Re: RFS: Scid and TeXSkak

2008-04-02 Thread Chris Bannister
On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 06:10:01PM +0200, W. van den Akker wrote:
> Hi mentors,
> I would like to be a future maintainer for serveral packages.
> Two packages which I use are rather out-dated in the Debian distribution.
> The previous owner of the Scid package has stopped the development. Scid is
> now being developed by other people. However the current version in Debian is
> not updated.

Is scid not already replaced by chessdb[1]

[1] I'm running etch so don't know exact name, but search for chess, I'm sure there's already a replacement.

There was a request for a sponsor for it, hopefully it got through. :-)


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Re: RFS: uvccapture (2nd try)

2008-04-02 Thread Krzysztof Burghardt
Dear mentors,

2008/3/28, Krzysztof Burghardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  I am looking for a sponsor for my package "uvccapture".
>  * Package name: uvccapture
>   Version : 0.4-1
>   Upstream Author : Gabriel A. Devenyi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  * URL :
>  * License : GPL (version 2 or newer)
>   Section : graphics
>  It builds these binary packages:
>  uvccapture - USB UVC Video Class snapshot software
>  The package appears to be lintian clean.
>  The upload would fix these bugs: 473153
>  The package can be found on
>  - URL:
>  - Source repository: deb-src unstable
>  main contrib non-free
>  - dget 
>  I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.

Kind regards,
Krzysztof Burghardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: RFS: liblunar and lunar-applet

2008-04-02 Thread Bas Wijnen

On Tue, Apr 01, 2008 at 10:31:40PM +0800, LI Daobing wrote:
> lunar-applet is chinese calendar applet for gnome environment. it's
> version is 2.0-1 in this upload(in sid it's 1.8)
> in lunar-applet 2.0, the library part is separated to liblunar by upstream.

I'll look at lunar-applet after the library is through new, otherwise it
becomes uninstallable until the library gets in the archive.

> PS. I have set DM-Upload-Allowed in these two packages.

I don't think this is a good idea, for two reasons:

- You're not a DM, so it's removing a safety check without any current
  need.  That means that when/if you would become a DM, this check would
  be skipped, possibly unnoticed.  It's better if this would be done
  explicitly when there is an actual intention of uploading this package
  as a DM (so after you are a DM at least).

- This flag should IMO only be added when the uploader has shown that he
  or she can maintain this package well.  This means that the sponsor
  must have done a few uploads of this package for this maintainer
  already.  (Only when using the DM status as a workaround for the slow
  account creation, can this be skipped, IMO, but you're not at that
  stage yet. ;-) ).

Some comments about the package itself:

- The library version is complex.  This is probably upstream's choice,
  in which case it's fine.  Libraries normally have a [base]-[version]
  and [base]-dev package.  That means the base name of this library is
  liblunar-1.  Gtk+ uses a similar naming, but personally I don't think
  it's needed to do this until version 2 is needed *and* it is such a
  big change that porting old applications is not reasonable, *and*
  there are enough old applications to keep providing the old version as
  a -dev package next to the new version.  Most libraries don't ever get
  in that state, so they don't need such a complex version.

- Packages containing functionality for use in a script language should
  be named lib-, in this case liblunar-python instead
  of python-lunar.

- In the copyright file you use (C).  This is said to be legally
  meaningless, you should use the complete word "Copyright" instead
  (which means it's on some lines twice).  Also, it needs a time
  indication (years are good enough).  You have that for your packaging,
  but not for the main program.  Summary: for every copyright holder,
  you need a line of they type "Copyright [year] [name] [email]".  The
  email can be omitted.  For every piece of code you also need a
  license, but you have that already. :-)


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Re: RFS: Scid and TeXSkak

2008-04-02 Thread W. van den Akker
On Wednesday 02 April 2008, W. van den Akker wrote:
> On Wednesday 02 April 2008, Chris Bannister wrote:
> > On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 06:10:01PM +0200, W. van den Akker wrote:
> > > Hi mentors,
> > >
> > > I would like to be a future maintainer for serveral packages.
> > > Two packages which I use are rather out-dated in the Debian
> > > distribution.
> > >
> > > The previous owner of the Scid package has stopped the development.
> > > Scid is now being developed by other people. However the current
> > > version in Debian is not updated.
> >
> > Is scid not already replaced by chessdb[1]
> >
> > [1] I'm running etch so don't know exact name, but search
> > for chess, I'm sure there's already a replacement.
> >
> > There was a request for a sponsor for it, hopefully it got through. :-)
> >
> > --
ChessDB is not included in any distribution. Scid is included but not
updated after Scid was forked. No other replacement exists.

The package it rather straight forward. I have only a few licenced
components stripped.


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Re: RFS: lynis (updated package)

2008-04-02 Thread Francisco García
Hi Helmut,

please, send me your package, or give me a link to it,
in there is no longer.

I would like to take a look at it to see if I could
improve my package
with your work.

Thank you.

El mar, 01-04-2008 a las 09:27 +0200, Helmut Grohne
> > lynis  - security auditing tool for Unix based
> > systems
> Please see my other recent mail on lynis: Some
issues are still not
> fixed.
> Another thing is patching. I think like 90% DDs
would use a patch system
> instead of patching the tarball using the .diff.gz.
A potential sponsor
> may require you to use dpatch or quilt (or
eventually cdbs).
> Helmut

Francisco M. García Claramonte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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RFS: v86d

2008-04-02 Thread Evgeni Golov
Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "v86d". It is needed by the
uvesafb kernel module to create a userspace framebuffer (e.g. when you
want a 1400x1050 framebuffer, but vesafb does not support it).

* Package name: v86d
  Version : 0.1.3-1
  Upstream Author : Michał Januszewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL :
* License : GPL-2
  Section : utils

It builds these binary packages:
v86d   - daemon to run x86 code in an emulated environment

Long description:
  v86d provides a backend for kernel drivers that need to execute
  x86 BIOS code. The code is executed in a controlled environment
  and the results are passed back to the kernel via the netlink
  v86d is needed by the uvesafb kernel module.
  This package is built against glibc, as Debian's klibc does not
  have proper uvesafb support yet.

The package appears to be lintian clean.

The upload would fix these bugs: 473176

The package can be found on
- URL:
- Source repository: deb-src unstable
main contrib non-free
- dget

I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.

Kind regards
 Evgeni Golov 

Description: PGP signature

RFS: NMU: cgiwrap -- allows ordinary users to run their own CGI scripts

2008-04-02 Thread Barry deFreese


If someone has time could you please review and/or upload this NMU for 
cgiwrap.  If fixes RC bug #424814.

BTW this package should also probably be orphaned.

Description: allows ordinary users to run their own CGI scripts
a gateway that allows more secure user access to CGI programs on
an HTTPd server than is provided  by the http server itself. The
primary function  of  CGIwrap is to make  certain   that any CGI
script runs  with the permissions of  the user who installed it,
and not those of the server.


Barry deFreese

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