Knoppix-like install of Debian?

2003-10-19 Thread Eric Walstad
Hi All,
I'm a debian newbie that recently tried Knoppix.  My "Stable" installation of 
debian looks pretty old compared to the Knoppix CD I recently tried, at least 
with KDE and the gui apps.
How can I get a similar install of Debian?  Do I need to reinstall with Debian 
"unstable" or "testing?"

I'm not really interested in installing Knoppix, just how to get similar 
application versions with a Debian installation.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Best regards,


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Re: debian-user-digest Digest V2003 #3161

2003-10-22 Thread Eric Walstad
On Sunday 19 October 2003 14:39, 
> Eric Walstad wrote:
> >I'm not really interested in installing Knoppix, just how to get
> > similar application versions with a Debian installation.
> Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and duplicate your stable lines (except
> for the security line) _above_ (for priority's sake) those lines.
> Change the new lines to "unstable" where it currently says "stable"
> or "woody". (You're leaving the stable lines in so you can get
> packages that haven't seen any development since stable and therefore
> aren't in the unstable branch, and you're leaving in the security
> line to get security patches, which are applied to stable when
> problems are found but not necessarily incorporated immediately into
> the unstable packages).
> Then "apt-get update", followed by "apt-get dist-upgrade".
> (This is assuming you're pulling from the net; otherwise you'll have
> to get a repository of unstable on CD or on a local drive, etc).
> Then you can install most of what's in Knoppix, if it's not already
> installed/updated by the previous steps, but "apt-get install foo",
> where "foo" is the package for whatever you want to install, like:
> apt-get install
> apt-get install mozilla mozilla-firebird
> apt-get install xawtv
> etc.

Thanks Kent and others for your help.
I had a bit of trouble with the upgrade from woody to sid as KDE 
disappeared in the process and I'm not nearly as productive on gnome or 
command line.  But, I stumbled across the debian-kde wiki page:
which explains how to install libsensors-1debian1 and other minor KDE 
hurdles.  Using the tips on this page I was able to get KDE installed.

All appears to be in good working order again and with up-to-date 
packages.  Just what I was looking for.

Thanks again for your help in pointing me in the right direction.

Let-the-Debian-learning-continue-ly yours,


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Re: PDFs on the fly with PHP

2003-10-28 Thread Eric Walstad
On Tuesday 28 October 2003 17:40, 
> Unfortunately it's for variable data PDFs (in this case ordering
> business cards). So I need to do more than just convert documents
> from one format to another.
> I think this is the library I'm going to use:
> I'm still not sure how it's going to handle different fonts (and I
> don't know for sure what kind of fonts the client wants to be able to
> use).
> emma

Have you checked out ReportLab?  It might be a good alternative.


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Re: PDFs on the fly with PHP

2003-10-29 Thread Eric Walstad
On Wednesday 29 October 2003 09:32, emma wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 28, 2003 at 05:51:49PM -0800, Eric Walstad wrote:
> > Have you checked out ReportLab?  It might be a good alternative.
> > <>
> It looks great, thanks. (Unfortunately) I need a PHP library for
> this project though and ReportLab is Python.
> emma

I know it adds a bit of overhead, but you could call python code from 
your PHP code.  The python code would generate the PDF (maybe to 
stdout, maybe to a file) that could be served up by your PHP code.

Good luck!


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debain email setup

2003-10-31 Thread Eric Walstad
Hi all.

I am looking for advice on setting up a small office with an email 
server on a Debian box.  I also need to do some outgoing email 

I have no experience setting up an email server as I've always worked on 
my own and just let my ISP handle the chore.  Now I need to setup a 
small office (5 workstations: one Debian, one WinME and the rest WinXP) 
with a Debian box that will act as a mail server for these 5 
workstations.  I expect the Debian mail server to periodically check 
for incoming mail on the ISP's mail server and store it for retrieval 
by the windows workstations.  I'd also like to have the Debian box 
block one of the workstations from sending mail outside the office, but 
allow that workstation to send mail to the other workstations within 
the office.  The ISP hosts the domain that the outgoing emails will use 
for addressing.  That is, the ISP hosts "" and I need the 
workstations to send out mail like: "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"

This seems like a simple setup.  But, I've been trying to get my head 
around it for a long time and I think I'm more confused than ever.  
I've read the O'Reilly _Sendmail_ book through chapter 23 and now I'm 
not conviced I need something as complex as sendmail.

Is there a standard Debian recipe for this kind of configuration?
Would you recommend using something other than sendmail?
Can you point me to a particularly relevent HOWTO that will help?
Can you help me map my descriptions, above, to some of the common mail 
jargon (smarthost, mailhub, delivery agent, etc.)?

Thanks in advance for any pointers you can provide.



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file and directory permissions question...

2003-11-05 Thread Eric Walstad
Hi All,

I'm trying to set up some restrictions to a couple of directories and 
their files and just can't seem to get it right.  Here's what I'm 
trying to do:
/foo   - Only folks in the 'users' group can read, write and delete 
/bar   - Only folks in the 'admin' group can read, write and delete 

For both:
New files/dirs are created as owner=the person that created it.  New 
files/dirs are created as group='users'|'admin', respectively.

User fred is in groups fred,user
User barney is in group barney
User betty is in groups betty,user,admin

I'd like Betty to be able to read/write in both foo and bar.
Barney is hosed, he cannot read or write in neither foo nor bar
I'd like Fred to be able to read/write only in foo.

I've tried logging in as betty and touching a new file in bar, but no 
luck (permission denied), even when 
drwxrwx--T   13 admin admin 4096 Nov 05 10:52 bar

Can someone enlighten me with a chmod command or two that'll make this 
happen?  Do I need to change the groups to which the users belong?

It probably doesn't matter, but I'm running Debain 'unstable'.

Many thanks in advance.


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MTA help

2003-11-10 Thread Eric Walstad
Greetings kind debianites,

I'm in the process of learning MTA admin.  My head is about to explode.

I'm wanting to setup a Debian box that'll suck down pop email from an 
ISP for a few local users and then serve those email up via pop3 or 
imap on the LAN.  Following some advice I received on this list, I 
installed fetchmail, courier-imap, courier-pop and exim4.  I then found 
that exim4 and courier like different mailbox formats.  I couldn't find 
a way to make exim4 work with courier's maildir format, so I figured 
I'd replace exim4 with courier-mta.  Now fetchmail and courier-mta are 
fighting (courieresmtp throws an ERROR 513, syntax error, when 
fetchmail tries to forward an email) over addresses like 

So, I'm stuck.  I haven't had any luck in figuring out how to fix 
courier and I don't know how to fix exim4.

Any sage bits of advice are appreciated.


PS, I hope you mail admins get paid a LOT of money for what you do.  I'm 
finding email setup and admin is very complex.

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RE: MTA help

2003-11-11 Thread Eric Walstad
On Monday 10 November 2003 17:10, Benedict Verheyen wrote:
> I don't know courier-mta but i would go back to exim4.
Thanks Benedict.
I have it working now.  I dropped back to exim (not exim4) and followed 
the nice howto at:

which helped with the exim configuration settings and more.
I suppose that your suggestion for the exim configuration setting 
would've worked as well.  Now I'm curious what benefit there is to 
running exim4 over exim 3.

Now I would like to find out a way to setup usernames and passwords for 
courier-imap that are different than the user login.  I'd prefer not 
sending the system login info over the lan.

Thanks for all the helpful response from you and the others, too.

Best regards,


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Re: MTA help

2003-11-11 Thread Eric Walstad
Hi Alan,
On Tuesday 11 November 2003 13:57, Alan Chandler wrote:
> On Monday 10 November 2003 23:07, Eric Walstad wrote:
> > I'm wanting to setup a Debian box that'll suck down pop email from
> > an ISP for a few local users and then serve those email up via pop3
> > or imap on the LAN.  Following some advice I received on this list,
> > I installed fetchmail, courier-imap, courier-pop and exim4.  I then
> > found that exim4 and courier like different mailbox formats.
> These work well together - I have done it.  Exim4 DOES have the
> ability to deliver to to Maildirs - thats what I do.
> I can't tell you how to edit the complicated new way of dealing with
> the configuration - I gave up an made one big config file.
I gave up because I didn't know it *could* be set up with one file.  I 
can understand that breaking it up into multiple files can be nice for 
complex configurations, but it would've been better for me if it was 
one file.  How did you learn about combining the config files?  I 
didn't find that info in my search.

> However
> this is the transport that delivers to the maildir from my config
> local_delivery:
>   driver = appendfile
>   directory = /home/${lc:$local_part}/Maildir
>   envelope_to_add
>   group = mail
>   maildir_format
>   message_prefix = ""
>   mode = 0660
>   no_mode_fail_narrower
>   return_path_add
> Here is my /etc/fetchmailrc
> file (passwords removed - note also that normal mail for me comes
> directly and not via that route, so the timings (1 hour and 4 hours)
> are very slow compared to normal)
> #   $Id: fetchmailrc,v 1.1 2002/11/11 19:16:22 alan Exp $
> #   Created by AKC 14th July 2000
That was a helpful example.

Thanks for your input.


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Probs Installing Testing pkgs on Woody stable

2003-10-10 Thread Eric Walstad
Hi All,

I'm a Debian newbie.  Please be gentle.

I've installed Woody stable and now find that I need to install:
for a project I'm working on[1].  I think these packages are only available in 
Debian's Sarge/Testing, but I'm not entirely clear on how to tell that for 
sure.  When I try to dpkg --install them or apt-get install them I get errors 
to the effect that I'm going to screw with other packages if I install these.  
Sorry, I'm at home now and don't have the command lines I issued nor the 
error messages.

I've read parts of the apt howto, installation manuals, man pages for apt and 
dpkg, etc. and am feeling a little swamped with a lot of information.  I'm 
hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

I think my problems are, and hope for help with:
- I'm confused about apt-get vs. dpkg, when to use which and what they can and 
can't do.  I thought that one or both would magically handle the dependencies 
for me, installing what is needed for me even if it meant replacing packages 
with newer, testing, versions.
- Should I up[grade|date] my entire installation to Sarge/Testing?  If so, 
how?  The best I could find on said that I should burn a minimal 
CD and then install from the net.  Burning the CD is no trouble but, when I 
tried to take this approch when installing Woody, it was not clear to me how 
to specify a network install and from which site[s] the deb packages should 
- Should I just install these packages in non-debian form (from sources)?

Ultimately, I only need to compile the hostap modules along with the custom 
kernel I'm building so that both will play nicely together.

Any tips, pointers to specific and helpful docs, debian/apt/dpkg zen are 

Thanks in advance and best regards,


[1] I'm building a Soekris Net4521[2] appliance using the Pebble[3] version of 
Debian, but I need to compile a custom kernel for some procfs software[4] 
I'll be writing.

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Apt-get upgrade for security announcement

2004-07-27 Thread Eric Walstad
Hi All,

I'm having trouble trying to apt-get update/upgrade my debian unstable 
machine with the latest security fixes as advertised in the 
debian-security-announce emails.  When I do:

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
dpkg -l | grep 

I find that the installed version of the package doesn't match what 
advisory says is available.

In the debian security announcements, the instructions for apt-get 
users say:

For the unstable distribution (sid), CAN-- was fixed in
version X.Y.ZZ.

We recommend that you update your  package.

Upgrade Instructions
If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
        will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
        will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

My question: 
1.  The emails imply that there are unstable packages avaialble.  If 
so, how do I apt-get update/upgrade them?

Many thanks for your time and pointers.


Re: debian-user-digest Digest V2004 #716

2004-07-27 Thread Eric Walstad
On Tuesday 27 July 2004 01:47 pm, 
> On Tue, 2004-07-27 at 13:49, Eric Walstad wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > I'm having trouble trying to apt-get update/upgrade my debian
> > unstable machine with the latest security fixes as advertised
> > in the debian-security-announce emails. ÂWhen I do:
> >
> > apt-get update
> > apt-get upgrade
> > dpkg -l | grep 
> >
> > I find that the installed version of the package doesn't match
> > what advisory says is available.
> >
> > In the debian security announcements, the instructions for
> > apt-get users say:
> >
> > -
> > For the unstable distribution (sid), CAN-- was fixed in
> > version X.Y.ZZ.
> >
> > We recommend that you update your  package.
> >
> > Upgrade Instructions
> > - 
> > [...]
> > If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
> > sources.list as given below:
> >
> > apt-get update
> > Â Â Â Â will update the internal database
> > apt-get upgrade
> > Â Â Â Â will install corrected packages
> >
> > You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
> > footer to the proper configuration.
> > -
> >
> > My question:
> > 1. ÂThe emails imply that there are unstable packages avaialble.
> > ÂIf so, how do I apt-get update/upgrade them?
> First of, your /etc/apt/sources.list has to include
> as a source.
> Line would look like:
> deb stable/updates main contrib non-free
> After you add that to your /etc/apt/sources.list, do what the
> instructions say.
> You may be surprised to find out how far behind you are.
> --=20

Greg, thanks for the reply.

My /etc/apt/sources.list file contains the following lines (among 

# Security updates for "stable"
deb stable/updates main contrib non-free
deb testing/updates main contrib non-free

Is it possible that the other lines farther down in the file could 
undo what these lines are meant to do?

As for doing what the instructions say, I think I need clarification 
of the following two statements:
 1. "use the line for sources.list as given below:"
To which line are they referring?

 2. "You may use an automated update by adding the
resources from the footer to the proper 
Is this equivilent to 1.?
If not, what resource do I need to add and to what file do I need 
to add it?

I'm happy to post my sources.list, if it will help troubleshoot.

Thanks again for your time expertise.


RE: IP to www

2003-12-19 Thread Eric Walstad
On Friday 19 December 2003 18:24, 
> From: Vineet Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > * Gruessle ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [031219 15:07]:
> > > From: Vineet Kumar
> > >
> > > > doesn't work for me.  Of course,
> >
> > neither does a
> >
> > > > ping to that address, or a tracepath.  Are you sure that's
> > > > your address?
> > >
> > > My IP I checked at, so this
> >
> > should be right.
> >
> > > I just checked ping and tracert does acualy work for me.
> >
> > Yes, you're right; ping works for me, too.
> >
> > > But what counts is that it does not work from your computer
> > > This does not work for here either.
> > >
> > > C:\>ping
> >
> > Well that sure is a funny-looking prompt =p
> >
> > There's definitely some kind of filtering going on, though.
> >  Trying to connect to that address (on a few different ports I've
> > tried) just sort
> > of "hangs" rather than coming back with "connection refused".
> >
> > good times,
> > Vineet
> My router has a Firewall and the only port I have opened up is port
> 80 Could it be that my cable company is blocking something?
> I can't imagine how thou.
> Gruessle

If your router has a web interface to its configuration, it may be 
blocking port 80 on the external interface even though you are trying 
to forward it to an internal address.  I'd try running your internal 
web server on a different port, say 8080, and then forward *that* 
port to your internal web server.

Good luck,


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Re: Cyrus/Imap and sa-learn?

2004-02-27 Thread Eric Walstad
On Friday 27 February 2004 07:21, 
> Hej,
> I am wondering if anyone have any suggestions on how to do a cron
> based sa-learn on a SaLearn.spam and a SaLearn.ham folder in
> Cyrus/Imap.
> /Bengt

Hi Bengt,

I just wrote a Python script that does something quite similar:

 - looks for users with a uid within a set range
   (defaults to 1000-1999)
 - Spam trains on each of those user's 
   ~/Maildir/.spam/cur|new|tmp folders
 - Ham trains on each of those user's 
   ~/Maildir/.ham/cur|new|tmp folders
 - deletes the contents of those folders

The documentation and script can be downloaded from:

It's easy to customize the script if your folder structure is a little 
different or if you don't want the mail deleted after training.

I welcome your feedback on the script.



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sqwebmail authuserdb support in Debian package?

2004-03-02 Thread Eric Walstad
Hi All,

I'm trying to use non-system passwords with courier/sqwebmail.  From 
what I can mine from google, it appears that the authuserdb 
authentication method is best suited for my system of under 25 users.

Can anyone tell me if authuserdb support is compiled into the Debian 
sqwebmail package (unstable)?  Even better, is there a way I can find 
out how the package was compiled (what configure switches were used)?  
I'm no Deb package guru.

Assuming it can be done, does anyone have experience using authuserdb 
with the deb package?

Any pointers to relevant info or suggestions are appreciated.  This may 
sound silly, but I'd appreciate pointers to docs that were installed 
with my courier packages, too.

Thanks in advance for your time.


The system is Debian sarge.

# dpkg -l | grep courier
ii  courier-authda 0.42.2-10  Courier Mail Server - Authentication 
ii  courier-base   0.42.2-10  Courier Mail Server - Base system
ii  courier-doc0.42.2-10  Courier Mail Server - Additional 
ii  courier-imap   1.7.3-10   Courier Mail Server - IMAP daemon
ii  courier-imap-s 1.7.3-10   Courier Mail Server - IMAP over SSL
ii  courier-maildr 0.42.2-10  Courier Mail Server - Mail delivery 
ii  courier-pop0.42.2-10  Courier Mail Server - POP3 daemon
ii  courier-pop-ss 0.42.2-10  Courier Mail Server - POP3 over SSL
ii  courier-ssl0.42.2-10  Courier Mail Server - SSL/TLS Support
ii  courier-webadm 0.42.2-10  Courier Mail Server - Web-based 

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[OT] Populating LDAP

2004-04-21 Thread Eric Walstad
Greetings kind debian folk,

I've heard a bit about LDAP and am curious if it'll work for a central 
contacts database for a network of both Windows and Debian users.  I 
have managed to get OpenLDAP installed with Berkeley Database, both 
installed from source (after failing to get the debian slapd and 
ldap-utils packages to work).  I've gone through the quick start guide 
on and have gone through Linux Magazine's Exploring LDAP 
(part 1).  I've googled a bit, too, and am having a hard time finding 
out how best to populate the LDAP database with the contents of my 

Must I use ldapadd with ldif files to populate it?

Anyone know of a user-friendly, lightweight Windows and/or Linux client 
that can be used to add individual records to the LDAP database?

Many thanks for your time,


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