Re: mutt pgp nosign variable?

2003-10-15 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Wed, Oct 15, 2003 at 02:10:24PM -0400, Nori Heikkinen wrote:
> i'm trying to create a send-hook in my .muttrc so that i can
> automatically not pgp-sign messages i send to specific addresses.  but
> i can't figure out which variable to use, or if i'm not seeing them
> all.  i know it'll be along the lines of 
> send-hook 'pattern' 'unset somevariablename'

send-hook '~t [EMAIL PROTECTED]' 'set crypt_autosign=no'

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Dave is currently listening to Beat Farmers - Buy Me A Car (Van Go)

Description: Digital signature

Galeon doesn't work correctly with gnome 2.4

2003-10-22 Thread Dave Carrigan
Up until I upgraded to gnome 2.4, anytime I invoked galeon, it would
correctly find itself and not try to start a new instance. Now, galeon
no longer does this consistently.

If I launch galeon from an interactive bash shell, then anything that
launches galeon from an interactive bash shell will find the instance,
as will subprocesses started from that shell (i.e., xemacs). I can even
sign on to a text console and do

 DISPLAY=:0 galeon

and it will work. However, anything that doesn't launch galeon from an
interactive bash shell will not find the instance. 

Conversely, if I launch galeon from the panel, then try to run galeon
from an interactive bash shell, it won't find the instance, but anything
else that is launched from the panel will find galeon. 

I've looked at my environment, but none of the obvious candidates (DISPLAY,

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Description: Digital signature

Re: Re: IDE for java

2003-01-23 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 06:33, Benedict Verheyen wrote:

> When you say "make", is that the same make program most c++ programs use?
> If so, i didn't know one could use it with other languages. I'll have to start 
>learning it then.

Sure; make is language-agnostic. For that matter, it doesn't even need
to be used in conjunction with programming. I use make with LaTeX
projects to generate the .dvi and .ps, and with docbook projects for the
same purpose. I use make in my /etc/postfix directory to automatically
regenerate the postfix maps and restart postfix if a map has changed. 

Any time you have one file that is the result of running a program on
anothe file, it's a good candidate to automate the generation of that
file with make. 

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Building an IMAP server

2003-02-03 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Sat, 2003-02-01 at 05:08, Hans Wilmer wrote:
> Hi!
> Currently I'm trying to figure out what software to use best to set up
> an IMAP server for the company I'm working at. I'll be using Debian
> Woody for the server, and the following requirements and suppositions
> are given:
> + about 60--100 users
> + Mail must be saved on the server, not on the clients.
> + Users should be able to create folders and subfolders to store their
>   mail.
> + Mailboxes are mostly accessed via a webmail client. The webserver
>   may run either on the same server or on another maschine.
> + Exim should be used as MTA; amavis and spamassassin should be used.
>   Mail filtering by .forward files and eventually maildrop should be
>   possible; probably assisted/done by the admin (vacancy,
>   redirections, maybe automatic sorting into folders).
> + Users may be real users on the server. --- Are there good reasons
>   against this?
> + The server needs to be backed up daily. In case some user manages
>   to accidentially delete his mail, I'll have to recover from the
>   backup. This leads to:
> + Mail should be stored in maildir format (in users' home
>   directories). The server will use ext3fs.
> + Each user should have about 1 GB to store his mails. This will
>   probably be enforced by setting filesystem quotas. Are there
>   better solutions to set maildir quotas? Users should be informed
>   automatically in case they reach their quota limitation; the admin
>   should get a note, too.
> + Some/most users will store quite a lot of mail (in the sense of the
>   amount of data, not the number of mails). This should not
>   impact performance too much. (leads to using maildir, again)
> + It would be nice to have POP3 working, too.
> + To make things easy, I'd like to stay with software from standard
>   Debian packages, but that's not a must.
> As of yet, available software to build the server seems to be quite
> limited:
> Cyrus seems to be good for performance, but it is using its own format
> to store the mail. That would make it impossible to recover particular
> mailboxes from backups, and if something goes wrong, you're more or
> less left stranded because of the propriatry format that is used.

This is incorrect. Cyrus storage method is basically maildir with an
index database for performance. If the index database gets corrupted, it
can be completely rebuilt from the messages in the mail directory, using
the cyrus admin commands. 

Cyrus covers all of your requirements other than .forward support.
However, cyrus with sieve handles vacation, redirect and folder filing,
so you don't really need .forward support for that. Quotas especially
are easier to manage with cyrus, and the use of maildir combined with
index files means that cyrus should have the best performance of any
imap server, especially for applications that require repeated
connections to the imap server.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Building an IMAP server

2003-02-05 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Wed, 2003-02-05 at 06:11, Hans Wilmer wrote:
> How can the filtering language cyrus
> has be used?

It uses sieve, so google for the sieve rfc for an intro to sieve. The
sieve filter file is either in the ~/.sieverc or in
/var/spool/sieve/x/username/default. This is dependent on a setting in
imapd.conf; I think it's called sieveusehomedir.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Script help

2003-09-06 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Sat, Sep 06, 2003 at 10:03:09PM -0400, Jeff Elkins wrote:

> I'm doing a lot of work with a Sharp Zaurus which requires several re-flashes  
> of the box daily - With my initrd.bin, ssh keys on the Z regenerate with each 
> flash. As a consequence, my host .ssh/known_hosts is frequently outdated and 
> I must edit it to remove references to z,
> I'd like to gen up a script to nuke references in .ssh/known_hosts to the 
> Zaurus. It's trivial to edit known_hosts, but I'd like to eliminate this 
> step.

perl -ni.bak -e 'print unless /^z,' ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Description: PGP signature

Re: mutt tips

2003-09-10 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Wed, Sep 10, 2003 at 08:44:40PM +0200, Ismael Valladolid Torres wrote:

> I recommend you connecting to the server through ssh, if posible. Two
> reasons, first, thus your IMAP user name and password won't travel in
> clear text, second, you can enable compression, if the server is slow.
> set tunnel = "ssh -C -q [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/sbin/imapd"

This is not a general solution for all imap servers; it works only for
imap servers that users are allowed to start. Better is to use imaps
(mutt supports it automatically), or use ssh port forwarding.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Dave is currently listening to U2 - Surrender (War)

Description: PGP signature

Re: record sound...

2003-09-22 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Mon, Sep 22, 2003 at 08:31:31PM +0200, LeVA wrote:

> I am not using alsa :). Any other ideas? Or programs?

gramofile has a sound recording feature.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Dave is currently listening to Peter Case - Something Happens (Flying Saucer Blues)

Description: Digital signature

Re: SU shows my password at terminal

2003-09-25 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Thu, Sep 25, 2003 at 01:39:03PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Sometimes, when I type SU and then start typing my password really fast, 
> a few of the keystrokes will be echod to the screen -- usually when the 
> system is only under moderate load and I'm not "expecting" it to be 
> slow.  It happens in X with gnome-terminal and also sometimes just at 
> the console.
> It's a real usability hassle.  Suggestions?  other than "expect that, 
> and don't do it?"

You need to give su time to convert the tty to noecho. The slower the
system, the longer it will take to do this. Your only choice is to wait
that amount of time. 

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Dave is currently listening to Bob Mould - Heartbreak A Stranger (Workbook)

Description: Digital signature

Re: Verislime

2003-09-25 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Tue, Sep 23, 2003 at 07:36:42PM +, Stephen Patterson wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 05:00:18 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Anyone care to calculate how many domains that would be? ;)
> Given that they're using IP4 addressing, anything up to 4 billion
> (less currently assigned hosts).

Your math is wrong. DNS != IPv4. The number is actually much higher than
4 billion.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Description: Digital signature

Re: Easy way to share deb files?

2003-09-26 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Fri, Sep 26, 2003 at 11:07:27PM +0200, Raffaele Sandrini wrote:

> Im looking for an easy method to share debian files. Im running several sid 
> machines here. I used to upgrade them every week. Till now i did a 
> dist-upgrade on evey machine wich the downloads all the packages on its own. 
> All these machines have many identical packages installed. Since APT saves 
> each deb file it downloads it would be cool to do the upgrade the one machine 
> and let the others use that one as "source" and try to get all packages from 
> there and only download packages wich are not avail on the first machine... 
> Ist this somehow (ev without settuing up a debian mirror) possible?

apt-mirror is one way. I prefer to use a caching HTTP proxy, like squid,
which makes it completely transparent.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Dave is currently listening to Sheryl Crow - Home (Sheryl Crow)

Description: Digital signature

Re: changing hard returns to soft ones

2003-09-29 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 02:09:45PM -0400, Emma Jane Hogbin wrote:

> I'm interested in printing a Gutenberg Project text (it's ok, I'm a
> bookbinder--printing is typical behaviour for me). The problem is the line
> breaks in the .txt files.
> Does anyone know how I could convert single hard returns into a white
> space? It must be some variation of:
>   # mac file to Unix file:
>   tr '\015' '\012' < old.txt > new.txt
> ...but I'm not sure what the octal value (?) is for a hard return.

In a text file, there is no such thing as "hard return"; line endings are
coded with a linefeed character (012).. You could translate all linefeeds
to spaces:

   tr '\012' ' ' < old.txt > new.txt

However, this would also convert legitimate paragraph breaks into
spaces, and the result would be one really big line of text. If you knew
that paragraphs are always separated by a blank line and that there were
no instances of double blanks anywhere else, then you could refilter the
text to turn all double blanks back into linefeeds. 

The following might work for you, if you don't care about losing legitimate
extra spaces from the text:

  sed 's/  */ /g' < old.txt | tr '\012' ' ' | sed 's/   */\n/g' > new.txt

  ^^  ^   ^
  Change multi-  Convert line-Convert multi-
  spaces intofeed to space.   space back into
  single spaces.  linefeeds.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Dave is currently listening to Blue Aeroplanes - Angelwords (Beatsongs)

Description: Digital signature

Re: Subversion apache module will not load in unstable

2003-09-29 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 02:50:27PM -0400, Fraser Campbell wrote:

> I've been running subversion on an unstable server for quite a while. A while 
> ago (over a month I'd say) it stopped working following an upgrade.  
> Subversion has been through a few upgrades in the meantime but still willl 
> not load.  Here's the error message that I get:
> Restarting web server: Apache2Syntax error on line 2 of
> /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dav_svn.load:
> Cannot load /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ into server:
> /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ undefined symbol:
> svn_pool_clear
> Line 2 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dav_svn.load is simply this, there is only 
> one other line in the file and it is commented:

Works for me:

 dav.conf -> ../mods-available/dav.conf
 dav_fs.load -> ../mods-available/dav_fs.load
 dav.load -> ../mods-available/dav.load
 dav_svn.conf -> ../mods-available/dav_svn.conf
 dav_svn.load -> ../mods-available/dav_svn.load
 ldap.load -> ../mods-available/ldap.load
 ssl.conf -> ../mods-available/ssl.conf
 ssl.load -> ../mods-available/ssl.load
 zauth_ldap.load -> ../mods-available/auth_ldap.load

ii  libapr02.0.47-1   The Apache Portable Runtime
ii  libsvn00.30.0-1   Subversion shared libraries - in development
ii  subversion     0.30.0-1   Advanced version control system - in develop

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Dave is currently listening to Blue Aeroplanes - Sixth Continent (Beatsongs)

Description: Digital signature

Re: segfault while loading perl script on irssi.

2003-10-02 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Thu, Oct 02, 2003 at 06:05:25PM +0200, flibus wrote:
>I took a look on but i didn't find any bug
>report about this one. I'm on a testing/unstable debian with a
>2.4.21 kernel taken from the kernel source pacakges and
>irssi segfault while i want to load perl scripts.
>In /etc/apt/source.list i got :
>deb unstable main non-free contrib
>deb-src unstable main non-free
> I'm not sure of the packages which got a problem 
> (if one got a problem) and i don't know other people
> who got the same problem (i didn't really search).
> So if you got a solution don't hesitate to reply :) 

It's related to the perl 5.8.1 upgrade. Supposedly, 5.8.1 is ABI
compatible with 5.8.0, but it seems that it is not, because software
that has an embedded perl interpreter seems to be segfaulting (mod_perl,
irssi, xchat, etc.). This was discussed a bit on debian-perl, but I
don't know if any bugs were filed. 

In the meantime, you can rebuild irssi, or you can downgrade perl.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Dave is currently listening to Bob Dylan - I And I (Real Live)

Description: Digital signature

Re: Limiting access to website ???

2003-10-04 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Sat, Oct 04, 2003 at 12:50:39PM -0500, Michael D Schleif wrote:
> We are working on a web-based application.  It will use mod_ssl to
> secure transactions.
> We want to limit access to the application.  Yes, we have
> username/password authentication; but, we are also considering
> host-based limits.
> Can this be done with [mod_]ssl?  

No, but it can be done with apache, which is what I presume you are using.

> Can access to a website require a certificate on the browser side?  


> If so, please, point me in the right direction (e.g., URL's, documentation,
> applications, &c.)

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Description: Digital signature

Re: Limiting access to website ???

2003-10-04 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Sat, Oct 04, 2003 at 02:56:14PM -0500, Michael D Schleif wrote:

> What am I missing?
> I have read this:
> As I responded to Aaron's message, we are looking for some kind of
> passive authentication, like an SSL Certificate.

The mod_ssl docs should have everything you need to know.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Description: Digital signature

Re: Limiting access to website ???

2003-10-04 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Sat, Oct 04, 2003 at 04:25:57PM -0500, Michael D Schleif wrote:

> OK, this section is what I need -- thank  you:
> Correct me if I am wrong; but, this is the process?
> [1] One (1) Certificate per client/browser authenticates *both* the
> server to the client, and the client to the server; and

The server will need its own certificate with a CN of the server's

> [2] Each client/browser can have *either* a unique client-specific
> Certificate, or each client/browser can have a Certificate _common_ to a
> group, for purposes of authentication in point [1].

I suspect that you would be better off generating a certificate for each
client, but that probably depends on your requirements.

> [3] Will we need to become our own Certificate Authority, or would this
> work just as well with self-signed Certificates, and without any upline
> authority?

You will need to be a CA, and the both the server cert and the clients'
certs will need to be signed by that CA. In addition, the server config
needs to point to the CA's cert so that it can verify the clients'

The clients should have the CA's cert installed as well or else each
client will complain when they connect because they don't recognize the
server's certificate signer. This isn't strictly necessary, as long as
your users can be trained to permanently accept the unknown cert the
first time they connect.

Note that all this could become very onerous if your application isn't
targeted at a closed group of users (i.e., it's something on the

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Description: Digital signature

Re: Printing to JetDirect printer

2003-10-05 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Sun, Oct 05, 2003 at 09:55:47PM -0400, Matthew Daubenspeck wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 09:26:08AM +0800, Uwe Dippel wrote:
> > I want to continue printing to our JetDirect printer with Debian. I
> > tried to google and apt-cache search came up with so many packages and I
> > didn't know what to install.
> lprng. I never had any luck with getting cups working with JetDirect.

Cups works fine with a jetdirect. Just use a direct socket connection
to port 9100.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Description: Digital signature

Re: simple text formatting

2003-10-06 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Sun, Oct 05, 2003 at 11:37:57PM -0700, Mike Egglestone wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a file in this format of words:
> joe jill bill bob frank tom harry
> and want to convert the file to this format:
> joe
> jill
> bill
> bob
> frank
> tom
> harry

fmt -w 1 filename > newfile

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Description: Digital signature

Re: gzip question

2003-10-07 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Tue, Oct 07, 2003 at 01:16:06PM -0700, Curtis Vaughan wrote:
> Actually this doesn't have to be just in regards to gzip, but any file 
> compression application.
> Is there a way to force the application to provide a specific directory 
> structure for the files you wish to compress.
> For example: let's say I have serveral files in my home directory.  I 
> want to zip them so that when someone unzips them, the directory 
> structure will be for a windows system something like: c:\Program 
> Files\special directory\

Create the directory structure you want, then tar up the directory, then
gzip the tar file. Winzip can extract files from tars and preserve
directory structure.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Dave is currently listening to Camper Van Beethoven - The Fool (Our Beloved 
Revolutionary Sweetheart)

Description: Digital signature

Re: Convert realaudio to free audio ???

2003-10-09 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Thu, Oct 09, 2003 at 10:07:40AM -0500, Michael D Schleif wrote:

> Where do I get mplayer?  

deb unstable main

> Is it `free'?  

Let's not reopen it on this list. Ask google about debian and mplayer.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Description: Digital signature

Re: using LDAP as a configuration/user management backend

2002-10-09 Thread Dave Carrigan
gt; database? 

No, ldap is not a relational database, and it doesn't really make sense
to try to make it one. An ldap database consists of a key and some
unordered attribute/value pairs.

You really want to use a combination of tools: ldap for directories
(passwd, group, shadow, etc.), text files for software configuration,
and some glue software like perl and cfengine to put it all together.

Here is what I use ldap for in my site:

User info. Everything that there is to know about a user, including, but
not limited to office number, phone, etc., mail routing information,
posix info (i.e., /etc/passwd). I've also used it for things like
quickpage info (the pager service, pager id, service phone number), and
at one site, used it to manage a user's WinNT desktop configuration. 

Group info. This is posix info (/etc/group) and non-posix groups.

Non-posix account info, i.e., web accounts protected by auth_ldap, pure
mail accounts, etc.

Mail info. Mailing lists, non-human mail addresses, etc, mail routing of
all sorts.

Host info. All of the meta information about a system: ip addresses,
cfengine classes it's part of, etc.

I pull a lot of this together with perl and cfengine: a perl script
generates /etc/network/interfaces based on the ldap info. Another perl
script generates a customized cfengine script based on info from ldap
combined with other cfengine fragments, and the cfengine script installs
the appropriate config files onto the host.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Automating IMAP email maintenance

2002-10-11 Thread Dave Carrigan

On Fri, 2002-10-11 at 06:06, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:
> If I remember correctly, Cyrus uses the Maildir format. If you want to
> do backups, try archivemail ('apt-get install archivemail') -- I use it
> to back up my folders that have mailing lists (including this one!) each
> night on a cronjob. (Prevents the message count from getting so large I
> can't load the folder in a reasonable amount of time!)

Cyrus doesn't use maildir. It uses something that kinda looks like
maildir. Regular users can't even read the files in the Cyrus mail

Worse, running a non-cyrus-aware program on a Cyrus mail spool is a Very
Bad Idea unless you understand Cyrus administration well enough to know
how to fix the bullet hole in your foot.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: which half are you in?

2002-10-21 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Sun, 2002-10-20 at 14:29, dave mallery wrote:

> those who have done an rm -R * in root
> and those who have not done it yet.

I am in the second half. I've never done rm -r anywhere important. I
have however done a mkfs on a partition that was supposed to be part of
a Disksuite stripeset. Does that count?

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: what's everyone's favorite audio setup?

2002-12-02 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Mon, 2002-12-02 at 11:39, Tom Badran wrote:
> On Sunday 01 Dec 2002 9:07 pm, sean finney wrote:
> > hi all,
> >
> > i'm getting tired by my many audio-wanting apps not getting along
> > with one another, and i'm looking to switch to some kind of audio
> > environment that allows multiple programs access to the soundcard
> > at the same time.  i know there are a few programs out there
> > that do this (libarts, esd, ...?), but i'd like to hear from other
> > folks and get their opinions for the better or worse before starting
> > experimenting myself.
> This feature seems to have quietly slipped in to ALSA 0.9 without much 
> fanfare. I can use a variety of apps (not more than one oss one mind you) at 
> the same time, and this isnt a sound blaster live :)
> If your apps dont have alsa and only oss support though, i would reccomend 
> arts. Ive been using it for a while. 

All sound apps should work with alsa using alsa's OSS compatibility
layer. My wife's laptop's sound card (ES1968) can't multiplex sounds
with the OSS driver, but does just fine with the ALSA driver, and most
of her sound-using apps are OSS only. No arts or esd in sight.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] C++ question re. dyn. mem.

2003-08-06 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Tue, Aug 05, 2003 at 11:21:04PM -0400, MJM wrote:
> On Monday 04 August 2003 21:40, Sebastian Kapfer wrote:
> > > // change the way it is accessed to prove a point int * p_b = (int *)
> > > p_a;
> >
> > Ouch.
> Try this in /usr/src/linux/kernel
> $ grep *\) *.c

Well, C is not C++, so grepping C source will not really prove anything.

> > One should also note that the C-style casting operator is considered bad
> > style in C++. The "politically correct" way to rewrite your example is
> >
> > int *p_b = reinterpret_cast(p_a);
> By whom? Your example is nowhere to be found in my C++ books by Bjarne.  So 
> you are saying that Bjarne promotes bad style in his books? Why not tell him: 

Try Meyers' More Effective C++.

> Besides, reinterpret_cast is probably a template function doing this:
> return ((T) x); // type conversion using cast

No, it is an operator, and part of the language. There are four new
casting operators in C++ that were added to be used in place of the
C-style cast syntax. If you're writing it C++, you really should use the
proper casting operators. But, if you only believe things written by
"Bjarne", try

> > That way, you're clearly stating the intent of the cast. It is up to your
> > compiler what it makes of this statement; the C++ standard doesn't cover
> > such abuse.
> Language experts sure get their shorts knotted up over simple questions.  

Because your question had to do with undefined and
implementation-dependent behavior.

> I've known some killer programmers and none of them have quoted a language 
> specification in conversation.  That was way over the top.  That stuff is for 
> compiler writers, not application programmers. 

Application programmers should be aware of what aspects of their
language of choice are not portable or implementation-dependent. That
includes portability between different compilers and even different
versions of the same vendor's compiler. That code was not portable, and
could break just by doing something as innocuous as upgrading the C++

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

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Re: [OT] C++ question re. dyn. mem.

2003-08-14 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 10:36:42AM -0400, MJM wrote:
> On Wednesday 06 August 2003 01:02, Dave Carrigan wrote:
> > > Language experts sure get their shorts knotted up over simple questions.
> > >  
> >
> > Because your question had to do with undefined and
> > implementation-dependent behavior.
> I know that.   See my other posts.  I asked a question about handling dynamic 
> memory not type casting.  I changed what I was doing to use templates and 
> made a container class (probably did it wrong, but I don't care at this 
> point). 

You asked a question about using the delete operator an pointer to an
object that had been cast from a different object. That behavior is
undefined in C++.

> I got dragged over the coals for type casting - something used often in the 
> kernel.  

Nobody is saying that casts are bad. But, the kernel is written in C. 
What happens in C system programming is irrelevant to C++ application
programming. Well designed C++ applications should require significantly
less casting, and most of those will be static_casts, and maybe some
const_casts, and probably never reinterpret_casts, which is what your
example was doing. 

To me, it didn't sound like chastisement. However, any good C++
programmer will cringe when they see a C-style cast, and will point it
out. Any learning C++ programmer would do well to take the advice when
it is given. Knowledge of how to use C++ casts hardly falls in the realm
of the "language experts".

> Type casting works in my application on Intel 32bit Linux. Using casts is 
> useful in my work with bit oriented telephony signaling protocols where you 
> have to count bits and octets because parameter structures in messages are 
> dynamic.  I am _not_ going to add all sorts of portability enhancing do-dads 
> that make C++ even more difficult to read than it already is.  If what I make 
> is useful and someone wants it on a different platform, then we'll discuss a 
> new project. 

That's all just great. I'm very happy for you. But, you should change
the sentence to read "type casting works in my application on Intel
32bit Linux when compiled with gcc 3.2 and libstdc++ 3.3". Without
testing, you cannot know that the statement is true for any other
combination of gcc and libstdc++.

If your programs use undefined behavior that rely on a specific version
of a specific vendor's compiler on a specific operating system, your
programs will eventually break and your maintainers will hate you.

> It is unreasonable to expect application experts to be language experts.  

I would hardly call it unreasonable. If you don't understand the
language you're using, then how can you expect to write a reliable

> It's good if they are but it's not necessary. I say it's better to create 
> more things with bad code than to create less things with elegant and easily 
> portable code.  

I hear Microsoft is still hiring. It sounds like you would fit right in.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

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Re: [OT]: CVS replacement

2003-08-14 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Fri, Aug 08, 2003 at 03:18:00PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 08, 2003 at 06:53:15AM -0700, Dave Carrigan wrote:
> > Not all your history, sadly. Branches and tags are lost.
> Is this still true? Recent versions of cvs2svn claim to have fixed this.

As of 0.25-0.1, which was the last time I used it. And in the latest sid
version, it's still not supported, at least according to the man page:

 cvs2svn currently does not handle tags or branches.

Maybe the man page was lying, but unfortunately, it's a bit late for
me :-(

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

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Re: [OT]: CVS replacement

2003-08-14 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Fri, Aug 08, 2003 at 07:38:55AM -0600, Wesley J Landaker wrote:

> I have always had really great luck with subversion. It has customizable 
> transports, and comes built in with support for working over http, 
> which is wonderful for distributed projects. It even has a cvs 
> repository converter that will save all your history. =) 

Not all your history, sadly. Branches and tags are lost. However, I do
use subversion, and like it.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

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Re: list what is using a module

2003-08-14 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Sat, Aug 09, 2003 at 11:53:38AM -0500, matt zagrabelny wrote:

> i would like to remove a module. when i do "rmmod " i get:
> : device or resource busy
> is there a way to list processes that are using a module?

If the module has a device associated with it, then you can use lsof on
the device file.

> are processes the only thing that need to be stopped before a module can
> be removed?


Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

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Re: [OT]: CVS replacement

2003-08-14 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Fri, Aug 08, 2003 at 03:48:44PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
> The man page is out of date. cvs2cvn supports branches and tags, though
> it does have a number of other bugs and limitations.

I guess it serves me right for reading the documentation instead of
reading the source :-)

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Dave is currently listening to Mozart - 1. Allegro (Piano Concerto in D minor, K. 466)

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Re: Newbie imapd Question

2003-08-14 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Mon, Aug 11, 2003 at 01:13:40PM -0700, Curtis Spencer wrote:

> I have been running postfix on my server for a while and I am able to 
> get mail to my accounts just fine.  However, I want to put in an imapd 
> server, so I decided to aptitude install of cyrus-imapd.  That install 
> seemed to work properly.  

If you're just starting with cyrus, you really want to get the
cyrus21-imapd instead. If you're running woody, there's backports
available by the same guy who maintains the package for

> Now I would like to just run it stand alone 
> without any inetd, so I just type in:
> /usr/sbin/imapd and I get
> * OK host Cyrus IMAP4 v1.5.19 server ready

It can't run standalone; it's meant to run out of inetd. Cyrus21 runs

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Dave is currently listening to Toad the Wet Sprocket - So Alive (In Light Syrup)

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Re: some reality about iptables, please

2003-08-27 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 09:12:15PM -0400, Bret Comstock Waldow wrote:
> I can find all the sites and advice I want about how to form iptables
> rules, but I can't find any decent discussion of how to enable the damn
> things.

For network interfaces, I usually stick it as a pre-up item in the
/etc/network/interfaces file:

 iface eth1 inet static
   address xxx
   netmask xxx
   network xxx
   broadcast xxx
   gateway xxx
   pre-up /etc/firewall/iptables.eth1 start
   post-down /etc/firewall/iptables.eth1 start

For PPP connections, stick a script in the /etc/ppp/ip-up.d directory.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

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Re: Need help with mutt

2003-08-29 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 09:59:58PM -0600, Paul E Condon wrote:
> I want to change the way mutt displays email. Mutt displays
> a bunch of stuff that starts with Envelope-to: and continues
> thru X-Spam-Status: to Resent-Bcc:

Add this to your muttrc:

 ignore *
 unignore from date subject to cc
 unignore organization organisation x-spam-score

Add unignores for any other headers you're interested in. Use the H key
to toggle between all headers and just the unignored headers.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Description: PGP signature

Re: IMAP with virtual users

2003-08-30 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Fri, Aug 29, 2003 at 05:53:43PM -0700, Paul Burkett wrote:

> I can see the users being added to the tables in the database, but I'm
> still unable to log in using squirrelmail and imp. The only thing that
> I can see wrong is this:
> debian-server:/var/log/apache# tail -f /var/log/syslog
> Aug 29 11:00:25 debian-server postfix/smtpd[6969]: fatal: dict_open: 
> unsupported dictionary type: mysql

Do you have postfix-mysql installed?

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Description: PGP signature

Re: Piping file to scp

2003-08-30 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Sat, Aug 30, 2003 at 07:26:08AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 30, 2003 at 09:47:37AM +0200, Neo wrote:
> > On Sat, 2003-08-30 at 07:17
> , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > I wanted to send an attachement directly from mutt to another machine.  
> > > Is there a way to pipe to scp?  So in mutt, select the attachement and 
> > > then:
> > > 
> > >   | scp
> > mutt ... | ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'cat > /folder/archive.tar.gz'
> Can someone explain that one?  That expects a file named 
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" if the ":" is missing, IIRC.

If you look closely, he's using ssh, not scp. 

In fact, scp can be mostly done with

  ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'cat > /path/to/dest' < /path/to/source

This won't preserve perms and other meta-data, but the files at each end
will be the same.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Description: PGP signature

Re: Similar app for Disk Catalog?

2003-09-06 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 06:16:03AM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> There's this handly tool:
> I found for windows, is there an app similar to this? It basically scans
> cd's, directories for filenames/directories and catalogs them, it then
> saves the database into a file for viewing/searching using the tool. 

Perhaps gtktalog is what you want?

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian Cyrus Imap Problem

2003-05-27 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Mon, 2003-05-26 at 03:45, Oliver Neumann wrote:
> xxx:/# telnet localhost 143
> Trying
> Connected to localhost.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> * OK xx Cyrus IMAP4 v1.5.19 server ready
> 123 login test demo
> 123 OK User logged in
> 123 NO Permission denied
> -x-x-x-

I think you want to do "create INBOX.TESTBOX". User test will not have
permission to create a toplevel mailbox.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

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Re: Copying ISO Images onto HD

2002-09-03 Thread Dave Carrigan

On Fri, 2002-08-30 at 11:03, Phil Beder wrote:
> I'm trying to set up my first Debian server in a mixed
>  platform environment(macs & win).  Its for a school, and
>  we would like to put reference material; ie encyclopedia,
>  dictionary, and the like on the server.  Many of these
>  programs want to be read from CD-ROMs.  I know the Windows
>  platform has a program that can do this (I believe its
>  called paragon)  How can this be done on the Linux
>  platform?

dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/path/to/your/iso bs=1024k

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

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Re: Where to look up "%20"-like chars for use with HTML?

2002-09-18 Thread Dave Carrigan

On Wed, 2002-09-18 at 09:35, Andre Berger wrote:
> I have to mask a "&" in a URL (HTML 4.01 Transitional, text/html;
> charset=utf-8) that pointing to a CGI script; "&" doesn't work.
> You can mask special characters a la "%20" in HTML. What encoding is
> this, and where can I find a listing?

The %xx is the hexadecimal representation of the ASCII character. Use
man ascii to see the hex value of all ASCII characters. For &, it would
be %26.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

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Re: PalmOSEmulator (pose) sync with Jpilot?

2002-09-19 Thread Dave Carrigan

On Thu, 2002-09-19 at 03:01, Kent West wrote:
> I just installed pose (Palm OS Emulator) and used the ROM from my 
> Handspring Visor. Very impressive emulator.
> If I want to synch it with JPilot running on the same box, how do I set 
> this up? Currently I have both pose and JPilot pointing to /dev/pilot, 
> which doesn't exist. On a real Palm, I know that'd be a symlink to 
> whatever real device (/dev/ttyS0 or /dev/usb1 or similar), but of 
> course, this is an emulator rather than the real thing.

You need two serial ports and you need to connect a null modem cable
between them. Configure pose to use the one port (there's a serial port
option in the preferences dialog) and configure jpilot to use the other

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

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Re: devfs changing group id for device

2002-09-19 Thread Dave Carrigan

On Thu, 2002-09-19 at 06:23, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
> How do I change the group ID for a device with devfs?
> Right now my scanner is on:
> crwx--1 root root  21,   1 Dec 31  1969 
> I have to go in and chmod 777 to run the scanner as a user.
> I would like to set the device up as crwxrwx--- and change the group to scanner so I 
>can add
> users to the group scanner to access it.

Create a file called /etc/devfs/conf.d/scanner. It should have the
following line:

REGISTER ^scsi/host0/bus0/target5/lun0/generic PERMISSIONS root.scanner 0660

The line above is triggered when devfs first sees the device, so those
perms won't happen automatically until you either reload the sg module
or reboot.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

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Re: jpilot / m100 sync problem

2002-09-24 Thread Dave Carrigan

On Tue, 2002-09-24 at 07:22, Nicos Gollan wrote:

> I tried that and other rate settings both in jpilot, as environment 
> variable and on the PDA, but no success. Sync/backup still disconnects 
> on MemoDB. It even shows this behaviour with a freshly reset PDA. Now 
> comes the strange thing: pilot-xfer from the pilot-link package works 
> just fine with default settings. I can backup and restore the handheld 
> on the command line.

It actually could be a conduit that runs after memodb. You can't tell
from what's on the palm display. Try disabling some conduits (esp.
syncmal and synctime) and see what happens.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

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Re: galeon and its problems (was: tabbed browsing as 'zilla'sdefault)

2002-10-01 Thread Dave Carrigan

On Tue, 2002-10-01 at 06:44, martin f krafft wrote:

> It's a cool browser, light and fast. And nevertheless, I am having
> problems with it (version from sarge). From what I can tell right now,
> the only things that keep me from letting galeon replace opera on my
> various desktops are:
>   (a) dependencies; that i could live with i guess.

Why develop your own libraries when you can use someone else's work.
However, faster development means more dependencies for the developed
product. Fortunately, you have Debian to work that out for you :-)

>   (b) keyboard control; i am failing to switch to the next tab with
>   ctrl-right and ctrl-left, and i can't close tabs with ctrl-w.
>   furthermore, i want to make ctrl-n bring up a new tab.

Hmm, my galeon uses ctl-Prior and ctl-Next (the PgUp and PgDown keys for
switching tabs). Closing tabs with ctl-w works, but the tab area needs
the focus. Sometimes the url entry field has the focus, and then ctl-w
has a different meaning. My galeon uses ctl-n for new window and ctl-t
for new tab. 

It's trivially easy to change the key-bindings, if there is a
corresponding menu item for the action: click (not click-and-hold) on
the menu and move the mouse pointer until the item you want to change is
highlighted. Then, type the keybinding you prefer. Voila. Note this
works with most gnome programs.

>   (d) it keeps forgetting the homepage i set. on every restart, it's
>   back to (#145017)

Dunno, mine doesn't do that.

>   (e) it forgets the mailer selection and always goes back to Gnome


>   (f) it crashes frequently on X cut'n'paste

Never had a crash with middle-button cut'n'paste.

>   (g) in general, it crashes frequently and usually forgets some to
>   a lot of the user preferences. that's a pain.

I get very few crashes with galeon. I typically run a session for days
at a time, and with some fairly intensive browsing (dozens of tabs
opened at once, across multiple windows).

> i have found no bugreports but the one on the above. maybe because
> i am at fault?

It sounds like a gconf problem. Galeon's use of gconf has evolved, and
you might have some old settings that are causing problems. You should
try running galeon-config-tool with all 4 options (--clean-schemas,
--install-schemas, --fix-gconf-permissions, --clean). Run the first 3 as
root and the last as yourself. This will give you a clean slate to start
out with.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

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Re: devfs vs. udev

2004-11-23 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Mon, Nov 22, 2004 at 02:50:44PM -0500, Christian Convey wrote:

> Can anyone help clarify the relationship between any of the following 
> things that may or may not be on my computer?

> hotplug

When an event happens on any of the various buses (pci, usb, firewire,
etc.) such as device connection, removal, etc., the kernel that supports
hotplug will call /sbin/hotplug, which is a user-space program that will
do something based on the events. The standard hotplug program that most
people use is at, but you could always
write your own.

> udev

Udev plugs in to the standard hotplug program and responds to hotplug
events by creating or destroying device nodes in /dev, based on policies
that you define.

> devfs

Devfs is a kernel module that implements a filesystem. Modules register
with devfs to tell it what devices nodes they need, and devfs creates
and destroys the device nodes as the modules are loaded/unloaded. Devfsd
adds extra policy information, such as device permissions and adding
symlinks to devices.

> automount
> autofs

Automounters watch for access to a directory, and automatically mount a
filesystem on that directory when a process tries to access it. They are
used mostly for automatically mounting NFS filesystems, but can be used
to mount anything. 

I'm not sure what automount program you are referring to, but
historically, automount (and amd) were user-level automounters, while
autofs is a kernel-level automounter. user-level automounters manage a
special hidden directory of mountpoints and create symlinks into that
directory when a mount happens. Autofs can mount things in-place without
the need for symlinks, which is generally better.


Hardware abstraction layer. Would need more context as to whose HAL
you're talking about.

> sysfs
> procfs

Both of these are methods for kernel subsystems to export information to
userspace, and for userspace to change operation of the kernel
subsystems. Procfs has been around for quite a while, and I believe it
was originally used just to export information about processes. Other
modules started adding their own files into /proc, and the format of
these items was all very ad hoc. Sysfs is an attempt to formalize this
into a consistent hierarchy, and to separate process information from
device information into two different filesystems. Note that udev needs
sysfs in order to work properly.

> - Does hotplug inform udev when a new device connects to the computer?

Yes, assuming that you're using the Debian hotplug package.

> - Does udev make use of devfs?

No, udev is designed as a replacement for devfs that doesn't have any
kernel-level coupling.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Dave is currently listening to The Replacements - Takin' A Ride (Live, 

Description: Digital signature

Re: TV Tuner / Sound Card issues

2004-11-30 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Mon, Nov 29, 2004 at 01:50:12PM -0600, Chad Davis wrote:

> How do I get the line out jack to work on the back of this pc?

A lot of those via-based onboard sound cards actually assign a dual
purpose to the line-in jack. On mine, it doubles as a line-out jack, I
think for surround sound or something. Anyway, with alsa, in order to
make it act as a line-in, I had to switch one of the mixer controls. If
I recall correctly, on mine it was the IEC958 In Select control - 0
means use the jack is line in, 1 means use it as line out.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Dave is currently listening to New Model Army - Lights Go Out (The Ghost Of 

Description: Digital signature

Re: TV Tuner / Sound Card issues

2004-11-30 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Mon, Nov 29, 2004 at 02:59:54PM -0600, Chad Davis wrote:
> Okay, I seem to have gotten it to work through the mic line.  Should I
> let this be? Is Mic really the same as another line in?

Don't use the mic in, the sound will suck.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Dave is currently listening to New Model Army - Western Dream (The Ghost Of 

Description: Digital signature

Re: OT: down with memory protection!

2004-12-03 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Sat, Dec 04, 2004 at 12:36:23AM +1100, Sam Watkins wrote:
> > This is provably impossible.  Reference "the halting problem".
> Turing showed only that it is possible to construct an program which cannot be
> proven either to halt or not to halt.  The vast majority of real-world 
> programs
> are not like this.

No, what he proved is that you cannot construct a general algorithm that
will determine if a program will halt. That is very different.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Dave is currently listening to Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros - Nitcomb (Rock 
Art & the X-Ray Style)

Description: Digital signature

Re: Where to put the PDA ?

2005-01-03 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Sat, Jan 01, 2005 at 11:27:19AM -0500, J.F.Gratton wrote:

> Besides trying my PDA into each and every USB port (trial/error), is
> there a way to know which port is actually ttyUSB[01] ?

The USB ports on your computer do not actually correspond to specific
devices. The device nodes are mapped to actual devices when the device
(i.e., your PDA) registers itself on the USB bus. The first serial USB
device that registers will be ttyUSB0, the second will be ttyUSB1,
etc. This means that you can plug your PDA into any port and it will
always be the same device (assuming that you don't have any other serial
USB devices).

Clies and other Palm devices actually register two USB devices, so when
a Clie registers, it will use up the next two free device nodes (i.e.,
ttyUSB0 and ttyUSB1). For hotsyncing, you generally use the second node
that gets registered, so you would use ttyUSB1 (assuming that your Clie
is the only serial USB device on the bus). Some Palms (T|T maybe?) did
it backwards, and you would hotsync them using ttyUSB0.

Finally, the device doesn't actually register itself until you press the
hotsync button, so programs won't actually be able to open ttyUSB1 until
after you press the hotsync button. 

Using devfs (on 2.4 kernels) or udev (on 2.6 kernels) can make it easier
to do this, because the device nodes won't actually be created until you
press the hotsync button, and they're removed when the hotsync stops, so
it's immediately apparent what devices the PDA has registered itself

With udev you can even make it so that it creates custom device
files. For my system, I have udev configured to create devices called
/dev/palmv, /dev/t3, /dev/t5, /dev/clie, depending on which PDA is
currently trying to sync.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Dave is currently listening to The Plimsouls - Not Of This World (Kool Trash)

Description: Digital signature


2005-06-07 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Mon, Jun 06, 2005 at 07:41:09PM -0500, Steve Block wrote:

> a) the myth that qwerty was designed to slow you down is a lie. qwerty
> was designed to keep mechanical keys from binding, which is more layout
> related than speed related.

Maybe, maybe not. However, I do type faster on Dvorak than I did on Qwerty. I
switched to Dvorak about 7 years ago, and had been touch-typing on qwerty for
15 years before that.

> b) almost everyone's keyboard is qwerty or some very similar variation.
> When you sit down at someone else's machine or a public machine you'll
> just be at the wrong key layout, which will mess with your dvorak
> learning.

No, I can switch-hit on a qwerty keyboard in a pinch, although I am
somewhat slower. It takes about 10 minutes for the muscle memory to
reset. Still, I will remap the keys to dvorak if I can (and map them
back when I'm done) since it really isn't difficult to change the
mapping on most modern PCs.

> c) if anyone ever has need to use your machine they will be pretty much
> out of luck unless you reorder your key caps so they can find the keys.
> Ever try to log into a dvorak machine when you remember your network
> password by key position and not the actual letters?

Most graphical environments the ability to switch between keyboard
layouts with the mouse. In Windows and KDE, these are tray icons.

> d) the myth that dvorak is faster than qwerty is just that, as any
> decent amount of searching will show.

You are repeating yourself. And contrary to what you say, I am a faster
typist since switching. I also make fewer typos.

> e) if you are already an accomplished touch typer in the qwerty system
> you'll have to relearn your typing skills pretty much from scratch.

Yes, you will, but not from scratch, not by a long shot. It took me
about a month to reach the speed I had pre-switch. It took me probably
two years to start getting to that speed when I was learning
touch-typing with qwerty. Not because qwerty is harder - it would have
probably taken a similar amount of time if I had started with
dvorak. Most of your touch-typing skills easily transfer to dvorak.

> In short, change if you want to, but I found the effort much too high
> for any percieved potential reward.

I am happy I switched.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Description: Digital signature


2005-06-07 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Mon, Jun 06, 2005 at 09:57:30PM -0400, Hal Vaughan wrote:

> Questions for you and others now using Dvorak: I could change my own keyboard 
> to whatever I want, but I know I'll still have to use other keyboards, and 
> I've been using QWERTY for close to 30 years.  So:
> 1) How hard is it to change over?, 

It took me about a month to get to the point where I no longer had to
think about where the keys were. I did do regular drills and was
reasonably proficient after a couple of weeks.

> 2) Once you've changed over, how hard is it if you have to use Qwerty on 
> someone else's computer?, 

Not hard, I do it all the time. Also, it's quite easy to remap the
keyboard on any modern PC.

> 3) Does anyone know if it reduces problems like RSI or CT for one's

That's difficult to say. I have chronic tendinitis in my right hand.
It's possible that I wouldn't have it if I used qwerty. It's also
possible that it would be much worse if I used qwerty.

> 4) I use a natural keyboard, which helps a lot.  Does that make a difference 
> with Dvorak?

Dunno. I use a Safeytpe; any keyboard that requires me to rotate my hands
even semi-flat exacerbates the tendinitis to the point where I can't type
after an hour or two. With a Safetype, I can type all day, but you pretty
much have to be a touch typist since you can't see the keys. However, I
doubt that dvorak/qwerty makes much of a difference.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Description: Digital signature

Re: OT: Safe Type (was Re: DVORAK)

2005-06-08 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Tue, Jun 07, 2005 at 06:53:23PM -0500, Alex Malinovich wrote:

> How does the safe type feel for you? 

As I say, it's the only way I can type comfortably for longer than an
hour or so. I've used many other keyboards - plain flat ones, low-end
ergonomic ones and high-end ergonomic ones like the Kinesis. Anything
that requires pronation of my wrists will give me problems. However,
that's the nature of my injury; YMMV.

> Just looking at it, it certainly looks strange with the vertical
> layout, but I could certainly see where it could be comfortable. And
> by the looks of it, the number pad is BETWEEN the two upright
> sections? That seems rather cumbersome. 

The number pad is cumbersome. I'm an emacs guy, so I rarely use the
arrow keys anyway, but when I have to use them, it's a PITA. However,
that was easily solved for me by buying a USB number pad; it works fine
with X, and it even works fine in Windows XP running inside VMWare.

If you're very used to hitting your arrow keys and home/end etc., you
will find the Safetype not very usable without an external keypad. 

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Description: Digital signature

Re: Good backup software for Linux

2005-06-20 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 01:57:56PM +0100, Dave Howorth wrote:

> This is just a fact of life, true for any backup system. It depends what 
> guarantees of integrity you need and what table types you're using. I 
> use InnoDB and want error-free backups so I just send '/etc/init.d/mysql 
> stop' as my 'pre-client' command and '/etc/init.d/mysql start' 
> afterwards. 

For high availability systems where you don't want to stop mysql, use
the LVM to take a snapshot of the database partition. Just flush the
mysql tables (flush tables with read lock), take the snapshot then
unlock the tables. Now, you can back up the snapshot at your leisure
without worrying about an inconsistent database.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Description: Digital signature

Re: Good backup software for Linux

2005-06-20 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 09:20:59AM +0200, Maurits van Rees wrote:

> I read this as: you make a backup on Monday. You delete some files on
> Tuesday. You restore from backup on Wednesday and this will restore
> all files including the deleted ones. Usually getting back a deleted
> file is why you backup in the first place. So this seems normal
> behaviour.

What about the scenario where you make a backup on Monday, delete some
files on Tuesday, and then you have a disk crash on Wednesday. So you go
to backup to restore the disk. You want the disk to be restored to the
state it was as of the last backup, which means you don't want the file
that was deleted on Tuesday. 

> I don't know how every backup program manages differential backups and
> if they take note when a file or directory has been deleted. I would
> suggest a full daily backup if possible. But that depends on how much
> data you have.

The VMS backup facility did this correctly -- you took a full backup
once a month and incrementals every day (this was back in the days where
9 track tape was most common). If you had a disk crash, you did a
restore starting with the last incremental tape and working backwards to
the full tape. At the end of it all, your disk contained just the files
that existed prior to the disk crash, not every file that had been
created since the last full backup.

With limited disk space, this was pretty important -- you probably wouldn't
have had enough room to do the restore if it didn't do it that way.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Description: Digital signature

Re: [OT] splitting files based on keyword

2005-06-22 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Tue, Jun 21, 2005 at 09:57:07PM -0400, kamaraju kusumanchi wrote:
> Is there any tool which will split the above file and give me three 
> smaller files  1-1-2005.txt, 1-2-2005.txt, 1-3-2005.txt etc., where

perl -pe 'open STDOUT, ">$1.txt" if /^date (.*)/' the-big-file

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ICQ:161669680

Description: Digital signature

Re: Unstable packages on Stable distr.

2001-02-28 Thread Dave Carrigan
Terry Hancock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> In many cases these seem to be frivolous assumptions.
> It seems very implausible to me (for example)
> that compiling libsdl1.1 _really_ requires
> libc6 >= 2.1.97.  I'm pretty sure that, installing
> from source, libc6 version 2.1.3 (in Debian 2.2)
> will work.  So why this dependency?  

Shared library dependencies are typically generated when the package is
built, so if it's build on a system running libc6 2.1.97, that is the
dependency that is put into the package. 

The easiest way to get one or two packages from unstable is to add a
deb-src line to your sources.list that points to the unstable sources
and then do "apt-get source packagename" and build the package yourself.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! While you're chewing, think
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | of STEVEN SPIELBERG'S bank
Seattle, WA, USA| account..  This will have the | same effect as two ``STARCH

Re: ssh_1%3a2.5.1p1-1.5_i386.deb (unstable)

2001-02-28 Thread Dave Carrigan
Vadim Kutsyy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> running latest upgrade, I am getting:
> -
> # apt-get install ssh
> Reading Package Lists... Done
> Building Dependency Tree... Done
> Sorry, ssh is already the newest version.
> 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3  not upgraded.
> 1 packages not fully installed or removed.
> Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.
> Setting up ssh (2.5.1p1-1.5) ...
> /var/lib/dpkg/info/ssh.postinst: line 97: syntax error near unexpected
> token `else'
> dpkg: error processing ssh (--configure):
>  subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2
> Errors were encountered while processing:
>  ssh
> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
> -
> Any recomendations?

vi /var/lib/dpkg/info/ssh.postinst, go to line 96 (not 97) and put a :
in front of the comment. Then dpkg --configure -a.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! I'll clean your ROOM!!  I
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | know some GOOD stories, too!!
Seattle, WA, USA| All about ROAD Island's, HUSH | Puppies, and how LUKE finds GOLD
| on his LAND!!

Re: Optical mice

2001-03-01 Thread Dave Carrigan
Lee Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Would anyone care to recommend any optical wheel mice for use with
> Debian - that is, optical mice with a wheel 3rd button?

I have a logitech optical wheel mouse with usb. Works like a charm and
was cheaper than the MS equivalent when I got it at compusa.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! I left my WALLET in the
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | BATHROOM!!
Seattle, WA, USA| | 

Re: manually installing mozilla plugins

2001-03-03 Thread Dave Carrigan
Matheson Cameron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I was wondering if their was a way to manually install
> mozilla plugins.  I need the java one, but I can't get
> it because I can't get FTP to work with my proxy
> server (help with that too please).  I did manage to
> download it from a Windoze machine (the proxy server),
> and so now I have a file named 'jre.xpi'.  I don't
> know what to do with it though.  Any ideas?

Just load it into mozilla. i.e., load the URL


Mozilla will offer to install the plugin, and do a bunch of stuff then
hang. Then, you get out of mozilla, cd to the plugins directory and

 ln -s java2/plugin/i386/ns600/ .

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! Fold, fold, FOLD!!  FOLDING
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | many items!!
Seattle, WA, USA| | 

Re: IMAP server with SSL in debian?

2001-03-06 Thread Dave Carrigan
Stuart Ballard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Does anyone know if any of the IMAP servers in Debian support SSL (the
> imaps: protocol) and if so where I can look for docs on how to configure
> it?

Cyrus supports TLS, but not the version in Debian, which is woefully out
of date. You could look at stunnel or sslwrap instead, and you would be
able to use any imap server.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! I have accepted Provolone
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | into my life!
Seattle, WA, USA| | 

Re: Tasklist broken in gnome-panel_1.3.1-1

2001-03-09 Thread Dave Carrigan
Michael Epting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> After today's upgrade, the Gnome Tasklist no longer works (segfault when
> you try to add it to the panel).  The reason is fairly obvious, it
> seems: tasklist-applet is no longer present in the gnome-panel deb.  If
> you check the buglist this morning, you will see that the maintainer is
> asking for all kinds of data from the bug reporter.  Does anybody know
> what's up with this?

The tasklist applet is implemented with, which is
provided by libpanel-applet0, which that person presumably installed
along with gnome-panel. The tasklist works fine for me.

However, I was seeing all kinds of Gnome problems ever since I upgraded
yesterday, *until* I stopped using an old Gtk theme I got off of Once I went back to the default theme, everything has been
very stable, so it does appear that there are themes that cause with
this latest version of gnome.

Some of the problems I was seeing were that the panel would often crash
when I tried to unhide it, certain applets crashed on a regular basis
(pager, quicklaunch, ...) and even unrelated software (e.g.,
glade-gnome, xchat) would crash. Most of the crashes were assertions
about refcounts in gdk pixmaps, but there were some segfaults too.

Possibly that is what is happening with the person who submitted the bug

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! I predict that by 1993
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | everyone will live in and around

Re: manually installing mozilla plugins

2001-03-09 Thread Dave Carrigan
Nate Bargmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've tried everything but stand on my head and my not so humble opinion is 
> that plugins in Mozilla are broken for the moment.  

The do seem to be broken for you :-( 

However, with my recent mozilla build 2001030608, java and shockwave
work. Acrobat (nppdf) and RealPlayer (rpnp) don't.

I just went to, and all the
java apps are displaying, as does the java console. uses shockwave, and
it also works for me.

In fact, mozilla is the first time I've ever browsed with java on,
because I could never trust netscape's java enough to not lock up

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! Life is a POPULARITY
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | CONTEST!  I'm REFRESHINGLY
Seattle, WA, USA| CANDID!! | 

Re: Gnome panels disappeared after installing versions from testing/unstable. How do I manage this?

2001-03-23 Thread Dave Carrigan
John Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I installed the latest upgrades fron both testing & unstable (not a
> production system) and there are 2 bits of wierdness that I have not
> seen before. When I start up my system the sequence is to use gdm to
> load enlightenment and gnome. When the desktop starts up it now has no
> panels. Before the last update the panels would try to start then die
> with a segfault. I filed a bug report and 2 days later a new version
> appeared. But, Now the panels do not try to start. I tried putting "exec
> gnome-session" in .xsession but the panels still did not start. Any
> ideas?? Thanks!

I had the same problem last week; first the panels segfaulted, then they
wouldn't start at all. This was all with the same debian release of
gnome-panel. I ended up blowing away my entire .gnome and starting fresh :-(
But, it works fine now, although I still don't have all of my
customizations back in place.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! I'm in a twist contest!!
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | I'm in a bathtub!  It's on
Seattle, WA, USA| Mars!!  I'm in tip-top | condition!

Re: % with perl

2001-06-17 Thread Dave Carrigan
Robin Gerard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> %loginpsswd=("gerard","12345678","jaimie","78945612","andy","45632178");
>  print $loginpsswd{"gerard"};
> print $loginpsswd{"$loginpasswd[2*$i]"};  

A hash variable is not the same symbol as an array variable. 

  %loginpasswd is a hash variable
  @loginpasswd is an array variable
  $loginpasswd{foo} says to look up a hash variable in the symbol table.
  $loginpasswd[1] says to look up an array variable in the symbol table.

The latter two syntaxes refer to two different variables. You shouldn't
let the fact that you can assign a list to a hash confused you about the
difference between an array and a hash, because they are different
things, and can't be used interchangably.


  perldoc -f each
  perldoc -f keys

for information on how to iterate over hashes.

Dave Carrigan| Yow! Are you mentally here at Pizza
Lead Technical Architect | Hut??
PDA Verticals Corporation| | 

Re: going inetd

2001-06-18 Thread Dave Carrigan
Sebastiaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> is it possible to let inetd handle certain daemons? I would like
> rlinetd to control the squid daemon, because rlinetd let you choose if
> the ports are visible/usable from the outside world.  Can you let
> inetd start any program, or do they have to be inetd programmed?

Programs have to be inetd-aware to be launched by inetd. This is not
difficult; inetd just sets up the TCP socket as stdin/stdout for the
program, so the program doesn't have to do anything. 

The most important thing about choosing whether to use inetd or
long-lived standalone daemon is the number of times the program will be
called and the amount of startup time required by the program. Squid has
a relatively long startup time, and will be launched a lot, so is not
really suitable for calling out of inetd.

Note that you could use something like ipchains or netfilter to control
whether or not you can connect to squid (or any service) from the
outside world. In addition, squid has configuration options that let you
specify which network ports it will listen on, so if you don't want it
listening on an external address, you can just tweak the
configuration. Assuming that you only want to allow squid connections
from localhost, then (depending on the squid version), you would use




Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! Hey!!  Let's watch the'
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | ELEVATOR go UP and DOWN at th'
Seattle, WA, USA| HILTON HOTEL!! | 

Re: OT: newbieDoc and XML -- can you help?

2001-06-18 Thread Dave Carrigan
will trillich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> who among us debianistas has knowledge of the names of the tools
> we'd need in order to:
> 1) get started with the right command-line XML gizmo
>(maybe a document-structure-definition thing, too?)
> 2) do cgi/mod_perl interface for a web front-end to
>create/browse these tips
> 3) munge the back-end data into and out of xml, including
>(ignorance showing, here) gizmos needed to create the
>data structure of the xml

lots of useful xml stuff for handling xml documents in perl,
including PerlSAX.

take a xslt stylesheet and some xml, and generate new xml (or html,
which is really a specific form of xml). This would be useful to
turn xml-encoded data into html for display on a web page. A

an alternative xslt processor. libxml-sablot-perl has been in debian
longer, but we are starting to migrate to libxml-xslt-perl, because
the backend (libxslt) seems to be significantly faster than

generates xml; useful for converting text into xml

Emacs modes editing xml and DTDs.

module for accessing arbitrary elements inside of XML trees, blessed
by the W3C. useful for getting at a particular element inside an xml
tree when you don't know in advance where the element is
(i.e. selecting a random element from the tree).

another approach to the xpath problem

Write your web pages in xml, deliver them in HTML. Want to change
the look and feel of your entire site?  Just change the
stylesheet. Want to generate an AvantGo-friendly version? Don't
change the text, just use a different stylesheet.

My company's web sites (,,,, all use axkit as the back end, and our editors write
everything in XML. Browse the sites, and you'll see that a lot of
the content is repeated across all sites, but it all comes from a
single source file. The look and feel is all handled by xslt
stylesheets, and the html is generated by apache running mod_perl
and axkit.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! ..  or were you driving the
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | PONTIAC that HONKED at me in
Seattle, WA, USA| MIAMI last Tuesday? | 

Re: Swapping /usr and /

2001-07-07 Thread Dave Carrigan
Andrew Overholt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> After install potato on my laptop, I realize that I would like to swap the
> partitions for /usr and / .. any idea how I can do this safely?  I managed
> to swap /home and /usr with little hassle but I'm kinda more concerned
> about / and /usr.

If / can fit completely on /usr (or vice-versa), then this is easy.

1. Go to single user mode

2. Move everything currently in /usr to 1 lower directory:

   cd /usr; mkdir usr; mv * usr

3. Copy / to /usr:

   cd /; find . -xdev -print0 | cpio -pvdm0 /usr

4. At this point, the / partition is redundant, and the old /usr
   partition has everything. Update lilo and fstab to reflect
   this. In fstab, remove the entry for /, and rename the entry for /usr
   to /. In lilo.conf, change the boot partition.

   vi /usr/etc/lilo.conf
   vi /usr/etc/fstab
   chroot /usr lilo -v

5. Reboot, and now / has become the old /usr partition. At this point,
   you can make a new filesystem on the old / partition, mount it, and
   copy /usr from the new partition to the old. Go back to single user
   mode and:

   mke2fs /dev/hdFOO
   mount /dev/hdFOO /mnt
   cd /usr
   find . -xdev -print0 | cpio -pdvm0 /mnt
   mv /usr /usr.dontuse
   mkdir /usr
   vi /etc/fstab

6. Reboot once more, and if everything looks good, rm -rf /usr.dontuse.


Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! Zippy's brain cells are
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | straining to bridge synapses...
Seattle, WA, USA| | 

Re: Swapping /usr and /

2001-07-08 Thread Dave Carrigan
Alvin Oga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> hi ya dave, original poster
> the "rescue disk" must be standalone .. because
> the current / fs might be corrupted during the copying for stuff around...
>   or your a live cdrom will do the trick too

I have gone to single user mode and moved / to a different partition
many times, and I have never had to do it by booting from a rescue disk.

The only thing that may get "corrupted" is the lilo boot record, and
it's not really corrupted, it's just that the kernel sectors are no
longer in the place the boot record thinks they were. That is why I
included lilo as one of the steps.

To repeat: there is absolutely no need for a rescue disk, except to bail
yourself out if something elso goes wrong.

Perhaps you are thinking of resizing partitions (i.e., with parted). In
that case, you need to boot from something other than /, because the
partition to be resized cannot be mounted.


Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! LOOK!!  Sullen American
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | teens wearing MADRAS shorts and
Seattle, WA, USA| ``Flock of Seagulls'' HAIRCUTS! | 

Re: NO! chmod strikes!

2001-07-09 Thread Dave Carrigan
"Paul D. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> BTW, the best way to do what you wanted to do is this:
>   $ chmod -R o-owx .[!.]*

Or even better, ignore the -R in the chmod command and use find:

  find . -print0 | xargs -0 chmod r-owx

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| YOW!!  Everybody out of the
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | GENETIC POOL!
Seattle, WA, USA| | 

Re: reiserfs

2001-07-11 Thread Dave Carrigan
Craig Dickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> As long as your hard disk is less than 50% full, sure...

Yes :-(

Plus, it should probably be less than 45% full just to be safe, because
different filesystems make different use of the space. 45% is just a
wild guess on my part.

There's no "in-place" converter.

> What does one use to resize a partition? parted? And how about for
> defragmenting it first so that all the data is packed into the first
> half of it?

parted will resize an ext2 partition, and there's no need to defragment
it first; parted will do that for you. I have sucessfully booted from a
CD, and run parted to change a big / partition into two smaller
partitions for the purpose of migrating / to xfs.

Note that parted doesn't know how to resize reiserfs filesystems.  I
believe that there is a utility to resize the reiserfs filesystem that
inhabits a partition, so you could shrink it, then use any partition
editor (parted, fdisk, etc.), to change your partition table to match
the new size of the reiserfs. I've never done that, so take with a grain
of salt and a reliable backup.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! It's the land of DONNY AND
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | MARIE as promised in TV GUIDE!
Seattle, WA, USA| | 

Re: reiserfs

2001-07-11 Thread Dave Carrigan
Thomas Zimmerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have yet to have data loss on reiserfs...but have under ext2. 

I have not had data loss with reiserfs, but I have had problems serving
a reiserfs over NFS. If I did a lot of activity on the NFS-mounted
filesystem, (i.e., mozilla cache, compiling software), eventually inodes
would disapper. I would get messages like

  kernel: vs-13048: reiserfs_iget: bad_inode. Stat data of (69038 69612) not 

The only solution was to reboot the nfs server and do a reiserfsck. This
was with 2.4.4, and all of the appropriate patches applied from

Like I said, I never lost data; the reiserfsck would recover the lost
inodes. But, after reiserfs "lost" my home directory inode once, I
decided to try xfs instead, and haven't had any problems with it.

BTW, all of these systems were on my home network. I don't think that I
would recommend any journaled filesystem for critical production use
just yet, but I think that all three (xfs, reiserfs, and jfs) are
getting very close.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! Don't hit me!!  I'm in the
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | Twilight Zone!!!
Seattle, WA, USA| | 

Re: problem running apt-get -b

2001-07-11 Thread Dave Carrigan
Faheem Mitha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I recently changed my user id (faheem) from 1000 to 500. 

You are now userid 500 in /etc/passwd, but the files are still owned by
userid 1000. Changing your userid in /etc/passwd does not change the
ownership of files. Try this:

  find / -user 1000 -print0 | xargs -0 chown 500

You will have to do it as root.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! Sign my PETITION.
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | 
Seattle, WA, USA| | 

Strange problem with ps ( does not match kernel data)

2001-07-18 Thread Dave Carrigan
I am running Debian/unstable, and the 2.4.4 kernel, patched with SGI xfs:

 $ uname -a
 Linux cbgb 2.4.4-xfs #1 Sun Jun 10 21:03:50 PDT 2001 i686 unknown

When I boot the system, everything is fine, but after a day or so,
whenever I run ps, I get the following error:

 $ ps -ef
 {shmem_file_setup} {__VERSIONED_SYMBOL(shmem_file_setup)}
 Warning: /boot/ does not match kernel data.
 root 1 0  0 Jul16 ?00:00:05 init
 root 2 1  0 Jul16 ?00:00:00 [keventd]
  ... snip ...

This does not happen immediately; right after I boot, ps does not give
me the error message, but something happens at a later time and starts
causing problems.

Has anyone else seen this?

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! Hello.  I know the divorce
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | rate among unmarried Catholic
Seattle, WA, USA| Alaskan females!! | 

Re: How secure am I?

2001-08-03 Thread Dave Carrigan
"Patrick Kirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> 1. Running woody so is there a Woody specific line to add to sources'list
> for security updates?

If I understand it correctly

Potato will get timely security updates if you use

  deb stable/updates main contrib non-free

Sid (unstable) will always get timely security updates, because every
package, including security fixes, goes into sid immediately.

Woody (testing) will not get timely security updates, because new
packages in sid only get moved to woody after a shakeout period.

This may have changed recently, but I seem to recall that is how it used
to work.

> PortState   Protocol  Service
> 9   opentcpdiscard

This port just discards all data it receives. It is not a security risk,
other than giving out information that your system is on the net.

> 13  opentcpdaytime

This port returns the time of day as a string, then closes the
port. Again, not a security risk.

> 21  opentcpftp

You should remove ftpd or whatever package is providing ftp.

> 22  opentcpssh

If you want to be able to ssh to your box, then this is ok. Otherwise,
reconfigure ssh not to run sshd: dpkg-reconfigure ssh.

> 25  opentcpsmtp

If you want to receive mail on your box, you need this. Otherwise,
reconfigure your mail transport agent to not listen but only send. This
varies according to the package (sendmail, exim, postfix, etc.).

> 37  opentcptime

I believe that this is similar to daytime, but returns a 4-byte word
containing a time_t.

> 53  opentcpdomain

Unless you need a DNS server, just remove the bind package (or whatever
package is providing dns).

> 79  opentcpfinger

Remove the fingerd package.

> 80  opentcphttp

Remove apache (or whatever is providing your web service)

> 111 opentcpsunrpc

I don't know what package opens up this port.

> 113 opentcpauth

Remove identd (or pidentd or bidentd). Note that you may want ident if
you do irc stuff.

> 139 opentcpnetbios-ssn

Remvoe samba.

> 515 opentcpprinter

Remove lpr, or lprng, or whatever contains the lpd that is listening on
that port.

> 901 opentcpunknown
> 1024opentcpunknown

lsof -i | grep 901
lsof -i | grep 1024

Figure out what programs are opening those ports so you can decide your
course of action. I think that 901 may be swat (part of samba) and
definitely something you don't want exposed.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! I pretend I'm living in a
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | styrofoam packing crate, high in
Seattle, WA, USA| th' SWISS ALPS, still unable to | accept th' idea of TOUCH-TONE

Re: How secure am I?

2001-08-03 Thread Dave Carrigan
"Patrick Kirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Port 53 is open and I'm not able to work out how  to bind it to eth*
> excluding all access via ppp*.

If it's bind 9:

  options {
  listen-on { a.b.c.d; }; 

I think that bind 8 also supports that.

> appropriate.  What do I need in sources.list for scp?

scp is part of ssh.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! Where's SANDY DUNCAN?
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | 
Seattle, WA, USA| | 

Re: Why is Debian lagging so much behind Slackware?

2001-08-14 Thread Dave Carrigan
Gilles Pelletier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> How the hell is Volkerding and his small pack managing to put out Slack 8
> with XFree86 4.1.0, kernel 2.4.5, KDE 2.1.2, GNOME 1.4, glibc 2.2.3,
> Mozilla, Galeon, Nautilus, ProFTPD, OpenSSH, OpenSSL, mod_ssl, mod_php...
> and all the usual utilities, hardly 3 months after Mandrake rushed out
> their broken down distro? Has anybody heard that Slackware isn't safe
> : ) ?

Debian has all of the latest and greatest in Debian/unstable, and
Debian/unstable is probably significantly more stable and consistent
than Slackware.

> Is apt-get really worth this huge delay? 


> We do plan to teach the newbie some fundamentals.

I would venture that installing potato, then upgrading to woody or sid
is still less complicated than installing Slackware.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! My pants just went to high
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | school in the Carlsbad
Seattle, WA, USA| Caverns!!! | 

Re: upgrading more then one box by downloading the files once!

2001-08-15 Thread Dave Carrigan
"Karsten M. Self"  writes:

> To create a transparent cache, you'll create a NAT rule for your
> firewall to redirect INTERNAL traffic bound for EXTERNAL sites on PORT
> 80 to the PROXY listener port.

Also, if you prefer not to use a transparent cache (I sometimes want to
bypass squid), then you can install a normal squid proxy and set an
environment variable:


Apt honors the http_proxy environment variable if it's set.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! If I pull this SWITCH I'll
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | be RITA HAYWORTH!!  Or a

swapon and raid systems

2001-08-23 Thread Dave Carrigan
Hi all,

I have a couple of systems that use kernel RAIDs (specifically,
mirrors).  The systems also have regular (non-mirrored) partitions for
swap. When the systems boot, the swap partitions don't get installed. I
have isolated it to the fact that the boot scripts first grep for
"resync" in /proc/mdstat, and only run swapon if the grep fails (i.e,
there's no "resync" string in /proc/mdstat).

Unfortunately, it appears that at boot time, these systems *always* have
resync in mdstat, because swap never seems to be added after a
reboot. Which leads to some questions:

1. what is the purpose of this check?
2. is it normal for my raids to always be resyncing at boot (*)?
3. suggestions for a good (maintainable) approach to ensuring that my
   non-RAID swap partitions always get enabled at boot?

(*) Thinking back, I think that all of the reboots on these systems have
been due to abnormal causes (i.e., a power failure yesterday), so
maybe resyncing is normal after unplanned reboots?

Thanks for any help,

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! Someone is DROOLING on my
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | collar!!
Seattle, WA, USA| | 

Re: swapon and raid systems

2001-08-25 Thread Dave Carrigan
"Cory Snavely" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Which boot script is that? I can understand the logic of not wanting to swap
> on an md device that's getting a RAID resync, but it surprises me that even
> non-mirrored swap would be passed over as well.

The init scripts in package sysvinit ( and All
they do is call swapon -a (conditionally).

> I'd recommend watching a few graceful reboots closely to see exactly what's
> happening with the resyncs and with the swap activation.

Yes, I confirmed that if the system reboots gracefully, then the swapon
command is properly executed.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! I feel like a wet parking
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | meter on Darvon!
Seattle, WA, USA| | 

Re: Sawmill: Adjusting Mouse Sensitivity

2001-08-29 Thread Dave Carrigan
"Steve Dondley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have X installed with Sawmill as my window manager.  That's all I need at
> this point since I mostly use X for Netscape.

xset m a t

a is the acceleration, t is the threshold. Normal acceleration is 1, but
if it moves more than t pixels within a certain amount of time, it
accelerates to a. Tune the a and t to your liking. I use 2 and 4 (i.e.,
xset m 2 4)

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! I'm young..  I'm HEALTHY..
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | I can HIKE THRU CAPT GROGAN'S

Re: Recording externaly sourced sound?

2001-11-18 Thread Dave Carrigan
First, apt-get install gramofile. It's way better for recording,
especially from albums or tapes. Also apt-get install snd. It's a pretty
good tool for loading the waves you record and fine-tuning the editing,
especially when gramofile gets the track splitting wrong.

Second, run your mixer and make sure that the sound card is set to use
the line-in for the recording source, and make sure that line-in is not
muted or set to zero. Also make sure that the igain is not muted or set
to zero. Linein is the channel for your line, while igain is the master
input channel. Depending on your sound card, you might not have an igain
channel. Gramofile displays a sound meter while it's recording, so if
you tape with gramofile, you'll know pretty quickly if you're getting
sound in from your line.

Finally, you do have to fine-tune your line in volume. Too loud, and you
get a bad mp3 conversion, or worse, you'll get clipped samples. I found
that if the recordings are too loud, then a VBR mp3 ends up encoding
most everything at 256 or ever 320 bits. If your linein is too soft,
those mp3s will be way out of line with mp3s ripped from a cd. I've
found that a recording that results in 1-5% of the samples above 50% max
volume gives the best results. That statistic is displayed by gramofile
after you've recorded some input.

"Stan Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I want to be able to play on my laptop some music that I have on LP's,
> cassettes ect only.
> First step seems to be to get this sound converted to digita, right.
> So, I hooked up the tape output of my preamp to the line in on my sound
> card. Music came out of the computer speakers. This looked good. So I did:
> cat < /dev/dsp > sounfile
> But when I trued to play this back with:
> cat < soundfile > /dev/dsp
> I did not get anything out.
> What am I doing wrong?

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! Hey!!  Let's watch the'
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | ELEVATOR go UP and DOWN at th'
Seattle, WA, USA| HILTON HOTEL!! | 

Re: added memory, should I increase swap?

2001-11-19 Thread Dave Carrigan
Peter Christensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Should I change my swap partition to 256MB, to match the new memory?

It depends on your kernel. For 2.2, no. For 2.4.x, x >= 0 && x < 10,
maybe. For 2.4.x, x >= 10, no. For the 2.4.x-ac kernels, yes, although I
believe that newer -ac kernels are going to be using the AA VM. I
personally run 2.4.14 and am very happy with it.

The old rule of thumb about always having 2x swap was valid for some
OSes, but doesn't really apply to most linux VM's, with the exception of
the early 2.4 kernels. Under the latest 2.4 kernel, virtual memory =
real + swap, so only change your swap if you find yourself running out
of virtual memory.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! If this was a SWEDISH
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | MOVIE, I'd take off your GO-GO
Seattle, WA, USA| BOOTS!! | 

Re: sieve (and cyrus) - doesn't work - how to troubleshoot?

2001-11-19 Thread Dave Carrigan
Erik Steffl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   and here's my ~/.sieve file (straight from managin imap book):
> if header :contains "subject" "123 testing sieve" {
>   reject "testing sieve message rejected!";
> }
>   but when I send myself an email with subject "123 testing sieve" it it
> is not rejected.
>   where do I go from here?

First, check that cyrus put an X-sieve header in the message. If the
message doesn't have an X-sieve header, then sieve was never

Second, you probably need a "require reject;" line at the top of your
.sieve file. Sieve can't take any actions unless you require the modules
that implement those actions. (Note, that applies to cyrus 2; I'm not
even sure if cyrus 1 supports reject.)  

Finally, depending on what sieve things you want to do, you have to
deliver mail to cyrus using LMTP. "require fileinto" will work fine
without LMTP, but "require vacation" needs "require envelope", and that
requires LMTP. It's a good idea to learn how to deliver with LMTP
anyway, because cyrus 2 requires LMTP for everything.

What MTA are you using?

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow!  Am I in Milwaukee?
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | 
Seattle, WA, USA| | 

Re: Debian TVIO like PVR

2001-11-23 Thread Dave Carrigan
"Paul McHale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I know the Tivo doesn't have much horse power.  They are case in point for a
> design which is just fast enough.  They appeared to have spared every
> expense.  It is an awesome unit.  Just saying, I don't think they have a
> 600MHz processor ...  Could be completely wrong.

You are correct:

 $ telnet tivo
 Connected to
 Escape character is '^]'.
 bash-2.02# uname -a
 Linux (none) 2.1.24-TiVo-2.5 #3 Fri Oct 5 10:19:51 PDT 2001 ppc unknown
 bash-2.02# cat /proc/cpuinfo 
 processor  : 0
 cpu: IBM 403GCX
 clock  : 54MHz
 revision   : 20.1
 bogomips   : 53.86
 machine: Teleworld Customer Device  
 bash-2.02# cat /proc/meminfo
 total:used:free:  shared: buffers:  cached:
 Mem:  14278656 14114816   163840 1205067776   532480  4546560
 Swap: 67104768  4960256 62144512
 MemTotal: 13944 kB
 MemFree:160 kB
 MemShared:  1176824 kB
 Buffers:520 kB
 Cached:4440 kB
 SwapTotal:65532 kB
 SwapFree: 60688 kB

As you can see, it is a 54MHz PowerPC chip with 16MB of memory; not a
powerhouse by any means.


Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! Look!  A ladder!  Maybe it
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | leads to heaven, or a sandwich!
Seattle, WA, USA| | 

Re: Debian TVIO like PVR

2001-11-23 Thread Dave Carrigan
Rich Puhek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   2) The Tivo probably has hardware dedicated to the specific purpose of
> video processing (a FPGA/CPLD type device, or maybe even an ASIC), where
> as your PC has to make do with a general-purpose microprocessor.

Yes, according to

there is are dedicated encoder and decoder chips.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! The SAME WAVE keeps coming
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | in and COLLAPSING like a rayon
Seattle, WA, USA| MUU-MUU.. | 

Re: tar replaces cpio in unstable

2001-11-24 Thread Dave Carrigan
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Natkins) writes:

> tar replaces cpio in unstable.  You may not want to do this.

In dselect, put a hold on tar (the = key) until the new cpio gets
up. Then, you won't see any mass un-installs.

Dave Carrigan| Yow! Well, I'm on the right
Lead Technical Architect | planet---everyone looks like me!!!
PDA Verticals Corporation| | 

Re: sieve (and cyrus) - doesn't work - how to troubleshoot?

2001-11-25 Thread Dave Carrigan
Erik Steffl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   does cyrus create any log? 

Not that I know of, sadly. If there's a problem with the sieve file,
cyrus silently behaves as if there is no sieve file.

>   postfix. it has the lmtp transport method, but how do I set the cyrus
> side? 

What version of cyrus? If it's 2.x, then it should be defined in
/etc/cyrus.conf; either lmtp or lmtpunix, or both. In fact, lmtp is the
only way to deliver mail with 2.x. For 1.x, you run 'deliver -l' out of
inetd. Test either version by telnetting to port 2525.

Also, make sure that you set postfix's local delivery transport to be

There is also a sieve test program that comes with the cyrus source. You
feed it a mail message and a sieve script and it'll tell you what it
would do.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! I would like to urinate in
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | an OVULAR, porcelain pool --
Seattle, WA, USA| | 

Re: sieve (and cyrus) - doesn't work - how to troubleshoot?

2001-11-25 Thread Dave Carrigan
Erik Steffl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   would this work for 1.6 (as I understand it there's quite a difference
> between 1.5 and 1.6)? 

It should work for 1.6. I've never used 1.5.

> do you know what's the line for cyrus deliver -l in /etc/inetd.conf?

That was never documented at the cyrus site; I figured it out on my own.

Put this in your inetd.conf:

  lmtp stream tcp nowait cyrus /path/to/deliver deliver -l

should be sufficient. Make sure that lmtp is in your /etc/services.

>   to mailbox_transport = lmtp and that's it (as far as postfix goes)?

I believe so. I don't actually use any of that part of postfix (all my
addresses are resolved with ldap and everything resolves to a
locally-defined transport). But, I'm pretty sure that is the syntax.

>   do you know the name of it? I can't find anything like that in
> installed packages or cyrus source tree.

It's probably not installed as a package (although it should be,
IMHO). You have to get the source, build it, then build the test program
in the sieve subdirectory by hand.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! If elected, Zippy pledges
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | to each and every American a
Seattle, WA, USA| 55-year-old houseboy... | 

Re: sieve (and cyrus) - doesn't work - how to troubleshoot?

2001-11-26 Thread Dave Carrigan
Erik Steffl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   I thought that the problem might be 700 permissions on my home
> directory so I changed it to 777 (the same for ~/.sieve) but it still
> does not work (the message is not rejected). 

The mode 700 on your directory would definitely be a problem; mail
delivery is run as cyrus, and cyrus wouldn't be able to stat files in
that directory. However, mode 777 may also be a problem. It's quite
possible that sieve refuses to run if the directory or .sieve file has
too loose permissions, or the .sieve file isn't owned by the correct
user. Try setting the directory to mode 755 and the .sieve file to 644.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! YOU!!  Give me the CUTEST,
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | PINKEST, most charming little
Seattle, WA, USA| VICTORIAN DOLLHOUSE you can | find!!  An make it SNAPPY!!

Re: Kernel modules and usb

2001-11-28 Thread Dave Carrigan
Jesper Holmberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> 1. How do I make these modules automatically probed when I startup? The
> file /etc/modules.conf should not be touched, it says.

You can put the module names into /etc/modules.

> 2. Even better, would it be possible to have these modules probed when a
> usb mouse is detected?

apt-get install hotplug

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow!  I just went below the
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | poverty line!
Seattle, WA, USA| | 

Re: Evolution Cyrus Imap Shared Folders

2001-12-18 Thread Dave Carrigan
"Lance Hoffmeyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I installed Evolution and want to be able to read mail from the
> listserv's I subscribe to but Evolution does not "see" these
> Listserv folders on Cyrus.  Evolution shows me my Inbox and savedmail
> folders which I created but when I try to
> list other folders to subscribe to them it does not find them.  Any
> ideas?

Edit the imap account, and on the receiving options tab, make sure that
"Override server supplied folder namespace" is set, and that the
namespace field is empty.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! You can't hurt me!!  I have
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | an ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE!!
Seattle, WA, USA| | 

Re: question about Acrobat

2002-02-28 Thread Dave Carrigan
"Eric G. Miller"  writes:

> It appears to support text searches in the latest version.  I'd still
> like a bookmarks tree myself (big documents are much easier to
> navigate).

Exactly. I program for PalmOS, and reading something like the PalmOS
Programmers Reference without being able to jump around to different
sections would make it impossible to use. I also like Acrobat's "back"
button, which lets you backtrack your navigation. Of course, without a
bookmark tree, the back button is a little less useful, since you don't
really have random access to the doc anyway. What I really hate about
acrobat is its propensity to consume memory. 1GB of RAM, 512 MB of swap,
and Acrobat will still find a way to use it all. Wanna free up 800MB?
Just kill Acrobat.

Fortunately for me, the palmos docs are now available in HTML, so I'm
finding that my dependence on acrobat is getting smaller.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow!  Am I in Milwaukee?
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | 
Seattle, WA, USA| | 

Re: WAY OT: Tech school?

2002-03-02 Thread Dave Carrigan
"Jeff J." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Needing some thoughts of some other Debian users on this one.. I thought
> this would be a good place to ask about quality of tech schools, as I am
> sure a lot of listers have/are attending one.

Out of curiosity, have you considered getting a university degree? A
bachelors degree will always mean that you have more options (cf recent
slashdot discussion on emigrating to Canada), and you could quite likely
use your college courses for credit.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! Maybe we could paint GOLDIE
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | HAWN a rich PRUSSIAN BLUE--
Seattle, WA, USA| | 

Re: Sid packages in Woody

2002-03-05 Thread Dave Carrigan
"Charlie Grosvenor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Is it possible to install a few sid packages in woody and still use
> apt-get to keep them up to date? I wish to install the sid samba packages in
> woody as they support a few features that i require. I have done this by
> downloading the packages manually using ftp and installing them. What i
> would like to know is if i can keep them upto date with atp somehow.

Add both unstable and testing to your /etc/apt/sources.list. 
In your /etc/apt/apt.conf file, put

 APT::Default-Release "testing";

To install a sid package, do

 apt-get install packagename/unstable

Apt will do the rest.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! It was a JOKE!!  Get it??
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | I was receiving messages from

Re: How hard get high res working?

2001-03-29 Thread Dave Carrigan
Jonathan Gift <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm running 1152x864 on a 17 inch right now but am playing around with
> getting and running a 21 inch. I would probably like 1600x1200 on that
> but heard XFree has limits around 1200 lines? Is that true and how does
> one get around it?

I'm running 1600x1200x24 on a 21" viewsonic P815 with a Diamond V550
(nVidia TNT2) card. Have been for almost 2 years now. Works like a

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! The entire CHINESE WOMEN'S
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | VOLLEYBALL TEAM all share ONE
Seattle, WA, USA| personality -- and have since | BIRTH!!

Re: Mozilla/WindowMaker: autorise on page load

2001-04-08 Thread Dave Carrigan
It used to do this to me in sawfish, but either a newer version of
sawfish, or the the latest builds of mozilla mean that it's not doing it
any more. I'll tell you something about sawfish that's even more
annoying. I have focus follows mouse and autoraise set to 500ms. But, if
a Mozilla window gets the focus, it ignores the autoraise delay, so if
my mouse strays even half a millimeter onto a mozilla window, it's
instantly brought to the top. I can't even move my mouse from one window
to another without tracing a tortuous path trying to avoid all mozilla

Now that's annoying.

On 08 Apr 2001 00:49:54 -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> A nagging gripe I've had for the past month or so.
> I'm running Mozilla under WindowMaker, and note that whenever a webpage
> loads, the browser window it's in pops to the top of the window stack.
> This isn't opening a page in a _new_ window but an existing one.  Given
> a slow connection or slow-loading pages, this is a really annoying
> habit.
> Anyone else noticing this?  I just checked and Mozilla isn't
> automatically rising in the stack under twm, blackbox, or
> sawmill/sawfish.  So I think it's a hint that WMaker's picking up.
> TIA.
> -- 
> Karsten M. Self
>  What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

Dave Carrigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Seattle, WA, USA

Re: ot: imap server-side filtering

2001-04-20 Thread Dave Carrigan
On 20 Apr 2001 09:59:21 -0700, Bruce Z. Lysik wrote:
> --On Friday, April 20, 2001 8:43 AM -0700 Michael O'Brien 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm looking for a mail filtering program that runs on an imap server. I
> > read e-mail thru imap. I use mutt on Linux and Irix, and Outlook on Win2k.
> >
> > Essentially, I want to setup mail filters to route messages into other
> > imap folders based on some set of criteria.
> >
> > Does anyone know of a good program to do this type of filtering?
> Procmail.  I use it both at home, and work.  Good stuff.

Except it won't work with all IMAP servers; only those imap servers that
serve files that are writable by the user (i.e., UW imapd). The original
poster doesn't say what kind of imap server it is. Newer versions of
cyrus use the sieve language to do message filtering. That is what I
use, and it works well. If your imap server is UW, use procmail. I don't
know about other imap servers.

Dave Carrigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Seattle, WA, USA

Re: GCC and Palm SDK configuration problem

2001-10-14 Thread Dave Carrigan
You need to use the -palmos3.5 switch to your command line. That makes
gcc add all of the extra includes that are appropriate to the 3.5 sdk.
In addition, I would recommend that you use the 4.0 sdk (in which case
you would use -palmos4.0). You can still target 3.5 (or even 2.0)
devices with the 4.0 sdk, and this is the "official" sdk that developers
should be using. It will save you huge pain later if you start using the
latest SDK today. 

Finally, it appears that the prc-tools in debian/unstable is still only
0.5. This is woefully out of date, and probably won't support the 4.0
SDK correctly (the -palmos switch's implementation has changed). The
latest tools at are 2.1. If you plan to do any
serious development for PalmOS, you need that version, or better yet the
version from CVS. Plus, if you are going to do big projects that need
multisegmenting, then there is an extra patch that lets gdb correctly
work with multisegmented apps. I'm not sure if that patch has made it
into cvs or not.

I have some prc-tools .debs that are not debian-policy compliant; I can
make them available on a by-request basis if anybody is interested.

On Sun, 2001-10-14 at 15:44, Akintayo Holder wrote:
> Hi,
>   I am trying to install the PalmOS 3.5 SDK on debian. And I am running 
> into a problem I cannot figure out from the gcc docs.
> The headers files in the palm SDK are arranged in a hierarchy e.g 
> PalmOS.h, Core/System/SystemPublic.h etc. But the files reference each 
> other as though there are all in the same directory, or rather in gcc's 
> search path.
> To recap
> Directory structure
> PalmOS.h
> Core/System/SystemPublic.h
> In PalmOS.h
> #include 
> When I try to compile gcc complains that SystemPublic.h does not exist. 
> I have not been able to find a way to have gcc treat all the 
> subdirectories as part of its include path, or a way to include a 
> specific directory in the path.
> In the latter case I tried
> m68k-palmos-coff-gcc -Wall -g -IDIR 
> '/usr/m68k-palmos-coff/include/PalmOS/Core/System/' -IDIR 
> '/usr/m68k-palmos-coff/include/PalmOS/Core/Hardware/'   -c -o hello.o 
> hello.c
> but it failed.
> As always any help would be appreciated
> -- 
> Never in the world does hatred cease by hatred; hatred ceases by love.
> -- Buddha
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dave Carrigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Seattle, WA, USA

Re: Mail Filtering with cyrus-imapd

2001-10-16 Thread Dave Carrigan
Assuming that your cyrus imapd has sieve support, you do it with sieve.
Ask google about mail filtering with sieve for more info. Here is an
excerpt from my .sieve file:

 require "fileinto";
 require "envelope";
 require "vacation";

 #vacation "I am on vacation and will return on July 13";

 if header :contains "subject" "[netsaint]" {
fileinto "INBOX.Netsaint";
 } elsif header :contains "subject" "[Galeon-user]" {
fileinto "INBOX.Galeon";
 } elsif address :all :contains ["To","Cc","Bcc"] "debian-user" {
fileinto "INBOX.Debian";
 } elsif not
address :all :contains ["To","Cc","Bcc"] "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" {
fileinto "INBOX.Spam";

Sieve is not as powerful as procmail, but if you have a closed box,
giving your users procmail will quickly open the box.

On Tue, 2001-10-16 at 14:09, Sven Gaerner wrote:
> Hi,
> I used an IMAP server (I think the UW server) that stored al emails
> per folder in one file. Sorting/Filtering works fine with deliver.
> Now I switched to cyrus-imapd because no user needs a shell account
> and accessing the server with Windoze Clients or Netscape/Mozilla
> works better.
> Unfortunately deliver does not work I think with this imap server.
> This is my configuration:
> I use sendmail with a special rule on the server. My email client is
> mutt and the Debian version is woody.
> I need this because I want to sort mailing-list mails into a special
> folder and don't want to do this manually.
> Does anyone have an idea how to get this working?
> Please CC any answers because I'm not subscribed.
> Thanks in advance.
> Bye,
> Sven
> -- 
> +-+
> | Please reply only to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
> | |
> | Do not send HTML mails, they will be erased...  |
> +-+
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: What happens when Woody becomes Stable ??

2001-10-24 Thread Dave Carrigan
Justin Hahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> especially seeing as apt-get and aptitude are both much easier to deal with
> than dselect in the eyes of everyone I've ever talked to. (Myself
> included.)

Not me. I've tried aptitude a couple of times and found the interface so
unintuitive that I had to kill it from another terminal window. Give me
dselect any day. All you need to know is RET, Space, X, =, and Q.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! I'll clean your ROOM!!  I
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | know some GOOD stories, too!!
Seattle, WA, USA| All about ROAD Island's, HUSH | Puppies, and how LUKE finds GOLD
| on his LAND!!

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