Problems with new Debian install.

2003-03-04 Thread Brian Dockter
I'm trying to get Sarge up and running on my Vaio
laptop (GR390) and am having some problems. I'm using
the official netinst CD image (from 2/26/03). Also,
I'm behind a firewall and must go through an HTTP

My first (minor) problem is with selecting from a list
of options (such as choosing a mirror to install
from). When the list gets too long, the first options
scroll off the top and I can't see them any more. Is
there a way to scroll or page these lists (and output

My second (major) problem is with installing the
kernel (step 14). I've stumbled through the previous
steps, but when I try to install the kernel, the
screen scrolls and quickly comes back to the main menu
(with step 14 still chosen as the default). The
messages at the top of the screen are:

  kernel-installer's postinst exited with status 25600
  installer[2374]: Setting main menu question priority
to critical

Then I'm back to the main menu.

If I use Ctrl-S to pause the printout, I can see the
following messages:

  The following extra packages will be installed:
cramfsprogs dash zlib1g
  The following NEW packages will be installed:
cramfsprogs dash initrd-tools zlib1g

and other messages from apt. When it finally gets to
downloading the packages, I get several messages like
the following:

  Err sarge/main dash
Could not resolve ''

This sounds like the http_proxy environment variable
is not being set, but things worked fine when I
installed the base system? Does anyone have any idea
about what's going wrong?

Thanks for your help.


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Re: Problems with new Debian install.

2003-03-05 Thread Brian Dockter
Eduardo wrote:
> Did you set the DNS ?
> I always get this... my dns server doesn't work full
> time :(, but what I
> do is:
> change to other console i.e. alt+F2 and edit
> /etc/resolv.conf and put
> the new dns in the file 

Since I am behind a firewall, I can't directly access
the mirror, so I wouldn't expect /etc/resolv.conf to
help. Also, the installer just completed installing
the base system. Why would installing the base system
work but installing the kernel fail?


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RE: Problems with new Debian install.

2003-03-06 Thread Brian Dockter
--- "Narins, Josh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I were you I'd try instaling with woody sources, then, once
> everything is
> set there, change sources to sarge then apt-get update && apt-get
> dist-upgrade

I had thought about that, but I was hoping to save myself some trouble
(boy was I wrong :-). Also, I had a similar issue with my first potato
install a couple of years ago. I finally had to hard-wire the http_proxy
variable in order to get the install to work. I seems like the Debian
installer is just not proxy friendly yet (although it makes an attempt at

Thanks for the help.


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GGV can't read PDF files.

2004-12-14 Thread Brian Dockter
I have a problem that started a long time ago, and I have finally gotten
fed up enough to ask for help.

I've been running Sarge since Woody was released and have performed
regular updates (at least once or twice a month). Once, long, long ago,
one of the updates broke my ability to read PDF files (no, I didn't submit
a bug report; shame, shame on me :-). Eventually, this was fixed for GV,
but it is still broken for GGV. If I try to read a PDF file using GGV, I
get the message:  File is not a valid PostScript document. Both GV and GS
(gs-afpl) read the file correctly.

Any ideas about what's wrong?



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Compact FLASH problems

2000-10-12 Thread Brian Dockter
I'm having trouble getting my PCMCIA adapter working. Here's a brief
system description:

 Debian v2.2 with 2.2.17-idepci kernel
 Dell 450MHz PIII
 Actiontec PCMCIA adapter (TI PCI1225 chip on a PCI card)
 IDE harddriver on IDE bus 0
 CD-ROM & ZIP on IDE bus 1

When I plug in my Compact FLASH card into my PCMCIA adapter, I get the
following messages on the console:

 hde: SST48CF064C-B6 CompactFlash Memory Card, ATA DISK drive
 ide2 at 0x100-0x107,0x10e on irq 3
  hde:hde: lost interrupt
 hde: lost interrupt
 hde: lost interrupt
 hde: lost interrupt
  hde1 hde2
  hde:hde: lost interrupt
 hde: lost interrupt
  hde1 hde2
 hde: lost interrupt
 hde: drive_cmd: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
 hde: drive_cmd: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }

If I try to mount the memory card, it takes several minutes (and lots of
"lost interrupt" messages) but will eventually mount. Also, any read/write
I do to the card prints out more "lost interrupt" messages.

Does anyone have any ideas what might be the problem and how I could fix

Thanks for the help,


Brian Dockter| Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sr. Member Technical Staff   | Voice: 425-771-2400
Sony Electronics, Seattle| FAX:   425-771-2066

Compact FLASH problems

2000-10-17 Thread Brian Dockter
Please forgive me if this is a duplicate. I couldn't find my original
post anywhere, so I'm sending it again.

I'm having trouble getting my PCMCIA adapter working. Here's a brief
system description:

 Debian v2.2 with 2.2.17-idepci kernel
 Dell 450MHz PIII
 Actiontec PCMCIA adapter (TI PCI1225 chip on a PCI card)
 IDE harddriver on IDE bus 0
 CD-ROM & ZIP on IDE bus 1

When I plug in my Compact FLASH card into my PCMCIA adapter, I get the
following messages on the console:

 hde: SST48CF064C-B6 CompactFlash Memory Card, ATA DISK drive
 ide2 at 0x100-0x107,0x10e on irq 3
  hde:hde: lost interrupt
 hde: lost interrupt
 hde: lost interrupt
 hde: lost interrupt
  hde1 hde2
  hde:hde: lost interrupt
 hde: lost interrupt
  hde1 hde2
 hde: lost interrupt
 hde: drive_cmd: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
 hde: drive_cmd: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }

If I try to mount the memory card, it takes several minutes (and lots of
"lost interrupt" messages) but will eventually mount. Also, any read/write
I do to the card prints out more "lost interrupt" messages.

Does anyone have any ideas what might be the problem and how I could fix

Thanks for the help,


Brian Dockter| Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sr. Member Technical Staff   | Voice: 425-771-2400
Sony Electronics, Seattle| FAX:   425-771-2066

Re: Copying / partition, segmentation fault

2000-10-18 Thread Brian Dockter
Brent Buchholz wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 18, 2000 at 05:07:56PM +, Marvin Stodolsky wrote:
> > The /dev/hda1 files were copied over with:
> >   cp -xa * /mnt with /dev/hdd2 on /mnt
> Two things I don't like about that: globbing and cp itself.  I moved / with a
> tar pipe.
> "cd /mnt"
> "tar lO / | tar cvvf -"
> > Any suggestions as to potential causal factors?
> >
> Mabey cp wasn't able to preserve permissions?

I've always used cpio for copying/moving entire file systems (although I 
haven't yet
needed to on Debian yet). A command such as:

     find / -xdev -depth -print | cpio -pdm /mnt

should also do the trick.


Brian Dockter| Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sr. Member Technical Staff   | Voice: 425-771-2400
Sony Electronics, Seattle| FAX:   425-771-2066

Re: Copying / partition, segmentation fault

2000-10-18 Thread Brian Dockter
Brian Dockter wrote:

> I've always used cpio for copying/moving entire file systems (although I 
> haven't yet
> needed to on Debian yet). A command such as:
>  find / -xdev -depth -print | cpio -pdm /mnt
> should also do the trick.

I just hate replying to my own messages, but I caught a bug (although too late 
inclusion in the original email) and decided I'd better fix it. The following 
should work better:

 cd /
 find . -xdev -depth -print | cpio -pdm /mnt

I guess I need to do a better job of controlling my enthusiasm. :-)


Brian Dockter| Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sr. Member Technical Staff   | Voice: 425-771-2400
Sony Electronics, Seattle| FAX:   425-771-2066

Serial terminal software.

2001-01-10 Thread Brian Dockter
I'm interested in finding a serial terminal software package for Debian
(such as "tip" on Solaris). Does any one know if there is a Debian package
that would fit my needs (direct connect to the serial port, dumb terminal
emulation) or do I need to compile up something myself?



Problem getting RAID set mounted at boot time.

2004-11-02 Thread Brian Dockter
I have just installed (about 2-3 weeks ago) a fresh copy of Sarge using
the new network installer (RC2). My system disk is on a standard IDE
controller. My /home directory is a striped set on a SATA controller. The
problem I'm having is my /home directory is not getting mounted at boot
time. Once the system is up though, all I have to do to mount /home is:

/etc/init.d/mdadm-raid start
mount /home

I'm using the stock Debian package kernel-image-2.6.8-1-686 and I'm using
mdadm to manage the striped set. The IDs of the partitions on my SATA
disks are both set as type 0xFD (Linux raid autodetect). My mdadm.conf
file contains:

DEVICE partitions
ARRAY /dev/md0 level=raid0 num-devices=2

My /etc/fstab contains:

/dev/md0/home   xfs defaults0   1

Does anyone have any thoughts on why things don't work?



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XEmacs has stopped working.

2004-08-17 Thread Brian Dockter
My xemacs installation has stopped working. I have never edited/changed
any emacs/xemacs related files/directories that are installed by Debian
and have not changed my ~/.xemacs/init.el since February, 2003. Also, I'm
using Sarge (testing).

The following lines in my init.el no longer work (but used to work fine):

   (load-library "completer")

   (require 'crypt)

   (require 'func-menu)

   (autoload 'resize-minibuffer-mode "rsz-minibuf" nil t)

In all cases, the lines fail with an error message like:

   Error in init file:  Cannot open load file:  completer

I noticed this problem today, but I haven't used xemacs in a month or two.
I suspect that one of my recent upgrades broke something.

Is this a bug I need to report or is something else causing my difficulty?
Does anyone have any helpful ideas?



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