Re: Debian 11, Nvidia Quadro P400, 2xiiyama 2560x1440, nvidia driver

2021-09-16 Thread Roger Price

On Thu, 16 Sep 2021, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Mi, 15 sep 21, 15:26:12, Roger Price wrote:

nouveau froze after 11 minutes.  dmesg reports;

 [  145.357954] nouveau :03:00.0: firmware: failed to load 
nouveau/nvd9_fuc084 (-2)

Where can I get the required nouveau/nvd9_fuc084 ?

A quick DDG found #990662, which suggests it's not available in a Debian
package (yet?).

Thanks for the link and thanks to for reporting it.


Re: Mutt/Neomutt and mailcap

2021-09-16 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 15 sep 21, 08:37:51, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> As there are a lot of Mutt/Neomutt users on this list, maybe someone can
> point me in the right direction.
> Recently via another mailing list a message was posted that included a
> diff file with the extension of .patch.  The MIME encoding is shown as
> application/octet-stream, using Neomutt's view command.
> Pressing Enter on the file name resulting in Geany (GUI text editor)
> being opened with the file.  Nothing in my ~/.mailcap nor anything in
> /etc/mailcap mapped Geany to this MIME encoding/file name.
> As I hadn't been using Geany, I removed it and added the following line
> to my ~/.mailcap:
> application/octet-stream; vim %s; description=Patch file; 
> nametemplate=%s.patch
> Now Neomutt calls less to show the file!
> I'm left to be scratching my head as shown here:
> $ neomutt -nF /dev/null -Q mailcap_path
> set mailcap_path = 
> "~/.mailcap:/usr/share/neomutt/mailcap:/etc/mailcap:/usr/etc/mailcap:/usr/local/etc/mailcap"
> only ~/.mailcap and /etc/mailcap exist on my system.  I see that less
> only shows twice in /etc/mailcap for text/plain and text/*, though the
> latter is followed by a text/* that specifies vim.  In ~/.mailcp less is
> not shown anywhere.

For neomutt in buster I have this in .neomuttrc:

# neomutt disabled viewing text/* as text (except text/plain)
# re-enable common file types received (requires corresponding .mailcap entry)
auto_view text/x-diff
auto_view text/x-patch
auto_view text/x-gettext

Corresponding .mailcap entries:

text/x-diff;nvim %s
text/x-patch;   nvim %s
text/x-gettext; nvim %s
text/x-diff;cat %s; copiousoutput
text/x-patch;   cat %s; copiousoutput
text/x-gettext; cat %s; copiousoutput

As far as I recall the 'auto_view' and the 'copiousoutput' lines are for 
automatic display in (neo)mutt's pager, the other ones for attachment 

Hope this helps,

Description: PGP signature

Re: Can surf the internet, but not my home network...

2021-09-16 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 15 sep 21, 17:48:39, Hans wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 15. September 2021, 16:41:21 CEST schrieb nimrod:
> Hi,
> got the same problem, when the ethernet interface is up, too and I am on wifi.
> This a problem with the gateway settings. 

Unless my understanding of local networks is wrong, the gateway is not 
involved in communication between hosts in the same subnet.

Additionally, network-manager has been switching seamlessly between 
interfaces here, since many releases.

Kind regards,

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mutt/Neomutt and mailcap

2021-09-16 Thread Jonathan Dowland

On Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 02:01:23PM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:

Jonathan's message confused me too.  As far as I can tell, "see" is
a *shell* command, not a mutt command.

Sorry for the confusion, I should have been clearer that it was a shell
command, intended to narrow the problem down to either mailcap or
neomutt. It seems David has provided the ultimate solution.

I don't know why there's a ";" in front of it.

That's (part of) my shell prompt. It's a convention originating in the
rc shell (although I learned of it from another); it permits you to copy
and paste directly from the shell buffer if you want to repeat a
sequence of commands.

My complete shell prompt, sans control characters, is

: coil ā–¶;

where "coil" is my local hostname. With control characters, the colon
and semi-colon are disguised as part of colouring the prompt.  I vary
the colours I use depending on user@hostname. The implementation is

Please do not CC me for listmail.

šŸ‘±šŸ»  Jonathan Dowland

Re: support for xfce in bullseye minimal netinst iso

2021-09-16 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 16 sep 21, 05:06:02, Sriram wrote:
>  Hi Team
> i have tried to install the minimal iso file yesterday , but Network Manager 
> is not installing, also build-essentials not there for building the xfce tar 
> files
> i tried to install the Network manager deb file but it required so many 
> dependencies, i managed to install except one deb filecalled glib , not sure 
> which package it contains
> can some one help as to what are the required dependent deb files for Network 
> Manager as well as build-essentialsĀ 

How exactly are you trying to install them?

With a properly configured Debian connected to the internet all you need 
is (as root):

apt update
apt install network-manager-gnome build-essentials

If you get any errors for this please copy-paste the full output as well 
as the output of `apt policy`.

Kind regards,

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mutt/Neomutt and mailcap

2021-09-16 Thread tomas
On Thu, Sep 16, 2021 at 08:47:32AM +0100, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 02:01:23PM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:


> >I don't know why there's a ";" in front of it.
> That's (part of) my shell prompt [...]

aaah :-)

Thanks for clearing that up. My hunch was at least as far away from
truth as both keys are in standard US keyboard ;-P

 - t

Description: Digital signature

Re: Bullseye (mostly) not booting on Proliant DL380 G7

2021-09-16 Thread Claudio Kuenzler
On Wed, Jun 30, 2021 at 9:51 AM Paul Wise  wrote:

> Claudio Kuenzler wrote:
> > I currently suspect a Kernel bug in 5.10.

Thanks to everyone for hints and suggestions!
At the end it turned out to be an issue with the hpwdt module. After
blacklisting this module, no boot or stability issues with Bullseye were
detected anymore.
Findings documented in my blog:

Re: support for xfce in bullseye minimal netinst iso

2021-09-16 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Thu, Sep 16, 2021 at 10:48:02AM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Jo, 16 sep 21, 05:06:02, Sriram wrote:
> >  Hi Team
> > i have tried to install the minimal iso file yesterday , but Network 
> > Manager is not installing, also build-essentials not there for building the 
> > xfce tar files
> > i tried to install the Network manager deb file but it required so many 
> > dependencies, i managed to install except one deb filecalled glib , not 
> > sure which package it contains
> > can some one help as to what are the required dependent deb files for 
> > Network Manager as well as build-essentialsĀ 
> How exactly are you trying to install them?
> With a properly configured Debian connected to the internet all you need 
> is (as root):
> apt update
> apt install network-manager-gnome build-essentials
> If you get any errors for this please copy-paste the full output as well 
> as the output of `apt policy`.
> Kind regards,
> Andrei
> -- 

If you're stuck and have no GUI - you could try typing nmtui to get the 
text mode network manager configuration.  [I routinely use this on machines
that are running with no desktop enviornment and only command line access].

If you can't connect to the internet to download packages, that's another
problem which is when you discover you REALLY NEED the tool.

All the very best, as ever,

Andy Cater
Andy Cater.

Re: Mutt/Neomutt and mailcap

2021-09-16 Thread Nate Bargmann
* On 2021 16 Sep 02:35 -0500, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> For neomutt in buster I have this in .neomuttrc:
> # neomutt disabled viewing text/* as text (except text/plain)
> # re-enable common file types received (requires corresponding .mailcap entry)
> auto_view text/x-diff
> auto_view text/x-patch
> auto_view text/x-gettext
> Corresponding .mailcap entries:
> text/x-diff;nvim %s
> text/x-patch;   nvim %s
> text/x-gettext; nvim %s
> text/x-diff;cat %s; copiousoutput
> text/x-patch;   cat %s; copiousoutput
> text/x-gettext; cat %s; copiousoutput
> As far as I recall the 'auto_view' and the 'copiousoutput' lines are for 
> automatic display in (neo)mutt's pager, the other ones for attachment 
> menu.

Thanks, Andrei.  I can add those for future attachments that are
assigned a proper MIME type.  In this case, the attachment was assigned
the application/octet-stream MIME type by the Web mailer
(at least that is what I gleaned from the headers).

- Nate

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."
GPG fingerprint: 82D6 4F6B 0E67 CD41 F689 BBA6 FB2C 5130 D55A 8819

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bullseye (mostly) not booting on Proliant DL380 G7

2021-09-16 Thread Linux-Fan

Claudio Kuenzler writes:

On Wed, Jun 30, 2021 at 9:51 AM Paul Wise  wrote:

   Claudio Kuenzler wrote:

   > I currently suspect a Kernel bug in 5.10.

Thanks to everyone for hints and suggestions!

At the end it turned out to be an issue with the hpwdt module. After  
blacklisting this module, no boot or stability issues with Bullseye were  
detected anymore.

Findings documented in my blog:

Thanks for sharing and digging up all that information. I found the article  
worth reading despite not having had this issue - a nicely structured  
approach to tackle such problems!


Description: PGP signature

Re: Mutt/Neomutt and mailcap

2021-09-16 Thread Nate Bargmann
* On 2021 15 Sep 21:36 -0500, David Wright wrote:
> I think what your system is doing is as follows:
> You probably have in your (default) /etc/Muttrc:

In my case, /etc/neomuttrc, and the following does exist.

My assumptions have been that the system RC is ignored when a user's RC
exist.  I am finding this is not entirely true in all cases.

>   # Use mime.types to look up handlers for application/octet-stream. Can
>   # be undone with unmime_lookup.
>   mime_lookup application/octet-stream
> That sends mutt looking in /etc/mime.types where it finds the line:
>   text/x-diff diff patch

> Your attachment had the extension ".patch", so it searches your
> and the system's mailcap files for "text/x-diff", fails to find it,

> and eventually hits the default entry:
>text/*; less '%s'; needsterminal
> which it obeys.

Exactly, and is followed immediately by:

text/*; view %s; edit=vim %s; compose=vim %s; test=test -x /usr/bin/vim; 

which I have now added to  ~/.mailcap as:

text/x-diff; view %s; edit=vim %s; compose=vim %s; test=test -x /usr/bin/vim; 

and now the offending attachment is opened in Vim from the view
attachments screen when I press Enter on it.

> BTW, your shell command,
>   !see --norun application/octet-stream:/dev/null
> will give you an answer in the context of a subshell, and
> not necessarily in the context of mutt itself. For example,
> on my shell:
> $ see --norun text/html:/dev/null
> /usr/bin/sensible-browser /dev/null
> $ 
> but the special mailcap prioritised by my mutt defines:
>   text/html; /usr/bin/lynx -force-html -localhost -stdin
> and any subshell would know nothing about that.
> About the ";", it could also be an accidentally unshifted ":",
> and it might be easy to mis-remember:
> ":" is mutt's keystroke for entering mutt commands, whereas
> "!" is mutt's keystroke for entering shell commands.

Thanks for the helpful pointers through the maze!

The problem is that I visit something like this once about every several
years and it's all new again.  Sigh...

Finally, the Web mailer that assigned application/octet-stream may not
be that far off if it is assuming the recipient's MUA and MIME handling
is configured correctly, which it actually is.  I was just a bit annoyed
at the end result and now I have it set per my preference.

- Nate

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."
GPG fingerprint: 82D6 4F6B 0E67 CD41 F689 BBA6 FB2C 5130 D55A 8819

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mutt/Neomutt and mailcap

2021-09-16 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Thu, Sep 16, 2021 at 08:47:32AM +0100, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 02:01:23PM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > I don't know why there's a ";" in front of it.
> That's (part of) my shell prompt. It's a convention originating in the
> rc shell (although I learned of it from another); it permits you to copy
> and paste directly from the shell buffer if you want to repeat a
> sequence of commands.

Unfortunately, it breaks in Bourne-family shells.

unicorn:~$ ;true
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `;'

In Bourne/POSIX/bash, semicolon is a command terminator or separator,
and may not appear by itself, or at the start of a command.  It may
appear at the end.

Ksh seems to be an exception, and tolerates it at the beginning as well.

msmtp and TLS

2021-09-16 Thread Nicolas George

I was about to ask a question on this list but I found the solution by
myself. Since I have seen a few people having the issue on the web but
not the solution, I will post it here:

If you try to use msmtp with TLS and you get:

msmtp: network read error: Connection reset by peer
msmtp: could not send mail

it probably means you need "tls_starttls off" on top of "tls on".


  Nicolas George

Description: PGP signature

Per User Anti-spam Quarantine Reporting/Management

2021-09-16 Thread Tanstaafl
Ok, a question about anti-spam software...

My new server will be a multi-domain MX gateway/anti-spam system running
postfix with postscreen enabled, and Amavisd-New+SpamAssassin (unless
someone has a better suggestion).

Since it has been a looong time - are there any better options for an
anti-spam solution than just amavisd-new+spamassassin?

I'm specifically interested in adding some kind of per user anti-spam
quarantine+management+reporting capabilities (as opposed to just
tag+deliver), if possible.

Searching online reveals Maia Mailguard, but it seems to be not well
maintained - most importantly, it apparently doesn't work with modern
versions of PHP.

Also, I saw a reference to something called 'SAQ', a 'SpamAssassin
Quarantine system', but it seems to have gone bye bye.

One option is ASSP, which I experimented with a very, very long time
ago, but I never implemented it because I really, really don't want one
big perl script as my primary front line gateway defense.

I may see if I can set up ASSP to just be an after the fact spam filter
rather than the gateway, if the per user Reporting/Quarantine management
will still work properly.

Thanks for any suggestions anyone might have...



Re: grub-install Cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdXY

2021-09-16 Thread Musbur

Hi Andrei,

thanks for your reply. I tried both /dev/sda and /dev/sda2. I ended up 
solving the problem by making a total of three partitions: A small one 
for EFI, another one for /boot, and the encrypted main partition. Small 
snag was that the Debian installer cannot be persuaded to install the 
grub EFI into the EFI partition on the mobile disk but on the one in the 
built-in disk. But that was easily fixed by by mounting the mobile EFI 
partition, correcting /sys/fstab and re-installing grub and kernel.

Am 16.09.2021 06:44 schrieb Andrei POPESCU:

On Mi, 15 sep 21, 05:49:01, Musbur wrote:

Now I'm in my "full" Debian system. Next:
# grub-install /dev/sda2
# apt install [linux kernel]
# update-grub
Error: Cannot find GRUB drive for /dev/sda2

Unless you have a good reason to do otherwise grub is installed in the
MBR of the drive, so you probably want '/dev/sda' instead of

Hope this helps,

Re: Per User Anti-spam Quarantine Reporting/Management

2021-09-16 Thread Henning Follmann
On Thu, Sep 16, 2021 at 08:08:43AM -0400, Tanstaafl wrote:
> Ok, a question about anti-spam software...
> My new server will be a multi-domain MX gateway/anti-spam system running
> postfix with postscreen enabled, and Amavisd-New+SpamAssassin (unless
> someone has a better suggestion).
> Since it has been a looong time - are there any better options for an
> anti-spam solution than just amavisd-new+spamassassin?
> I'm specifically interested in adding some kind of per user anti-spam
> quarantine+management+reporting capabilities (as opposed to just
> tag+deliver), if possible.

Well on a gateway, that is actually the only reasonable thing to do:
tag and deliver / not deliver

That's it (mostly).

A while ago I experimented with milter.
But be prepared to spend some serious development/testing time.
So, /I/ never came up with a stable workable solution.

if you also do lmtp, that is where you could setup some kind of
per user logic.
I run dovecot and I use sieve to file tagged emails into a spam
folder of each user.
That seems the easiest/most stable way.


> Thanks for any suggestions anyone might have...
> -- 
> Charles


Henning Follmann   |

Re: support for xfce in bullseye minimal netinst iso

2021-09-16 Thread Brian
On Thu 16 Sep 2021 at 10:48:02 +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

> On Jo, 16 sep 21, 05:06:02, Sriram wrote:
> >  Hi Team
> > i have tried to install the minimal iso file yesterday , but Network
> > Manager is not installing, also build-essentials not there for
> > building the xfce tar files
> > i tried to install the Network manager deb file but it required so
> > many dependencies, i managed to install except one deb filecalled
> > glib , not sure which package it contains
> > can some one help as to what are the required dependent deb files
> > for Network Manager as well as build-essentialsĀ 
> How exactly are you trying to install them?
> With a properly configured Debian connected to the internet all you need 
> is (as root):
> apt update
> apt install network-manager-gnome build-essentials
> If you get any errors for this please copy-paste the full output as well 
> as the output of `apt policy`.

build-essential, I think (no "s").

Why Sriram needs to build any xfce packages is beyond me.

As for network-manager - what has been installed from the netinst ISO
and after first boot is unknown.


Re: Can surf the internet, but not my home network...

2021-09-16 Thread David Christensen

On 9/16/21 12:40 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Mi, 15 sep 21, 17:48:39, Hans wrote:

Am Mittwoch, 15. September 2021, 16:41:21 CEST schrieb nimrod:

got the same problem, when the ethernet interface is up, too and I am on wifi.
This a problem with the gateway settings.

Unless my understanding of local networks is wrong, the gateway is not
involved in communication between hosts in the same subnet.

Many residential/ SOHO Internet gateways a combination devices -- 
firewall, router, DHCP server, DNS caching proxy, switch, Wi-Fi access 
point, etc..

When LAN and/or Wi-Fi clients whose network interfaces are configured 
with DHCP want to communicate with each other, the gateway provides the 
information required to initiate that communication (e.g. DNS lookup, IP 
addresses, MAC addresses, etc.), in addition to switching/ sending/ 
receiving packets.  Everything should "just work".

But, a client with a manually configured network interface (e.g. "static 
IP") will be unknown to the gateway, and therefore unknown to DHCP 
clients.  The details of the manual configuration determine failure 
modes, which may be asymmetric.

"Networking for System Administrators" by Lucas is excellent:


Re: support for xfce in bullseye minimal netinst iso

2021-09-16 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 16 sep 21, 14:04:05, Brian wrote:
> On Thu 16 Sep 2021 at 10:48:02 +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > On Jo, 16 sep 21, 05:06:02, Sriram wrote:
> > >  Hi Team
> > > i have tried to install the minimal iso file yesterday , but Network
> > > Manager is not installing, also build-essentials not there for
> > > building the xfce tar files
> > > i tried to install the Network manager deb file but it required so
> > > many dependencies, i managed to install except one deb filecalled
> > > glib , not sure which package it contains
> > > can some one help as to what are the required dependent deb files
> > > for Network Manager as well as build-essentialsĀ 
> > 
> > How exactly are you trying to install them?
> > 
> > With a properly configured Debian connected to the internet all you need 
> > is (as root):
> > 
> > apt update
> > apt install network-manager-gnome build-essentials
> > 
> > 
> > If you get any errors for this please copy-paste the full output as well 
> > as the output of `apt policy`.
> build-essential, I think (no "s").

Yes, your're right, and apt's error message is hopefully informative 

$ LANG=C.UTF-8 sudo apt install build-essentials
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree   
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package build-essentials

> Why Sriram needs to build any xfce packages is beyond me.

This looks very much like an XY problem (sigh).

Kind regards,

Description: PGP signature

Re: (unable to start a new discussion) Re: Can surf the internet, but not my home network...

2021-09-16 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Thu, Sep 16, 2021 at 07:46:43PM -0300, Dedeco Balaco wrote:
> Why am i unable to start a new discussion? I have sent 4 messages! They
> have one attachment that is less than 150KiB - so, they are not
> considered big, for the list, right?

I don't know what the maximum allowed attachment size is, but 150 kB is
very large.  That could quite easily be the reason your messages are
being dropped, or classified as spam.

Spam filtering is complex, and the size of the attachment, together
with your mail provider being yahoo, could both be contributing to
some sort of score-based spam identification system.

Re: Can surf the internet, but not my home network...

2021-09-16 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 16 sep 21, 11:19:11, David Christensen wrote:
> On 9/16/21 12:40 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > On Mi, 15 sep 21, 17:48:39, Hans wrote:
> > > Am Mittwoch, 15. September 2021, 16:41:21 CEST schrieb nimrod:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > got the same problem, when the ethernet interface is up, too and I am on 
> > > wifi.
> > > This a problem with the gateway settings.
> > 
> > Unless my understanding of local networks is wrong, the gateway is not
> > involved in communication between hosts in the same subnet.
> Many residential/ SOHO Internet gateways a combination devices -- firewall,
> router, DHCP server, DNS caching proxy, switch, Wi-Fi access point, etc..
> When LAN and/or Wi-Fi clients whose network interfaces are configured with
> DHCP want to communicate with each other, the gateway provides the
> information required to initiate that communication (e.g. DNS lookup, IP
> addresses, MAC addresses, etc.), in addition to switching/ sending/
> receiving packets.  Everything should "just work".
> But, a client with a manually configured network interface (e.g. "static
> IP") will be unknown to the gateway, and therefore unknown to DHCP clients.
> The details of the manual configuration determine failure modes, which may
> be asymmetric.

I understood Hans's "gateway" to refer to the default gateway setting of 
each computer.

Contacting other computers by their IP address should still work in most 
common setups, provided the addresses are in the same subnet.

Admittedly, the OP didn't explicitly specify if pinging was done by IP 
address or DNS name, and indeed, DNS is more likely to depend on the 
residential gateway (instead of /etc/hosts or mDNS).

Kind regards,

Description: PGP signature

Re: support for xfce in bullseye minimal netinst iso

2021-09-16 Thread Brian
On Fri 17 Sep 2021 at 01:42:46 +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

> On Jo, 16 sep 21, 14:04:05, Brian wrote:
> > On Thu 16 Sep 2021 at 10:48:02 +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > 
> > > On Jo, 16 sep 21, 05:06:02, Sriram wrote:
> > > >  Hi Team
> > > > i have tried to install the minimal iso file yesterday , but Network
> > > > Manager is not installing, also build-essentials not there for
> > > > building the xfce tar files
> > > > i tried to install the Network manager deb file but it required so
> > > > many dependencies, i managed to install except one deb filecalled
> > > > glib , not sure which package it contains
> > > > can some one help as to what are the required dependent deb files
> > > > for Network Manager as well as build-essentialsĀ 
> > > 
> > > How exactly are you trying to install them?
> > > 
> > > With a properly configured Debian connected to the internet all you need 
> > > is (as root):
> > > 
> > > apt update
> > > apt install network-manager-gnome build-essentials
> > > 
> > > 
> > > If you get any errors for this please copy-paste the full output as well 
> > > as the output of `apt policy`.
> > 
> > build-essential, I think (no "s").
> Yes, your're right, and apt's error message is hopefully informative 
> enough:

As I found out when I tried your 'apt install...' command.
> $ LANG=C.UTF-8 sudo apt install build-essentials
> Reading package lists... Done
> Building dependency tree   
> Reading state information... Done
> E: Unable to locate package build-essentials
> > Why Sriram needs to build any xfce packages is beyond me.
> This looks very much like an XY problem (sigh).

Sriram wants an Xfce desktop. Dead easy. He installs it using a netinst
ISO or after first boot.


Re: (unable to start a new discussion) Re: Can surf the internet, but not my home network...

2021-09-16 Thread Charles Curley
On Thu, 16 Sep 2021 19:46:43 -0300
Dedeco Balaco  wrote:

> Why am i unable to start a new discussion? I have sent 4 messages!
> They have one attachment that is less than 150KiB - so, they are not
> considered big, for the list, right?

I consider 150 KiB to be monstrous.

Have you tried sending a short message with no attachment?

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: (unable to start a new discussion) Re: Can surf the internet, but not my home network...

2021-09-16 Thread tomas
On Thu, Sep 16, 2021 at 09:48:55PM -0600, Charles Curley wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Sep 2021 19:46:43 -0300
> Dedeco Balaco  wrote:
> > Why am i unable to start a new discussion? I have sent 4 messages!
> > They have one attachment that is less than 150KiB - so, they are not
> > considered big, for the list, right?
> I consider 150 KiB to be monstrous.
> Have you tried sending a short message with no attachment?

I'd say... yes: the start of this thread kind of proves [1] it.

So most probably the attachment is part of the problem.

@Dedeco: as Greg says, spam filtering is a complex thing. As far as
I know, this list uses SpamAssassin, which is based on rules and
heuristics -- and lots of tuning (thanks to the team behind it,
otherwise we would be drowning in spam!)

Someone said 150k is "monstrous". This depends on the context, of
course. But for a mailing list this size (we have roughly 3k
subscribed members [2]), 150k seems a bit heavy, yes. I wouldn't
do it.


[1] for a very sloppy value of "proof" :)

 - t

Description: Digital signature

Correction [was: unable to start a new discussion]

2021-09-16 Thread tomas
On Fri, Sep 17, 2021 at 08:23:23AM +0200, tomas wrote:


> I'd say... yes: the start of this thread kind of proves [1] it.

Duh. Not a new thread, so not "kind of proves". Sorry.


> [1] for a very sloppy value of "proof" :)
 very sloppy, indeed ;-p

 - t

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