Re: exim and mtt probs continue

2000-11-18 Thread Griffith Feeney
At 08:13 AM 11/18/00, you wrote:
i continue to have problems setting up my email configuration. I have run
eximconfig but have had trouble working out how to answer some of the
questions I am not sure what is meant by some of the terms i.e. what is my
visible mail name. To be honest i have used the default settings to set up
exim i have no idea in most cases whether this is correct. I am dialling up
to my isp using pon, I can't fine where to set up the isp smtp info re
sending mail.

Isn't this one of the last questions eximconfig asks you? Think so.

Fetchmail seems to be ok but where does it write the emails to. I have
installed mutt but when i run it i get the message that there is no
/var/spool/mail/jmj directory jmj being my user name. Apparently exim
should set this up for me/ I am truly at a loss.

I've just spent several evenings puzzling over an identical or similar
problem. The usual location for mailboxes (which are files, not
directories, as I initially thought) is /var/spool/mail. For reasons I
don't understand, the default Debian 2.2 setup makes this a symbolic (I
think symbolic, not hard) link to /var/mail. You see this from

ls -l /var/spool

which shows

mail -> ../mail

at the end of the line for mail. Mailboxes are thus in /var/mail. To see
them do

ls -l /var/mail

The mailbox for some_user should be named and owned by some_user, the group
should be mail, and the permissions should be -rw-rw. You may have to
create these files using touch, chown, chgrp and chmod to get the ownership
and permissions right. If I remember rightly,

touch some_user
chown new_user new_user
chgrp mail new_user
chmod 660 new_user

will do it.

In my case, I messed up the default configuration and had the same problem
with mutt not seeing my mailbox. Creating the above link and file solved
the problem.

Mutt is also supposed to make a file called .muttrc in my home directory
but this does not exist, apparently without it i cant specify which MTA i
am using.

I don't think you need to specify exim in .muttrc. If I understand
correctly, exim appends incoming mail to user's mailboxes in
/var/spool/mail or, in this case, /var/mail. mutt looks for it in
/var/spool/mail, which is linked to /var/mail. What mutt needs to know is
where to look for the mailbox, not what MTA put the mail there.

Is there a mutt configuration script.  If you have any idea how to proceed.

>>>You probably don't need this to solve your immediate problem. I don't
know of any script, but see the mutt home page for examples of
configuration files. Go to

and more specifically

and perhaps more specifically still the (especially for newbies) link to
Telsa Gwynne's site.

If it would be easier to use another MTA i am happy to do so although i
hear that exim is the best.

>>>Again, this probably isn't your problem, so suggest sticking with exim
for the present. To investigate problems, look at the main exim log file,


using more, less, vi, etc. Initially I had the mailbox locking problem
described in Q0201 of the exim FAQ ( After
creating the link and mailbox files described above this problem stopped.

thanks for your help
 very confused

Hang in there! I'm trying to set up unix style email with
exim/fetchmail/mutt/procmail after many years of Eudora. It isn't coming
easily, in part because documenation, voluminous as it is, doesn't address
all someone new to this setup needs to know. I'm still puzzling out my own


Re: Setting up SMTP and POP servers - QMail or what?

2000-11-20 Thread Griffith Feeney
Appreciate your difficulties and questions, I'm working on similar problems
getting unix style email working after years with Eudora on Windows.

At 06:31 AM 11/20/00, you wrote:
>Up till now I've shyed away from implmenting mail on my Linux boxes,
>it seems so complicated and my nice friendly (!) Windows POP3 clients
>seem generally far easier to use.


>However, I've now gone back to an ISP (Demon) which tries to deliver
>mail using SMTP, the only ISP I've ever had where this is an option.
>It therefore seems time for me to get to grips with this-here Linux
>mail stuff.

I *think* all internet mail is delivered this way.

>I still need to retain POP3 client access to other mailboxes, so at
>present I'm thinking that from the vast array of MTAs, MUAs (etc.
>etc.) these seem to fit the bill for me:
>1) QMAIL - 'cos it's also a POP server, meaning I can revert to my
>Windows clients if I fail to find a Linux one I likt.

Do you really want to run a POP server? I.e., is your machine on all the
time, and do you want to receive incoming mail for other people and let
them pick it up from your machine? Probably not. Why not stick with exim,
using eximconfig option 2 "smarthost" to send mail via your ISP's machine.

>2) FETCHMAIL - to get my mail from other ISPs.


>As far as I can see QMAIL will receive my Demon mail via SMTP and
>FETCHMAIL can go off to my other ISPs and get the mail there and wack
>it into QMAIL, so I have all my mail ready for reading via POP.

You would be using Qmail to *send* mail from your machine, fetchmail to
*pick up* incoming mail from your ISPs.

>Will this work like I think it will?  Will QMAIL act as an SMTP server
>to deliver mail I send out, meaning I won't have to use an ISP's SMTP

Think you're confused here, see above.

>Sorry if this are naive questions, but even after reading a _lot_ of
>HOWTOs, READMEs etc. I find the whole area of Linux mail systems
>pretty much impenetrable :)

I hear you! Good luck!

eximconfig option 2: why not send mail directly?

2000-11-22 Thread Griffith Feeney
I'm in the process of setting up exim/fetchmail/procmail/mutt on Debian
2.2. I've used eximconfig option 2, for which outgoing mail is sent via a
"smarthost" and incoming mail is picked up from one or more POP servers.

Getting incoming mail from POP servers makes sense, since I'm only
intermittantly connected, but why not have exim send mail directly? What is
gained or saved by going through the "smarthost"?

If it makes sense to do so, how to configure exim to send outgoing mail
directly but not accept incoming mail? I've spent several hours going
through the exim docs without finding answers to these questions.

Re: Hi there

2000-11-26 Thread Griffith Feeney
I set out to install by download but decided that even with a fast (cable)
internet connection, it was more than worth while to buy a set of
"official" CDROMS. I used cheapbytes and had no problem.

If you have a good, fast interenet connection and decide to go the download
route, I would suggest aiming to first get whatever you need to get apt-get
working and use that to install the rest of what you need. I can't help you
further on this because I tried it and decided to go the CD route.

BTW, its useful to provide concise, descriptive subjects for your posts to
help readers browsing the index decide whether to open your mail. In this
case you should also indicate the architecture you're installing on, i386,
alpha, mac, sun, etc. Probably i386 ("PC").

At 06:25 PM 11/26/00 +0100, you wrote:
>We are new at this list and at debian.
>We are Andre and Hennie and as a couple very much interested in linux .
>Can anyone help us by giving advises how to download and instal
>debian/linux?, The sites are very difficult to us becouse we dont know what
>to download and what not..
>P.s  sorry, comming from holland, there are for sure some mistakes in our
>writings, please forgive us..
>Andre and Hennie.
>with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: UNIX help

2000-11-30 Thread Griffith Feeney
The Unix Programming Environment, Kernighan and Pike. or the
nearest bookstore for many, many more. Perhaps better yet, try >
Google Web Directory > Computers > Operating Systems > Unix > Tutorials (or
other stops along the way).

At 04:37 AM 11/30/00, you wrote:
>I have just started learning UNIX and unfortunatley my 'teacher' has been
>busy lately and unable to show me anything.
>I have started on our company printers and am using putty, I don't have any
>problems in that area, but I would like to learn more.
>Does anyone out there have any prefered methods/books on learning UNIX?

Install XFree86 4.0.1/can't boot/recovery puzzle

2000-12-09 Thread Griffith Feeney
Tried to install XFree86 4.0.1 last to accomodate a new Matrox G450. Followed

Now system hangs on boot following the message

Starting X font server: xgsFontCachInitialize: hi=1048576, low=786432, bal=70

Cntl-Alt-Del reboots, but don't know any other way to escape from this.

No experience with the system recovery needed here, but evidently I need to
boot from and emergency disk, mount the root file system on the hard disk
and edit the appropriate startup file. Can boot with Debian install CD 1 or
a tomsrtbt floppy, but haven't been able to mount the root file system.

#mount -t ext2 /dev/hdb3 /mnt
EXT2-fs: 03-43: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb2, or too many
mounted file systems

#fsck.ext2 /dev/hdb
The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 file
system. If the device is valid (and not a swap or ufs or something else),
the the superblock is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an
alternative superblock:
e2fsck -b 8193 

Is it plausible that the problem booting could have corrupted the
superblock? Any suggestions short of reinstalling? No backup (but only the
install is lost, no data). On avoiding such problems in the future (backups
aside ...)?

Re: Questions i can't answer

2000-12-12 Thread Griffith Feeney
At 06:58 AM 12/12/00, you wrote:
>Ok here goes. I am an experienced PC user. I've been into it since the days
>of 486SX chips. I have had in interest in Linux for quite some time, but
>have always hit serious walls when trying to get it set up. I have tried
>Caldera's distro, about 2 years ago on a 486 and found it basically useless.
>I've tried Corel's distro, but got so ticked trying to get X running
>properly that I gave up. Now for the first time I am trying Debian. I now
>have a cable connection to the internet, so winmodem support is no longer an
>issue as i can just use direct TCP/IP.
>I have partitioned a separate physical disk into 3 partitions: /hdb1 is 3GB
>for my root. /hdb5 is 800MB for /usr, and /hdb6 is 128MB for swap. My
>primary OS is Win2k Pro. I want to be able to dual-boot when it's all said
>and done, which is why i've used 2 physical disks to try to keep things sep.
>and clean.
>I have downloaded the latest disribution and burned it to CD. When i try to
>install debian however (after the partitioning/keyboard steps) it says it
>cannot find the files it needs on the CD in /images-1.44/. the directory
>exists, and the files should be there as i have not modified the structure.
>My rescue and root disks work ok. I'm using the "vanilla" package.
>First: is this partition scheme OK before i continue?

Discussions of partitioning go on and one, but you definitely want a swap
partition. With this much space you almost certainly want a /home partition
for your data to minimize risk of loss and ease of upgrading. This is more
important that /usr if you want to minimize the number of partitions.

>Second: will dual booting be easy to accomplish? if so, how?

Shouldn't be too hard. Suggest looking at Michael K. Johnson's 1996 article
in Linux Journal, for specifics, online at

But I don't know about Win2k.

>Third: Why can't it find the files?

Can't help with this.