Re: Re: Useless call to ldconfig and shared libraries issue

2015-02-05 Thread Corentin Desfarges

Are you sure that in build time do you need to download some data? is this


Yes I need to download the data, else the unit tests can't pass... And I can't
include the data into the package, because of its the size (more than 800MB).

It has already been discussed in this thread :

It is strange that the unit tests don't pass with this error (about shared
library). When I build the package in a chroot environment, they pass. Have you
tried to change something about rpath ?

By the way, we have to add "wget" as build-deps of the package in d/control.

Thank you,


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Re: Useless call to ldconfig and shared libraries issue

2015-02-05 Thread Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
El Dijous, 5 de febrer de 2015, a les 10:24:25, Corentin Desfarges va 
> > Are you sure that in build time do you need to download some data? is this
> > acceptable?
> > 
> > Leopold
> Yes I need to download the data, else the unit tests can't pass... And I
> can't include the data into the package, because of its the size (more than
> 800MB).
> It has already been discussed in this thread :

I don't want to reopen the thread, but it's really needed? 

Are you sure that this test is so crucial to need to do it?

> It is strange that the unit tests don't pass with this error (about shared
> library). When I build the package in a chroot environment, they pass. Have
> you tried to change something about rpath ?

> By the way, we have to add "wget" as build-deps of the package in d/control.

No, it's the lack of wget as build dependency. I'm trying to build again the 
package. I have made some modifications, but I would like to test it before 
say anything.

Best regards,


Linux User 152692 GPG: 05F4A7A949A2D9AA
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?

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Keep built files between pdebuild

2015-02-05 Thread Corentin Desfarges

Dear Mentors,

I have a simple question : Is there a way to keep the files got with the
command pdebuild when we launch a new build with pdebuild, to save time
when we work on very big packages which last hours ?

Same thing about about the "debuild" command. I know the "-nc" option, but
if I make a change on postinst or preinst script (by example), it isn't
always taken into  account.

Thank you for your advice,

Best regards,


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Re: Keep built files between pdebuild

2015-02-05 Thread Paul Wise
On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 5:40 PM, Corentin Desfarges wrote:

> I have a simple question : Is there a way to keep the files got with the
> command pdebuild when we launch a new build with pdebuild, to save time
> when we work on very big packages which last hours ?

I would add a pair of identical hook scripts at
~/.pbuilder/hooks/B10shell and ~/.pbuilder/hooks/C10shell that runs
after the builds (succeed or fail):


echo -n 'Installing convenience apps: '
for p in mc nano less quilt devscripts patchutils bash-completion ; do
apt-get install -y --force-yes --no-install-recommends $p &> /dev/null
echo -n "$p "

/bin/bash -i  /dev/tty 2> /dev/tty

> Same thing about about the "debuild" command. I know the "-nc" option, but
> if I make a change on postinst or preinst script (by example), it isn't
> always taken into  account.

debian/rules binary, but dh won't repeat commands it has already run.


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Re: Useless call to ldconfig and shared libraries issue

2015-02-05 Thread Corentin Desfarges

Le 05/02/2015 10:50, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda a écrit :

El Dijous, 5 de febrer de 2015, a les 10:24:25, Corentin Desfarges va

Are you sure that in build time do you need to download some data? is this


Yes I need to download the data, else the unit tests can't pass... And I
can't include the data into the package, because of its the size (more than

It has already been discussed in this thread :

I don't want to reopen the thread, but it's really needed?

Are you sure that this test is so crucial to need to do it?

Tests are not "needed", the software works without them. But it's always a 
garantee for
the package's quality. I am not an expert in Debian packaging and the 
discussion was
about how to add the data, and not if tests were crucial or not.

But you can disable tests temporarily.

It is strange that the unit tests don't pass with this error (about shared
library). When I build the package in a chroot environment, they pass. Have
you tried to change something about rpath ?
By the way, we have to add "wget" as build-deps of the package in d/control.

No, it's the lack of wget as build dependency. I'm trying to build again the
package. I have made some modifications, but I would like to test it before
say anything.

Ok, thank you very much for your help.

Best regards,


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Re: Useless call to ldconfig and shared libraries issue

2015-02-05 Thread Thibaut Paumard
Le 05/02/2015 10:24, Corentin Desfarges a écrit :
>> Are you sure that in build time do you need to download some data? is
>> this
>> acceptable?
>> Leopold
> Yes I need to download the data, else the unit tests can't pass... And I
> can't
> include the data into the package, because of its the size (more than
> 800MB).

Hi Corentin,

There is a general consensus that network access should be prohibited
during build, so you cannot pull data from a debian/rules target that
runs automatically on the autobuilders:

Some consider that it's OK to do so *conditionally*, but I, for one,
would not sponsor a package that does it. Not that I'm likely to sponsor
your package anyway, not being competent in your field.

> It has already been discussed in this thread :

Nowhere did anyone suggest this as a possible option. The options are:

 - pack the data with the source package, in a separate tar.gz file;

 - prepare a script or instructions, that people can run interactively
when they decide, to download the data and test the package. This script
must not run at build-time.

Kind regards, Thibaut.

> It is strange that the unit tests don't pass with this error (about shared
> library). When I build the package in a chroot environment, they pass.
> Have you
> tried to change something about rpath ?
> By the way, we have to add "wget" as build-deps of the package in
> d/control.
> Thank you,
> Corentin

* Dr Thibaut Paumard   | LESIA/CNRS - Table équatoriale (bât. 5)   *
* Tel: +33 1 45 07 78 60   | Observatoire de Paris - Section de Meudon *
* Fax: +33 1 45 07 79 17   | 5, Place Jules Janssen*
* | 92195 MEUDON CEDEX (France)   *

Description: Signature cryptographique S/MIME

Re: Useless call to ldconfig and shared libraries issue

2015-02-05 Thread Andreas Tille

On Thu, Feb 05, 2015 at 10:50:15AM +0100, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda wrote:
> > By the way, we have to add "wget" as build-deps of the package in d/control.
> No, it's the lack of wget as build dependency. I'm trying to build again the 
> package. I have made some modifications, but I would like to test it before 
> say anything.

Unfortunately you are not allowed to download anything at package build
time.  Each Debian package should build in a non-network environment. 

So either the build time tests need to be skipped or the data (perhaps
xz compressed?) need to be provided either in package source or in a
separate data package that can be added as Build-Depends.

Kind regards



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Re: odd Vcs-Git pointer in control file, package fortune-zh

2015-02-05 Thread lumin
Thank you for advise, Russ Allbery and Paul Wise.
I'll try it later :)

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Re: Useless call to ldconfig and shared libraries issue

2015-02-05 Thread Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
El Dijous, 5 de febrer de 2015, a les 11:09:23, Corentin Desfarges va 
> Le 05/02/2015 10:50, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda a écrit :
> > El Dijous, 5 de febrer de 2015, a les 10:24:25, Corentin Desfarges va
> > 
> > escriure:
> >>> Are you sure that in build time do you need to download some data? is
> >>> this
> >>> acceptable?
> >>> 
> >>> Leopold
> >> 
> >> Yes I need to download the data, else the unit tests can't pass... And I
> >> can't include the data into the package, because of its the size (more
> >> than
> >> 800MB).
> >> 
> >> It has already been discussed in this thread :
> >>
> > 
> > I don't want to reopen the thread, but it's really needed?
> > 
> > Are you sure that this test is so crucial to need to do it?
> Tests are not "needed", the software works without them. But it's always a
> garantee for the package's quality. I am not an expert in Debian packaging
> and the discussion was about how to add the data, and not if tests were
> crucial or not.
> But you can disable tests temporarily.
> >> It is strange that the unit tests don't pass with this error (about
> >> shared
> >> library). When I build the package in a chroot environment, they pass.
> >> Have
> >> you tried to change something about rpath ?
> >> By the way, we have to add "wget" as build-deps of the package in
> >> d/control.> 
> > No, it's the lack of wget as build dependency. I'm trying to build again
> > the package. I have made some modifications, but I would like to test it
> > before say anything.
> Ok, thank you very much for your help.
Still fails,

gnu/fwStructuralPatchTest/bin/fwStructuralPatchTest: error while loading 
shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file 
or directory

0% tests passed, 31 tests failed out of 31

Total Test time (real) =   0.10 sec

The following tests FAILED:
  1 - guiQtTest (Failed)
  2 - ioVTKTest (Failed)
  3 - ioVtkGdcmTest (Failed)
  4 - ioAtomsTest (Failed)
  5 - patchMedicalDataTest (Failed)
  6 - ioITKTest (Failed)
  7 - fwComEdTest (Failed)
  8 - fwRuntimeTest (Failed)
  9 - fwServicesTest (Failed)
 10 - fwDataTest (Failed)
 11 - fwMedDataTest (Failed)
 12 - fwCoreTest (Failed)
 13 - fwGuiQtTest (Failed)
 14 - fwToolsTest (Failed)
 15 - fwComTest (Failed)
 16 - fwDataCampTest (Failed)
 17 - fwMathTest (Failed)
 18 - fwVtkIOTest (Failed)
 19 - fwActivitiesTest (Failed)
 20 - fwMemoryTest (Failed)
 21 - fwDataIOTest (Failed)
 22 - vtkGdcmIOTest (Failed)
 23 - scene2DTest (Failed)
 24 - fwAtomConversionTest (Failed)
 25 - fwAtomsBoostIOTest (Failed)
 26 - fwAtomsHdf5IOTest (Failed)
 27 - fwStructuralPatchTest (Failed)
 28 - fwItkIOTest (Failed)
 29 - fwAtomsTest (Failed)
 30 - fwThreadTest (Failed)
 31 - fwDataToolsTest (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
Makefile:120: recipe for target 'test' failed
make[1]: *** [test] Error 8
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/buildd/fw4spl-0.9.2/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu'
dh_auto_test: make -j8 test ARGS+=-j8 returned exit code 2
debian/rules:24: recipe for target 'binary' failed

I have commented the test.

Please, could you push a version without the test?


Linux User 152692 GPG: 05F4A7A949A2D9AA
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?

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Re: Useless call to ldconfig and shared libraries issue

2015-02-05 Thread Corentin Desfarges

Le 05/02/2015 13:39, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda a écrit :

El Dijous, 5 de febrer de 2015, a les 11:09:23, Corentin Desfarges va

Le 05/02/2015 10:50, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda a écrit :

El Dijous, 5 de febrer de 2015, a les 10:24:25, Corentin Desfarges va


Are you sure that in build time do you need to download some data? is


Yes I need to download the data, else the unit tests can't pass... And I
can't include the data into the package, because of its the size (more

It has already been discussed in this thread :

I don't want to reopen the thread, but it's really needed?

Are you sure that this test is so crucial to need to do it?

Tests are not "needed", the software works without them. But it's always a
garantee for the package's quality. I am not an expert in Debian packaging
and the discussion was about how to add the data, and not if tests were
crucial or not.

But you can disable tests temporarily.

It is strange that the unit tests don't pass with this error (about
library). When I build the package in a chroot environment, they pass.
you tried to change something about rpath ?
By the way, we have to add "wget" as build-deps of the package in

No, it's the lack of wget as build dependency. I'm trying to build again
the package. I have made some modifications, but I would like to test it
before say anything.

Ok, thank you very much for your help.

Still fails,

gnu/fwStructuralPatchTest/bin/fwStructuralPatchTest: error while loading
shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file
or directory

0% tests passed, 31 tests failed out of 31

Total Test time (real) =   0.10 sec

The following tests FAILED:
  1 - guiQtTest (Failed)
  2 - ioVTKTest (Failed)
  3 - ioVtkGdcmTest (Failed)
  4 - ioAtomsTest (Failed)
  5 - patchMedicalDataTest (Failed)
  6 - ioITKTest (Failed)
  7 - fwComEdTest (Failed)
  8 - fwRuntimeTest (Failed)
  9 - fwServicesTest (Failed)
 10 - fwDataTest (Failed)
 11 - fwMedDataTest (Failed)
 12 - fwCoreTest (Failed)
 13 - fwGuiQtTest (Failed)
 14 - fwToolsTest (Failed)
 15 - fwComTest (Failed)
 16 - fwDataCampTest (Failed)
 17 - fwMathTest (Failed)
 18 - fwVtkIOTest (Failed)
 19 - fwActivitiesTest (Failed)
 20 - fwMemoryTest (Failed)
 21 - fwDataIOTest (Failed)
 22 - vtkGdcmIOTest (Failed)
 23 - scene2DTest (Failed)
 24 - fwAtomConversionTest (Failed)
 25 - fwAtomsBoostIOTest (Failed)
 26 - fwAtomsHdf5IOTest (Failed)
 27 - fwStructuralPatchTest (Failed)
 28 - fwItkIOTest (Failed)
 29 - fwAtomsTest (Failed)
 30 - fwThreadTest (Failed)
 31 - fwDataToolsTest (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
Makefile:120: recipe for target 'test' failed
make[1]: *** [test] Error 8
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/buildd/fw4spl-0.9.2/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu'
dh_auto_test: make -j8 test ARGS+=-j8 returned exit code 2
debian/rules:24: recipe for target 'binary' failed

I have commented the test.

Please, could you push a version without the test?


Done. I disabled them in d/rules.

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Re: Useless call to ldconfig and shared libraries issue

2015-02-05 Thread Corentin Desfarges

Le 05/02/2015 11:40, Andreas Tille a écrit :


On Thu, Feb 05, 2015 at 10:50:15AM +0100, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda wrote:

By the way, we have to add "wget" as build-deps of the package in d/control.

No, it's the lack of wget as build dependency. I'm trying to build again the
package. I have made some modifications, but I would like to test it before
say anything.

Unfortunately you are not allowed to download anything at package build
time.  Each Debian package should build in a non-network environment.

So either the build time tests need to be skipped or the data (perhaps
xz compressed?) need to be provided either in package source or in a
separate data package that can be added as Build-Depends.

Kind regards


So tosummarize, I can disable tests with something like :
   echo "unit tests disable, see README"

in d/rules, and by adding in debian/* a script to download data and run unit 
tests ?



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Re: Useless call to ldconfig and shared libraries issue

2015-02-05 Thread Thibaut Paumard
Le 05/02/2015 14:50, Corentin Desfarges a écrit :
> Le 05/02/2015 11:40, Andreas Tille a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> On Thu, Feb 05, 2015 at 10:50:15AM +0100, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
>> wrote:
 By the way, we have to add "wget" as build-deps of the package in
>>> No, it's the lack of wget as build dependency. I'm trying to build
>>> again the
>>> package. I have made some modifications, but I would like to test it
>>> before
>>> say anything.
>> Unfortunately you are not allowed to download anything at package build
>> time.  Each Debian package should build in a non-network environment.
>> So either the build time tests need to be skipped or the data (perhaps
>> xz compressed?) need to be provided either in package source or in a
>> separate data package that can be added as Build-Depends.
>> Kind regards
>>   Andreas.
> So tosummarize, I can disable tests with something like :
>echo "unit tests disable, see README"
> in d/rules, and by adding in debian/* a script to download data and run
> unit tests ?

In essence, yes.

I tend to install such scripts, when needed, in
or a sub-directory thereof, such as examples/.

I *think* such a test is also suitable for the autopkgtest framework:

Using this framework would ensure your test is ran automatically on
occasions, just not during the build.

Kind regards, Thibaut.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Bug#777146: RFS: fiona/1.5.0-1 [ITP]

2015-02-05 Thread Johan Van de Wauw
Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: wishlist

Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "fiona"

 Package name: fiona
 Version : 1.5.0-1
 Upstream Author : Sean Gillies
 URL :
 License : BSD-3-Clause
 Section : python

It builds those binary packages:

 python-fiona  - Python API for reading/writing vector geospatial data
 python3-fiona - Python 3 API for reading/writing vector geospatial data
 fiona - Command line tool for reading/writing vector geospatial data
 fiona-doc - Python API for reading/writing vector geospatial data (docs)

To access further information about this package, please visit the
following URL:

Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

  dget -x

More information about Fiona can be obtained from

Changes since the last upload:

  * Initial upload (closes: #765470)

 Johan Van de Wauw

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Re: Keep built files between pdebuild

2015-02-05 Thread Rebecca N. Palmer

If the several hours are spent compiling with gcc (likely), another
option is ccache; this is a little slower, but works across pbuilder
sessions (though deliberately not gcc upgrades, common in sid),
and is less likely to break things by reusing files it shouldn't
(as it requires the compiler options to match as well as the source).
Add this line to /etc/pbuilderrc


then run

sudo pbuilder --update --override-config

on your existing chroot(s).

If your package has a large tree of build-dependencies, you may want
to use eatmydata as well, to speed up the installation phase:

export LD_PRELOAD=${LD_PRELOAD:+$LD_PRELOAD:}/usr/lib/`dpkg-architecture 
#this will complain about the lack of eatmydata outside the chroot, but this 
appears to be harmless

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Bug#777146: RFS: fiona/1.5.0-1 [ITP]

2015-02-05 Thread Sebastiaan Couwenberg
Hi Johan,

Thanks for your work on fiona and related packages!

Some comments regarding the package based on my review.

lintian reported two issues with the copyright file, both having the
same cause:

I: fiona source: wildcard-matches-nothing-in-dep5-copyright
docs/data/tests/data/* (paragraph at line 13)
I: fiona source: unused-file-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright paragraph at
line 13

Upstream moved the data in 1.5.0, which requires changing
Files: docs/data/tests/data/* to Files: tests/data/*

Have you configured the lintian hook in pbuilder, and have you enabled
the lower severity tags as documented in the Debian GIS Policy?

This should catch similar issues in the future.

You've used the git format-patch format for the patches, which is not a
problem because DEP3 explicitly supports its field names as an
alternative, but I found it a bit confusing. I initially thought they
were patches cherry-picked from the upstream git repo, but they were
authored by you for Debian specific customizations. I tend to use git
format-patch for patches cherry-picked from upstream, and plain quilt
patches for Debian specific changes, because I like the distinction.
This not something you have to adopt, but you may want to consider it.

We should investigate the git patch helpers to standardize a recommended
practice for patches in the Debian GIS team, so we can benefit from the
git workflow while still having plain quilt patches in the resulting
source package. This is a little off topic for your RFS, but it's where
my train of thought lead me, so I'll leave it at this.

Kind Regards,


 GPG Key ID: 4096R/E88D4AF1
Fingerprint: 8182 DE41 7056 408D 6146  50D1 6750 F10A E88D 4AF1

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Bug#777146: RFS: fiona/1.5.0-1 [ITP]

2015-02-05 Thread Sebastiaan Couwenberg
On 02/05/2015 06:39 PM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> [...] I'll leave it at this.

Famous last words. There is just one more thing.

The doc-base control file has an unusual suffix:
.docbase instead of .doc-base.

It also uses an unusual Document ID: fiona.docbase, using the (source)
package name is more common for Document IDs.

The doc-base control file references the HTML documentation included in
the fiona-doc package, but the control file is used for the fiona package.

For references see:

Kind Regards,


 GPG Key ID: 4096R/E88D4AF1
Fingerprint: 8182 DE41 7056 408D 6146  50D1 6750 F10A E88D 4AF1

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Bug#761687: marked as done (RFS: abraca/0.8.0+dfsg-1 -- Simple and powerful graphical client for XMMS2)

2015-02-05 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Your message dated Thu, 05 Feb 2015 18:36:55 +
with message-id 
and subject line closing RFS: abraca/0.8.0+dfsg-1 -- Simple and powerful 
graphical client for XMMS2
has caused the Debian Bug report #761687,
regarding RFS: abraca/0.8.0+dfsg-1 -- Simple and powerful graphical client for 
to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what this
message is talking about, this may indicate a serious mail system
misconfiguration somewhere. Please contact

Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems
--- Begin Message ---
Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: important

Dear mentors,

  I am looking for a sponsor for my package "abraca". A friendly member of
#debian-mentors, LocutusOfBorg1, took care of the M.I.A. reporting a while
back after I've been trying to contact the old maintainer since mid July.

 * Package name: abraca
   Version : 0.8.0+dfsg-1
   Upstream Author : Daniel Svensson 
 * URL :
 * License : GPLv2
   Section : sound

  It builds those binary packages:

abraca - Simple and powerful graphical client for XMMS2

  To access further information about this package, please visit the
following URL:

  Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

  dget -x

  More information about abraca can be obtained from:

  Changes since the last upload:

  * Imported Upstream version 0.8.0 (Closes: #584984, #709710, #758123).
  * Bump debhelper compat to 9.
  * Updated contact info and details in d/copyright.
  * Updated d/watch url pattern.
  * Explicitly disable colors in buildsystem.
  * Respect parallel=.. build options.
  * Drop all patches (applied upstream).
  * Patch away optimization level flags from build system.
  * Add patch for adding keywords to desktop file.
  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5.
  * Add pgp signature check to d/watch.
  * Update d/control Vcs-* URLs.
  * Add gettext and intltool as build dependencies.
  * Add me to Maintainers since old maintainer is M.I.A.

  Daniel Svensson
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Package abraca has been removed from mentors.--- End Message ---

Bug#776795: marked as done (RFS: josm-plugins/0.0.svn30932+ds1-1~exp1)

2015-02-05 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Your message dated Thu, 05 Feb 2015 18:36:59 +
with message-id 
and subject line closing RFS: josm-plugins/0.0.svn30932+ds1-1~exp1
has caused the Debian Bug report #776795,
regarding RFS: josm-plugins/0.0.svn30932+ds1-1~exp1
to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what this
message is talking about, this may indicate a serious mail system
misconfiguration somewhere. Please contact

Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems
--- Begin Message ---
Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "josm-plugins"

 Package name: josm-plugins
 Version : 0.0.svn30932+ds1-1~exp1
 Upstream Author : JOSM Developers
 URL :
 License : GPL
 Section : science

It builds those binary packages:

 josm-plugins - Plugins for JOSM

To access further information about this package, please visit the following 

Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

  dget -x

More information about josm-plugins can be obtained from

Changes since the last upload:

  * New upstream SVN snapshot.
  * Bump JOSM dependency to 7995.
  * Refresh patches.

 Bas Couwenberg
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Package josm-plugins version 0.0.svn30932+ds1-1~exp1 is in experimental now. End Message ---

Bug#777146: Fiona does not build

2015-02-05 Thread Andreas Tille
Hi Johan,

when trying to build fiona I get:

Cythonizing fiona/ogrext.pyx
/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/ UserWarning: Unknown distribution 
option: 'metadata_version'
/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/ UserWarning: Unknown distribution 
option: 'requires_python'
/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/ UserWarning: Unknown distribution 
option: 'requires_external'
running clean
 (and everything under it)
'build/bdist.linux-x86_64' does not exist -- can't clean it
'build/scripts-2.7' does not exist -- can't clean it
I: pybuild base:170: python3.4 clean 
WARNING:root:Failed to get options via gdal-config: [Errno 2] No such file or 
directory: 'gdal-config'
CRITICAL:root:Cython.Build.cythonize not found. Cython is required to build 
from a repo.
E: pybuild pybuild:256: clean: plugin distutils failed with: exit code=1: 
python3.4 clean 
dh_auto_clean: pybuild --clean -i python{version} -p 3.4 --dir . returned exit 
code 13
debian/rules:14: recipe for target 'clean' failed
make: *** [clean] Error 13
dpkg-buildpackage: error: fakeroot debian/rules clean gave error exit status 2
gbp:error: '~/bin/git-pbuilder' failed: it exited with 2

Kind regards



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Bug#777146: Fiona does not build

2015-02-05 Thread Johan Van de Wauw

gdal-config (libgdal-dev) and cython are in the control file.
Something strange seems to be happening in that pbuilder.

It works for me in unstable. You will need a recent update of unstable
as fiona relies on python-cligj which was only added yesterday.

Also fiona requires a recent version of Cython, so building under
jessie is not possible without further tweaking.


On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 10:22 PM, Andreas Tille  wrote:
> Hi Johan,
> when trying to build fiona I get:
> ...
> Cythonizing fiona/ogrext.pyx
> /usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/ UserWarning: Unknown distribution 
> option: 'metadata_version'
>   warnings.warn(msg)
> /usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/ UserWarning: Unknown distribution 
> option: 'requires_python'
>   warnings.warn(msg)
> /usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/ UserWarning: Unknown distribution 
> option: 'requires_external'
>   warnings.warn(msg)
> running clean
> removing 
> '/home/andreas/debian-maintain/alioth/debian-gis/build-area/fiona-1.5.0/.pybuild/pythonX.Y_2.7/build'
>  (and everything under it)
> 'build/bdist.linux-x86_64' does not exist -- can't clean it
> 'build/scripts-2.7' does not exist -- can't clean it
> I: pybuild base:170: python3.4 clean
> WARNING:root:Failed to get options via gdal-config: [Errno 2] No such file or 
> directory: 'gdal-config'
> CRITICAL:root:Cython.Build.cythonize not found. Cython is required to build 
> from a repo.
> E: pybuild pybuild:256: clean: plugin distutils failed with: exit code=1: 
> python3.4 clean
> dh_auto_clean: pybuild --clean -i python{version} -p 3.4 --dir . returned 
> exit code 13
> debian/rules:14: recipe for target 'clean' failed
> make: *** [clean] Error 13
> dpkg-buildpackage: error: fakeroot debian/rules clean gave error exit status 2
> gbp:error: '~/bin/git-pbuilder' failed: it exited with 2
> Kind regards
>   Andreas.
> --

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Bug#777146: Fiona does not build

2015-02-05 Thread Sebastiaan Couwenberg
On 02/05/2015 10:22 PM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> I: pybuild base:170: python3.4 clean 
> WARNING:root:Failed to get options via gdal-config: [Errno 2] No such file or 
> directory: 'gdal-config'
> CRITICAL:root:Cython.Build.cythonize not found. Cython is required to build 
> from a repo.
> E: pybuild pybuild:256: clean: plugin distutils failed with: exit code=1: 
> python3.4 clean 

Looks like you don't have all build dependencies installed locally
(libgdal-dev includes gdal-config).

My builds on sid succeeded without issues.

Kind Regards,


 GPG Key ID: 4096R/E88D4AF1
Fingerprint: 8182 DE41 7056 408D 6146  50D1 6750 F10A E88D 4AF1

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Bug#777146: Fiona does not build

2015-02-05 Thread Sebastiaan Couwenberg
On 02/05/2015 10:33 PM, Johan Van de Wauw wrote:
> It works for me in unstable. You will need a recent update of unstable
> as fiona relies on python-cligj which was only added yesterday.

You don't need to have python-cligj installed locally to build the
package with pbuilder, you do need cython and libgdal-dev.

> Also fiona requires a recent version of Cython, so building under
> jessie is not possible without further tweaking.

jessie & sid have the same cython version, so it should work. The wheezy
version is not sufficient though.

Kind Regards,


 GPG Key ID: 4096R/E88D4AF1
Fingerprint: 8182 DE41 7056 408D 6146  50D1 6750 F10A E88D 4AF1

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Bug#777146: Fiona does not build

2015-02-05 Thread Johan Van de Wauw
>> Also fiona requires a recent version of Cython, so building under
>> jessie is not possible without further tweaking.
> jessie & sid have the same cython version, so it should work. The wheezy
> version is not sufficient though.

Interesting. In that case it got a freeze exception. When I last
checked it was still at an older version [1].
So I really closed a jessie RC bug there :-).

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