Uploading new version of package to mentors.debian.net

2014-01-07 Thread matus valo

I have uploaded successfully a package to mentors.debian.net. Afterwards I
found a sponsor, but he has some suggestions to my package. I implemented all
of them and then I tried to upload new version of my package to
mentors.debian.net. And here my troubles began.

I haven't found documentation about procedure how to upload new version of
package to mentors.debian.net. So I tried to upload it the same way as I
uploaded original version. Nothing happened. Then I tried to remove old
version from mentors.debian.net and upload new version by dput. Here dput
failed with error message saying that given package was already uploaded,
but there was no package uploaded on mentors.debian.net in section my
packages. As I found later, the package is stucked in upload queue, since
my package is found in:


for serveral hours.

Is there a policy of the upload queue that I have violated? How can be new
version of the package uploaded to mentors.debian.net?

With Regards,

Matus Valo

Re: Uploading new version of package to mentors.debian.net

2014-01-07 Thread Elena ``of Valhalla''
On 2014-01-07 at 10:11:50 +0100, matus valo wrote:
> I haven't found documentation about procedure how to upload new version of
> package to mentors.debian.net. So I tried to upload it the same way as I
> uploaded original version. Nothing happened. 

dput creates a $PKG.$ARCHIVE.upload file to prevent multiple, different, 
uploads to the debian archives for the same package. 

since mentors.debian.net does not require uploads to be unique, 
you can just delete that file and resend the package using the same 
command; you can delete the old versions on mentors manually, or you 
can leave them online to be autoremoved later.

> As I found later, the package is stucked in upload queue, since
> my package is found in:
> ftp://ftp.upload.debian.org/pub/UploadQueue/

I believe that this is the upload queue for the main archive, 
for which you don't have upload rights (the files will be deleted 
when they will fail the signature check).

Maybe during your tests you used the wrong dput configuration?
IIRC if you don't specify a destination it will put files there 
by default.

Elena ``of Valhalla''

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Re: Bug#722980: Status of ruby1.8 removal transition?

2014-01-07 Thread Antonio Terceiro
On Tue, Jan 07, 2014 at 11:06:27AM +0900, Satoru KURASHIKI wrote:
> hi,
> On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 9:26 AM, Russ Allbery  wrote:
> > Antonio Terceiro  writes:
> >
> > > Our goal is to remove ruby1.8 and switch to ruby2.0 as the default,
> > > ASAP, so it would be nice if you started building extensions for 1.9.1
> > > and 2.0 (only).
> >
> > Okay, thanks.  I haven't attempted a build with Ruby 2.0 yet, and should
> > do that.  I'll do another upload within at least the next couple of weeks
> > with that change (or sooner if it becomes more urgent).
> I have two packages which have ruby extensions (qdbm and hyperestraier).
> It build for 1.8 and 1.9.1 for now (with old style, not using gems
> framework).
> I'm considering to drop ruby bindings itself (maybe gradually) because of
> dead upstream which means they don't catch up destructive updates of ruby.
> Can I simply drop them (by purging controls and filing RM bugs)?

If you drop the binary packages from the control file and upload, the
old binaries should go away automatically.

> Are there any considerations? -- I'm sure they have no rdepends.

Not having rdepends does not mean there is nobody using them.

Antonio Terceiro 

Description: Digital signature

Re: Wish to package astronomy software

2014-01-07 Thread Florian Rothmaier
Hi Bamm,

Happy New Year and welcome to the Debian project!

It's great to hear that you are interested in packaging astronomy
software. I'm an astrophysicist working at the University of Heidelberg,
Germany, and I'm also packaging astronomical software.

Since I try to manage several projects at the same time, my packaging
work is going quite slowly. I'm maintaining a local APT repository
which includes, for instance, a package of the "Aladin Sky Atlas"
http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/ .

I'm not yet an experienced packager but if you have specific issues or
questions, feel free to contact me. My current project is to package
the Java libraries of the "starlink" people
and thereafter the applications TOPCAT and SPLAT that also belong to
the "starlink" project.
If you are interested in taking over some tasks of this packaging work,
it would be a great pleasure for me.

Best regards,

Am 05.01.2014 12:42, schrieb Bamm:
> Hello,
> I'm Bamm from the Philippines. I'm new to this list and I hope to gain
> advice how to package for Debian. My interest is in astronomy
> software.
> I received advice to start with simple packages, and I chose xvarstar
> to start with. It doesn't seem to have a Debian package yet, but it
> has an RPM package for Fedora.
> I am reading the Debian New Maintainers' Guide and have been able to
> do the packaging privately.
> Can I get advice how I can apply to be a packager for this package? I
> would also like some feedback on the source package I made.
> Regards,
> Bamm

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Bug#734456: RFS: stockfish -- new version

2014-01-07 Thread Rodrigo Exterckötter Tjäder
Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

Dear mentors,

the package stockfish has been outdated in Debian for five months,
since version 4 was released in August. I reported a bug about this in
November (#730504), and there has been no reply from the maintainer
since then.

I went ahead and updated the package to the latest upstream version,
and also fixed another bug that was reported in November (#728920). I
have uploaded the package to mentors.debian.net.

* Package name: stockfish
  Version : 4+dd-1
  Upstream Author : Marco Costalba 
* URL : http://stockfishchess.org/
* License : GPLv3
  Section : games

It builds those binary packages:

 stockfish  - strong chess engine, to play chess against

To access further information about this package, please visit the
following URL:


Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

 dget -x 

More information about hello can be obtained from http://www.example.com.

Changes since the last upload:

 * Upstream version DD. (Closes: #730504)
 * Fix binary path on polyglot.ini. (Closes: #728920)


Rodrigo Exterckötter Tjäder

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Re: Uploading new version of package to mentors.debian.net

2014-01-07 Thread matus valo
Hi Elena,

thank you for your answer. Yes you are right, I had typo and hence it
uploads to main archive.

Matus Valo

On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 10:33 AM, Elena ``of Valhalla'' <
elena.valha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 2014-01-07 at 10:11:50 +0100, matus valo wrote:
> > I haven't found documentation about procedure how to upload new version
> of
> > package to mentors.debian.net. So I tried to upload it the same way as I
> > uploaded original version. Nothing happened.
> dput creates a $PKG.$ARCHIVE.upload file to prevent multiple, different,
> uploads to the debian archives for the same package.
> since mentors.debian.net does not require uploads to be unique,
> you can just delete that file and resend the package using the same
> command; you can delete the old versions on mentors manually, or you
> can leave them online to be autoremoved later.
> > As I found later, the package is stucked in upload queue, since
> > my package is found in:
> >
> > ftp://ftp.upload.debian.org/pub/UploadQueue/
> I believe that this is the upload queue for the main archive,
> for which you don't have upload rights (the files will be deleted
> when they will fail the signature check).
> Maybe during your tests you used the wrong dput configuration?
> IIRC if you don't specify a destination it will put files there
> by default.
> --
> Elena ``of Valhalla''
> --
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-mentors-requ...@lists.debian.org
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> listmas...@lists.debian.org
> Archive:
> http://lists.debian.org/20140107093348.ga3...@virginsteele.home.trueelena.org

Bug#733455: closed by Bart Martens (closing RFS: grap/1.44-1 [ITA])

2014-01-07 Thread matus valo

I had problems to re-upload new version of package, see:


Now, It is uploaded again on mentors.debian.net. Is it possible to reopen


Matus Valo

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 5:30 AM, Debian Bug Tracking System <
ow...@bugs.debian.org> wrote:

> This is an automatic notification regarding your Bug report
> which was filed against the sponsorship-requests package:
> #733455: RFS: grap/1.44-1 [ITA]
> It has been closed by Bart Martens .
> Their explanation is attached below along with your original report.
> If this explanation is unsatisfactory and you have not received a
> better one in a separate message then please contact Bart Martens <
> ba...@quantz.debian.org> by
> replying to this email.
> --
> 733455: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=733455
> Debian Bug Tracking System
> Contact ow...@bugs.debian.org with problems
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Bart Martens 
> To: 733455-d...@bugs.debian.org
> Cc:
> Date: Sun, 05 Jan 2014 04:26:11 +
> Subject: closing RFS: grap/1.44-1 [ITA]
> Package grap has been removed from mentors.
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Matus Valo 
> To: sub...@bugs.debian.org
> Cc:
> Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2013 00:15:13 +0100
> Subject: RFS: grap/1.44-1 [ITA]
> Package: sponsorship-requests
> Severity: normal
> Dear mentors,
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "grap"
> * Package name: grap
>   Version : 1.44-1
>   Upstream Author : Ted Faber 
> * URL : http://www.lunabase.org/~faber/Vault/software/grap/
> * License : other
>   Section : text
> It builds those binary packages:
>grap  - program for typesetting graphs
> To access further information about this package, please visit the
> following URL:
>  http://mentors.debian.net/package/grap
> Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:
>dget -x http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/g/grap/grap_
> 1.44-1.dsc
> More information about this can be obtained from http://www.lunabase.org/~
> faber/Vault/software/grap/
> Changes since the last upload:
>   * New maintainer. Closes: #615895
>   * New Upstream Version
>   * Remove override_dh_clean from debian/rules
>   * Remove all patches, since are not current or fixed in upstream
>   * Update Standards-Version to 3.9.5
> Regards,
>   Matus Valo

Bug#734456: RFS: stockfish -- new version

2014-01-07 Thread Andreas Tille

On Tue, Jan 07, 2014 at 09:52:34AM -0200, Rodrigo Exterckötter Tjäder wrote:
> Package: sponsorship-requests
> Severity: normal
> Dear mentors,
> the package stockfish has been outdated in Debian for five months,
> since version 4 was released in August. I reported a bug about this in
> November (#730504), and there has been no reply from the maintainer
> since then.
> I went ahead and updated the package to the latest upstream version,
> and also fixed another bug that was reported in November (#728920). I
> have uploaded the package to mentors.debian.net.
> * Package name: stockfish
>   Version : 4+dd-1
>   Upstream Author : Marco Costalba 
> * URL : http://stockfishchess.org/
> * License : GPLv3
>   Section : games

I know that the Debian Games team does not really feel obliged to the
Blends idea nor does it seem that all members even know that there is
such a framework even for Debian Games.  Nevertheless I'd be fine to
sponsor games if the conditions listed on the "Sponsoring of Blends"
page are fullfilled:


Just saying



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Re: Wish to package astronomy software

2014-01-07 Thread Andreas Tille
Hi Bamm,

On Mon, Jan 06, 2014 at 07:18:51PM +0800, Bamm wrote:
> > I should be able to review your package once you think its ready, and
> > sponsor it when I think its ready. Be patient, it will take some time
> > for you to learn how Debian packaging works and for people (like me) to
> > review it.
> Thank you very much for your offer to review and sponsor my package!
> I have been receiving feedback from Dr. Ole Streicher on building
> packages, and it has improved a lot since he started giving me advice.

Inside the Debian Science team Ole Streicher is extremely active in the
field of astronomy.  If you work together with him you are in pretty
good hands.  The only thing I wonder about is, why he did not directed
you to the Debian Science list and whether he might have told you that
it is a very good idea to use the Debian Science VCS (either Git or
> If you don't mind, can I email you directly so I can also show you
> what I have so far?

I would not like personal mails but anything concerning astronomy is
perfectly fine at the Debian Science mailing list.  I guess it might
be a good idea if you read


If you need a sponsor for your work this might be interesting for you
as well


Hope this helps



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Archive: http://lists.debian.org/20140107145557.gn6...@an3as.eu

Re: Wish to package astronomy software

2014-01-07 Thread Andreas Tille
Hi Florian,

On Tue, Jan 07, 2014 at 11:34:24AM +0100, Florian Rothmaier wrote:
> It's great to hear that you are interested in packaging astronomy
> software. I'm an astrophysicist working at the University of Heidelberg,
> Germany, and I'm also packaging astronomical software.

> Since I try to manage several projects at the same time, my packaging
> work is going quite slowly. I'm maintaining a local APT repository
> which includes, for instance, a package of the "Aladin Sky Atlas"
> http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/ .

Not so good.  Why not considering the official Debian repository to let
the world profit from your work and get bug reports to enhance your own

> I'm not yet an experienced packager but if you have specific issues or
> questions, feel free to contact me. My current project is to package
> the Java libraries of the "starlink" people
> https://github.com/Starlink/starjava/
> and thereafter the applications TOPCAT and SPLAT that also belong to
> the "starlink" project.
> If you are interested in taking over some tasks of this packaging work,
> it would be a great pleasure for me.

It would be a great pleasure for the Debian Science team if you would
join as well to assemble all people working on astronomy packages on one
single place. :-)

Kind regards



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Bug#734456: RFS: stockfish -- new version

2014-01-07 Thread Markus Koschany
On 07.01.2014 15:48, Andreas Tille wrote:
> I know that the Debian Games team does not really feel obliged to the
> Blends idea nor does it seem that all members even know that there is
> such a framework even for Debian Games.  Nevertheless I'd be fine to
> sponsor games if the conditions listed on the "Sponsoring of Blends"
> page are fullfilled:
> Just saying

Hi Andreas,

I haven't forgotten about my promise to update the blends task page for games
and it will be finished soonish (meaning this month). Currently I'm combining 
task with another related goal of the Games Team for which I have to investigate
each and every games package in Debian.


Rodrigo is surely welcome as a member of the team. It's usually a good idea to
say hello at debian-devel-games or in our IRC channel at #debian-games
and someone (maybe myself) could help with reviewing the package.

However we are extremely low on sponsors here and as you surely know, it is 
very hard
to attract new members, if nobody is willing to sponsor their work or if they 
have to
do something unrelated first.

Your message is understood. Nevertheless every sponsored package is welcomed 



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Bug#733455: closed by Bart Martens (closing RFS: grap/1.44-1 [ITA])

2014-01-07 Thread Bart Martens
On Tue, Jan 07, 2014 at 01:26:09PM +0100, matus valo wrote:
> Hi,
> I had problems to re-upload new version of package, see:
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-mentors/2014/01/msg00112.html
> Now, It is uploaded again on mentors.debian.net. Is it possible to reopen
> bug?

Yes, you can do that.


Bart Martens

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Archive: http://lists.debian.org/20140107190111.ga12...@master.debian.org

Bug#734522: RFS: optparse-js/1.0.5-1 [ITP: #733763]

2014-01-07 Thread Tonnerre LOMBARD
Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: wishlist

Dear mentors,

  I am looking for a sponsor for my package "optparse-js"

 * Package name: optparse-js
   Version : 1.0.5-1
   Upstream Author : Johan Dahlberg
 * URL : https://github.com/jfd/optparse-js
 * License : Expat
   Section : web

  It builds those binary packages:

libjs-optparse - Command-line option parser for JavaScript

  To access further information about this package, please visit the
  following URL:


  Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this

dget -x


  More information about optparse-js can be obtained from

  Changes since the last upload:

  * Initial release. (Closes: #733763)

   Tonnerre Lombard

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