Response addresses (was Re: BLOCK THIS EMAIL!!!!)

2001-11-22 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Wed, Nov 21, 2001 at 10:45:40PM -0500, Michael P. Soulier ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 21, 2001 at 05:55:21PM -0800, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> > 
> > I'd suggest a massive response (that is, many people, not one person
> > replying many times) to the postmaster address, or other WHOIS contacts
> > listed if postmaster is invalid (an RFC 822 violation, FWIW).
> > 
> > This practice is to be strongly discouraged.  As with a nuclear chain
> > reaction, it can rapidly get out of hand.
> Post the email address to complain to and I'll be glad to.

The following is results of analysis on headers in AV notices posted

1:  "Antigen found Aliz.4096 Worm..."

Note that the 'From' header was likely malformed, mine has
substituted my ISP's POPD server for the host/domain portion of the

Subject: Antigen found Aliz.4096.Worm (Norman,Sophos) virus

'Received' indicates as the originating IP.  This
doesn't resolve, but WHOIS indicates a Cable & Wireless customer,
COX Enterprises (NETBLK-CW-206-98-142).  Administrative contact:

Christian  Rohde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

2:  "Antigen found W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] (McAfee4) virus"

At least the header looks properly formed.

To: "''" 
Subject: Antigen found W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] (McAfee4) virus
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 18:06:24 -

'Received' indicates as originating IP, WHOIS points
to Instituto de Informatica e Estatistica da Solidariedade

Contacts given are:


3:  "Virus incident"

From: YODA Panda Antivirus for Exchange Server
To: "''"

Subject: Virus incident
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 19:02:12 +0100

'Received' indicates as originating IP.  WHOIS points
to Netblock of Satisfactory International AB



There's a note to the list indicating a origin, but I
don't find any messages in my archive.

Posting appropriate comments to the vendors producing the broken
software in the first place would also be helpful.

Antigen is produced by Sybari Software:
President is Robert Wallace:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yoda appears to be made by Panda Software:


Karsten M. Self
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand? Home of the brave   Land of the free
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

Description: PGP signature

Re: time zone on linux

2001-11-22 Thread kilaru

Hi Mark

Thanks for the reply.

But if the timezone changes while daemon is running, simply calling localtime 
and asctime will not help.  Because localtime doesn't look at /etc/localtime 
from second time onwards unless we set TZ environment variable again to the 
new value. For that my daemon needs to know  that  time zone has changed.

I can do that in one way. I can continuously monitor the access time of 
/etc/localtime file and update my TZ variable when it is modified. Or I can 
look at access time only when I need to call localtime. 

I want to know if there is any other simpler solution. Please tell me if u 
know. Even syslogd also tracks the changes in time zone. Do u know how it 
does it.  I obserevd that the access time of /etc/localtime is getting 
modified continuously. That means some body is continuously reading it.



On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 06:57:11PM +0530, kilaru wrote:
> Now my doubt is how will I know if root changes timezone while my daemon is 
> running?( I do not want to kill and restart the daemon).
> If any body knows how to do it please tell me.

If your Linux box was setup properly, the system time will actually be
in GMT, and it will just convert for display based upon /etc/localtime.
You shouldn't have to update the timezone manually in that case (at
least, all of my Debian boxen automatically change between PDT and PST
just fine).  What you should do in your daemon is use localtime()
internally (number of seconds since 1970 in GMT), and then use asctime()
or mktime() on display only to translate into the local timezone.

If the hardware clock is not set to GMT, you're working with a broken
setup, and should fix that first.


Re: ISP asking about switching to Debian from OpenBSD

2001-11-22 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 01:38:11PM -0800, Mark Ferlatte ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 01:28:36PM -0600, David Batey wrote:
> > STABILITY: is Debian a good choice for heavy lifting? 
> There are some legit concerns regarding the Linux kernel as opposed to
> the *BSD kernels as far as heavy lifting goes, but if you're
> considering Debian, then you probably feel that those concerns are
> addressed to your satisfaction.  As far as distributions go, Debian's
> packaging quality is very high, and if you go with stable that's
> exactly what you get: serious stability.

Most of these boil down to the TCP/IP stack.  The *BSD stack is damned
good, and the rest of the world drools after it.  Linus himself admits
that Linux kernel networking code is a mess, and that he's not
personally a network hacker.  That said, GNU/Linux works pretty well,
most of the time.

My own experience running GNU/Linux and OpenBSD (2.7) side-by-side is
that I get the odd freeze and restart on oBSD, but not GNU/Linux (unless
it's something I've done myself, usually involving crashing X).  Typical
uptimes on both systems run months.  UPS on the GNU/Linux box, I've
watched the oBSD walk straight through power flux that flickers the
lights, with nothing more than a surge protector.

> > I know about apt-get for easy installation of bug/security patches;
> > does the ease-of-install ever compromise security or functionality?
> Not in my experience.  

I'll hit this point more specifically.

I'm going to swap out my OpenBSD system for a very light stable Debian

OpenBSD offers a very tight, very secure, by default, system.  What you
lose in the process are:

  - Flexibility of configuration and modification.  I like SysV init.
Theo rants how it sucks and is more complex.  The Debian
implementation is damned good for GNU/Linux, is worlds better than
Red Hat's "gee, we could use another three levels of indirection,
let's put them in" crap, and makes starting, stopping, and
restarting services completely straightforward.

  - Choice.  You can choose the software you want to install.  Much of
it is packaged for Debian.  That which isn't you can install from
RPM (via alien) or compile from sources (use equivs to satisfy
deps).  You can run the oBSD mods if they'll build, though there may
be compiler tweaks they've effected, I haven't dug into the system
that deeply.  The *BSDs offer ports (and from what I've heard,
they're cool), but this puts you outside the envelope of security
audits provided by the oBSD core.  apt-get source puts you near the
equivalent functionality of ports.  

oBSD is pretty clear that it's a full *system*, not merely an
assembly of packages as is the case for many GNU/Linux distros
(Debian included).  However, the collection of packages approach
means that Debian can offer many things to many people.  oBSD is
pretty much "secure Unix clone, primary network services
orientation".  Not a bad thing.  But limited choice.

  - Updates.  oBSD's been making strides, but the reason I'm still
running 2.7 (3.0 is now out) is that updates are nontrivial.  The
box I'm writing this on was live-updated from Slink through to Sid
(actually, it was live-updated from RH 6.2, but that's another
story).  While oBSD offers you secure by default, Debian offers
reasonably sane defaults, and a very rapid update cycle.  If there
are security updates, they're trivial to apply:

   $ apt-get update # update package lists
   $ apt-get dist-upgrade -d# download packages
   $ apt-get dist-upgrade   # install updates

...the first two commands can be cronned to run overnight (as I do,
for three systems, over a 56k dialup).

Bruce Schneier identifies four periods of concern for security

 1.  Introduction of vulnerability.  It exists, but is unknown.
 2.  Awareness.  It is known, but not necessarially patched.
 3.  Introduction of fix.  A software patch is available.
 4.  Application of fix.  Software patch is widely applied.

 What oBSD does is try to minimize factor 1.  What Debian does is
 address 3 & 4.  They're somewhat orthogonal approaches (Debian also
 addresses 1 a bit), but both have significant impacts on the
 security of *your* system.  I find the Debian approach to be more

> > OpenBSD is pretty secure; how does Debian compare? Is Woody ready
> > for prime-time yet? (If not, would an upgrade from potato to
> > woody likely cause hiccups?)

Woody's pretty adequate for a desktop.  I'd stick with Potato for
production, 'Net-facing, servers.

> > FUNCTIONALITY: We need DNS server packages, ssh (with ssh
> > tunneling available for other services), smtp/pop, web-based
> > scheduling/claendaring/email facilities, HTTP (apache/mod_perl)
> > servers, and so on...

Deb's down wi'dat.  Cold.

Re: weird messages in syslog

2001-11-22 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Wed, Nov 21, 2001 at 12:49:21AM -0800, Jim McCloskey ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

> I've turned telnet off again. If anyone has any further advice, I'd be
> really grateful,

SSH clients are widely available for _any_ viable computer platform,
from Mac to MVS.  No need to risk your entire system with a telnetd
server.  For Win*:  PuTTY.

For trips on the road, burn yourself an LNX-BBC and pop it in the CDR
tray of the system you're "borrowing" (and don't forget to take it with
you when you leave ;-).


Karsten M. Self
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand? Home of the brave   Land of the free
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

Description: PGP signature

Re: XFree86 Configuration - Modelines

2001-11-22 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Wed, Nov 21, 2001 at 01:01:09AM -0500, Phil Beder ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I'm trying to Get XFree86 configured. I've used xf86config and XF86Setup
> the former being more complete with regard to Video and Modelines and the
> Latter with its graphic interface allowed me to find my mouse.
> Problem:
> My display only runs "320x200"  completely non-functional on a 17"
> Monitor.  I'm trying t correct the situation by adding the correct
> modelnes.  My monitor will report the Vsync and Hsync rates in the
> various dpi modes.  (got them from windows on my dual boot machine --
> yes I'm a newbie trying to figure out linux on an old machine) I got
> my clock speed with -probeonly but does the clock speed change (clock
> speed is the first argument on modeline after the screen resolution?)

Even if you don't use the package (it doesn't work well for XF86v4, or
some cards, notably the SIS 3263 or something like that), XF86Setup
includes a file called "mondata.dat" which includes a set of pretty sane
modelines.  You should be able to copy these into your XF86Config* file,
at least to get a basic system working.

I've been setting up a new system and ended up swiping the modeline from
my old box for the monitor to get to 1152x864 resolution, the defaults
weren't cutting it.  xvidtune is good for some final tuning.


Karsten M. Self
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand? Home of the brave   Land of the free
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

Description: PGP signature

Linux auf alten Rechnern oder Live-CD

2001-11-22 Thread Jörg Eckersberg

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
ich bin Informatik-Lehrer am Europa-Gymnasium in 
Dessau und leite die Fachschaft Informatik. Zur Zeit bespreche ich in 
der 13.Klasse gerade das Thema "Betriebssysteme". Ich möchte den Schülern die 
Möglichkeit bieten, einmal mit Linux zu arbeiten. 
Es würden sich meiner Meinung mehrer Varianten 
anbieten. Deswegen wende ich mich an Sie, um mir Rat zu holen.
1. Unsere Rechner sind AMD K6 200 mit 2GB HDD. Zur 
Zeit sind noch 300-400MB frei. Ist es sinnvoll, dort noch Linux zu installieren? 
Kann Linux die entsprechenden Partitionen ohne Datenverlust anlegen? 

2. Ich habe gehört, es gibt sogenannte Live-CD's, 
auf denen eine boorfähige Linuxvariante enthalten ist. 
    a) Können Sie solch eine CD zur 
Verfügung stellen? 
    b) Kann man die CD nutzen und 
nur die entsprechenden Konfigurations-Dateien auf HDD speichern?
3. Unsere Schule hat von der IHK Halle/ Dessau 20 
alte PC geschenkt bekommen (486er, 33MHz, 100 MB HDD, kein CD-ROM) Es existieren 
aber keine Unterlagen oder Handbücher von den Komponenten.
    a) Kann man auf diesen alten 
Kisten ein Linux betreiben, das nur im Textmodus läuft?
    b) Ein Bekannter sagte mir, ich 
solle bootfähige ISA-Netzkarten kaufen, einen richtig guten PC anschaffen, dann 
könnte man die alten Rechner als Terminal verwenden und der neue PC würde alles 
rechnen. Könnten Sie mir dazu Informationen zukommen lassen.
MfG Jörg Eckersberg
Am Hanfgarten 1
06847 Dessau
Tel.: 0340/ 512953
Europa-Gymnasium Dessau
Schillerstraße 37
06844 Dessau
Tel.: 0340/2400786

Re: Virus incident

2001-11-22 Thread Johann Spies
On Wed, Nov 21, 2001 at 04:04:36PM -0600, DvB wrote:
> God, I wish "YODA" would stop sending this crap :-(

If you wish to address God about this issue, I don't think the list is
the right place to do it.


Johann Spies  Telefoon: 021-808 4036
Informasietegnologie, Universiteit van Stellenbosch

 "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?"   
 Amos 3:3 

Re: Linux auf alten Rechnern oder Live-CD

2001-11-22 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers

Sehr geehrter Hr. Eckersberg,

normalerweise ist diese Mailingliste in Englisch, aber mir fällt es 
jetzt auch leichter, auf Deutsch zu antworten.

On Donnerstag, November 22, 2001, at 08:40  Uhr, Jörg Eckersberg wrote:

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
ich bin Informatik-Lehrer am Europa-Gymnasium in Dessau und leite die 
Fachschaft Informatik. Zur Zeit bespreche ich in der 13.Klasse gerade 
das Thema "Betriebssysteme". Ich möchte den Schülern die Möglichkeit 
bieten, einmal mit Linux zu arbeiten.
Es würden sich meiner Meinung mehrer Varianten anbieten. Deswegen wende 
ich mich an Sie, um mir Rat zu holen.
1. Unsere Rechner sind AMD K6 200 mit 2GB HDD. Zur Zeit sind noch 
300-400MB frei. Ist es sinnvoll, dort noch Linux zu installieren? Kann 
Linux die entsprechenden Partitionen ohne Datenverlust anlegen?

300-400MB sollten für eine sparsame Installation auf jeden Fall reichen, 
sie müssten dann vorher mit einem Tool wie PartitionMagic die Festplatte 
so verbereiten, damit der Bereich, auf dem Linux installiert werden 
soll, als eigene Partition verfügbar ist. Dann ensteht kein 
Datenverlust. Zum Schluss müssen sie lediglich lilo (oder einen anderen 
Bootmanager) entsprechend konfigurieren, damit auch Windows wieder 
gestartet werden kann.

2. Ich habe gehört, es gibt sogenannte Live-CD's, auf denen eine 
boorfähige Linuxvariante enthalten ist.

    a) Können Sie solch eine CD zur Verfügung stellen?

Da wäre beispielsweise die "LinuxCare BBC", welche allerdings zur 
Systemrettung gedacht ist und daher nur eine Textoberfläche zur 
Verfügung stellt (auf der neuen Homepage lese ich gerade, dass es auch 
einen X-Server gibt, aber ich glaube ohne KDE): 
Interessanter für Sie ist wahrscheinlich demolinux, welches auf debian 
basiert und für den Anwender ziehmlich leistungsfähig ist -> eine Menge 
Applikationen, gnome und kde, basiert auf debian: . 
Von der 2.0 Version habe ich eine CD, die ich Ihnen gerne kopieren kann.

    b) Kann man die CD nutzen und nur die entsprechenden 
Konfigurations-Dateien auf HDD speichern?

Demolinux kann das, soweit ich weiß.

3. Unsere Schule hat von der IHK Halle/ Dessau 20 alte PC geschenkt 
bekommen (486er, 33MHz, 100 MB HDD, kein CD-ROM) Es existieren aber 
keine Unterlagen oder Handbücher von den Komponenten.
    a) Kann man auf diesen alten Kisten ein Linux betreiben, das nur im 
Textmodus läuft?

Theoretisch ja, die Frage ist nur, wie schnell es läuft und, ob es noch 
Spaß macht, damit zu arbeiten. Würde sagen, das sollte man mit einer 
Kiste probieren.

    b) Ein Bekannter sagte mir, ich solle bootfähige ISA-Netzkarten 
kaufen, einen richtig guten PC anschaffen, dann könnte man die alten 
Rechner als Terminal verwenden und der neue PC würde alles rechnen. 
Könnten Sie mir dazu Informationen zukommen lassen.

Einige andere Schüler und ich (momentan K13 am Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium 
St. Ottilien) haben ein solches System an unserer Schule aufgebaut. Wir 
haben einen leistungsfähigen Server (2x 1Ghz, 1 GB RAM, RAID Array) und 
14 Clients, die jeweils zwischen Pentium 133 und Pentium 200. Das Ganze 
läuft in groben Zügen etwa wie folgt ab:
Auf der Client-Festplatte liegt lediglich ein netboot-image, das dann 
mittels dhcp/tftp den Kernel vom Server holt. Sobald der Kernel startet, 
wird ihm per dhcp eine IP zugewiesen und er mountet als nfs sein 
root-Verzeichnis readonly. Dann beginnt der normale Debian-Startup (der 
ein bisschen verändert wurde wg dem readonly root). Das gemountete 
root-Verzeichnis liegt auf dem Server in einem Unterverzeichnis. Ist der 
Client gebootet, startet es den XServer und fragt die grafische 
Oberfläche vom Server an. Von nun an, wird der Client nur noch zur Ein- 
und Ausgabe verwendet, die Rechenvorgänge finden komplett auf dem Server 
statt. In unserem System steht den Nutzern keine Konsole zur Verfügung, 
ist aber nur eine Konfigurationssache.

Weitere Infos gibt's vom Linux Terminal Server Project

Für weitere Infos stehe ich Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.

Daniel Kleine-Albers

MfG Jörg Eckersberg
Am Hanfgarten 1
06847 Dessau
Tel.: 0340/ 512953
Europa-Gymnasium Dessau
Schillerstraße 37
06844 Dessau
Tel.: 0340/2400786
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Schulleiter)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mein Computerkabinett)

Daniel Kleine-Albers

CDRW with TEac 54E

2001-11-22 Thread Hanasaki JiJi
Is there a way to get my teac to burn? it is a 54E CDRW but shows the 

Cdrecord 1.10 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Jörg Schilling
Using libscg version 'schily-0.5'
0,0,0 0) 'TEAC' 'CD-W54E ' '1.0A' Removable CD-ROM
0,1,0 1) *
0,2,0 2) *
0,3,0 3) *
0,4,0 4) *
0,5,0 5) *
0,6,0 6) *
0,7,0 7) *


Module  Size  Used byTainted: P
sg 27268   0  (autoclean)
ide-scsi7616   0
ide-cd 26720   0
cdrom  28896   0  [ide-cd]
scsi_mod   87480   2  (autoclean) [sg ide-scsi]
nfs70172   4  (autoclean)
nfsd   66624   8  (autoclean)
lockd  48288   1  (autoclean) [nfs nfsd]
sunrpc 59604   1  (autoclean) [nfs nfsd lockd]
af_packet  11816   0  (autoclean)
mpu401 18944   0  (unused)
sb_lib 32832   0  (unused)
via82cxxx_audio17120   1
uart401 6176   0  [sb_lib via82cxxx_audio]
ac97_codec  9568   0  [via82cxxx_audio]
sound  54700   0  [mpu401 sb_lib via82cxxx_audio uart401]
floppy 45920   0
gamma  57144   0  (unused)
nbd14720   0  (unused)
loop8368   0  (unused)
agpgart22464   0  (unused)
tdfxfb 19488  63
fbcon-cfb32 3840   0  [tdfxfb]
fbcon-cfb16 4096   0  [tdfxfb]
fbcon-cfb8  3488   0  [tdfxfb]
fbcon-cfb24 4384   0  [tdfxfb]
parport_pc 14312   0
parport23712   0  [parport_pc]
rtc 5496   0  (autoclean)

unpacking *.deb

2001-11-22 Thread kilaru
Hi All

I am running Red Hat 7.2 on my m/c

I downloaded one package from debian. 
Its name is   foo.deb

How do I unpack it?



Re: pppconfig still not working

2001-11-22 Thread Simon R Tod
Frank Zimmermann wrote:
> >Frank Zimmermann wrote:
> >
> >

> Softmodems are quite often called winmodems. Don't really know how
> they work but the software somehow emulates a modem.
> Do you still have Win running on this machine? Then you could easily
> find out what modem you have. Otherwise you might have a look at the
> vendors homepage or open your machine and have a look.
> Then try to find out wether your modem is supported by Linux. Good
> starting points for this, the Suse
> Hardwaredatabase at or .
> Frank
> --

Got this problem at least partially solved. Do indeed have a blasted
winmodem on the machine. While seems to have a link
to a suitable driver I can't get hold of it. BUT I did manage to get a
Maxtech PCMICA modem working just great. The only problem with it left
is that I get denied permission to pppd unless I'm logged in as root. I
added usernames under advanced options in pppconfig, and they're
certainly sitting in the appropriate place in the file vigr, so what's


quick ghoscript font question

2001-11-22 Thread Steve Kieu

I got some bitmap pcf font, how can I make it
available for ghostscript as I want to print some docs
using that font

Thanks a lot..

S.KIEU - Yahoo! Shopping
- Get organised for Christmas early this year!

mkisofs & debian woody

2001-11-22 Thread Davi Leal

Why there is not 'mkisofs' command on the debian 
woody yet?. Any bug which avoids the package be included?.
How could I workaround it?.

Re: quick ghoscript font question

2001-11-22 Thread Daniel Lönn
Think that can be done best in The Gimp, actually, if the X Window System
is concerned.

God, I dont know  much about GhostScript, but I want to hel  as mucg as I


Re: mkisofs & debian woody

2001-11-22 Thread Daniel Lönn
Have under consideration that Woody is still under a state of develope...


Re: quick ghoscript font question

2001-11-22 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya

i'd try the simple test first...

gzip foo.pcf
cp   foo.pcf.gz  /usr/local/fonts
mkfontsdir /usr/local/fonts
xset +fp /usr/local/fonts
xset fp rehash
xlsfonts | grep foo


if it works... add that path to your /etc/X11/XF86Config

have fun linuxing
alvin ... 800Gb 1U Raid5[tm] ... ( 6x 160Gb disks )

On Thu, 22 Nov 2001, [iso-8859-1] Steve Kieu wrote:

> I got some bitmap pcf font, how can I make it
> available for ghostscript as I want to print some docs
> using that font
> Thanks a lot..

Re: Linux auf alten Rechnern oder Live-CD

2001-11-22 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 09:06:51AM +0100, Daniel Kleine-Albers ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Sehr geehrter Hr. Eckersberg,
> normalerweise ist diese Mailingliste in Englisch, aber mir fällt es 
> jetzt auch leichter, auf Deutsch zu antworten.

I can understand "nur ein Bißchen deutsch", response in English.

There's also German-language support for Debian from the debian-user-de

> On Donnerstag, November 22, 2001, at 08:40  Uhr, Jörg Eckersberg wrote:
> > Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
> >  
> > ich bin Informatik-Lehrer am Europa-Gymnasium in Dessau und leite die 
> > Fachschaft Informatik. Zur Zeit bespreche ich in der 13.Klasse gerade 
> > das Thema "Betriebssysteme". Ich möchte den Schülern die Möglichkeit 
> > bieten, einmal mit Linux zu arbeiten.
> > Es würden sich meiner Meinung mehrer Varianten anbieten. Deswegen wende 
> > ich mich an Sie, um mir Rat zu holen.
> > 1. Unsere Rechner sind AMD K6 200 mit 2GB HDD. Zur Zeit sind noch 
> > 300-400MB frei. Ist es sinnvoll, dort noch Linux zu installieren? Kann 
> > Linux die entsprechenden Partitionen ohne Datenverlust anlegen?
> 300-400MB sollten für eine sparsame Installation auf jeden Fall reichen, 
> sie müssten dann vorher mit einem Tool wie PartitionMagic die Festplatte 
> so verbereiten, damit der Bereich, auf dem Linux installiert werden 
> soll, als eigene Partition verfügbar ist. Dann ensteht kein 
> Datenverlust. Zum Schluss müssen sie lediglich lilo (oder einen anderen 
> Bootmanager) entsprechend konfigurieren, damit auch Windows wieder 
> gestartet werden kann.

I think I'm understanding the gist of this.

Other options would be to aquire additional storage (2-4GB disks are
running about US$20 used), or to explore alternative options for running
the system, including networked systems (as Daniel describes below).

> > 2. Ich habe gehört, es gibt sogenannte Live-CD's, auf denen eine 
> > boorfähige Linuxvariante enthalten ist.
> >     a) Können Sie solch eine CD zur Verfügung stellen?
> Da wäre beispielsweise die "LinuxCare BBC", welche allerdings zur 
> Systemrettung gedacht ist und daher nur eine Textoberfläche zur 
> Verfügung stellt (auf der neuen Homepage lese ich gerade, dass es auch 
> einen X-Server gibt, aber ich glaube ohne KDE): 
> Interessanter für Sie ist wahrscheinlich demolinux, welches auf debian 
> basiert und für den Anwender ziehmlich leistungsfähig ist -> eine Menge 
> Applikationen, gnome und kde, basiert auf debian: . 
> Von der 2.0 Version habe ich eine CD, die ich Ihnen gerne kopieren kann.

Another (and IMO superior) option is the LNX-BBC.  This is produced by
many of the people involved in the initial LinuxCare BBC:

There's a live GNU/Linux-on-CD called Knoppix:

It's also of German origin -- the documentation is in German.

While I've not run it, my experience is that such "live systems" run
significantly slower than a hard-drive based system.

> > 3. Unsere Schule hat von der IHK Halle/ Dessau 20 alte PC geschenkt 
> > bekommen (486er, 33MHz, 100 MB HDD, kein CD-ROM) Es existieren aber 
> > keine Unterlagen oder Handbücher von den Komponenten.
> >     a) Kann man auf diesen alten Kisten ein Linux betreiben, das nur im 
> > Textmodus läuft?
> Theoretisch ja, die Frage ist nur, wie schnell es läuft und, ob es noch 
> Spaß macht, damit zu arbeiten. Würde sagen, das sollte man mit einer 
> Kiste probieren.

Such hardware is far better suited for utility work -- print servers,
firewall/gateways, possibly lightweight webserving (say, within the
school).  Even a 486 can handle a pretty decent load as a server.  With
the specs posted, though, the boxes won't have much in the way of

> >     b) Ein Bekannter sagte mir, ich solle bootfähige ISA-Netzkarten 
> > kaufen, einen richtig guten PC anschaffen, dann könnte man die alten 
> > Rechner als Terminal verwenden und der neue PC würde alles rechnen. 
> > Könnten Sie mir dazu Informationen zukommen lassen.

Terminal solutions, or network-booted systems with centrally-served /usr
and /home partitions, should work fairly well.

Another resource is the SEUL project, and in particular SEUL-EDU.  There
are a number of people active from Europe, including Germany.


Karsten M. Self
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand? Home of the brave   Land of the free
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

Description: PGP signature

Re: unpacking *.deb

2001-11-22 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 02:06:31PM +0530, kilaru ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hi All
> I am running Red Hat 7.2 on my m/c
> I downloaded one package from debian. 
> Its name is   foo.deb
> How do I unpack it?

$ ar -x 

A .deb is an ar archive file with a specified structure.  You should
also find that mc / gmc will read the file format.


Karsten M. Self
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand? Home of the brave   Land of the free
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

Description: PGP signature

FYI: RFC-822 is obsolete

2001-11-22 Thread Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim
> I'd suggest a massive response (that is, many people, not one person
> replying many times) to the postmaster address, or other WHOIS contacts
> listed if postmaster is invalid (an RFC 822 violation, FWIW).


- RFC-822 has been replaced with RFC-2822 (Internet Message 
  ROLES AND FUNCTIONS), for suggested names like 
  "info", "marketing", "sales", "support", "abuse", "noc",
  "security", "postmaster", "hostmaster", et. al.
- See also RFC-3013 (Recommended Internet Service Provider 
  Security Services and Procedures)


Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim - VLSM-TJT -
PMPO net user count:  Pathetic Meaningless Pillory Outcome

Re: multithreading sounds

2001-11-22 Thread Martin Kacerovsky
Hi , 
can you advice me how to get it working?
I've done :
o  install packages esound, esound-common, esound-clients
o  run esd as root
x  but when i run e.g. mp3blaster it says failed to open audio device 
   (ususal if other program locks /dev/dsp)
x  imho the documentation is very poor

thanks for any advice, reference ...

> This is provided by a sound daemon, e.g.:  esound.
> Peace.

I am Martin Kacerovsky, student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics 
at the Charles University in Prague, in the Czech Republic, in Europe, 
on Earth, in the Universe where Linux operating system rules...

Re: Linux auf alten Rechnern oder Live-CD

2001-11-22 Thread Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim
Daniel Kleine-Albers wrote:
> normalerweise ist diese Mailingliste in Englisch, aber mir fällt es
> jetzt auch leichter, auf Deutsch zu antworten.

Du do doch reply in private, ne :-) ?

> 300-400MB sollten für eine sparsame Installation auf jeden Fall reichen,

300MB is more then sparsame, doch? Du can include X11, ne?

> > 3. Unsere Schule hat von der IHK Halle/ Dessau 20 alte PC geschenkt
> > bekommen (486er, 33MHz, 100 MB HDD, kein CD-ROM) Es existieren aber
> > keine Unterlagen oder Handbücher von den Komponenten.
> > a) Kann man auf diesen alten Kisten ein Linux betreiben, das nur im
> > Textmodus läuft?

Doch! Aber, beware that most kernels are set for P5 and higher.
You might want to try LinuxRouter with a 2.0.X kernel. 


Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim - VLSM-TJT -
PMPO net user count:  Pathetic Meaningless Pillory Outcome

Debian Woody 3.0

2001-11-22 Thread Lorenzo De Vito
I'm trying to install Debian Woody 3.0 on an AMD Duron 800 Mhz 256 MB ram,
but I've always the same error "neighbor overflow" that appear but it don't
crash my system, can anyone help me ??
Also Xfree86 don't work and I must install it from another source.

Lorenzo De Vito

Re: mkisofs & debian woody

2001-11-22 Thread Josef Oswald
"Davi Leal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> 1.  (*) text/plain  ( ) text/html   
> Why there is not 'mkisofs' command on the debian woody yet?. Any bug which 
> avoids the package be included?.
> How could I workaround it?.

have you tried : apt-get install mkisofs 

if this still does not work you can down-load a tar ball and
install it the old-fashioned way. :-) 

> Regards,
> Davi

LinuxUser aka Josef Oswald [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
registered-linux-user # 134.818 at

The box said Windows, NT or better, so I installed Linux :-) 

ÕæÕýµÄ 360 X 360 È«¾°

2001-11-22 Thread panostudio

★ 使用简单,不需任何专业技术即可掌握 
  ★ 操作简易,无需下载任何软件即可观赏 
  ★ 购买后免费得到该软件的升级版本
  ★ 免费技术培训,掌握拍摄技巧

  "观景专家"1.0售价:12800 元人民币
  "环视专家"2.0售价:6800 元人民币

  咨询热线 010-84584520转6907  13501115973 [EMAIL PROTECTED]






2001 All rights reserved


Re: Debian Woody 3.0

2001-11-22 Thread Kilian

Lorenzo De Vito wrote:

I'm trying to install Debian Woody 3.0 on an AMD Duron 800 Mhz 256 MB ram,
but I've always the same error "neighbor overflow" that appear but it don't
crash my system, can anyone help me ??

Check your /etc/network/interfaces for the following lines:

  auto lo
  iface lo inet loopback

This sets the loopback device. AFAIK, it is not automatically set during 

I've had this 'neighbour table overflow' too on my Woody 3.0 System 
until I added the lines above.

See also 


Re: ISP asking about switching to Debian from OpenBSD

2001-11-22 Thread Petro
On Wed, Nov 21, 2001 at 11:04:32PM -0800, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> on Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 01:38:11PM -0800, Mark Ferlatte
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 01:28:36PM -0600, David Batey wrote:
> > > STABILITY: is Debian a good choice for heavy lifting? 
> > There are some legit concerns regarding the Linux kernel as opposed to
> > the *BSD kernels as far as heavy lifting goes, but if you're
> > considering Debian, then you probably feel that those concerns are
> > addressed to your satisfaction.  As far as distributions go, Debian's
> > packaging quality is very high, and if you go with stable that's
> > exactly what you get: serious stability.
> My own experience running GNU/Linux and OpenBSD (2.7) side-by-side is
> that I get the odd freeze and restart on oBSD, but not GNU/Linux (unless
> it's something I've done myself, usually involving crashing X).  Typical
> uptimes on both systems run months.  UPS on the GNU/Linux box, I've
> watched the oBSD walk straight through power flux that flickers the
> lights, with nothing more than a surge protector.

Not to slam oBSD, as it's really good at what it aims to be, but
it's a niche product aimed at a specific target, and it's really
good at that. "Heavy Lifting" isn't that target. 

Oh, and walking through that flicker? That was your power supply,
not the OS. If the CPU doesn't get enough juice, it doesn't get
enough juice and all the clever, proper code in the world won't

> > > I know about apt-get for easy installation of bug/security patches;
> > > does the ease-of-install ever compromise security or functionality?
> > Not in my experience.  
> I'll hit this point more specifically.
> I'm going to swap out my OpenBSD system for a very light stable Debian
> install.

I replaced mine with a webramp 700. Mostly to get rid of the
noise (fans and disk drives). 

But all it was doing was firewalling and DNS. The DNS got moved to a
MacOS X box (no, I'm not an open source zealot) and my wife sleeps

> OpenBSD offers a very tight, very secure, by default, system.  What you
> lose in the process are:
>   - Flexibility of configuration and modification.  I like SysV init.
> Theo rants how it sucks and is more complex.  The Debian
> implementation is damned good for GNU/Linux, is worlds better than
> Red Hat's "gee, we could use another three levels of indirection,
> let's put them in" crap, and makes starting, stopping, and
> restarting services completely straightforward.

Uh, not to be an argumentative drunk, but what about

While I have *lots* of problems with RedHat, their init stuff isn't
all that bad. 

>   - Choice.  You can choose the software you want to install.  Much of
> it is packaged for Debian.  That which isn't you can install from
> RPM (via alien) or compile from sources (use equivs to satisfy
> deps).  You can run the oBSD mods if they'll build, though there may
> be compiler tweaks they've effected, I haven't dug into the system
> that deeply.  The *BSDs offer ports (and from what I've heard,
> they're cool), but this puts you outside the envelope of security
> audits provided by the oBSD core.  apt-get source puts you near the
> equivalent functionality of ports.  
  Having used the ports system, and the .deb package system, I like
  the .deb system much better for large installations. 

  I no longer put a compiler on each machine, I have an internal
  debian mirror with a tracking section (tracking unstable and such)
  a snap-shotted section (basically a snapshot of unstable at a
  certain point in time) and a "misc-packages" section. When I want
  a new package (for instance the upgraded lvm stuff) I moved it
  from the tracking directory to the misc-packages directory, and
  the next time I run dselect on a machine, it gets installed--if I

  Any custom software gets .debianized and shoved in there. 

  It's nifty, and works much better than having to make; make
  install on 100 machines. 

> oBSD is pretty clear that it's a full *system*, not merely an
> assembly of packages as is the case for many GNU/Linux distros
> (Debian included).  However, the collection of packages approach
> means that Debian can offer many things to many people.  oBSD is
> pretty much "secure Unix clone, primary network services
> orientation".  Not a bad thing.  But limited choice.

Every network, every sub-net, every cluster has different
requirements. Debian/Linux offers a much wider variety than BSD. Not
that this is always a good thing, but it allows you to customize for
your own needs. 

> Bruce Schneier identifies four periods of concern for security
> issues:
>  1.  Introduction of vulnerability.  It exists, but is unknown.
>  2.  Awareness.  It is known, but 

Fw: Re: Cool website for you

2001-11-22 Thread c_eckert


Fw: Re: Nice info to check !

2001-11-22 Thread c_eckert


S3 Savage4

2001-11-22 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira

Hi all,
I installed Debian Potato in a AMD Duron 800 Mhz and xserver-svga and 
related packages.
I did a SuperProbe command and the following returned:

First video: Super-VGA
Chipset: S3 Savage4 (PCI Probed)
Memory:  32768 Kbytes
RAMDAC:  Generic 8-bit pseudo-color DAC
 (with 6-bit wide lookup tables (or in 6-bit mode))

Anyone has this video card?
What is better to use? X 3.3.6 or X 4 for this video card?
Where to get X 4 deb packages for potato?
TIA,Paulo Henrique

Paulo Henrique B de Oliveira
Gerente de Operações - Linux Solutions -
O maior conteúdo de Linux em língua portuguesa - OLinux -
(21) 2526-7262 ramal 31

Fw: Re: Cool info i found

2001-11-22 Thread c_eckert


Fw: stuff to check !!

2001-11-22 Thread c_eckert


Virus incident

2001-11-22 Thread YODA Panda Antivirus for Exchange Server
Panda Antivirus has found the following viruses in the message:
Server :YODA

Subject :   Fw: Re: Cool website for you  
Date :  22/11/2001  11:16:38

VARNING !!Virus found in this E-Mail.

File :  whatever.exe inside: Fw: Re: Cool website for you  
   Virus :  W32/Aliz - Ignored

Virus incident

2001-11-22 Thread YODA Panda Antivirus for Exchange Server
Panda Antivirus has found the following viruses in the message:
Server :YODA

Subject :   Fw: Re: Cool website for you  
Date :  22/11/2001  12:16

VARNING !!Virus found in this E-Mail.

File :  
   Virus :  W32/Aliz - Disinfected

Virus incident

2001-11-22 Thread YODA Panda Antivirus for Exchange Server
Panda Antivirus has found the following viruses in the message:
Server :YODA

Subject :   Fw: Re: Cool website for you  
Date :  22/11/2001  11:16:38

VARNING !!Virus found in this E-Mail.

File :  whatever.exe inside: Fw: Re: Cool website for you  
   Virus :  W32/Aliz - Ignored

Antigen found Aliz.4096.Worm (Norman,Sophos) virus

2001-11-22 Thread Antigen
Antigen for Exchange found whatever.exe infected with Aliz.4096.Worm 
(Norman,Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, "Fw: Re: Cool website for you  ", 
sent from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and was discovered in SMTP Messages\Inbound
located at Cox/CoxHub1/HATL0MS21.

Virus incident

2001-11-22 Thread YODA Panda Antivirus for Exchange Server
Panda Antivirus has found the following viruses in the message:
Server :YODA

Subject :   Fw: Re: Nice info to check ! 
Date :  22/11/2001  12:18

VARNING !!Virus found in this E-Mail.

File :  
   Virus :  W32/Aliz - Disinfected

Virus incident

2001-11-22 Thread YODA Panda Antivirus for Exchange Server
Panda Antivirus has found the following viruses in the message:
Server :YODA

Subject :   Fw: Re: Nice info to check ! 
Date :  22/11/2001  11:18:19

VARNING !!Virus found in this E-Mail.

File :  whatever.exe inside: Fw: Re: Nice info to check ! 
   Virus :  W32/Aliz - Ignored

Virus incident

2001-11-22 Thread YODA Panda Antivirus for Exchange Server
Panda Antivirus has found the following viruses in the message:
Server :YODA

Subject :   Fw: Re: Nice info to check ! 
Date :  22/11/2001  11:18:19

VARNING !!Virus found in this E-Mail.

File :  whatever.exe inside: Fw: Re: Nice info to check ! 
   Virus :  W32/Aliz - Ignored

Antigen found W32/Aliz@MM (McAfee4) virus

2001-11-22 Thread ANTIGEN_SSEXCH-00-IMC1
Antigen for Exchange found whatever.exe infected with W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
The file is currently Removed.  The message, "Fw: Re: Nice info to check !
", was
sent from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Seguranca-Social/SEG-SOCIAL/SSEXCH-00-IMC1.

Antigen found Aliz.4096.Worm (Norman,Sophos) virus

2001-11-22 Thread Antigen
Antigen for Exchange found whatever.exe infected with Aliz.4096.Worm 
(Norman,Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, "Fw: Re: Nice info to check ! ", 
sent from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and was discovered in SMTP Messages\Inbound
located at Cox/CoxHub1/HATL0MS21.

Virus incident

2001-11-22 Thread YODA Panda Antivirus for Exchange Server
Panda Antivirus has found the following viruses in the message:
Server :YODA

Subject :   Fw: Re: Cool info i found  
Date :  22/11/2001  12:21

VARNING !!Virus found in this E-Mail.

File :  
   Virus :  W32/Aliz - Disinfected

Virus incident

2001-11-22 Thread YODA Panda Antivirus for Exchange Server
Panda Antivirus has found the following viruses in the message:
Server :YODA

Subject :   Fw: Re: Cool info i found  
Date :  22/11/2001  11:21:14

VARNING !!Virus found in this E-Mail.

File :  whatever.exe inside: Fw: Re: Cool info i found  
   Virus :  W32/Aliz - Ignored

Virus incident

2001-11-22 Thread YODA Panda Antivirus for Exchange Server
Panda Antivirus has found the following viruses in the message:
Server :YODA

Subject :   Fw: Re: Cool info i found  
Date :  22/11/2001  11:21:14

VARNING !!Virus found in this E-Mail.

File :  whatever.exe inside: Fw: Re: Cool info i found  
   Virus :  W32/Aliz - Ignored

Antigen found W32/Aliz@MM (McAfee4) virus

2001-11-22 Thread ANTIGEN_SSEXCH-00-IMC1
Antigen for Exchange found whatever.exe infected with W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
The file is currently Removed.  The message, "Fw: Re: Cool info i found  ",
sent from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Seguranca-Social/SEG-SOCIAL/SSEXCH-00-IMC1.

Antigen found Aliz.4096.Worm (Norman,Sophos) virus

2001-11-22 Thread Antigen
Antigen for Exchange found whatever.exe infected with Aliz.4096.Worm 
(Norman,Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, "Fw: Re: Cool info i found  ", was
sent from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and was discovered in SMTP Messages\Inbound
located at Cox/CoxHub1/HATL0MS21.

Virus incident

2001-11-22 Thread YODA Panda Antivirus for Exchange Server
Panda Antivirus has found the following viruses in the message:
Server :YODA

Subject :   Fw:  stuff to check !! 
Date :  22/11/2001  12:23

VARNING !!Virus found in this E-Mail.

File :  
   Virus :  W32/Aliz - Disinfected

Virus incident

2001-11-22 Thread YODA Panda Antivirus for Exchange Server
Panda Antivirus has found the following viruses in the message:
Server :YODA

Subject :   Fw:  stuff to check !! 
Date :  22/11/2001  11:23:39

VARNING !!Virus found in this E-Mail.

File :  whatever.exe inside: Fw:  stuff to check !! 
   Virus :  W32/Aliz - Ignored

Virus incident

2001-11-22 Thread YODA Panda Antivirus for Exchange Server
Panda Antivirus has found the following viruses in the message:
Server :YODA

Subject :   Fw:  stuff to check !! 
Date :  22/11/2001  11:23:39

VARNING !!Virus found in this E-Mail.

File :  whatever.exe inside: Fw:  stuff to check !! 
   Virus :  W32/Aliz - Ignored

Antigen found W32/Aliz@MM (McAfee4) virus

2001-11-22 Thread ANTIGEN_SSEXCH-00-IMC1
Antigen for Exchange found whatever.exe infected with W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
The file is currently Removed.  The message, "Fw:  stuff to check !! ", was
sent from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Seguranca-Social/SEG-SOCIAL/SSEXCH-00-IMC1.

Antigen found Aliz.4096.Worm (Norman,Sophos) virus

2001-11-22 Thread Antigen
Antigen for Exchange found whatever.exe infected with Aliz.4096.Worm 
(Norman,Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, "Fw:  stuff to check !! ", was
sent from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and was discovered in SMTP Messages\Inbound
located at Cox/CoxHub1/HATL0MS21.

Re: NIS and device permissions

2001-11-22 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
francisco m neto  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>» Miquel van Smoorenburg disse isso e eu digo aquilo:
>> >I'm willing to give permission to users to use the sound 
>> > hardware on
>> >the local machines. However, due to the fact that they are registered
>> >users only in the server,
>> What do you mean with that sentence?
>   They are "real" users only in the server machine. They are "virtual"
>users on the clients. I mean, they are users on the server, and due to
>the NIS the y can login in the clients, even not having a username
>registered at those machines.

In that case they are as real as they come. GNU libc can use several
sources to get account information from, and /etc/passwd is no
more or less real than NIS (or LDAP for example) to the system.

>> >I didn't manage to add them to the system
>> >group 'audio', so they could have acces to /dev/mixer, /dev/dsp and
>> >/dev/audio.
>> Why not? What went wrong?
>   It was complaining about not finding a name for groud XXX.
>   I tried again a few minutes ago and it worked. But if I issue the
>command 'groups johndoe', I still get the same error message.

If group 'audio' is defined in /etc/group on the local machine
as well as on the master NIS server, make sure they have the
same numeric group id or weird things like this will happen.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity,
 and I'm not sure about the former" -- Albert Einstein.

Happy Thanksgiving

2001-11-22 Thread zohar
Happy Thanksgiving

RE: pppconfig still not working

2001-11-22 Thread Schoppitsch Dieter
Maybe wvdial (which is smaller and more simple than
pppd/pppconfig) is able to find the right port?

I've been trying to get pppconfig set up to run with my ISP
it probes ttyS0 and ttyS1 withut finding the

Re: Debian Woody 3.0

2001-11-22 Thread Johnny Ernst Nielsen
> I'm trying to install Debian Woody 3.0 on an AMD Duron 800 Mhz 256
> MB ram, but I've always the same error "neighbor overflow" that
> appear but it don't crash my system, can anyone help me ??
> Also Xfree86 don't work and I must install it from another source.

I do not think there is any such thing as Debian Woody 3.0 yet.
(Be welcome to prove me wrong.)

Which leads me to think that you think that Woody is the latest 
working version of Debian.
It is not.
Woody is still in testing and building mode, and as such frequently 
there are errors in Woody that will make you go "Oh no - now this or 
that doesn't work!".
Once the building stops and the testing is over and all release 
critical bugs are splattered, Woody will be released as Debian 
GNU/Linux 3.0.

Are you installing Woody to help out with testing?
If not, you should install Potato in stead (Debian GNU/Linux version 
2.2 revision 4) which is the latest stable Debian release.

Cheers :o)

Johnny :o)

Re: Virus incident

2001-11-22 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Josh Everist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Well I can take responsibility for the messages from
>'[EMAIL PROTECTED]', however if the Debian User mailing list didn't send
>out viruses in the first place, there wouldn't be the automated reply.
>The same goes for the YODA messages.

Well anyway your virus processing software is broken since it sends
the error to the wrong address. It should send it back to the
originator which is NOT [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In fact I do not understand how it could ever send the message back
to the list. That address is only in the To: header.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity,
 and I'm not sure about the former" -- Albert Einstein.

smtp with kmail

2001-11-22 Thread Johannes Jörg
Hello list

I'm trying to send e-mails via smtp from kmail. I have selected "smtp" in
the network menu, but I don't know which port nuber to 
use. (The default "0" does not work, I get an error connection refused)

So, what is the default port for smtp transfers?



GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

ot: 3ware raid

2001-11-22 Thread nate
wanted to give an update to anyone who was participating
in those raid controller threads a few days ago ..

seems 3ware has another hardware related issue which i
experienced first hand today.

i planned on comming into work around 12 or 1..but got
paged at 10:23 saying 2 of the services were down on
my backup server(3ware raid), so i tried to ssh to it..
nothin..went to the office and saw it had kernel panic'd.
reiserfs said buffer write failed and i saw a bunch of
SCSI DISK: I/O errors with sectors. rebooted the system
and the 3ware controller had marked one of my maxtor 80GB
drives offline.

contacted my vendor and they said that 3ware's controllers
cannot handle bad blocks as reported from the IDE drives.
if they encounter one it causes big problems(unlike a normal
ide controller which just waits while the drive re maps it).
i hooked the maxtor to the onboard intel controller and
ran the diagnostics, drive checked out as being in
perfect working hooked it to the 3ware and
re initialized the raid array(didn't lose any data,
its just re integrating the drive into the raid10 array)
and the system is fine again for now ...the vendor said
3ware is comming out with updated firmware to solve the
issue. 3ware gave me a new unreleased driver today which
they said will help with the problem but im havin
trouble compilin the driver, waiting to hear back from
their support team.

so while they have decent quality drivers the
hardware has many issues! amazing it has this many
issues with the cards being available for so long.
im very happy with their responsiveness though.

even after today i would still choose 3ware over
adaptec and promise raid controllers on the sole
issue of better support. tho its sad that ive
had more problems with the controller then without..


Re: ISP asking about switching to Debian from OpenBSD

2001-11-22 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Karsten M. Self  wrote:
>Most of these boil down to the TCP/IP stack.  The *BSD stack is damned
>good, and the rest of the world drools after it.  Linus himself admits
>that Linux kernel networking code is a mess, and that he's not
>personally a network hacker.

Do you have a pointer to that? If he said that it must have
been several years ago.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity,
 and I'm not sure about the former" -- Albert Einstein.

apt-offline Question

2001-11-22 Thread Stephen Brown
Hi All

The terminal reads

Elshaddai:/apt-offline# export APT_CONFIG="/apt-offline/apt.conf"
Elshaddai:/apt-offline# apt-get -d install dwarfs-debian-guide
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
E: Couldn't find package dwarfs-debian-guide
Elshaddai:/apt-offline# ls -l
-rw-r--r--1 root root  1521104 May  9  2001

/apt-offline/apt.conf reads

  /* This is not necessary if the two machines are the same arch, it tells
   the remote APT what architecture the Debian machine is */
  Architecture "i386";

  Get::Download-Only "true";

  /* Use the disc for state information and redirect the status file from
 the /var/lib/dpkg default */
  State "/apt-offline/";
  State::status "status";

  // Binary caches will be stored locally
  Cache::archives "/apt-offline/archives/";
  Cache "/tmp/";

  // Location of the source list.
  Etc "/apt-offline/";

/apt-offline/sources.list reads

# See sources.list(5) for more information, especialy
# Remember that you can only use http, ftp or file URIs
# CDROMs are managed through the apt-cdrom tool.

deb file:/mirrors/debian stable contrib main non-free non-us

# deb cdrom:[Advanced Linux Pocketbook CD 3 - _Potato Updates_]/ potato
# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 r2 _Potato_ - Official i386 Binary-2
)]/ unstable contrib main non-US/contrib non-US/main
# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 r2 _Potato_ - Official i386 Binary-1
)]/ unstable contrib main non-US/contrib non-US/main

# deb stable main contrib non-free
# deb stable/non-US main contrib
# deb stable/updates main contrib

Why isn't dwarfs-debian-guide being found?


Cheers Stephen Grant Brown

respond to spam from

2001-11-22 Thread ben
i'm willing to ping their server into eventual submission.

Re: smtp with kmail

2001-11-22 Thread Johnny Ernst Nielsen
> So, what is the default port for smtp transfers?

I think it is 25

Cheers :o)

Johnny :o)

Re: unpacking *.deb

2001-11-22 Thread Johann Spies
On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 02:06:31PM +0530, kilaru wrote:

> I am running Red Hat 7.2 on my m/c
> I downloaded one package from debian. 
> Its name is   foo.deb
> How do I unpack it?

If I am correct the package "alien" is available for redhat.  You should
be able to convert foo.deb to foo.rpm with alien.


Johann Spies  Telefoon: 021-808 4036
Informasietegnologie, Universiteit van Stellenbosch

 "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?"   
 Amos 3:3 

Re: Fw: Re: Cool info i found

2001-11-22 Thread ben isn't pingable but, one of its nameservers is. if all of
us devote enough resources to the cause, can be reduced to
redundance. how about it? arguments against?

smtp with kmail

2001-11-22 Thread Michael Knorra
the port for smtp is 25.

i hope this is helpful...

Michael Knorra

Re: Antigen found W32/Aliz@MM (McAfee4) virus

2001-11-22 Thread Nigel Pauli
On Thursday 22 November 2001 01:46, Karsten M. Self wrote:

I've just logged on to find that my site seems to be involved i.e. 
there is a load of these emails from [EMAIL PROTECTED] I did 
find 12 emails in my inbox from [EMAIL PROTECTED] each with a copy 
of whatever.exe attached. This purports to be an audio-x/wav.

I'm using Postfix to receive our email as an SMTP feed from our ISP. 
Any advice on how to make sure my own house is in order would be 

> Suggesting to list a policy that sites who insist on posting virus
> alerts to list have their users' subscriptions dropped.
> We're getting more virus alerts than spam, by a long shot.  I've seen
> this on multiple lists.  Very annoying.

Nigel Pauli - I.T. Manager
St. John's School, Northwood, U.K.

Re: Virus incident

2001-11-22 Thread ben
all of this garbage is coming across european servers ( and dig, ping, traceroute, etc., to verify this. check the mail
headers for appropriate addresses). i vote for a universal ping campaign to the
servers involved. it won't disrupt their mail servers but it will get their
attention if enough coordinated replies are sent back to the originating
address. how about it?

Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Josh Everist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Well I can take responsibility for the messages from
> >'[EMAIL PROTECTED]', however if the Debian User mailing list didn't send
> >out viruses in the first place, there wouldn't be the automated reply.
> >The same goes for the YODA messages.
> Well anyway your virus processing software is broken since it sends
> the error to the wrong address. It should send it back to the
> originator which is NOT [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> In fact I do not understand how it could ever send the message back
> to the list. That address is only in the To: header.
> Mike.
> --
> "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity,
>  and I'm not sure about the former" -- Albert Einstein.
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: tty1-6 screwed up

2001-11-22 Thread Shaul Karl
> I just finished playing xmame in full screen mode, and coming out of
> full screen mode messed something up.  X died, and gdm was respawned.
> However, interestingly, the virtual consoles 1-6 are now screwed; if I
> switch to them I see a mess of mostly green and black in graphics
> mode.  Everything still works; I can log in and out there, but I can't
> see anything useful.
> What's gone wrong here, and how can I reset them without rebooting?

I do not know what gone wrong.

As for having a vt reset without rebooting, try issuing a reset command 
(reset) after logging in. Ignore the fact that you might not see this 
command while you keying it in.

> Thanks,
> Neil.
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Shaul Karl
email: shaulka (replace these parenthesis with @) bezeqint,
   delete the comma and the white space characters and add .net


2001-11-22 Thread Vittorio
I'd like to use an ADSL modem via USB. 

Is there anyone out there having experience of such ADSL modems under woody?

Suggestions about particular makes?


Re: Virus incident

2001-11-22 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
According to ben:
> all of this garbage is coming across european servers ( and
> dig, ping, traceroute, etc., to verify this.

What, garbage coming from Are you out of your mind?

> check the mail
> headers for appropriate addresses). i vote for a universal ping campaign to 
> the
> servers involved. it won't disrupt their mail servers but it will get their
> attention if enough coordinated replies are sent back to the originating
> address. how about it?

Please stop trolling. I'll read slashdot if I want to see trolls.

If you see any inappropriate mails originating from,
please complain to our abuse department at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity,
 and I'm not sure about the former" -- Albert Einstein.

glutg3-dev & xlibmesa-dev

2001-11-22 Thread Emiel Metselaar
Yesterday I installed glutg3-dev & xlibmesa-dev for my visualisation code,
since the non-dev things do not have the header files. Today going
throught the apt-get update, upgrade routine I see that these 2 files
will be removed. My question is why, i didnot deselect them...
A related question is how can i figure out if what package contains e.g. gl.h 
and then install it...



Re: smtp with kmail

2001-11-22 Thread SaDIKuZboy
if you need other specific ports and descriptions by RFC
you can cat /etc/services | less
- Original Message -
From: "Michael Knorra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2001 1:19 PM
Subject: smtp with kmail

> Hi,
> the port for smtp is 25.
> i hope this is helpful...
> Michael Knorra
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

insmod errors with 2.4.14

2001-11-22 Thread Eric Smith
I am getting the following errors:
Using /lib/modules/2.4.14-586/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ipchains.o
Warning: loading
/lib/modules/2.4.14-586/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ipchains.o will taint the 
kernel: non-GPL license - BSD without advertisement clause
init_module: Device or resource busy
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including 
invalid IO or IRQ parameters
Using /lib/modules/2.4.14-586/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ipfwadm.o
Warning: loading
/lib/modules/2.4.14-586/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ipfwadm.o will
taint the kernel: no license
init_module: Device or resource busy
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including 
invalid IO or IRQ parameters

How do I avoid these?

Here is the /etc/modules

- those not mentioned above loaded fine:



Eric Smith

Strange files

2001-11-22 Thread Felipe Alvarez Harnecker

I', having this errors:

find: /var/log/ksymoops/2000184243.ksyms: Input/output error
find: /var/log/ksymoops/2000184243.ksyms: Input/output error
find: /var/log/ksymoops/2000184243.ksyms: Input/output error
find: /var/log/ksymoops/2000184243.modules: Input/output error
find: /var/log/ksymoops/2000184243.modules: Input/output error
find: /var/log/ksymoops/2000184243.modules: Input/output error
find: /var/log/ksymoops/2000184244.ksyms: Input/output error

i can't even remove those files.

Can someone enlight me ?



Felipe Alvarez Harnecker.  QlSoftware.

Tels. 204.56.21 - 09.874.60.17

Re: pppconfig still not working

2001-11-22 Thread Frank Zimmermann

Maxtech PCMICA modem working just great. The only problem with it left
is that I get denied permission to pppd unless I'm logged in as root. I
added usernames under advanced options in pppconfig, and they're
certainly sitting in the appropriate place in the file vigr, so what's

You have to add the users who should be allowed to dial out to the 
right group. I think it's dip, check it with ls -l.


Re: logging out users

2001-11-22 Thread SaDIKuZboy
did you try to ps x process and kill -TERM the right bash/sh/csh/whatever
pid ?
- Original Message -
From: "Karsten M. Self" 
To: "debian-user" 
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2001 2:21 AM
Subject: Re: logging out users

Re: Virus incident

2001-11-22 Thread Nigel Pauli
On Thursday 22 November 2001 00:29, Craig Dickson wrote:
> Linda Laubenheimer wrote:
> > Michael Heldebrant wrote:
Thanks for the useful, practical advice. At one point over the summer I 
found myself stranded without reading matter and read and re-read the 
articles in Linux Magazine on procmail - time to find out how much has 

What I can't understand though is why I'm sending out Antigen warnings. 
I don't run it, I don't run MS Exchange. I run postfix and qpopper and 
although W98 machines on my network run Outlook Express, I receive the 
debian-user list on a linux box running kmail.

> In the meantime, I suggest you filter it yourself. If you're using
> procmail, the following recipes should suffice; if you're not using
> procmail, the basic idea shouldn't be too hard to translate for some
> other filtering software.
> :0 HB
> * ^To:.*debian-user
> * ^Antigen for Exchange found .*infected with
> /dev/null
> :0 HB
> * ^To:.*debian-user
> * ^Panda Antivirus has found the following viruses in the message:$
> /dev/null
> :0
> * 1^0 ^From:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> * 1^0 ^From:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> /dev/null

Nigel Pauli - I.T. Manager
St. John's School, Northwood, U.K.

recovering wrecked system (potato->unstable)

2001-11-22 Thread Graham Seaman

I've probably wrecked my system and will need to reformat
and start over, but am hoping I'll be able to recover without.
But I'm stuck - any advice appreciated (as you will see from below,
I don't have much idea what I'm doing).

I had an old potato system. 
Problem 1:

I tried to upgrade X to unstable (xserver-common, xlibs etc) (yes, I know,
silly move). The first result was that xdm failed to start with 'Can't
open RGB_DB'. I copied rgb.txt to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/; now I have xdm,
xfs, windowmaker etc all running, but a completely blank screen. All the
parameters for my video chipset (ATI Rage Pro) seem to have been set
correctly. $REALSTARTUP is not quoted, though the symptoms sound similar.
I can still get into console mode, where everything works ok.
Problem 2:

I thought the problem might be due to running an old kernel (2.2.17),
since xlibs installation gave me a warning 'Kernel too old for Mesa DRI'.
I attempted to install the 2.4.14-1 image. Rather than booting from the
hard drive, I tried to create a boot floppy. I'm unable to boot from
this, getting a kernel panic: 'VFS: Cannot open root device 'hdb3' or
However, I can still boot from my old boot floppy using hdb3.

Any suggestions? 

problem: __alloc_pages: 0-order allocation failed

2001-11-22 Thread Erik Steffl
  I have noticed few times during last days that sometime system runs
out of memory (always when I am not nearby) and kills a program or two
and then everything's fine (it kills different programs each time so I
am pretty sure the killed program is not the one that causes problems)

  here's the message in /var/log/syslog (irrelevant messages before and

Nov 22 04:34:19 localhost kernel: __alloc_pages: 0-order allocation
failed (gfp=0x1d2/0) from c0127d7e
Nov 22 04:34:24 localhost kernel: VM: killing process XFree86

  usually it kills more programs, system services (cron) etc... I have
few question related to this problem:

  - is it possible it's kernel problem? I haven't heard anything too
weird about 2.4.10

  - how can I find (post mortem) which program caused the problem?

  - how does kernel decide which programs to kill? is there any way to
influence it? I would rather have netscape (usually a memory hog) killed
than system services (like samba daemons, cron, nfs daemons etc.)

  my system:

debian unstable
kernel 2.4.10

  usually running:

netscape & mozilla
few xterms
fvwm, gkrellm, chbg

  memory usage now (without reboot, after the above mentioned problem),
this is how it looks most of the time

jojda:/home/erik# free
 total   used   free sharedbuffers
Mem:385472 358020  27452  0  12624
-/+ buffers/cache: 101132 284340
Swap:   243104  55984 187120

  related incident: I have quite a few mp3 files and I noticed that when
I sort playlist in xmms by song name it eats all available memory (and
does the same after I restart it, I didn't even find any relevant
setting in config file but when I remove it problem goes away). I have't
tried it before so I don't know whether it's new problem or old one (I
haven't find anything similar on xmms or debian page so I filed a bug

  any ideas on how to troubleshoot this problem?




RE: Virus incident

2001-11-22 Thread François THOMAS

> -Message d'origine-
> De : Nigel Pauli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Envoyé : jeudi 22 novembre 2001 14:13
> À : Craig Dickson;
> Objet : Re: Virus incident
> On Thursday 22 November 2001 00:29, Craig Dickson wrote:
> > Linda Laubenheimer wrote:
> > > Michael Heldebrant wrote:
> Thanks for the useful, practical advice. At one point over the summer I
> found myself stranded without reading matter and read and re-read the
> articles in Linux Magazine on procmail - time to find out how much has
> stuck.
> What I can't understand though is why I'm sending out Antigen warnings.
> I don't run it, I don't run MS Exchange. I run postfix and qpopper and
> although W98 machines on my network run Outlook Express, I receive the
> debian-user list on a linux box running kmail.

I may be saying something stupid, but: it seems to me that it is only some
kind of address rewriting. I mean that I can remember having seen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] in the FROM field of the mails we are talking about..
Or antigen is mysteriously hidden in my postfix mail server too ?

if (($ca_se_mange_pas)&&($ca_se_baise_pas)) {
// Reverse-engineering du BIOS de mon chien

WTF: bug uses ee

2001-11-22 Thread Erik Steffl
  How come bug program uses ee? that's quite ridiculous, THE editor for
anything system related was always vi, at least everybody knows what to
expect. IIRC vi was used before. the web page says that joe will be used
if neither VISUAL nor EDITOR variables are set. However I ended up with
ee which is quite annoying.

  the problem is that I didn't even know it's ee, only after using ps
aux I find it ... (and since I do not use ee I assume the only ee
process was the one sed by bug).


Re: Happy Thanksgiving

2001-11-22 Thread Sean
And Happy Turkey Day!


On Wed, 2001-11-21 at 21:15, zohar wrote:
> Happy Thanksgiving
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GPG Public Key available:

Description: PGP signature

how to put package on hold using command line tools?

2001-11-22 Thread Erik Steffl
  is there any way to put package on hold using command line tools?

  I didn't find anything relevant in amnd dpkg and man apt-get.



Re: how to put package on hold using command line tools?

2001-11-22 Thread Colin Watson
On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 05:37:51AM -0800, Erik Steffl wrote:
>   is there any way to put package on hold using command line tools?

echo packagename hold | dpkg --set-selections


Re: WTF: bug uses ee

2001-11-22 Thread Colin Watson
On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 05:31:49AM -0800, Erik Steffl wrote:
>   How come bug program uses ee?

It doesn't. 'update-alternatives --config editor'.

> the web page says that joe will be used if neither VISUAL nor EDITOR
> variables are set.

The man page (I think that's what you meant?) is wrong. /usr/bin/editor
is used, and what that points to is configurable by the system

Chances are you removed a package that provided the editor alternative
and which used to be the default, and ee was the highest-priority one


Re: Fw: Re: Cool info i found

2001-11-22 Thread Robert L. Harris

No, because then we'd be disrupting any innocent bystandards.  Get me a
list of any admins for gmx and it's hosting services.  I'll have a talk
with them.

Thus spake ben ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> isn't pingable but, one of its nameservers is. if all of
> us devote enough resources to the cause, can be reduced to
> redundance. how about it? arguments against?
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Robert L. Harris|  Micros~1 :  
Senior System Engineer  |For when quality, reliability 
  at RnD Consulting |  and security just aren't
\_   that important!
  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

Re: how to put package on hold using command line tools?

2001-11-22 Thread Erik Steffl
Colin Watson wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 05:37:51AM -0800, Erik Steffl wrote:
> >   is there any way to put package on hold using command line tools?
> echo packagename hold | dpkg --set-selections

  thank you,

  isn't this a bug in man dpkg though? all it says about
--set-selections is:

   dpkg --set-selections
  Set package selections using file read from  stdin.

  that's not enough to actually use it like you suggested above..


Re: WTF: bug uses ee

2001-11-22 Thread Erik Steffl
Colin Watson wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 05:31:49AM -0800, Erik Steffl wrote:
> >   How come bug program uses ee?
> It doesn't. 'update-alternatives --config editor'.

  right. the question morphs - how come ee has higher priority than vim
(or any other vi clone)? The least surprising (this is linux) editor is
some vi clone... (you get ee, there's no way to tell it's ee, there's no
way to figure out how to save & quit (or quit without saving) - you get
worst of all worlds)

> > the web page says that joe will be used if neither VISUAL nor EDITOR
> > variables are set.
> The man page (I think that's what you meant?) is wrong. /usr/bin/editor

  yes, man page, I guess it's too late (or too early, hard to tell at
this point)

> is used, and what that points to is configurable by the system
> administrator.
> Chances are you removed a package that provided the editor alternative
> and which used to be the default, and ee was the highest-priority one
> left.

  probably, even though I am not sure how that happened... (maybe I
removed nvi)



Cahnging default vi?

2001-11-22 Thread Stan Brown
One of my potato + progeny machies seems to heve elvis as the default for
vi. After a few days of being anoyed by it's aberent non standard behabior,
I'm ready to change to something else (vim perhaps ?0 ( or the real thing
if the FreebSD vi has been ported). In any case, how do I change the
default vi on this machine?

Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]843-745-3154
Charleston SC.
Windows 98: n.
useless extension to a minor patch release for 32-bit extensions and
a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system
originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit 
company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.
(c) 2000 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

Re: how to put package on hold using command line tools?

2001-11-22 Thread Alexander Steinert
> > >   is there any way to put package on hold using command line tools?
> > 
> > echo packagename hold | dpkg --set-selections
>   thank you,
>   isn't this a bug in man dpkg though? all it says about
> --set-selections is:
>dpkg --set-selections
>   Set package selections using file read from  stdin.
>   that's not enough to actually use it like you suggested above..

Regard --set-selections as the inverse of --get-selection --- quite

Nevertheless you can file a bug against dpkg.
(See 'apt-cache show bug'.)


scale ps with pstops

2001-11-22 Thread Michael Hierweck

I haven't got much experience with Postscript but I have to scale lost of 
ps-File with a certain factor...

The manual tells me to laern psotscript, but I don"t have the time do this 

Thanks for your help.

Michael Hierweck

Re: apt-get bugzilla/sid ....Preconfiguring packages....

2001-11-22 Thread Charles Baker

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 21, 2001 at 03:20:20PM -0500, Charles
> Baker wrote:
> > I am enountering a problem when doing an `apt-get
> install bugzilla`. The 
> > process goes along fine until the line
> "Preconfiguring packages ..." is 
> > displayed then nothing else happens.
> That not a very good news :-)
> > I did not have mysql installed, so 
> > I installed that thinking there was a dependency
> problem. Same result. 
> Well you need a mysql database on the network, but
> since it mustn't need
> to be on the same server Bugzilla doesn't depend on
> mysql-server but only
> on other mysql tools. Even if your database run on
> your local machine,
> you must allow network connexion.
> > This happened last week.  I tried the same thing
> last night. I even ran 
> > dselect last night and let it resolve all the
> dependencies and still got 
> > stuck at the same place. Everything on this box
> has been dist-upgraded 
> > to sid except the kernel which is a whole other
> problem ( never had 
> > kernel problems before 2.4.x :(  oh well ) Any
> clue as to what is going 
> > on? I've never run into this problem with a
> package before, I've been 
> > running debian on laptops for 2 years now.
> I no problem exepte maybe that should do an apt-get
> upgrade not a dist-
> upgrade.
> Well the next step for you will be to try this
> commande:
> # DEBCONF_DEBUG='developer' apt-get install bugzilla
> And enter a bug with the result. Take care to remove
> all password in the
> resulte that are in clear text.
> You may use the package reportbug to get help on bug
> reporting.
> Regards,
> Rémi

I will file a bug if think it's best. I ran the
command as you specified and it seems that their are
some questions that need to be answered and the the
install/configure process is getting in a loop. How
does one reset the importance level of questions that
will be displayed during an install?

Here is a snippet of the output of the command:
debconf (developer): --> 0 ok
debconf (developer): <-- GET
debconf (developer): --> 0 
debconf (developer): <-- FGET
bugzilla/bugzilla_admin_pwd seen
debconf (developer): --> 0 false
debconf (developer): <-- SET bugzilla/pwd_check 
debconf (developer): --> 0 value set
debconf (developer): <-- BEGINBLOCK 
debconf (developer): --> 0
debconf (developer): <-- INPUT high
debconf (developer): --> 30 question skipped
debconf (developer): <-- INPUT high
debconf (developer): --> 30 question skipped
debconf (developer): <-- INPUT high
debconf (developer): --> 30 question skipped
debconf (developer): <-- ENDBLOCK 
debconf (developer): --> 0
debconf (developer): <-- GO 
debconf (developer): --> 0 ok
debconf (developer): <-- GET
debconf (developer): --> 0 
debconf (developer): <-- FGET
bugzilla/bugzilla_admin_pwd seen
debconf (developer): --> 0 false
debconf (developer): <-- SET bugzilla/pwd_check 

Thanks for the tip!

Hacking is a "Good Thing!"

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting, just $8.95/month.

Re: Debian Woody 3.0

2001-11-22 Thread Carl Fink
On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 11:34:28AM +0100, Johnny Ernst Nielsen wrote:

> Are you installing Woody to help out with testing?
> If not, you should install Potato in stead (Debian GNU/Linux version 
> 2.2 revision 4) which is the latest stable Debian release.

We've kind of been through this before.  Potato is now old enough that it's
in the process of becoming un-useful for a workstation.  (Doesn't support
modern hardware, doesn't include recent software.)  
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

Re: how to put package on hold using command line tools?

2001-11-22 Thread Colin Watson
On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 03:08:30PM +0100, Alexander Steinert wrote:
> Nevertheless you can file a bug against dpkg.
> (See 'apt-cache show bug'.)

Better, see reportbug. bug hasn't really been maintained seriously for a
while now.


Re: WTF: bug uses ee

2001-11-22 Thread Colin Watson
On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 06:01:30AM -0800, Erik Steffl wrote:
>   right. the question morphs - how come ee has higher priority than vim
> (or any other vi clone)? The least surprising (this is linux) editor is
> some vi clone... (you get ee, there's no way to tell it's ee, there's no
> way to figure out how to save & quit (or quit without saving) - you get
> worst of all worlds)

The priorities are skewed towards novice users. I believe the
expectation is that people who use vi can probably manage to change the
default. As a vi user I'm quite happy for them to stay that way - I
think it's a lot worse for a new user not coming from a Unix background
to encounter vi by accident than some more fluffy editor.

This isn't to say that the priorities might not need tuning a bit.


Re: Cahnging default vi?

2001-11-22 Thread Colin Watson
On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 09:01:35AM -0500, Stan Brown wrote:
> One of my potato + progeny machies seems to heve elvis as the default for
> vi. After a few days of being anoyed by it's aberent non standard behabior,
> I'm ready to change to something else (vim perhaps ?0 ( or the real thing
> if the FreebSD vi has been ported). In any case, how do I change the
> default vi on this machine?

  update-alternatives --config vi

(You probably want to do the same with the 'view', 'ex', and 'editor'


Re: apt-get bugzilla/sid ....Preconfiguring packages....

2001-11-22 Thread Colin Watson
On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 06:31:09AM -0800, Charles Baker wrote:
> I will file a bug if think it's best. I ran the command as you
> specified and it seems that their are some questions that need to be
> answered and the the install/configure process is getting in a loop.

Looks like it, yes.

> How does one reset the importance level of questions that will be
> displayed during an install?

Run 'dpkg-reconfigure debconf'.


Re: Fw: Re: Cool info i found

2001-11-22 Thread Carl Fink
On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 06:51:49AM -0700, Robert L. Harris wrote:
> No, because then we'd be disrupting any innocent bystandards.  Get me a
> list of any admins for gmx and it's hosting services.  I'll have a talk
> with them.

Note that a DOS attack on the actual sender would be illegal in this


   Ries Str. 17
   Munich, Bayern 80992

   Domain Name: GMX.NET

   Administrative Contact:
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  +49 891 433 9110 (FAX) +49 891 433 9100
   Technical Contact, Billing Contact:
  gmx-hostmaster  (GM3698-ORG)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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I-Con's Science and Technology Programming

going back to Xfree86 3.x in unstable

2001-11-22 Thread Eric Smith
How do I go back to the previous version as the new Xfree
dont support some old monitor that I am using?

Eric Smith

Re: problem: __alloc_pages: 0-order allocation failed

2001-11-22 Thread Sebastian Bober
Am Don, dem 22.November 2001, um 05:27:32 -0800, schrieb Erik Steffl:
>   usually it kills more programs, system services (cron) etc... I have
> few question related to this problem:
>   - is it possible it's kernel problem? I haven't heard anything too
> weird about 2.4.10

well, 2.4.10 is quite bad at deciding which process to kill. you should
use 2.4.14 or even better 2.4.15pre9 (which seems to become 2.4.15).

>   - how can I find (post mortem) which program caused the problem?

i don't think there is a way (except, of course, heavy logging).

>   - how does kernel decide which programs to kill? is there any way to
> influence it? I would rather have netscape (usually a memory hog) killed
> than system services (like samba daemons, cron, nfs daemons etc.)

the kernel uses some heuristics (which have been sane only since
2.4.14). unfortunately you don't have a way to tweak the behaviour.
usually the kernel chooses the process which uses the most memory (and
won't free any in a low memeory situation).

i suppose it would be best to upgrade the kernel and then try to
reproduce the problem. chances aren't that bad that it is way better.

>   related incident: I have quite a few mp3 files and I noticed that when
> I sort playlist in xmms by song name it eats all available memory (and
> does the same after I restart it, I didn't even find any relevant
> setting in config file but when I remove it problem goes away). I have't
> tried it before so I don't know whether it's new problem or old one (I
> haven't find anything similar on xmms or debian page so I filed a bug
> report)

can't help you with that though.


Re: quick ghoscript font question

2001-11-22 Thread David Z Maze
Alvin Oga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
AO> gzip foo.pcf
AO> cp   foo.pcf.gz  /usr/local/fonts
AO> mkfontsdir /usr/local/fonts
AO> xset +fp /usr/local/fonts
AO> xset fp rehash
AO> xlsfonts | grep foo
AO> gs
AO> if it works... add that path to your /etc/X11/XF86Config

Not to be picky or anything, but whether or not a font is available to
X has *absolutely no bearing* as to whether Ghostscript likes it or
not.  Ghostscript won't magically recognize X fonts; the various
Postscript previewers based on Ghostscript will correctly render
Ghostscript fonts in complete ignorance of X's font scheme.

By way of useful advice, though, I'd read through
/usr/share/doc/gs/Fonts.htm.  The "Adding your own fonts" section
mentions how to convert a BDF bitmap font to a Type 1 font; I'm not
clear if a PCF font can readily be converted to BDF, though (the other
direction appears to be possible).

"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
-- Abra Mitchell

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