Grub efi etc

2021-08-15 Thread Gunnar Gervin
After I put EFI in sda1 Refracta installer was not satisfied and told me to
put 'boot installer' in, and write some (unspecified) text in fstab, but
wasn't in ETC.

How and what to write in fstab?

You tell me to specify question.
How to specify a total mess?
I'm trying to put a (Debian fork), Devuan x86_64 installed, in a ssd 1T
external drive connected with usb to my old Mac (with dual boot Linux mint
i386 -works, but cannot Zoom/Skype) +Devuan('boots' blinking ? only).
After installed x86_64 almost finished with gdisk, Refracta asks me to put
in 'boot installer'. I thought it was EFI(, that I put in sda1) ?
Saw a message:
"Efi not supported." In Devuan(?).
But Mint said it would only EFI it,
& then it worked. But only in 32b.
Debian and Devuan obviously don't mix with Mint. And vice versa. Why not,
really? You can learn around Efi & Grub from each other. Now you're both
leaving it all up to Rod Smith.
But to me it seems a bit too much for 1 man/team. Is Linux necessary to be
such a mess ?

EFI boot installer

2021-09-05 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Hi all.
Where do I find a live Debian x86-64 iso image with EFI 'cd image' in it ?
(My 2007 ex-Mac computer now only runs Puppy x86-64 live dvd in RAM.)
My Macbook 64b computer won't open any iso without a cd image named EFI.
Alt key on boot up will show distro's ISO image, on the right side I need
an EFI cd.
Read that Debian supports EFI. So I'm here, asking for your help &/or a
link to ISO.
Gunnar Gervin.
Distro developers, if any here *:*
It's all right you dislike EFI bootloader after MS released it, but please
let me use it.


2021-11-20 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Hi again. Please help me get sound.
Installed Debian again in my 2,1 Macbook from 2017, works, but no sound in
internal speakers, or in headphones.
Plugged in external speakers, which worked, but then disappeared.
Pulse audio program is installed, but does not give response in the form of
Gunnar G

Sounds disappeared

2021-11-20 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Hi again.
Upgraded to Bullseye in hope it will give me sound.
Gunnar G.
Mal apropos:
System refused let me save replacements in sources.list:

deb bullseye-security main
deb-src bullseye-security main

So the text will probably say "bullseye-updates" instead of
the rest of the text is the same (I think). Suppose it does not matter very

Volume control disabled?

2021-11-20 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Volume is gone in Bullseye version, too.

In Multimedia > Pulse Audio Volume control :
Speaker has red cross on the speaker in System Volume & Firefox Volume
As a recall it has not been the case before.
I ask you please instruct how remove the 2 red crosses. Using Terminal
commands or whatever I need to do.
(If not I must reinstall to Bionicpup Linux, ugly & w/sound, but extremely
A script slowed down Youtube, and if I turned it off Youtube did not work.
Hacking or malware, maybe? I doubt Youtube would throw out a potential
I will try remove and reinstall Pulse Audio Volume control.


2021-11-20 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Hi gals & guys,
sounds are back!


Re: Useful use of dd [was: Useless use of "dd"]

2021-07-03 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Hi, Debian user 'club':
How can I get off this list in Android mobile? It's filling my mailbox;
5-10 emails a day!!!

On Fri, 2 Jul 2021, 18:03 David Wright,  wrote:

> On Fri 02 Jul 2021 at 13:35:17 (+0200), wrote:
> > On Fri, Jul 02, 2021 at 07:31:24AM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > > On Fri, Jul 02, 2021 at 09:49:23AM +0200, wrote:
> > > >   sudo dd of=/etc/hosts oflags=append
> > >
> > > This appears to be a typo for "oflag=append", which is a GNU extension,
> > > not part of the standard POSIX dd.  No wonder I didn't know about it.
> ;-)
> > >
> > > The bullseye version of GNU coreutils dd also gives a warning message
> > > with this particular flag:
> > >
> > > unicorn:~$ echo g | dd of=foo oflag=append
> > > dd: you probably want conv=notrunc with oflag=append
> > > 0+1 records in
> > > 0+1 records out
> > > 2 bytes copied, 9.141e-05 s, 21.9 kB/s
> > >
> > > Not sure if that's unique to bullseye.  But anyway, yes, the warning
> > > is accurate; without conv=notrunc, my test file "foo" got overwritten
> > > with just the "g".
> >
> > Eek. Thanks.
> This reminds me of the sentiment expressed in
> Cheers,
> David.

Busybox Debian commanding

2021-07-06 Thread Gunnar Gervin
My computer is in
grub rescue>
Crisis mode.
Busybox (ash) commands only option to recover the machine w/Debian "Buster"
Tried to remove all 7 partitions in grub rescue>
(hd0,gpt1 to hd0,gpt7)
 4 partitions in ext2, 3 unknown), with Bash, but no success.
Which(in exact form)commands
Busybox command to unmount & delete "unknown" partitions?
Which commands delete th rest?

Grub Rescue

2021-07-08 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Will try Bash command in Grub rescue>
1. Set up as root and get # instead of $
(but how? I did it once but forgot how exactly)
2. ls
3. set root=(hdo,gpt1)
4. insmod normal
5. normal

Now, please:
Will someone tell me:
1. How to set up as root in Grub Rescue,
2. if the above procedure will work in Rescue


Thanks for help!

2021-07-11 Thread Gunnar Gervin
How repaired hdd in old osx 8.6 mac i386.
A live usb with debian 10.9 buster did it asked to change from Bios boot to
Uefi boot & reinstalled hdd. Laptop works. So now can put distro in usb, &
try which debian based distro works best on Mac osx 10.13.6. MX, PsychOS,
Manjaro, Debian?
I liked the software setup in Psychos; many writing tools in it.

Gone @

2021-07-12 Thread Gunnar Gervin
After update the @ disappeared from "Macintosh no dead keys" keyboard,
in Debian Buster i386 Buster 10.9 32bit UEFI
Any suggestions? The dollar sign is gone too.
I also have trouble with adding me in sudoers group, even though in Root a
message in the terminal said I was added, I cannot use the sudo command.

Discussion ph*ical

2021-07-13 Thread Gunnar Gervin
*all* :
"Insults" lose most of their edge putting them inside of dots or even code,
added to the fact that we are just names, at least most of us are
anonymous; kind of cute at least f*nny.

Boot usb

2021-07-13 Thread Gunnar Gervin
I have burned iso image to usb but it is unmounted.
Thus can probably not be booted(?)
Tried mount sdb; sudo mount /dev/sdb & also sudo mount /dev/sdb1
But Terminal said "Cannot find in /etc/fstab" in both tries.

Re: Boot usb

2021-07-13 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Tried press option key
But usb does not show in screen
And when in grub wrote
a ? mark came on screen, which only came up black with blinker up in left
corner... & nothing else.
Nope Youtube did not solve it..
Debian live again, soon, or else how reset back to start...
Gene med not vaccine who care

On Wed, 14 Jul 2021, 05:00 Greg Wooledge,  wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 11:37:47AM +1000, Keith Bainbridge wrote:
> > The boot command requires a mount point,
> ... huh?
> This makes no sense.  There is no "boot command", and there is no need
> to mount a USB device to which you have written a Debian installer ISO
> image.  In fact, mounting at any point during this process is bad.
> All you need to do is follow the instructions in the release notes.
> "Burn" (copy) the ISO image to the USB device, without ever mounting it.
> Then tell your computer's firmware/BIOS to boot the USB device, possibly
> selecting either UEFI or Legacy mode as appropriate.  That's it.


2021-07-14 Thread Gunnar Gervin
@ `
just saying

Root & Boot Trouble

2021-07-22 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Hello all.
In bottom of this email is the Boot Repair Report in /etc/fstab.

Description of happenings when I tried to install LMDE4 after I had Debian
i386 32bit Buster (only) on my old Macbook from 2007:
1. Burned an ISO image of lmde4 4.19 (4,8GB) on a dvd.
2. Pressed option key & pressed Power on button, dvd image came up, pressed
3. At the end of the installation process, I was told to put Root in a
partition of minimum 30GB.
I pressed on Boot Repair, it was a program in Cinnamon. The Boot repair
claimed that the Boot system was placed far from the start of the sda
(harddisk); that the boot installer might not see it. It said that if
it wouldn't mount hda it might not know where to mount it.
I opened "Disks", it looked like Gnome Disk Utility when I opened it.
Opened "Modify Flags" in "Disks", hatched "Boot" and "esp" on sda.
Tried mount hda2 (it suggested mnt/hda2). (Should I've used Default instead?
But it seemed not to give the correct option).
Made a partition of 30GB at start (left side), called hda1, hatched Boot &
Looked for "Root" in Flags. Saw Bios-grub option in Flags but it
disappeared, never saw it again. Tried find help in Linux Mint but their
communication system had become more difficult, or the machine couldn't
cope in "live" mode only, I was too tired, &/or it was a typo in the
"Nickserv" instruction they gave me.
Sent a help email to Boot Repair email, but no answer yet. Please help.
Like I said before, this culture of tech is mostly internal; basic
knowledge, talent, or telepathy seem required, as well as dedication,
energy & time in abundance.
At the end of the partitioning (, after I did my best -whatever that is- to
sda1 in Gnome Disk Utility), I couldn't see any way to e.g. Flag Root
(hint- hint) in Gparted, or partition Root to anything close to the
Installing program's satisfaction.
Attached is the Boot Repair program's report of what's wrong. It said Root
is placed so far away from the start of sda(hdd) that the Installer may not
see it(?).
I give up; I'm in way over my head.
Best regards,


overlay / overlay rw 0 0

tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 0

/dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 EXT2 nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 0

/dev/sda3 /mnt/sda3 EXT2
nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show,noauto,x-udisks-auth 0 0

/dev/sda2 none swap sw,x-udisks-auth,noauto 0 0

Re: Root & Boot Trouble

2021-07-22 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Hi again.
I wrote fail word:
"It said Root is placed so far away"
"It said BOOT is placed so far away"

On Thu, 22 Jul 2021 at 12:36, Gunnar Gervin  wrote:

> Hello all.
> In bottom of this email is the Boot Repair Report in /etc/fstab.
> Description of happenings when I tried to install LMDE4 after I had Debian
> i386 32bit Buster (only) on my old Macbook from 2007:
> 1. Burned an ISO image of lmde4 4.19 (4,8GB) on a dvd.
> 2. Pressed option key & pressed Power on button, dvd image came up,
> pressed it.
> 3. At the end of the installation process, I was told to put Root in a
> partition of minimum 30GB.
> I pressed on Boot Repair, it was a program in Cinnamon. The Boot repair
> claimed that the Boot system was placed far from the start of the sda
> (harddisk); that the boot installer might not see it. It said that if
> it wouldn't mount hda it might not know where to mount it.
> I opened "Disks", it looked like Gnome Disk Utility when I opened it.
> Opened "Modify Flags" in "Disks", hatched "Boot" and "esp" on sda.
> Tried mount hda2 (it suggested mnt/hda2). (Should I've used Default
> instead?
> But it seemed not to give the correct option).
> Made a partition of 30GB at start (left side), called hda1, hatched Boot &
> Esp.
> Looked for "Root" in Flags. Saw Bios-grub option in Flags but it
> disappeared, never saw it again. Tried find help in Linux Mint but their
> communication system had become more difficult, or the machine couldn't
> cope in "live" mode only, I was too tired, &/or it was a typo in the
> "Nickserv" instruction they gave me.
> Sent a help email to Boot Repair email, but no answer yet. Please help.
> Like I said before, this culture of tech is mostly internal; basic
> knowledge, talent, or telepathy seem required, as well as dedication,
> energy & time in abundance.
> BR,
> geg.
> PS
> to
> At the end of the partitioning (, after I did my best -whatever that is-
> to mount
> sda1 in Gnome Disk Utility), I couldn't see any way to e.g. Flag Root
> (hint- hint) in Gparted, or partition Root to anything close to the
> Installing program's satisfaction.
> Attached is the Boot Repair program's report of what's wrong. It said Root
> is placed so far away from the start of sda(hdd) that the Installer may not
> see it(?).
> I give up; I'm in way over my head.
> Best regards,
> overlay / overlay rw 0 0
> tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 0
> /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 EXT2 nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 0
> /dev/sda3 /mnt/sda3 EXT2
> nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show,noauto,x-udisks-auth 0 0
> /dev/sda2 none swap sw,x-udisks-auth,noauto 0 0

Re: Root & Boot Trouble

2021-07-22 Thread Gunnar Gervin
I seem to sort it out (or done already in Gparted "Clearing" format to
remove old rubbish)
& then -probably- using LVM to set it up correctly using terminal instead
of GUI.
Maybe I'll test Bullseye later, cos Debian Buster is the worst distro I
ever tried, Windows included..

On Thu, 22 Jul 2021 at 11:10, Greg Wooledge  wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 22, 2021 at 12:36:53PM +0300, Gunnar Gervin wrote:
> > Description of happenings when I tried to install LMDE4 after I had
> Debian
> I had to Google this to see what it *is*.  Google says,
>  Download LMDE 4 Debbie. Information. LMDE is a Linux Mint project which
>  stands for "Linux Mint Debian Edition".
> So, LMDE (version 4 or whatever) is an entirely separate operating system.
> It's not something you install on top of Debian.  It's something you
> install *instead* of Debian.
> If you want to remove Debian and replace it with LMDE, and if the LMDE
> installer isn't working correctly for you, then you will need to contact
> an LMDE mailing list instead of debian-user.  We simply do not know how
> LMDE's installer works.

Re: Root & Boot Trouble

2021-07-22 Thread Gunnar Gervin
But I liked your 'quarrel' and the funny stories.

On Thu, 22 Jul 2021 at 19:02, Gunnar Gervin  wrote:

> I seem to sort it out (or done already in Gparted "Clearing" format to
> remove old rubbish)
> & then -probably- using LVM to set it up correctly using terminal instead
> of GUI.
> Maybe I'll test Bullseye later, cos Debian Buster is the worst distro I
> ever tried, Windows included..
> On Thu, 22 Jul 2021 at 11:10, Greg Wooledge  wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 22, 2021 at 12:36:53PM +0300, Gunnar Gervin wrote:
>> > Description of happenings when I tried to install LMDE4 after I had
>> Debian
>> I had to Google this to see what it *is*.  Google says,
>>  Download LMDE 4 Debbie. Information. LMDE is a Linux Mint project which
>>  stands for "Linux Mint Debian Edition".
>> So, LMDE (version 4 or whatever) is an entirely separate operating system.
>> It's not something you install on top of Debian.  It's something you
>> install *instead* of Debian.
>> If you want to remove Debian and replace it with LMDE, and if the LMDE
>> installer isn't working correctly for you, then you will need to contact
>> an LMDE mailing list instead of debian-user.  We simply do not know how
>> LMDE's installer works.


2021-07-22 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Hi guys and girls.
I can probly manage without Gparted cos good man cfdisk
But others really need it 2 often.
In 'Manage flags' put a Root flag
So the partition newbies can set Root a specified place, usually in main
partition. Now u cannot flag more than 2 flags, like Boot and lvm (to
cfdisk partition sda) or boot and esp(to tell it's uefi).
But if Root's added as an option, we could flag Root and Boot in that 1t
(biggest) sda1, add sda2 for backup and restore, & sda3; Virtual memory
expanse (swap).

Cos Debian (also) whined about Root system setting. But Never came up with
any solution How.
Which Bullseye maybe did(?).

Lxde keyboard

2021-07-22 Thread Gunnar Gervin
@ disappeared in Debian Buster
Lxde+Debian Desktop Environm.
In Xfce it was ok, & now I saw th harddisk(so it's ok).I probly took wrong
font. Trying nn_NO.UTF-8
& LXDE. Change & Challenge=ok

Installation trouble

2021-07-23 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Hi again.
Happy to tell you that the installation went well. Because the dvd player
hung, the installation lost part of the process, but the settings made in
LVM were used for the automatic installation, obviously, because it
finished almost like in a flash.
Debian is jolly good `cause it instructs really well, & is focused on
finding solutions.

Testing bullseye

2021-07-25 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Thx for the request to help in this project even not knowing code. I'll
firstly try it on my 14 yr old Debian Buster ex-macbook. Nice way to
include more people &, probably, improve+stabilize the distro much faster.
Learning Linux Debian is a nice hobby(feels more like a lifestyle)

Debian on mobile phone

2021-07-25 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Is it possible to use debian on an android phone (Samsung A-40)?


2021-07-25 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Will buy phone zoon, then play with this android for fun & learn.

Types of Debian updates

2021-07-27 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Please tell & explain which update types there are like
Point release
New distro release etc/similar.

Debian & philosophy

2021-07-27 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Phone described as a tool.

Clean install or update

2021-07-27 Thread Gunnar Gervin
I prefer clean install because my old computer often crashes after updating.
According to my expert friend, Linus Torvalds "user space respect" means he
asks developers Not to invade / destroy user space; crashing some computers
cos they`re thinking "it`ll work for most users, so we`re going for it". 2
ways to crash my computer:

1. Force it to use 64 bits not 32 bits.
2. Force it to use UEFI and not the BIOS & bios-grub

I suppose there are many other ways, like new, wrong drivers.
I wish you a marvellous day of social interactions in love & respect.

Update or reinstall

2021-07-28 Thread Gunnar Gervin
It is a Toshiba 160 gb hd in a 14 years old Macbook i386 ❤️/x86 32 b
booting from Bios not uefi. I'll give full report in 1-2 weeks, after put
in VM in it, faster internet to it to handle VM.
And built websites with it.

Thx guys and girls.

2021-07-28 Thread Gunnar Gervin
I learned more,
 Interesting. Wrote a song mostly in
Norwegian, Corona Cabaret
Corona for associates to krona, Swedish currency about 1/10 €. & is a beer.
All media talk die statistics
Few mention profylaxe like garlic, onions, lemons, olives, bodily and most
other lively interactions, laughter, training, fishing+.
Corona killers like Propolis
C weakeners e.g soda of bicarbonat, hydrogenperoxid neither mentioned
often, or at all. It"s about money, jabs, & controlled social pressure.
 Main reason I'm here is Propolis, and Pine laptop sold out, as well as
most good laptops. Now Pine laptop's produced in China.

32b upgrade to 64 b; Boot.plist

2021-07-29 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Hi beautiful ideals!
Decided to install Virtual Machine & Docker in this 14 year old ex-Macbook.
In which I installed Debian "Buster" i386 32 bits. As some of you know, I
did some failures during installation, the dvd player "hung" a bit several
times, so I saw it installing at least 3 times. I made a puzzling
observation: 64 came up a lot of times, but the machine seemed to handle
it. ("Is it 64 bits anyway?" I wondered.)
Now I found the following information in Wikipedia:
" Mac OS X 10.6  is
the first version of macOS  that
supports a 64-bit kernel .
n Snow Leopard, most built-in applications have been rebuilt to use the
64-bit x86-64  architecture
iTunes , Front Row
, Grapher
 and DVD Player
will run in 32-bit  mode on machines
with 32-bit processors, and in 64-bit mode on machines with 64-bit
A change to the will also enable users with compatible
computers to permanently boot into 64-bit for those wishing to do so.
After upgrading the kernel from 32b to 64b, if advisable & possible.
How to do that? Clean reinstall I guess optional, but will that suffice?

burn iso to usb

2021-07-31 Thread Gunnar Gervin
How mount iso to usb in terminal? (Debian 10.10 i386 32 bit)

Multiwriter does not work;
Debian Mate answers in the red: "Cannot find program".

Terminal is also difficult; "cannot find or open file" etc, but at least
responds a little


Re: MDs & Dentists

2021-08-01 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Rarely discussed in Linux(?)..
Was scammed recently; naive me let a man w/Bad accent take over my laptop
to 'help refund BTC' & make me pay 100$.
Because of that &/or me in Synaptic bloating (2 many) packages, which led
to "1t fix broken packages", "put in Debian 10.9 Netinst cdrom", & "can't
find key file" messages (yes, all 3 !).
After trying "all" workarounds, I installed another, more simple Linux
distro, built up a new setup of relevant programs to build VM, containers,
websites, Debian iso image, & CHEF.
Now Chef asks me to give URL to continue setting up a VM etc.
Plz advise &/or help to do it/this.

On Wed, 21 Jul 2021, 18:59 Dan Ritter,  wrote:

> Reco wrote:
> > On Wed, Jul 21, 2021 at 10:51:40AM -0400, Celejar wrote:
> > Numbers show that I was incorrect. Let's call it "unlikely" instead of
> > "rare". Let the popcon graphs speak for themselves:
> >
> >
> > vs
> >
> Standard reminder: popcon vastly over-represents
> individually-owned laptops and desktops over servers and
> corporately-owned anything.
> In this case, individuals are sometimes infected with ransomware
> by happenstance, but corporates are actually targets.
> > It won't by itself, of course. One sure way to beat ransomware is to
> > take immutable backups (i.e. unmodifiable by host during and after the
> > backup is taken), and as recent history shows us - ransomware victims
> > apparently do not use this approach.
> Yes indeed.
> -dsr-

Re: MDs & Dentists

2021-08-01 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Dual boot'ed,
I forgot to tell you.
Thus the sucker(?) can sit 'alone' in a dysfunctional 1/2 of my PC, maybe
'he' never returns anyway.
After built up all in 1 'secret' 1/2, I plan to re-partition the 1t half,
to clean out 'all' dysfunctions, in a Linux, & Linux Debian 'answer' to
Factory Reset, a learning way, which FReset really isn't, or little.

On Wed, 21 Jul 2021, 18:59 Dan Ritter,  wrote:

> Reco wrote:
> > On Wed, Jul 21, 2021 at 10:51:40AM -0400, Celejar wrote:
> > Numbers show that I was incorrect. Let's call it "unlikely" instead of
> > "rare". Let the popcon graphs speak for themselves:
> >
> >
> > vs
> >
> Standard reminder: popcon vastly over-represents
> individually-owned laptops and desktops over servers and
> corporately-owned anything.
> In this case, individuals are sometimes infected with ransomware
> by happenstance, but corporates are actually targets.
> > It won't by itself, of course. One sure way to beat ransomware is to
> > take immutable backups (i.e. unmodifiable by host during and after the
> > backup is taken), and as recent history shows us - ransomware victims
> > apparently do not use this approach.
> Yes indeed.
> -dsr-

Re: MDs & Dentists

2021-08-01 Thread Gunnar Gervin
I expected that answer.
Debian is still 1/2 of it, but kinda dysfunctional, cos of me & scam
Trying to set up Debian in a VM in another Linux distro, with Chef
So I cannot really see irrelevance
of my question?? Like Nobody here knows how to fix this one, cos it's
slightly out of D. politics?

On Sun, 1 Aug 2021, 16:50 Andrew M.A. Cater,  wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 01, 2021 at 04:30:45PM +0300, Gunnar Gervin wrote:
> > Security.
> > Rarely discussed in Linux(?)..
> > Was scammed recently; naive me let a man w/Bad accent take over my laptop
> > to 'help refund BTC' & make me pay 100$.
> > Because of that &/or me in Synaptic bloating (2 many) packages, which led
> > to "1t fix broken packages", "put in Debian 10.9 Netinst cdrom", & "can't
> > find key file" messages (yes, all 3 !).
> > After trying "all" workarounds, I installed another, more simple Linux
> > distro, built up a new setup of relevant programs to build VM,
> containers,
> > websites, Debian iso image, & CHEF.
> Which distro - are you still using Debian?
> If not, we can't really help you. Although many of us have run other
> distributions in the past, all of the Debian/Ubuntu derivatives do
> something slightly different - we can only really help with generic
> Debian things. If we offer help with any other distribution, it's
> only ever best efforts - Debian derivatives have their own support
> infrastructure.
> > Now Chef asks me to give URL to continue setting up a VM etc.
> > Plz advise &/or help to do it/this.
> It may not be relevant but the chef and chef-zero packages in Buster
> appear
> to no longer be packaged in Bullseye - the upcoming release due in two
> weeks.
> Ask on a Chef list, perhaps?
> > BR,
> > GEG
> All best, as ever,
> Andrew Cater
> >
> > On Wed, 21 Jul 2021, 18:59 Dan Ritter,  wrote:
> >
> > > Reco wrote:
> > > > On Wed, Jul 21, 2021 at 10:51:40AM -0400, Celejar wrote:
> > > > Numbers show that I was incorrect. Let's call it "unlikely" instead
> of
> > > > "rare". Let the popcon graphs speak for themselves:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > vs
> > > >
> > >
> > > Standard reminder: popcon vastly over-represents
> > > individually-owned laptops and desktops over servers and
> > > corporately-owned anything.
> > >
> > > In this case, individuals are sometimes infected with ransomware
> > > by happenstance, but corporates are actually targets.
> > >
> > > > It won't by itself, of course. One sure way to beat ransomware is to
> > > > take immutable backups (i.e. unmodifiable by host during and after
> the
> > > > backup is taken), and as recent history shows us - ransomware victims
> > > > apparently do not use this approach.
> > >
> > > Yes indeed.
> > >
> > > -dsr-
> > >
> > >

Re: burn iso to usb

2021-08-01 Thread Gunnar Gervin
thx for loads of instructions, I`ll read & do ASAP.
Gunnar Gervin

On Sat, 31 Jul 2021 at 15:06, Nicolas George  wrote:

> Gunnar Gervin (12021-07-31):
> > How mount iso to usb in terminal? (Debian 10.10 i386 32 bit)
> Mount? or "burn"? I'll assume the later.
> Just:
> cp /path/to/file.iso /dev/sdX
> where sdX is the device for your USB drive. You will need to make sure
> you have the permissions for the devices; I advise it over using rood
> privileges for the cp: you could wipe your install if you get the device
> wrong.
> But if your goal is to also learn, there is a better way, and one that
> lets you keep using the USB drive normally. I have written an old and a
> newer tutorial:
> Regards,
> --
>   Nicolas George

Re: 32b upgrade to 64 b; Boot.plist

2021-08-02 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Mac 2.1 2007. Version: 3.O, PVT
Vesa Bios, Intel 82945 GM
Notebook Mac 4208 VAA
Software Rev: 256 Modes: 36
Bootloader: Isolinux
2 Core 64 bit Mem: 3055 MB
Needs now:
VM builder alternatives to CHEF.

On Sat, 31 Jul 2021, 16:02 Gunnar Gervin,  wrote:

> Tried Virtual Machine it, but the DVD player doesn work, cannot unzip (to
> download & use Etcher to burn USB), Multiwriter doesn`t work.
> On Sat, 31 Jul 2021 at 14:59, Gunnar Gervin  wrote:
>> Andy,
>> Thx for answering.
>> I don't know which of them it is, except for a Macbook.
>> It was a OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard.
>> But it isn't a Mac now; it is a Debian 10.9 Buster w/ a 160 GB ATA
>> Toshiba 1655GS. Many Mac hotkeys work, so some Mac software is left in it.
>> Seems it is 64 Bit totally or in parts 64, parts 32.
>> But my dvd player has stopped working, and it won't use the external dvd
>> player; doesn`t see it seems.
>> Multiwriter won't mount, which is requested before burning it to USB
>> Flash drive. `Cause Multiwriter is not listed when clicking Mount.
>> Terminal cannot burn the (lengthy) path in downloads. Basically the
>> computer gets worse little by little.
>> geg
>> On Fri, 30 Jul 2021 at 16:40, Andrew M.A. Cater 
>> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 06:53:18AM +0200, Gunnar Gervin wrote:
>>> > Hi beautiful ideals!
>>> > Decided to install Virtual Machine & Docker in this 14 year old
>>> ex-Macbook.
>>> > In which I installed Debian "Buster" i386 32 bits. As some of you
>>> know, I
>>> > did some failures during installation, the dvd player "hung" a bit
>>> several
>>> > times, so I saw it installing at least 3 times. I made a puzzling
>>> > observation: 64 came up a lot of times, but the machine seemed to
>>> handle
>>> > it. ("Is it 64 bits anyway?" I wondered.)
>>> > Now I found the following information in Wikipedia:
>>> > " Mac OS X 10.6 <>
>>> is
>>> > the first version of macOS <> that
>>> > supports a 64-bit kernel <
>>> > "
>>> > n Snow Leopard, most built-in applications have been rebuilt to use the
>>> > 64-bit x86-64 <> architecture
>>> > <>
>>> (excluding
>>> > iTunes <>, Front Row
>>> > <>, Grapher
>>> > <> and DVD Player
>>> > <>
>>> applications).[43]
>>> > <>
>>> They
>>> > will run in 32-bit <> mode on
>>> machines
>>> > with 32-bit processors, and in 64-bit mode on machines with 64-bit
>>> > processors.
>>> > A change to the will also enable users with
>>> compatible
>>> > computers to permanently boot into 64-bit for those wishing to do so.
>>> > After upgrading the kernel from 32b to 64b, if advisable & possible.
>>> > How to do that? Clean reinstall I guess optional, but will that
>>> suffice?
>>> > Geg
>>> Straightforwardly:
>>> Which _model_ Macbook is it? [About this Mac under MacOS]
>>> If you run hwinfo under Debian- what does it say?
>>> If you run cpuinfo under Debian - what does it say
>>> For Macs of this vintage: (2006/2007 Core 2 Duo)
>>> iMac 5,1 – iMac 5,2 – iMac 6,1
>>> Macbook 2,1
>>> MacBook Pro 2,1 – MacBook Pro 2,2
>>> Mac Pro 1,1
>>> Xserve 1,1 (maybe)
>>> They have a 32 bit EFI and a 64 bit processor.
>>> You might want to try with the Debian multi-arch CD which might sort it
>>> out.
>>> or, in exceptional cases for only a couple of models:
>>> If you only have a small amount of memory, you may want to consider that
>>> running virtual machines / Docker may be quite frustrating.
>>> Hope this helps
>>> All the very best as ever,
>>> Andy Cater

Re: 32b upgrade to 64 b; Boot.plist

2021-08-02 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Are there alternatives to VM, & does it help w/external ssd 1tb?
Are external RAM available?

On Mon, 2 Aug 2021, 15:11 Gunnar Gervin,  wrote:

> Mac 2.1 2007. Version: 3.O, PVT
> Vesa Bios, Intel 82945 GM
> Notebook Mac 4208 VAA
> Software Rev: 256 Modes: 36
> Bootloader: Isolinux
> 2 Core 64 bit Mem: 3055 MB
> Needs now:
> VM builder alternatives to CHEF.
> BR,
> Geg.
> On Sat, 31 Jul 2021, 16:02 Gunnar Gervin,  wrote:
>> Tried Virtual Machine it, but the DVD player doesn work, cannot unzip (to
>> download & use Etcher to burn USB), Multiwriter doesn`t work.
>> On Sat, 31 Jul 2021 at 14:59, Gunnar Gervin  wrote:
>>> Andy,
>>> Thx for answering.
>>> I don't know which of them it is, except for a Macbook.
>>> It was a OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard.
>>> But it isn't a Mac now; it is a Debian 10.9 Buster w/ a 160 GB ATA
>>> Toshiba 1655GS. Many Mac hotkeys work, so some Mac software is left in it.
>>> Seems it is 64 Bit totally or in parts 64, parts 32.
>>> But my dvd player has stopped working, and it won't use the external dvd
>>> player; doesn`t see it seems.
>>> Multiwriter won't mount, which is requested before burning it to USB
>>> Flash drive. `Cause Multiwriter is not listed when clicking Mount.
>>> Terminal cannot burn the (lengthy) path in downloads. Basically the
>>> computer gets worse little by little.
>>> geg
>>> On Fri, 30 Jul 2021 at 16:40, Andrew M.A. Cater 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 06:53:18AM +0200, Gunnar Gervin wrote:
>>>> > Hi beautiful ideals!
>>>> > Decided to install Virtual Machine & Docker in this 14 year old
>>>> ex-Macbook.
>>>> > In which I installed Debian "Buster" i386 32 bits. As some of you
>>>> know, I
>>>> > did some failures during installation, the dvd player "hung" a bit
>>>> several
>>>> > times, so I saw it installing at least 3 times. I made a puzzling
>>>> > observation: 64 came up a lot of times, but the machine seemed to
>>>> handle
>>>> > it. ("Is it 64 bits anyway?" I wondered.)
>>>> > Now I found the following information in Wikipedia:
>>>> > " Mac OS X 10.6 <>
>>>> is
>>>> > the first version of macOS <> that
>>>> > supports a 64-bit kernel <
>>>> > "
>>>> > n Snow Leopard, most built-in applications have been rebuilt to use
>>>> the
>>>> > 64-bit x86-64 <> architecture
>>>> > <>
>>>> (excluding
>>>> > iTunes <>, Front Row
>>>> > <>, Grapher
>>>> > <> and DVD Player
>>>> > <>
>>>> applications).[43]
>>>> > <>
>>>> They
>>>> > will run in 32-bit <> mode on
>>>> machines
>>>> > with 32-bit processors, and in 64-bit mode on machines with 64-bit
>>>> > processors.
>>>> > A change to the will also enable users with
>>>> compatible
>>>> > computers to permanently boot into 64-bit for those wishing to do so.
>>>> > After upgrading the kernel from 32b to 64b, if advisable & possible.
>>>> > How to do that? Clean reinstall I guess optional, but will that
>>>> suffice?
>>>> > Geg
>>>> Straightforwardly:
>>>> Which _model_ Macbook is it? [About this Mac under MacOS]
>>>> If you run hwinfo under Debian- what does it say?
>>>> If you run cpuinfo under Debian - what does it say
>>>> For Macs of this vintage: (2006/2007 Core 2 Duo)
>>>> iMac 5,1 – iMac 5,2 – iMac 6,1
>>>> Macbook 2,1
>>>> MacBook Pro 2,1 – MacBook Pro 2,2
>>>> Mac Pro 1,1
>>>> Xserve 1,1 (maybe)
>>>> They have a 32 bit EFI and a 64 bit processor.
>>>> You might want to try with the Debian multi-arch CD which might sort it
>>>> out.
>>>> or, in exceptional cases for only a couple of models:
>>>> If you only have a small amount of memory, you may want to consider
>>>> that
>>>> running virtual machines / Docker may be quite frustrating.
>>>> Hope this helps
>>>> All the very best as ever,
>>>> Andy Cater

Re: 32b upgrade to 64 b; Boot.plist

2021-08-02 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Can't I just build VM/Docker & websites in the 3gb memory computer, & host
it all in Cloud?

On Mon, 2 Aug 2021, 15:11 Gunnar Gervin,  wrote:

> Mac 2.1 2007. Version: 3.O, PVT
> Vesa Bios, Intel 82945 GM
> Notebook Mac 4208 VAA
> Software Rev: 256 Modes: 36
> Bootloader: Isolinux
> 2 Core 64 bit Mem: 3055 MB
> Needs now:
> VM builder alternatives to CHEF.
> BR,
> Geg.
> On Sat, 31 Jul 2021, 16:02 Gunnar Gervin,  wrote:
>> Tried Virtual Machine it, but the DVD player doesn work, cannot unzip (to
>> download & use Etcher to burn USB), Multiwriter doesn`t work.
>> On Sat, 31 Jul 2021 at 14:59, Gunnar Gervin  wrote:
>>> Andy,
>>> Thx for answering.
>>> I don't know which of them it is, except for a Macbook.
>>> It was a OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard.
>>> But it isn't a Mac now; it is a Debian 10.9 Buster w/ a 160 GB ATA
>>> Toshiba 1655GS. Many Mac hotkeys work, so some Mac software is left in it.
>>> Seems it is 64 Bit totally or in parts 64, parts 32.
>>> But my dvd player has stopped working, and it won't use the external dvd
>>> player; doesn`t see it seems.
>>> Multiwriter won't mount, which is requested before burning it to USB
>>> Flash drive. `Cause Multiwriter is not listed when clicking Mount.
>>> Terminal cannot burn the (lengthy) path in downloads. Basically the
>>> computer gets worse little by little.
>>> geg
>>> On Fri, 30 Jul 2021 at 16:40, Andrew M.A. Cater 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 06:53:18AM +0200, Gunnar Gervin wrote:
>>>> > Hi beautiful ideals!
>>>> > Decided to install Virtual Machine & Docker in this 14 year old
>>>> ex-Macbook.
>>>> > In which I installed Debian "Buster" i386 32 bits. As some of you
>>>> know, I
>>>> > did some failures during installation, the dvd player "hung" a bit
>>>> several
>>>> > times, so I saw it installing at least 3 times. I made a puzzling
>>>> > observation: 64 came up a lot of times, but the machine seemed to
>>>> handle
>>>> > it. ("Is it 64 bits anyway?" I wondered.)
>>>> > Now I found the following information in Wikipedia:
>>>> > " Mac OS X 10.6 <>
>>>> is
>>>> > the first version of macOS <> that
>>>> > supports a 64-bit kernel <
>>>> > "
>>>> > n Snow Leopard, most built-in applications have been rebuilt to use
>>>> the
>>>> > 64-bit x86-64 <> architecture
>>>> > <>
>>>> (excluding
>>>> > iTunes <>, Front Row
>>>> > <>, Grapher
>>>> > <> and DVD Player
>>>> > <>
>>>> applications).[43]
>>>> > <>
>>>> They
>>>> > will run in 32-bit <> mode on
>>>> machines
>>>> > with 32-bit processors, and in 64-bit mode on machines with 64-bit
>>>> > processors.
>>>> > A change to the will also enable users with
>>>> compatible
>>>> > computers to permanently boot into 64-bit for those wishing to do so.
>>>> > After upgrading the kernel from 32b to 64b, if advisable & possible.
>>>> > How to do that? Clean reinstall I guess optional, but will that
>>>> suffice?
>>>> > Geg
>>>> Straightforwardly:
>>>> Which _model_ Macbook is it? [About this Mac under MacOS]
>>>> If you run hwinfo under Debian- what does it say?
>>>> If you run cpuinfo under Debian - what does it say
>>>> For Macs of this vintage: (2006/2007 Core 2 Duo)
>>>> iMac 5,1 – iMac 5,2 – iMac 6,1
>>>> Macbook 2,1
>>>> MacBook Pro 2,1 – MacBook Pro 2,2
>>>> Mac Pro 1,1
>>>> Xserve 1,1 (maybe)
>>>> They have a 32 bit EFI and a 64 bit processor.
>>>> You might want to try with the Debian multi-arch CD which might sort it
>>>> out.
>>>> or, in exceptional cases for only a couple of models:
>>>> If you only have a small amount of memory, you may want to consider
>>>> that
>>>> running virtual machines / Docker may be quite frustrating.
>>>> Hope this helps
>>>> All the very best as ever,
>>>> Andy Cater

Re: 32b upgrade to 64 b; Boot.plist

2021-08-02 Thread Gunnar Gervin
I meant
"& run it all;
VM, Docker containers, websites in/via a 24/7 Cloud service storage &
website hotel provider".

On Mon, 2 Aug 2021, 15:11 Gunnar Gervin,  wrote:

> Mac 2.1 2007. Version: 3.O, PVT
> Vesa Bios, Intel 82945 GM
> Notebook Mac 4208 VAA
> Software Rev: 256 Modes: 36
> Bootloader: Isolinux
> 2 Core 64 bit Mem: 3055 MB
> Needs now:
> VM builder alternatives to CHEF.
> BR,
> Geg.
> On Sat, 31 Jul 2021, 16:02 Gunnar Gervin,  wrote:
>> Tried Virtual Machine it, but the DVD player doesn work, cannot unzip (to
>> download & use Etcher to burn USB), Multiwriter doesn`t work.
>> On Sat, 31 Jul 2021 at 14:59, Gunnar Gervin  wrote:
>>> Andy,
>>> Thx for answering.
>>> I don't know which of them it is, except for a Macbook.
>>> It was a OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard.
>>> But it isn't a Mac now; it is a Debian 10.9 Buster w/ a 160 GB ATA
>>> Toshiba 1655GS. Many Mac hotkeys work, so some Mac software is left in it.
>>> Seems it is 64 Bit totally or in parts 64, parts 32.
>>> But my dvd player has stopped working, and it won't use the external dvd
>>> player; doesn`t see it seems.
>>> Multiwriter won't mount, which is requested before burning it to USB
>>> Flash drive. `Cause Multiwriter is not listed when clicking Mount.
>>> Terminal cannot burn the (lengthy) path in downloads. Basically the
>>> computer gets worse little by little.
>>> geg
>>> On Fri, 30 Jul 2021 at 16:40, Andrew M.A. Cater 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 06:53:18AM +0200, Gunnar Gervin wrote:
>>>> > Hi beautiful ideals!
>>>> > Decided to install Virtual Machine & Docker in this 14 year old
>>>> ex-Macbook.
>>>> > In which I installed Debian "Buster" i386 32 bits. As some of you
>>>> know, I
>>>> > did some failures during installation, the dvd player "hung" a bit
>>>> several
>>>> > times, so I saw it installing at least 3 times. I made a puzzling
>>>> > observation: 64 came up a lot of times, but the machine seemed to
>>>> handle
>>>> > it. ("Is it 64 bits anyway?" I wondered.)
>>>> > Now I found the following information in Wikipedia:
>>>> > " Mac OS X 10.6 <>
>>>> is
>>>> > the first version of macOS <> that
>>>> > supports a 64-bit kernel <
>>>> > "
>>>> > n Snow Leopard, most built-in applications have been rebuilt to use
>>>> the
>>>> > 64-bit x86-64 <> architecture
>>>> > <>
>>>> (excluding
>>>> > iTunes <>, Front Row
>>>> > <>, Grapher
>>>> > <> and DVD Player
>>>> > <>
>>>> applications).[43]
>>>> > <>
>>>> They
>>>> > will run in 32-bit <> mode on
>>>> machines
>>>> > with 32-bit processors, and in 64-bit mode on machines with 64-bit
>>>> > processors.
>>>> > A change to the will also enable users with
>>>> compatible
>>>> > computers to permanently boot into 64-bit for those wishing to do so.
>>>> > After upgrading the kernel from 32b to 64b, if advisable & possible.
>>>> > How to do that? Clean reinstall I guess optional, but will that
>>>> suffice?
>>>> > Geg
>>>> Straightforwardly:
>>>> Which _model_ Macbook is it? [About this Mac under MacOS]
>>>> If you run hwinfo under Debian- what does it say?
>>>> If you run cpuinfo under Debian - what does it say
>>>> For Macs of this vintage: (2006/2007 Core 2 Duo)
>>>> iMac 5,1 – iMac 5,2 – iMac 6,1
>>>> Macbook 2,1
>>>> MacBook Pro 2,1 – MacBook Pro 2,2
>>>> Mac Pro 1,1
>>>> Xserve 1,1 (maybe)
>>>> They have a 32 bit EFI and a 64 bit processor.
>>>> You might want to try with the Debian multi-arch CD which might sort it
>>>> out.
>>>> or, in exceptional cases for only a couple of models:
>>>> If you only have a small amount of memory, you may want to consider
>>>> that
>>>> running virtual machines / Docker may be quite frustrating.
>>>> Hope this helps
>>>> All the very best as ever,
>>>> Andy Cater

Re: MDs & Dentists

2021-08-02 Thread Gunnar Gervin
I see.
It's now a dual boot;
Debian 10.9 i386 32b Buster (installed from netinst dvd), in which Synaptic
crashed 80%. Tried reinstall with above dvd, it was rejected, not sure why.
So I restored the machine with a DVD with Linux Mint, dual boot;
Debian above is 1/2 , Mint is 1/2 & set up Synaptic in Linux Mint, it works
fine, just like in Debian.
It is originally a Macbook 2.1, Intel, 2Core, 160GB, 3GB RAM, Version 3.0
Vesa Bios, 64 bit(!).
Seems to use a lot 32b software
Now I look for alternative VM builders to Chef. Synaptic programs seems
same in Mint as in Debian. Debian works better in this machine than LMDE4.
Mint runs better so far, than both Debian and Lmde4. But that's probably
cos of my total lack of knowledge of anything incl. doing Backups(!). I
took backups in Mac, not Linux.

On Sun, 1 Aug 2021, 23:46 Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside, <> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 2021-08-01 9:58 a.m., Gunnar Gervin wrote:
> > I expected that answer.
> > Debian is still 1/2 of it, but kinda dysfunctional, cos of me & scam
> > Trying to set up Debian in a VM in another Linux distro, with Chef
> > So I cannot really see irrelevance
> > of my question?? Like Nobody here knows how to fix this one, cos it's
> > slightly out of D. politics?
> > Geg
> >
> Not because of politics.
> Because you don't seem to take help when it's given to you.
> At least 3 persons (different ones) have gave you tips on how to
> properly identify the OS you are running over (not only Linux but the
> distribution itself) and been trying to find out what you are using.
> Including one person that wasn't sure if your laptop description was
> because it was running Bullseye and wanted to be added to the list of
> computer supported or something else.
> None got any answer.
> So this may be the start of the whole problem.
> Now if you have a belief that people are trying to scam you off, them I
> can assure you of two things.
> You probably aren't a interesting target unless you are a bank or some
> big corporation. And if it would be the case, you wouldn't be
> interacting this way on the mailing list.
> If you got offer by someone you don't know to pay 100$ and get refunded
> for BTC, then you are mostly the first person to blame. This trick has
> been around for a very long time, and it's quite public notoriety that
> the first thing to do is to hangup on those person.
> If you come here for help and put a doubt behind every answer that
> people will give you. Then it could be good to ask yourself why you came
> here first ?
> Maybe you never answered to the two other users who asked you to type
> some command on the shell so we can know what type of system you run,
> this way we'd know if it's Debian (as we don't seem to be sure yet) and
> what architecture too. Because you talked about ex-Macbook, using BIOS,
> etc... pretty unclear.
> Nobody can undo what happened in the past. But if you need help, the
> first thing will be some genuine cooperation from yourself. Or going out
> to your local computer store and paying someone to do the job.
> And surely stop using some acronym only you may understand. It's not a
> run against the clock. Take time to write complete word and people will
> maybe have more interest in helping too.
> Why shall we make effort if you don't do so. If all the energy we have
> is devoted trying to decrypt some message then there won't be any left
> for the computer helping part of the job.
> > On Sun, 1 Aug 2021, 16:50 Andrew M.A. Cater,  > <>> wrote:
> >
> > On Sun, Aug 01, 2021 at 04:30:45PM +0300, Gunnar Gervin wrote:
> > > Security.
> > > Rarely discussed in Linux(?)..
> > > Was scammed recently; naive me let a man w/Bad accent take over my
> > laptop
> > > to 'help refund BTC' & make me pay 100$.
> > > Because of that &/or me in Synaptic bloating (2 many) packages,
> > which led
> > > to "1t fix broken packages", "put in Debian 10.9 Netinst cdrom", &
> > "can't
> *lt fin broken packages* ?
> lt ?
> let ?
> > > find key file" messages (yes, all 3 !).
> find key file messages ?
> *yes, all 3!*
> what 3 ?
> > > After trying "all" workarounds, I installed another, more simple
> Linux
> > > distro, built up a new setup of relevant programs to build VM,
> > containers,
> > > websites, Debian iso image, & CH

Re: MDs & Dentists

2021-08-02 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Was from outside of this list.
This info because someone thought I accused this list.
Sorry for the confusion I made.

On Sun, 1 Aug 2021, 23:46 Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside, <> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 2021-08-01 9:58 a.m., Gunnar Gervin wrote:
> > I expected that answer.
> > Debian is still 1/2 of it, but kinda dysfunctional, cos of me & scam
> > Trying to set up Debian in a VM in another Linux distro, with Chef
> > So I cannot really see irrelevance
> > of my question?? Like Nobody here knows how to fix this one, cos it's
> > slightly out of D. politics?
> > Geg
> >
> Not because of politics.
> Because you don't seem to take help when it's given to you.
> At least 3 persons (different ones) have gave you tips on how to
> properly identify the OS you are running over (not only Linux but the
> distribution itself) and been trying to find out what you are using.
> Including one person that wasn't sure if your laptop description was
> because it was running Bullseye and wanted to be added to the list of
> computer supported or something else.
> None got any answer.
> So this may be the start of the whole problem.
> Now if you have a belief that people are trying to scam you off, them I
> can assure you of two things.
> You probably aren't a interesting target unless you are a bank or some
> big corporation. And if it would be the case, you wouldn't be
> interacting this way on the mailing list.
> If you got offer by someone you don't know to pay 100$ and get refunded
> for BTC, then you are mostly the first person to blame. This trick has
> been around for a very long time, and it's quite public notoriety that
> the first thing to do is to hangup on those person.
> If you come here for help and put a doubt behind every answer that
> people will give you. Then it could be good to ask yourself why you came
> here first ?
> Maybe you never answered to the two other users who asked you to type
> some command on the shell so we can know what type of system you run,
> this way we'd know if it's Debian (as we don't seem to be sure yet) and
> what architecture too. Because you talked about ex-Macbook, using BIOS,
> etc... pretty unclear.
> Nobody can undo what happened in the past. But if you need help, the
> first thing will be some genuine cooperation from yourself. Or going out
> to your local computer store and paying someone to do the job.
> And surely stop using some acronym only you may understand. It's not a
> run against the clock. Take time to write complete word and people will
> maybe have more interest in helping too.
> Why shall we make effort if you don't do so. If all the energy we have
> is devoted trying to decrypt some message then there won't be any left
> for the computer helping part of the job.
> > On Sun, 1 Aug 2021, 16:50 Andrew M.A. Cater,  > <>> wrote:
> >
> > On Sun, Aug 01, 2021 at 04:30:45PM +0300, Gunnar Gervin wrote:
> > > Security.
> > > Rarely discussed in Linux(?)..
> > > Was scammed recently; naive me let a man w/Bad accent take over my
> > laptop
> > > to 'help refund BTC' & make me pay 100$.
> > > Because of that &/or me in Synaptic bloating (2 many) packages,
> > which led
> > > to "1t fix broken packages", "put in Debian 10.9 Netinst cdrom", &
> > "can't
> *lt fin broken packages* ?
> lt ?
> let ?
> > > find key file" messages (yes, all 3 !).
> find key file messages ?
> *yes, all 3!*
> what 3 ?
> > > After trying "all" workarounds, I installed another, more simple
> Linux
> > > distro, built up a new setup of relevant programs to build VM,
> > containers,
> > > websites, Debian iso image, & CHEF.
> >
> > Which distro - are you still using Debian?
> Again this question ?
> How many time will it take before getting a bit of cooperation !?
> >
> > If not, we can't really help you. Although many of us have run other
> > distributions in the past, all of the Debian/Ubuntu derivatives do
> > something slightly different - we can only really help with generic
> > Debian things. If we offer help with any other distribution, it's
> > only ever best efforts - Debian derivatives have their own support
> > infrastructure.
> >
> > > Now Chef asks me to give URL t

Re: Hard to understand, being clear [ was Re: MDs & Dentists]

2021-08-02 Thread Gunnar Gervin
My exMac looks like old Mac, but 1/2 of software/harddisk is Debian i386
32b Buster, another
1/2 of HD (Toshiba MK1655GS ssd 160gb, Intel, 3gb memory) is Linux Mint 32b
Wikipedia said it's the first Mac (Snow Leopard)to run on 64bit.
You asked what changed it from being a Macbook to an exmac.
Letting Linux Debian 10.9 take over 100% of 160gb software. It is now
impossible(?) to go back to Macbook 2.1 osx 10.6.8 Snow Leopard. The
hardware is Mac, which is the keyboard & screen.
Debian (& Mac) 'said' dvd player didn't work, neither the external dvd
player. Mint didn't 'complain'. The Apple symbol appears on screen starting
& a fanfare tune. Mac or not: Depends how you define it, external,
internal, both.
I didn't much think of it until now.
For me it's no longer a Mac. Because for me the main use of a computer is
the desktop look, the programs, the distribution. It's not a car, to get me
around. It's to get my brainwork done; it's main value is on the inside.


On Sun, 1 Aug 2021, 23:33 Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside, <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Here's some example of hard to understand posts...
> Maybe I ain't the only one following the thread, that tried to help
> Gunnar but got lost in the linguistics problems.
> On 2021-08-01 9:39 a.m., Gunnar Gervin wrote:
> > Dual boot'ed,
> > I forgot to tell you.
> > Thus the sucker(?) can sit 'alone' in a dysfunctional 1/2 of my PC,
> > maybe 'he' never returns anyway.
> *dysfunction 1/2 of your PC ?*
> Okay this could be related to the first sentence about dual booting.
> So you got one of the two system not working.
> Which one ?
> You know, how are we supposed to know.
> > After built up all in 1 'secret' 1/2, I plan to re-partition the 1t
> *all in 1 'secret' 1/2 ?*
> What is this supposed to mean
> > half, to clean out 'all' dysfunctions, in a Linux, & Linux Debian
> *clean out all dysfunction in a Linux & Linux Debian*
> So you have two Debian system ?
> > 'answer' to Factory Reset, a learning way, which FReset really isn't, or
> > little.
> *'answer' to Factory Reset* ?
> Where you answered what ?
> FReset ? Is it a typo for Reset or a way for you to say Factory Reset ?
> Trying to save a few letter won't help your case.
> Unless you are using a 300 baud modem, maybe you should let go the space
> saving acronym and use plain English.
> I won't go back to the list of messages...
> But here's one that is pretty much the top of line when we consider hard
> to understand.
> Thx for the request to help in this project even not knowing code. I'll
> firstly try it on my 14 yr old Debian Buster ex-macbook. Nice way to
> include more people &, probably, improve+stabilize the distro much faster.
> Learning Linux Debian is a nice hobby(feels more like a lifestyle)
> --
> *A ex-Macbook ? what make it change from a MacBook to a none-Macbook ?*
> >> On 2021-07-28 3:16 p.m., Gunnar Gervin wrote:
> >>> It is a Toshiba 160 gb hd in a 14 years old Macbook i386 ❤️/x86 32 b
> >>> booting from Bios not uefi. I'll give full report in 1-2 weeks, after
> >>> put in VM in it, faster internet to it to handle VM.
> >>> And built websites with it.
> >>> Geg
> > One might assume from
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > that these deal with the same machine, and that Gunnar hasn't quite
> > mastered the technique of threading, but is keen to add to the
> > list of tested hardware.
> >
> One doesn't always read all the messages and only uses the subject to
> get a idea.
> Now is he saying his machine can WORK with Debian or is this related to
> the message I had with him earlier about a problem with his system NOT
> WORKING and CRASHING on update, requiring CLEAN REINSTALL.
> And this is the part that would be nice to know...
> *And we still don't know !*
> > BR,
> > Geg.
> >
> > On Wed, 21 Jul 2021, 18:59 Dan Ritter,  > <>> wrote:
> >
> > Reco wrote:
> > > On Wed, Jul 21, 2021 at 10:51:40AM -0400, Celejar wrote:
> > > Numbers show that I was incorrect. Let's cal

Re: Hard to understand, being clear [ was Re: MDs & Dentists]

2021-08-02 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Debian buster 32b i386 is the dysfunctional 1/2 part (that the scammer
might have access to until I am able to find acceptable dvd to burn 64bit
Debian 10.10 into (dropped Bullseye because of request I couldn't do; no
So I can renew that half. For me a probable way to test different distros
and releases is simply a dualboot. I need now to build websites, not a
virtual machine.
I just didn't have a working PC -yet- that could build websites.
In Synaptic I found ASCII only.
Then I'd have to learn HTML? Heard about Wordpress & YAML

On Sun, 1 Aug 2021, 23:33 Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside, <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Here's some example of hard to understand posts...
> Maybe I ain't the only one following the thread, that tried to help
> Gunnar but got lost in the linguistics problems.
> On 2021-08-01 9:39 a.m., Gunnar Gervin wrote:
> > Dual boot'ed,
> > I forgot to tell you.
> > Thus the sucker(?) can sit 'alone' in a dysfunctional 1/2 of my PC,
> > maybe 'he' never returns anyway.
> *dysfunction 1/2 of your PC ?*
> Okay this could be related to the first sentence about dual booting.
> So you got one of the two system not working.
> Which one ?
> You know, how are we supposed to know.
> > After built up all in 1 'secret' 1/2, I plan to re-partition the 1t
> *all in 1 'secret' 1/2 ?*
> What is this supposed to mean
> > half, to clean out 'all' dysfunctions, in a Linux, & Linux Debian
> *clean out all dysfunction in a Linux & Linux Debian*
> So you have two Debian system ?
> > 'answer' to Factory Reset, a learning way, which FReset really isn't, or
> > little.
> *'answer' to Factory Reset* ?
> Where you answered what ?
> FReset ? Is it a typo for Reset or a way for you to say Factory Reset ?
> Trying to save a few letter won't help your case.
> Unless you are using a 300 baud modem, maybe you should let go the space
> saving acronym and use plain English.
> I won't go back to the list of messages...
> But here's one that is pretty much the top of line when we consider hard
> to understand.
> Thx for the request to help in this project even not knowing code. I'll
> firstly try it on my 14 yr old Debian Buster ex-macbook. Nice way to
> include more people &, probably, improve+stabilize the distro much faster.
> Learning Linux Debian is a nice hobby(feels more like a lifestyle)
> --
> *A ex-Macbook ? what make it change from a MacBook to a none-Macbook ?*
> >> On 2021-07-28 3:16 p.m., Gunnar Gervin wrote:
> >>> It is a Toshiba 160 gb hd in a 14 years old Macbook i386 ❤️/x86 32 b
> >>> booting from Bios not uefi. I'll give full report in 1-2 weeks, after
> >>> put in VM in it, faster internet to it to handle VM.
> >>> And built websites with it.
> >>> Geg
> > One might assume from
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > that these deal with the same machine, and that Gunnar hasn't quite
> > mastered the technique of threading, but is keen to add to the
> > list of tested hardware.
> >
> One doesn't always read all the messages and only uses the subject to
> get a idea.
> Now is he saying his machine can WORK with Debian or is this related to
> the message I had with him earlier about a problem with his system NOT
> WORKING and CRASHING on update, requiring CLEAN REINSTALL.
> And this is the part that would be nice to know...
> *And we still don't know !*
> > BR,
> > Geg.
> >
> > On Wed, 21 Jul 2021, 18:59 Dan Ritter,  > <>> wrote:
> >
> > Reco wrote:
> > > On Wed, Jul 21, 2021 at 10:51:40AM -0400, Celejar wrote:
> > > Numbers show that I was incorrect. Let's call it "unlikely"
> instead of
> > > "rare". Let the popcon graphs speak for themselves:
> > >
> > >
> > <>
> > > vs
> > >
> > <>
> >
> > Standard reminder: popcon vastly over-represents
> > individually-owned laptops and desktops over servers and
> > corporately-owned anything.
> >
> > In this case, individuals are sometimes infected with ransomware
> > by happenstance, but corporates are actually targets.
> >
> > > It won't by itself, of course. One sure way to beat ransomware is
> to
> > > take immutable backups (i.e. unmodifiable by host during and after
> the
> > > backup is taken), and as recent history shows us - ransomware
> victims
> > > apparently do not use this approach.
> >
> > Yes indeed.
> >
> > -dsr-
> >
> --
> Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside
> -Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development

Re: burn iso to usb

2021-08-02 Thread Gunnar Gervin
The different suggestions are not complete, are they??
pv -parle /dev/sdX
would rather be:
sudo pv -parle /dev/sdb
And even not sure on that example as being correct. Please correct my
possible failure/s in the above try.
As you can see, I`m trying a -64bit- because Macbook 2.1 might fit it. And
Gnome because it seems more complete.
Saw another (relative) newbie said something similar concerning man pages
in terminal: "Would be nice with example/s".

On Mon, 2 Aug 2021 at 16:14, Anssi Saari  wrote:

> Stefan Monnier  writes:
> >>> > cp /path/to/file.iso /dev/sdX
> >>> dd if=whatever.iso of=/dev/sdX
> >> It's up to taste.
> >
> > Not at all.  The only right answer is:
> >
> > pv -parIe /dev/sdX
> Actually I'm not sure how good it is to have both -a and -r, pv doesn't
> really show which rate counter is which...

ISO to external SSD

2021-08-02 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Hi again.
This is an unusual question &/or project, maybe utterly stupid, maybe
I bought a 1 TB external SSD (Intenso) for later commercial use -in my
Meanwhile I want to use it for something else: To burn an entire Debian
distro on it.
I guess it`ll be more than enough space to let it stay afterwards. Points
of doing it:
1. After the Big job is done, less time to lose each time a program is
2. More security that necessary software is available, even if software is
off internet

Any advice, suggestions, or thoughts in this matter? Is it not new at all,
just trivial?

Iso to Usb

2021-08-02 Thread Gunnar Gervin
I cowarded out of Terminal, or not really, cos Gnome Multiwriter did it in
5 minutes.
But later I`ll try it, if 64 bit doesn`t work in this old computer that
only Looks like a Mac. But is it, really? Not in my point of view; no Mac
software, except some hotkey functions, a pretty good keyboard, so-and-so
dvd player, & a Toshiba SSD (original or not; did SSD exist in 2007? Who
cares? Philosophy, history, or both? What's "both"? Psychology, haha;
narrative philosophical walkthroughs PC pasts?)

Re: Being concise [Re: Iso to Usb]

2021-08-03 Thread Gunnar Gervin
THX A LOT! To the point;
Booting in 32b, running 64.
Seen a lot i686, &/or 64b software in it that confused me.
Now I may have a solution.
If this old (definitely a Mac 2,1):
Ever revives from this malstrom.
It matters a bit, cos my macbook Pro won't come back in week/s.
I have a Debian admin book to read, though, while waiting. Will do better
with VM e.g Virtualbox and Debian now I know it better than most Linux
distros I tried. Stable & free r good arguments to take the pain. A strange
adm book, though, that jumps over how to use Bash and Busybox in Debian
Rescue Mode/s (Yes, there seems to be two; 1 deeper into Rescue mode >
Crisis mode (Busybox) via f12 in startup, the other at 'shallow', first
level, via choosing Rescue mode(Bash) in installer,  Maybe both are outside
Debian? Challenge to write Exactly correct /sbin etc text in Bash to be
Now I'll get slashed, but virtual slashes can't bleed me out much

On Tue, 3 Aug 2021, 01:46 Andrew M.A. Cater,  wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 02, 2021 at 05:30:30PM -0400, Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > What are you asking for here ? Or trying to achieve ?
> >
> > On 2021-08-02 4:48 p.m., Gunnar Gervin wrote:
> > > I cowarded out of Terminal, or not really, cos Gnome Multiwriter did it
> > > in 5 minutes.
> > > But later I`ll try it, if 64 bit doesn`t work in this old computer that
> > > only Looks like a Mac. But is it, really? Not in my point of view; no
> > Your point of view is irrelevant unless you are having a conversation
> > with yourself.
> >
> > What make a computer a "Mac" or not a "Mac" is totally unrelated to the
> > software you run on it. No one asked you "Do you run MacOS".
> >
> > What make your computer a Mac and still a Mac, and will be a Mac, was a
> > Mac, continue to be a Mac is the plain fact that it's got produced on
> > Apple's production line and is running all the software in ROM required
> > to boot that make it a Mac. If it's not a Mac, then it's a PC and you
> > either have BIOS or UEFI, which is not the case.
> >
> > > Mac software, except some hotkey functions, a pretty good keyboard,
> > > so-and-so dvd player, & a Toshiba SSD (original or not; did SSD exist
> in
> > > 2007? Who cares? Philosophy, history, or both? What's "both"?
> > Yes SSD existed in 2007 and what's the point ?
> >
> > What's the link between SSD and what you are writing here ?
> >
> > You seem to be part of a one-man show...
> >
> > I've tried to give you a helping hand but don't seem much to get it.
> >
> > And as I've seen other have tried too.
> >
> > Linux is supported by dozen of architectures, does they all become PCs
> > because they ain't running their original operating system. No they
> > don't
> >
> > > Psychology, haha; narrative philosophical walkthroughs PC pasts?)
> > Only you seem to be making so deep heard philosophical problem with
> > plain easy question
> > > BR,
> > > geg
> >
> > --
> > Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside
> > -Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development
> >
> Gunnar,
> You have Mac hardware from almost exactly the right vintage to use a
> specific for early Mac image. It boots in 32 bit EFI and then runs 64 bit.
> and the up to date Debian 10.10 image you need is at:
> This may solve your problems for installing on Mac hardware of that
> vintage.
> It may not solve other problems but it should, at least, get you something
> consistent. [If this image works for you, you will be one of a very few
> people running this on that particular model - an installation report
> would be very valuable.]
> As Polyna says - you have Apple Mac hardware. That has its own
> peculiarities.
> On 3G of memory in total, you may find problems in running anything
> intensive.
> I can only recommend Dan Ritter's advice to go away and read and to tackle
> one
> problem at a time. Allow yourself time to get one stable Debian system
> running on that hardware. 14 year old hardware is pushing the boundaries
> on reliability but, as you've seen, it is a learning experience.
> All best, as ever,
> Andy Cater

Re: ISO to external SSD

2021-08-03 Thread Gunnar Gervin
40-50% of my ssd, is that correct
For i386 or amd64? If I take both
I'll still have 149gb. Interesting. I can do it, because the original need
of the ssd evaporated. Thus it's possible to try both into the old
mac(hine). But in that list you linked to, are a lot more than those two
ISO images. Would I need a virtual Pile of 1TB SSD's?

On Mon, 2 Aug 2021, 22:43 Dan Ritter,  wrote:

> Gunnar Gervin wrote:
> > Hi again.
> > This is an unusual question &/or project, maybe utterly stupid, maybe
> > temporary:
> > I bought a 1 TB external SSD (Intenso) for later commercial use -in my
> > company.
> > Meanwhile I want to use it for something else: To burn an entire Debian
> > distro on it.
> > I guess it`ll be more than enough space to let it stay afterwards. Points
> > of doing it:
> > 1. After the Big job is done, less time to lose each time a program is
> > needed.
> > 2. More security that necessary software is available, even if software
> is
> > off internet
> >
> > Any advice, suggestions, or thoughts in this matter? Is it not new at
> all,
> > just trivial?
> By distro, do you mean the complete package repository?
> -dsr-

Re: burn iso to usb

2021-08-03 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Will it work if I su into Root ?
BR, geg.

On Mon, 2 Aug 2021, 22:52 Nicolas George,  wrote:

> Greg Wooledge (12021-08-02):
> > No, that won't work.
> >
> >
> >
> > If you want to use redirections with sudo, you either need to wrap
> > things in "sh -c" a lot, or else get a full interactive shell first
> > (sudo -s), and *then* run your commands with redirections.
> That! And sudo was addressed in the very first mail:
> "I advise it over using root privileges for the cp: you could wipe your
> install if you get the device wrong."
> Regards,
> --
>   Nicolas George

Re: burn iso to usb

2021-08-03 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Guys and girls:
Thx a lot for crash course/s!
I have to let it go a bit;  pretty extreme learning portions here.
My head gets all wired up. But I have to go this track; for me it's all in
the terminal; it's more accurate, always works,& faster.
And I remember it way better.

On Mon, 2 Aug 2021, 22:44 Greg Wooledge,  wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 02, 2021 at 10:02:18PM +0300, Gunnar Gervin wrote:
> > pv -parle /dev/sdX
> > would rather be:
> > sudo pv -parle /dev/sdb
> No, that won't work.
> If you want to use redirections with sudo, you either need to wrap
> things in "sh -c" a lot, or else get a full interactive shell first
> (sudo -s), and *then* run your commands with redirections.

Re: ISO to external SSD

2021-08-03 Thread Gunnar Gervin
For me, testing distros in an old Mac is way more than enough; I'll burn
ISO Images; netinstalls.
I agree that it's better to learn fewer things thorough than many quite
shallow, good advice

On Tue, 3 Aug 2021, 18:18 Stefan Monnier,  wrote:

> > Second, the price of spinning disks is such that it makes no
> > sense to buy anything smaller than 4TB, which will fit all this,
> > and 6-8 TB are often a reasonable idea even for single users.
> You seem to assume a 3½" form factor which either requires a "large"
> desktop or an external enclosure.
> Personally I consider this form factor dead every since I bought my
> first 2TB 2½" disk.
> [ For reference, the last 3½" disk I bought was a 1TB WD Green, which
>   I fitted into my ASUS WL-700gE.  ]
> Stefan

Re: 32b upgrade to 64 b; Boot.plist

2021-08-03 Thread Gunnar Gervin
 thx for the best laugh of... me.
Bullseye! I'll try my very best.
The machine seems to recover.

On Mon, 2 Aug 2021, 15:58 Dan Ritter,  wrote:

> Gunnar Gervin wrote:
> > I meant
> > "& run it all;
> > VM, Docker containers, websites in/via a 24/7 Cloud service storage &
> > website hotel provider".
> Let's talk about the XY problem.
> Go read that, understand it, and then please come back and ask
> questions.
> -dsr-

Re: 32b upgrade to 64 b; Boot.plist

2021-08-03 Thread Gunnar Gervin
I read a bit of my "questions" put before. WOW, what a MESS!!?!! Is it
possible to understand 5%?
Hardly. Sorry & trying to improve

On Fri, 30 Jul 2021, 07:53 Gunnar Gervin,  wrote:

> Hi beautiful ideals!
> Decided to install Virtual Machine & Docker in this 14 year old ex-Macbook.
> In which I installed Debian "Buster" i386 32 bits. As some of you know, I
> did some failures during installation, the dvd player "hung" a bit several
> times, so I saw it installing at least 3 times. I made a puzzling
> observation: 64 came up a lot of times, but the machine seemed to handle
> it. ("Is it 64 bits anyway?" I wondered.)
> Now I found the following information in Wikipedia:
> " Mac OS X 10.6 <> is
> the first version of macOS <> that
> supports a 64-bit kernel
> <>.  "
> n Snow Leopard, most built-in applications have been rebuilt to use the
> 64-bit x86-64 <> architecture
> <> (excluding
> iTunes <>, Front Row
> <>, Grapher
> <> and DVD Player
> <> applications).[43]
> <> They
> will run in 32-bit <> mode on
> machines with 32-bit processors, and in 64-bit mode on machines with 64-bit
> processors.
> A change to the will also enable users with
> compatible computers to permanently boot into 64-bit for those wishing to
> do so.
> After upgrading the kernel from 32b to 64b, if advisable & possible.
> How to do that? Clean reinstall I guess optional, but will that suffice?
> Geg

HOW ' s

2021-08-04 Thread Gunnar Gervin

gone @ $ € (wrong keyboard)
How it happened:
During Debian installation, I chose a linux version 4.19.0-17-686-pae from
a mirror.
I lost (nb.UTF-8 or similar) setup (Norwegian bokmål) in
I couldn't find a list of available keyboards in Gnome desktop, then
recalled I found it in Xfce once before (hopefully in Debian) so I wrote in
root password
# apt install task-xfce-desktop
then tried to remove the Gnome desktop, wrote:
# apt remove task-gnome-desktop
Terminal responded but nothing happened; Gnome not removed, Xfce not
Tried Synaptic, it said it would not execute actions unless I remove
Wayland. How?
I can learn to use the Gnome desktop, but I really need to change this

Gnome desktop removal messed up machine

2021-08-04 Thread Gunnar Gervin
I forgot to tell:
The machine got some crisis because I removed Gnome desktop in a some wrong
way in root in Terminal;
# apt remove task-gnome-desktop

Please advice how tide up again.

HOW's lost @ $ €

2021-08-04 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Hi again, all.
I decided to reinstall, to get back
Xfce, Synaptic, @ $ € , and clean away the mess I probably made with a
rogue command as root.
Seems to me this old Mac can't boot from usb, only cd or dvd.
The commands to burn iso to usb, are they usable for dvd, too?
2 other questions:
1. It was optional to set "for slow memory" as an extra service during
installation. What is that?
2. Why does graphics use some of the memory?

In 2023 we'll be free

WiFi turned off

2021-08-05 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Hi again, experts.
Please advice how fix it.
WiFi gone.
I used ethernet cable to reinstall Debian i386 32b Buster. Now WiFi won't
turn on. In Xfce desktop "Advanced Network Manager" shows the WiFi
provider, but "Save" button's grey passive; not possible to turn on.
Installed B.a.t.m.a.n another management tool; hope it helps.

How's @ $ €

2021-08-05 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Thx all.
Problem solved;
to your orientation.
Most other challenges are
possible to find in Duckduckgo or Google, & in former answers.
I was in lack of sleep cos of heat
Thus a bit manic; flooding, sorry.
& didn't see the importance of culture, rules, definition of issue, &
similar; I'm quite self-centered.

Re: OFFLIST: Gnome desktop removal messed up machine

2021-08-05 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Thx for the tip.
I'll test Devuan a bit later;
so far it looks all doable in Debian i386 Xfce i686 pae chosen (under
"Advanced" in startup) with some Gnome packages added. Cos I must work,
too, with what I have now.
I am grateful a 14 year old Mac can work as good as this does; looking
good, & solvable issues.

On Wed, 4 Aug 2021, 22:03 Steve Litt,  wrote:

> Hi Gunnar,
> Gnome depends very much on systemd, and probably vice versa. It doesn't
> surprise me at all that Debian doesn't work without Gnome, or at least
> without a lot of hoop-jumping.
> You might want to try Devuan, which is basically Debian without
> systemd, and then use a window manager or desktop environment that is
> not Gnome. I think Devuan's default is XFCE.
> Steve Litt
> Gunnar Gervin said on Wed, 4 Aug 2021 11:11:49 +0300
> >I forgot to tell:
> >The machine got some crisis because I removed Gnome desktop in a some
> >wrong way in root in Terminal;
> ># apt remove task-gnome-desktop
> >
> >Please advice how tide up again.
> >Gunnar

Re: OFFLIST: Gnome desktop removal messed up machine

2021-08-05 Thread Gunnar Gervin
At least Debian works better in this old Mac best of all else I've tried.
Debian is very instructive, which in itself is an argument to use it for a
newbie in IT & Linux.
And level of patience, respect & even humility is a bit higher here than
the smaller, also quick response, helpsite I used in another Linux distro.
That bit is necessary for me to keep focus.

On Wed, 4 Aug 2021, 22:03 Steve Litt,  wrote:

> Hi Gunnar,
> Gnome depends very much on systemd, and probably vice versa. It doesn't
> surprise me at all that Debian doesn't work without Gnome, or at least
> without a lot of hoop-jumping.
> You might want to try Devuan, which is basically Debian without
> systemd, and then use a window manager or desktop environment that is
> not Gnome. I think Devuan's default is XFCE.
> Steve Litt
> Gunnar Gervin said on Wed, 4 Aug 2021 11:11:49 +0300
> >I forgot to tell:
> >The machine got some crisis because I removed Gnome desktop in a some
> >wrong way in root in Terminal;
> ># apt remove task-gnome-desktop
> >
> >Please advice how tide up again.
> >Gunnar

Re: HOW change keyboard

2021-08-05 Thread Gunnar Gervin
How do I change keyboard in Xfce desktop?

History/what I did:

Chosen keyboard (in setup during installation process) disappeared/changed
into a keyboard without keys: " @ $ € "

Maybe it happened  because I chose
" i686 pae " (or similar name)
under "advanced" (option 2) in start-up of the machine. Of course I can try
reboot in default
But I want try this "i686 pae", & also to see if a keyboard list is
somewhere in Xfce or via a program in Synaptic or Terminal.
Because I do need sometimes to switch to a Greek keyboard. Sorry for my bad

On Wed, 4 Aug 2021, 15:48 Thomas Hochstein,  wrote:

> Gunnar Gervin schrieb:
> > Subject: HOW ' s
> Please use a subject that describes your problem. "HOW's" ist not
> better than "(unknown)" or "/&%!"§%&/!"%/&§".
> > gone @ $ € (wrong keyboard)
> Please try do describe your problem so that it's easy to understand.
> Does your keyboard miss keys?
> Did you change your keyboard and connect a wrong one?
> I don't think so.
> > How it happened:
> > During Debian installation, I chose a linux version 4.19.0-17-686-pae
> from
> > a mirror.
> Your choice of Linux kernel should not have any significance for your
> keyboard or locale.
> > I lost (nb.UTF-8 or similar) setup (Norwegian bokmål) in
> > Macintosh-no-dead-keys.
> Please try do describe your problem so that it's easy to understand.
> (<>)
> What did you "lose" where?
> What did you expect, and what did you get?
> What has changed?
> Do you miss the nb.UTF-8 locale? Try "dpkg-reconfigure locales" as
> root and select that locale.
> > I couldn't find a list of available keyboards in Gnome desktop, then
> > recalled I found it in Xfce once before (hopefully in Debian)
> It does not seem like a good idea to deinstall Gnome just because you
> might recall having found "keyboards" sowewhere else.
> > so I wrote in
> > Terminal:
> > su
> > root password
> > # apt install task-xfce-desktop
> > then tried to remove the Gnome desktop, wrote:
> > # apt remove task-gnome-desktop
> > Terminal responded but nothing happened; Gnome not removed, Xfce not
> > visible.
> It seems reasonable that you won't see changes without logging out and
> in again.
> > I can learn to use the Gnome desktop, but I really need to change this
> > keyboard.
> Than, perhaps, you should start with learning how to change the
> "keyboard"?
> -thh

Re: How's @ $ €

2021-08-06 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Agreed to all.
Looked for personal reply because I felt for giving apology for words that
might hurt; really sorry if I was out of line to you.
Actually Mac's are new to me, this oldest I liked better after changed to
Linux Debian. I like Linux better, even Windows, than Mac. I find them
almost incompatible. I have a Macbook Pro that crashed after put (not
Debian) Linux in it. Thus I reset it to Macbook Pro. On repair now, so I'm
stuck with an old Mac. 3 options for me/in this.
1. Devuan works when I learn to install it with flags, boot, & root, the
right places and ways.Will put more Ram, & Virtualbox VM in it if I get
time & brains to learn enough to do it properly.
Self-centeredness paradoxes the project of asking help, that's true
More comical, than ironic, for that I'm grateful. Thx for that one on
living in society, was spot on!
2. Struggle on adjusting Debian settings to work in it.
3. Go back to Linux Mint Ubuntu
Last option, mostly cos L. Mint has a little bit of commerciality in it;
Canonical in the back, & root is gone. One helper there refused tell how I
could reinstall after I'd set too much wrong again, so I wanted to start
fresh. Bought dvd online to enable the option, waited 1 month to get it..
Time I learn how to clean up messes, & avoid making them. But I have a job
too do, (online based mostly) so I must try to cut away my ideas, and try
advices I get here in order to be at least a tiny bit productive. That's
why I try out Devuan. Which seems to require more of Terminal.
Main reason I chose Debian was the size of it. Discussion sites, help
sites, development sites, one can expand any interest in Debian, e.g
amateur radio, photography, writing, publishing, making movies. It's
Not much money earned using non-commercial (Debian) Linux.
But the savings are unlimited.

On Fri, 6 Aug 2021, 01:20 Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside, <> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 2021-08-05 3:01 p.m., Gunnar Gervin wrote:
> > My experience of life is if I criticise someone usually it's in me;
> > mirroring myself; projecting.
> > Something I need improve on(?).
> > I got an advice that might work:
> > Go to Devuan with it; Debian simplified? If it works, ok for me.
> Devuan is a split from Debian because some user got pissed regarding the
> use of SystemD.
> > Next new computer will be built with Linux in it, probably Debian.
> > Thus less, or no issues at all.It could make it easier to buy a computer
> with Linux already installed.
> But you'll still need to learn pretty much the same as if you'd get a
> computer with Windows and install Linux yourself.
> Most computer have a good deal of compatibility those days.
> Comparing your experience with a decade and half old MacBook against a
> computer that is more recent doesn't work.
> I have a HP desktop I got from a refurbished authorized seller, it used
> to run Windows 7 and now is running Debian Buster, I installed 32 G of
> RAM and still using the stock 2 TB HD. I've added a video card (GT 710)
> but that wasn't a need, the integrated GPU from AMD was supported.
> I also have a HP EliteBook G1 with 16GB and a 1 TB hard drive, runs with
> the integrated GPU on a Intel Core (i5) system. Everything works great,
> including the Wifi, the Bluetooth and the card reader.
> Also got another laptop from Acer, old brick dating from 2012 with AMD
> CPU, Radeon discrete graphic board, and all work well, Bluetooth, WiFi,
> network card and card reader.
> Only got to take your time to get the things right. Ideally also have
> another computer so you can search for answer.
> Learning is going thru errors and fixing them.
> > And, Polyna, it's best to reinstall every new release. Backups are often
> > best left behind; new start.
> I think you didn't get right what I said (and other said too).
> It is good to make backup of user data.
> But it is safe to upgrade from one Debian version to another.
> And it is also safe to do update on the packages themselves.
> > That was a joke...
> > Bye for now, Polyna & you all.
> > Ain't most humans self-centered
> Most human are self-centered but they have gotten maturity to know that
> if you want interaction with others, then there's a need to act
> accordingly to what is acceptable.
> We all need to eat and we all get hungry. Does it mean this justify that
> I pass in front of other waiting in a line ? No it doesn't.
> Our needs are balanced against the community. That what's called living
> in a society.
> > BR,
> > Gunnar
> >
> > It's no crime to say no
> >
> >
> > On Thu, 5 Aug 2021, 13:12 Polyna-Maude Ra

Re: How to Boot Linux ISO Images Directly From Your Hard Drive Debian

2021-08-06 Thread Gunnar Gervin
most certainly you cannot prove
God bless you.
Gunnar Gervin.

On Fri, 6 Aug 2021, 21:57 didier gaumet,  wrote:

> I can give no evidence but chances are that Gunnar Gervin, Rishi and roa
> moshin (non-limitative list) are the same troll: there are troubling
> similarities...

Re: How to Boot Linux ISO Images Directly From Your Hard Drive Debian

2021-08-06 Thread Gunnar Gervin
I'm out.

On Fri, 6 Aug 2021, 21:57 didier gaumet,  wrote:

> I can give no evidence but chances are that Gunnar Gervin, Rishi and roa
> moshin (non-limitative list) are the same troll: there are troubling
> similarities...

Off request

2021-08-06 Thread Gunnar Gervin

Admin of list:
Please remove me from the list.
If you don't, I'll spam you. Why?
A person accused me of trolling. Which I'm not sure what is. Flooding,
spamming, attention seeking? He could just as well said "*f* off" , just
saying. So I'm off this list, doubt I'll return.
I dislike slandering; vulnerable
due to psychopath in childhood, isolation, & cos people are afraid & tense
these times. Guess he was a bit quick on it...
Hostile, Judgemental, non- inclusive. Don't need those cultures in my life,
sir, sorry to tell you off this harshly. Going to other helpsite if
necessary. Like pointed before, in duckduckgo & Google I can find most
My responsibilty is my health.
Gunnar Gervin.

Thx for help

2021-08-06 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Seeing that reason of troubles with crashes, malfunctions, cursor delay etc
with my exmac was simply that Polyna might be right; that my mac 2,1 uses
EFI not Bios to boot. Why? Cos it works with Linux Mint that only uses EFI
in the distro I'm using. I've dual booted the machine to be able to test
out Mint contra  Debian contra Devuan, with EFI.
And: 1 swallow doesn't make a summer, so 1 asshole doesn't make this
helpsite a shithole. Excuse my French, sir, but that is the best
description I can give to that behavior of yours, calling a row of people
possible trolls out of relatively thin air. Should I be tolerant to an
intolerant or shallow thinker? Yes. But not when those thoughts comes out
in slandering words partially behind my back and partially into my face.
But there should also be consequences to my behaviour of abusing this site
for entire articles that mostly talk a LOT about close to zero.
And then slander quite harshly at a guy who just pointed out a possibility
based on logic a la " If it walks, talks & looks like a duck, it's
probably a duck." Added some "Unusual = Crazy"; which probably is
And can lead to an idea that "Low Linux knowledge=Unusual (here)=Craziness
& should be adjusted or told off." Resembles Adolf Hitler's paranoias, or
not ?
Back to my slanders: I take a break to learn enough to be able to define an
IT challenge before I ask for help; at least read a bit to see if I already
have the answer to my question/s. I recall from a recent course I failed:
If I hadn't read the obligatory text/s before the lecture on it, I was all
questions; totally unteachable. If I was prepared (default modus), I was
listening; all. teachable.
So I'll sit back for reading up, training (ex-broken back; can't much sit,
a challenge as reader), or work in some real production.

See you in 2023 we'll be free

Root in /target : how change it?

2021-08-12 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Hi again.
How use chroot (in terminal) to place Root in /dev/sda1(147gb)
(if that is the better place for it)?
My impression of root in /target is that it isn't easy to find for PC. (Why
the installation system "commits suicide" this way so often must be a
'square mind'?)
A dysfunctional soldier, saying: 'If u don't give countable orders, I'll
translate them to "Dig a hole & stay in it until I maybe save u."
Why you accepted this 35 years?
Gunnar Gervin, trolly but no troll.

Root location

2021-08-13 Thread Gunnar Gervin
I tried to partition with rEFInd because Linux Mint 19 i386 xfce 32bit
worked with EFI. In hope to upgrade to x86-64bit. After it looked like all
good, I went out, thinking it was OK. But installation came back to start,
asking me to choose put boot in Mbr, Partition with Gparted or Abort. Mbr
resulted in warning. Gparted offered grub bios, took that, result was root
in /target
instead of in /dev/sda1
sda1 148G  part  /
sda3  999M  part

Looks okay;
sda1 as root
sda3 as swap

Better I try boot
Then see what happens.
(Later upgrade to 64bit if I can).

Re: Root location

2021-08-13 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Thx to Polyna especially, for telling me that I have x86-64 machine. Do not
yet know x86 part but 64bit it certainly is.
In Mint 32bit i686 still. but now
I know a little bit (!) more about this machine, how chmod is not wise to
use, etc. Kinda fun, cos Mint lets me in again. So far.
My Mini PC Windows 10 128GB SSD is in the customs here (been there 6
weeks..), great. Hope I can use the screen on this for a week or two..
I will surely stay in Mint, that is without root, chroot, chmod etc until I
have a tiny clue what all this is doing with my computer. Wild child still,

On Fri, 13 Aug 2021 at 09:45, Keith Bainbridge  wrote:

> On 13/8/21 18:15, Gunnar Gervin wrote:
> > I tried to partition with rEFInd because Linux Mint 19 i386 xfce 32bit
> > worked with EFI. In hope to upgrade to x86-64bit. After it looked like
> > all good, I went out, thinking it was OK. But installation came back to
> > start, asking me to choose put boot in Mbr, Partition with Gparted or
> > Abort. Mbr resulted in warning. Gparted offered grub bios, took that,
> > result was root in /target
> > instead of in /dev/sda1
> > Now:
> > lsblk
> > sda1 148G  part  /
> > sda3  999M  part
> >
> > Looks okay;
> > sda1 as root
> > sda3 as swap
> >
> > Better I try boot
> > Then see what happens.
> > (Later upgrade to 64bit if I can).
> > BR,
> > Gunnar
> Gunnar
> I suggest you stick with Mint until you get a better understanding of
> how things work.
> Try testing in virtual machine
> --
> All the best
> Keith Bainbridge