Hi Gunnar,
On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 11:16 AM, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> I mean, who needs a desktop? A background? Overlapping windows? We the
> *real* tech-savvy people only need a tiling window manager, such as
> i3:
> https://screenshots.debian.net/package/i3
> http://i3wm.org/
> I mean, just look at its manifesto! It has "tech savvy" written all
> over it. Besides, it is more beautiful, in a simplicity sense. Small
> is beautiful.
> Best of all, we don't need to make no stinkin' list of recommended
> programs. Just install i3-wm, rxvt-unicode-256color, and... That's all
> a tech-savvy user needs.
Classic post! I totally support you if you want to get i3 on the task
list in the Debian installer :-)
Maybe you can add a spec here for an i3 Debian desktop:
although, I don't know if anyone will read it. It might be worth
looking into if all the lightweight WM's share common extra
packages...setting up X, sound, external media, etc. Personally, I'd
like to see Debian broaden the list of WM's and would be just as happy
be it Blackbox, i3, dwm or xmonad.
> Oh, and don't get me started as to why rxvt-unicode-256color and not
> xterm, lxterminal, roxterm, or (sigh) terminator, terminal.app,
> gnome-terminal, or a long etcætera ad nauseam of lesser terminal
> programs.
Somehow I ended up using xterm. You can set an inner border and that
one little feature hooked me, although I do wish they would add right
click to paste...