How to turn off screen blanking

2001-10-22 Thread Doug Fields


My computers are primarily servers (Debian/woody) which display diagnostic 

How do I turn off the automatic screen blanking features?



Re: What happens when Woody becomes Stable ??

2001-10-24 Thread Doug Fields

Of course, the smoothest way to upgrade is to use dselect.


Why this assertion? I thought dselect was on its way out...



Brooktrout users on Debian

2001-11-17 Thread Doug Fields

Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone else here uses Brooktrout (telephony) hardware on 
Debian or other versions of Linux. I'm having the oddest problems with mine 
(Woody SMP 2.2.19 on Asus CUR-DLS server MB) and was hoping I could discuss 
with you.



Re: DNS problems

2001-09-13 Thread Doug Fields

All connections to my machine are delayed. "telnet localhost" takes 20 secs to
connect and another 20 secs to display the login. "telnet" connects
immidiately, but also needs 20 secs to display a login.

Sounds to me the reverse mapping is not set up. Which doesn't make sense 
because it's in your hosts file.


P3 patch for woody

2001-09-19 Thread Doug Fields

Hello all,

I am interested in using the kernel-patch-2.2.19-p3 with my SMP P3 boxes.

However, I would like to get some opinions on it's stability and reliability.

I ask this especially in light of the patch's duplication of stuff which is 
already in the 2.2.19 kernel. When applied, the CPU selection menu has 
several duplicate entries, and to me this sort of thing sets of red flags 
(if it can't patch the configure script correctly, what is it doing to my 
low level code???).

Finally, I'd like to ask if anyone has noticed any tangible benefit from 
this patch.



BIND9 on Debian

2001-09-21 Thread Doug Fields


I'm using BIND9 on Debian Woody with Kernel 2.2.19 with several patches 
(primarily freeswan).

I'm finding that it doesn't work reliably in the following circumstances:

1) It doesn't seem to do a proper reload of zone files with "rndc reload"
2) After several rndc commands, the server can't be shut down (even with 
/etc/init.d/bind9 stop); it must be killall -9'd.
3) It doesn't send out NOTIFY messages with an "rndc reload" - but it does 
seem to when it starts up

The reason I'm using BIND9 is to take advantage of the "views" feature to 
allow my internal names visible behind my firewall, and the external ones 
(a subset of the internal ones) visible outside the firewall.

I would appreciate any suggestions.



Re: BIND9 on Debian

2001-09-21 Thread Doug Fields


I'm sorry; it's the 9.1.3 packaged up in Debian/Woody distribution. I've 
noticed the bug list (as suggested by Sean) mentions problems with 
threading and/or multiprocessors, but Vector's response (below) indicates 
it runs stable for him, although I am running woody kernel-source-2.2.19 on 
SMP boxes.

Perhaps I will try another kernel without FreeS/WAN, but that would not be 
a very tenable position in the short term for me, and the other patches I 
can't imagine affecting it (they are the 2.2.20pre-10 3ware driver, the 
latest Adaptec 7xxx driver, and the latest eepro100 driver).

Thanks for any additional thoughts,


At 11:24 AM 9/21/2001, Vector wrote:

Which version of bind9?  Is it the beta?  I'm running bind 9.1.3 on potato
and I haven't had any problems yet.  It seems to be serving all the domains
I have on it (about 100) and it reloads for me every time with


- Original Message -
From: "Doug Fields" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 9:21 AM
Subject: BIND9 on Debian

> Hello,
> I'm using BIND9 on Debian Woody with Kernel 2.2.19 with several patches
> (primarily freeswan).
> I'm finding that it doesn't work reliably in the following circumstances:
> 1) It doesn't seem to do a proper reload of zone files with "rndc reload"
> 2) After several rndc commands, the server can't be shut down (even with
> /etc/init.d/bind9 stop); it must be killall -9'd.
> 3) It doesn't send out NOTIFY messages with an "rndc reload" - but it does
> seem to when it starts up
> The reason I'm using BIND9 is to take advantage of the "views" feature to
> allow my internal names visible behind my firewall, and the external ones
> (a subset of the internal ones) visible outside the firewall.
> I would appreciate any suggestions.
> Thanks,
> Doug
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SSL packages (LDAP PAM NSS) +

2001-09-22 Thread Doug Fields

What I am wondering about is:
a) Does anyone maintain ssl versions of nss-, pam- ldap and openldap 2.0.1x?


Over the last two days I just completed converting my development 
environment to a fully LDAP NSS/PAM environment in preparation of 
converting the entire data center.

I used the slapd, libpam-ldap, and libnss-ldap (plus dependencies) packages 
from Woody to do so. I also used the PADL migration tools (maybe someone 
should package these and put them as recommended for the two libXXX-ldap 

None of this supports SSL. However, you can get around this two ways, 
neither of which I have yet done:

1) Get the source packages and recompile all of them with SSL support enabled
2) Use stunnel (or SSH or whatever) to set up SSL tunneling

I don't intend to do either for now. If you find an easier way (a 
prepackaged .deb way, preferably) please let me know. I did investigate 
doing #1, but the sheer number of options to openldap combined with my 
minimal knowledge of changing Debian package configuration prior to the 
simple build, stopped me until I had more time on my hands.

On the other hand, I would be very interested to know if you or anyone has 
a PAM/NSS/LDAP installation on Debian using slave LDAP servers as hot 
backups. I haven't seen any documented way of doing this anywhere, such as 
providing a list of servers which can be attempted.

For PAM, however, I suppose it's relatively simple to do something like:

authsufficient config=/etc/pam_ldap-slave.conf 
try_first_pass nullok try_first_pass

(Although I haven't tried it yet)

On the other hand, I do not yet see a way to do this with NSS. I would 
welcome pointers.

I would like to advise you to ensure at least a+r permissions on 
/etc/nsswitch.conf. If you do not, then simple things like getent networks 
will not work for non-root users. The installation recommends mode 0600 
which I found does NOT work because non-root users running programs using 
the glibc nss will not be able to get the answers from the now-depopulated 
/etc files.



Re: time sync probs

2001-09-24 Thread Doug Fields

> I then restart the ntp daemon and noticed my date never changed.
> However, earlier, I used ntpdate to sync with that time server
> and it worked. (I make sure both aren't running at the same time)

Have you tried running ntp recently?  Often the time difference is too
great for ntp to sync initially.  After you run ntpdate and sync up with
the time server then ntp can do it's work.

Definitely do this, yes. But also realize that NTP does not do a sudden 
date change. It merely slows down or speeds up the system clock a tiny 
fraction for long enough to "drift" your clock into synchronization. 
NTPDate, however, does the brute force slam dunk "it says it's 12:34, so 
your clock is now 12:34" type of setting.



OT - Finding old PCI Ethernet cards

2001-09-25 Thread Doug Fields

Slightly off topic...

I am still running an old 1.2.13 kernel system, and I have found it 
increasingly difficult to buy a system with enough ISA slots for my old 
hardware. So, I want to put a PCI ethernet card in instead of an old ISA 
NE2000. (I obviously can't upgrade the software else I would have by now.)

I found two possibly PCI ethernet drivers in the kernel source: for the 
"AMD Lance" and the DEC "Tulip". However, I don't seem to be able to find 
any cards which run with this.

Does anyone know of any PCI cards which I can buy today which will run on a 
1.2.13 kernel?



BRU and Debian? (Arkeia, other solutions)

2001-09-26 Thread Doug Fields

Hello all,

I was going to purchase Arkeia to run my backups for my mostly Debian 
network, using my FastStor 22 DLT library. However, my opinion of them 
changed when they wanted $2,800 to enable the "library" module of the 
software which otherwise costs only $600. Talk about a rip-off, when "mtx" 
is free.

So, I was considering BRU, which I've used for many years, several years 
ago. However, their web site says explicitly it is not compatible with 
Debian as a server platform (not a client).

Has anyone actually used BRU as a server or tried to, on a Debian (I'm 
using woody) server?

If not, does anyone else have any other suggestions for backup software 
which can fully automated back up my network (total cap 120 gigs) to my 
FastStor 22 DLT tape library daily?



Re: ntpd

2001-09-27 Thread Doug Fields

I'm trying to run ntpd here to both set the clock and then keep it
synchronized with our ntp server.  My problem is that ntpd seems to be
trying to slew the clock instead of setting it.  Here is an example:

There is no problem; your description of what happens is correct. NTP does 
not set the date, it merely speeds up or slows down the clock to get it in 
sync, and then keeps it there. You use ntpdate (as you demonstrated) to 
"force" the clock to be instantly set.


dselect and delete archived .debs - no

2001-09-27 Thread Doug Fields

Hi all,

I _never_ want to delete the downloaded .deb files.

However, I haven't figured out a way to get dselect to stop asking. And, 
every now and then, I hit one too many returns and it defaults to "delete."

So, I often end up downloading the same package(s) several times, wasting 
my bandwidth and time, and wasting our Debian servers' as well. I maintain 
seven machines, so I prefer not to download it too many times.

Does anyone know how I can make it so that the archived .deb files are 
never deleted, and never prompted for deletion? The dselect and dpkg man 
pages were no help.



Too many slapd processes

2001-09-27 Thread Doug Fields


Woody had the 2.0.14 version of slapd (OpenLDAP) upgraded a while ago, 
instead of the official "stable" 2.0.11 version and also not the 2.0.15 
most recent version.

Since then, with my LDAP PAM/NSS configured woody box, I get a 
proliferation of slapd processes - over 20, as reported by ps. I don't know 
if these are threads or forked processes (how do you tell, anyway).

Furthermore, netstat -a reports a ton of ESTABLISHED and CLOSE_WAIT 
connections from localhost to localhost:ldap (and a few vice versa). The 
CLOSE_WAIT ones actually persist across /etc/init.d/slapd restart, while 
the processes do go down in number to just a few.

lsof -a seems to indicate that these CLOSE_WAIT processes are also from 
slapd, but really, they're from all sorts of processes - presumably every 
process which uses NSS or PAM will have one of these CLOSE_WAITs lying around.


1) How do I keep the number of slapd processes (or threads) in check - that 
is, down to just two or three?

2) How do I get the CLOSE_WAIT sockets to actually fully close and disappear?



Re: dselect and delete archived .debs - no

2001-09-27 Thread Doug Fields

  man apt.conf
In short: Put the line 'DSelect::Clean "never";' in /etc/apt/apt.conf.


Just FYI, on my woody system, I put it into /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/70debconf 
and that did the trick.

That file was created by the debconf package, but adding the line you 
suggest works. As usual, I was unable to find anything about apt.conf.d in 
the apt.conf man page, but it's obvious that it was turned into a directory 
for ease of maintenance via the whole apt method (just like all the other 
.d directories).





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Re: DNS/Domain questions

2001-09-28 Thread Doug Fields

In short:

1) Buy DNS & BIND, 4th edition, and read it cover to cover
2) Use BIND9 instead of BIND, as that provides "views." Views allow you to 
present one set of DNS entries to "the rest of the world" and another set 



At 11:44 AM 9/28/2001, Matthew Daubenspeck wrote:
I just recently purchased a domain name and am wondering on a few things. 
Which package would be best to create my own name server? A lot of places 
have it, but for an extra fee. Why pay when I have Debian is my slogan .

I have done some researching on BIND and have looked through a lot of it's 
docs and FAQs, but none to which really seemed to pertain to my individual 
situation/question. Excuse my choppy explanation, but I'll give it a whirl..

If I have and I register my IP as the DNS, what do I need to 
use to let the debian box resolve subdomains (,, etc etc) to the outside world. The second would also 
deal with firewall issuing. Since my main FTP/MAIL/WEB debian box is 
behind a SOHO firewall, is there anyway way to allow the DNS to resolve to 
internal IP's as well? For instance, a completely different box with a 
different internal IP running a completely different FTP/MAIL/WEB server?

Sorry if it sounds like babble, but that is about the best way I can 
explain it.

Thanks in advance.

subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Which POP3 server to use?

2001-10-07 Thread Doug Fields

Hello all,

I've been trying to decide which POP3 server to use.

My requirements include:

1) Ability to use PAM for authentication, or have a simple way of extending 
the authentication to use a highly customized authentication scheme (for 
which I will write a PAM module)
2) Ability to have a special directory specified where the UNIX 
mailbox-format files reside

3) Uses standard UNIX mailbox-format files

I've looked at Courier - but that is a whole enormous system (can I use 
just the POP daemon?). Also, solid POP3, but that is only 0.15, which 
doesn't necessarily "sound" good. ipop seems not to support PAM. What about 
Cyrus POP3? That seems like an overkill IMAP solution without 2 and 3 
support above.

In the past I have used the qpopper modified for 1 and 2 above. However, I 
would like to use a more feature filled version (e.g., qpopper does not 
have UIDL support).

Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.



Re: Which POP3 server to use? - clarification

2001-10-07 Thread Doug Fields

Here is the big problem I'm facing:

The various POP daemons (qpopper, solid-pop3d, etc.) all use the getpwnam 
function to get information about the user.

My user "accounts" do not exist in the NSS/getpwnam environment. They only 
exist in a list of usernames/passwords and a list of files in a directory.

Hence, I need a POP daemon which ONLY uses PAM, and can have the mail 
storage directory specified.

qpopper explicitly says it needs pwnam entries in its FAQs. solid-pop3d 
needs it as well although I had to browse the source code to determine this 

Any other ideas?

Many thanks,


At 01:17 AM 10/7/2001, CaT wrote:

On Sun, Oct 07, 2001 at 01:04:00AM -0400, Doug Fields wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been trying to decide which POP3 server to use.
> My requirements include:
> 1) Ability to use PAM for authentication, or have a simple way of 

> the authentication to use a highly customized authentication scheme (for
> which I will write a PAM module)
> 2) Ability to have a special directory specified where the UNIX
> mailbox-format files reside
> 3) Uses standard UNIX mailbox-format files

qpopper is your friend I believe. I use it with SSL to have a nice
encrypted pop experience and it hasn't given me grief aswell.

major downside to it: the docs are pdf but if you can get around that
then you're sweet.

it's very configurable and has not given me grief after about 7-8 months
of use. be sure to get the latest version though (which I believe is 4.0.3).

> In the past I have used the qpopper modified for 1 and 2 above. However, I
> would like to use a more feature filled version (e.g., qpopper does not
> have UIDL support).

You mean this stuff?

X-UIDL: p0P!!&X&"!p^(#!B,n"!

Re: Raid Card

2001-10-08 Thread Doug Fields

I use 3ware RAID cards very nicely on my Debian boxes.

Unfortunately, they just announced they would no longer be selling them. My 
vendor says there is enough stock in the channel or about six months. Damn 
shame; good product.


At 01:40 PM 10/8/2001, Jeff McIntosh wrote:


I have a PowerEdge 2550 running Debian 2.2rev3 (kernel 2.2.19).

Is there a raid card that has drivers native to Debian.

I would like a card that is a Perc 3/DC.

Any help with finding a manufacture for this type of card would be

Thank you very much

Jeff McIntosh

Jeffrey McIntosh
IT Specialist
1330 Piccard Drive
Rockville MD  20850
301.519.1919 x201 (Office)
240.632.9829 (Fax)

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