Re: ITS: homebank

2007-06-01 Thread Neil Williams
On Fri, 1 Jun 2007 02:09:36 +0200 (CEST)
"francesco namuri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Ven, Giugno 1, 2007 00:16, Neil Williams wrote:
> > On Thu, 31 May 2007 22:45:01 +0200 (CEST)
> >
> > 1. The long description can be improved. The use of 'even more!' is not
> ideal and some of the features (like import/export) could do with some
> more detail. The "standard" application in this area is gnucash (I was a
> gnucash developer at one time) and your long description should follow
> that template and tell the user how homebank differs from the "standard"
> app in the field. For one thing, you should make a big deal about how
> quickly homebank starts up compared to gnucash (which
> > probably has a LOT to do with the vastly reduced number of
> > dependencies).
> I hope now it's ok...

"better look and feel" is subjective but that's OK. (You also refer to
the speed twice which is, umm, excessive.) ;-)

For the next upload, consider something like:
 HomeBank is a fast, simple and easy to use program to manage your
accounts. HomeBank has a simpler look and feel than gnucash and
includes features such as easy analysis with graphical charts
(statistics, budget, overdrawn, car cost), multiple account support,
budget management, reminders, import from OFX/QFX-CSV files and visual
status indicators. It is based on GTK2.

> > 5. Please ask upstream to make it clear in the app that Help|Contents
> requires an internet connection - this action has the F1 shortcut key
> which most users would expect to provide offline documentation, not
> online - especially as the Help menu specifically includes an online
> help menu item which takes you to a different site. This is just a case
> of preempting bug reports. I would encourage you to encourage upstream
> to provide offline documentation - HTML is fine - via doc-base and a
> homebank-doc package.
> ok, I'll contact the author...

Something else for upstream too - before you get any bug reports from
debian-i18n, ask upstream about packaging po/homebank.pot in the next
upstream tarball. This makes it much much easier to ask for debian
translations that can also be fed upstream. 

I know homebank includes support for translations upstream via
launchpad but there is no harm in also using the Debian translation
teams. Debian tools are intelligent enough to always use the
Last-Translator fields so that work is not duplicated and you can opt
not to send requests to certain upstream people. Each new translation
will need a change to so it is best to ensure that new
translations are always fed upstream. Also, ask upstream to enable this
" The HomeBank product is not set up for translation in Launchpad.

If you’re Maxime Doyen, log in to begin the setup process. "

There is little point putting that link in the application when the
page has not been activated.

To package the POT file all upstream needs to do is create a suitable
target in the top level

pot: Makefile
${MAKE} -C po  $(PACKAGE).pot

and then add po/$(PACKAGE).pot to EXTRA_DIST

I think an en_GB translation may be useful for this one - "operations"
are probably easier to understand as "transactions" in the UK (and
maybe elsewhere). With a pot file in the .orig.tar.gz, you can use
podebconf-report-po to call for new translations as well as updates to
existing ones. See man podebconf-report-po

(The POT file contains minor typo errors too. I have done an en_GB
translation that highlights some of the typos - sent off list. Feel
free to send that upstream for inclusion in the next upstream release
and ask me for updates when some of the localisation issues are fixed.)

If this was my own package, I'd be tempted to use the easy CDBS patch
system to add the snippet above and document how to generate the POT
file via README.Debian. Depending on how you get on with upstream, that
could be a useful exercise for you as maintainer. You don't want to
include changes to EXTRA_DIST in your patch, just the make target. 

A more involved task upstream is to handle plurals correctly:


gettext can handle these such that the translator gets these strings:


and gettext adds a plural when one is required. Adding (s) is not
a correct plural in many languages.

Also, the GNU licence text should not be marked translatable. Most
translators will realise this and not translate it but the licence text
is part of a legal document and translating it could cause a change in
the meaning of the text in specific locales.
"It would be useful to have translations of the GPL into languages other
than English. People have even written translations and sent them to
us. But we have not dared to approve them as officially valid. That
carries a risk so great we d

RFS: gnofract4d

2007-06-01 Thread francesco namuri

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "gnofract4d".

  Package name: gnofract4d
  Version : 3.4+dfsg-1
  Upstream Author : Tim Whidbey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  URL :
  License : BSD
  Section : graphics

It builds these binary packages:
gnofract4d - a fractal images creator

The package is lintian clean.

The upload would fix these bugs: 420507

The package can be found on
- URL:
- Source repository: deb-src unstable
main contrib non-free
- dget

I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.

Kind regards
 Francesco Namuri

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[no subject]

2007-06-01 Thread Kjeldgaard Morten


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Re: RFS: enblend

2007-06-01 Thread Adeodato Simó
* Sebastian Harl [Wed, 30 May 2007 00:15:03 +0200]:

>   - The files under src/win32helpers are released under the 4-clause BSD
>   license which is incompatible with the GPL. Thus distributing them as 
> part
>   of a GPL'ed program is illegal - the .orig.tar.gz should be repackaged 
> to
>   not include those files (they are only needed under Windows anyway) and
>   '+dfsg' should be added to the version number.

Two issues here:

  - works under a 4-clause BSD license where the copyright holder is the
University of California are effectively under a 3-clause BSD license,
as per

  - even then, it is perfectly fine to *distribute* in a same tarball
these incompatible works, as long as they are not linked together
(and since they're under win32helpers, I assume they're not on Unix
systems). (If they link together, what you can't distribute is the
resulting binary; for that, the copyright holder of the GPL part of
the source would have to provide an exception allowing for such

HTH, and thanks to Jacobo Tarrío for confirming that my ideas about this
were correct.

Adeodato Simó dato at
Debian Developer  adeodato at
Testing can show the presence of bugs, but not their absence.
-- Dijkstra

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Re: Advice on packaging SAGE

2007-06-01 Thread Bernhard R. Link
* Marcus Better <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070530 13:43]:
> Jordi Gutierrez Hermoso wrote:
> > mathematical pieces of software for Debian, beginning with surf,
> > Singular's plotting engine, followed by Singular itself,
> IIRC Singular has licensing restrictions (requires citing the authors) so I
> don't think it can go in main.

I don't think that is part of the license. After the license there is
first a request to send in comments and bugs to a specific address,
then a request to register yourself as user, then this

If you use Singular or parts thereof in a project and/or publish
results that were partly obtained using SINGULAR, we ask you to cite
SINGULAR and inform us thereof - see
`', for information on
how to cite Singular.

I'm no native english speaker, and I think those who have written this
are neither. But this looks much like it is a request and no condition
on use (or copying/modifying).

There are licencse problems with the omalloc library included, but it
looks like its author already relicenced it, so it will most likely
be fixed in the next version.

Bernhard R. Link

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Re: RFS: libmesh

2007-06-01 Thread Ondrej Certik

Hi Alan,

thanks for looking at that. Here is the new dsc:

The package is now lintian&linda clean, builds fine in pbuilder. seems to have
appeared now.


This doesn't look terribly portable (what's it going to do on hurd??) to me:
ls lib/i486-pc-linux-gnu_opt/*
cp lib/i486-pc-linux-gnu_opt/ $(meshbin)

($shell gcc -dumpmachine) might be what you're looking for?

Actually, I had to use:

grep "hosttype " Make.common | cut -d "=" -f 2 | cut -c 2-

because the hosttype variable in Make.common (generated after the
configure is run) contains the correct path (the gcc -dumpmachine

Also section 1 of [1] is relevant here too I think, in that (your rules
at least) don't look very versioned to me.

Do you mean 8.1? I tried to fix that, please tell me if it needs some
more improvements.

It's also generally better to use install or even dh_install instead of cp

I didn't play with dh_install yet. I'll do it in the next iteration -
I should also include the examples in the debian package and some
instructions how to compile them. So far I only put some documentation
into the README.Debian.

#   dh_makeshlibs
This line needs to be uncommented. This will go someway towards fixing
the lintian problem. People also like complaining about all the
commented lines left in from the template you used. E.g. there's no
point having #dh_installpam hanging around in your debian/rules


I noticed the following: "/usr/bin/make -j2" I don't think parallel
building is considered the done thing in debian/rules, at least that
seemed to be how I remmeber the discussion in [0] going. People don't
like the smaller buildds getting hit like that.


I haven't looked over the dfsg-ness yet. I think it's considered good
practice to document somewhere what had to go and why to make it dfsg.
Either way it'd be quite handy for me. Is it algorithm that's non-free?
Or documentation?

See debian/copyright. Basically, the upstream tar.gz contains some
packages, that are non-free. The rest is free however, so I would like
to have it in the main distribution.

I'd quite like to see libmesh in Debian, as my own work seems to be
heading more and more towards numerical solutions of PDEs and libmesh
looks like it's worth trying out.

Yes, libmesh is a good library. Only their build system and the way to
compile your own programs is nonstandard that's why I decided to
create a debian package for it. Now it can be used very easily as any
other C++ library.

 I'll take another look over the package again later for you. Feel free
to ask more questions if you like :-)

I do :) :

* Currently, it only places into /usr/lib. So should
I just put  symlinks to into the debian/rules? Or what is
the correct way of handling this?

* The ${shlibs:Depends} in debian/control doesn't produce the
dependency on petsc2.3.2. I can put it there by hand. But isn't it
supposed to do it automatically?

If you have some more suggestions, please let me know.


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Re: Advice on packaging SAGE

2007-06-01 Thread Marcus Better
Bernhard R. Link wrote:
>> IIRC Singular has licensing restrictions (requires citing the authors) so
>> I don't think it can go in main.
> I don't think that is part of the license.

I don't know, but I think that at least a clarification from the authors is
needed. Citing the license [1]:

"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation ( version 2 of the License ); with the
following additional restrictions (which override any conflicting
restrictions in the GPL):"

Note especially the last two lines.

> After the license there is 
> first a request to send in comments and bugs to a specific address,
> then a request to register yourself as user, then this
> request:

No, that's not after the license, but after the blurb which seems to state
that those requests are additional restrictions. (Actually they contradict
the GPL...)

But I agree that the intention is likely as you interpret it, so it should
not be difficult to get a clarification.




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Re: Advice on packaging SAGE

2007-06-01 Thread Bernhard R. Link
* Marcus Better <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070601 15:12]:
> Bernhard R. Link wrote:
> >> IIRC Singular has licensing restrictions (requires citing the authors) so
> >> I don't think it can go in main.
> > 
> > I don't think that is part of the license.
> I don't know, but I think that at least a clarification from the authors is
> needed. Citing the license [1]:
> "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
> under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
> Free Software Foundation ( version 2 of the License ); with the
> following additional restrictions (which override any conflicting
> restrictions in the GPL):"
> Note especially the last two lines.

Hm, after the colon there is a list of subdirectories having their own
copyrights and/or licenses. Then there is a warrenty disclaimer and
notice where to get a full text of the GPL if not included.

But even if there is quite some text in between, it makes it more
difficult to decide, of course.

Bernhard R. Link

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ITS: fuseiso

2007-06-01 Thread Alan Woodland
Looks pretty much ok now to me. I'll test it a bit more thoroughly at  
home later, and then if I don't find any problems make an upload for  


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Re: ITS: fuseiso

2007-06-01 Thread David Paleino
Il giorno Fri, 1 Jun 2007 15:28:20 +0100
Alan Woodland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:

> Looks pretty much ok now to me. I'll test it a bit more thoroughly
> at home later, and then if I don't find any problems make an upload
> for you.

Thanks for your interest :-)

> Alan

Have a nice day,

 . ''`.  Debian packager! |
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Re: RFS: gnofract4d

2007-06-01 Thread Ricardo Mones
On Fri, 01 Jun 2007 10:25:29 +0200 (CEST)
francesco namuri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "gnofract4d".
>   Package name: gnofract4d
>   Version : 3.4+dfsg-1
>   Upstream Author : Tim Whidbey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   URL :
>   License : BSD
>   Section : graphics
> It builds these binary packages:
> gnofract4d - a fractal images creator
> The package is lintian clean.
> The upload would fix these bugs: 420507
> The package can be found on
> - URL:
> - Source repository: deb-src unstable
> main contrib non-free
> - dget
> I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.

  I would, but the copyright file states:

| fractutils/
| #By obtaining, using, and/or copying this software and/or its
| #associated documentation, you agree that you have read, understood,
| #and will comply with the following terms and conditions:
| #
| #Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
| #its associated documentation for any purpose and without fee is
| #hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appears in
| #all copies, and that both that copyright notice and this permission
| #notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of the
| #author not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
| #distribution of the software without specific, written prior
| #permission.

  To my understanding this is contrary to DFSG #1 because you cannot sell
it, permission is only given "for any purpose AND without fee".

  So either you contact the upstream author and agree with him to change
this clause or you package it for non-free.

 Ricardo Mones
 «Try the Moo Shu Pork. It is especially good today.»

Description: PGP signature

Re: RFS: libhttp

2007-06-01 Thread Richard A. Johnson
On Wednesday 30 May 2007, you wrote:
| Hmm. I'm not sure about the package name - http is a VERY crowded
| namespace and a lot of users would assume some kind of Apache
| connection with this package.

I went ahead and renamed it libemhttp and added the -dbg and emhttp-tools as 

| Which package(s) are going to depend on this library?

plucker-desktop (v1.9) that is in the upstream SVN requires this library in 
order to build the desktop. Right now Debian isn't building the desktop due 
to issues with it and this library helps curb that issue.

| The binary should specify the SONAME: libhttp0 or libhttp1. The source
| package is fine.

I fixed this, the SONAME is libhttp0 (

| You should also provide a -dbg package for all libraries (you also
| haven't specified the language used in this project - the code samples
| in the txt file are all C). -dbg packages are likely to become mandatory
| in due course to provide a complete debug chain. In an embedded context,
| these would be used inside a chroot on the workstation (debugging on an
| iPAQ isn't fun.)

Added the dbg package.

| Your website txt file mentions embedded use (hence my interest as
| DD & Emdebian developer and iPAQ/GPE developer) but remember that this
| is not simply going into Emdebian or some limited repository just for
| embedded packages. It is going into Debian with 19,000 other packages.
| Let's just say that most of the short names have been taken. ;-)
| It would be VERY handy to convert that txt file into the simplest of
| HTML and link to it from the homepage. (It's also v.long for a txt file
| so it would be best to split it into general, usage, history and API
| pages). Nothing fancy, just wrap in   and
| wrap each paragraph in  and maybe use a few  lines.

Just so you know this isn't my library or my site, so I can't do that with the 
http.txt file, what I did though was add it to the description.

| I'm willing to take a closer look at it and potentially sponsor it -
| BUT the package name must be changed first, IMHO.

Name is fixed, but there may be some more things yet to fix. This is my first 
library package and I am super new to this.

| The other problem is that you appear to make this CPU-specific - I
| think this should be made much clearer. Exactly which CPU's are
| supported and which are not?

I have the Architecture set to any. It builds out on i386 and amd64 here.

| Maybe rename the source package as emhttp-tools. The main package
| provides the binaries which depend on libemhttp0 and this ONLY contains
| the shared library, built from the one source package (along with the
| -dbg and -dev). i.e. you should be making FOUR binary packages from
| this tarball:
| emhttp-tools: /usr/bin/*
| libemhttp0: /usr/lib/
| libemhttp-dev: /usr/include usr/lib/pkgconfig (if used) and the other
| components of a normal -dev.
| libemhttp-dbg: /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib

This has been fixed as well. If there are any required changes I can fix them 

| Debian will add other bits like ChangeLog, copyright and manpages for
| each of those binaries. Emdebian will remove all of those and
| cross-build suitable binaries.
| On a final note, I haven't looked at the package yet but I would
| STRONGLY recommend CDBS for this package. It makes automated
| cross-builds trivial. Whatever you use, *please* do not use highly
| customised rules in debian/rules. As a package directly targetting
| embedded uses (and which has very, very little benefit to a desktop
| machine) it is only sensible to ensure that it cross-builds (within
| Debian) as easily as possible. See
| (Adding cross-build detection section.)

I am using CDBS. First time actually and I never realized just how easy it 
makes things.

Neil, I appreciate your help and your possible sponsorship once this package 
is ready. If you have anymore comments, questions, or concerns, please do not 
hesitate to contact me.

Richard A. Johnson
GPG Key: 0x2E2C0124

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: RFS: libhttp

2007-06-01 Thread Richard A. Johnson

Might help to have a link to the .dsc file. sorry for the double post.

Richard A. Johnson
GPG Key: 0x2E2C0124

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

RFS: pyqwt5

2007-06-01 Thread Gudjon I. Gudjonsson
Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "pyqwt5".

* Package name: pyqwt5
  Version : 5.0.0-1
  Upstream Author : Gerard Vermeulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL :
* License : GPL
  Section : python

It builds these binary packages:
python-qwt5-doc - Python version of the Qwt5 technical widget library
python-qwt5-qt3 - Python version of the Qwt5 technical widget library
python-qwt5-qt4 - Python version of the Qwt5 technical widget library

The upload would fix these bugs: 413372

The package can be found on
- URL:
- Source repository: deb-src unstable main 
contrib non-free
- dget

I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.

The package contains lintian warnings:
W: pyqwt5 source: source-contains-cvs-conflict-copy 
W: pyqwt5 source: source-contains-cvs-conflict-copy 
I have informed the author of these warnings so I hope they will not appear in 
version 5.0.1

Kind regards
 Gudjon I. Gudjonsson

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RFS: pyqwt3d

2007-06-01 Thread Gudjon I. Gudjonsson
Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "pyqwt3d".

* Package name: pyqwt3d
  Version : 0.1.4-1
  Upstream Author : Gerard Vermeulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL :
* License : GPL
  Section : python

It builds these binary packages:
python-qwt3d-doc - Documentation for the Python-qwt3d library
python-qwt3d-qt3 - Python bindings of the QwtPlot3D library
python-qwt3d-qt4 - Python bindings of the QwtPlot3D library

The upload would fix these bugs: 413355

The package can be found on
- URL:
- Source repository: deb-src unstable main 
contrib non-free
- dget

I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.
The package contains lintian warnings:
W: pyqwt3d source: source-contains-cvs-conflict-copy 
I have informed the author of these warnings so I hope they will not appear in 
the next version

Kind regards
 Gudjon I. Gudjonsson

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ITR: libhttp

2007-06-01 Thread Neil Williams
On Fri, 1 Jun 2007 15:11:43 -0500
"Richard A. Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wednesday 30 May 2007, you wrote:
> [snip]
> | Hmm. I'm not sure about the package name - http is a VERY crowded
> | namespace and a lot of users would assume some kind of Apache
> | connection with this package.
> I went ahead and renamed it libemhttp and added the -dbg and
> emhttp-tools as well.

Great, thanks.

> | It would be VERY handy to convert that txt file into the simplest of
> | HTML and link to it from the homepage. (It's also v.long for a txt
> | file so it would be best to split it into general, usage, history
> | and API pages). Nothing fancy, just wrap in 
> |  and wrap each paragraph in  and maybe use a
> | few  lines.
> Just so you know this isn't my library or my site, so I can't do that
> with the http.txt file, what I did though was add it to the
> description.

That's fine - just mention it to upstream when you get a chance.

> Name is fixed, but there may be some more things yet to fix. This is
> my first library package and I am super new to this.

The New Maintainer Guide does hint that libraries are not usually the
best packages to pick. ;-)

Don't worry though - my first upstream package and my first Debian
package, even before NM, were libraries. :-)
> [snip]
> | The other problem is that you appear to make this CPU-specific - I
> | think this should be made much clearer. Exactly which CPU's are
> | supported and which are not?
> I have the Architecture set to any. It builds out on i386 and amd64
> here.

Check with upstream - the text file does appear to use some
CPU-specific code, or at least describes the usage of such code.

> I am using CDBS. First time actually and I never realized just how
> easy it makes things.


I know lots of DD's dislike CDBS but for those going to DebConf, be
aware that I am strongly in favour of CDBS for any package that has a
remote chance of being cross-built. Nothing is easier to cross-build
than CDBS.

> Neil, I appreciate your help and your possible sponsorship once this
> package is ready. If you have anymore comments, questions, or
> concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

OK, I'm reviewing the package tonight.


Neil Williams

Description: PGP signature

Re: ITR: libhttp

2007-06-01 Thread Neil Williams
On Fri, 1 Jun 2007 15:14:16 -0500
"Richard A. Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Might help to have a link to the .dsc file. sorry for the double post.

OK, the review. Lots.

1. debian/copyright : boilerplate code is still present. Complete the
details for the download location and the upstream author(s). You must
put details of the licence in this file. As this is not a "common
licence", quote the licence text from the .c file in full. Check
each .c and .h file and ensure that they are all using the same licence
text, then remove the comments at the end of debian/copyright. 

Whether CDBS is used or not, whether the package is for an
embedded platform or not, this kind of omission simply has to be fixed.
Compare with other packages.

2. debian/control : The Source package doesn't need the SONAME because
the source package name doesn't change when the API changes. I think
you need to summarise the main points of that text, not simply link to
it from the long description. This is especially true because the
upstream page is just plain text (hard to read, hard to scan) and the
actual link itself is not "active", only the Homepage link is
clickable in Put other parts of the page in
README and manpages. Changing the source name will also require changes
to debian/changelog. (Use some of the text from the packaged README to
fill out the description, use the rest in the manpages. Point to the
README from the manpages to help users find the API documentation and
talk to upstream about possibly making that API documentation
available as HTML.) 

3. debian/rules : --prefix=/usr is already specified for you by CDBS,
it isn't needed in EXTRA_FLAGS.

4. lintian warnings (some covered above)
Now running lintian...
E: libemhttp0-dev: helper-templates-in-copyright
E: libemhttp0-dbg: non-standard-toplevel-dir debian/
E: libemhttp0-dbg: helper-templates-in-copyright
E: libemhttp0: helper-templates-in-copyright
W: libemhttp0: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libhttp0
W: emhttp-tools: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/hget
W: emhttp-tools: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/hhead
W: emhttp-tools: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/hpost
E: emhttp-tools: helper-templates-in-copyright
Finished running lintian.

Write those manpages - no, really, write them. The binaries appear to
have --help output so, for starters, use the template created by
dh_make (create a temporary directory to re-run dh_make and copy the
manpage XML from there). Introduce some of the content of that
upstream text file and then use xsltproc to convert the XML into a
usable manpage. Keep the XML in debian/ (so that changes are easy to
update) but don't bother generating the manpages during the build - do
it manually yourself when the XML changes.

Just because embedded platforms will remove the manpage, does not mean
you can get away without a manpage. If anything, it makes it MORE
important that the Debian package has a detailed manpage so that the
cross-built embedded package can be debugged more easily. Use the
upstream text to explain, in detail, where this package differs to
other implementations of these processes and calls. Documentation is

E: libemhttp0-dbg: non-standard-toplevel-dir debian/
This refers to ./debian/tmp/usr/lib/debug/ in the dbg package. This is
a serious error and must be fixed. Use debc to view the details of the

This is the most serious problem:
W: libemhttp0: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libhttp0

Renaming is NOT simply a case of changing debian/control. You need to
rename the actual shared library (and symlinks). Your package tries to
install ./usr/lib/ when it should
be ./usr/lib/ (and so on for all the other files).

That's why my original post may have seemed to come across quite
harshly - renaming a library package is actually a reasonable amount of
work both now and into the future. If at all possible, work with
upstream to change the name permanently.

There is quite a lot to do in this package yet.


Neil Williams

Description: PGP signature

Re: ITS: homebank

2007-06-01 Thread francesco namuri
Hi Neil,
meanwhile I want to thank you for the precious suggestions and for the

On Ven, Giugno 1, 2007 11:26, Neil Williams wrote:
> On Fri, 1 Jun 2007 02:09:36 +0200 (CEST)
> "francesco namuri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Ven, Giugno 1, 2007 00:16, Neil Williams wrote:
>> > On Thu, 31 May 2007 22:45:01 +0200 (CEST)
>> >
>> > 1. The long description can be improved. The use of 'even more!' is
>> not
>> ideal and some of the features (like import/export) could do with some
>> more detail. The "standard" application in this area is gnucash (I was a
>> gnucash developer at one time) and your long description should follow
>> that template and tell the user how homebank differs from the "standard"
>> app in the field. For one thing, you should make a big deal about how
>> quickly homebank starts up compared to gnucash (which
>> > probably has a LOT to do with the vastly reduced number of
>> > dependencies).
>> I hope now it's ok...
> "better look and feel" is subjective but that's OK. (You also refer to
> the speed twice which is, umm, excessive.) ;-)
> For the next upload, consider something like:
>  HomeBank is a fast, simple and easy to use program to manage your
> accounts. HomeBank has a simpler look and feel than gnucash and
> includes features such as easy analysis with graphical charts
> (statistics, budget, overdrawn, car cost), multiple account support,
> budget management, reminders, import from OFX/QFX-CSV files and visual
> status indicators. It is based on GTK2.

perfect, in the next upload I will change the description

> Something else for upstream too


I will write a letter to the author informing him on all these issuess, I
think that he should have the whole interest to implement all these
improvements. In contrary case I will prepare some patches to be able to
fix everything the possible as my behalf as mainteiner in the next upload.

thanks again Neil, I hope to have soon positive novelty from the author.

kind regards,

Francesco Namuri

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: gnofract4d

2007-06-01 Thread francesco namuri
Hi Ricardo,

On Ven, Giugno 1, 2007 19:27, Ricardo Mones wrote:

> | fractutils/
> |
> | #By obtaining, using, and/or copying this software and/or its
> | #associated documentation, you agree that you have read, understood,
> | #and will comply with the following terms and conditions:
> | #
> | #Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
> | #its associated documentation for any purpose and without fee is
> | #hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appears in
> | #all copies, and that both that copyright notice and this permission
> | #notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of the
> | #author not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
> | #distribution of the software without specific, written prior
> | #permission.
>   To my understanding this is contrary to DFSG #1 because you cannot sell
> it, permission is only given "for any purpose AND without fee".
>   So either you contact the upstream author and agree with him to change
> this clause or you package it for non-free.

Yes, you are right, I've searched in google and I've found a problem like
this one in other package; the license has been changed in
distributed with python2.4, I've asked the upstream author to change this
file with the one of python2.4, now I'm waiting the answer hoping that he
agree. In the meanwhile I've uploaded to mentors a new version of the
package changing the section to non-free.

kind regards,

Francesco Namuri

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RFS: tetgen

2007-06-01 Thread Ondrej Certik

Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "tetgen".

* Package name: tetgen
 Version : 1.4.2-1
 Upstream Author : Hang Si <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL :
* License : MIT with a non-free clausule
 Section : math

It builds these binary packages:
tetgen - A Quality Tetrahedral Mesh Generator

The package is lintian clean.

The upload would fix these bugs: 427094

The package can be found on
- URL:
- Source repository: deb-src unstable
main contrib non-free
- dget

I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.
Unfortunately, it's not DFSG free, from the LICENSE file:

This means that TetGen is no free software, but for private, research,
and  educational purposes it  can be  used at  absolutely no  cost and
without further arrangements.

So it will have to go to non-free. Tetgen is a high-quality software
though and referenced by several packages (gmsh, libmesh...), so it
would be nice, if it was in Debian, even though as non-free.

Kind regards
Ondrej Certik

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ITR: libhttp

2007-06-01 Thread Richard A. Johnson
On Friday 01 June 2007, Neil Williams wrote:
| There is quite a lot to do in this package yet.

Neil, you aren't joking there. Wow had no idea what all I was getting into 
here, but since I have started, no way I am going to quit or slow down.

This is what I did to a) try and make the packaging a little easier just in 
case sometime down the road I disappear, and b) because it would have looked 
silly if I just had one point...

OK, I contacted via email, and am awaiting a response, the upstream author 
asking if it is at all possible for changes. If the author doesn't respond or 
doesn't feel like implementing some minor changes to help this package mold 
itself, I guess I am free to grab and make my own version of the package. In 
a way having me work on the package would kill a couple of birds with one 
stone, or least knock a wing off :)

I appreciate your report and I apologize for dput'ing the wrong directory up 
to mentors. Bad mistake on my part. 75% of what you noted had someone been 
fixed in the "correct" package here, i.e. Copyright, Control, and such. Once 
again thanks for pointing me in the right direction on some things I was 
beginning to question. Have a great weekend!

Richard A. Johnson
GPG Key: 0x2E2C0124

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

package stuck in building state due to uninstallable build-deps

2007-06-01 Thread Bryan Donlan

Dear mentors,

I'm the sponsored maintainer of the gimp-resynthesizer package. About
a month ago, I had an upload sponsored for some minor cleanups.
Currently, it's still in the 'building' state on sparc and mips[1].

I've taken a look at the buildd logs[2][3], and it seems that last
month, it failed to build on those arches due to uninstallable
build-deps. Will the buildds automatically requeue my package once the
build-deps become installable? If not, is there a convenient way to
know whether they're installable on those arches now?


Bryan Donlan

[1] -
[2] -
[3] -

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