Re: ntpd confusion

2014-11-23 Thread Chen Wei
On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 09:57:50PM +0100, mad wrote:
> # ntpq -p
> remote  refidst t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
>   X.Y.Z.A   3 u-   6411.8740.153   0.052
> I use the default ntp configuration and other Debian installations
> "directly on the internet" use all four clock sources
> (0.debian.pool, 1.debian.pool...).

Why not

1) double check /etc/ntp.conf, make sure lines such as
server exist.

2) verify remote ntp server is reachable,
# nmap -sU -p123

On my system, even the unreachable server shows in "ntpq -p" output.

Chen Wei

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Re: ntpd confusion

2014-11-24 Thread Chen Wei
On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 10:58:29AM +0100, mad wrote:
> mentioned, other Debian installations not on my home network, with the
> same configuration show as expected four clock sources. Even starting
> ntpd on the command line doesn't show any more data and ntpd is compiled
> without debugging. Probably that is what I will do, recompile ntpd with
> debug enabled and then see what ntpd is actually doing.

Besides recompile with debug level option, I would also suggest try the
NTP mailing list.

> Could it have something to do with upnp, zeroconf or something like that?

No idea.

Chen Wei

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Re: Virtualbox 4.1

2012-10-01 Thread Chen Wei
On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 06:13:57PM -0700, wrote:
> I am using Virtualbox 4.1 (non-free edition). Everything works, but for a
> minor issue. To access usb drives, I am supposed to add the user to
> vboxusers group. But, that group is non-existent.

Have you installed the VirtualBox Extension Pack? 

I have installed virtualbox 4.1 recently, the vboxusers group was
already there after installation.

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Re: Query about .xsession-errors file

2014-09-14 Thread Chen Wei
On Tue, Sep 09, 2014 at 03:29:04PM +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
> .xsession-errors, which is currently sitting at about 740MB, and has
> been growing in the last hour.
> entries from before the current boot session) entries, so as to reduce
> the file size to content that is necessary to retain for debugging?

If debugging is not required, redirect xsession error to /dev/null is
another option.

in /etc/X11/Xsession, find the line:

exec >>"$ERRFILE" 2>&1

change it to:

exec >>/dev/null 2>&1

Chen Wei

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how to deliver local mail to /var/mail ?

2013-02-11 Thread Chen Wei

I have configured maildrop to filter message as suggested by

The problem is, local mail also delivered to the Maildir folder, there
is no mail left under /var/mail for thunderbird to read.

It is said that thunderbird already support Maildir, but after test it
looks like thunderbird doesn't read maildir like mutt does, at least it
can not open mails delivered by maildrop. It would be better let
maildrop(or exim4) deliver mail to /var/mail/$username in mbox format.

I am thinking there might be two ways to do it:

1) config exim4 not to invoke maildrop. Does exim4 deliver local mail to
/var/mail by default?

2) config maildrop deliver local mail to /var/mail in mbox format while
deliver the rest of mails still in Maildir format. Is it possible and how
to do it?

Chen Wei

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Re: XFCE application shortcuts

2013-02-11 Thread Chen Wei
On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 01:14:37PM +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Mon, 2013-02-11 at 13:02 +0100, Lucio Crusca wrote:
> On Ubuntu with Xfce 4.10 it does work like this
> Settings > Keyboard > Application Shortcuts > + Add > Command: xterm >
> Ok > a new window opens and I can push the shortcut on the keyboard

It is the same when use xfce 4.10 from experimental. It even recognize
the multimedia key on a laptop. After press the volume up key,
"XF86AudioRaiseVolume" shows in the Shortcut field.

Chen Wei

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Re: opening an Iceweasel link from Icedove

2013-02-11 Thread Chen Wei
On Sat, Feb 09, 2013 at 01:44:55PM -0500, John Lindsay wrote:
> This may have been answered previously but I couldn't find any info
> on it -- when I click on a link in Icedove, it will open Iceweasel
> to that link (provided of course it is a valid link). However when I
> try to go home (which is facebook) iceweasel seems to hang. Clicking

How about open a empty text file under terminal, paste that link into
it, right mouse click should bring a menu that prompt "open link". Does
iceweasel still hang? Or just paste that link into iceweasel, it is
still hang when go home?

Chen Wei

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Re: how to deliver local mail to /var/mail ?

2013-02-13 Thread Chen Wei
On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 08:35:02PM +0800, Chen Wei wrote:
> 1) config exim4 not to invoke maildrop. Does exim4 deliver local mail to
> /var/mail by default?
> 2) config maildrop deliver local mail to /var/mail in mbox format while
> deliver the rest of mails still in Maildir format. Is it possible and how

Solved after read the manual.

Either edit /etc/exim4/conf.d/router/800_exim4-config_maildrop, comment
out the line contains check_local_user, or rename this file to
950_exim4-config_maildrop so its precedence lower than
900_exim4-config_local_user, or, add prefix “real-” to the
user@localhost so it will bypass maildrop.

I still don't know if it possible to config maildrop deliver mail to

Chen Wei

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Re: how to deliver local mail to /var/mail ?

2013-02-14 Thread Chen Wei
On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 10:08:52AM +0200, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> I prefer to deliver everything to my Maildir+, but as far as I recall 
> maildrop will deliver to a Maildir only when you append a '/' to the 
> mailbox name, otherwise it uses mbox. See maildropfilter(7).

Thanks, it works! Now I can just use the .mailfilter and leave the exim4
config untouched.

Chen Wei

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Re: SANE - trying to get an LIDE 110 working in Debian Squeeze.

2013-07-02 Thread Chen Wei
> Paul Lewis wrote:
> >However for this scanner SANE stipulates 1.0.62 backend but it seems
> >squeeze has 1.0.61 bundled is there an apt repository that provides
> >1.0.62 or .63?
> Back in the day, I had to install SANE from backports for LiDE 110
> to work.

I have this scanner. I can confirm wheezy support this model out of box,
but backport is needed in squeeze.

Chen Wei

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Re: "cloning" a debian installation

2014-02-02 Thread Chen Wei
On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 09:36:52PM +, Kruppt wrote:
> On 2014-01-31, Fabrice Vaillant  wrote:
> > to suit my computer. The question I'm asking is, what would be the 
> > simplest way(if it is possible) to "clone" my existing installation
> > onto 
> > the new ssd.
> Yes you can clone it easily with rsync.
> Boot up a LiveCD such as SystemRescueCD on a comp with
> grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/sdb2 /dev/sdb
> grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
> update-initramfs -uk $(uname -r)

Just migrated a Wheezy installation to SSD few days earlier. Boot from
live debian, fdisk, mkfs, and rsync are pretty straight forward, but the
grub part is tricky, perhaps because I never really understand how grub
works. I end up let the debian installer do it.

1) install a minimum wheezy
2) boot into live debian
3) copy the /etc/fstab and grub.cfg out, edit uuid if needed
4) rsync -av --delete OLD_Installation/ NEW_Installation/
5) copy fstab and grub.cfg back
6) run update-grub, (it might not necessary, but seems harmless)

Chen Wei

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Re: Suggest a tool for decoding binary data

2014-02-02 Thread Chen Wei
On Sat, Feb 01, 2014 at 05:36:19PM -0800, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
> I'm about to tackle GPT partitioned disks, and want to decode the
> label.
> The data is little-endian, but I want my code to work on little- or
> big-endian machines.  I want it to be a script -- nothing compiled.
> I've figured out that on my little-endian machines, I can use bash
> with something like
> otherlabel=$(($(dd if=label bs=1 skip=32 count=8 | od -An -t d8) ))

I am not quit understand why need dump the label, but it can be done
easily by script language, say, Python.

# - begin --
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys
from struct import unpack

skip = 32
count = 8
fp = open(path_to_dd_image, 'rb').read(skip + count)
data_of_interest = fp[skip:]

if sys.byteorder == 'little':
#assuming the label is a 8 bytes unsigned integer
label = unpack('Q', data_of_interest)[0]
# - end --

Chen Wei

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Re: Question regarding swap partition when installing Linux Mint Debian.

2014-02-03 Thread Chen Wei
On Mon, Feb 03, 2014 at 02:38:16AM -0800, Rick Thomas wrote:
> For example, if you decide to put /tmp in a ramdisk, you may want to
> allocate a swap partition that's much larger than your RAM as backup
> in case somebody needs *lots* of space in /tmp.

+1 for the /tmp example.

> My personal rule of thumb is, "Start with twice your RAM and adjust
> from there depending on experience."

How about use a swapfile? Given the large RAM today, allocate dozens
gigabytes of swap partition that rarely used seems a waste. Besides, it
is easier to change the size of a swapfile than size of a swap

Chen Wei

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Re: Kernel panics after wheezy upgrade (but blaming hardware)

2014-02-03 Thread Chen Wei
On Sun, Feb 02, 2014 at 02:23:38PM -0700, Rick Macdonald wrote:
> read-only without rebooting. I was seeing journal errors (ext3
> filesystem). Then I saw a BIOS message saying a hard drive failure
> was imminent.

Had a hard drive with many bad blocks on it, and run debian(Woody IIRC)
on it as small home NAT/Print server after try isolate the bad blocks to
another partition. Despite the unreliable disk, it only reboot itself
every several weeks, as for kernel panic, I don't remember it clearly.
I guess with disk error, any problems is possible.

> (Antec Earthwatts 430W EA-430D). The machine is an HP Pavillion
> MutilMedia TV PC, so there's an Hauppage TV tuner card installed. I

Could there be some kind of hardware conflict? IRQ or DMA? How about
move the TV card to another slot?

Chen Wei

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Re: Question regarding swap partition when installing Linux Mint Debian.

2014-02-03 Thread Chen Wei
On Mon, Feb 03, 2014 at 11:03:19PM +1100, Scott Ferguson wrote:
> As long as the swap file is not sparse.

Tried *fallocate* to create swapfile then swapon report error, something

swapon: /path2swapfile : swapon failed: Invalid argument

Only figured it out several cups of tea and google-fu later that it was
indeed a sparse problem. Strangely enough the partition is newly created,
formated as xfs, and has over 300G free space on it. dd is the solution.

Chen Wei

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Re: Re: mouse pointer disappeared after upgrading to 6.0.1 in GNOME

2011-03-20 Thread Chen Wei
I have the same problem after upgrade to Debian 6.0.1 yesterday. Try
suspend and wake up then the mouse point become visible. My video card
is intel 855GME. The package been upgrade as follow:


Chen Wei

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Re: mouse pointer disappeared after upgrading to 6.0.1 in GNOME

2011-03-20 Thread Chen Wei
On 03/21/2011 10:44 AM, Steven Sciame wrote:

I also tried custom build kernel, although the mouse pointer is
visible, the system frozen on the gdm login screen.

> Yes Chen, that is correct.  Either Suspending or Hibernating followed by
> the wake-up results in the mouse pointer reappearing.  I found that to
> be the case here too.
> --- On *Sun, 3/20/11, Chen Wei //* wrote:
> From: Chen Wei 
> Subject: Re: Re: mouse pointer disappeared after upgrading to 6.0.1
> in GNOME
> To:
> Date: Sunday, March 20, 2011, 9:02 PM
> I have the same problem after upgrade to Debian 6.0.1 yesterday. Try
> suspend and wake up then the mouse point become visible. My video card
> is intel 855GME. The package been upgrade as follow:
> base-files_6.0squeeze1_i386.deb
> console-setup_1.68+squeeze2_all.deb
> desktop-base_6.0.5squeeze1_all.deb
> gedit_2.30.4-1squeeze1_i386.deb
> gedit-common_2.30.4-1squeeze1_all.deb
> keyboard-configuration_1.68+squeeze2_all.deb
> libnautilus-extension1_2.30.1-2squeeze1_i386.deb
> libnm-glib2_0.8.1-6+squeeze1_i386.deb
> libnm-glib-vpn1_0.8.1-6+squeeze1_i386.deb
> libnm-util1_0.8.1-6+squeeze1_i386.deb
> libpulse0_0.9.21-3+squeeze1_i386.deb
> libpulse-mainloop-glib0_0.9.21-3+squeeze1_i386.deb
> linux-base_2.6.32-31_all.deb
> linux-headers-2.6.32-5-686_2.6.32-31_i386.deb
> linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common_2.6.32-31_i386.deb
> linux-image-2.6.32-5-686_2.6.32-31_i386.deb
> linux-libc-dev_2.6.32-31_i386.deb
> nautilus_2.30.1-2squeeze1_i386.deb
> nautilus-data_2.30.1-2squeeze1_all.deb
> network-manager_0.8.1-6+squeeze1_i386.deb
> pdftk_1.41+dfsg-10+squeeze1_i386.deb
> python_2.6.6-3+squeeze6_all.deb
> python-minimal_2.6.6-3+sq ueeze6_all.deb
> sudo_1.7.4p4-2.squeeze.2_i386.deb
> ttf-liberation_1.05.2.20091019-4squeeze1_all.deb
> tzdata_2011c-0squeeze1_all.deb
> tzdata-java_2011c-0squeeze1_all.deb
> usb-modeswitch-data_20100826-1+squeeze0_all.deb
> xserver-common_2%3a1.7.7-13_all.deb
> xserver-xephyr_2%3a1.7.7-13_i386.deb
> xserver-xorg-core_2%3a1.7.7-13_i386.deb
> xserver-xorg-video-intel_2%3a2.13.0-6_i386.deb
> xvfb_2%3a1.7.7-13_i386.deb
> -- 
> Chen Wei
> -- 
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> Archive:

Chen Wei

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Re: mouse pointer disappeared after upgrading to 6.0.1 in GNOME

2011-03-21 Thread Chen Wei
after build a vanilla 2.6.38 kernel, the mouse pointer is finally back.
It has to be a kernel problem.

On 03/21/2011 02:41 PM, Chen Wei wrote:
> On 03/21/2011 10:44 AM, Steven Sciame wrote:
> I also tried custom build kernel, although the mouse pointer is
> visible, the system frozen on the gdm login screen.
>> Yes Chen, that is correct.  Either Suspending or Hibernating followed by
>> the wake-up results in the mouse pointer reappearing.  I found that to
>> be the case here too.
>> --- On *Sun, 3/20/11, Chen Wei //* wrote:
>> From: Chen Wei 
>> Subject: Re: Re: mouse pointer disappeared after upgrading to 6.0.1
>> in GNOME
>> To:
>> Date: Sunday, March 20, 2011, 9:02 PM
>> I have the same problem after upgrade to Debian 6.0.1 yesterday. Try
>> suspend and wake up then the mouse point become visible. My video card
>> is intel 855GME. The package been upgrade as follow:
>> base-files_6.0squeeze1_i386.deb
>> console-setup_1.68+squeeze2_all.deb
>> desktop-base_6.0.5squeeze1_all.deb
>> gedit_2.30.4-1squeeze1_i386.deb
>> gedit-common_2.30.4-1squeeze1_all.deb
>> keyboard-configuration_1.68+squeeze2_all.deb
>> libnautilus-extension1_2.30.1-2squeeze1_i386.deb
>> libnm-glib2_0.8.1-6+squeeze1_i386.deb
>> libnm-glib-vpn1_0.8.1-6+squeeze1_i386.deb
>> libnm-util1_0.8.1-6+squeeze1_i386.deb
>> libpulse0_0.9.21-3+squeeze1_i386.deb
>> libpulse-mainloop-glib0_0.9.21-3+squeeze1_i386.deb
>> linux-base_2.6.32-31_all.deb
>> linux-headers-2.6.32-5-686_2.6.32-31_i386.deb
>> linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common_2.6.32-31_i386.deb
>> linux-image-2.6.32-5-686_2.6.32-31_i386.deb
>> linux-libc-dev_2.6.32-31_i386.deb
>> nautilus_2.30.1-2squeeze1_i386.deb
>> nautilus-data_2.30.1-2squeeze1_all.deb
>> network-manager_0.8.1-6+squeeze1_i386.deb
>> pdftk_1.41+dfsg-10+squeeze1_i386.deb
>> python_2.6.6-3+squeeze6_all.deb
>> python-minimal_2.6.6-3+sq ueeze6_all.deb
>> sudo_1.7.4p4-2.squeeze.2_i386.deb
>> ttf-liberation_1.05.2.20091019-4squeeze1_all.deb
>> tzdata_2011c-0squeeze1_all.deb
>> tzdata-java_2011c-0squeeze1_all.deb
>>     usb-modeswitch-data_20100826-1+squeeze0_all.deb
>> xserver-common_2%3a1.7.7-13_all.deb
>> xserver-xephyr_2%3a1.7.7-13_i386.deb
>> xserver-xorg-core_2%3a1.7.7-13_i386.deb
>> xserver-xorg-video-intel_2%3a2.13.0-6_i386.deb
>> xvfb_2%3a1.7.7-13_i386.deb
>> -- 
>> Chen Wei
>> -- 
>> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
>> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
>> Archive:

Chen Wei

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Re: mouse pointer disappeared after upgrading to 6.0.1 in GNOME

2011-03-21 Thread Chen Wei
hi Steven, since the VirtualBox 3.2 cannot built its module on 2.6.38
source, follow the instruction in "Debian Linux Kernel Handbook", I
rebuild the kernel. It is quite strait forward and works, the
result kernel is also smaller than default kernel. maybe u can try it
before Debian issue another upgrade.

On 03/22/2011 12:59 AM, Steven Sciame wrote:
> I think you are correct Chen.  On the following thread they found it to
> be the kernel too:
> --- On *Mon, 3/21/11, Chen Wei //* wrote:
> From: Chen Wei 
> Subject: Re: mouse pointer disappeared after upgrading to 6.0.1 in GNOME
> To:
> Date: Monday, March 21, 2011, 4:31 AM
> after build a vanilla 2.6.38 kernel, the mouse pointer is finally back.
> It has to be a kernel problem.
> On 03/21/2011 02:41 PM, Chen Wei wrote:
> > On 03/21/2011 10:44 AM, Steven Sciame wrote:
> >
> > I also tried custom build kernel, although the mouse
> pointer is
> > visible, the system frozen on the gdm login screen.
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> Yes Chen, that is correct.  Either Suspending or Hibernating
> followed by
> >> the wake-up results in the mouse pointer reappearing.  I found
> that to
> >> be the case here too.
> >>
> >> --- On *Sun, 3/20/11, Chen Wei / >/* wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> From: Chen Wei  >
> >> Subject: Re: Re: mouse pointer disappeared after upgrading to
> 6.0.1
> >> in GNOME
> >> To:
> >> Date: Sunday, March 20, 2011, 9:02 PM
> >>
> >> I have the same problem after upgrade to Debian 6.0.1
> yesterday. Try
> >> suspend and wake up then the mouse point become visible. My
> video card
> >> is intel 855GME. The package been upgrade as follow:
> >>
> >> base-files_6.0squeeze1_i386.deb
> >> console-setup_1.68+squeeze2_all.deb
> >> desktop-base_6.0.5squeeze1_all.deb
> >> gedit_2.30.4-1squeeze1_i386.deb
> >> gedit-common_2.30.4-1squeeze1_all.deb
> >> keyboard-configuration_1.68+squeeze2_all.deb
> >> libnautilus-extension1_2.30.1-2squeeze1_i386.deb
> >> libnm-glib2_0.8.1-6+squeeze1_i386.deb
> >> libnm-glib-vpn1_0.8.1-6+squeeze1_i386.deb
> >> libnm-util1_0.8.1-6+squeeze1_i386.deb
> >> libpulse0_0.9.21-3+squeeze1_i386.deb
> >> libpulse-mainloop-glib0_0.9.21-3+squeeze1_i386.deb
> >> linux-base_2.6.32-31_all.deb
> >> linux-headers-2.6.32-5-686_2.6.32-31_i386.deb
> >> linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common_2.6.32-31_i386.deb
> >> linux-image-2.6.32-5-686_2.6.32-31_i386.deb
> >> linux-libc-dev_2.6.32-31_i386.deb
> >> nautilus_2.30.1-2squeeze1_i386.deb
> >> nautilus-data_2.30.1-2squeeze1_all.deb
> >> network-manager_0.8.1-6+squeeze1_i386.deb
> >> pdftk_1.41+dfsg-10+squeeze1_i386.deb
> >> python_2.6.6-3+squeeze6_all.deb
> >> python-minimal_2.6.6-3+sq ueeze6_all.deb
> >> sudo_1.7.4p4-2.squeeze.2_i386.deb
> >> ttf-liberation_1.05.2.20091019-4squeeze1_all.deb
> >> tzdata_2011c-0squeeze1_all.deb
> >> tzdata-java_2011c-0squeeze1_all.deb
> >> usb-modeswitch-data_20100826-1+squeeze0_all.deb
> >> xserver-common_2%3a1.7.7-13_all.deb
> >> xserver-xephyr_2%3a1.7.7-13_i386.deb
> >> xserver-xorg-core_2%3a1.7.7-13_i386.deb
> >> xserver-xorg-video-intel_2%3a2.13.0-6_i386.deb
> >> xvfb_2%3a1.7.7-13_i386.deb
> >>
> >> --
> >> Chen Wei
> >>
> >>
>     >> --
> >> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
> >>  >
> >> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> >>
>  >
> >> Archive:
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> -- 
> Chen Wei
> -- 
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> Archive:

Chen Wei

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Re: mouse pointer disappeared after upgrading to 6.0.1 in GNOME

2011-03-22 Thread Chen Wei
Steven's source.list is okay, he is not the VirtualBox user, I am. LOL:

VirtualBox does remind me to upgrade to 4.x series every time it starts,
but 3.2 works fine so far. And 4.x package appears about 10M larger,
thus I am stick with 3.2.

IMHO, use a self build kernel is fine, the rest of Debian is still from
stable branch, besides, we can switch back to Debian official kernel any
time. The Debian kernel building routing is very smart, it build several
.deb package which can be installed via dpkg -i *.deb. It even change
the boot menu automatically, for example, there are both and
2.6.32-5 on my boot menu now, so if I want go back to pure Debian 6.01,
just select 2.6.32-5, however, I then must try guess the mouse pointer

Chen Wei

On 03/22/2011 12:25 PM, Steven Sciame wrote:
> That is possible.  I just assumed that my sources.list was correct. 
> Does this look right?
> steven@debtop:~$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list
> deb squeeze main contrib non-free
> deb-src squeeze main
> deb squeeze/updates main
> deb-src squeeze/updates main
> #Multimedia
> deb squeeze main non-free
> I am not crazy about the non-free, but I needed it for the b43 driver. 
> Broadcomm joined the Linux Foundation and opened up a lot of their newer
> drivers, but somehow the old ones are still non-free as far as I
> know(this is an old laptop)
> and the non-free from multimedia:  I need adobe flash for work, because
> gNash doesn't quite get it done. and w32codecs comes in handy too.
> --- On *Mon, 3/21/11, Scott Ferguson
> //* wrote:
> From: Scott Ferguson 
> Subject: Re: mouse pointer disappeared after upgrading to 6.0.1 in GNOME
> To:
> Date: Monday, March 21, 2011, 10:58 PM
> On 22/03/11 14:12, Steven Sciame wrote:
> >
> >
> > I could try that, but I am a little nervous wandering away from a
> > "stable" system.  Would I have to wait for the next point release for
> > this to get fixed and how would I maximize my chances of this being
> > fixed in 6.0.2? or sooner maybe?
> You are several upgrades behind the current, stable virtualbox.
> Possibly you didn't change your sources.list entry back in November -
> else you would be running 4.x vb.
> >
> > --- On *Mon, 3/21/11, Scott Ferguson
> > / >/* wrote:
> >
> >
> > From: Scott Ferguson  >
>     > Subject: Re: mouse pointer disappeared after upgrading to
> 6.0.1 in GNOME
> > To:
> > Date: Monday, March 21, 2011, 8:41 PM
> >
> > On 22/03/11 12:30, Chen Wei wrote:
> > > hi Steven, since the VirtualBox 3.2 cannot built its module
> on 2.6.38
> > > source, follow the instruction in "Debian Linux Kernel
> Handbook", I
> > > rebuild the kernel. It is quite strait forward and
> works, the
> > > result kernel is also smaller than default kernel. maybe u
> can try it
> > > before Debian issue another upgrade.
> > >
> > >
> > 
> >
> > Suggest you use VirtualBox 4.0.4 (released 2011-02-17)
> >
> > #apt-get remove virtualbox3.2
> > wget -t 0
> > 
> <>
> > 
> <>
> > (there's an AMD64 variant)
> > #dpkg -i virtualbox-4.0_4.0.4-70112~Debian~squeeze*.deb
> >
> > wget -t 0
> > 
> > #VBoxManage extpack install
> > Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-4.0.4-70112.vbox-extpack
> >
> fww I have had no issues, with vb in Lenny or Squeeze.
> The release notes are on
> Cheers
> -- 
> > A: Yes.
> > >Q: Are you sure?
> > >>A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
> > >>>Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?
> -- 
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> Archive:

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about mutt-patch sidebar indent level

2011-03-31 Thread Chen Wei
Dear list:
In mutt-patch's sidebar(debian squeeze), some folders are
indented, they look like:


those folders are at same level, there are no sub folders, I notice
all indented folder have "." in their name, if I add "." to those
un-indented folder, they will be indented as well. For every "."
in folder name, the folder is indented one character to the right.

how to make those folder indent to same level?

Chen Wei

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Re: about mutt-patch sidebar indent level

2011-04-01 Thread Chen Wei
On Fri, Apr 01, 2011 at 12:08:28PM +, Camaleón wrote:
> On Fri, 01 Apr 2011 08:44:41 +0800, Chen Wei wrote:
> > how to make those folder indent to same level?
> Hum... maybe the behaviour you are experiencing has any connection with 
> these two patches that were added recently:
thanks Camaleón.
Since this is a feature, i will try avoid "." in folder names. 

Chen Wei

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Re: EeePC and Debian

2011-04-07 Thread Chen Wei
On Thu, Apr 07, 2011 at 05:52:25PM +1000, Rob Hurle wrote:
>   I have an EeePC 4G (the 701) and I'm trying to put Debian Squeeze on
> to it.  I've RTFM and read the wiki, and got to the stage of having a
> USB stick that boots the netinst version.  The EeePC is connected to
> the Internet by a proven cable (not wireless).  The USB stick boots to
> the install screen (looks good) and I can use the touch pad to
> navigate around that.  But, when I choose anything from that menu, the
> system hangs.  CTL-ALT-DEL reboots, and it seems to be the only way to
> get out of it, short of removing the battery.  The power button does
> nothing.
it could be a video model problem, try press TAB and custom the boot
option, *avoid* any fancy vga= parameter.

Chen Wei

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Re: New to Linux

2011-04-13 Thread Chen Wei
On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 01:41:58PM -0400, Chris Brennan wrote:
> GPL doesn't promise future freedom when someone else legally buy's the
> rights to the source and changes it. That being said, Final versions of a
> program released under GPL or another F/OSS licence allows that snapshot in
> time of the code to remain unchanged(9and thus still free for another
> developer group/project to pickup and continue)
> These are very real fears being expressed all over Open Source communities,
> it has been of much debate on the FreeBSD mailing lists as well as Gentoo.
I am confused. My impression is once a software GPLed, it will remain
GPL, all modifications/improvements/bug fixes etc. will be GPL as well.
Therefor regardless the owner, the GPLed source can not be un-GPLed.

Chen Wei

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mua and mail service provider statistics

2011-04-13 Thread Chen Wei
hi list,

as a first time debian-user subscriber, I feel been buried alive by
incoming emails, though I heard there are some monster maillists, 
linux kernel maillist for example, are carrying even heavier traffic.
Wondering how to manage so many emails, out of curiosity, I did a 
statistics on choice of mail client and email service, based on 1494
messages received since subscribed to this list. Here is what I found.

MUA | email provider
Gmail  83 25.7% | 110 34.1% | 
Mozilla75 23.2% |  8  2.5% | 
Mutt   54 16.7% |  4  1.2% | 
Unknown20  6.2% |   3  0.9% | 
KMail  15  4.6% |  3  0.9% | 
Gnus   11  3.4% | 3  0.9% | 
Evolution  11  3.4% | 3  0.9% | 
Claws  11  3.4% | well-adjusted.de2  0.6% | 
Sylpheed6  1.9% |   2  0.6% | 
Apple   3  0.9% |   2  0.6% | 
Zimbra  2  0.6% |  2  0.6% | 
YahooMailRC 2  0.6% | 2  0.6% | 
YahooMailClassic2  0.6% | 2  0.6% | 
Pan 2  0.6% | 2  0.6% | 2  0.6% | arcor.de2  0.6% | 
Loom2  0.6% | zoho.com1  0.3% | 
Alpine  2  0.6% |  1  0.3% | 
tin 1  0.3% |  0.3% | 
slrn1  0.3% | 1  0.3% | 
netcat  1  0.3% |   1  0.3% | 

Total Messages: 1494
Total Users: 323

The short story is, GMAIL prevail.

Chen Wei
#!/usr/bin/env python
# to count what kind of mail client folks are using in maillist
import os
import re

def guess_mua(received_from):
pattern = {'':'Gmail', 'blackberry':'Blackberry',
   '':'Yahoo', '':'Nabble'}
mua = None
for key in pattern:
if key in received_from:
mua = pattern[key]
if not mua:
mua = 'Unknown'
return mua

mailfiles = os.walk('/home/wei/.Maildir/Debian-User')

maildir_files = []
for mail in mailfiles:
dirpath = mail[0]
for f in mail[2]:
maildir_files.append(os.path.join(dirpath, f))

mailstat = {}
for m in maildir_files:
content = open(m)
mua = None
sender = None
for line in content:
if line.startswith('From:'):
address = re.findall('[^<\s]+@[^>\s]+', line)
if address:
sender = address[0]
sender = line.rstrip()[5:] # string after 'From: '

for agent_header in ('User-Agent:', 'X-Mailer:' , 'X-Newsreader:'):
if line.startswith(agent_header):
mua = line.rstrip().split(":")[1].split()[0].split('/')[0]
if 'Thunderbird' in mua:
mua = 'Mozilla'
if sender:
if mua:
if line.startswith('Received: from'):
received_from = line
if not mua:
mua = guess_mua(received_from)
mailstat[sender] = mua

def sort_count(input_list):
'''given a list, return a 2D list sorted by item count'''
count = {}
for mua in input_list:
if count.has_key(mua):
count[mua] += 1
count[mua] = 1
count_sort = []
for mua in count:
count_sort.append((count[mua], mua))
return count_sort

domains = []
for sender in mailstat:
except Exception:

mua_statis = sort_count(mailstat.values())
mail_provider = sort_count(domains)

# pretty print
def line_gen(item, total):
line = '{0:<25} {1:>3} {2:>5} | '.format(item[1], str(item[0]),
  '{0:.1%}'.format(item[0] / float(total)))
return line

total_user = len(mailstat)
for x in range(20):
line = line_gen(mua_statis[x], total_user)
line += line_gen(mail_provider[x], total_user)
print line

def sum_counted_list(mylist):
count = 0
for item in mylist:
count += item[0]
return count

print '\nTotal Users: ' + str(total_user)

Re: file systems

2011-05-01 Thread Chen Wei
On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 03:41:05PM -0500, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
> >> prad put forth on 4/20/2011 11:43 PM:
> >> Why USB?
> > since our volume is pretty small we only require around 10G.
> > the idea is to keep bkps on usb drives, so that if one fails, it's just
> > a simple plug-in to get things going again. we were thinking that we
> > avoid any possibility of hd failure/replacement this way and likely
> > reduce power requirements too.
> > 
> > i've read that usb3 has faster write access than hd (though usb2
> > apparently didn't). read access though is apparently just as good with
> > usb2.
> > 
> > we haven't evaluated the idea fully yet though and are just
> > contemplating the possibility as a sort of poorman's solid state drives.
> I'd steer clear of USB disk storage for a server environment.  I've seen
> too many reports of USB links resetting spuriously for no apparent
> reason.  If you have your root filesystem and swap on such a device and
> this happens, you're in trouble.
Indeed, running apps need access an external USB disk can be quite
troublesome, especially when the app is expected to running non-stop
for a long time. I learned the lesson when try to serve NFS over home
network, with the shared NFS directory on an external USB hard disk.
After running for several hours, sometimes several days if lucky, that
USB disk becomes unresponsive. Thanks to journaling ext3 filesystem, no
data was lost. couldn't figure out why the USB disk malfunction, since
it runs flawlessly if only use for brief peroid of time. 

Chen Wei

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Re: mua and mail service provider statistics

2011-05-01 Thread Chen Wei
On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 09:22:06AM -0500, Kumar Appaiah wrote:
> Thanks for doing this.
u are welcome :)

> The trouble with GMail is that it is suboptimal when it comes to a
> couple of things when compared to Mutt, _for me_:
> - It's threading is linear, which is difficult to follow for long and
>   complex evolving threads.
> - I prefer console goodness over a web based approach.
> - GMail encourages top posting.
> But I see the merit in using GMail; it's simple, easy and powerful to
> use. Just that it's not for me.
> Kumar
> -- 
once upon a time hotmail was so hot and yahoo mail was so cool...

Chen Wei

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Re: file systems

2011-05-01 Thread Chen Wei
On Sun, May 01, 2011 at 11:35:17AM +0300, Andrei Popescu wrote:
> On Du, 01 mai 11, 02:34:59, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
> I understand that xfs is great for super-computers[1] and stuff, but how 
> is that relevant to a desktop computer with something like this?
> $ df -h
> FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/sda6 9.2G  7.3G  1.5G  84% /
> tmpfs1006M  4.0K 1006M   1% /lib/init/rw
> udev 1004M  548K 1004M   1% /dev
> tmpfs1006M 0 1006M   0% /dev/shm
> tmpfs1006M  164K 1006M   1% /tmp
> /dev/sda7 9.2G  2.7G  6.1G  31% /media/stable
> /dev/sda2  19G  9.9G  7.6G  57% /home
> /dev/sda8 104G   79G   26G  76% /home/amp/big
> (actually one of those partitions is on xfs, but that's not my point)
> [1] my definition of super-computer is something that I can't afford :)
> That includes stuff like RAID, considering I'm struggling to find the 
> space for regular backups AND for all the junk.
My 7 years old laptop could be classified as the opposite of super
computer:). As an average home user, I don't benchmark filesystems, my
experience is purly subjective. Still, I would appreciate a filesystem
that can:

1) journaling. the long ext2 fsck is too painful.
2) performs well on a lots of small files, maildir and extrace linux
kernel source for example. 
3) performs well on large files, to me, large means several G, since XFS
appears define large in astronomical number, it should be happy with my
4) online defragment. there are files under thunderbird and firefox
profile directory keep been modified. I expect better web browsing
responsiveness if those files been defrag regularly.

I am using ext4 now, works fine so far, it will be great if ext4 have
online defragment, though, I shall put xfs on the list when need install
an OS or get a new hard disk next time.

Chen Wei

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Re: Poll - What Smartphone do you use?

2011-05-03 Thread Chen Wei
On Tue, May 03, 2011 at 01:39:40PM +0100, Nuno Magalhães wrote:
> +1
> And i use a dumbphone, Nokia 2600 i think, good to make calls and send
> text messages.
> If i ever get a smartphone, it'll be an openmoko (pref the GTA02A7++
> or any of the later if they ever come out and cheap).
I used like Palm Treo, but Palm discontined palmos phone a while ago, so
I stay with Nokia 1209 dumbphone. It is small, it has long standby time,
its battery is widely used in many Nokia phones, as well as other
devices, including handheld radio and GPS, a nice feature if u own or
plan to own such devices, also almost guarantee the spare battery can be
easily found.

Chen Wei

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Re: Knoppix and debian

2011-05-03 Thread Chen Wei
On Tue, May 03, 2011 at 03:29:20PM +0200, Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:
> just a simple question: I discovered the hardware recognition on the KNOPPIX-
> DVD is very good. 
> Is this a personal development by Klaus Knopper? Is it also used by debian? 
> And if not, why not?
Do you mean KNOPPIX discovers more hardware than debian, or KNOPPIX shows
the hardware recognition process in a more user friendly way?

Chen Wei

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Re: Cannot connect to WPA PSK network (ThinkPad X220 with Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N + WiMAX 6250 adapter)

2011-05-05 Thread Chen Wei
On Thu, May 05, 2011 at 01:27:46PM +0900, Akira Kitada wrote:
> $ lspci | grep Network
> 03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N +
> WiMAX 6250 (rev 5e)
> $ cat /etc/network/interfaces
> ...
> allow-hotplug wlan0
> iface wlan0 inet dhcp
> wpa-ssid 
> wpa-psk 
> ... 
> May  5 12:49:39 debian wpa_supplicant[2956]: Failed to initiate AP scan.
> May  5 12:49:49 debian wpa_supplicant[2956]: Failed to initiate AP scan.
/etc/network/interfaces looks correct, my first thought is wpasupplicant
has not been installed, obviously that is not the case. Perhaps the
wpa-ssid is not match? It is case-sensitive.

Chen Wei

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Re: User-oriented backup tools

2017-02-17 Thread Chen Wei
On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 10:37:58AM -0600, Glenn Holmer wrote:
> On 02/16/2017 10:34 AM, Francesco Porro wrote:
> > On 16/02/2017 14:50, Hans wrote:
> > Ok, now I'm trying back-in-time. After some setting up, it's working and
> > copying 60+ GB from my Home to the external usb3 drive. And it's quite fast!
> I've been using backintime for years and am very satisfied with it.

I wrote a script to run backintime style backup from remote machine.

> -- 
> Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
> "After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

Chen Wei

Re: Recommendation for National Public Radio player

2011-11-04 Thread Chen Wei
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 04:47:33PM -0500, Harry Putnam wrote:
> But in briefly googling for this topic I started to see that not all
> players can get all streams.  
> I wanted to make sure any suggestions where software that can actually
> be made to connect to NPR.
> I don't necessarily mean something in debian repos.  Just what ever
> your own experience can vouch for as a player capable of gettting
> internet NPR.
try squeezebox server. It is a music library manager that streaming
audio over LAN. Pretty handy when come to internet radio. With a
3rd party NPR plugin, it get program titles and wma stream from 

There are several music player sold by Logitech work with squeezebox
server. I heard their audio quality are very good, but don't have the
chance to actually see or listen to one because they are not available
in my country. A software player called squeezeplay is a good alternative.

Chen Wei

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Re: Recommendation for National Public Radio player

2011-11-05 Thread Chen Wei
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 04:47:33PM -0500, Harry Putnam wrote:
> I wanted to make sure any suggestions where software that can actually
> be made to connect to NPR.
> I don't necessarily mean something in debian repos.  Just what ever
> your own experience can vouch for as a player capable of gettting
> internet NPR.
try squeezebox server. It is a music library manager that streaming
audio over LAN. It also have several APPs that connect to many internet
radio stations. A 3rd party NPR plugin enable it get program titles and
wma stream from NPR.

There are several music players sold by Logitech work with squeezebox
server. I heard their audio quality are very good, but don't have the
chance to actually see or listen to one because they are not available
in my country. A software player called squeezeplay is a good

Chen Wei

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Re: Recommendation for National Public Radio player

2011-11-05 Thread Chen Wei
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 04:47:33PM -0500, Harry Putnam wrote:
> I wanted to make sure any suggestions where software that can actually
> be made to connect to NPR.
> I don't necessarily mean something in debian repos.  Just what ever
> your own experience can vouch for as a player capable of gettting
> internet NPR.
try squeezebox server. It is a music library manager that streaming
audio over LAN. It also have several APPs that connect to many internet
radio stations. A 3rd party NPR plugin enable it get program titles and
wma stream from NPR.

I am using a software player called squeezeplay. There are several
music players sold by Logitech work with squeezebox server. I heard
their audio quality are very good, but don't have the chance to actually
see or listen to one because they are not available in my country. 

Chen Wei

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Re: using kernel 3.0.1+

2011-11-06 Thread Chen Wei
On Tue, Nov 01, 2011 at 04:41:22PM +0100, Sven Hoexter wrote:
> I've a system with a i5 2520m (Intel Sandybridge) and written down a few
> notes about it in the Debian wiki.
> In short, as other people all ready wrote, you'll have to use at least
> the kernel from backports (2.6.39 currently) but I guess you'll also
> need the backport (thanks to KiBi for providing it).
> The most annoying part is the requirement of a new kernel+non-free to get
> at least ethernet working. After that it's a lot easier to get the rest
> going.
Squeeze doesn't support Atheros AR8151 NIC on my new system too, I have
to install testing. Besides the 3.x kernel, other utils, lm-sensor for
example, support for i5 cpu better in testing. 

Chen Wei

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Re: special device does not exist

2011-11-06 Thread Chen Wei
On Sun, Nov 06, 2011 at 02:35:57AM +, T o n g wrote:
> > Did you recently change the partition table on that device?  That will
> > sometimes cause the kernel to be out of sync with the device.
> Bingo! 
> I remember it was a "long" time ago that I changed the partition. But 
> apparently it is not long enough to beat my last reboot:
I found UUID makes life easier.

Chen Wei

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enable i915 rc6 save 7 watt on kernel 3.2

2012-01-18 Thread Chen Wei
Hi List,

Since recently upgraded to kernel 3.2, the core temperature on my laptop
seems raised few degrees. An external power meter shows big difference
in power consumption. The power usage raised from 15w on kernel 2.6.39,
to 22w on kernel 3.2.1. A bit of google later, it was suggested that
enable i915_enable_rc6 parameter may improves power consumption as well
as graphic performance. And indeed it is, after put
“i915.i915_enable_rc6=1” in grub config, the overall power usage drops
to 15w, while the glxgears score increases from 39xxFPS to 47xxFPS.

The system: i5-2410M, using integrated HD3000 GPU
Debian Squeeze with backports xorg

Chen Wei

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Re: enable i915 rc6 save 7 watt on kernel 3.2

2012-01-19 Thread Chen Wei
On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 10:29:19AM +0100, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> merkaba:~> cat /etc/modprobe.d/i915-kms.conf 
> options i915 modeset=1 i915_enable_rc6=1 i915_enable_fbc=1 semaphores=1
> There is also
> # The Leading Cause Of The Recent Linux Kernel Power Problems
> #
> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="pcie_aspm=force threadirqs"
> but I didn´t found it to make much of a difference on my ThinkPad T520.
same model here. Power consumption is fluctuate between 14 to 15W. With
pcie_aspm=force, the reading appears lower by less than 1W, it could be
an equipment error. So the difference is small, if any, with the
pcie_aspm tweak. Besides, aspm seems remain disabled: 

wei@Tungsten:~$ dmesg|grep -i aspm
[0.00] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.2.1
root=UUID=ed888aee-0822-4303-8bea-18f0fbf9ba3a ro quiet pcie_aspm=force
[0.00] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.2.1
root=UUID=ed888aee-0822-4303-8bea-18f0fbf9ba3a ro quiet pcie_aspm=force
[0.00] PCIe ASPM is forcibly enabled
[0.460586] ACPI FADT declares the system doesn't support PCIe ASPM,
so disable it
[0.582432] ACPI _OSC control for PCIe not granted, disabling ASPM

> Aside from that glxgears is not, was not and likely never will be a 
> meaningful benchmark - it only utilizes a tiny fraction of OpenGL while 
> games and compositing managers use a different and larger set of OpenGL. 
> There are some benchmarks at Phoronix that show increased framerates. One 
> suggested explaination there is that due to the power savings mechanisms 
> like turbo boost for overclocking can be used more often and/or longer.
they are over several hundred MB. Is there any small and simple graphic
test tool like glxgreas?

Chen Wei

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Re: enable i915 rc6 save 7 watt on kernel 3.2

2012-01-19 Thread Chen Wei
On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 01:05:13PM +0100, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> > wei@Tungsten:~$ dmesg|grep -i aspm
> > [0.00] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.2.1
> > root=UUID=ed888aee-0822-4303-8bea-18f0fbf9ba3a ro quiet pcie_aspm=force
> > threadirqs
> > [0.00] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.2.1
> > root=UUID=ed888aee-0822-4303-8bea-18f0fbf9ba3a ro quiet pcie_aspm=force
> > threadirqs
> > [0.00] PCIe ASPM is forcibly enabled
> > [0.460586] ACPI FADT declares the system doesn't support PCIe ASPM,
> > so disable it
> > [0.582432] ACPI _OSC control for PCIe not granted, disabling ASPM
> Well AFAIR the second message is overridden by the first one in that case. 
> Would have to lookup the details from some Phoronix articles by Michael 
> Larabel or some other sources or the linux kernel source.
good to know. any chance it may cause hardware damage on unsupported
> > > while games and compositing managers use a different and larger set
> > > of OpenGL. There are some benchmarks at Phoronix that show increased
> > > framerates. One suggested explaination there is that due to the
> > 
> > they are over several hundred MB. Is there any small and simple graphic
> > test tool like glxgreas?
> Well what exactly do you want to test and why?
not long ago on this list, when I mentioned glxgears score, I was
suggested to benchmarking by flightgears, which is also several hundred
MB. I am simply curious why graphic test suits are all so big. 

Although T520 is overkill for google earth(constant blinking, but it is
another story), the most graphic demanding apps I use, I have a strong
feeling that higher graphic score on the same hardware could means more
efficient way of using GPU, therefore possible lower power usage when
running non graphical intense apps, hence longer battery life. My
feeling, well, is just feeling, since the power meter shows regardless
the glxgears score, the typical desktop usage use almost same amount of
power under different kernel. Anyway, it is always good to know that
more juice can be squeezed out of the same hardware, isn't it?

Chen Wei

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Re: how to download the packages in Debian testing non-free before installing?

2012-01-19 Thread Chen Wei
On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 09:49:49PM -0500, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> Another alternative is to do the install on another machine, and then to
> move/clone the resulting partition.
> Most of my Debian installs were done by cloning an existing system
> rather than going through the "debian-installation" process.
> Stefan
hi Stefan,

It is very interesting, could you please describe some details? Such as
booting, transfer files, install boot loader, Thanks. 

Chen Wei

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Re: [Fwd: Re: enable i915 rc6 save 7 watt on kernel 3.2]

2012-01-19 Thread Chen Wei
On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 03:02:16PM -0800, wrote:
> What are you using to measure your laptop power use?
> The page recommends an external power meter- I wondered if
> you have recommendations or tips for a particular type or method? I'm
> wondering if there is something fairly inexpensive but reliable and
> possibly useful for other things as well. I mean I know there are tons of
> I also have the Lenovo T520.

I don't know if there are better method, but I happen to have an
inexpensive external power meter, it looks like a plug with a small LCD
screen, capable of measure from few watt to 2000watt, display voltage,
power factor, and calculate overall power usage, so it is quite handy
for home use. It should be easy to find a good one in local shop or

Chen Wei

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Re: [Fwd: Re: enable i915 rc6 save 7 watt on kernel 3.2]

2012-01-19 Thread Chen Wei
On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 06:07:16PM -0800, wrote:
> > On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 10:29:19AM +0100, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> >> merkaba:~> cat /etc/modprobe.d/i915-kms.conf
> >> options i915 modeset=1 i915_enable_rc6=1 i915_enable_fbc=1
> >> semaphores=1
> When I try to use this line of options I get an error message saying
> i915_enable_fcb is an unknown parameter. Is that for kernel 3.2 only?
try ' sudo modinfo i915 ' see if it is available.

> What does that parameter refer to? I tried googling on
from the modinfo:
" parm:   i915_enable_fbc:Enable frame buffer compression for
power savings (default: -1 (use per-chip default)) (int)"

> For my Lenovo T520 using only the integrated Intel graphics, do I need
> drivers other than xserver-xorg-core, xserver-xorg-video-fbdev, and
> xserver-xorg-video-intel?
> The reason I ask is that I sometimes, when experimenting with
> different configurations get errors suggesting that I need the vesa
> driver, and wonder if that is related to the error I get concerning
> the i915_enable_fcb?
judge from /var/log/Xorg.0.log, vesa module is loaded, so better to
install xserver-xorg-video-vesa. i915_enable_fcb, as the modinfo
suggested, more like a power saving parm.

Chen Wei

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Re: How to install Truecrypt on Debian squeeze?

2012-01-20 Thread Chen Wei
On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 10:49:49AM +1000, Ashton Fagg wrote:
> The majority of people who use Truecrypt aren't interested in
> whole-disk encryption. Most likely they want to have an encrypted
> "container" that they mount as a separate volume. It is my
they might be better off by switching to something else, for example,
encfs. IMHO it is easier to use, easier to backup.

Chen Wei

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Re: Not getting mails in inbox

2012-01-30 Thread Chen Wei
On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 11:17:12AM +0530, Harshad Joshi wrote:
> I am not getting replies to mails i am sending on this list. i have to
> manually check or refer google to get answers..
> can someone look in this matter?

it is a feature of Gmail :)

Chen Wei

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Re: Not getting mails in inbox

2012-01-30 Thread Chen Wei
On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 08:40:23PM +1100, Scott Ferguson wrote:
> NOTE: it is very, very rare for your posts to the list not to be published.
> You can set up a separate free webmail account and use it as the replyto
> address in emails to the list from your gmail account, then set up
> forwarding from that account to your gmail account.
> You can set up your own email server, or purchase an email service
> somewhere. I don't know if other free webmail services display list
> posting either - perhaps other users can advise.
gmail is still the most popular free mail service, followed by gmx. gmx
works well with mailing list, it also support SMTP & IMAP.

statistic from 18K debian-user messages:
Among 1514 users posted to the list 535 35.3% |  23  1.5% | 21  1.4% | 20  1.3% | 
mail.ru18  1.2% | 
hotmail.com17  1.1% | 17  1.1% | 11  0.7% | 
verizon.net10  0.7% | 
free.fr10  0.7% | 
yahoo.fr8  0.5% | 7  0.5% |  6  0.4% | 6  0.4% | 
yahoo.it5  0.3% | 5  0.3% |  5  0.3% | 5  0.3% |   4  0.3% |         4  0.3% | 

Chen Wei

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Re: how to refrain only use certain number of processors

2012-01-30 Thread Chen Wei
On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 06:06:06PM +0800, lina wrote:
> I have a script like
> #!/bin/bash
> for i in {0..108}
> do
> some job will run for mins &
> done
> Here I used & for some kinda of parallel.
> but there is a problem,
> I wished at most it only run 8 jobs simultantly, no more than 8, once
> finished, a new job can continue,
> Some suggestions?

how about instead of one script, running 8 scripts from cron, each has
its own lock file:

#script no.1

if [ -f $LOCKFILE ]; then
   exit 1
   echo "green light .."

date -u > $LOCKFILE
do something

Chen Wei

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Re: Not getting mails in inbox

2012-01-30 Thread Chen Wei
On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 08:37:00AM +1100, Scott Ferguson wrote:
> > gmail is still the most popular free mail service,
> I use it myself - I'm not sure what 'your' point is
sorry, I mean most popular choice in this list.

> I note that many (*cough*BP,PE*cough*) will recommend you *don't* use
> gmail (I simply recommend you use a fine MUA like Icedove, Mutt,
> Evolution, Kmail etc with the mail server of your choice).
I like gmail, but 'skip inbox' is hardly a mailing list friendly feature
when not using the web interface. Once I sent several copies of the same
message to the list in 2 days, not aware this unique gmail feature. And
verify the send status from list archive might be difficult because the
archive is blocked in certain part of this planet.

> Noted I'll add documentation for gmx to the wiki on the weekend (time
> permitting).
It might be helpful to add the gmail feature to the wiki as well, if its
not there.

> > statistic from 18K debian-user messages: Among 1514 users posted to
> > the list 535 35.3% | 23  1.5% |
> > 21  1.4% | 20  1.3% | 18
> > 1.2% |
> I'm not sure what those "statistics" mean. Are they all webmailers?
> Do they only represent mail sent from the webmail interface?  What are
> the majority of posters using (the missing numbers), and what is the
> new/email split?  Do those figures allow for gateways (ie. google
> groups, new generation, gmane, and others)?
they are parsed from the maildir files I received in past few months.
The statistics represents all users who had sent mail to the list,
regardless their MUAs. The invisible majority posters probably use work
or ISP mail address but I am not sure. 

News/Mail preference of total 18145 messages:
email   14646 80.7% | 
Gmane3327 18.3% | 
Misc-NNTP 118  0.7% | 
Google Group   31  0.2% |   23  0.1% | 

News/Mail preference of 1518 users
email1419 93.5% | 
Gmane  74  4.9% | 
Misc-NNTP      14  0.9% | 
Google Group8  0.5% | 
albasani.net3  0.2% | 

Chen Wei

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Re: Not getting mails in inbox

2012-01-31 Thread Chen Wei
On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 06:27:37PM +1100, Scott Ferguson wrote:
> The actual mail server can be determined from the IP address, the mail
> client from the MUA string (in a majority of cases), third party
> gateways (identifiable by the IP address) do a certain amount of
> obscuring of the originating mail/news server and news/email client.
> > 
> > News/Mail preference of total 18145 messages: email 14646 80.7% |
> > Gmane3327 18.3% | Misc-NNTP
> > 
Gmane means the message comes from gmane, It is the best guess by
looking into header field such as 'X-Gmane-NNTP-Posting-Host',
'Injection-Info', and 'NNTP-Posting-Host'. so there were 3327 messages
came from gmane.

> Do you have any figure for point of origin ie. of gmane, google groups
> and (you don't appear to have covered New Generation and Bob's
> favourite, Nabble) what percentage used the gateway's web interface?
assuming User-Agent string 'Loom' is the gmane web interface, there are
around 16%(14 of 85) gmane users post via web. However, only 2.5%
messages(82 of 3327) from gmane were posted via web. The news/mail user
count is not always accurate because user sometimes switched to other
ways of posting, so does the mua count.

There were only 3 messages with 'X-Nabble-From' header, they must from
Nabble. I didn't see any message from New Generation.

Chen Wei

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Re: Backup System

2012-02-03 Thread Chen Wei
On Fri, Feb 03, 2012 at 09:35:02AM +, Jon Dowland wrote:
> I'd recommend avoiding rsnapshot as hard-link trees just don't scale
> and cause filesystem metadata problems.
> I wrote about my present thoughts on backups in December:

I have used backintime for almost one year. Since it use hardlinks to
save space and also because I use hardlinks to remove duplicated files,
I am little bit concerned. I did a test on reading a directory with a
lot of small files. There isn't any noticable difference between read
one copy of that dir and one thousand hardlinked copies of it. Could it
possible something else slows down your system?

the test in detail:
Squeeze AMD64, running Kernel 3.2.1, the test directory contains 18K+
maildir files of Debian-User mailing list, stored on XFS filesystem with
default mount options.

after drop the cache by "echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches", timing a
script which read mail file and parse mail header. It takes around 36
seconds to read and parse all files. Then make 1000 hardlinked copies of
that directory, now the output of "ls -l" looks like

-rw--- 1001 wei mail 4836 Feb  3 20:30 1328272212.M[]en,S=4836:2,S

It still take around 36 seconds to run.

Chen Wei

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Re: www site monitor

2012-02-10 Thread Chen Wei
On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 05:29:02PM +, pch0317 wrote:
> Hi list,
> I must monitor remote site to check that it works. I refresh this
> site from time to time in web browser. Can I automate this process?
> I search for service which:
> - monitors *remote* WWW site (via http request)
> - when remote site doesn't respond for example 5 minutes it notify
> some person (via e-mail or SMS).
> Is that service available in Debian repository? Or is there any
> commercial product which do that?

assume you have a local working smtp server, let's check if debian is
online by running following script from cron.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import urllib2
import cookielib

URL = ''

def browser():
cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
cookie_support = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPHandler, cookie_support)
return opener

def sendmail(subject, msgbody):
'''send mail to gmail via a working local exim4'''
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
msg = MIMEText(msgbody)
from_addr = 'my_address'
dest_addr = 'man_on_duty'
msg['Subject'] = subject
msg['From'] = from_addr
msg['To'] = dest_addr
s_obj = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
s_obj.sendmail(from_addr, dest_addr, msg.as_string())
print 'Successfully sent mail to {0}'.format(dest_addr)

def main(url):
brs = browser()
site =
except urllib2.URLError:
sendmail('datacenter on fire?')
except urllib2.HTTPError:
sendmail('or under water')

if __name__ == "__main__":

Chen Wei

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Re: Mp3 Encoding (and Virtual Machine Software for Wheezy?)

2011-05-18 Thread Chen Wei
On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 12:35:01AM -0400, Tin Kidneys wrote:
> I just purchased a Sony E-Series Walkman, & don't have any album
> artwork showing on mp3's i just encoded using my Debian Wheezy
> system (my lame libraries are from
> Some of the mp3's i added were actually showing artwork, so i ran
> those files through my hex editor and discovered the problem was the
> version of lame i was encoding with. The mp3's i encoded using my
> Debian (Wheezy) system, the artwork was not showing. But the older
> mp3's i was adding... their album's artwork WAS showing.

It might not be the version of lame, but the version of id3 tag cause
the problem. I'd like suggest you start troubleshooting by compare the
id3 tag version, or use a tag editor, easytag for example, to rewrite
the mp3 tag in the version that Sony mp3 supported.

> Install a virtual machine, load the older libraries, & do my
> encoding there. However, my issue is i don't know of any virtual
> machine software available for Debian Wheezy (amd64). Do you guys
> know of any?


Chen Wei

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Re: Mp3 Encoding (and Virtual Machine Software for Wheezy?)

2011-05-19 Thread Chen Wei
On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 03:25:15PM -0400, Tin Kidneys wrote:
> On 05/18/2011 03:16 AM, Chen Wei wrote:
> >On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 12:35:01AM -0400, Tin Kidneys wrote:
> >>I just purchased a Sony E-Series Walkman,&  don't have any album
> >>artwork showing on mp3's i just encoded using my Debian Wheezy
> >>system (my lame libraries are from
> >>
> Thanks for the response. All tags on mp3's which are currently showing
> & not showing artwork are in ID3v2.3, so the issue is not ID3 tags.
I didn't know that lame can embed image into mp3. In fact, I always use
a 3rd party tagger. When I rip cd, ABCDE also appears work this way. It
use lame to encode wav files, id3 or id3v2 to tag mp3 files. To embed
artwork, I use easytag. Another choice is mp3tag, although it is
a windows app, it runs surprisingly well under wine.

Chen Wei

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Re: Starting background process in ssh session

2005-09-01 Thread Chen Wei
Yes, screen is a good choice.

- Original Message - 
From: "Paul Stolp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Roberto C. Sanchez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 6:20 AM
Subject: Re: Starting background process in ssh session

>* Roberto C. Sanchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-09-01 16:45]:
>> Is there a way to get it start the process in the background
>> and then detach from the shell? 
> I use "screen" for these sorts of things
> -- 
> -- 
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Re: kernel, udev, hal problems - solved

2005-09-19 Thread Chen Wei
solved by using 'dpkg -r xxx' to remove relevant packages.
- Original Message - 
From: "Wei Chen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 4:26 PM
Subject: kernel, udev, hal problems

> Hi,
> I met a problem today when I was trying to 'apt-get upgrade' my testing 
> debian. Now apt doesnt allow me to install any packages, like this:
> # apt-get install wordnet-dev
> Reading Package Lists... Done
> Building Dependency Tree... Done
> You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:
> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
>  hal: Depends: udev (>= 0.063) but 0.056-3 is to be installed
> E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify 
> a solution).
> And when I do 'apt-get -f install', it says that:
> # apt-get -f install
> Reading Package Lists... Done
> Building Dependency Tree... Done
> Correcting dependencies... Done
> The following extra packages will be installed:
>  udev
> The following packages will be upgraded:
>  udev
> 1 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
> 1 not fully installed or removed.
> Need to get 0B/310kB of archives.
> After unpacking 270kB of additional disk space will be used.
> Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
> (Reading database ... 123001 files and directories currently installed.)
> Preparing to replace udev 0.056-3 (using .../archives/udev_0.068-2_i386.deb) 
> ...
> udev requires a kernel >= 2.6.12, upgrade aborted.
> dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/udev_0.068-2_i386.deb 
> (--unpack):
> subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 1
> Errors were encountered while processing:
> /var/cache/apt/archives/udev_0.068-2_i386.deb
> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
> Does it mean that I have to upgrade the kernel? And if so, how should I do 
> that? Because apt dont let me install any package now...
> BTW, I am wondering that if the new kernel installation command should be 
> 'apt-get install linux-image-686' on my P4 machine.
> Any Clue? Thank you in advance.
> Wei
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Hide services for some user in samba

2005-11-01 Thread Chen Wei
Dave wrote:

> Set an 'invalid users' directive on that share.  See 'man smb.conf'

But the invalid users can still see that service, although they cannot go into 
the service. How to make the service not listed in the services list for that 


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