Re: adapting a dpatch to changed source: how?
On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 10:37:40AM +0100, Andreas Schildbach wrote: > Ok, dpatch-edit-patch still applies all the other patches (although the > patch I want to create is the first in the series). It is just by > coincidence that none of these patches relies on the problematic patch > being applied first. > > Also, dpatch-edit-patch invokes the clean target of the rules files, > which cannot work until I have that patch in place. A chicken and egg > problem? > I can't reproduce this; can you put your package and patch somewhere to take a look at it? (And there might be a DD around who can help too.) Thanks -- Jonathan Wiltshire PGP/GPG: 0xDB800B52 / 4216 F01F DCA9 21AC F3D3 A903 CA6B EA3E DB80 0B52 signature.asc Description: Digital signature
RFS: spacehero
Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "spacehero". * Package name: spacehero Version : 0.0.4-1 Upstream Author : Florian Meier> * URL : * License : GPLv2 Section : games It builds these binary packages: spacehero - Space game to let you simulate Galaxies. The package appears to be lintian clean. The package can be found on - URL: - Source repository: deb-src unstable main contrib non-free - dget I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me. Kind regards Arne Wichmann signature.asc Description: Digital signature
RFS: weborf
Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package "weborf". * Package name: weborf Version : 0.9-1 Upstream Author : Salvo 'LtWorf' Tomaselli * URL : * License : GPL v3 Section : net It builds these binary packages: weborf - webserver to rapidly share directories without being root Fast and small webserver, has the basedir option and can be launched directly from shell without being root, so the users can use it to share directories using HTTP protocol. The upload would fix these bugs: 506771 The package can be found on - URL: - Source repository: deb-src unstable main contrib non-free - dget I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me. Kind regards Karun Dambiec -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
Re: RFS: spacehero
* Arne Wichmann [090219 11:25]: > I am looking for a sponsor for my package "spacehero". > - URL: You claim in debian/copyright you downloaded it from, but that website directly only lists a different file with a different version number. Other packaging things: * Standards-Version is already a bit old * the description is a bit terse * You do not seem to build with the suggested -O2 -g, and support for noopt is also not there. * debian/rules could need a major clean up, configure not needed and things like that * what about a menu entry? As you also seem to be one of the upstream authors: How about putting a copyright notice in the actual sources? Some tipps about the Makefile: * Adding -l in LDFLAGS before the objects will break static linking. (usually one has a LIBS that is added afterwards for those) * it's nice to split preprocessor flags and compiler flags. (Best way is some CXXFLAGS for the compiler flags, CPPFLAGS for the preprocessor flags (like -D or `sdl-config --cflags`), adding the link call also the CXXFLAGS but not the CPPFLAGS, and when compiling both. Extra points for splitting things a user most likely wants to override CPPFLAGS and some intern preprocessor flags (like the `sdl-config --cflags` might want to keep even when setting other CPPFLAGS)) The way you implement those also breaks for people wanting to give make some CXXFLAGS or LDFLAGS (as that would overide the settings in the makefile) Hochachtungsvoll, Bernhard R. Link -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
Re: RFS: weborf
Karun Dambiec ha scritto: > Fast and small webserver, has the basedir option and can be launched This is somewhat debatable. Sometimes ago I had a discussion with upstream about poor weborf performance. I think he didn't care about my objections, now with a simple "ab -n 1000 -c 100 http://localhost:8080/"; I got a segfault: # ./weborf -p 8080 -d Weborf This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. For details see the GPLv3 Licese. Run ./weborf --help to see the options # ab -n 1000 -c 100 http://localhost:8080/ This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 655654 $> Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd, Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation, Benchmarking localhost (be patient) Completed 100 requests Completed 200 requests *** glibc detected *** ./weborf: free(): invalid pointer: 0x084102a0 *** Completed 300 requests === Backtrace: = /lib/i686/cmov/[0xb7e47624] /lib/i686/cmov/[0xb7e49826] ./weborf[0x804a4bd] /lib/i686/cmov/[0xb7f3a4c0] /lib/i686/cmov/[0xb7eb96de] === Memory map: 08048000-0804c000 r-xp 09:00 1433565/root/tmp/weborf-0.9/weborf 0804c000-0804d000 rw-p 3000 09:00 1433565/root/tmp/weborf-0.9/weborf 08409000-0842a000 rw-p 08409000 00:00 0 [heap] ab3f4000-ab3f5000 ---p ab3f4000 00:00 0 ab3f5000-abbf5000 rw-p ab3f5000 00:00 0 abbf5000-abbf6000 ---p abbf5000 00:00 0 abbf6000-ac3f6000 rw-p abbf6000 00:00 0 ac3f6000-ac3f7000 ---p ac3f6000 00:00 0 ac3f7000-acbf7000 rw-p ac3f7000 00:00 0 acbf7000-acbf8000 ---p acbf7000 00:00 0 acbf8000-ad3f8000 rw-p acbf8000 00:00 0 ad3f8000-ad3f9000 ---p ad3f8000 00:00 0 ad3f9000-adbf9000 rw-p ad3f9000 00:00 0 adbf9000-adbfa000 ---p adbf9000 00:00 0 adbfa000-ae3fa000 rw-p adbfa000 00:00 0 ae3fa000-ae3fb000 ---p ae3fa000 00:00 0 ae3fb000-aebfb000 rw-p ae3fb000 00:00 0 aebfb000-aebfc000 ---p aebfb000 00:00 0 aebfc000-af3fc000 rw-p aebfc000 00:00 0 af3fc000-af3fd000 ---p af3fc000 00:00 0 af3fd000-afbfd000 rw-p af3fd000 00:00 0 afbfd000-afbfe000 ---p afbfd000 00:00 0 afbfe000-b03fe000 rw-p afbfe000 00:00 0 b03fe000-b03ff000 ---p b03fe000 00:00 0 b03ff000-b0bff000 rw-p b03ff000 00:00 0 b0bff000-b0c0 ---p b0bff000 00:00 0 b0c0-b142d000 rw-p b0c0 00:00 0 b142d000-b150 ---p b142d000 00:00 0 b15ca000-b15cb000 ---p b15ca000 00:00 0 b15cb000-b1dcb000 rw-p b15cb000 00:00 0 b1dcb000-b1dcc000 ---p b1dcb000 00:00 0 b1dcc000-b25cc000 rw-p b1dcc000 00:00 0 b25cc000-b25cd000 ---p b25cc000 00:00 0 b25cd000-b2dcd000 rw-p b25cd000 00:00 0 b2dcd000-b2dce000 ---p b2dcd000 00:00 0 b2dce000-b35ce000 rw-p b2dce000 00:00 0 b35ce000-b35cf000 ---p b35ce000 00:00 0 b35cf000-b3dcf000 rw-p b35cf000 00:00 0 b3dcf000-b3dd ---p b3dcf000 00:00 0 b3dd-b45d rw-p b3dd 00:00 0 b45d-b45d1000 ---p b45d 00:00 0 b45d1000-b4dd1000 rw-p b45d1000 00:00 0 b4dd1000-b4dd2000 ---p b4dd1000 00:00 0 b4dd2000-b55d2000 rw-p b4dd2000 00:00 0 b55d2000-b55d3000 ---p b55d2000 00:00 0 b55d3000-b5dd3000 rw-p b55d3000 00:00 0 b5dd3000-b5dd4000 ---p b5dd3000 00:00 0 b5dd4000-b65d4000 rw-p b5dd4000 00:00 0 b65d4000-b65d5000 ---p b65d4000 00:00 0 b65d5000-b6dd5000 rw-p b65d5000 00:00 0 b6dd5000-b6dd6000 ---p b6dd5000 00:00 0 b6dd6000-b75d6000 rw-p b6dd6000 00:00 0 b75d6000-b75d7000 ---p b75d6000 00:00 0 b75d7000-b7dd9000 rw-p b75d7000 00:00 0 b7dd9000-b7f2e000 r-xp 09:00 1221738/lib/i686/cmov/ b7f2e000-b7f2f000 r--p 00155000 09:00 1221738/lib/i686/cmov/ b7f2f000-b7f31000 rw-p 00156000 09:00 1221738/lib/i686/cmov/ b7f31000-b7f34000 rw-p b7f31000 00:00 0 b7f34000-b7f49000 r-xp 09:00 1222018 /lib/i686/cmov/ b7f49000-b7f4b000 rw-p 00014000 09:00 1222018 /lib/i686/cmov/ b7f4b000-b7f4d000 rw-p b7f4b000 00:00 0 b7f5f000-b7f6b000 r-xp 09:00 1579953/lib/ b7f6b000-b7f6c000 rw-p c000 09:00 1579953/lib/ b7f6c000-b7f6f000 rw-p b7f6c000 00:00 0 b7f6f000-b7f7 r-xp b7f6f000 00:00 0 [vdso] b7f7-b7f8a000 r-xp 09:00 896559 /lib/ b7f8a000-b7f8c000 rw-p 0001a000 09:00 896559 /lib/ bfc76000-bfc8b000 rw-p bffeb000 00:00 0 [stack] apr_socket_recv: Connection reset by peer (104) Total of 311 requests completed I didn't recommend to upload weborf in Debian. Cheers, Giuseppe. signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Re: RFS:qelectrotech
Hi, On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 11:59:20PM +0100, laurent scorpio wrote: > Package name: qelectrotech > Version :0.2+svn523.1 > Upstream Author : Xavier Guerrin > * URL : > * License : GPL > Section : Science > * Description :QElectroTech is a Qt4 application to design > electric diagrams. It uses XML > files for elements and diagrams, and includes both a diagram editor and an > element editor. Not being a developer, this is review only, but there is plenty to get on with. Did you run lintian on your built package? The version in sid says: I: qelectrotech source: debian-watch-file-is-missing W: qelectrotech source: package-depends-on-hardcoded-libc qelectrotech depends W: qelectrotech source: maintainer-not-full-name laurent W: qelectrotech: extra-license-file usr/share/doc/qelectrotech/LICENSE.gz W: qelectrotech: copyright-refers-to-versionless-license-file usr/share/common-licenses/GPL W: qelectrotech: copyright-lists-upstream-authors-with-dh_make-boilerplate (this is because you still have '(s)' on the end of the author line) W: qelectrotech: copyright-contains-dh_make-todo-boilerplate I: qelectrotech: desktop-entry-contains-encoding-key /usr/share/applications/qelectrotech.desktop:3 Encoding W: qelectrotech: desktop-mimetype-without-update-call /usr/share/applications/qelectrotech.desktop W: qelectrotech: new-package-should-close-itp-bug W: qelectrotech: debian-changelog-line-too-long line 2 W: qelectrotech: debian-changelog-line-too-long line 5 W: qelectrotech: maintainer-not-full-name laurent E: qelectrotech: depends-on-obsolete-package recommends: cupsys-bsd You can see the full texts with more information about how to fix them by using 'lintian -iIE' on your .changes file. I couldn't make your package build in a sid chroot without making some changes to debian/control: - remove invalid field 'Version' - move fields 'Depends', 'Recommends' and 'Suggests' into the binary package where they belong Is there some reason your binary package is Architecture: i386 instead of Architecture: any? There are still a few source files that don't have GPL grants in the headers, consider adding them. licensecheck is a good quick check, but it can be caught out, so check every file by hand too. You could also consider making your changes to and sources/qet.h with a patch system instead of directly. If anything doesn't make sense please ask. -- Jonathan Wiltshire PGP/GPG: 0xDB800B52 / 4216 F01F DCA9 21AC F3D3 A903 CA6B EA3E DB80 0B52 signature.asc Description: Digital signature
Dear mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for the package "greyfix". Package name: greyfix Version : 0.3.9 Upstream Author : Kim Minh Kaplan > URL : License : IBM public License Section : mail Description : greyfix is policy daemon for postfix. It uses Postfix policy mechanism to enable greylisting and defending e-mail users against spam. greyfix is written in c, and uses also DB Berkeley as database back-ends The upload would fix these bugs:#515149 This is the first official release upload to debian. The package can be found on URL : I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me. Best regards,
Re: RFS: spacehero
Moin moin, thanks a LOT for your input. On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 12:10:33PM +0100, Bernhard R. Link wrote: > You claim in debian/copyright you downloaded it from >, but that website directly only lists > a different file with a different version number. Florian (the site admin) has a notice in his Inbox. We currently develop in two git-repos: > Other packaging things: > * Standards-Version is already a bit old now at 3.8.0 (my dh_make was a bit old) > * the description is a bit terse is now extended. > * You do not seem to build with the suggested -O2 -g, and support for >noopt is also not there. added supoort for noopt in debian/rules. During the build i now have -g -O2 twice? Could your please give me a hint how i doubled them? > * debian/rules could need a major clean up, configure not needed and things > like that most stuff cleaned up. > * what about a menu entry? done for Games/Puzzles > As you also seem to be one of the upstream authors: > How about putting a copyright notice in the actual sources? will be done. > Some tipps about the Makefile: > * Adding -l in LDFLAGS before the objects will break static linking. > [...] > * it's nice to split preprocessor flags and compiler flags. > [...] I think i have now implemented these. > The way you implement those also breaks for people wanting to give > make some CXXFLAGS or LDFLAGS (as that would overide the settings in the > makefile) hopefully this is now better... Thanks again for your nice input! Viele Grüße Arne Wichmann signature.asc Description: Digital signature
Re: RFS: spacehero
On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 6:53 PM, Arne Wichmann wrote: > I am looking for a sponsor for my package "spacehero". ... > It builds these binary packages: > spacehero - Space game to let you simulate Galaxies. Do you plan to join the Debian Games Team and maintain this there? We can always use some extra help with games. -- bye, pabs -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
Re: RFS: uncrustify (updated package)
Hi Dne Thu, 19 Feb 2009 02:07:13 +0100 Johann Rudloff napsal(a): > The package appears to be lintian clean. It does not appear so for me: $ lintian -IE --pendantic uncrustify_0.51-1_amd64.changes P: uncrustify source: direct-changes-in-diff-but-no-patch-system config.log W: uncrustify source: configure-generated-file-in-source config.log I: uncrustify: hyphen-used-as-minus-sign usr/share/man/man1/uncrustify.1.gz:12 I: uncrustify: hyphen-used-as-minus-sign usr/share/man/man1/uncrustify.1.gz:14 I: uncrustify: hyphen-used-as-minus-sign usr/share/man/man1/uncrustify.1.gz:19 I: uncrustify: hyphen-used-as-minus-sign usr/share/man/man1/uncrustify.1.gz:20 I: uncrustify: hyphen-used-as-minus-sign usr/share/man/man1/uncrustify.1.gz:44 I: uncrustify: hyphen-used-as-minus-sign usr/share/man/man1/uncrustify.1.gz:102 I: uncrustify: hyphen-used-as-minus-sign usr/share/man/man1/uncrustify.1.gz:122 I: uncrustify: hyphen-used-as-minus-sign usr/share/man/man1/uncrustify.1.gz:125 I: uncrustify: hyphen-used-as-minus-sign usr/share/man/man1/uncrustify.1.gz:128 I: uncrustify: hyphen-used-as-minus-sign usr/share/man/man1/uncrustify.1.gz:130 I: uncrustify: hyphen-used-as-minus-sign usr/share/man/man1/uncrustify.1.gz 1 more occurrences not shown W: uncrustify: copyright-refers-to-versionless-license-file usr/share/common-licenses/GPL I: uncrustify: copyright-with-old-dh-make-debian-copyright P: uncrustify: no-upstream-changelog -- Michal Čihař | | signature.asc Description: PGP signature
How can i install Debian via hard disk
How can i install Debian via hard disk ? My system is ubuntu ... I have dowload Lenny.iso on my hard disk ...But I don't know how to install it ! Can anyone help me ? -- 愿与知交 与子偕作
Re: How can i install Debian via hard disk
On Thursday 19 February 2009 17:25:24 Qzi wrote: > How can i install Debian via hard disk ? > > My system is ubuntu ... > > I have dowload Lenny.iso on my hard disk ...But I don't know how to > install it ! Specifically, appendix D section 4. Wrong list, BTW. If you need further assistance, follow-up to debian-user. -- Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. ,= ,-_-. =. ((_/)o o(\_)) ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/ signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Re: How can i install Debian via hard disk
I promise that I read it hard ! and I do so ! that's a base system ... that's a disaster ! generic ... locales ... keyboard ... my god ! I fail ! Is there a easy way to start the graphic install without CD JUST .ISO ... detail I need ! On 2/20/09, Qzi wrote: > How can i install Debian via hard disk ? > > My system is ubuntu ... > > I have dowload Lenny.iso on my hard disk ...But I don't know how to install > it ! > > Can anyone help me ? > > -- > 愿与知交 与子偕作 > > > -- 愿与知交 与子偕作 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
Re: How can i install Debian via hard disk
On Thursday 19 February 2009 22:12:42 Qzi wrote: > Is there a easy way to start the graphic install without CD *WRONG* *List*. Please follow the Code of Conduct and use the correct list, debian-user *NOT* debian-mentors. -- Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. ,= ,-_-. =. ((_/)o o(\_)) ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/ signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.