Re: RFS: PapaFactory

2009-06-06 Thread Ben Finney
Narinder Claire  writes:

> At the given link, the third file down is a debian package which
> passes the lintian test.

Please follow the guidelines in the debian-mentors FAQ> when
seeking a sponsor for a package. Your RFS (Request For Sponsor) message
needs to include quite a lot of information.

Thanks for your work toward improving Debian, and good fortune in
gaining the knowledge to work with the existing procedures.

 \  “What we usually pray to God is not that His will be done, but |
  `\   that He approve ours.” —Helga Bergold Gross |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

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Re: ITS: arc-colors, gnome-colors, shiki-colors are ready

2009-06-06 Thread Bernhard R. Link
* Dmitrijs Ledkovs  [090605 20:01]:
> 2009/6/5 Bernhard R. Link :
> > * Dmitrijs Ledkovs  [090605 14:01]:
> >> > I've asked multiple times and not yet got a single argument why
> >> > "I herby place this and that in the public domain" could see any danger
> >> > to be misunderstood or invalidated by a German court.
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> Sorry no better source.
> >
> > Only thing I can find there is that the "years after authors death"
> > is the same without looking where the author lived. And it also says
> > that the USA has the same behaviour in this regard.
> >
> > I doubt we will find useable software anytime soon where the
> > software is in the public domain because the author is many decades
> > dead, but I was speaking about people giving up their copyrights.
> >
> > Hochachtungsvoll,
> >        Bernhard R. Link
> "However, some countries make exceptions to this rule. A notorious
> case is Germany, which has had a bilateral treaty with the U.S.
> governing copyright since January 15, 1892. That treaty, which is
> still in effect, defined that a U.S. work was copyrighted in Germany
> according to German law irrespective of the work's copyright status in
> the U.S, and it did not contain a "rule of the shorter term". In one
> case, a German court therefore decided that a U.S. work that had
> fallen into the public domain in the U.S. was still copyrighted in
> Germany in 2003 in spite of §7(1) of the EU directive."
> Good enough for me.

To say what? All this says, especially with the context you omitted,
that a work will not enter public domain N years after death of the
author for N the value from the authors home country but only when the
number of years by German law are reached.

And given the list also linked on that page, that is true for many
countries, including the US. If I misread anything, please tell me.
But there is nothing at all saying that a "I place this work in the
public domain" would have any more problems in Germany than in the US.

Bernhard R. Link

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ftp-master tools...

2009-06-06 Thread Laurent Guignard
Hi mentors,

I saw this [1] about ftp-master tools that need help. They need documentation,
packaging action,...
Is it always in actuality ?
I ask this because i downloaded from CVS and i see that there is a debian
directory with everythink to build the package. I did not watch in files to
see the content.
In addition i saw that it is Joerg Jaspert that is in charge of this package
as it is shown here [2]. The package is already in sid...

What is the right information. Is the package needing help or is the package 
adopted ?

Best regards,

[1] :
[2] :

Laurent Guignard, Registered as user #301590 with the Linux Counter
Site :
Blog :
Projet :
GULL de Villefranche sur Saône :

Description: Digital signature

Re: ftp-master tools...

2009-06-06 Thread Sandro Tosi
On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 13:56, Laurent Guignard
> Hi mentors,
> I saw this [1] about ftp-master tools that need help. They need documentation,
> packaging action,...
> Is it always in actuality ?
> I ask this because i downloaded from CVS and i see that there is a debian
> directory with everythink to build the package. I did not watch in files to
> see the content.

Those informations looks like outdated: refer to [1] for new location
and information about dak.


> In addition i saw that it is Joerg Jaspert that is in charge of this package
> as it is shown here [2]. The package is already in sid...
> What is the right information. Is the package needing help or is the package 
> adopted ?

Why didn't you asked ftp-master directly? I've added them in CC (hope
they don't mind), they may provide much more information then

> Best regards,
> Laurent.
> [1] :
> [2] :

Sandro Tosi (aka morph, morpheus, matrixhasu)
My website:
Me at Debian:

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Re: ITS: arc-colors, gnome-colors, shiki-colors are ready

2009-06-06 Thread Dmitrijs Ledkovs
2009/6/6 Bernhard R. Link :
> To say what? All this says, especially with the context you omitted,
> that a work will not enter public domain N years after death of the
> author for N the value from the authors home country but only when the
> number of years by German law are reached.
> And given the list also linked on that page, that is true for many
> countries, including the US. If I misread anything, please tell me.
> But there is nothing at all saying that a "I place this work in the
> public domain" would have any more problems in Germany than in the US.
> Hochachtungsvoll,
>        Bernhard R. Link

Ok, sorry, I did missunderstood this.

With best regards

Dmitrijs Ledkovs (for short Dima),
Ледков Дмитрий Юрьевич

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Re: RFS: subnetcalc

2009-06-06 Thread Thomas Dreibholz
Dear Patrick,

thank you for your review of the SubNetCalc package. The updated package at should fix the 
changelog problem:
- I have restored the old entries from SVN
- The new upstream version is now 2.0.2, therefore the new Debian package is 

Best regards
 Thomas Dreibholz

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: RFS: gddrescue-1.10

2009-06-06 Thread Rince
On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 4:55 PM, Piotr Ożarowski  wrote:

> [Rince, 2009-05-28]
> > >
> * shold not be a native package

The package this is updating is a non-native package only in name - it's a
native package with a .diff attached to update the version from 1.2 to 1.3.
I don't really see any good way to make it a non-native package without
changing the name of the upstream tarball's output dir, and I don't know of
any way to do that in a reasonable fashion.

> * wrong distribution

That is embarrassing.

* wrong version

I don't understand what you mean. I'm guessing that you are objecting to the

* "Update standards and compat settings to latest sid." doesn't tell me
>  much about what and why changed


- Rich

RFS: cb2bib

2009-06-06 Thread Filippo Rusconi
Dear mentor Debianists,

In accordance with my usual sponsor (Lionel Mamane) who is currently
rather busy, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "cb2bib" (First

* Package name: cb2bib
  Version : 1.3.0-1
  Upstream Author : Pere Constans 
* URL :
* License : GPL-3
  Section : text

It builds this single binary package:
cb2bib - extract bibliographic references from various sources

Some details to put you in appetite:

 cb2bib is a program to extract bibliographic references from
 unformatted and non standard sources, like:
  - email alerts;
  - journal Web pages;
  - and most interestingly PDF files. 
 Output references are written to BibTeX-formatted files. Other
 features include:
  - article files can be linked and renamed by dragging them onto the
 cb2Bib window;
  - editing and browsing BibTeX files;
  - citing references, searching references and the full contents of
 referenced documents;
  - inserting bibliographic metadata to documents;
  - writing short notes that interrelate several references.

The package appears to be lintian clean (unless for --pedantic
warnings about spelling errors in cb2bib binary that I already have
sent to upstream for correction in the next version).

The upload would fix this ITP bug: 529399

The package can be found on
- URL:
- Source repository: deb-src unstable
- main contrib non-free
- dget

I would be glad if someone 1) checked and 2) uploaded this package for

Kind regards

Filippo Rusconi, PhD - CNRS - public key C78F687C
Author of ``massXpert'' at

Description: Digital signature

RFS: obexpushd (small update)

2009-06-06 Thread Dominik Bruhn
I'm looking for someone to sponsor a new version (0.8) for obexpushd.
The changes are small, so it should be reasy to review. It is of course
linitan clean, so no problems here.

It fixes all bugs currently in debian bugs.

Obexpushd is a program for receiving files via Bluetooth or IRDA. Its
maintained by me (since the last maintainer hasn't got any time).

The package can be found on
- URL:
- Source repository:
deb-src unstable  main contrib non-free
- dget

I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.

Dominik Bruhn

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: kplayer

2009-06-06 Thread David Palacio
On Martes 26 Mayo 2009 14:45:23 Patrick Matthäi escribió:
> David Palacio schrieb:
> > On Sábado 16 Mayo 2009 04:40:17 Patrick Matthäi escribió:
> >> David Palacio schrieb:
> > - URL:
>  * debian/control:
>  - The bugs field is useless here
> >>
> >> Now format is useless
> >>
>  - Please add the homepage field
> >>
> >> There is a doubled http://
> >>
>  * debian/copyright:
>  - You may leave your own copyright there
>  - The files in doc/ are licensed with the GFDL, see COPYING-DOCS
> >>>
> >>> They are not being installed. Or do you want them out of sources too?
> >>
> >> If they are in the tarball, they have to be listed in copyright.
> >>
> >> Also here is another warning:
> >> P: kplayer: experimental-to-unstable-without-comment
> >>
> >> You may add a ITP or overtake an existing and close it with your firstz
> >> initial debian upload.
> >>
> >> You also want to add a menu file.
> >
> > Done.
> >
> > Thanks.
> * debian/control:
> - You suggest a non-existing package kplayer-doc.
> * debian/menu:
> - The icon file is missing there, it should be a xpm. If no .xpm is
> available, you may simply generate it with gimp.
> * debian/patches/*
> - Have you sent them to upstream?
Those already are fixed upstream, as noted in the diff comments.

> * debian/copyright:
> There are still bigger issues for which the package will get a reject.
> 1) I can not see from your copyright which files/dirs are licensed under
> the terms of the GPLv3+ and which are licensed unter the GFDL.
> 2) I don't believe that every copyright holder has his copyleft in *all*
> files.
> Write it e.g. this way:
> Or much better follow the proposal copyright format:
I did it instead pkg-kde style (I have worked there a little). But it still 
addresses your two points.

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Re: RFS: parcellite (updated package)

2009-06-06 Thread Andrew SB
Hi all,

This is a ping on my RFS for parcellite (0.9.1-1) which was first
posted to mentors on March 19th. I just refreshed the upload. All
suggestion brought up have been added. It builds in a sid pbuilder and
is lintian clean.

This new upstream release includes a patch that is already fixed in
Ubuntu.   + Click brings up an actions context menu, but this
does not work with the current package for certain keyboards. This is
resolved in this upload.

Here is the refreshed changelog:

 parcellite (0.9.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

   * New upstream release.
- New:
 + Several new translations.
 + Print primary contents command line option.
 + Clipboard and primary synchronization (by Wolfgang Schnerring).
- Changes:
 + Updated translations.
 + Eliminated redundant disk activity.
 + Control-click patch for actions menu.
 + Selected items are bumped to the top of the history.
 + Improved (once again) new clipboard/primary contents handling.
 + Piping clipboard contents no longer truncates new line character.
 + New Edit Clipboard dialog. Old dialog had strange behavior under
   different window managers.
   * debian/control
- Fix short description and add to the long description.
- Add Vcs-* field.
- Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.1
   * debian/rules:
- Install conf files to /etc not /usr/etc
   * Added debian/README.source exlaining quilt
   * debian/patches/*
- Refresh for new release.
- Add Description fields and upstream bug numbers.
   * debian/copyright
- Add new copyright holder for po/sv.po
- Point to exact versions of GPL

The package can be found on
- URL:
- Source repository: deb-src unstable
main contrib non-free
- dget

If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.

I would appreciate it if someone uploaded this package for me.


- Andrew Starr-Bochicchio

PS: I live in NYC which will host DebConf10. I know it's still a year
away, but perhaps I could bribe a sponsor with the  promise of beer?

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Re: RFS: ecm -- prepares CD image files so they compress better

2009-06-06 Thread Joachim Reichel
Hi Loïc,

> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "ecm"
> * Package name: ecm
>   Version : 1.00
>   Upstream Author :  Neill Corlett 
> * URL :
> * License : GPL2+
>   Programming Lang: C
>   Description : prepares CD image files so they compress better

I had a quick look at your package and did not find a problem, though I
would have to give it a closer look before upload.

Unfortunately, ecm seems to have a problem with files larger than 2 or 4
GB (I tried the 1st Debian Lenny DVD). I ended up with a file of size
381 MB :-((. I'm aware that ecm does not claim to handle DVD images, but
it also does not refuse to handle them. I consider this a grave bug
(data loss).

I did another test with the first Debian Etch CD. ecm reduced the size
of the image by 0.03%. Compressing the original ISO and the ecm-prepared
version with bzip2 gave a 0.097% advantage for the ecm-prepared version.
Do you have any number where ecm shows a reasonable gain?

Don't most CDs/DVDs contain data (software, music, video) that is
already compressed in one way or another? Therefore I would guess that
removing some very small amount of hard-to-compress data doesn't improve
the overall situation.

For these reasons I'm currently inclined not to sponsor this package.
Also, ecm-prepared/compressed images don't seem to be widespread as far
as I can say (and the software is 7 years old).


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Re: RFS: obexpushd (updated package)

2009-06-06 Thread Kapil Hari Paranjape

On Tue, 02 Jun 2009, Dominik Bruhn wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for the new version 0.8-1
> of the package "obexpushd".

On Sat, 06 Jun 2009, Dominik Bruhn wrote:
> I'm looking for someone to sponsor a new version (0.8) for obexpushd.
> The changes are small, so it should be reasy to review. It is of course
> linitan clean, so no problems here.

The RFA was ITP'ed by the upstream maintainer
Hendrik Sattler  on 3rd June 2009.

Dominik Bruhn  ITP'ed on 6th June 2009.

Could you please resolve this matter between the two of you
before we proceed?

There are two possibilities:
 a. Co-maintainer-ship
 b. The person who will give up the ITP should send an appropriate
 mail to



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Re: RFS: subnetcalc

2009-06-06 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Sat, Jun 06, 2009 at 03:59:18PM +0200, Thomas Dreibholz wrote:
> - The new upstream version is now 2.0.2, therefore the new Debian package is 
> 2.0.2-1debian1.

Uhm... no.  'debian' is effectively the default source, so you don't tag
packages as such.

- Matt

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Re: RFS: xmms2 (updated package)

2009-06-06 Thread Benjamin Drung
Dear mentors,

I have updated the xmms2 package. Here you can find the dsc file:
I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.

The package is not lintian free, but very improved compared to version
0.6DrMattDestruction-1. Here are the remaining issues (lintian -iIv

P: xmms2 source: direct-changes-in-diff-but-no-patch-system .gitignore
and 5 more

As written before, we use git instead of patches to track changes.

W: binary-without-manpage

I have filed an upstream bugreport for that.

I: libxmmsclient5: no-symbols-control-file usr/lib/
N:Although the package includes a shared library, the package does not
N:have a symbols control file.
N:dpkg can use symbols files in order to generate more accurate library
N:dependencies for applications, based on the symbols from the library
N:that are actually used by the application.
N:Refer to the dpkg-gensymbols(1) manual page and
N: for details.
N:Severity: wishlist, Certainty: certain

I have no idea, neither why I get this, nor how to fix it.
debian/libxmmsclient5/DEBIAN/shlibs was created and contains
"libxmmsclient 5 libxmmsclient5 (>= 0.6DrMattDestruction)". So why is
lintian complaining?

Florian Ragwitz, the maintainer of xmms2, is very busy and have no time
for it. He agreed on asking here for a sponsor. Please CC Florian and
me, if you response to this mail, because we did not subscribe this
mailing list.


Description: Dies ist ein digital signierter Nachrichtenteil

Re: RFS: xmms2 (updated package)

2009-06-06 Thread Ryan Niebur
On Sun, Jun 07, 2009 at 12:53:17AM +0200, Benjamin Drung wrote:
> I: libxmmsclient5: no-symbols-control-file usr/lib/
> N: 
> N:Although the package includes a shared library, the package does not
> N:have a symbols control file.
> N:
> N:dpkg can use symbols files in order to generate more accurate library
> N:dependencies for applications, based on the symbols from the library
> N:that are actually used by the application.
> N:
> N:Refer to the dpkg-gensymbols(1) manual page and
> N: for details.
> N:
> N:Severity: wishlist, Certainty: certain
> I have no idea, neither why I get this, nor how to fix it.
> debian/libxmmsclient5/DEBIAN/shlibs was created and contains
> "libxmmsclient 5 libxmmsclient5 (>= 0.6DrMattDestruction)". So why is
> lintian complaining?

16:04 < Ryan52> bdrung: a symbols file is different from shlibs
16:04 < Ryan52> bdrung: run "dpkg-gensymbols > debian/libxmmsclient5.symbols"
16:05 < Ryan52> bdrung: then it should be regenerated and installed correctly 
during build
16:05 < Ryan52> bdrung: tho you will have to strip off the debian revision from 
the version in every line in debian/libxmmsclient5.symbols.
16:10  * Ryan52 replies on mailing list since he's leaving

Ryan Niebur

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: xmms2 (updated package)

2009-06-06 Thread Ben Finney
Benjamin Drung  writes:

> P: xmms2 source: direct-changes-in-diff-but-no-patch-system .gitignore
> and 5 more
> As written before, we use git instead of patches to track changes.

You need to, during the ‘clean’ target, remove any files that aren't
part of the package source.

 \ “We should strive to do things in [Gandhi's] spirit… not to use |
  `\   violence in fighting for our cause, but by non-participation in |
_o__)   what we believe is evil.” —Albert Einstein |
Ben Finney

Description: PGP signature