leechcraft (closes ITP bug)

2012-01-10 Thread Boris Pek
Dear mentors,

I am still looking for a sponsor for my package "leechcraft".

This is repeated message. It have passed:
  - 3 months from the first message (03 Oct 2011)
  - 2 months from the last repeated message (05 Nov 2011)

You can look at package rules here:

Further information about this package can be found here:

Direct link:

I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.

LeechCraft is a free open source cross-platform modular internet-client. It
consists of a core which defines common plugin interfaces and a lot of plugins
for different purposes. User can install any combination of them to achieve
the necessary functionality.

The main advantage of such approach is that modules could interact more closely
than standalone programs in usual Desktop Environments. Thus, plugins can also
rely on functionality provided by each other. Plugins could also have their own
plugins: for example, support for different protocols or chat window styles in
an IM client. 

Also developers don't reinvent the wheel for each protocol. They use existing
solutions (rasterbar libtorrent for BitTorrent or QXmpp for XMPP protocol
for example) if possible. And they contribute back their patches to the upstream
in these cases.

Best regards,

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Re: Help with java package (beast-mcmc) needed

2012-01-10 Thread Sylvestre Ledru
Hi Andreas,

Le dimanche 08 janvier 2012 à 21:42 +0100, Andreas Tille a écrit :
> Hi,

> $ logcombiner 
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
> jam/console/ConsoleApplication
Usually, this kind of problem is due to the CLASSPATH not containing


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Re: Help with java package (beast-mcmc) needed

2012-01-10 Thread Andreas Tille
Hi Sylvestre,

On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 06:09:53AM +0100, Sylvestre Ledru wrote:
> > Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
> > jam/console/ConsoleApplication
> Usually, this kind of problem is due to the CLASSPATH not containing
> jam.jar

$ grep jam debian/rules
export CLASSPATH := 

As far as I understood you do not need to explicitely set CLASSPATH at
runtime (and it would not explain why the other executables are
perfectly finding the needed jars.

Any further hints?

Kind regards and thanks anyway



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Re: Help with java package (beast-mcmc) needed

2012-01-10 Thread Olivier Sallou

Le 1/10/12 10:59 AM, Andreas Tille a écrit :
> Hi Sylvestre,
> On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 06:09:53AM +0100, Sylvestre Ledru wrote:
>>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
>>> jam/console/ConsoleApplication
>> Usually, this kind of problem is due to the CLASSPATH not containing
>> jam.jar
> $ grep jam debian/rules
> export CLASSPATH := 
> $(DEBJAR)/itext.jar:lib/beagle.jar:lib/mpj.jar:lib/org.boehn.kmlframework_20090320.jar:$(DEBJAR)/junit4.jar:$(DEBJAR)/figtree.jar:lib/colt.jar:lib/options.jar:lib/mtj.jar:$(DEBJAR)/jam.jar:$(DEBJAR)/jdom1.jar:$(DEBJAR)/jebl.jar:$(DEBJAR)/commons-math.jar
> As far as I understood you do not need to explicitely set CLASSPATH at
> runtime (and it would not explain why the other executables are
> perfectly finding the needed jars.

For classpath, at runtime, all depends on how jar is generated. If it
contains a MANIFEST file with the classpath defined, it will be able to
find the JARS (supposing that libraries path are the same). If it dies
not contains the classpath in the MANIFEST file, classpath must be set
explicitly to each jar file in the command line (usually via a wrapper

> Any further hints?
> Kind regards and thanks anyway
>  Andreas.

Olivier Sallou
IRISA / University of Rennes 1
Campus de Beaulieu, 35000 RENNES - FRANCE

gpg key id: 4096R/326D8438  (pgp.mit.edu)
Key fingerprint = 5FB4 6F83 D3B9 5204 6335  D26D 78DC 68DB 326D 8438

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RFS: stopmotion 0.6.2-1.2 (NMU to fix RC bugs)

2012-01-10 Thread Mahyuddin Susanto
Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my NMU of "stopmotion". it fixes #565056,
#606721, and #612762.

To access further information about this package, please visit the
following URL:


Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

 dget -x

I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.

Kind regards,

Mahyuddin Susanto

[ Mahyuddin Susanto ] - http://udienz.web.id
GPG: 4096R/90B36C5B
diff -u stopmotion-0.6.2/debian/rules stopmotion-0.6.2/debian/rules
--- stopmotion-0.6.2/debian/rules
+++ stopmotion-0.6.2/debian/rules
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
echo "QMAKE_STRIP=:" | cat >> stopmotion.pro.in
CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" ./configure --prefix=/usr
+   sed -i '/^LIBS/s/$$/ -lX11 -lm/' Makefile
 build: build-stamp
diff -u stopmotion-0.6.2/debian/changelog stopmotion-0.6.2/debian/changelog
--- stopmotion-0.6.2/debian/changelog
+++ stopmotion-0.6.2/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+stopmotion (0.6.2-1.2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * debian/rules: add math and x11 library to fix FTBFS, Patch from Matthias
+Klose . (Closes: #565056, #606721)
+  * Fix Crash when read single jpg files. Patch from Ying-Chun Liu (PaulLiu)
+. (Closes: #612762)
+ -- Mahyuddin Susanto   Tue, 10 Jan 2012 19:26:27 +0700
 stopmotion (0.6.2-1.1) unstable; urgency=high
   * Non-maintainer upload.
only in patch2:
--- stopmotion-0.6.2.orig/src/application/modelhandler.cpp
+++ stopmotion-0.6.2/src/application/modelhandler.cpp
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
QStringList::Iterator it = names.begin();
while (it != names.end() ) {
QString fileName = *it;
-   char *f = new char[fileName.length()];
+   char *f = new char[fileName.length()+1];
strcpy(f, fileName.toLatin1().data());

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Help with java package (beast-mcmc) needed

2012-01-10 Thread Andreas Tille
On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 12:01:57PM +0100, Olivier Sallou wrote:
> >> Usually, this kind of problem is due to the CLASSPATH not containing
> >> jam.jar
> > $ grep jam debian/rules
> > export CLASSPATH := 
> > $(DEBJAR)/itext.jar:lib/beagle.jar:lib/mpj.jar:lib/org.boehn.kmlframework_20090320.jar:$(DEBJAR)/junit4.jar:$(DEBJAR)/figtree.jar:lib/colt.jar:lib/options.jar:lib/mtj.jar:$(DEBJAR)/jam.jar:$(DEBJAR)/jdom1.jar:$(DEBJAR)/jebl.jar:$(DEBJAR)/commons-math.jar
> >
> > As far as I understood you do not need to explicitely set CLASSPATH at
> > runtime (and it would not explain why the other executables are
> > perfectly finding the needed jars.
> For classpath, at runtime, all depends on how jar is generated. If it
> contains a MANIFEST file with the classpath defined, it will be able to
> find the JARS (supposing that libraries path are the same). If it dies
> not contains the classpath in the MANIFEST file, classpath must be set
> explicitly to each jar file in the command line (usually via a wrapper
> shell)

Apropos MANIFEST:  I formerly fiddled around with packaging using jh_manifest
and there is also some alternative packaging method at


featuring a debian/beast-mcmc.manifest file.  Believe it or not it shows
the very same behaviour.  The most strange fact for me is that the two
executables loganalyser and logcombiner are very similar but only one of
them runs and the other fails.

Do you think I should simply add a CLASSPATH variable to those scripts that
are failing without understanding why the others are working?

Kind regards



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Gettext and $DESTDIR$prefix

2012-01-10 Thread Andreas Rönnquist

I am making a package (which I am upstream of) translatable using
gettext - It is using a simple Makefile as build system, no autotools.

Is there a way to come around the necessity to get LOCALEDIR (Which
is basically ${DESTDIR}{$prefix}/share/locale) from the Makefile to
the C source? 

In other words - is there any simpler way to decide whether the
package should load translations from /usr/... or /usr/local/... ?

I am using bindtextdomain(PACKAGE,LOCALEDIR) where both PACKAGE and
LOCALEDIR is defined in the makefile and sent to the source simply in
this way:


Is this an acceptable way of doing it, or am I missing some gettext
magic that I should be using instead? - This feels a bit "hackish"...

Complete Makefile at

Also - I could use hints on where to get gettext support - I cannot
find any mailinglist, nor IRC-channel that is really suitable for this
kind of question...

Help and suggestions would be much appreciated

Description: PGP signature

Re: RFS: proofgeneral

2012-01-10 Thread Hendrik Tews
[Stephane: I am moving the discussion to debian-mentors, because I
got a reply from Mike Dupont there.]


Thanks for your comments, Mike and Stephane! I am sorry for the
missing build-dependencies. I somehow expected it takes much
longer until somebody would try my package and that I therefore
would have some time for fixes.

I believe the build dependencies are right now, at least, I get a
clean build in pbuilder.

There are still some known issues, see far below.

Stéphane Glondu writes:
   It's good that you take care of that! I've put Pierre Letouzey, who
   expressed interest in having PG in Debian (and also a Coq developer), in
   CC. I hope you don't mind.
No, I don't mind.

   A few remarks:
- in debian/changelog, put #554263 on its own line, with an explicit
  statement that you are adopting the package


- in debian/changelog, there are two extraneous blank lines after the
  first entry; don't do that


- consider using debhelper 8 compat level


- consider using http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/ for

Done. (Nevertheless, I ask myself, why I got the compat level and
the copyright format wrong when following precisely the
guidelines in the new maintainers guide.)

- what is the rationale of fix-package-name-in-install-path.patch?
  (sorry if it's a stupid question, shame on me if it's
  policy :)

The package name is ``proofgeneral'' and therefore it should use
subdirectories named ``proofgeneral''. The upstream installation
procedure creates various subdirectories ``ProofGeneral''.

- in general, there are too many patches, and they look written in a
  Debian-specific way. Please consider writing an upstreamable patch
  (it seems that you have commit access to PG) to make things more
  generic, so that there are less Debian-specific patches. Those are a
  pain to maintain in the long run

Yes, I plan to incorporate some of the changes in the upstream
release. But this would be step 2. I would first like to
concentrate on getting an up-to-date version into Debian.

- there is an extraneous TAGS in the upstream tarball

Yes, that contains tags for the elisp code for developing Proof
General. I don't think this should appear in a Debian package.

- isn't emacs23-nox enough, as dependency of the binary

I use now emacs23-nox | emacs23 | emacs23-lucid in the

- the compilation fails in a clean sid chroot with the following error:
fixed with 
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8), texinfo, texlive-latex-base, 
texlive-generic-recommended, texi2html, emacs23-nox | emacs23 | emacs23-lucid

Known issues:

- upgrading from version 3.7 asks whether to preserve the changes
  in /etc/emacs/site-start.d/50proofgeneral.el even when nobody
  ever changed that. I believe the reason is that version 3.7
  writes that file without registering it with dpkg.



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Re: RFR: chromaprint (Adoption)

2012-01-10 Thread Simon Chopin
On Mon, Jan 09, 2012 at 02:07:42PM +0100, Jakub Wilk wrote:
> * Simon Chopin , 2012-01-09, 13:38:
> >>As a side note, for extra safety it'd be good to make sure that
> >>if ever these symbols are used, the generated dependency is
> >>either unsatisfiable or strictly versioned. Unfortunately, the
> >>latter option is currently a bit difficult to implement; see bug
> >>#615940.
> >>
> >I don't understand how I could generate an unsatisfiable
> >dependency: if I write an enormous version, it just gets
> >overwritten:
> >
> >- (regex|optional)"^_ZN?St.*@Base$" 99
> >+ (regex|optional)"^_ZN?St.*@Base$" 0.6-1
> >
> >Note that it would solve the "strictly versioned" bit, at the cost
> >of a systematic lintian error. A bit too ugly for my taste.
> The dependency generated by dpkg-shlibdeps doesn't necessarily be in
> the " (>= )" format.
> In fact, by "strictly versioned" I meant "(= )" not
> "(>= )".
> You could take a look at these packages:
> - libvigaimpex3 ("strict" approach),
> - libdrm-radeon1 ("unsatisfiable" approach).

Thanks for that. I have used the unsatisfiable approach, as I find it
easier to understand how it works (no need to read the debian/rules).

I will go and ask the previous maintainer for sponsorship, assuming
there's no other element that needs fixing.



Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: xiterm+thai (updated)

2012-01-10 Thread Theppitak Karoonboonyanan
On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 2:59 PM, Neutron Soutmun  wrote:

> Please review again
> dget -x 
> http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/x/xiterm+thai/xiterm+thai_1.10-2.dsc

More on txiterm.1:

- It should be better to wrap the file at 80 columns.
- Using .br to break lines manually in paragraphs is bad typography.
  Note that you can also use .PP if you mean to break it into new
- Wording could be improved. (See attached patch for example.)
- Please update the date in the .TH line every time you revise the
  man page. And it should be in -MM-DD format. (See "man
  man-pages" for more info.)
- You may also remove comment lines in the man page as
  Paul previously suggested.

Theppitak Karoonboonyanan
--- txiterm.1.orig	2012-01-11 01:25:56.409459181 +0700
+++ txiterm.1	2012-01-11 01:49:15.697505464 +0700
@@ -25,20 +25,20 @@
 .\" TeX users may be more comfortable with the \fB\fP and
 .\" \fI\fP escape sequences to invode bold face and italics, 
 .\" respectively.
-\fBtxiterm\fP is a wrapper around the \fBxiterm+thai(1)\fP program that invokes the latter program with Thai support and also loads the Thai font.
-All arguments to \fBtxiterm\fP are passed to xiterm+thai without processing; 
-the \-fn option should not be specified because it is used by the wrapper.
+\fBtxiterm\fP is a wrapper around the \fBxiterm+thai(1)\fP program that
+invokes the latter program with proper Thai environment and font setup.
+All arguments to \fBtxiterm\fP are passed as-is to xiterm+thai with additional
+preset \-fn option, so that you do not need to set it again.
-See the xiterm+thai manual page for more information on \fIxiterm+thai-options\fP.
+See the xiterm+thai manual page for more information on
 \fBNote: txiterm\fP needs \fBnectec18\fP - Thai TIS-620 X font from the
-\fBxfonts-thai-nectec\fP package to allow the program to render the proper Thai text in the terminal.
+\fBxfonts-thai-nectec\fP package to allow the program to render Thai TIS-620
+text properly in the terminal.
 .BR xiterm+thai(1)
 txiterm was written by Chanop Silpa-Anan .

Re: Gettext and $DESTDIR$prefix

2012-01-10 Thread Paul Wise
On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 10:56 PM, Andreas Rönnquist

> I am making a package (which I am upstream of) translatable using
> gettext - It is using a simple Makefile as build system, no autotools.
> Is there a way to come around the necessity to get LOCALEDIR (Which
> is basically ${DESTDIR}{$prefix}/share/locale) from the Makefile to
> the C source?

You would need to do that even if you switch from a Makefile to autotools.

> In other words - is there any simpler way to decide whether the
> package should load translations from /usr/... or /usr/local/... ?

Since $prefix is determined at build time, no there is not.

> Is this an acceptable way of doing it, or am I missing some gettext
> magic that I should be using instead? - This feels a bit "hackish"...

Thats the right way to do it, even in autotools based projects.

> Also - I could use hints on where to get gettext support - I cannot
> find any mailinglist, nor IRC-channel that is really suitable for this
> kind of question...


I guess gettext is either on-topic in #gnu or you will find someone to
redirect you to the right place.



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RFS: rhinote (new upstream version)

2012-01-10 Thread Andrea Bolognani
Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "rhinote".

 * Package name: rhinote
   Version : 0.7.4-1
   Upstream Author : Marv Boyes 
 * URL : http://rhinote.tuxfamily.org/
 * License : GPL-2+
   Section : x11

It builds those binary packages:

rhinote- virtual sticky-notes for your desktop

The package is already present in the archive; this new upload would
bring Debian up to speed with upstream development, along a bunch of
packaging improvements.

To access further information about this package, please visit the following 


Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

  dget -x 

I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.

Andrea Bolognani 
Resistance is futile, you will be garbage collected.

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: proofgeneral

2012-01-10 Thread Hendrik Tews
I wrote:

   - the Proof General splash screen misses the picture (still

Fixed now with the latest upload.

   - proofgeneral-coq, proofgeneral-minlog and proofgeneral-misc are
 not deleted when proofgeneral is upgraded. 
 Would Replaces: proofgeneral-coq, ... fix this?

Also fixed using Replaces and Conflicts.



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Re: RFS: phing (Another try...)

2012-01-10 Thread Alessio Treglia
Hi Nicolas,

On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 10:08 AM, Nicolas  wrote:
> Hi Arno,
> many thanks for you report. I will update my packaging for theses cosmetics
> changes as you said !

I'd have interest in having this package in Debian, please let me know
when the package is ready for the review.


Alessio Treglia          | www.alessiotreglia.com
Debian Developer         | ales...@debian.org
Ubuntu Core Developer    | quadris...@ubuntu.com
0416 0004 A827 6E40 BB98 90FB E8A4 8AE5 311D 765A

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RFS: googlefontdirectory-tools

2012-01-10 Thread Martin Erik Werner

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "googlefontdirectory-tools".

My reason for packaging these tools is that they contain several
reasonably general scripts which can be useful for most fonts.

Current VCS-git version of the package "fonts-play" (I'm not sure this
change is big enough to warrant a re-upload) makes use of gfd-tools as
a build-dependency, these tools were previously (somewhat excessively)
included in fonts-play itself. c.f.

 * Package name: googlefontdirectory-tools
   Version : 20120111.1-1
   Upstream Authors: Dave Crossland
   : Khaled Hosny
 * URL : 
 * License : Apache-2.0
   Section : fonts

Description: various tools for generating, analysing and manipulating font files
 This package contains a collection of tools used by the Google Font Directory
 to work with fonts.
 The package includes scripts to:
  * Generate ttf and otf fonts from sfd source files
  * Generate sfd source files from ttf fonts
  * Generate font files with a subset of characters
  * Generate namelist files
  * Convert otf elements to ttf equivalents
  * Auto-set and analyse PREP hinting and hinting tables
  * Setting GASP tables in font files
  * Analyse bounding boxes
  * Compare Unicode points and glyph names

Worth noting is that I do not use, nor know how and why to use about
half of these features, sfd -> ttf is the only one I'm really familiar
with, I'm including the rest since they sound useful :)

The package is available at debexpo/mentors:

  dget -x 

Alternatively the source is kept in git at:

  git clone git://git.debian.org/pkg-fonts/googlefontdirectory-tools.git

debian/rules has a get-orig-source target which you may want to avoid
on a slow connection (the GFD mercurial repo is > 400MB)

+++ lintian output +++
P: googlefontdirectory-tools source: unversioned-copyright-format-uri 
# I prefer this until the final URI

P: googlefontdirectory-tools: no-upstream-changelog
# I don't think there will be, and I don't think piping mercurial log
to a file makes sense either

N: FontForge scripts are also scripts, they can't help being special.
O: googlefontdirectory-tools: unusual-interpreter usr/share/googlefontdirectory-
tools/tools/bbox/vmet.pe #!/usr/bin/fontforge
# I have requested lintian to support fontforge as an interpreter

I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.

Kind regards,
Martin Erik Werner ("arand") 

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: RFS: xiterm+thai (updated)

2012-01-10 Thread Neutron Soutmun
On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 2:05 AM, Theppitak Karoonboonyanan
> On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 2:59 PM, Neutron Soutmun  
> wrote:
>> Please review again
>> dget -x 
>> http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/x/xiterm+thai/xiterm+thai_1.10-2.dsc
> More on txiterm.1:
> - It should be better to wrap the file at 80 columns.


> - Using .br to break lines manually in paragraphs is bad typography.
>  Note that you can also use .PP if you mean to break it into new
>  paragraph.


> - Wording could be improved. (See attached patch for example.)

The example patch is applied.

> - Please update the date in the .TH line every time you revise the
>  man page. And it should be in -MM-DD format. (See "man
>  man-pages" for more info.)

Updated and corrected the formatting.

> - You may also remove comment lines in the man page as
>  Paul previously suggested.


Please review again

dget -x 

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Neutron Soutmun

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Re: RFS: xiterm+thai (updated)

2012-01-10 Thread Theppitak Karoonboonyanan
On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Neutron Soutmun  wrote:

> Please review again
> dget -x 
> http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/x/xiterm+thai/xiterm+thai_1.10-2.dsc


Theppitak Karoonboonyanan

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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Re: RFS: proofgeneral

2012-01-10 Thread Stéphane Glondu
Le 10/01/2012 15:56, Hendrik Tews a écrit :
> - in debian/changelog, there are two extraneous blank lines after the
>   first entry; don't do that
> Done.

I was talking about the lines *between* changelog entries, not inside
the last one.

> - consider using http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/ for
> debian/copyright
> Done. (Nevertheless, I ask myself, why I got the compat level and
> the copyright format wrong when following precisely the
> guidelines in the new maintainers guide.)

I think paths in the Files field should be relative to the root of the
unpacked *source* package.

I've just noticed that there are files under CC-BY-NC-SA-3. This is not
free (the "NC" part). Is the current package shipping these files? If it
is (and it looks like it is), this is a severe violation of Debian
policy, and the package should be removed. I've added Debian FTP Masters
in CC to have their opinion.

Is it possible to remove these files from the package? The upstream
tarball should be repackaged to remove them. If the package is useless
without the images, the package should target the non-free archive
instead. Of course, the best solution would be to ask upstream to remove
that NC clause.

> - the compilation fails in a clean sid chroot with the following error:
> fixed with 
> Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8), texinfo, texlive-latex-base, 
> texlive-generic-recommended, texi2html, emacs23-nox | emacs23 | emacs23-lucid

OK, now it builds.



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Re: RFS: Please sponsor NMU for python-markdown

2012-01-10 Thread Dmitry Shachnev
mentors.debian.net seems to allow re-uploads, so I fixed two issues I
wrote about in previous message.

Updated diff can be found here at http://paste.ubuntu.com/800258/.

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Re: [Pkg-fonts-devel] RFS: googlefontdirectory-tools

2012-01-10 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Martin Erik Werner (martinerikwer...@gmail.com):
> Hi,
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "googlefontdirectory-tools".

I added this to my TODO list. As usual with /me, it might take some
time to be processed (take time for builds, checks, etc.) but I have
no other objection to this package to be uploaded in the archive.

Not even package name changes suggestions..:-)

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