanks everyone.

Eventually I'm going to remove xdm from the startup script, but I'm
finding it handy while I'm learning the system to use the windows until I
feel comfortable using other ways to get around the system.   The reason I
asked about leaving it was because I read somewhere that it was better not
to upgrade with X running.

The browser I'd been using is Opera and if I had been able to find a .deb
version I would have used it.  I'm not sure what I'll find when I unzip
it; the Opera website was unhelpful and I haven't gotten a newsreader set
up yet to read the Opera/Linux newsgroup for tips.

And thanks again for answering my questions so quickly.  I've just read so
much documentation lately that if I never see another man page or HOWTO it
will be way too soon.


Hilary L. Hertzoff  From here to there,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   a bunny goes where a bunny must.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   - Little Bunny on the Move
  by Peter McCarty

Looking for a good mail program

2000-04-05 Thread Hilary Hertzoff

As a rule I'm very happy reading my mail in Pine through a shell
account.  However occasionally I receive an attachment that I need to use
another program to view.  Can somebody recommend a good mail program
similar to pine that can handle attachments?  I don't want anything too

Also do I need a separate program to fetch my mail off the server and if
so which do you recommend?  

Having all of the software available in the Debian distribution is lovely
but I'm finding it difficult to choose from several different programs
that do the same thing, especially since the names don't usually mean
anything to me.


Hilary L. Hertzoff  From here to there,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   a bunny goes where a bunny must.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   - Little Bunny on the Move
  by Peter McCarty