Files saved to one directory Drive space consumed somewhere else

2003-01-04 Thread Denzil Kelly
I downloaded an .iso and specified that it be saved to
/home/myhome/myiso, however, when doing this wmmount
shows that the / partition is the one actually
decreasing in size as the file downloads. Does anyone
know why this might be happening? I have a 2 drives in
this box and they are patitioned as indicated below.

Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available
Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda2   768744425720303972 
59% /
/dev/hda1 8657  4710  3500 
58% /boot
/dev/hdb6  5763616   1177980   4292856 
22% /usr
/dev/hdb7 11535344   2025656   8923720 
19% /home
/dev/hda5  2700988   1843620720156 
72% /oldhome

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Re: Files saved to one directory Drive space consumed somewhere else

2003-01-04 Thread Denzil Kelly
I am using mozilla

--- nate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Denzil Kelly said:
> > I downloaded an .iso and specified that it be
> saved to
> > /home/myhome/myiso, however, when doing this
> wmmount
> > shows that the / partition is the one actually
> > decreasing in size as the file downloads. Does
> anyone
> > know why this might be happening? I have a 2
> drives in
> > this box and they are patitioned as indicated
> below.
> how did you download it ?
> mozilla has a really annoying download method, it
> downloads to /tmp
> then copies it over to the final destination, sort
> of like IE. I wonder
> if there is a way to turn this "feature" off.
> in the meantime I reccomend something like wget to
> download your ISO
> it doesn't do that.
> if your not using mozilla what are you using?
> nate
> -- 
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Re: Files saved to one directory Drive space consumed somewhere else

2003-01-04 Thread Denzil Kelly
Thanks this seems to have fixed the problem.

--- Travis Crump <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Denzil Kelly wrote:
> > I downloaded an .iso and specified that it be
> saved to
> > /home/myhome/myiso, however, when doing this
> wmmount
> > shows that the / partition is the one actually
> > decreasing in size as the file downloads. Does
> anyone
> > know why this might be happening? I have a 2
> drives in
> > this box and they are patitioned as indicated
> below.
> > 
> How are you downloading it?  If you left click an
> iso link in mozilla 
> than mozilla will download it to /tmp and move it to
> the final location 
> when it is done so that it can start downloading
> before you select the 
> destination.  You need to right click and save
> target as if you want to 
> download directly to the destination.  Other
> programs may do something 
> similar.
> -- 
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realplayer 8 won't install via apt

2001-03-14 Thread Denzil Kelly
I am having troble installing real player 8. apt
doesn't work. It is unable to complete the
installation because it say's that I am in a
non-interactive mode. Does anyone know what this mean?

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Re: realplayer 8 won't install via apt

2001-03-15 Thread Denzil Kelly
Thanx, I found the fix, and everything seems to work
well now.

--- Denzil Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am having troble installing real player 8. apt
> doesn't work. It is unable to complete the
> installation because it say's that I am in a
> non-interactive mode. Does anyone know what this
> mean?
> __
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keyboard won't work with netscape

2001-03-18 Thread Denzil Kelly
>From time to time, I lose the ability to use my
keyboard with netscape 4.76. It appears to happen
after entering infomation in a from, and on occasion
clicking enter or submit on a form will correct the
problem. Does anyone else have this problem?

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keyboard problems

2001-03-19 Thread Denzil Kelly
I originally thought it was a problem with netscape,
but it appears to be a larger issue. 

There are times when my keyboard won't respond unless
I launch another application or maximize(or otherwise
bring to the foreground) the window of an application
already running. Only then can I go back to the
original application and use the keyboard.

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Re: installation help

2000-11-30 Thread Denzil Kelly
What are some of specs of the machine you are trying
to install on? Someone recently gave me a few 486's,
and I've had the same problem when trying to boot from
floppy. These machines were Dell Optiplex XL 575 w/16
MB of RAM.
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello,
> When attempting to boot Release 2.1 (included in the
> Debian GNU/Linux New Rider text)  from the floppy,
> my 
> system loads "root bin" but freezes during the
> "loading 
> linux" phase.
> Can anyone help me??
> Thanks,
> Richard
> -- 
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> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

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no modules after kernel recompile

2000-12-08 Thread Denzil Kelly
After installing a cdrw drive. I recompiled my kernel
for scsi emulation. The result was my smc 1211 network
card isn't recognized, and I can't get the module to
install with insmod. 

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Re: no modules after kernel recompile

2000-12-09 Thread Denzil Kelly
> Ah! What you have there is a gotcha in the current
> Debian kernel-building
> documentation.  Most dists put a .config in the
> linux directory that reflects
> the options used to build the distributed kernel. 
> Debian doesn't.  However,
> you can get it from /boot/config-2.2.17 (if you are
> running Potato).  Copy
> that file to /usr/src/linux/.config before running
> make menuconfig or make
> xconfig.

Thanx, this worked. My NIC was recognized and
everything works fine.  However I did have another
question. When I was compiling the kernel, I proceeded
as follows:
make xconfig
make dep
make clean
make bzImage
make modules
make modules_install

make bzImage quit several times before completing. It
would quit in various places, and report an
error(signal 4 or siganal 11 if I remember correctly).
The exact same thing happened with make modules. I was
wondering if you might be able to shed any light on
this. Also is the above procedure the best way to
compile a kernel in debian? I noticed that you made
reference to make-kpkg which wasn't familiar with.

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Re: pppoe

2000-12-10 Thread Denzil Kelly
I have mindspring dsl also. I was able to retrieve the
pppoe package with apt-get, however, I wasn't able to
configure it or get it to work. I downloaded the
roaring penguin pppoe package, and I was able to
successfully install and configure it. It is  avaiable
Here you will find the instructions to install and
configure(it is a snap to setup)

The file you want is here:

Have fun.

--- Ken Weingold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anyone here ever get pppoe working?  I have a base
> system installed
> right now and need to get the packages.  I don't
> even have a compiler
> or anything.  I installed the compact image so it
> would have support
> for my 3Com NIC, which it does.  ifconfig shows
> eth0.  I have
> Mindspring for DSL and they have pppoe for Linux at
> their site. It
> says for Red Hat Linux, but the distribution
> shouldn't matter I would
> think.  I downloaded it, but can't get it to work. 
> I got it to the
> point that I type 'start-pppoe' and just get another
> prompt, but
> nothing has happened.  I know this is not much to go
> on, but any
> pointers would help.
> Thanks.
> -Ken
> -- 
> -- 
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Re: pppoe

2000-12-10 Thread Denzil Kelly
Other than the primary and secondary
server(information you can get from the mindspring
website) there is nothing special you have to do for
mindspring. Once you get the file and run the ./go
script you run "adsl-setup" as root, and everything is
downhill from there. 

This is probably one of the easiest linux task you can
carryout. The people at roaring penquin have done an
excellent job. I found out about it at you will also find some nice
speed tweaks there as well.

--- Ken Weingold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Dec  9, 2000, Denzil Kelly wrote:
> > I have mindspring dsl also. I was able to retrieve
> the
> > pppoe package with apt-get, however, I wasn't able
> to
> > configure it or get it to work. I downloaded the
> > roaring penguin pppoe package, and I was able to
> > successfully install and configure it. It is 
> avaiable
> > here: 
> > Here you will find the instructions to install and
> > configure(it is a snap to setup)
> > 
> > The file you want is here:
> >
> Thanks, Denzil.  That gives me hope.  Are all I need
> to get gcc and
> make to build it?  I will just download the packages
> since I have no
> compiler right now and install with dpkg.  And
> anything special you
> needed to do for Mindspring or is it all there with
> penguin?
> Thanks again!
> -Ken

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Re: pppoe

2000-12-10 Thread Denzil Kelly
No, I didn't file a bug report, however, I was using
slink at the time, and I've since upgraded to patato. 

--- John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Denzil Kelly writes:
> > I was able to retrieve the pppoe package with
> apt-get, however, I wasn't
> > able to configure it or get it to work. I
> downloaded the roaring penguin
> > pppoe package, and I was able to successfully
> install and configure it.
> The Debian pppoe package _is_ the Roaring Penguin
> package.  Did you file
> abug report?
> -- 
> John Hasler
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler)
> Dancing Horse Hill
> Elmwood, WI
> -- 
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Re: DOS long filename style - why?

2000-12-10 Thread Denzil Kelly
I think you have to have the microsoft joliet
extensions enabled in you kernel in order for linux to
see the long filenames. I once had a maximum linux cd
that would display long filenames. Then I recompiled
the kernel without the microsoft joliet extensions,
and the same cd truncated the filenames. When I
recompiled with the joliet extensions, things went
back to normal.
--- Ken Weingold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why are the filenames that I access on a mounted DOS
> partition
> shortened like you would see from within DOS?  I
> thought it was only
> something DOS would display since it was incapable
> of seeing more than
> 8.3.
> Thanks.
> -Ken
> -- 
> -- 
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> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

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Re: Debian is not for me

2000-12-12 Thread Denzil Kelly
 --- Clayton Stapleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes! Debian is not for me. It does not recognize my
> sound card even though
> two other OS do (Win98 and SuSe6.4), that are on
> this same computer. There
> is no clear cut instructions on how to make this
> possible. I have read the 
> Sound Howto and that still leaves me guessing. 

Do you have support for the soundcard configured in
your kernel?

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How do I move a filesystem

2000-12-15 Thread Denzil Kelly
How do I go about moving my entire filesystem to
larger hard drive?

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Re: Modules and kernel upgrades

2000-12-19 Thread Denzil Kelly
Yes, I had this problem a few weeks back. I posted a
message here and here is the fix that worked for me.

Ah! What you have there is a gotcha in the current
documentation.  Most dists put a .config in the linux
directory that 
the options used to build the distributed kernel. 
Debian doesn't.  
you can get it from /boot/config-2.2.17 (if you are
running Potato).  
that file to /usr/src/linux/.config before running
make menuconfig or 

In your situation, I think the make-kpkg routine puts
the new config in 
/boot dir.  The old one will be available as

--- dude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all.  im not sure where to find this information
> ive read some of the documetntaion
> the problem is that when i install and compile a new
> kernel
> and then make modules
> and
> make modules install
> everything seems to work,
> but when i boot up
> i see a lot of messages about modules not found
> what is going on?
> thanks
> -- 
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swap space and memory

2000-12-21 Thread Denzil Kelly
When I partitioned my hard drive, I noticed that I was
unable to make a swap partition of 128 MB. For
whatever reason, the largest partition I was able to
make was 122 MB. Why is this? Also I've noticed that
all of my memory isn't detected either. Why is this? I
have 128 MB installed, but this is what is reported by

total used  free   sharedbuffers
Mem:1241203  45 17 42
Swap:   122  0  122
Total:  246120  125

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netscape 4.76 and java plugin

2000-12-22 Thread Denzil Kelly
Does anyone know how to get the java plugin to work
with netscape 4.76? 

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Re: swap space and memory

2000-12-22 Thread Denzil Kelly
Initially I installed a slink on this box, and at the
time I had 64 MB of RAM however I was unable to make a
swap partition of 128 MB. I later added another 64 MB
of RAM. I tried to resize my /home partition but
something went wrong and I wound up reformatting the
hard drive, and installed storm, then mandrake for a
few weeks. Mandrake allowed me to make a swap
partition of 128 MB. When I got the debian 2.2(potato)
cd's, I reformatted and installed potato which is what
I'm using now. The reason I was concerned is because
I've noticed that after about 9-11 days of running
this box crashes, and forces me to restarts. I was
wondering if this might have been the problem.

debian kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for

This is the message that is generated after the crash.
--- Nate Amsden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> did you install this on debian 2.1? or anything
> using the 2.0 kernel?
> from what i remember this was a kernel 2.0
> limitation. 124MB
> reported by the system is normal. 124*1024=126,976kB
> , add
> some more for the space the kernel takes up when it
> loads into
> memory and any memory used by modules when the
> system loads
> and you have 128MB. also bios settings such as
> shadow can
> effect how much memory is available.
> nate
> Denzil Kelly wrote:
> > 
> > When I partitioned my hard drive, I noticed that I
> was
> > unable to make a swap partition of 128 MB. For
> > whatever reason, the largest partition I was able
> to
> > make was 122 MB. Why is this? Also I've noticed
> that
> > all of my memory isn't detected either. Why is
> this? I
> > have 128 MB installed, but this is what is
> reported by
> > free
> > 
> > total used  free   sharedbuffers
> > cached
> > Mem:1241203  45 17
> 42
> > Swap:   122  0  122
> > Total:  246120  125
> > 
> > __
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> >
> > 
> > --
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> :::
> ICQ: 75132336
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How do you modify WindowMaker menus?

2001-01-14 Thread Denzil Kelly
I want to add gmc to one of my windowmaker menus,
however, I've not been able to get it done. Does
anyone know how to accomplish this?

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Re: How do you modify WindowMaker menus?

2001-01-14 Thread Denzil Kelly
It does handle menu entries for things I install with
apt-get. When I initially installed potato, gmc
appeared under the tools menu in WindowMaker. I
recently installed helix, however gmc is no longer
available via the tools menu in WindowMaker. I can
only launch it from the command line.

--- Colin Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Denzil Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I want to add gmc to one of my windowmaker menus,
> >however, I've not been able to get it done. Does
> >anyone know how to accomplish this?
> Have a look at /usr/share/doc/menu/html/index.html,
> installing the menu
> package if you don't have it already. Actually, I
> suspect you might not
> have the menu package installed, as it should
> automatically handle menu
> entries for installed packages.
> -- 
> Colin Watson
> -- 
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Re: How do you modify WindowMaker menus?

2001-01-14 Thread Denzil Kelly
Thanks for all the advice. I just decided to dock the
app instead of putting it in the menu. Now I'll just
have to find a nice icon for it.

--- Denzil Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It does handle menu entries for things I install
> with
> apt-get. When I initially installed potato, gmc
> appeared under the tools menu in WindowMaker. I
> recently installed helix, however gmc is no longer
> available via the tools menu in WindowMaker. I can
> only launch it from the command line.
> --- Colin Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Denzil Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >I want to add gmc to one of my windowmaker menus,
> > >however, I've not been able to get it done. Does
> > >anyone know how to accomplish this?
> > 
> > Have a look at
> /usr/share/doc/menu/html/index.html,
> > installing the menu
> > package if you don't have it already. Actually, I
> > suspect you might not
> > have the menu package installed, as it should
> > automatically handle menu
> > entries for installed packages.
> > 
> > -- 
> > Colin Watson
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> > 
> __
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> Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 
> -- 
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Re: Mozilla 0.7 && Java support

2001-01-27 Thread Denzil Kelly
You might want to try one of the nightly builds. Also,
I've found that if you are playing an mp3 with xmms
mozilla will not launch. And I've not been able to get
it to work with helix, it won't launch at all. Thus I
use windowmaker instead.

Here is the output I get when I lauch mozilla

Registering plugin 0 for: "*","All types",".*"
Registering plugin 0 for:
"application/x-java-vm","Java(tm) Plug-in",""
Registering plugin 1 for:
"application/x-java-applet","Java(tm) Plug-in",""
Registering plugin 2 for:
Registering plugin 3 for:
Registering plugin 4 for:
Registering plugin 5 for:
Registering plugin 6 for:
Registering plugin 7 for:
Registering plugin 8 for:
Registering plugin 9 for:
Registering plugin 10 for:
Registering plugin 11 for:
"application/x-java-bean","Java(tm) Plug-in",""
Registering plugin 12 for:
Registering plugin 13 for:
Registering plugin 14 for:
Registering plugin 15 for:
Registering plugin 16 for:
Registering plugin 17 for:
Registering plugin 18 for:
Registering plugin 19 for:
Registering plugin 20 for:
Registering plugin 0 for:
Registering plugin 1 for:
Player","spl"in SetSecurityButton
JavaScript error: 
line 2: 
JavaScript error: 
 line 0: uncaught exception: Scrollbars in this skin
are not properly supporting mac smart-scrolling prefs!

JavaScript error: 
line 2: 
JavaScript error: 
 line 0: uncaught exception: Scrollbars in this skin
are not properly supporting mac smart-scrolling prefs!

Document loaded successfully

--- Kristian Rink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everybody...
> ...being not sure if this is the list for that
> topic... Again, being
> in search for a good web browser which (thanks to
> the admins of some
> of the sites I have to visit more or less regularly)
> is able of
> rendering Java applets. So, Netscape 4.7 works
> *very* unreliable on my
> potato box, uses to crash or freeze frequently when
> trying to get
> right this done. So I got back to Mozilla which I
> found to be a pretty
> good program, but (as for what I read on Mozilla
> homesite same as for
> what I found out when accessing the desired site
> with M 0.7) it's
> out-of-the-box unable to handle Java applets, as
> well... So following
> the instructions to get this plug-in installed, I
> downloaded the
> jre.xpi from a Netscape mirror and installed it into
> Mozilla... Now,
> trying to start Mozilla, here's what happens:
> ---snip---
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mozilla]$ ./mozilla
> ./ ./mozilla-bin
> MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/opt/mozilla
>   LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/mozilla
> LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/mozilla:/opt/mozilla/components
>   LIBPATH=/opt/mozilla
>   MOZ_PROGRAM=./mozilla-bin
> moz_debug=0
>  moz_debugger=
> Registering plugin 0 for:
> "application/x-java-vm","Java(tm)
> Plug-in",""
> Registering plugin 1 for:
> "application/x-java-applet","Java(tm)
> Plug-in",""
> Registering plugin 2 for:
> "application/x-java-applet;version=1.1","Java(tm)
> Plug-in",""
> Registering plugin 3 for:
> "application/x-java-applet;version=1.1.1","Java(tm)
> Plug-in",""
> Registering plugin 4 for:
> "application/x-java-applet;version=1.1.2","Java(tm)
> Plug-in",""
> R

help with diskless debian

2001-08-17 Thread Denzil Kelly
I've used apt-get to install the diskless packages,
however I've not had much luck getting it to work.
Evidently there was supposed to be a script that ran
upon the installation of the diskless however this
didn't happen. Has anyone had any success getting this
to work?

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How do I make a debian boot cd

2001-03-24 Thread Denzil Kelly
How do I go about burning a cd that will serve the
same function of a boot floppy. I guess the question I
really want answered is what files need to be added to
a cd to to allow me to use it as a boot cd.

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Re: How do I make a debian boot cd

2001-03-25 Thread Denzil Kelly
I think I want to use the cd as if it were a boot
floppy. Here's what I did. I chose to create a boot
floppy during my debian installation. For whatever
reason, it literally takes about 5 minutes to boot
from the floppy. Well I should say that from the time
"booting Linux" appears to the time all the dots go
across the screen takes about 5 minutes. Once things
are passed to the hard drive things are back to
normal. I've tried different floppies, and I was
wondering if booting from a CD would be an

> But.. do you want a boot cd as if it were just a
> boot floppy or do you
> want a live filesystem?
> Regards
> Roberto

> Roberto Diaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Powered by ddt dynamic DNS
> Powered by GNU running on a Linux kernel.
> Powered by Debian (The real wonder)
> Concerto Grosso Op. 3/8 A minor
> Antonio Vivaldi (so... do you need beautiful words?)


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kernel 2.2.19 and module problems

2001-03-27 Thread Denzil Kelly
I upgraded to kernel 2.2.19 by executing the command:
apt-get install kernel-image-2.2.19-blah. This worked
fine. However, I recompiled the kernel because I
needed to enable scsi emulation so I could use my
cd-rw. The recompile(make menuconfig;make dep;make
clean;make bzImage;make modules;make modules_install)
went fine. modules.dep wasn't generated in the new
modules directory. "Can't open lib/../../modules.dep"
was the message I got on rebooting  How do I fix this?

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Re: kernel 2.2.19 and module problems

2001-03-27 Thread Denzil Kelly
I think I got it fixed. 

running the command 
depmod -a
seems to have created the necessary file in the new
modules folder. While things seem to be somewhat back
to normal, I do get the following after running the

depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in

--- Carel Fellinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 08:22:32AM -0700, eric
> wrote:
> ...
> > I copy and paste your install command
> > 
> > lshih:~# apt-get install kernel-image-2.2.19-blah
> > Reading Package Lists... Done
> > Building Dependency Tree... Done
> > E: Couldn't find package kernel-image-2.2.19-blah
> > 
> > but not work
> That's because there is no such thing as
> kernel-image-2.2.19-blah:)
> He just used blah as a shorthand to save him the
> time to lookup the
> exact name of that package.
> This is the second thread you hijacked, first you
> needed a 2.4 kernel,
> now you trying a 2.2.19 kernel.  So you obviously
> need a new kernel:)
> Please tell us more so we can help you better.  Like
> what is it that
> you need in the new kernel, usb support or iptables
> or what?
> Then tell us what version of Debian you are running:
> stable (=potato),
> testing (=woody) or even unstable (=sid).
> Then tell us the exact command sequence you tried
> and the full error
> messages you got.
> -- 
> groetjes, carel
> -- 
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

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whereis code for telnet?

2001-04-01 Thread Denzil Kelly
Where do I find the code for telnet? I've downloaded
the kernel source, and I have not been able to find
the source code for telnet. I ask because my networks
class has been given the task of looking at several
linux distributions and examining the telnet code to
see if the infamous rlogin bug still exists in any

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Re: Please help with ADSL

2001-04-08 Thread Denzil Kelly
I installed the roaring penguin pppoe software and it
works fine for me. Here is what I get for ifcofig -a
dummy0Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr
  BROADCAST NOARP  MTU:1500  Metric:1
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr
  inet addr:  Bcast: 
  RX packets:1660741 errors:0 dropped:0
overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:1450532 errors:0 dropped:0
overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:1285 txqueuelen:100 
  Interrupt:5 Base address:0xe000 

loLink encap:Local Loopback  
  inet addr:  Mask:
  RX packets:4552122 errors:0 dropped:0
overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:4552122 errors:0 dropped:0
overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 

ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol  
  inet addr:  P-t-P: 
MTU:1492  Metric:1
  RX packets:1150152 errors:0 dropped:0
overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:1059276 errors:0 dropped:0
overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:10 

--- Mark Devin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am really frustrated now.  Please help me.
> I have downloaded the rp-pppoe tarball and untarred
> and run it.
> When I type adsl-start it seems to bring up the
> connection.  ifconfig
> shows it to be there.
> # ifconfig
> ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
>   inet addr:  P-t-P:
> Mask:
> MTU:1492  Metric:1
>   RX packets:3 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
> frame:0
>   TX packets:47 errors:0 dropped:0
> overruns:0 carrier:0
>   collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
> But I can't ping anything.
> When I try and ping the remote IP address I get:
> # ping
> PING ( 56 data bytes
> ping: sendto: Operation not permitted
> ping: wrote 64 chars, ret=-1
> ping: sendto: Operation not permitted
> ping: wrote 64 chars, ret=-1
> --- ping statistics ---
> 2 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100%
> packet loss
> I can't ping the DNS server either.
> my log file shows the following (cat
> /var/log/syslog):
> Apr  8 12:59:41 debian pppd[1218]: pppd 2.4.0
> started by root, uid 0
> Apr  8 12:59:41 debian pppd[1218]: Using interface
> ppp0
> Apr  8 12:59:41 debian pppd[1218]: Connect: ppp0
> <--> /dev/pts/6
> Apr  8 12:59:42 debian pppoe[1219]: PADS:
> Service-Name: ''
> Apr  8 12:59:42 debian pppoe[1219]: PPP session is
> 3168
> Apr  8 12:59:43 debian pppd[1218]: Cannot determine
> ethernet address for
> proxy ARP
> Apr  8 12:59:43 debian pppd[1218]: local  IP address
> Apr  8 12:59:43 debian pppd[1218]: remote IP address
> Please help me before I lose all my hair.
> Regards.
> Mark.
> -- 
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

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Re: The Perfect Debian / Personal Computer

2001-04-24 Thread Denzil Kelly
Sound card: Ensoniq es1371
Video card: Matrox Millennium G200, G400, or G450
modem: doesn't matter really, just make sure it's 
external, and make sure that is isn't a winmodem.

For a guide to building a cheap linux box refer to:

--- John and Kristy Woodill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Well i have given up on trying to configured Windows
> / Linux together.  I can't get the hardware right
> and don't feel like fucking with it anymore.  I
> wanna build a computer just for linux-debian.  I
> know what kinda motherboard and KMD processor i
> wanna get but could someone please list what i
> should use for a modem, sound card, video card that
> will configure perfect and won't require much work
> but installing it and configuring X Windows.  Thanks
> to all those who respond!
> Andrew J Woodill

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Re: The Perfect Debian / Personal Computer

2001-04-24 Thread Denzil Kelly
If you already have an internal modem you can use it,
but if you were buying one get an external one. This
is not really that big of an issue. I was assuming
that you were building the box from scratch. One
reason to avoid internal modems is because they are a
heat source and they will increase the temperature
inside the computer. Another reason is that if the
modem hangs for some reason you will probably have to
reboot the machine as there is no way to reset an
internal modem. If this occurs with an external modem
you can just turn it off and turn it back on.

This is somewhat dated, but still worth a look:
--- Hall Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Well i have given up on trying to configured
> Windows
> > > / Linux together.  I can't get the hardware
> right
> > > and don't feel like fucking with it anymore.  I
> > > wanna build a computer just for linux-debian.  I
> > > know what kinda motherboard and KMD processor i
> > > wanna get but could someone please list what i
> > > should use for a modem, sound card, video card
> that
> > > will configure perfect and won't require much
> work
> > > but installing it and configuring X Windows. 
> Thanks
> > > to all those who respond!
> > modem: doesn't matter really, just make sure it's
> > external, and make sure that is isn't a winmodem.
> So far, it seems that everyone has suggested
> avoiding internal modems
> and getting an external one. Why ?? If someone is
> capable of building
> their own PC, I'd hope they're also capable of
> reading the requirements
> of a modem they purchase. I've used two or three
> different *internal*
> modems with Linux with no problems. There are plenty
> out there that will
> work just fine.
> My current modem is a USR (pre-3Com days, I
> believe). It's a true v.90
> modem, not "upgraded" from their 'X2" firmware. Most
> importantly, it
> even has jumpers ! It does have PnP mode, and just
> so happens to ship
> with the jumpers in that mode, but I always try and
> set my modems to (in
> Dos-speak) Com2/IRQ3. I guess that's one benefit of
> an external. They
> can't be PnP, can they ??
> Regards
> Hall
> -- 
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> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

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apt-getting ximian gnome 1.4 resulted in...

2001-04-25 Thread Denzil Kelly
Setting up gnome-utils (1.4.0-ximian.4) ...
scrollkeeper-update: command not found
dpkg: error processing gnome-utils (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error
exit status 127
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code

Anyone have an idea of how to fix this? Everything
else went well.

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linksys lne100tx v4

2001-05-28 Thread Denzil Kelly
Has anyone had any success getting this card to
install. I'm having trouble getting the drivers to
compile. The errors I'm getting when I run make are:

gcc -DMODULE -D__KERNEL__ -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes
-O6 -I/usr/src/linux/include   -c -o pci-skeleton.o
pci-skeleton.c:89: linux/modversions.h: No such file
or directory
In file included from pci-skeleton.c:111:
kern_compat.h:38: linux/modversions.h: No such file or
make: *** [pci-skeleton.o] Error 1

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~~Hi~~ Denzil Kelly

2010-05-02 Thread Denzil Kelly


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