Re: RFC: Using git/collab-maint/PET for debian-mentors.

2010-06-14 Thread Tim Retout
On 14 June 2010 02:20, Ben Finney  wrote:
> Paul Wise  writes:
>> As said on IRC, "cue anti-git flamage". In debian we use a multitude
>> of version control systems and we shouldn't impose choice of a
>> specific VCS nor force people to use a VCS. I personally maintain
>> packages in git, in SVN and in no VCS and prefer either no VCS or SVN
>> for teams.
> +1. There's no need to impose any particular VCS onto maintainers, even
> by default. It falls into the domain of allowing the maintainer to make
> their own decisions concerning their own work.

I was only suggesting what I would change in my particular workflow. I
don't see that I'm actually forcing anyone to use git - just saying
that I myself would nudge my mentees towards it. There are always
other sponsors.

Now, I'm open to the idea of SVN collab-maint as well. I spent
yesterday testing out Ansgar's version of PET, which supports both git
and SVN. There are some teams who make use of both (e.g. the
debian-games team, off the top of my head). We all have our individual

I'm not particularly attached to the choice of VCS; but what I do
think is important is that people /do/ choose a VCS. If we do not
train prospective maintainers in the way that packages are actually
managed in most teams, then we are doing them a disservice; there will
be a steeper learning curve when they come to join a team. It will
also bring the same benefits to sponsored packages that it does
elsewhere, namely collaboration and a public record of the history,
and allow us to use the same tools to facilitate communication that we
have in other teams.

I believe Ansgar's got your other point about debian/changelog
covered; see how the Perl team works - the notes are never released,
and just serve as a place for keeping review notes in the same
repository as the code.

Tim Retout 

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Indicator applets and related packages

2010-06-14 Thread Raphael Hertzog
[ Bcc debian-mentors as some prospective DD might be interested in
 packaging those ]


I would like to be able to use ubuntu's indicator applets in Debian but
very few of the required packages are in Debian (only libindicator is

Here are some of the design pages if you don't know what this is all

The missing source packages are AFAIK:
- libdbusmenu
  (no RFP/ITP known)
- libindicate
- indicator-applet
- indicator-messages
  (no RFP/ITP known)
- indicator-application
  (no RFP/ITP known)
- indicator-session
  (no RFP/ITP known)
- indicator-me
  (no RFP/ITP known)
- indicator-sound
  (no RFP/ITP known)
- in the near future: indicator-network

And also several plugins/extensions to various piece of software:
- evolution-indicator

And some of those in Qt/KDE variants:
- libindicate-qt

I contacted Ted Gould of Ubuntu/Canonical to ask him whether he would like
to maintain some of those packages within Debian. If yes, I'll sponsor
him (if you want to be the sponsor instead of me, please say so).

I hope we can find maintainers for all those. Should they be maintained
within the Debian Gnome team ?

Raphaël Hertzog

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Re: RFC: Using git/collab-maint/PET for debian-mentors.

2010-06-14 Thread Ben Finney
Tim Retout  writes:

> I'm not particularly attached to the choice of VCS; but what I do
> think is important is that people /do/ choose a VCS.

Rather, I think it's important (for the good reasons you explained) that
a package maintainer *use* a VCS for their packaging work.

They don't have to choose one VCS for all their work, though, which is
what your suggestions so far have implied. If you didn't intend that
implication, so much the better; but apparently I'm not the only one
reading your words that way.

 \  “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex… |
  `\It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage – to move in |
_o__)the opposite direction.” —Albert Einstein |
Ben Finney

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Re: RFS: debsigs (packaging updates, DMUA candidate)

2010-06-14 Thread Peter Pentchev
On Wed, Jun 02, 2010 at 02:20:41PM +0300, Peter Pentchev wrote:
> Dear mentors,
> I am looking for a sponsor for the new version 0.1.16
> of my package "debsigs".  This is a packaging update to
> bring it to the latest-and-greatest standards available :)
> See below for the full changelog entry.

Just for the record, this package has been uploaded by
Laszlo Boeszoermenyi (gcs).  Thanks!


Peter Pentchev
PGP key:
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Description: Digital signature

Re: RFC: Using git/collab-maint/PET for debian-mentors.

2010-06-14 Thread Jakub Wilk

Ansgar Burchardt  writes:
All of these notes are removed before the upload so they do not show 
up in the released packages.

I think this is a very good method to communicate with other team 
members about the current state of packages.

Leaving notes is a good communication method? Seriously?
How about *talking* to each other?

* Ben Finney , 2010-06-14, 16:45:
I don't see the benefit of overloading the ‘debian/changelog’ file for 
this. Wouldn't it be better to keep the purpose of that file as is, and 
use a separate file (perhaps ‘debian/TODO’) for this separate purpose 
of intra-team-only communication?

That would be equally bad.

Jakub Wilk

Description: Digital signature

RFS: vttest (updated package)

2010-06-14 Thread Wen-Yen Chuang
Hash: SHA1

Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for the new version 2.7+20100528-1
of my package "vttest". (Programming language: C)

The package is lintian clean.

It builds the binary package: vttest

vttest (2.7+20100528-1) unstable; urgency=low
  * New upstream release
  * Update debian/copyright
  * Switch debian/rules to new dh format
- update Build-Depends debhelper (>= 7.0.50)
- update debian/compat to level 7
  * Bump Standards-Versions to 3.8.4

Description: tool for testing VT100 compatibility of terminals
 This package provides a program designed to test the functionality of
 a VT100 terminal (or emulator). It also supports analysis of VT220,
 VT420, and xterm.
 The program is menu-driven and contains full on-line operating
 instructions. It tests both display (escape sequence) and keyboard

The package can be found on
- - dget

I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me. :-)

Kind regards
 Wen-Yen Chuang
- -- 
My GPG key is signed by Debian Developer Masayuki Hatta.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: RFC: Using git/collab-maint/PET for debian-mentors.

2010-06-14 Thread Mark Brown
On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 12:25:07PM +0200, Jakub Wilk wrote:
>> Ansgar Burchardt  writes:

>>> I think this is a very good method to communicate with other team  
>>> members about the current state of packages.

> Leaving notes is a good communication method? Seriously?
> How about *talking* to each other?

This only works if there's someone appropriate to talk to and the
timeframe is good - for things where you're basically just parking a bit
of work for pick up by some unknown person at some ill defined point in
the future then writing some notes can be a very effective way of
letting whoever next looks at the package know the current state of

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Re: question about debian/watch

2010-06-14 Thread Elías Alejandro
> Unrelated to the problem you're reporting, but a minor point: Your regex
> could be tighter (it's best to be as specific as feasible in a regex).
> I suggest:

Ok, thanks people.


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RFS: squidguard (updated package, many fixes, DMUA candidate) (3nd try)

2010-06-14 Thread Joachim Wiedorn
Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for the new version 1.4-1 of my 
package "squidguard". it supplants the very old version 1.2.

And I would be most grateful if a kind sponsor would set the
DM-Upload-Allowed (DMUA) flag before uploading :)

It builds these binary packages:
squidguard - filter and redirector plugin for Squid
squidguard-doc - filter and redirector plugin for Squid - Documentation

The package appears to be lintian clean.

The upload would fix these bugs: 372709, 385093, 403875, 491673, 514636,
535158, 541602, 548489, 576169

The package can be found on
- URL:
- Source repository: deb-src unstable main
- dget

I have created a git repository:
- Vcs-Git: git://
- Vcs-Browser:

Some more infos about squidguard:
- Homepage:

I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.

FYI, here is the last changelog entry:

squidguard (1.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release. (Closes: #372709, #491673, #535158)
  * New Debian maintainer. (Closes: #576169)
  * Bump DH compatibility level to V7.
  * debian/control:
- Set debhelper version to >= 7.0.15.
- Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4.
- Add build dependency libdb4.7-dev. (Closes: #548489)
- Remove suggestion to chastity-list. (Closes: #514636)
- Add Vcs Git and Browser URLs.
- Add Upstream homepage URL.
  * Move to source format 3.0 (quilt).
  * Update path in debian/watch.
  * Update and formatting debian/copyright.
  * Update 'update-squidguard' for use with Squid3. (Closes: #541602)
  * debian/README.Debian:
- Update hints about Squid / Squid3 configuration. (Closes: #403875)
- Remove old hint to chastity-list.
- Update and refine some information and use headlines.
  * debian/patches:
- Patch for use of $DESTDIR in Makefile.
- Security: Patch for buffer overflow in sgLog.c (Fixes: CVS-2009-3700).
- Security: Patch for buffer overflow in sgDiv.c (Fixes: CVS-2009-3826).
- Patch for update links in documentation.
  * Add debian/postrm for removing etc/default/squidguard. (Closes: #385093)
  * Add 'set -e' in debian/postinst.
  * Remove unusable and old manpages in debian directory.
  * Add new (rewritten) manual pages.
  * Some changes in package configuration files.
  * Split package: add config for squidguard-doc package.
  * Use simple DH-syntax for debian/rules.
  * Set debhelper version to >= 7.0.50.

 -- Joachim Wiedorn   Wed, 02 Jun 2010 22:18:45 +0200

Kind regards
 Joachim Wiedorn

Description: PGP signature

Re: A lot of pending packages

2010-06-14 Thread Tanguy Ortolo
Le samedi 12 juin 2010, Johan Van de Wauw a écrit :
> 2010/6/11 Tanguy Ortolo :
> > * dokuwiki, a PHP-based wiki, that I co-maintain with a DD that has
> >  almost no time to sponsor me and suggested me to find another sponsor:
> >  such a package (PHP, web application) seems to interest nobody.
> Which should not really come as a surprise. First of all, not many
> people actually use packaged php applications. According to popcon,
> drupal6 has only 444 installations, with only 13 'recent' users[1].
> The number will be an underestimation as many servers won't have
> popcon installed, but still...

Well, at least I know that my package is enough used to trigger some
bugs that are interresting both for me and for upstream. And some nasty
packaging bugs that are caused by strange spurious modifications made by
the user.

> Not many webapplications have an upstream which supports legacy
> versions, which means that it is up to the sponsor/maintainer to do
> so. While the same is true for many packages in debian, the security
> consequenses are usually more severe for a web app than for most
> desktop applications.

Yes indeed. I know that I will have to backport some patches. And I also
know that, as I am neither DD nor DM, they will take a longer time to be
uploaded to Debian, but this is independant of my will.

Tanguy Ortolo

Description: Digital signature

Asking for DMUA: Yes while seeking first sponsor

2010-06-14 Thread Alexander Reichle-Schmehl

I noticed that recently some people seem to seek first time sponsors
while asking for setting the "DM-Upload-Allowed: yes" flag at the very
same time.

While I can certainly understand Maintainers want to upload their
packages ASAP themselves, I would like to point out that I consider that
quite against the spirit of the Debian Maintainer Concept.

The idea is, that you convince an (experienced) Developer, that you can
do your work on your own on a per package basis.  As Debian Maintainers
don't need to pass the regular procedures to check their "technical
capabilities" (so to speak), the idea is to select the packages you are
allowed to upload on a case by case basis.  Or to give you an example:
Just because you can package simple game doesn't necessarily mean you
can package and maintain a shared library.

So I think asking for DMUA:Yes while seeking an initial sponsor is just
plain wrong, as convincing a DD shouldn't be a one timer.  I therefore
ask DMs not to ask to set this flag on the first upload, and DDs not to
do so.

Best regards,

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Re: A lot of pending packages

2010-06-14 Thread Tanguy Ortolo
Le dimanche 13 juin 2010, Thomas Goirand a écrit :
> I don't agree with you on the reasons. The thing is, PHP applications
> in Debian aren't made to support multiple instance. The result being
> that it doesn't make sense to use them, because you wont be able to
> have more than a single site with it.

Some of them are. gallery2, for instance, has a multisite support.

> If there was a move toward multiple instances using a single package, I am
> quite sure that the situation would be different.

Their is a move, at least with DokuWiki. Their is a semi-official way to
build a multisite installation (they call that “farming”), that used
some non-free (CC-BY-NC-SA) scripts. I wrote to ask for a license
change some months ago, and I have just received a reply: these scripts
are now free (GPLv2), so I am now able to work on multisite support.

But I think that packaged webapps can be very useful, because:
- they allow anyone to simply “aptitude install dokuwiki” to get a
  working installation without worrying about file system paths, rights
  and so one;
- they often result in a cleaner, more secure setup (remember that many
  webapps install guides are written for users of mutualized hosting,
  and thus suggest to chmod -R 777 webapp_directory);
- they can interact with the web server(s) configuration, allowing to
  get a working installation without having to define an Alias or a
  VirtualHost (based on the suggestion of an installation guide that was
  written for an Apache HTTPD with monolithic configuration, and that
  was never written for [insert here your favorite web server]);
- they can integrate configuration options with debconf, providing a
  single interface.

In fact, I know that at least some users do use at least one packaged
webapp: mine. Because I get bug reports, some of them being my fault,
and I sincerly regret being only able to write the fix and not to upload
it to Debian or have it quickly uploaded, thus leaving my users with a
bug that I have corrected, but that they cannot apply automatically.

Tanguy Ortolo

Description: Digital signature

RFS: nautilus-clamscan RC bug

2010-06-14 Thread Andrew SB
The attached debdiff fixes the RC bug (BTS #539813) against
nautilus-clamscan as well as all other bugs against the package.

nautilus-clamscan (0.2.2-2.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Non-maintainer upload.
  * debian/watch: Fix broken watch file. (Closes: #550765)
  * debian/control:
   - Add missing misc:Depends.
   - Don't depend on clamav directly. (Closes: #529186)
  * debian/nautilus-clamscan.install:
   - Install to correct nautilus extensions directory. (Closes: #539813).
  * debian/source/format: Declare package as 1.0 format.

I'd appreciate if someone would sponsor this upload. Perhaps to
Delayed? The bug itself is almost a year old, but it was only promoted
to grave a few days ago.

The package can be found on
- URL:
- Source repository: deb-src unstable
main contrib non-free
- dget


  - Andrew Starr-Bochicchio

Description: Binary data

RFS: dokuwiki (updated package)

2010-06-14 Thread Tanguy Ortolo
Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for the new version 0.0.20091225c-4
of my package "dokuwiki".

It builds these binary packages:
dokuwiki   - standards compliant simple to use wiki

The package appears to be lintian clean.

The upload would fix these Debian bugs: 404353, 572377, 572502
(plus these Ubuntu bugs: 219414, 205908, 489987, 325013).

Some of these bugs are related to the initial configuration of the wiki,
that was incomplete and did not cover all the needs of the users. Hence
many of the changes listed in the changelog. I also made several changes
and enhancements to the package, cf. the Debian changelog (or the Git

The package can be found on
- URL:
- Source repository: deb-src unstable main
- dget
- source control: git://

The Debian Developper that was in charge of this package, adn, has
little time to review my work and upload it. In addition, he does not
have a connection to Internet currently. You may notice that this new
version of the package swaps Maintainer and Uploaders fields, promoting
me as the Maintainer: this change was suggested by adn himself.

I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.

Tanguy Ortolo

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: dokuwiki (updated package)

2010-06-14 Thread nikrou77

Hi Tanguy,

I noticed two things :
- a warning : unused substitution variable ${perl:Depends}
- an unused string in debconf template : dokuwiki/wiki/failpass

Theses warnings are reported by lintian but it's certainly not valuable because 
lintian currently only understand shell script.

Why do you use a perl script for config ? Is it for historical reasons ?


Le 14 juin 2010 20:01, Tanguy Ortolo  a écrit :
Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for the new version 0.0.20091225c-4
of my package "dokuwiki".

It builds these binary packages:
dokuwiki   - standards compliant simple to use wiki

The package appears to be lintian clean.

The upload would fix these Debian bugs: 404353, 572377, 572502
(plus these Ubuntu bugs: 219414, 205908, 489987, 325013).

Some of these bugs are related to the initial configuration of the wiki,
that was incomplete and did not cover all the needs of the users. Hence
many of the changes listed in the changelog. I also made several changes
and enhancements to the package, cf. the Debian changelog (or the Git

The package can be found on
- URL:
- Source repository: deb-src unstable main
- dget
- source control: git://

The Debian Developper that was in charge of this package, adn, has
little time to review my work and upload it. In addition, he does not
have a connection to Internet currently. You may notice that this new
version of the package swaps Maintainer and Uploaders fields, promoting
me as the Maintainer: this change was suggested by adn himself.

I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.

Tanguy Ortolo

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: RFS: dokuwiki (updated package)

2010-06-14 Thread Tanguy Ortolo
Le lundi 14 juin 2010, a écrit :
> I noticed two things :
> - a warning : unused substitution variable ${perl:Depends}
> - an unused string in debconf template : dokuwiki/wiki/failpass
> Theses warnings are reported by lintian but it's certainly not valuable 
> because lintian currently only understand shell script.

Yes indeed. Perl is used in the config script, as you saw it, and
failpass is used on it to warn the user if he failed to confirm his new
wiki administrator password.

> Why do you use a perl script for config ? Is it for historical reasons ?

Yes, indeed. This script was written in Perl by a previous maintainer,
and I did not feel the need to rewrite it, as I think it is easier to
maintain such a script in Perl, because it contains a real logic,
contrary to the other maintainer scripts, roughly.

Tanguy Ortolo

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFC: Using git/collab-maint/PET for debian-mentors.

2010-06-14 Thread Russ Allbery
Ben Finney  writes:
> Ansgar Burchardt  writes:

>> All of these notes are removed before the upload so they do not show up
>> in the released packages.
>> I think this is a very good method to communicate with other team
>> members about the current state of packages.

This works brilliantly, btw, and I've used it in other packaging teams.
Unlike e-mail, the notes don't get lost even if the issue isn't addressed
for several months.

> I don't see the benefit of overloading the ‘debian/changelog’ file for
> this. Wouldn't it be better to keep the purpose of that file as is, and
> use a separate file (perhaps ‘debian/TODO’) for this separate purpose of
> intra-team-only communication?

debian/TODO doesn't have to be modified for an upload, so it's easy to
miss notes there.  debian/changelog is used for things that have to be
fixed before the next upload, and since debian/changelog has to be
modified to *do* the upload (to change UNRELEASED to unstable or
experimental), this method ensures that no one misses the notes.

You could do something complicated involving failing the build if there
was something in debian/TODO, but just using debian/changelog is nice and
simple and already works.

Russ Allbery (   

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Re: RFS: webfs (updated package)

2010-06-14 Thread Mats Erik Andersson
Dear Christoph,

söndag den 13 juni 2010 klockan 15:59 skrev Christoph Egger detta:
> Mats Erik Andersson  writes:
> > I am looking for a sponsor for the new version 1.21+ds1-5
> > of my package "webfs".
> Uploaded

My honest thanks for the help in uploading. That bugreport has
been bugging me until a magic moment of inspiration came upon me!

Mats Erik Andersson, fil. dr

2459 41E9 C420 3F6D F68B  2E88 F768 4541 F25B 5D41

Abonnerar på: debian-mentors, debian-devel-games, debian-perl,
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Re: RFS: xpdf (updated package)

2010-06-14 Thread Michael Gilbert
On Sun, 6 Jun 2010 00:45:31 +0400 Stanislav Maslovski wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 05, 2010 at 12:24:15PM -0400, Michael Gilbert wrote:
> > On Sat, 5 Jun 2010 02:20:22 +0400 Stanislav Maslovski wrote:
> > > On the other hand, xpdf opens all
> > > files without any problems, but can be a bit slower in scrolling
> > > sometimes. The last is not a problem. I am simply afraid that with
> > > your change xpdf will follow evince's path and there will be no
> > > reliable pdf viewer in the repository anymore.
> > 
> > If you can pinpoint some example files that crash evince but work fine
> > in xpdf, I will test them.  So far, I have not encountered any issues
> > myself. Gentoo has been shipping xpdf-poppler for a few years now, and I
> > haven't seen any complaints of your nature there (although I have not
> > done an exhaustive search).
> See, for example evince bug #584711:

I've just tested this file.  It does not crash my version of xpdf.  In
fact, it doesn't crash evince or evince-gtk for me.


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Re: RFS: xpdf (updated package)

2010-06-14 Thread Michael Gilbert
On Sat, 5 Jun 2010 21:34:13 +0200 Tanguy Ortolo wrote:

> Le samedi 05 juin 2010, Michael Gilbert a écrit :
> > If you can pinpoint some example files that crash evince but work fine
> > in xpdf, I will test them.  So far, I have not encountered any issues
> > myself. Gentoo has been shipping xpdf-poppler for a few years now, and I
> > haven't seen any complaints of your nature there (although I have not
> > done an exhaustive search).
> I never saw any file that made Evince crash, but I saw some files that
> Xpdf renders perfectly and where Evince does not display at all some
> fonts. For instance the LaTeX fontspec package's documentation, that you
> can find at .
> I have often used Xpdf as a fallback when Evince was unable to correctly
> display a file. Making them use the same renderer would just leave me
> completely unable to read those files, so if it happens, I would try
> very hard to keep an old version of Xpdf as long as I can. :-/

I just tested fontspec.pdf, which revealed a couple issues with the
xpdfrc file and language resources, which I've now fixed.  I also
believe this fixes the Japanese language problem that Charles Plessy
encountered.  I've uploaded a new version to mentors for testing/review:

I would be very appreciative if someone were able to review and sponsor
this package.  I think it is rather important to get a supportable xpdf
shipped with squeeze :)


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RFS: googlecl (now uploaded to mentors repo)

2010-06-14 Thread Jason Holt
Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "googlecl".

* Package name: googlecl
  Version : 0.9-2
  Upstream Author : Tom H. Miller 
* URL :
* License : Apache 2.0
  Section : python

It builds these binary packages:
googlecl   - Command-line access to (some) Google services

The package appears to be lintian clean.

My motivation for maintaining this package is: I'm one of the authors.

The package can be found on
- URL:
- Source repository: deb-src unstable
main contrib non-free
- dget

I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.

Kind regards
 Jason Holt

Re: RFC: Using git/collab-maint/PET for debian-mentors.

2010-06-14 Thread Felipe Sateler
Hash: SHA256

On 13/06/10 10:05, Tim Retout wrote:

> Proposal
> I am considering creating a new workflow for my sponsoring:
>   * Maintaining packages in git in collab-maint. (I don't think we
> want a separate pkg-mentors repository, because once people
> graduate from mentors they would feel compelled to move away.)
>   * Using PET or similar to show which packages need review, and
> keep track of bugs/upstream versions. (Minor issue: I don't know
> how easy this is without putting the whole of collab-maint into
> PET.)
>   * Optionally co-ordinating on IRC in #debian-mentors, as well as
> via notes at the top of debian/changelog.
> This would then require my mentees to do some things they don't do at
> the moment:
>   * Register for an alioth account.
>   * Learn how to maintain packages in a VCS.
>   * Use the 'UNRELEASED/unstable' method of changelog management
> (and probably stop bothering with the RFS mails).
> It would also allow potential contributors to collaborate on packaging
> work in a team, rather than every sponsored package being worked on by
> exactly one person.
> I would most likely enforce the use of short dh7 rules files as well,
> and go all out on the 'lintian -iI --pedantic' warnings, same as I do
> with regular sponsorship.  And of course, any packages which belong in
> other teams should be sent there - the steps above should have lowered
> the barrier to entry to the rest of Debian.

Information that is likely to become relevant for different sponsors
(like VCS in use, debian/rules style [dh/cdbs/debhelper]) could be shown
on the PET page. Different sponsors are likely to have different

The only problem I see is that PET does not really scale well to lots of
packages, the page gets quite cluttered. So I don't know if pulling the
whole collab-maint area will be of any use.

- -- 
Felipe Sateler
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
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Re: RFC: Using git/collab-maint/PET for debian-mentors.

2010-06-14 Thread Felipe Sateler
Hash: SHA256

On 14/06/10 01:55, Ansgar Burchardt wrote:
> I started working on a version of PET that supports several VCS
> backends, even for a single instance: all packages show up on a single
> package no matter in which of the known VCS they live in.
> For now it supports Git and SVN as I use those myself.
> It still needs some work, but is slowly getting usable.

Is that available somewhere?

- -- 
Felipe Sateler
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
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Re: RFS: marave - 2nd Attempt (Question: Royalty Free License)

2010-06-14 Thread Chris
Hi folks - 

Per the inspection from Paul, I mailed the folks at Partners In Rhyme
about the use of the audio files from the email titled:

Re: RFS: marave - 2nd Attempt

There was some questioning about the copyrights that they have on their
website so I thought I might try to pin down something a bit more exact.

Here it the exchange posted. I hope this clears up the use of the files.
If not, please let me know! I'll continue to work on a completed
package by the weekend. Of course, all comments are welcome!

Thanks everyone!

Best regards,



Begin forwarded message:

Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2010 10:21:36 +0200
From: Partners In Rhyme 
To: Chris Silva 
Subject: Re: Question: Royalty Free License

Any of those three GPLs is fine.

Mark Lewis
Partners In Rhyme

On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 8:54 PM, Chris Silva 

>  *Question from Partners In Rhyme Site,*
> *Subject Of Inquiry:* Royalty Free License
> *Name:* Chris Silva
> *Email:*
> *Question:* I am a package maintainer for Debian. I am currently
> working on a package called Marave (it\'s an editor for writing). The
> author included some sound effects (clicks and beeps) from your site.
> In order to meet Debian copyright rules, I need to know what
> copyright to include in our Copyright file. For example, Open Source
> code generally falls under GPL, GPL-2, and GPL-3. Please provide this
> information so I can continue working on this package and include
> your files. Thank you!
Any of those three GPLs is fine.Regards,Mark LewisPartners In
On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 8:54 PM, Chris Silva  wrote:

	Question from Partners In Rhyme Site,
	Subject Of Inquiry: Royalty Free License  
	Name: Chris Silva 
	Question: I am a package maintainer for Debian. I am currently working on a package called Marave (it\'s an editor for writing). The author included some sound effects (clicks and beeps) from your site.
In order to meet Debian copyright rules, I need to know what copyright to include in our Copyright file.
For example, Open Source code generally falls under GPL, GPL-2, and GPL-3.

Please provide this information so I can continue working on this package and include your files.

Thank you!

Re: Asking for DMUA: Yes while seeking first sponsor

2010-06-14 Thread Paul Wise
On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 12:13 AM, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl

> I noticed that recently some people seem to seek first time sponsors
> while asking for setting the "DM-Upload-Allowed: yes" flag at the very
> same time.

This isn't the only misuse of DMUA that exists, some people set it in
their package instead of asking the sponsor to set it. Others go
further and do not mention that in debian/changelog nor in their RFS

> While I can certainly understand Maintainers want to upload their
> packages ASAP themselves, I would like to point out that I consider that
> quite against the spirit of the Debian Maintainer Concept.
> The idea is, that you convince an (experienced) Developer, that you can
> do your work on your own on a per package basis.  As Debian Maintainers
> don't need to pass the regular procedures to check their "technical
> capabilities" (so to speak), the idea is to select the packages you are
> allowed to upload on a case by case basis.  Or to give you an example:
> Just because you can package simple game doesn't necessarily mean you
> can package and maintain a shared library.
> So I think asking for DMUA:Yes while seeking an initial sponsor is just
> plain wrong, as convincing a DD shouldn't be a one timer.  I therefore
> ask DMs not to ask to set this flag on the first upload, and DDs not to
> do so.

Perhaps the problem here is one of communication? Maybe Debian isn't
communicating the above to new DMs properly?

As an aside, I'd personally like to see DMUA move from source packages
to a mail bot or LDAP or something else.


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Re: RFS: googlecl (now uploaded to mentors repo)

2010-06-14 Thread Paul Wise
Please do not use HTML email on Debian lists:


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Re: RFC: Using git/collab-maint/PET for debian-mentors.

2010-06-14 Thread Paul Wise
On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 9:15 AM, Felipe Sateler  wrote:

> The only problem I see is that PET does not really scale well to lots of
> packages, the page gets quite cluttered. So I don't know if pulling the
> whole collab-maint area will be of any use.

I suppose that depends on how much or little work the team does on
their packages?

As an aside: I'd personally like PET to be available to any
maintainer/uploader address from qa.d.o and pull stuff from Vcs-*
fields, in addition to the per-team instances that exist now.


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Re: RFS: googlecl (now uploaded to mentors repo)

2010-06-14 Thread Sandro Tosi
Hello Jason,

On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 02:56, Jason Holt  wrote:
> Dear mentors,
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "googlecl".

i'm going to give it a look. In the meantime, could you please
evaluate to maintain this package under the Debian Python Apps
umbrella [1] ?


Sandro Tosi (aka morph, morpheus, matrixhasu)
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Re: RFS: googlecl (now uploaded to mentors repo)

2010-06-14 Thread Sandro Tosi
On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 08:21, Jason Holt  wrote:
> Thank you!  Obey Arthur Liu graciously offered to sponsor the package.  But
> I'm always happy to have more feedback :)

next time please alert the mailing list you're already working on it.
it will help not wasting time.

I'll continue the review, but I'm kinda demotivated..

Sandro Tosi (aka morph, morpheus, matrixhasu)
My website:
Me at Debian:

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Re: RFS: googlecl (now uploaded to mentors repo)

2010-06-14 Thread Jason Holt
Thank you!  Obey Arthur Liu graciously offered to sponsor the package.  But
I'm always happy to have more feedback :)

On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 11:15 PM, Sandro Tosi  wrote:

> Hello Jason,
> On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 02:56, Jason Holt  wrote:
> > Dear mentors,
> >
> > I am looking for a sponsor for my package "googlecl".
> i'm going to give it a look. In the meantime, could you please
> evaluate to maintain this package under the Debian Python Apps
> umbrella [1] ?
> [1]
> Regards,
> --
> Sandro Tosi (aka morph, morpheus, matrixhasu)
> My website:
> Me at Debian: