Re: XP-Debian dual boot with grub

2005-06-25 Thread Alan Ianson
> Does exist any problem installing Grub in the MBR of the disk? or Win
> XP boot loader must be there in order to antivirus programs work fine?
> Thanks in advance for any help

It should work fine, it does here at least. I installed sarge here an a 
michine with Win/XP and grub was installed by default and Win/XP is an option 
on the boot menu. Works like a charm.

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Re: 8139too Module

2004-01-28 Thread Alan Ianson
On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 02:24:27AM -, Timothy Paling wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-01-27 at 19:36, Timothy Paling wrote:
> Producing this listing shows that 8139too is not in the list.
> modprobe simple reports that it cannot find the module.
> How do I proceed further? I've located the source for the module in the
> Kernel source however, I'm unsure as to how to go about compiling this is
> introducing it into my kernel.
> Suggestion:
> If you are using the 2.4.18-bf2.4 kernel, I think that support for that
> card is compiled in, and you dont have to insert any modules. If you are
> using some other kernel, you will need to make sure that you've got that
> module compiled (or compiled into your kernel). To see if you have that
> module, type:

I have the Realtek RTL8139 here also. I don't know if this will help you
or not but in my case I need to boot with the "noapic" option on the
boot command line and then I get net support. The 8139too.o module is
already built into the bf2.4 kernel.

Add append="noapic" to your /etc/lilo.conf and run lilo to update the

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2004-02-18 Thread Alan Ianson
I installed dosemu with dselect, ftp'd and installed
dosemu-freedos-bin.tgz and followed the instructions in readme.debian
(at least I think I did) but when I run dosemu it says operating
system not found, have a nice day! and I don't get the prompt back.

Anyone know how I can get dosemu to run freedos?

Is there a way I can kill dosemu and get the prompt back if freedos
doesn't run? Thanks for any info.

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Re: Groups, Permissions and /Share

2007-03-10 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sat March 10 2007 09:12, Dave Walker wrote:
> I have set up a nice big /Share directory on a separate HD, and would
> like to create a document repository there accessible by all users. So
> far only the root user can read, write and execute on the /Share
> directory. What is the best way to accomplish this?

Being able to read, write or execute a file is based on ownership and 
permissions. You can change the owner of a file (or directory) with chown and 
you can change the permissions with chmod. man chown or chmod will give you 
lots of details you'll need to get with.

The way I do this (not the only way) is to use the 'users' group for files I 
want everyone to be able to access, just add those folks to the 'users' group 
and adjust the permissions accordingly.

> I don't mind reading tutorials and other docs, but at this point in my
> Debian education, they need to be suitability simple. Any links to
> such material would be much appreciated.
> Any respondents should be aware that I am, obviously, very new to Debian.

I'm new to debian too, been hanging around for a few years and running it 
myself for two.

> PS - This is my first post from Debian Sarge running Gnome over my
> wireless network. Amazing (to me) progress!

Way to go, took me ions to get my wireless going!

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Re: Sad...

2007-03-10 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sat March 10 2007 11:30, agentace wrote:
> I installed debian on a PowerEdge 850 flawlessly in October of 2005 using a
> Testing NetInst CD.  It's sad that the SATA support for this machine has
> since been removed, as I'm now attempting to install debian on another
> machine which is exactly the same (PowerEdge 850 bought at the same time as
> the other) using the Sarge Installer and it tells me that no partitionable
> media is detected.

Something in the chipset must be different?

> I'd love to use the Etch installer...if I could ever get it.

I used the etch installer last night and it worked flawlessly. Why can't you 
get it?

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Re: Sad...

2007-03-10 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sat March 10 2007 12:56, Ben Humpert wrote:

> Well, then the debian guys should fix this decades old sarge installer - OR
> - merge it with the etch installer; it just takes some hours to do this.
> sata is already established enough to support it. its a shame to direct
> users to testing only to get sata support and to tell that it should be
> "hidden" from beginners.

I've used sarge i386 and amd64 on my athlon64 box with twin sata drives with 
no problem since the release of sarge. I have read some folks do have 
problems though with hardware that wasn't suppoted at that time.

Some folks did make available modified install CD's for sarge-amd64 with newer 
kernels. I don't know how well that worked since I never needed it.

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Re: How to compile

2007-03-27 Thread Alan Ianson
On Tue March 27 2007 19:05, Teilhard Knight wrote:
> I have an AMD64 box and I was looking to install the AMD64 Etch port. Only
> problem with that is that I want either Gnome or preferably KDE to go with
> it, and that port doesn't include those environments.

I'm running etch-amd64 as I type this in kmail.. ;)

> Then I went 32 bit 
> and installed the KDE version of i386. Now, I want to compile my driver
> module for my wireless nic. I am ready with everything, except that I do
> not know what packages I should install in Debian in order to be able to
> compile. I tries naively supposing I could compile out of the box and it
> failed. Could you help?

My wireless nic uses the madwifi driver so I install it with module-assistant.

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Re: How to compile

2007-03-27 Thread Alan Ianson
On Tue March 27 2007 21:50, Teilhard Knight wrote:
> > I'm running etch-amd64 as I type this in kmail.. ;)
> Do you mean you have KDE in Etch AMD64?

Yes, even sarge-amd64 has kde and gnome and a few others.

> > My wireless nic uses the madwifi driver so I install it with
> > module-assistant.

> How do I find and use module assistant?

m-a is a standard debian package, just "apt-get install module-assistant" 
should get it for you, or select it with aptitude, dselect, syaptic or adept. 
Once it's installed "m-a prepare" will setup your box with all the stuff you 
need to compile kernels then "m-a a-i madwifi" will get the madwifi source 
and build and install the madwifi module. You may need a different driver for 
your card.

That should keep you out of trouble for a while.. ;) Hollar if you need 
help.. :)

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Re: Woohooo! Dell + Linux

2007-03-29 Thread Alan Ianson
On Thu March 29 2007 06:55, Paul Walsh wrote:
> Passed to me by a colleague:
> *grin*

My laptop has had linux on it for a couple of years already. If Dell can 
deliver a laptop/desktop with compatible hardware this will be a good thing. 
I've always found it difficult to determine what hardware (printers/tv 
cards/wireless and the like) I can use with linux.

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Re: Reporting a bug (was: fglrx driver problems)

2007-03-29 Thread Alan Ianson
On Thu March 29 2007 10:08, Marko Randjelovic wrote:
> I run Etch on machine with Nvidia nForce3 250 motherboard and Radeon
> 9550 graphics card. DRI is not working neither with radeon, nor fglrx
> driver. I tried several versions of fglrx driver and kernel, Debian and
> vanilla.
> I think it's a bug and that probably is in kernel. I want to file a bug
> report.
> Both radeon and fglrx log files refer to kernel module, which in was in
> all cases loaded (agpgart was linked statically, and also drm and radeon
> modules were present, sometimes statically, sometimes dynamically).
> Also may be interesting, I tried with Nvidia card and DRI was working.
> Do you think it's kernel or video drivers? Should I file a bug report
> only to Debian or also to original project?

I'm not sure where/what the problem is. I would file a bug against radeon or 
fglrx and let the debian developers decide what needs to be done with it 
since they will have a better view of the situation.

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Re: Kernel Header Information

2007-06-28 Thread Alan Ianson
On Thu June 28 2007 14:39, Nirmal Govindaraju wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a new Linux user and I have the Debian distribution (2.6.18-4-686)
> installed via the internet using a few floppy disks to perform the initial
> boot up. I am now trying to install a VPN client on my computer and during
> the installation procedure the installer asks for the kernel header files.
> I could not find them in /usr/src nor did the following command find any
> files (with various permutations):
> find / -name '*kernel-header*' -print
> Please let me know as to what I need to do to get these header files. Thank
> you.

If I'm not mistaken the package you need is called linux-kernel-headers. 
Just "apt-get install linux-kernel-headers" will get them installed for you, 
or look for that package in one of the full screen package managers like 
aptitude or dselect.

I think that is a meta package that will install the kernel header for your 
installed kernel.

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entering data into a pdf file

2007-06-30 Thread Alan Ianson
Hello List!

I need to enter data into a pdf file and print it. I can view the pdf 
evince but I can't seem to enter any data into the fields. How can I do this?

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Re: entering data into a pdf file

2007-06-30 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sat June 30 2007 11:06:48 am Wackojacko wrote:
> Andrew Gray wrote:
> > Alan Ianson wrote:
> >> Hello List!
> >>
> >> I need to enter data into a pdf file and print it. I can view the
> >> pdf using evince but I can't seem to enter any data into the fields.
> >> How can I do this?
> >
> > I remember from my dad's experience at work, where he does this very act
> > on an extremely regular basis, that you need the professional version of
> > Adobe Acrobat in order to enter data into fields; not even the regular
> > Acrobat Reader would do the job. Evince won't work because it's only a
> > viewer, similar to Acrobat Reader. I don't know about free software
> > alternatives.
> Acrobat reader is available from the unofficial debian repository at
> With the additional plugins available from
> this site, it does allow filling of forms in pdf format.

It sure does. For a minute there I though I hit a show stopper. I have it 
installed on my laptop and it works as needed so I can get it installed when 
I get back to work and we'll be good to go.

I don't see any acroread package on the amd64 box but that's not critical (at 
this point).

Thanks for the replies.. :)

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Re: Automated warnings for Debian security updates

2007-07-01 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sun July 1 2007 11:22:40 pm Adam Hupp wrote:
> (Sorry if you see this twice, but I never saw the first copy come
> through)
> Hello,
> I'm announcing a program I've written for notifying the administrator
> about necessary security updates on a Debian box.  It's called Debian
> Security Check (
> Often it's not obvious that a security advisory applies to a
> particular system.  This is especially tricky with libraries (think
> fast: do any of your services depend on freetype?).  It would be nice
> to ignore the flood of advisories that come in from
> debian-security-announce and only pay attention to the ones that
> actually require action on your part.
> compares the set of currently upgradable packages with the
> security advisories RSS feed.  Any matches are written to stdout along
> with a description of the issue.  When run via cron this will send the
> warning to the administrator on a regular basis until the upgrade is
> done.
> A full description and link to the program is here:
> --
> Adam Hupp |

Nice work, thanks for that. I must look into that.. :)

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Re: Packages who requires restart computer

2007-07-02 Thread Alan Ianson
On Mon July 2 2007 09:25:50 am Josep wrote:
> Hello.
> I use etch and would like know what packages will require a full restart
> of the computer, if there is any tool for do this automatically, and if
> not, I will do an script for do this myself.

The kernel. When the kernel is updated you need to restart your box to get the 
new kernel up and running. All the services on your box can be stopped or 
restarted from /etc/init.d/whatever as needed.

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Re: installing a font for VT

2007-07-03 Thread Alan Ianson
On Tue July 3 2007 05:41:44 am 2g wrote:
> have started going CUI with Debian(stable)
> in Slackware it gave me a chance to choose
> sc.fnt.gz as my VT's font at the insallation process
> i love this font so much so would love to have it in Debian too
> does somebody know what this font is called in Debian community?
> does simply aptitude intall-ing it will change the look of the terminal
> automatically?

When I want to change the font with debian I edit /etc/console-tool/config. In 
my case I know I want default8x16 so it is easy for me. I don't know what 
choices are available or where they are. There likely is a tool for 
manipulating the console font but I've never gone looking myself.

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Re: installing a font for VT

2007-07-03 Thread Alan Ianson
On Tue July 3 2007 07:30:08 am Alan Ianson wrote:
> On Tue July 3 2007 05:41:44 am 2g wrote:
> > have started going CUI with Debian(stable)
> > in Slackware it gave me a chance to choose
> > sc.fnt.gz as my VT's font at the insallation process
> > i love this font so much so would love to have it in Debian too
> >
> > does somebody know what this font is called in Debian community?
> > does simply aptitude intall-ing it will change the look of the terminal
> > automatically?
> When I want to change the font with debian I edit /etc/console-tool/config.
> In my case I know I want default8x16 so it is easy for me. I don't know
> what choices are available or where they are. There likely is a tool for
> manipulating the console font but I've never gone looking myself.

I don't see sc.fnt.gz but I see a lot of fonts in /usr/share/consolefonts. 
Happy hunting.. :)

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Re: aptitude "initialising package status" takes _really_ long

2007-07-03 Thread Alan Ianson

> at the start of aptitude and after every action you have took, aptitude has
> to initialise its package status. This is the same step as "loading cache".
> Yesterday I have updated aptitude to . Since
> then this step takes _really_ long. Lets say 40s. I am on sid. There is no
> output it any loggs

I have the same problem (also running sid). There is a bugreport by me
relating to this behaviour.

Maybe it will be fixed soon.

I get the same thing on my amd64 box, on my laptop it takes about forever.. :)
I saw on the bts that it is caused by some new feature of apt, tags or
I suspect it will be fixed soon.

I guess we'll never take aptitude for granted again. :))

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Re: Sarge install image (kernel 2.4)

2007-07-05 Thread Alan Ianson
On Wed July 4 2007 01:28, Gudjon I. Gudjonsson wrote:
> Hi
>Could anyone please point out where to find Sarge install images?

I only had a quick look but I couldn't find any sarge install images. They 
must exist somewhere but I'm not sure where.

> tried to install it with debootstrap but I can only make it boot on kernel
> 2.6.8. When I try to boot on kernel 2.4 it shows the message
> /sbin/init 432: cannot open dev/console
> I did not find any helpful recommendations on the internet but I hope the
> install disk works.

Are you installing the amd64 version of sarge by chance? It requires the 2.6 

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Re: lenny comfortable yet?

2007-07-06 Thread Alan Ianson
On Fri July 6 2007 07:19:20 pm Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
> I ran Etch for about 6 months before it became stable since my new box
> required it.  I'm runing amd64.

I've always considered myself a "stable" man, but it never seems to work out 
that way.. ;)

> One of the main reasons for buying a new box was, believe it or not,
> that my 486 had difficulty with all the over-graphiced web pages I
> needed to access.
> Now I'm finding that a lot of the sites I need use flash not just for
> decoration but the main content.  Of course, Etch amd64 doesn't have the
> wrapper that allows me to use a flash player without using an i386
> chroot.

I never did do a chroot but I do even to this day have a small stable-i386 
partition installed. I haven't used it in a while now, I think I can probably 
drop it now without missing it.

> I'm still trying to get it to work but if I can't, I'm wondering about
> just moving up to Lenny.

I went from etch to lenny recently. I didn't see anything interesting so I 
moved up to sid about an hour later.

Sid sure seems stable at the moment. I'm sure there are bugs about but I just 
don't see any. There is the odd package that doesn't install because of 
depends and what not but few and far between. Sid looks a lot like release 
material to me now. Better wait and see what tomorrow has in store.. :))

> I know from Etch that testing is not stable.  Things stop working for a
> while and then a fix comes down the pipe.  In the mean time, use
> something else.  I undertand all that.  However, since this is my main
> box, I don't want to find that something happens to kill it requiring a
> reinstall or something.  I'm on dialup.

I keep an etch-archives, lenny-archives and sid-archives around the drives and 
symlink to /var/cache/apt/archives as appropriate just in case I feel the 
need to change. Still a big job to re-install but it saves a fair bit of 

> My daily must-haves really are mild: base system, a brower (lynx or
> links2), an editor, mutt, exim, fetchmail, and I like mc, and aptitude
> (or apt-get or even dselect or plain dpkg in a pinch), along with
> ppp/chat.  It wouldn't bother me if anything else stopped working for a
> while, but if I loose the ability to dial out, loose email, then I'm in
> difficulty.

I rarely have difficulty with any console app (I use quite a few of them) in 
testing/unstable, it's usually the x/gnome/kde stuff that takes time to get 
in place. Haven't used ppp for some time though.
> I know that, just like mutual funds, past performance does not guarantee
> future performance, but what has the experience been like for
> non-developers over the past couple of months?  Do people think that
> Lenny is ready for a desktop run by a knowledgeable user?

Sid has been a bump and grind, just as expected. I had to remember how to use 
apt-get b/c aptitude was having issues (runs great now) but if it wasn't so I 
probably wouldn't enjoy it.. :)

Not to sure about lenny. I'm going to install it over the weekend and have a 
look and see. I think lenny would be easier on the modem line. Sid has had a 
few openoffice updates in the last few weeks. The current one (2.2.1-5) looks 
good to get into lenny but we'll see.

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Re: nvidia-kernel package: compilation failure with 2.6.21

2007-07-07 Thread Alan Ianson
On Fri July 6 2007 11:19:55 pm Jim McCloskey wrote:
> Hello.
> I did a recent install of Debian etch on a system with an nVidia
> graphics controller. I used module-assistant to install the nvidia
> kernel module, and under kernel 2.6.18 from the install, that all
> worked fine.
> A few days later, I upgraded to kernel package (from
> lenny) to resolve a problem with the on-board audio controller:
>  Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller
> (rev 01)
> The kernel upgrade did indeed resolve the problem with the audio
> controller, but it meant a re-install of the nvidia kernel module. I
> tried to do that as follows:
>  % aptitude install nvidia-kernel-common
>  % module-assistant -i prepare
>  % module-assistant a-i -t -f nvidia-kernel
> However, the build failed. The crucial error seems to be this (from
> /var/cache/modass/nvidia-kernel-source.buildlog.2.6.21-2-686.1183784666):
> --
>   LD [M]  /usr/src/modules/nvidia-kernel/nv/nvidia.o
>   Building modules, stage 2.
>   MODPOST 1 modules
> FATAL: modpost: GPL-incompatible module nvidia.ko uses GPL-only symbol
> 'paravirt_ops' make[4]: *** [__modpost] Error 1
> make[3]: *** [modules] Error 2
> make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.21-2-686'
> nvidia.ko failed to build!
> --
> The compiler used was gcc-4.1 version 4.1.1 (the kernel seems to have
> been compiled with 4.1.2), but the error-message seems to suggest that
> the issue is in some sense legal rather than technical.
> (There is a similar bug report---No. 430577---against the
> nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-71xx package.)
> Has anyone else encountered this problem, or does it come from some
> stupidity on my part?  

I've seen this too.

> I could use the nvidia installer, I suppose, 
> but I'd really prefer to do things the Debian way. Does anyone know of
> a workaround?

I believe the only way to get the nvidia module loaded is to build your own 
kernel with "paravirt_ops" (or something there abouts) disabled.

I haven't built my own kernel since woody and I forget how to do it.. :)

Googleing paravirt_ops, nvidia, debian will likely be helpful.

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Re: lenny comfortable yet?

2007-07-07 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sat July 7 2007 07:54:21 am Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:

> > Check your locale settings.  I think that starting with Etch, the
> > default locale is set to a UTF8 locale.  That means that every
> > application has to treat everything as unicode.  AIUI, that makes things
> > slower.  This is espcially noticable on an older machine.
> Thanks.  Its probably set to en_CA.UTF-8.  I'm not convinced I need it
> on any of my systems.  Having some UTF and others 'C' makes it a pain
> when ssh-ing back and forth, running things like mutt and mc, and runing
> X apps.

My default locale is en_CA although I compile a few others as well. A couple 
of the apps I use on the console don't look right when I use UTF-8.

BTW, I installed lenny last night with unstable lines added to sources.list. I 
installed gnome for the desktop along with nspluginwrapper & friends and it 
installed without issue.

I can't get x to start up though, it can't seem to find the nvidia driver. I'm 
going to go and see if I can make it work now and if not switch over to the 
nv driver for the time being.

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Re: nvidia-kernel package: compilation failure with 2.6.21

2007-07-07 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sat July 7 2007 05:00:06 am Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
> Jim McCloskey wrote:
> > Hello.
> >
> > I did a recent install of Debian etch on a system with an nVidia
> > graphics controller. I used module-assistant to install the nvidia
> > kernel module, and under kernel 2.6.18 from the install, that all
> > worked fine.
> >
> > A few days later, I upgraded to kernel package (from
> > lenny) to resolve a problem with the on-board audio controller:
> >
> >  Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller
> > (rev 01)
> >
> > The kernel upgrade did indeed resolve the problem with the audio
> > controller, but it meant a re-install of the nvidia kernel module. I
> > tried to do that as follows:
> >
> >  % aptitude install nvidia-kernel-common
> >  % module-assistant -i prepare
> >  % module-assistant a-i -t -f nvidia-kernel
> >
> > However, the build failed. The crucial error seems to be this (from
> > /var/cache/modass/nvidia-kernel-source.buildlog.2.6.21-2-686.1183784666):
> >
> > --
> >   LD [M]  /usr/src/modules/nvidia-kernel/nv/nvidia.o
> >   Building modules, stage 2.
> >   MODPOST 1 modules
> > FATAL: modpost: GPL-incompatible module nvidia.ko uses GPL-only symbol
> > 'paravirt_ops' make[4]: *** [__modpost] Error 1
> > make[3]: *** [modules] Error 2
> > make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.21-2-686'
> > NVIDIA: left KBUILD.
> > nvidia.ko failed to build!
> > --
> >
> > The compiler used was gcc-4.1 version 4.1.1 (the kernel seems to have
> > been compiled with 4.1.2), but the error-message seems to suggest that
> > the issue is in some sense legal rather than technical.
> >
> > (There is a similar bug report---No. 430577---against the
> > nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-71xx package.)
> >
> > Has anyone else encountered this problem, or does it come from some
> > stupidity on my part?  I could use the nvidia installer, I suppose,
> > but I'd really prefer to do things the Debian way. Does anyone know of
> > a workaround?
> Extensively discussed here:

Very informative thread, thanks for posting that. After following a few links 
I ended up at .
At the end of that page it says paravirt_ops is no longer a GPL-only export. 
I'm very much looking forward to that filtering down into the debian kernel 
for lenny. I just installed it yesterday and it's ready to go but gdm won't 
fire up, I think that's an x problem though but I'll switch over to the nv 
driver for now until I can get whatever needs sorting sorted.

> The problem is that post 2.6.18 Debian kernels have PARAVIRT_CONFIG and
> nvidia does not like that.
> You can either rebuild the kernel and turn that off (Note: but in that
> case I had hard hangs in qemu!) *or* use the descriptions in that page
> to rebuild the kbuild .deb and install nvidia so it does not mind paravirt.
> You'll hit the problem both with m-a *and* the nvidia installer.
> Hugo

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Re: lenny comfortable yet?

2007-07-07 Thread Alan Ianson
On Fri July 6 2007 07:19:20 pm Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:

> I know that, just like mutual funds, past performance does not guarantee
> future performance, but what has the experience been like for
> non-developers over the past couple of months?  Do people think that
> Lenny is ready for a desktop run by a knowledgeable user?

I have lenny running quite nicely now and find it quite comfortable.

I had trouble getting the nvidia module running with x but that is solved. A 
simple but hard to find/understand solution that is explained better here 
than I can explain it.

In a nutshell you need to get the installer from the nvidia website and copy into /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers.

Lenny's xorg.conf also is missing a "Modules" section. I renamed my xorg.conf 
and recreated it with nvidia-xconfig and all seems to be well.

I'm running the same kernel and nvidia stuff as etch. I give Lenny two thumbs 
up.. :)

It does seem to lag a bit behind where I thought it would be but sid is moving 
at breakneck speed, I suspect a lot of that stuff will be moving into lenny 

Anyway, that's my $0.02.. :)

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Re: lenny comfortable yet?

2007-07-07 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sat July 7 2007 08:02:35 pm David Fox wrote:
> > In a nutshell you need to get the installer from the nvidia website and
> > copy
> > into /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers. But I get this from the
> > Xorg.0.log:
> (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the GLX module; please check in your X
> (EE) NVIDIA(0): log file that the GLX module has been loaded in your X
> (EE) NVIDIA(0): server, and that the module is the NVIDIA GLX module.
> If
> (EE) NVIDIA(0): you continue to encounter problems, Please try
> (EE) NVIDIA(0): reinstalling the NVIDIA driver.
> My xorg.conf does have a module "glx" line.

You do have the nvidia-glx package installed with the same version as your 
kernel module right? It should be I think the nvidia-kernel package depends 
on it. It's a good idea to install nvidia-glx-ia32 if your running amd64 as 

If that's all good I would purge the nvidia-* packages and reinstall as the 
error message suggests.

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Re: lenny: what do I need to get amarok to play mp3s?

2007-07-07 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sat July 7 2007 09:18:53 pm David Fox wrote:
> Subject line pretty much describes the situation. I've even purged and
> reinstalled amarok, but this still
> brings up an error when I try to play an mp3 file.

It should just play. It could be sound is muted in your mixer settings. I 
always use alsamixer on the console to set my mixer settings and then 
use "alsactl store" to save them although any mixer will do, kmix for 
instance. Does sound work on your box aside from amarok?

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Re: need good file explorer

2007-07-08 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sun July 8 2007 11:59, Zach wrote:
> On 7/8/07, Jonathan Kaye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Zach,
> > Krusader? Dolphin? gnome midnight commander (really mean and lean)?
> > Cheers,
> Krusader sounds like KDE app, I run GNOME and eschew KDE apps since
> they tend to be bloated and require many libraries :) But thanks I
> will try Dolphin and midnight commander in "apt-cache search" !

It is a kde app, but it is sweet. If you have the time and space have a look 
at it. I find it quite useful and easy to use.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] spell checking

2007-07-08 Thread Alan Ianson
I can't seem to get spell checking working in Openoffice. It used to work in 
sarge's ooo 1.3 (I think). Looking through aptitude I only see a few foreign 
languages under hunspell so I don't think that will work for me.

How can I get English (Canada) or (USA) working with Ooo 2+?

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Re: spell checking

2007-07-09 Thread Alan Ianson
On Mon July 9 2007 07:11, Mark Grieveson wrote:
> Alan Ianson wrote:
> > I can't seem to get spell checking working in Openoffice. It used to
> > work in sarge's ooo 1.3 (I think). Looking through aptitude I only
> > see a few foreign languages under hunspell so I don't think that will
> > work for me.
> >
> > How can I get English (Canada) or (USA) working with Ooo 2+?
> Use the myspell-en-gb package for spelling.  Use the
> for the thesaurus (I'm assuming you want
> Canadian spellings; so, the Great Britain spelling dictionary and the
> Australian thesaurus that I've listed here should work.)

Thanks, got it working now. I kept changing the user interface and local 
setting. I changed the default language for documents to english-uk and that 
seems to work as expected.

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Re: aptitude hanging

2007-07-10 Thread Alan Ianson
On Mon July 9 2007 07:54, Daniel Burrows wrote:
>   Several people have reported that their problems go away if they
> remove libc6-i686.  I don't know why this should be, but I'd be
> interested to know if you see the same behavior.

It worked in my case. I ran aptitude and removed libc6-i686 and after 
returning to the selection screen aptitude is still alive and well.

Hope the rest of the stuff on here is too.. ;)

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Re: Building fglrx on Lenny

2007-07-11 Thread Alan Ianson
On Wed July 11 2007 04:32, koffiejunkie wrote:
> I just noticed that kernel 2.6.21 is available in Lenny.  Finally - my
> CPU fan will work correctly!
> So I have one problem,  building the fglrx module fails with this message:
>   Building modules, stage 2.
>   MODPOST 1 modules
> FATAL: modpost: GPL-incompatible module fglrx.ko uses GPL-only symbol
> 'paravirt_ops'
> make[2]: *** [__modpost] Error 1
> make[1]: *** [modules] Error 2
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.21-2-k7'
> make: *** [kmod_build] Error 2
> Is there a way around this?   Strangely, it doesn't happen on 2.6.18

I just installed the ati drivers from the ati website yesterday with that 
kernel and it succeeded. Are you building the fglrx package in debian? I had 
that problem with the nvidia drivers also. I read at that 
paravirt_ops is no longer a GPL-only export in the current kernel 2.6.22. I 
don't know of a workaround.

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Re: lenny: dri stopped working (nvidia)

2007-07-11 Thread Alan Ianson
On Wed July 11 2007 20:57, David Fox wrote:
> > It is worth a try; if that doesn't work then you can also try to run the
> > nvidia installer script again. When I was still using the nvidia
> > installer I had to run it again whenever xserver-xorg-core was upgraded.
> I finally got around to trying this again ;).
> No go on the reinstall, in fact, it failed with a couple of error messages,
> seems to
> have clobbered in the process, causing me to have to reinstall
> it and X along in the process. Additionally, the nvidia driver is not
> installed, and I have to limp along with the 'nv' driver (sniff).
> Along the way, it complains about not being a symlink. Maybe I
> should try the
> "debian way" - and I forget exactly how that is done :(.

The debian way is to use module-assistant

m-a prepare
m-a a-i nvidia

The kernel in lenny changed recently to 2.6.21. I had problems building the 
nvidia module because of paravirt_ops being a GPL-only export in that kernel 
(it's not in kernel 2.6.22 now in experimental) on the i386 box (no problem 
on amd64) You may need to build a custom kernel with paravirt_ops disabled to 
build the nvidia module in testing ATM.

> The installer (on the nvidia run file) says also that it was writing to an
> installer log and I don't see where that log is, which of course would
> probably help me getting the system back to a state where I can use the
> accelerated features of my card.

IIRC it's at /var/log/nvidia-installer.log (roughly, it's been a while).

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Re: What Can I Play With an Radeon X1300 All in Wonder PCIe 256Megs GDDR3

2007-07-12 Thread Alan Ianson
On Thu July 12 2007 10:10, Orestes leal wrote:
> Hi, Folks,
> Mi Question it's, With this card and the fglrx driver to the latest update,
> and 512 megs of ram Can I I play Doom3, or similars in ETCH?

I assume yes. My desktop has an nvidia card I can play doom and the like. I 
have an ati card in my laptop but I have never played games with it, but with 
the ati driver installed it does give a nice clear image.

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Re: Pseudo terminals missing

2007-07-14 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sat July 14 2007 11:04, Saul Mena Avila wrote:
> Hi. I've been running Debian etch for 1 month or so and I noticed yesterday
> that when pressing CTRL + ALT + F1-F6, there aren't the usual
> psuedoterminals.
> I don't get error messages but Is this normal?

No, those terminals should (I'm sure they are) be there. I'm running lenny 
amd64 and they are available to me.

There is a computer at work that has an Flock key that I need to enable or I 
can't use the F? keys, maybe yours has one?

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Re: how to shift from stable to testing

2007-07-14 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sat July 14 2007 12:17, Goudar Vishwanathappa Manu wrote:
> hello
> Now i am using Debian Etch and I am interested in going to testing.
> What should I do? Does adding the testing repo in sources.list and
> updating will work? 

Yes, change your stable/etch lines in /etc/sources.list to testing or lenny 
and then run "apt-get update" and "apt-get dist-upgrade"

> Does all the base packages and all others get 
> updated?

Yes. You should get a new kernel too, so after you reboot you'll be running 
testing.. :)

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Re: Root partition full

2007-07-14 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sat July 14 2007 18:36, Max Hyre wrote:
> Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
> > Check /var.  Especially, /var/tmp, /var/cache.
> Also look at /var/archives.  


> Since I moved from etch to unstable, 
> something's been putting (multi-hundred)-megabyte files there each day.
>   I've just been nuking them because I'm too lazy to look up who's
> generating them.  I really should do that...

That's probably aptitude. Those are all the software you've installed and/or 
updated, in the case of unstable there will be lots of updating.. :)

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Re: Is the Debian-user server slow or ... ?

2007-07-15 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sun July 15 2007 02:22, andy wrote:
> Hi all
> Just a little puzzled: I sent off two posts last night ~21h00 BST and so
> far (~10h20) have not seen them appear on the list, although someone has
> replied to one of them, so they must be getting through.
> Is the server a little slow or is it local to my machine? Anyone else
> experience anything like this?

It could be your isp's (if your using their's) smtp/pop server is under heavy 
load. I see that at times with my email too. 

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Re: Lenny Install CD kernel version.

2007-07-15 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sun July 15 2007 04:38, koffiejunkie wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I noticed that even though 2.6.21 is now in the Lenny repos, the install
> CD (well, 13 July, at least) still runs 2.6.18.
> Is there any way to check, before downloading, what version of the
> kernel the install CD runs?

What install disk are you using? The full install set hasn't been updated in a 
while, but you can get the daily built netinstall or businesscard iso and 
they use sid's kernel if I'm not mistaken.

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Re: Lenny Install CD kernel version.

2007-07-15 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sun July 15 2007 07:53, koffiejunkie wrote:
> Alan Ianson wrote:
> > On Sun July 15 2007 04:38, koffiejunkie wrote:
> >> Hi guys,
> >>
> >> I noticed that even though 2.6.21 is now in the Lenny repos, the install
> >> CD (well, 13 July, at least) still runs 2.6.18.
> >>
> >> Is there any way to check, before downloading, what version of the
> >> kernel the install CD runs?
> >
> > What install disk are you using? The full install set hasn't been updated
> > in a while, but you can get the daily built netinstall or businesscard
> > iso and they use sid's kernel if I'm not mistaken.
> >
> >
> >-cd/
> It was the daily build netinstall from 13 July that I downloaded (I
> guess the builds are made US time, so 14 July wasn't out yet).
> I checked after booting off the disc - it was 2.6.18

Strange, I used the disc dated July 10 and it booted and installed the 2.6.21 
kernel. Are you sure you burned the iso successfully? 

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Re: Lenny Install CD kernel version.

2007-07-15 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sun July 15 2007 07:53, koffiejunkie wrote:
> Alan Ianson wrote:
> > On Sun July 15 2007 04:38, koffiejunkie wrote:
> >> Hi guys,
> >>
> >> I noticed that even though 2.6.21 is now in the Lenny repos, the install
> >> CD (well, 13 July, at least) still runs 2.6.18.
> >>
> >> Is there any way to check, before downloading, what version of the
> >> kernel the install CD runs?
> >
> > What install disk are you using? The full install set hasn't been updated
> > in a while, but you can get the daily built netinstall or businesscard
> > iso and they use sid's kernel if I'm not mistaken.
> >
> >
> >-cd/
> It was the daily build netinstall from 13 July that I downloaded (I
> guess the builds are made US time, so 14 July wasn't out yet).
> I checked after booting off the disc - it was 2.6.18

I used the businesscard iso, maybe there is a difference.

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Re: Is the Debian-user server slow or ... ?

2007-07-15 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sun July 15 2007 13:31, Carl Fink wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 15, 2007 at 12:04:25PM -0700, Paul Johnson wrote:
> > Email isn't always synchronous and is rarely instant; it's possible that
> > replies get delivered before the original message.
> I run mailing lists myself and over the past few decades have belonged to
> quite a few.
> Only debian-user routinely takes 12 hours to send posts.

Hmm, I've never seen a delay like that. When I use my isp's mail server it 
does take about 10 minutes for it to get delivered.

Lately I've been using my gmail account. It's the closest to instantaneous I 
have seen (hope they can keep it up). I sent a message this morning to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and after I sent it I checked for new mail and 
there was the reply about 5 seconds later.

Is there anything else in the mix that might account for those delays?

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Re: Lenny Install CD kernel version.

2007-07-15 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sun July 15 2007 14:10, koffiejunkie wrote:

> I'm not really concerned with which kernel the installer installs.  I
> need the install CD itself to run the 2.6.21 kernel.
> I just tried today's (15 July) businesscard ISO, booted of it with the
> following command:
> expertgui vga=0x342

I wonder if the expertgui option uses the 2.6.18 kernel? I installed with the 
command "expert vga=771" and it booted the 2.6.21 kernel.

That may be an oversight..

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Re: wodim records at 4x with a 32x capable recorder

2007-07-17 Thread Alan Ianson
On Tue July 17 2007 03:18, Ismael Valladolid Torres wrote:
> No matter if I run it as root or as normal user, and no matter which
> speed parameter I set to wodim, when recording a CD-RW it is always
> defaulting to 4x, even altough my recorder reports being able to do
> CD-RW at 32x.

I always get 4x writting speed when writting to CD-RW media. Mind you I have 
been using the same media for years and they are only capable of 4x. I 
haven't gone looking for new CD-RW media in a while but I have not seen any 
capable of more than 4x, they may exist but I haven't seen them.

When writting a CD-R is get 40x speed but not CD-RW. What speed is your media 
capable of?

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Re: nfs client does not mount server-shares automatically on boot

2007-07-17 Thread Alan Ianson
On Tue July 17 2007 08:38, randhir phagura wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to Debian; using etch.
> I have installed nfs on server and clients. It is functional manually but
> does not mount the shares automatically from /etc/fstab.
> I have modified /etc/init.d/ to mount nfs by changing the
> 'nonfs' to 'nfs' in the lines shown below"
> mount_all_local() {
>   mount -a -t nonfs,nfs4,smbfs,cifs,ncp,ncpfs,coda,ocfs2,gfs \
>   -O no_netdev
>   }
> While booting the error ('Failed' shown in red) is as under:
> "Mounting local filesystems."
> "mount on nfs Server failed. The Server is is down"
> "Failed"
> But the server is very much up.
> Extract from my /etc/fstab is as below:
>  /mnt/rsp  nfs soft,nfsvers=2  0
> 0
>  /mnt/shp  nfs soft,nfsvers=2  0
> 0
> After loging-in as a user I can mount nfs by just running command 'mount
> -a' on the terminal.
> I suspect that the script '' is executed before the network is
> up. And there is no link for starting this script in any of the
> '/etc/rc?.d' directories. So I cannot makeout at what stage this script is
> executed. But it is executed during boot, for sure. I say this because
> after reversing the changes, there is no error but the nfs shares are not
> mounted still.
> What more is needed here?
> Any suggestions please?

I'm no expert on these things. In my case I have to add noauto to my nfs lines 
in fstab because I don't want the nfs shares mounted at boot. I never had to 
edit any file and any nfs shares were always auto mounted  at boot without 

Mind you it has been quite some time since I have looked at or changed any of 
the options for anything in fstab, it's possible the behavior has changed in 
the mean time and I didn't notice.

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Re: undeleteable file

2007-07-17 Thread Alan Ianson
On Tue July 17 2007 19:52, Frank McCormick wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 22:36:19 -0400
> Frank McCormick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Wed, 18 Jul 2007 12:32:47 +1000
> >
> > Julian De Marchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Frank McCormick wrote:
> > > > The leanup from a mini HD crash this week ( I suspect the drive is
> > > > dying) left an undeletable file in lost+found.
> > > >
> > > > No combination of rm or shred will kill it, sudo or no- sudo  -
> > > > chown reports its owned by an unknown owner and unknown group.
> > > >
> > > > Anybody have any ideas to get rid of it ?
> > >
> > > Try and mv the file else where then delete, or chown the file to
> > > your user then try and delete.
> >
> > Can't move it...can't chown it. It just tells me operation not
> > permitted. The file is also dated 1931 !
>This is the output of ls -l
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/lost+found/#573699/drivers/i2c/busses$ ls -l *
> ---s---r-t 1 993200132 3086322235 0 1931-09-13 15:22 i2c-nforce2.ko

I'm not sure if this will work because I have never seen anything like that. 
Can you chown the file to root:root? Does rm -rdf not work?

> Weird huh!

It is!

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Re: ETCH iso-with security updates

2007-07-18 Thread Alan Ianson
On Wed July 18 2007 06:54, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
> >From where can I get latest etch ISO image with latest security updates?

I haven't seen any updates to the etch iso's yet. They are updated 
periodically, maybe once or twice a year. It's only been three months since 
etch was released so I think there will be a short wait for them but they 
will be updated in time.

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Re: Aptitude losing "focus"

2007-07-18 Thread Alan Ianson
On Wed July 18 2007 07:16, Patrick Wiseman wrote:
> Hello:
> I know others have reported this, but aptitude (on my testing system) keeps
> losing the keyboard.  As someone else said, the keystrokes are going to the
> terminal from which it was started.  One suggestion was to remove
> libc6-i686.  Is that a safe thing to do?  And will it, if so, noticeably
> impair performance?

I did remove libc6-i686 from my box and it corrected the problem for me 
without any negative affects that I could see.

If I'm not mistaken though that problem was corrected. My lenny box does have 
libc6-i686 now and I have no problems with aptitude. Is your mirror up to 

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Re: Filling /var

2007-07-21 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sat July 21 2007 12:16, John K Masters wrote:
> Just had a bit of a wake-up call. Am running SID on my laptop and
> getting several updates per day. Today after updating the update process
> did not end properly as the /var partition had filled to 100%. In fact
> this totally stuffed my whole setup.
> Using GParted from a LiveCD I gave /var some more space and managed to
> get things back to normal.
> Running apt-get autoclean freed up 1.2GB of space! I've now put this
> into anachrontab to run every 4 days. This is the first time I've run
> unstable and didn't appreciate the huge amount of upgrades that
> happened.
> Hope this might help someone else avoid the hassle I have just had.

There is an option in aptitude to remove obsolete package files after 
downloading new lists that helps to keep things from getting stuffed up like 

Lots of stuff comes and goes in unstable so there is lots of updating to do. I 
prefer testing myself, seem to get the best of the new stuff there without so 
much downloading.

I symlink my /var/cache/apt/archives to a drive with lots of free space 
too.. ;)

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Re: Debian 4.0 on AMD64 and SATA with multi-arch DVD

2007-07-22 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sun July 22 2007 11:37, Masatran, R. Deepak wrote:
> I just installed Debian 4.0, on an AMD64 computer that has a SATA hard
> drive, from the multi-architecture DVD. I used "expert" at the first
> prompt, since "amd64-expert" was giving errors. I chose the 2.6-amd64
> kernel during installation.
> Installation completed successfully, but when it is booted, the console
> locks up, the kernel panics, and it stops responding. I tried some fiddling
> with the parameters in the "kernel" line in GRUB, but it did not help.
> Kindly suggest a solution.

You may need newer sata drivers than what are included with etch's kernel. You 
could try one of the daily built iso's from the debian installer page and see 
if that gets you going.

> Also, has it installed the I386, or the AMD64, Debian?

I suspect (but I don't know) that you have installed the i386 architecture 
with a 64bit kernel. I've done that before and it worked (mostly).

What's that last thing you see on the screen when you get that kernel panic? I 
haven't seen one of those in a long time but there is probably a hint there 
as to what the problem is.

I run an early amd64 here, I started using the unofficial version of sarge 
amd64 and it worked well for me although it didn't for others. A newer kernel 
is your best bet I think.

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Re: Network Interfaces

2007-07-22 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sun July 22 2007 14:10, Telly Williams wrote:
> Hi,
>   What concept am I missing?
>   If I have my laptop connected to the computer through an ethernet, if I
> switch it to a USB port, how do I have the OS pick it up?  It seems that I
> have to have the computer installed with whatever interface that I plan to
> use.  Am I making any sense?

I have never used usb but I do use a wireless pcmcia card in my laptop. It 
just needs an entry in /etc/network/interfaces to work. Mine looks like 

-- /etc/network/interfaces --
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

allow-hotplug ath0
iface ath0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid Homenet
wpa-psk secretpassword

-- end --

I suspect usb networking also needs an entry in there..

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Re: searching for graphical torrent client

2007-07-27 Thread Alan Ianson
On Fri July 27 2007 03:07, Giorgos D. Pallas wrote:
> I tried google but can't seem to find something that both looks decent
> *and* is available for debian (testing) as a binary. For example I tried
> qtorrent, but it is so minimal that I don't like it... 

When I need a torrent app I have always used the good old bittorrent on the 
terminal. I guess it's not pretty (it's not bad though), but it works 

> Or to put it in another way: Which client resembles most the windows
> utorrent? (I also tried ktorrent for KDE and it crashes often...)

Not sure what utorrent looks like but I have also used ktorrent on a few 
occasions and it also worked well, and it looks nice. It has never crashed 
here so I'm not sure what the problem could be.

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Re: A question of fonts

2007-07-28 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sat July 28 2007 12:15, andy wrote:
> Dear all
> Can I have a few recommendations please for the best fonts package to
> use for a desktop machine. The font package I have right now seems to
> really screw with the legibility of Xmms and even Iceweasel. I'd like to
> make use of fonts that are available in MS Office (for inter-operability
> with MS docs I have to process). If it makes any diffs, I typically run
> either Gnome or Xfce4, on a testing (Lenny) machine.
> Thanks for any leads.

Install msttcorefonts. That will install a bunch of fonts from ms from the 

There are also a couple xfree86-nonfree* packages that may help.

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Re: A question of fonts

2007-07-28 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sat July 28 2007 12:30, Glen Pfeiffer wrote:
> On 07/28/2007 12:20 PM, andy wrote:
> > Can I have a few recommendations please for the best fonts
> > package to use for a desktop machine.
> I have only installed one font package and have no experience
> with any others.
> msttcorefonts
> It is available in the debian-multimedia repository.

This package is in contrib. No need for debian-multimedia for this one.

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Re: A question of fonts

2007-07-28 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sat July 28 2007 14:28, andy wrote:
> Alan Ianson wrote:
> > On Sat July 28 2007 12:30, Glen Pfeiffer wrote:
> >> On 07/28/2007 12:20 PM, andy wrote:
> >>> Can I have a few recommendations please for the best fonts
> >>> package to use for a desktop machine.
> >>
> >> I have only installed one font package and have no experience
> >> with any others.
> >>
> >> msttcorefonts
> >>
> >> It is available in the debian-multimedia repository.
> >>
> >
> > This package is in contrib. No need for debian-multimedia for this one.
> I do have the latest msttcorefonts installed. It just looks crap with
> Xmms and sometimes Iceweasel seems difficult to read too. But certainly
> Xmms is the worst of the bunch.

Are you using utf-8 by chance? I haven't made the switch to utf-8 because a 
number of apps I use (mostly console) don't look right when I use it. This 
sounds similar but I don't know for sure.

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Re: lenny: getting non-free nvidia drivers issue

2007-07-28 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sat July 28 2007 14:38, David Fox wrote:
> I'm browsing howto's at the moment and attempting to get the nvidia drivers
> (the non-free ones) the "debian" way.
> There doesn't seem to be an avalable version of nvidia-kernel-source for my
> particular kernel (I was running 2.6.18-4-k7, but I just upgraded to
> 2.6.21-2-k7

I might suggest that you install the 2.6.22 kernel from unstable. I had 
problems building the kernel module for k7 because of a GPL-only export that 
isn't an issue with 2.6.22 kernels. You can use the 2.6.21 kernel but you 
will need to build your own with paravirt_ops disabled.

> a few moments ago. I'm using
>, and
> as reference documents.
> There is also no nvidia-glx in testing.

They are in testing, I'm using them now.. :)

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Re: lenny: getting non-free nvidia drivers issue

2007-07-28 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sat July 28 2007 14:38, David Fox wrote:
> I'm browsing howto's at the moment and attempting to get the nvidia drivers
> (the non-free ones) the "debian" way.
> There doesn't seem to be an avalable version of nvidia-kernel-source for my
> particular kernel (I was running 2.6.18-4-k7, but I just upgraded to
> 2.6.21-2-k7
> a few moments ago. I'm using
>, and
> as reference documents.
> There is also no nvidia-glx in testing. There has been some discussion on
> the list recently regarding some updates to video drivers, which have
> unfortunately caused my existing nvidia setup to no longer work, so
> currently I am using the "nv" driver. From the instructions it would seem
> my current card (Geforce FX 5200) should be supported by the "non-legacy"
> or regular driver.
> According to the testing status page (
> it would seem
> that testing is waiting for the newer driver package, which seems to be ATM
> availalbe in sid/unstable.
> Question - is it "safe" to retry the nvidia driver at this point? Last I
> tried, I ended up with a fairly unusable system and had to renstall most of
> X and go back to using the nv driver.
> If that is doable, I figure it would be better to do this the "debian way"
> and although I posted about this before, I probably would want to go ahead
> and add unstable sources to my sources.list and install that way.
> Or, I could wait until these are available in testing, but I don't have a
> clue low long that would take. (In a previous thread, it was opined that it
> would only take a few days or so.)
> Hints?

I don't know if this is "the debian way" but this is how I do it. I am running 
testing with kernel-2.6.22-2-amd64 at the moment but have also run the 2.6.21 
kernel until recently along with the nvidia drivers without any issues at 
all. There are no pre-built kernel modules in testing or unstable, I build 
them with module-assistant.

module-assistant prepare or m-a prepare
module-assistant auto-install nvidia or m-a a-i nvidia

Also install nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-ia32 if appropriate. 
Run "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and choose the nvidia driver and set the 
rest of it up to your liking. If all goes well (and I'm sure it will) restart 
x and you should be good to go.. :)

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Re: lenny: getting non-free nvidia drivers issue

2007-07-28 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sat July 28 2007 16:35, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> On 2007-07-28 15:10:31 -0700, Alan Ianson wrote:
> > I might suggest that you install the 2.6.22 kernel from unstable. I
> > had problems building the kernel module for k7 because of a GPL-only
> > export that isn't an issue with 2.6.22 kernels.
> But for another reason, it doesn't work with 2.6.22:

That's a bummer. I've had that problem before having on older version of gcc 
and not a newer one. I managed to get it built by installing a newer gcc, not 
to sure how one would get past this one.

Being on amd64 I have safely bypassed all of these issues somehow.

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Re: lenny: getting non-free nvidia drivers issue

2007-07-28 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sat July 28 2007 15:45, Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:

> Difficulty with nvidia is the main reason that I'm sticking with Etch.

Are you running an amd64 there? I have had no trouble on the amd64 with the 
nvidia drivers. There a couple issues that I know of for the i386 but amd64 
has been painless.. :)

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Re: A question of fonts

2007-07-28 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sat July 28 2007 16:18, andy wrote:
> Alan Ianson wrote:
> > On Sat July 28 2007 14:28, andy wrote:
> >> Alan Ianson wrote:
> >>> On Sat July 28 2007 12:30, Glen Pfeiffer wrote:
> >>>> On 07/28/2007 12:20 PM, andy wrote:
> >>>>> Can I have a few recommendations please for the best fonts
> >>>>> package to use for a desktop machine.
> >>>>
> >>>> I have only installed one font package and have no experience
> >>>> with any others.
> >>>>
> >>>> msttcorefonts
> >>>>
> >>>> It is available in the debian-multimedia repository.
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> This package is in contrib. No need for debian-multimedia for this one.
> >>
> >> I do have the latest msttcorefonts installed. It just looks crap with
> >> Xmms and sometimes Iceweasel seems difficult to read too. But certainly
> >> Xmms is the worst of the bunch.
> >
> > Are you using utf-8 by chance? I haven't made the switch to utf-8 because
> > a number of apps I use (mostly console) don't look right when I use it.
> > This sounds similar but I don't know for sure.
> I really don't know. How could I tell?

If you type env in a term what is lang= set to? You can adjust that setting by 
running "dpkg-reconfigure locales".

I think etch uses utf-8 by default. A better solution would be if packages 
were utf-8 capable. It may be that xmms and iceweasel are not utf-8 aware but 
my knowledge if this stuff is sketcky at best.

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Re: Where is Lame in Sarge?

2007-07-28 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sat July 28 2007 17:29, 2g wrote:
> at their site
> only
> deb sid main
> is recommended for unstable
> even though they have
> deb stable main
> and
> deb testing main
> maybe i should just try but
> afraid of something get broken
> someone doing well with
> deb unstable main

My laptop is running unstable with quite a few packages from d-m. I haven't 
had any problems. If you are running sid I would use the unstable branch of 

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Re: Disable gnome-power-manager?

2007-07-29 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sun July 29 2007 06:25, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> Am I the only one who finds the gnome-power-manager to be
> fundamentally flawed?  A power daemon needs intrinsically to be
> system-global and not specific to a particular login session.
> This becomes obvious when there are several logins active at the same time
> (on different virtual consoles), typically with different users.
> Now, recent versions of the gnome-desktop-environment depend on
> gnome-power-management, so it makes it inconvenient to deinstall the
> gnome-power-management package.  Is there a way to keep it installed but to
> deactivate it?

When I install gnome I don't install gnome-desktop-environment. I enter that 
in aptitude and pick the items I want from there. gnome-power-management is 
recommended by gnome-screen-saver so when I install that I temporarily 
disable aptitude from automatically installing recommended packages.

Maybe the long way around but it gets me where I want to be.. :)

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Re: dumb question about Adobe Acrobat....

2007-07-29 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sun, 2007-29-07 at 12:20 -0700, Kelly Clowers wrote:
> On 7/29/07, Brad Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sun, 29 Jul 2007 20:20:59 +0200
> > Florian Kulzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hello Florian,
> >
> > > pdftk can be used to fill in PDF forms. It can generate an FDF file
> >
> > Yet another package I've not heard of.  Hardly surprising, really,
> > given that there seem to be dozens of ways of achieving one's goals
> > with *nix OSs.  Which is a good thing, of course.
> >
> > > Unfortunately I am not sure if this works with all versions of PDF
> > > forms or only with older ones.
> >
> > PDF, like many formats, is an ever moving goalpost.  Consequently,
> > we're playing "catch-up" all the time.
> The next version of Evince, due this fall, will also support form filling.

That is such good news.. exactly what I have been hoping to read.. I've
been looking for a way to fill in pdf forms for an amd64 box I have

You made my day.. :)

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Re: dumb question about Adobe Acrobat....

2007-07-29 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sun July 29 2007 13:14, Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 29, 2007 at 12:32:18PM -0700, Alan Ianson wrote:
> > > The next version of Evince, due this fall, will also support form
> > > filling.
> >
> > That is such good news.. exactly what I have been hoping to read.. I've
> > been looking for a way to fill in pdf forms for an amd64 box I have
> > here.
> I have been under the impression that evince and kpdf use xpdf behind
> the scenes.  Does this mean that xpdf will be able to do this too, or 
> are evince (and perhaps kpdf) more functional than xpdf?

I'm not certain, I don't use pdf's often. I need to fill in forms in pdf files 
and print them at work quite regularly but aside from that I never use/see 

Once one of them can do it I'm sure the code will make the rounds (in a gpl 
compliant way, of course) and it won't be long until the others can do it to.

I recently installed debian at work and struggled to get the printer and these 
pdf issues working so that is why I'm so glad to see we will have an easy way 
to edit forms in pdf's. :)

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Re: dumb question about Adobe Acrobat....

2007-07-29 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sun, 2007-29-07 at 15:12 -0500, Mumia W.. wrote:
> On 07/29/2007 02:20 PM, Kelly Clowers wrote:
> > 
> > The next version of Evince, due this fall, will also support form filling.
> > 
> Can anyone point me to example of PDFs that have fillable forms? I just 
> want to play with the various form-filling features in OO.o, Evince, 
> pdftk and the others.

There are a few at

Click the forms & fee's link.

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Re: etch installation probs (CD?)

2007-07-30 Thread Alan Ianson
On Mon July 30 2007 07:10, michael wrote:
> Folks, I've a new machine with a "writemaster" CDROM drive. When trying
> to install Debian 4.0 from iso image burnt to CD, it initially
> recognises the CD and starts the installation but fails at the screen
> where the CD drive is to be recognised (for continuing the
> installation). I've tried various module/device combos but all to no
> avail. I've looked about on Google but not come up with a working
> solution.
> Has anybody else successfully uses this CDROM drive to install Debian,
> or have suggestions on how I can determine a working module/device
> combo. Please let me know if you need any further information.

I've installed etch amd64 and i386 successfully many times. I'm not sure what 
the problem is but you might be able to use the daily install from testing to 
get going. You can get the it from here..

If you get the businesscard iso and boot it in expert mode it will prompt you 
if you want to install stable, testing or unstable. I would try to install 
stable and if your successful run "apt-cdrom add" for your cd or dvd images 
after you boot and install whatever else you want.

That image contains nothing but the installer, you need to have an active 
network connection to install with it.

Good luck.. :)

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Re: A question of fonts

2007-07-30 Thread Alan Ianson
On Mon July 30 2007 13:40, andy wrote:
> Alan Ianson wrote:
> >> Alan Ianson wrote:
> >>
> >> 
> >
> > If you type env in a term what is lang= set to? You can adjust that
> > setting by running "dpkg-reconfigure locales".
> >
> > I think etch uses utf-8 by default. A better solution would be if
> > packages were utf-8 capable. It may be that xmms and iceweasel are not
> > utf-8 aware but my knowledge if this stuff is sketcky at best.
> Hi Alan
> Thanks for the tips. I followed your suggestion and got, in part, this
> as a result of env
> LANG=en_GB.UTF-8
> How do I use this info to overcome what is really a lousy text display
> in something like Xmms, and some other apps I've tried?

I don't think you can. I've been using xmms for years so the interface is just 
what I expect it to be, the same as it has always been.

The problem I have had with utf-8 is in apps like mp3blaster (a console 
mp3/ogg player). When I use utf-8 the borders are either not drawn at all or 
not drawn correctly. I haven't tried it recently, maybe it would work OK now 
but I suspect not. I should investigate it a bit more perhaps.

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Re: lenny: getting non-free nvidia drivers issue

2007-07-30 Thread Alan Ianson
On Mon July 30 2007 19:27, David Fox wrote:
> Alan Lanson wrote:
> module-assistant prepare or m-a prepare
> module-assistant auto-install nvidia or m-a a-i nvidia
> OK I tried that, it fails with the message that there's no
> nvidia-kernel-source available.

You will need to have non-free (and probably contrib) along with main in your 
main debian archive lines in /etc/apt/sources.list.

Reading into the thread a bit you may have some problems getting the module 
built with a 2.6.21 kernel (unless you build your own with config 
paravirt_ops diabled). It can be done but it may take an extra push.

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Re: lenny: getting non-free nvidia drivers issue

2007-07-30 Thread Alan Ianson
On Mon July 30 2007 22:00, David Fox wrote:
> On 7/30/07, Alan Ianson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You will need to have non-free (and probably contrib) along with main in
> > your
> > main debian archive lines in /etc/apt/sources.list.
> I already checked that - I do have non-free and contrib enabled.

Have you run apt-get update, and is your mirror up to date? I just switched to 
2.6.21 from 2.6.22 an hour ago and had no problem with the same version of 
the nvidia-kernel-source.

> Reading into the thread a bit you may have some problems getting the module
> > built with a 2.6.21 kernel (unless you build your own with config
> > paravirt_ops diabled). It can be done but it may take an extra push.
> Supposedly that's what the patehed version of the 100.14.11 driver solves.

Good. I haven't needed that since I haven't had problems with the GPL-only 
export on amd64 for reasons unknown. Lucky in this case I guess.

I struggled when etch was testing.. ;)

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Re: Part 2: Got both problems fixed

2007-07-30 Thread Alan Ianson
On Mon July 30 2007 22:06, Brad B wrote:
> Here's the log file from the nVidia installer. It might be easier to
> understand my problem if you see this.
> I've already installed the libc package from, and it worked
> fine. So no problem there. But the installer isn't picking it up?

Have you installed libc-dev? I'm not sure if that is what the installer needs. 
Have you installed build-essential? If not that might be worth trying.

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Re: lenny: getting non-free nvidia drivers issue

2007-08-01 Thread Alan Ianson
On Tue July 31 2007 18:17, David Fox wrote:

> Looking at a debian ftp site that I use (#1 listing in my sources.list) I
> see:
> debian/pool/non-free/n > ls -l nvi*
> drwxr-sr-x 2 1176 1176 4096 Jul 7 08:35 nvidia-graphics-drivers
> drwxr-sr-x 2 1176 1176 4096 Dec 7 2006 nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy
> drwxr-xr-x 2 1176 1176 4096 Jun 21 20:34
> nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-71xx drwxr-xr-x 2 1176 1176 4096 Jun 21
> 20:34 nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-96xx drwxr-xr-x 2 1176 1176 4096 Jun
> 22 08:42
> nvidia-graphics-legacy-71xx-modules-amd64
> drwxr-xr-x 2 1176 1176 4096 Jun 25 20:30
> nvidia-graphics-legacy-71xx-modules-i386
> drwxr-xr-x 2 1176 1176 4096 Jun 25 20:30
> nvidia-graphics-legacy-96xx-modules-amd64
> drwxr-xr-x 2 1176 1176 4096 Jun 25 20:30
> nvidia-graphics-legacy-96xx-modules-i386
> drwxr-xr-x 2 1176 1176 4096 Jun 27 08:34
> nvidia-graphics-legacy-modules-amd64
> drwxr-sr-x 2 1176 1176 4096 Jun 27 08:34
> nvidia-graphics-legacy-modules-i386 drwxr-xr-x 2 1176 1176 4096 Jun 27
> 08:34 nvidia-graphics-modules-amd64 drwxr-sr-x 2 1176 1176 4096 Jun 27
> 08:34 nvidia-graphics-modules-i386 drwxr-sr-x 2 1176 1176 4096 Nov 21 2006
> nvidia-modules-i386
> Note there is no "nvidia-kernel-source".

Your right. I just had a look at and had a look for it. It 
isn't in testing at the moment. I'm not sure why.

> Poking around with various 'apt-cache policy' commands on some of those
> files, all I get are "unable to locate package
> such and such" errors. I've tried nvidia-graphics-drivers,
> nvidia-graphics-legacy-96xx.
> If it is in 'pool" that doesn't necessarily mean that these files are in
> "testing", does it? OTOH, look at the file dates.

That's right, they may be in stable or unstable.

> The "why is package X not in testing" page does have some info - says there
> is no new version in testing, and is trying to add, not update.

I also have unstable lines in my sources.list so that must be where I got them 
from. If you don't mind doing the same that may work better for you. I always 
add the following to my /etc/apt/apt.conf so I don't get stuff from unstable 
unexpectedly (mind you I was unaware I got the nvidia stuff from unstable!)

-- /etc/apt/apt.conf --
APT::Default-Release "testing";

-- end --

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Re: Blurry fonts in OpenOffice and qt4 appliations

2007-08-03 Thread Alan Ianson
On Fri August 3 2007 12:48, Vasil Benov wrote:
> Hi all,
> The fonts in OpenOffice and qt4(skype 1.4 beta) applications are blurry.
> Has anyone encountered the same problem?
> There is a thread on the Ubuntu mailing list, but it does not offer any
> solution.

I noticed that too a while ago, one of the fonts I was using (sorry, I forget 
which one) seemed to have a rainbow color effect to it for reasons unknown. I 
changed the system font to something else and it has looked fine since.

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Re: Blurry fonts in OpenOffice and qt4 appliations

2007-08-03 Thread Alan Ianson
On Fri August 3 2007 21:50, Andrei Popescu wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 03, 2007 at 07:15:39PM -0700, Alan Ianson wrote:
> > On Fri August 3 2007 12:48, Vasil Benov wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > The fonts in OpenOffice and qt4(skype 1.4 beta) applications are
> > > blurry. Has anyone encountered the same problem?
> > > There is a thread on the Ubuntu mailing list, but it does not offer any
> > > solution.
> >
> > I noticed that too a while ago, one of the fonts I was using (sorry, I
> > forget which one) seemed to have a rainbow color effect to it for reasons
> > unknown. I changed the system font to something else and it has looked
> > fine since.
> LCD or CRT monitor? Have a look at the sub-pixel rendering option
> (dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config).

LCD, it was on my laptop. Thanks, I'll run that and have a look.

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Re: multimedia CD?

2006-11-13 Thread Alan Ianson
On Mon November 13 2006 09:07, Mark Grieveson wrote:
> Hello.  I've installed Debian Etch on an old laptop using CDs -- it does
> not have high speed internet access.  I then, on a separate computer,
> downloaded  Christian Marillat's multimedia files, maintaining the
> directory structure, and then burned these to CD.  I attempted to add
> this to my sources.list, on the laptop, via "apt-cdrom add", which
> initially seemed successful, but then was rejected due to the CD lacking
> the public access key.  So, is there a way I can add the access key to
> the CD?  Or, and even better, is there a place where I can just download
> an iso image of the multimedia files?

What I do in a case like yours is simply copy the files 
to /var/cache/apt/archives so they don't need to be downloaded again. Your 
idea is a good one though I don't know if it has been done by anyone.

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Re: Trouble browsing secure web sites (

2006-11-13 Thread Alan Ianson
On Mon November 13 2006 06:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> The other (an AMD64) crashes shortly after X starts.  Often within a
> minute.  If I avoid mouse movement and just use text consoles within X I
> can get it to survive a few minutes; once even for an hour.  If I
> ctl-alt-F1 immediately after X starts, I can use that text console
> indefinitely.  This one looks like an X server problem.  It doesn't
> matter which X server I use, framebuffer or nvidia proprietary.  It
> doesn't matter which window manager I use.  I doesn't matter whether I
> use 32- or 64-bit etch.  It does make a difference to use Ubuntu
> instead, leaving me to suspect this is a bug Ubuntu has fixed, but that
> it has not yet propagated upstream.

I also run an amd64 here, a plain jane K8N with an nvidia FX 5700LE (also a 
plain jane) and it works well here. I have never used the frame buffer with 
x. It's been a while since I read it but I don't think it works. Maybe 
disabling the frame buffer with x (you can still us FB on the console) would 

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Re: how many CDs for v3.1 r3?

2006-11-13 Thread Alan Ianson
On Mon November 13 2006 12:23, anonymous wrote:

> I still have not received a definitive reply to my question as yet.
> Which, to repeat was:
> " I found out that I would need to download 18 CDs: 15 regular and 3
> for the update.
> I would like to know whether all these CDs have binary files or are
> these also include CDs
>  with sources and documentation. If so, which ones of them?"

Sorry I can't answer that question well. It's been a while since I looked at 
the debian install cd's. I can tell you that the packages are placed on the 
cd's first by need (kernel's etc) and then popularity. When I installed from 
cd I always grabbed the first two cd's (three if I had time) and that took 
care of most of what I used. I also had deb sources in 
my /etc/apt/sources.list and anything I wanted to install that wasn't on my 
cd's would get installed over the net although in 80% of the cases I already 
had what was needed.

The debian archive has become much larger lately though (something like 18000 
packages) so it has become somewhat harder to manage without a network 
connection. I do my downloading now on one machine and copy the contents 
of /var/cache/apt/archives to another computer if need be (be sure not to 
delete deb's after download if you go this route).

> Having used Redhat and Slackware before which just use 4 CDs each for
> the boot and
> packages and a couple more for the documentation and sources, it is
> difficult for me to take
> 15 CDs for the installation of packages alone.

> IF this *is* really the case, there should be some good reason for
> this: Does debian offer a
>  lot of packages choices? Lot more than does either slackware or redhat
> so as to need this
>  much number of CDs?

I don't use cd's anymore. I have 2 DVD's for sarge and 3 for etch. After the 
initial install I proceed with X, KDE and Gnome. With sarge I use a handfull 
of packages from DVD 2. Once I'm done I have 1800 packages installed, so 
there are a lot of packages in debian, many you will never have time to get 
too, if they even interest you.. :)

> OR the .deb packages are not as much efficient and do not use good
> compression to squeeze them all in a fewer CDs?

I'm not sure what .deb packages are made of, but I'm pretty sure they are at 
least on par with .rpm.

> > That said, a list of which CDs contain which packages would still be
> > useful.

It is a good idea. I don't know if it exists (yet). Not a very authoritative 
answer but that's how I see it.. :)

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Re: Debian on new Macs with Intel CPU?

2006-11-13 Thread Alan Ianson
On Mon November 13 2006 13:54, David Moerike wrote:
> What is to do when I want to run Debian 4.0 on the new Apple Macintosh
> machines with Intel processors, especially the Xserve Server machine?
> Does Debian for PowerPC work, or Debian for i386, or none?

That's an interesting question, I bet i386 is what you need but you best wait 
for someone who's done it.

You could download a minimal net-install iso and see if you can boot from it, 
or try one of the live cd's (knoppix, ubuntu or any of them) and see if your 
hardware is detected.

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Re: Trouble browsing secure web sites (

2006-11-13 Thread Alan Ianson
On Mon November 13 2006 14:50, Jason Dunsmore wrote:
> On 11/12/06, Alan Ianson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello List,
> >
> > I am having trouble browsing my banks web site to do online banking. I
> > can log into the site but web pages don't seem to load up in the browser.
> > This is only the case when running testing or unstable, I can navigate
> > the site just fine with sarge.
> >
> > This has been the case since shortly after the release of sarge last
> > year, I could never use the site with testing or unstable. It's been my
> > hope that it would clear up before the release of etch as stable, but now
> > I wonder if it will since the scheduled release of etch is only a month
> > or so away.
> >
> > I have thought about posting a bug report but I don't know where/what the
> > real bug is.
> >
> > Suggestions? Please! :)
> you're not alone:

Ahh.. that explains it I think. Looks like a problem only with a 2.6 kernel. 
That's for pointing those sites out.

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Re: Trouble browsing secure web sites (

2006-11-13 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sun November 12 2006 19:16, Stephen Yorke wrote:
> All I run is Etch at home right now...guess I should'a mentioned
> that...sorry.

from what I have read it looks like the problem only exists with 2.6 kernel's 
for some reason. Are you running a 2.4 kernel there by chance?

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Cannot change default browser

2006-11-13 Thread Alan Ianson
On Mon November 13 2006 17:05, cothrige wrote:
> I have been using kopete, as gaim wasn't behaving quite to my needs,
> and found that when it prompts me to open an inbox on one of my
> accounts it always opens epiphany.  Of course, the first thing I did
> was try to change whatever kopete thought was the right browser, but I
> could find nothing at all in the config options which indicated any
> selections of browsers.
> I don't have a full KDE installed, and so there is no control center
> type of thing I can run to change that.  But I switched to gnome long
> enough to open the control center there and set firefox as default,
> but it did not work.  I opened firefox and had it check for whether it
> was the default browser, and then made is such, but this also had no
> effect.
> After reading the man page and some online helps, I tried
> 'update-alternatives --set x-www-browser /usr/bin/firefox' but I still
> get epiphany.  When I run 'update-alternatives --list x-www-browser'
> this is what I get:
> /usr/bin/epiphany
> /usr/bin/firefox
> /usr/bin/opera
> If I run 'update-alternatives --config x-www-browser' I get:
> There are 3 alternatives which provide `x-www-browser'.
>   SelectionAlternative
> ---
>  +1/usr/bin/epiphany
> * 2/usr/bin/firefox
>   3/usr/bin/opera
> Press enter to keep the default[*], or type selection number: 2
> Using `/usr/bin/firefox' to provide `x-www-browser'.
> I have checked display and it says x-www-browser is set to manual, so
> I thought the + would not mean anything, but it still defaults
> everytime to epiphany.
> Finally, I uninstalled epiphany, causing untold problems in the Gnome
> world, and this caused Opera to open.  I actually like opera for some
> things, but not this, and so don't really want to have to uninstall
> it.  So, now I am back to square one.
> Just how do I convince this app not to use any browser but firefox?

Try running update-alternatives --all. There is also a x-gnome-browser (or 
somesuch) that may need an adjustment.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Trouble browsing secure web sites (

2006-11-13 Thread Alan Ianson
On Mon November 13 2006 16:56, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 13, 2006 at 03:19:12PM -0800, Alan Ianson wrote:
> > On Sun November 12 2006 19:16, Stephen Yorke wrote:
> > > All I run is Etch at home right now...guess I should'a mentioned
> > > that...sorry.
> >
> > from what I have read it looks like the problem only exists with 2.6
> > kernel's for some reason. Are you running a 2.4 kernel there by chance?
> Don't know what he's running, but it works for me in sarge with a
> 2.6.8-2-386 kernel.

Yep, sarge works for me too. It must be something in kernels greater than 
2.6.8. I just booted slack with a 2.4 kernel (can't get debian going with a 
2.4 kernel on this amd64 box) and can navigate the site just fine.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DSA 1208-1

2006-11-14 Thread Alan Ianson
On Tue, 2006-11-14 at 14:13 -0700, Cedar Cox wrote:
> When is there going to be an updated package for bugzilla for amd64?
> I'm using in my sources.list, but I thought (Sarge) 
> amd64 has backing from the Debian Security Team and updates are through 
> (which is also in sources.list).
> Am I confused or impatient?

Acording to the mail 2.16.7-7sarge2 is the fixed package. Is that what
you have there?

I'm running sid at the moment but I was getting packages from when I ran sarge.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Creating a debian install cd/dvd

2006-11-16 Thread Alan Ianson
Hello List,

My /var/cache/apt/archives directory contains a lot of files I have gotten 
from various sources, mainly the debian archives,, and a few others.

Is there a way I can create a cd or dvd with those files so apt-get / 
dselect / aptitude can install those packages? Is there a howto or other doc 
file that explains how to do that?

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: test2 please ignore

2006-11-17 Thread Alan Ianson
On Fri, 2006-17-11 at 09:56 +0200, Debeselis wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry for the problems if there were any from me:( But I have problems with 
> this mailing list and I wanted to find what causes them.
> Problem is that when I send my initial e-mail to this list I can see my 
> submission coming to my e-mail box but if I'm trying to
> reply to this e-mail which came back to me - I can not see my second 
> submission return. But I can see my second reply on this
> mailing list through lets say usenet news interface. The same situation, I 
> think, will be with this reply - I'll see this reply on
> the mailing list lets say through the news but I'll not be able to see my 
> submission return to my mailbox. And I want to find out
> why is that.

That's the norm with gmail, the exact reason I forget now. I think gmail
sees the returning mail as a dupe and drops it. But be assured we do
read you.. :)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Etch status..?

2006-11-21 Thread Alan Ianson
On Tue November 21 2006 19:07, cga2000 wrote:

> > > I did notice that I'm still running the sarge 2.4.27 kernel instead of
> > > the 2.6.17 that's in the etch repository..
> > >
> > > Is this "normal" .. or did my dist-upgrade run into a problem and
> > > decide not to upgrade to a more recent kernel?
> >
> > Yes, you have the latest 2.4 kernel. You could upgrade to a 2.6 kernel if
> > you wanted too, look for linux-image-???.
> So you are telling me that "apt-get/aptitude dist-upgrade" do not
> upgrade the kernel .. IOW that what I have experienced is "normal" ..?

I have linux-image-2.6-amd64 installed, that is a meta package that keeps the 
latest 2.6-amd64 kernel installed (2.6.17-2-amd64 at the moment). You likely 
have something like that that tracks the latest 2.4 kernel. Once you've made 
the switch to a 2.6 kernel apt-get / dselect / aptitude will keep you upto 
date. It's upto you if you want a 2.6 or 2.4 kernel.. :)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xsetup reconfiguration?

2006-11-22 Thread Alan Ianson
On Wed November 22 2006 08:00, Ishwar Rattan wrote:
> I am running a debian derivative. I would like to force
> a reconfiguration of the xserver, any ideas how?

dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg is how I would do it on my etch box, may or may 
not be useful to you.

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Re: fairly ignorant jigdo question....

2006-11-23 Thread Alan Ianson
On Fri, 2006-24-11 at 00:37 +, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> Dear Debian folks,
> I tried to post a question about jigdo but it didn't seem to reach the site. 
>   Here goes again.
> I notice that Etch currently has 21 CD images in the testing release,
> But Sarge comprises 15 CDs.
> I have the 15 CDs.  If I want to use jigdo to create the 21 CD images 
> comprising Etch using the Sarge CDs to speed up and bootstrap the process, 
> what is the best way to do this?

Get the .jigdo and .template for the image you want to get and run
jigdo-lite debian*.jigdo in the directory where you want the finished
image to be. You'll need plenty of free space there.

> My understanding is that the jigdo can extract the individual files from an 
> iso file (Sarge) and combine it with separate files downloaded from a 
> repository and combine them to make the new (Etch) iso file..

That's exactly it. You can have more than one source of files also. I
always point jigdo to my /var/cache/apt/archives directory so any files
there don't need to be downloaded again.

> But what happens if the same file on CD number 3 in Sarge is legitimately 
> located on CD number 7 of Etch?

For each .jigdo file you'll need to scan all your cd's that may contain
those files, or copy them all the HD if you have the space and tell
jigdo to scan that directory.

> What if the file on CD 15 in Sarge is located on CD 21 of Etch?

You need to scan all cd's that you want to source files from. I switched
to using dvd's myself.. :)

> Would I have to scan all 15 CD images and have them all copied up on my hard 
> disk every time I make a new Etch iso file?
> Should I use CD-R or CD-RW disks?  I currently use CD-R ones.

I always use RW myself, these things change so often...

> Regards.
> Michael Fothergill
> P.S. could scan in Sarge CD images but then create the Etch DVD images with 
> jigdo?

Yes, there likely are some files on the sarge cd that will also be in

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Etch status..?

2006-11-23 Thread Alan Ianson
On Thu, 2006-23-11 at 22:15 -0500, cga2000 wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 21, 2006 at 11:56:50PM EST, Alan Ianson wrote:
> [..]
> > > >  It's upto you if you want a 2.6 or 2.4 kernel.. :)
> Well not really... 
> :-(
> I installed the latest alongside the 2.4.27 that initially
> came with the sarge netinst and sure enough my PC card is no longer
> recognized. 
> So it looks like I'm stuck with a 2.4 kernel for the lifetime of this
> laptop.

It should be doable but you may need to build a kernel module for that
card. I did that once for my laptop, it was kind of hellish but I got it
done.. :)

What card is giving you trouble? Maybe someone on the list can help you
out. I got a lot of help getting my wireless pcmcia card working with
sarge from the debian-laptop list, this list would likely do just as

udev is used with the 2.6 kernels now rather than hotplug. Do you have
udev installed now as apposed to hotplug?

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Trouble browsing secure web sites (

2006-11-26 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sun November 26 2006 12:44 am, you wrote:
> > > you're not alone:
> > >
> > >
> One of those pages mentions fiddling with mtu settings. I second that.
> I had a problem like yours that I fixed by changing the mtu setting on
> my router from 1500 to 1400.

Thanks for the tip. I'm running sarge at the moment and my banking site works 
fine. My worry is that when I run testing (soon to be stable) I can't.

I'd report a bug but I don't know what the problem is, I'll keep looking 
though and I'll change the mtu if I have more trouble and see if it helps.

This is not a debian thing, I've read reports and got replies to my list 
postings asking if I found a solution from folks running suse and fedora. I 
wish I could tell them something.

BTW, nice to read you.. :)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Media player

2006-11-29 Thread Alan Ianson
On Wed November 29 2006 07:44 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Dear all,
> I've solved my problem on apt-get...simply reading how to on Debian site,
> sorry. Now, I would like to have a media player for video streaming on my
> debian pc, how can i do? I have found this

Not sure about this one.

> Trying add this
> deb sarge main
> in sources.list file and doing apt-get update then apt-get realplayer, it
> doen't work... Can you help me?

This is Christian Marillat's debian archive, it's moved now to

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: kweather

2006-11-29 Thread Alan Ianson
On Wed November 29 2006 12:04 am, Mark Grieveson wrote:
> Hello.  I decided to give KDE a try.  I cannot get the kweather panel
> applet to work, however.  Does anyone have any clues as to what I should
> do?

It works for me here although with the testing/unstable version I need to edit 
the config by hand to get my preferred location. What does/doesn't happen?

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Media player

2006-11-29 Thread Alan Ianson
On Wed November 29 2006 10:01 am, Brian Durant wrote:
> On 11/29/06, Виталий Ищенко <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > В Срд, 29/11/2006 в 18:37 +0100, Brian Durant пишет:
> > > Sorry, I am a newbie. What would Etch be? deb
> > > etch testing (???)
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > >
> > > Brian
> >
> > no
> > deb etch main
> I got the following error message:
> "W: Couldn't stat source package list
> etch/main Packages
> (/var/lib/apt/lists/www.debian-multimedia.org_dists_etch_main_binary-i386_P
>ackages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)"

I would try replacing etch with stable/testing/unstable, or use one of the 
mirrors listed at

Re: Media player

2006-11-29 Thread Alan Ianson
On Wed November 29 2006 10:53 am, Brian Durant wrote:
> On 11/29/06, Alan Ianson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Wed November 29 2006 10:01 am, Brian Durant wrote:
> > > On 11/29/06, Виталий Ищенко <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > В Срд, 29/11/2006 в 18:37 +0100, Brian Durant пишет:
> > > > > Sorry, I am a newbie. What would Etch be? deb
> > > > > etch testing (???)
> > > > >
> > > > > Cheers,
> > > > >
> > > > > Brian
> > > >
> > > > no
> > > > deb etch main
> > >
> > > I got the following error message:
> > >
> > > "W: Couldn't stat source package list
> > > etch/main Packages
> > > (/var/lib/apt/lists/www.debian-multimedia.org_dists_etch_main_binary-i3
> > >86_P ackages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)"
> >
> > I would try replacing etch with stable/testing/unstable, or use one of
> > the mirrors listed at
> Unfortunately, I have been there and done that. I can't get any of the
> mirrors near me to function, nor can I get anything with "testing". I
> get the same errors on all of them.

Yep, I had to do a bit of adjusting to find a testing mirror for my amd64 
machine. ATM I am using on this stable 
box and it works well. I think I am using the same mirror on my testing box 
but I'm not certain. Might have to try a few to get one that has your arch 
and version of debian.

Re: Media player

2006-11-29 Thread Alan Ianson
On Wed November 29 2006 11:49 am, Brian Durant wrote:
> On 11/29/06, Alan Ianson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Wed November 29 2006 10:53 am, Brian Durant wrote:
> > > On 11/29/06, Alan Ianson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > On Wed November 29 2006 10:01 am, Brian Durant wrote:
> > > > > On 11/29/06, Виталий Ищенко <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > > В Срд, 29/11/2006 в 18:37 +0100, Brian Durant пишет:
> > > > > > > Sorry, I am a newbie. What would Etch be? deb
> > > > > > > etch testing (???)
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Cheers,
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Brian
> > > > > >
> > > > > > no
> > > > > > deb etch main
> > > > >
> > > > > I got the following error message:
> > > > >
> > > > > "W: Couldn't stat source package list
> > > > > etch/main Packages
> > > > > (/var/lib/apt/lists/www.debian-multimedia.org_dists_etch_main_binar
> > > > >y-i3 86_P ackages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)"
> > > >
> > > > I would try replacing etch with stable/testing/unstable, or use one
> > > > of the mirrors listed at
> > >
> > > Unfortunately, I have been there and done that. I can't get any of the
> > > mirrors near me to function, nor can I get anything with "testing". I
> > > get the same errors on all of them.
> >
> > Yep, I had to do a bit of adjusting to find a testing mirror for my amd64
> > machine. ATM I am using on this
> > stable box and it works well. I think I am using the same mirror on my
> > testing box but I'm not certain. Might have to try a few to get one that
> > has your arch and version of debian.
> See, that's the thing. Being a newbie, I am not really sure of the
> syntax. Is it something like this?
> deb testing main binary-i386
> I got errors from that line as well.

I think..

deb testing main

will do the trick. I just had a look at that web site and they have quite a 
few arch's there including i386 amd64 sparc and a few others for stable 
testing and unstable. No need for the binary-???, apt will handle that 
itself.. :)

Re: Media player

2006-11-29 Thread Alan Ianson
On Wed November 29 2006 12:41 pm, Brian Durant wrote:
> On 11/29/06, matthew yee-king <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Brian Durant wrote:
> > > On 11/29/06, Виталий Ищенко <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >> deb sarge main
> > >
> > > Sorry, I am a newbie. What would Etch be? deb
> > > etch testing (???)
> >
> > I have
> >
> > deb etch main
> >
> > mplayer seems to play the most different formats, esp when you have the
> > w32codecs package installed. It's also very efficient. It can't fast
> > forward some avi files when you don't have the whole file though, unlike
> > totem-xine. The mplayer plugin seems to work for realplayer content e.g.
> > bbc as well. mplayer also supports streaming over rtsp.
> >
> > cheers
> >
> > - matthew
> Weird. It doesn't work for me:
> W: Couldn't stat source package list
> etch/main Packages
> (/var/lib/apt/lists/www.debian-multimedia.org_dists_etch_main_binary-i386_P
>ackages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)
> I wonder what is going on? Is it my system or is it the repositories?

Hmm.. what if you remove the www. in front of debian-multimedia?

Re: Media player

2006-11-29 Thread Alan Ianson
On Wed November 29 2006 12:57 pm, Alan Ianson wrote:
> On Wed November 29 2006 12:41 pm, Brian Durant wrote:
> > On 11/29/06, matthew yee-king <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Brian Durant wrote:
> > > > On 11/29/06, Виталий Ищенко <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >> deb sarge main
> > > >
> > > > Sorry, I am a newbie. What would Etch be? deb
> > > > etch testing (???)
> > >
> > > I have
> > >
> > > deb etch main
> > >
> > > mplayer seems to play the most different formats, esp when you have the
> > > w32codecs package installed. It's also very efficient. It can't fast
> > > forward some avi files when you don't have the whole file though,
> > > unlike totem-xine. The mplayer plugin seems to work for realplayer
> > > content e.g. bbc as well. mplayer also supports streaming over rtsp.
> > >
> > > cheers
> > >
> > > - matthew
> >
> > Weird. It doesn't work for me:
> >
> > W: Couldn't stat source package list
> > etch/main Packages
> > (/var/lib/apt/lists/www.debian-multimedia.org_dists_etch_main_binary-i386
> >_P ackages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)
> >
> > I wonder what is going on? Is it my system or is it the repositories?
> Hmm.. what if you remove the www. in front of debian-multimedia?

Never mind that, the site says it should be there. Can you browse that site 
(or one of the mirrors) with your browser?

Re: Media player

2006-11-29 Thread Alan Ianson
On Wed November 29 2006 01:15 pm, Brian Durant wrote:
> On 11/29/06, Alan Ianson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Wed November 29 2006 12:57 pm, Alan Ianson wrote:
> > > On Wed November 29 2006 12:41 pm, Brian Durant wrote:
> > > > On 11/29/06, matthew yee-king <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > Brian Durant wrote:
> > > > > > On 11/29/06, Виталий Ищенко <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > >> deb sarge main
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Sorry, I am a newbie. What would Etch be? deb
> > > > > > etch testing (???)
> > > > >
> > > > > I have
> > > > >
> > > > > deb etch main
> > > > >
> > > > > mplayer seems to play the most different formats, esp when you have
> > > > > the w32codecs package installed. It's also very efficient. It can't
> > > > > fast forward some avi files when you don't have the whole file
> > > > > though, unlike totem-xine. The mplayer plugin seems to work for
> > > > > realplayer content e.g. bbc as well. mplayer also supports
> > > > > streaming over rtsp.
> > > > >
> > > > > cheers
> > > > >
> > > > > - matthew
> > > >
> > > > Weird. It doesn't work for me:
> > > >
> > > > W: Couldn't stat source package list
> > > > etch/main Packages
> > > > (/var/lib/apt/lists/www.debian-multimedia.org_dists_etch_main_binary-
> > > >i386 _P ackages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)
> > > >
> > > > I wonder what is going on? Is it my system or is it the repositories?
> > >
> > > Hmm.. what if you remove the www. in front of debian-multimedia?
> >
> > Never mind that, the site says it should be there. Can you browse that
> > site (or one of the mirrors) with your browser?
> Here is the closest mirror to me:
> Does this look right?

Very close.. :) This is my debian-multimedia line from 
my /etc/apt/spurces.list..

deb testing main

> How should it read in the /etc/apt/sources.list file?

That's what it looks like for the mirror I use.

Re: Newbie need help on upgrading/installing "current weekly snapshot CDs"

2006-11-29 Thread Alan Ianson
On Wed November 29 2006 08:13 pm, aquamarine wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am a pure newbie on Linux/Debian coming from Windows world!
> I downloaded just 3 of the 21 CDs from
> website,
> booted the 1st CD and install testing Debian successfully.
> The main point is that I found no way to install my other 2 CDs. 

From the console run "apt-cdrom add" to add more cd's.

> By the way, I cannot find: (1) Software Sources settings 

/etc/apt/sources.list is where apt-get / dselect / aptitude / Synaptic get 
their info about software/package sources. man apt and man apt-get will 
provide more info.

> (2) Synaptic 
> Package Manager to update my system.

Synaptic is a graphical desktop app, you'll need x and the desktop environment 
of your choice to run it. If you already have that "apt-get install synaptic" 
should install it for you.

> Another method I tried:
> open a terminal, and typed:
> (1) su -
> (2) apt-get update
> <>
> Ign cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux testing _Etch_ - Official Snapshot CD
> i386 Binary-1 20061127-10:21] etch Release.gpg
> Ign cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux testing _Etch_ - Official Snapshot CD
> i386 Binary-1 20061127-10:21] etch Release
> Ign cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux testing _Etch_ - Official Snapshot CD
> i386 Binary-1 20061127-10:21] etch/contrib Packages/DiffIndex
> Ign cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux testing _Etch_ - Official Snapshot CD
> i386 Binary-1 20061127-10:21] etch/main Packages/DiffIndex
> Get:1 etch Release.gpg [189B]
> Get:2 etch/updates Release.gpg [189B]
> Hit etch Release
> Hit etch/main Packages/DiffIndex
> Hit etch/updates Release
> Hit etch/main Sources/DiffIndex
> Ign etch/updates/main Packages/DiffIndex
> Ign etch/updates/contrib Packages/DiffIndex
> Ign etch/updates/main Sources/DiffIndex
> Ign etch/updates/contrib Sources/DiffIndex
> Hit etch/updates/main Packages
> Hit etch/updates/contrib Packages
> Hit etch/updates/main Sources
> Hit etch/updates/contrib Sources
> Fetched 2B in 5s (0B/s)
> Reading package lists...
> <>
> Is there any way to edit a config file (something like that) by
> subsequent snapshot CDs and web links/ download sites as that of
> Xubuntu/Ubuntu's Software Sources program???

I'm not sure what that is since I've never seen it, but I 
think /etc/apt/sources.list is what you need.. If not post back with your 

Re: kweather

2006-11-30 Thread Alan Ianson
On Wed November 29 2006 09:17 pm, Mark Grieveson wrote:
> > On Wed November 29 2006 12:04 am, Mark Grieveson wrote:
> >> > Hello.  I decided to give KDE a try.  I cannot get the kweather panel
> >> > applet to work, however.  Does anyone have any clues as to what I
> >> > should do?
> >
> > It works for me here although with the testing/unstable version I need to
> > edit the config by hand to get my preferred location. What does/doesn't
> > happen?
> When I open "Configure KWeather", I enter the city in, which, in the
> configure window, appears to be fine.  However, the panel applet
> displays a question mark icon, and the Weather Report that is given
> states:  "Station reports that it needs maintenance.  Please try a
> different one."  Attempting to update gives the error, "the requested
> station does not exist."

> Where is the config file that you're speaking of?  I did find
> /usr/share/apps/kweatherservice/stations.dat, but the ICAO used for
> Toronto, Ontario, appears to be correct (that being CYYZ).  The rest of
> it I was unable to verify, though.  I also tried changing the
> /home/mark/.kde/share/config/weather_panelappletrc file, which initially
> read:
> [General Options]
> log_file_name=
> logging=false
> report_location=
> reportview_size=450,325
> smallview_mode=3
> I changed the location line:  "report_location=CYYZ" (I also tried lower
> case).  This too failed.

That's what I do to get my location. On first run I add the applet to the 
panel to create that config file then remove it from the panel, change the 
report location manually and add the applet again then it works as expected.

> So, I'm stumped.  Please lemme know what you did to fix kweather on your
> machine.

I hope that will work for you since I don't remember doing anything else.

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Re: very short leases from D-Link DI524

2006-11-30 Thread Alan Ianson
On Wed November 29 2006 04:00 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> This may be a faulty bit of equipment, but equally I could be missing
> something obvious again.  I have three boxes attached to a DLink DI524
> wireless router, two cabled and one wireless.  All three get leases of
> between 32 and 40 seconds.  The DLink controll web inrterface is set to
> give a day.  I've tried other lengths of time too, but always get around
> 36 seconds.  The renewals are filling acres of logs and the resolv.conf
> gets rewritten every time too.  Has anybody else seen this kind of
> behaviour?

Sorry I have no solution, but I have been running a di-524 here for more than 
a year with no problem. I also have 3 connected boxes here, one wireless at 

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Re: Media player

2006-11-30 Thread Alan Ianson
On Thu November 30 2006 09:16 am, Brian Durant wrote:
> On 11/30/06, Florian Kulzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, Nov 30, 2006 at 16:00:05 +0100, Brian Durant wrote:
> > > On 11/30/06, Wulfy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > > >Is your sources.list entry like this?:
> > > >
> > > >deb
> > > >etch main
> > >
> > > It is now ;-) and it seems to work, except for the error message below:
> > >
> > > W: GPG error: etch Release: The following
> > > signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not
> > > available: NO_PUBKEY 07DC563D1F41B907
> > >
> > > Where do I import the public key from??? I have been digging around
> > > but can't seem to find it.
> >
> > The safest way to get Christian Marillat's key is to install the package
> > "debian-keyring". Then you can export the key directly from the Debian
> > keyring and feed it into apt-key:
> >
> > gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg
> > -a --export 07DC563D1F41B907 | sudo apt-key add -
> >
> > --
> > Regards,
> >   Florian
> Hi Florian,
> Here is the result:
> ~$ sudo gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring
> /usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg -a --export 07DC563D1F41B907 |
> sudo apt-key add -
> gpg: WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file
> `/home/user/.gnupg/gpg.conf'
> gpg: keyring `/usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg' created
> gpg: WARNING: nothing exported
> gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
> I am a newbie to Linux, so I really don't understand any of the above.
> Any ideas?

That command needs to be run as root.. :)

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