xdm, X, fvwm2 : newbie questions
= While everyone is eager to get the latest versions of the unstable system, i would be truly happy to get my stable version of debian (1.3.1) up and running. My first obstacle was that xdm was not starting but luckily Mike Miller encountered the same thing. He wrote on Jan.24: >I've recently reinstalled Debian 1.3 (on a system with a new >disk) and found that after installing xbase and xserver-svga, xdm >wouldn't start. After looking about a bit, I found that >/etc/init.d/xdm was empty and that the start up script was in >/etc/init.d/xdm.dpkg-dist. > >Can anyone help me sort out where I went wrong? Or is this a >feature that I don't understand? What i simply did was copy the file /etc/init.d/xdm.dpkg-dist to /etc/init.d/xdm. Is that all there is to it ? Is this script complete as it is now? Alas, this is only the first of many questions. The 2nd is: Is there a way to influence the typematic delay of the keyboard? Characters start to duplicate themselves when i keep a key pressed longer than about one fifth of a second. 3rd question: I did a silly thing, which is "cat /proc/kcore" ( but then they say you have to try everything once in life ). After a while all the characters on that tty became gibberish and i found no way of fixing the problem but i am sure the solution is simple even though unknown to me. (rebooting solved it but there must be a nicer way of doing it) 4th question: When i start ae in an xterm window i cannot use the arrow keys to scroll. They work fine with other programs though. 5th question: Does cdwrite or a similar program support drives with an ATAPI interface ? 6th question: Mouse support The file /etc/gpm.conf has the following entries: device=help responsiveness=help type=ps2 append="" the script /etc/init.d/gpm produced the following message at startup: gpm -m help -t ps2 -r help/usr/sbin/gpm: help: No such file or directory My mouse is indeed PS2 and at startup i get this message as well: PS/2 auxiliary pointing device detected. driver installed The mouse works fine with X so i simply scratched the useless call to /etc/init.d/gpm. The question is: how do i adjust the responsiveness of the mouse which is rather slow at the moment ( meaning that the distances the mouse travels on my mouse pad are too large). 7th question: Window Managers First i tried kde but it proved unreliable so i had it removed with dselect. That process left me without a Xsession file so i renamed /etc/X11/Xsession.tmp to Xsession. (While kde was installed, /etc/X11/Xsession was a symlink to /etc/X11/Xsession.kde) I certainly hope this is the only messup the kde (de)installation scripts caused. So i reverted to using twm for a while but now i use fvwm2. With that i have one major problem: At the initial login (as root) it does not execute the profile scripts as for a login shell but rather another script (probably the one that ends with a rc). When i start xterm (which is not started automatically) i can login just fine as another user but not as root. It says "incorrect login" or something to that effect. What might be the cause of this problem ? That´s it. No more questions! I thought i´d mention though that i had a crash. Now if this was windows 95, i´d say that´s absolutely normal, but this really worries me. It started with one of my terminals freezing up ( it was displaying a manual page). So i decided to shut down quickly but i wasn´t quick enough because the terminal i ran shutdown from froze up during shutdown . Trying to run shutdown from another terminal didn´t work: it realized that it was running already. So i tried shutdown -c 0 but that process froze as well. I had a look at those shutdown processes with ps and their status was D. Finally i had to press the reset button. I wasn´t really doing anything unusual, except maybe restarting xdm many times over (to figure out how it works) (with twm) . I beg for forgiveness that this message has turned out this long. I won´t comit it again (i hope). thank-you all Gabor Kontur [EMAIL PROTECTED] != -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
memory above 64M not recognized
== Lately i have upgraded from 32MB to 96MB memory and while the BIOS has no problem recognizing it all, linux will only see 64MB. So far i had two 16MB PS/2 type simms in bank 0 . I moved those to bank 1 and installed two 32MB EDO type simms in bank 0. As i said, the BIOS and another OS ( i would rather not mention here) have no problem recognizing it all. I am running debian 1.3.1 with a 2.0.29 kernel. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Gabor Kontur, [EMAIL PROTECTED] == -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: xdm, X, fvwm2 : newbie questions
== Hi David Thank-you and the others for your adept advice and your extra time. But, as you probably already know: answers unfortunately have a tendency of producing new questions. David Wright wrote: >My /etc/gpm.conf has (through gpmconfig) > >device=/dev/psaux >responsiveness=30 >type=ps2 >append="-R" > >The -R means, of course, that I have > >Section "Pointer" >Protocol"MouseSystems" >Device "/dev/gpmdata" > >in /etc/X11/XF86Config I have your setup now. Works fine except that the responsiveness has not changed in X. I set it to 70 and in text mode ( on a VC) it really moves fast but i noticed no change in X ( Still too slow zapping those pesty xbills ) . Also, when X starts it leaves the VC from where it was started with a screenfull of text. The last line says now: "Warning: /dev/gpmdata unable to get status of mouse fd (Invalid argument) " Is that normal ? David Wright wrote: >I'm not quite sure when you mean that you have to login, but two thoughts: >does your root password contain any funny characters that might be >misplaced because of your keyboard selection; I've yet to find how to >correct typos when typing a password into su. I stopped fooling around with xdm and first i will try to get the system working with startx, (as Joost Kooij had suggested it). The only noticeable difference is that there is no xconsole icon now. So i have an empty fvwm2 desktop and when i start xterm, i am still logged in as root but i can see from the prompt right away that the script /root/.bashrc was executed. When i try to remedy the situation by starting a login bash that will run my regular profile scripts, i cannot login as root: Invalid (or incorrect) login. The password is strictly alphanumeric and i couldn´t possibly misspell it a dozen times. Also, CAPS LOCK is not activated ( or otherwise i would login as ROOT and not as root ). I can login as another user just fine. Thank-you again Gabor Kontur [EMAIL PROTECTED] == -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: memory above 64M not recognized
== >Add the following to your lilo.conf file and then re-run lilo: > > append="mem=96M" > >Linux 2.0.x can't seem to autodetect memory above 64MB. This is changed >in Linux 2.1.x. Thank you all for your help. That was indeed the solution. lilo does the trick. Gabor Kontur [EMAIL PROTECTED] == -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: xdm, X, fvwm2 : newbie questions
== Hi Joost , Thank you and the others for your expertise and your time. Joost Kooij wrote: >Hmm, ae, yes.. well, ae seems not to work very well in xterm. If you want >an easy editor, try joe. Or learn vi. You're advised to learn ed and ex >too if you want to be a vi power-user. I just noticed that page-up and page-down do not work with "most " when i´m in xterm. Strangely enough, the arrow keys (those that do not work with "ae") work here. Maybe i should just forget about xterm altogether and use a VC ?! Joost Kooij wrote: >Try running gpmconfig as root. It is a nice script (you can read in >/usr/sbin/gpmconfig what it does) that takes you by the hand when setting >up gpm. If you still have a hard time, spell out the gpm and gpm.conf >manpages and try again. I did that ( run gpmconfig) and now i know how i came about to have entries like "device=help" in my /etc/gpm.conf: During installation gpmconfig was started and i entered "help" when i did not know what to enter. Joost Kooij wrote: >Never just delete scripts from /etc/init.d . That is a senseless thing to >do, because it isn't necessary at all. All that is needed is to delete the >link to /etc/init.d/gpm in /etc/rc*: > >[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/kooij> $ find /etc/rc* -type l -name "*gpm*" >/etc/rc0.d/K20gpm >/etc/rc1.d/K20gpm >/etc/rc2.d/S20gpm >/etc/rc3.d/S20gpm >/etc/rc4.d/S20gpm >/etc/rc5.d/S20gpm >/etc/rc6.d/K20gpm Actually, i had just inserted the line exit 0 at the beginning of /etc/init.d/gpm, but i will heed your advice for the future. Thank-you again Gabor Kontur [EMAIL PROTECTED] == -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Microsoft mouse in X11
=== Timm Gleason wrote: >Check the bottom of your Microsoft mouse. If it is a version 2.1 or higher, >you have become the victim of the Microsoft behemoth. For some reason, which >has yet to be adequately explained, the MS Mice above version 2.0 do not >work with the newest versions of XFree. I have dissected many a mouse and >still have no answers. Microsoft is apparently now in the business of making >"Windows Only" hardware. Still it works fine using gpm in text mode. > >http://www.xfree86.org/FAQ/index.html#MSMouse21A I just had a glimpse at my mouse: Mouse Port Compatible Mouse 2.1A Microsoft Corporation - Made in China FCC ID: C3KKMP3 --- 5V 20mA Works fine with debian 1.3.1 , both in text mode (with gpm) and in X (with or without gpm) Does this mean i am going to have problems with hamm ? Gabor Kontur [EMAIL PROTECTED] === -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: xdm, X, fvwm2 : newbie questions
Joost Kooij wrote: >This sounds really weird. I can't help you very much I'm afraid. >I don't think so, but maybe you fiddled with /etc/securetty or >/etc/login.defs? > >What command do you use to become root, su or login? Weird is the word ! And things became even weirder since. Somehow "xinit" wasn´t doing what it was supposed to do so i reinstalled X. This may sound like i really messed up something which of course is not impossible but actually i am a bit familiar with programming so i do have my inhibitions about changing any configuration or script files at random. For two days i have basically only been reading manual pages and examining configuration and script files and the system deteriorated all by itself. Actually, i think it was the kde wind. manager or its (de)installation scripts which messed up something. Anyway, the probelm is solved. I removed the X system with dselect (as far as possible) then manually removed all the subdirectories that were left on my system ( and which i was able to discern as belonging to X or kde or any other wind.manager) and re-installed X & fvwm2 . Works fine now and when "startx" starts X, it opens an xterm for me and i see the familiar prompt for root. The installation with dselect gave me a few warnings, like: >Setting up xlib 6 (3.3-3) >ldconfig:warning:can´t open /usr/X11R6/lib/libICE.so.6 >No such file or directory, skipping but X seems to be working and that is what counts. Thank-you all for your help Gabor Kontur [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
AMD K5 PR 100 & Linux
About a week ago someone with an AMD K5 processor left a message (unfortunately i erased it from my system) stating that he he had to recompile the kernel with the 386 option in order for Netscape to function properly. Since i have been having and still have erratic buggy behaviour in connection with the X server i am beginning to wonder if incompabilities between my kernel and the AMD K5 PR 100 could be the cause of my problems. What i have is: AMD K5 PR 100 processor Debian linux 1.3.1 (don´t know any revision number and don´t know how to find out what the revision number is). Regular kernel 2.0.29 (the one from the CD) Does anyone out there use this processor and has maybe experienced similar problems ? Gabor Kontur [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]