Where is Debian's initrd located?

2003-09-30 Thread Dan Anderson
I'm trying to edit my LILO config so that I can run debian (which is on

Where is the initrd for debian located?

I currently have something like this for my debian entry:

label="Debian Linux"
append="quiet devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi acpi=off"

I can't find any initrd file in /boot under the debian partition.  Am I
missing something?

Thanks in advance,


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How do I run a program as it's owner?

2003-10-01 Thread Dan Anderson
I know there is some way to allow a program to run with permissions of
it's owner (i.e. root) but I forget how to do this.  What am I

Also, if I create a crontab file, will all programs run as nobody or
with the permissions of the owner?  And is it possible to see whether or
not a crontab entry was successful by viewing a log of some kind?

Thanks in advance,


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RE: Allowing any user to shutdown from gnome

2003-10-01 Thread Dan Anderson
Here's a thought: why don't you create a group shutdown_privileges and
allow anyone with access to the group to run a shell script like:

#! /usr/bin/bash

#wait 10 minutes before rebooting
shutdown -r -t time 10

That would be more secure then allowing everyone access to shutdown,
while at the same time allowing you to increase the number of people who
can shutdown?


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GCC 3.3 Questions: Should I Install? Should I install with ProPolice?

2003-10-01 Thread Dan Anderson
I am trying to figure out Linux with the help of O'Reilly's /Running
Linux/.  It recommends that I do not install new versions of compilers
unless absolutely necessary just in case things get broken by the new
version of the compiler.  

I really want to install GCC 3.3 with ProPolice
(http://www.research.ibm.com/trl/projects/security/ssp/) enabled by
default.  Will this really make compiling programs problematic?  Can I
keep two versions of GCC on my system just in case it breaks things? 
How would I go about doing this?

Thanks in Advance,


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Re: Anyone else notice that Swen is slowing down?

2003-10-01 Thread Dan Anderson
> Please share this knowledge.  What executables are you awaree of
> affecting non-Microsoft systems which are in general circulation and
> which auto-execute on receipt by arbitrary systems in stock
> configuration?

Although I would agree that most flavors of *nix are much less prone to
exploits then Windoze, I would like to point out that security loopholes
for Linux programs do exist and anyone stupid enough to leave a
configuration as is out of the box could have a problem.

That said, when they announced the OpenSSH exploits (or was it OpenSSL)
I never heard of anything coming of it.  Perhaps because the *nix
community is generally smart enough to subscribe to security
announcement lists and never get hit.  Although the GNU site was hacked
a couple months ago so I guess nobody's immune.


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Re: yahoo wants to save cookies at /

2003-10-02 Thread Dan Anderson
FWIW I just checked my mail @ mail.yahoo.com using konqueror.  


On Thu, 2003-10-02 at 10:35, Alphonse Ogulla wrote:
> Unable to open mail.yahoo.com in konqueror as non root for the simple fact 
> that yahoo wants to dump some cookies at / (root) directory for which I have 
> no permissions. Anybody experience this strange behaviour?
> Alphonse Ogulla
> Nairobi, Kenya
> -- 

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Re: Re: Debian Desktop for a Joe Average

2003-10-02 Thread Dan Anderson
> Is Knoppix based on Debian stable or Debian testing? Or am I looking at acompletely 
> different animal? Running Knoppix I got an entirely different looking desktop than I 
> did installing Woody and selecting a desktop install. And is the Debian Desktop 
> subproject at a point where I could just go there and find an easier to install and 
> tweak package?
> Bruce

Knoppix is based on a very tweaked out version of debian.  If you know
what you are doing it is theoretically possible to get the exact look
they got.


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Re: sound woes with kernel 2.6.0 and 865 chipset

2003-10-03 Thread Dan Anderson
FWIW, Did you make clean before compiling the kernel?  If you didn't
those errors could be a result of previously compiled code.  OTOH if
you're an advanced enough user to want to compile your own kernel you
probably knew that.



On Fri, 2003-10-03 at 11:28, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm running kernel 2.6.0-test4 on my Abit IS7 mobo (Intel 865 chipset).
> I'm trying to get ALSA sound working, and I'm having a devil of a time
> of it.
> I have ALSA sound enabled in my kernel.  Abit (and also Realtek, who
> make the integrated AC650 sound chip) offers an AC'97 codec module to be
> downloaded and installed.  But I can't get the thing to compile; I get
> complaints about missing modversions.h.  I can't run 'make dep' to make
> modversions.h now; I just get a message saying 'make dep' is deprecated.
> OTOH, some of my applications do make sound.  E.g. I can get some test
> sounds out of KDE.  But most of the time I get no sound, and my syslog
> is filled with error messages about 'module soundcore not found' --
> though lsmod shows me it's already inserted in the kernel.
> All of this is deeply confusing.  I don't understand sound very well
> anyway, and this isn't helping.  If anyone who has this same hardware
> and kernel could tell me how they got their sound working, I'd be
> grateful.
> Thanks,
> Andrew.

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Re: Holy Spam!

2003-10-03 Thread Dan Anderson
I've had very good success with the following:

1) Send all e-mails with your name not listed as a receipient to a
probable spam folder.  After a few weeks of tweaking (mailing lists and
newsletters will get send there too) you will find just about everything
in there the probable spam folder is spam -- and can be deleted
2) Anytime a major virus comes up filter out common text in the message
body if it comes through.

The following are useful if you know a language like Perl and can pipe
your mail through it (not very hard):
3) (A little more tricky) Create "Whitelists" -- people who you know you
can trust.  Any mail from these people gets sent to your inbox -- don't
accidentally delete an important e-mail!
4) Anything with .pif, .bat, .exe attached is probably spam.  Quarantine
it (unless it's from your somebody on your whitelist). 
5) Make anybody e-mailing to your address who is not on your whitelist
(besides listservs!) respond to an automatic reply to be added to your
whitelist.  Most spammers won't respond (although people on the listserv
may get angry and block your e-mail. See caveat re: listservs).
6) Keep a listserv list and other lists in a database so it is portable
wherever you go.

This has successfully helped me send over 2k emails to /dev/null today. 
I highly recommend it.


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Re: Help, OSX vs Linux

2003-10-03 Thread Dan Anderson
> Are there any other benefits of debian that out way it from OSX?

Just out of curiosity, if you were running Debian what architecture
would you be running it on?  If you were going to be using the new G5
regardless, I'd point out that many applications benefit from 64 bit
architectures (mySQL is a good example).

Although I'm not knocking debian, I'd also like to point out that OS X
Server (Are you using Server or OS X?) is built on top of BSD, and thus
most of what you can do on Linux can be done on OS X).  Combined with
the unfair advantage apple has in helping its hardware interface with
its hardware you have a good case for OS X Server.

On the other hand, like so many distributions designed for those
without a good grasp of computers, OS X probably puts a lot of load on
the machine with superfluous programs.  When I install debian I only
install the kernel modules I want, and only install the packages I want,
thus creating a lean and mean machine.  

This is probably one of your most powerful arguments: it can be
customized to suit your exact needs.  And, by customizing it you can add
a lot of security enhancements and other things which end up being a
bonus.  Add this in with the fact that you're probably getting more
power out of a lean machine and it's a very powerful argument.

But don't argue for Debian just because it's Debian.  You need to look
at what is truly the best OS for the job.  (For instance, if security is
/really/ important then you should look at OpenBSD --
http://www.openbsd.org ).  

Please feel free to email me if you have any more questions.



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Re: Holy Spam!

2003-10-03 Thread Dan Anderson
> It isn't just people on listserv's that will be annoyed: please never
> send automatic replies; the "from" address is a lie anyway.

This is one of the reasons I put a caveat about listservs not following
rules.  However, FWIW, on a business only address (which isn't
subscribing to a listserv) this can be a very good way to make sure a
vital e-mail isn't accidentally sent to /dev/null.  For instance, in my
personal e-mail box if any e-mails are dropped that were legit I might
miss out on talking to Grandpa (he's got a dirty mouth), but I will
never lose a multi million dollar contract.  In business losing a
multimillion dollar contract because you never got any of the e-mails
(What you've never needed to talk about forks to somebody from Brooklyn
to get a contract?).  Thus an autoresponder which whitelists people can
be a good idea.


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Re: Holy Spam!

2003-10-03 Thread Dan Anderson
> So, again, please don't send automatic replies.

Although you may not personally approve of the method it is an accepted
method of blocking spam.  YMMV and such.  

> On such an email address I'd be even more wary about using an
> autoresponder because I don't want people that are potentially offering
> me "multi million dollar" contracts to have to jump through extra hoops
> to contact me.

Better to make them jump through hoops then not get any emails from
them at all.  Also, combined with Whitelists this generally isn't a
problem.  (Because you did add them to your whitelist, right?  Because
it's a multi million dollar contract and all.)

I'll admit my examples are not reminiscent of real world scenarios. 
But I think there is nothing wrong with letting people know what valid
anti-spam options exist.


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Re: Help, OSX vs Linux

2003-10-03 Thread Dan Anderson
> Total size with the install of Woody. the MySQL database, and the 
> webconent for the two domains we host: 890 MB

FWIW I've installed sub 150MB debian installs.  Of course there's a lot
of stuff missing.

Also, to elaborate, all programs (packages) installed are potential
security holes.  With a cut down distro you have that many less packages
to install.


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Re: Help, OSX vs Linux

2003-10-03 Thread Dan Anderson
> I don't think so. I'm the one that has to support the box in the end, and why 
> should I pull my hair out administering OSX server when I know a Linux box can 
> do basically the same thing.

Well, from the perspective of a boss I'd say it's not about you. 
You're being paid to pull your hair out, so if the gains in productivity
from Apple hardware and OS are worth more then the cost and your salary,
your boss is probably not going to go for Debian.  Not wanting to
trouble yourself is /NOT/ a good reason to pick Debian.

However, if you can demonstrate good reasons to Debian is superior to
OS X (Server?) you probably will get your wish granted.  Because
management looks at more then what you want.

So try to spin your arguments in a way management finds favorable so you
don't have to pull out your hair.  ;-)


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Looking for backup solutions

2003-10-05 Thread Dan Anderson
I have a 40 GB hard disk I want to back up to CD.  I figure I could run
dd but the man page was unintelligible.  Can anyone offer any

Thanks in advance,


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