Need sponsor for packages python-irclib and jabber-irc

2004-08-23 Thread Alexey Nezhdanov
At first: I already have a sponsor - Cosimo Alfarano but he is on vacancy up 
to end of August.

I have prepared new version of python-irclib (I'm maintainer of it). It 
contains small modification to allow jabber-irc package work better.
The jabber-irc is the new package and it is not in Debian archive yet.
This is the IRC-transport for jabber server. It is written in python basing on 
the libraries python-xmpp (that I'm the maintainer too) and python-irclib.

You can look for my activity in debian project in BTS by email of submitter: 

P.S. Since python-irclib is already in Debian archive - we will need a NMU.

Alexey Nezhdanov

irda-utils: howto dist-upgrade when package name has changed?

2004-08-23 Thread Sebastian Henschel
hello list...

i am the maintainer of irda-utils which recently got this bug filed
against it:

the fix suggested there does not work.
the problem is that the package(s) in stable are called irda-tools and
irda-common and the current version is called irda-utils. when doing a
dist-ugprade from stable to unstable, irda-tools and irda-common are
not replaced automatically by irda-utils. how can i handle this?
irda-utils defines:

Replaces: irda-common, irda-tools
Provides: irda-tools
Conflicts: irda-common, irda-tools

but that does not seem to suffice. is a pseudo-package irda-tools
necessary which depends on irda-utils?

thanks for suggestions,
::: .O.
::: ..O
::: OOO
::: lynx -source | gpg --import

Description: Digital signature

Re: irda-utils: howto dist-upgrade when package name has changed?

2004-08-23 Thread Frank Küster
Sebastian Henschel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> hello list...
> i am the maintainer of irda-utils which recently got this bug filed
> against it:
> the fix suggested there does not work.
> the problem is that the package(s) in stable are called irda-tools and
> irda-common and the current version is called irda-utils. when doing a
> dist-ugprade from stable to unstable, irda-tools and irda-common are
> not replaced automatically by irda-utils. how can i handle this?
> irda-utils defines:
> Replaces: irda-common, irda-tools
> Provides: irda-tools
> Conflicts: irda-common, irda-tools
> but that does not seem to suffice. is a pseudo-package irda-tools
> necessary which depends on irda-utils?

I think it can be done with Replaces/Provides/Conflicts. 

- Did you try with "Provides: irda-common, irda-tools"

- What does apt say if you do the dist-upgrade from woody to sid/sarge
  with /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10debug containing

  pkgProblemResolver "true";
  pkgAcquire "false";
  pkgAcquire::Worker "false";
  pkgDPkgPM "false";
  pkgOrderList "false";
  pkgInitialize "false";   // This one will dump the configuration space
  NoLocking "false";
  Acquire::Ftp "false";// Show ftp command traffic
  Acquire::Http "false";   // Show http command traffic
  aptcdrom "false";// Show found package files

Regards, Frank

Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

Re: irda-utils: howto dist-upgrade when package name has changed?

2004-08-23 Thread Andreas Metzler
On 2004-08-23 Sebastian Henschel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> the problem is that the package(s) in stable are called irda-tools and
> irda-common and the current version is called irda-utils. when doing a
> dist-ugprade from stable to unstable, irda-tools and irda-common are
> not replaced automatically by irda-utils. how can i handle this?
> irda-utils defines:

> Replaces: irda-common, irda-tools
> Provides: irda-tools
> Conflicts: irda-common, irda-tools

> but that does not seem to suffice. is a pseudo-package irda-tools
> necessary which depends on irda-utils?

Yes, a empty pseudo package is necessary.
   cu andreas
"See, I told you they'd listen to Reason," [SPOILER] Svfurlr fnlf,
fuhggvat qbja gur juveyvat tha.
Neal Stephenson in "Snow Crash"

library packaging problem

2004-08-23 Thread mzenker

I am trying to package a library. This is my first package (yes, I know that it 
is depreciated for packaging newbies, but I need it in my job...). I have used 
upstream .tar.gz sources (they use autoconf and automake) and tried to follow 
the new maintainer's guide. 
The problem is that the dpkg-buildpackage produces packages with just the docs, 
but no library files inside (the appropriate directories have been created, but 
they are empty), although they reside in debian/tmp. This is true for both the 
libxxx.deb and the libxxx-dev.deb

Could anyone give me a hint where I have to look to find my (certainly trivial) 

Thank you,


GN Otometrics -- Hortmann   
Dipl.Phys. Dr. Matthias Zenker
Entwicklung / Development
Auchtertstraße 4, D-72770 Reutlingen
Tel. ++49(0)7121/99435-60, Fax -79
eMail: mzenker at gnotometrics dot de  


2004-08-23 Thread Ben Hill
This mail registers my intent to take over the package maintenance of
BOINC as per this bug report:

Any problems, please mail me.



GPG Fingerprint: 4309 1C58 5143 AFAC F69E  11CD 76FD 56D4 1223 E387

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: library packaging problem

2004-08-23 Thread Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-08-23 18:16:20 +0200]:

> Could anyone give me a hint where I have to look to find my (certainly 
> trivial) error?
 Can we look into the package's source? Without checking we have a hard
time guessing.


Sponsor for a new package

2004-08-23 Thread Nelson A. de Oliveira

Hash: SHA1

Hi people

I have created a package of Raster3D.
It's available at

There is no license for the program, but talking with the auhtor, he
allows the inclusion of the program on Debian.

Words from the author:

I have never attached a formal license document or statement to the
Raster3D code.  My position has always been that anyone is free to
use or modify the code in any way they like, but that modified versions
must not be redistributed.  Binary redistribution is also OK in
non-commercial formats. The bottom line is that I do not want anyone to
feel that they have had to pay something to get Raster3D, and I do not
want them to be running something that claims to be Raster3D but isn't

I used to ask that the code not be redistributed at all, but I have
changed my mind about that.  I currently provide rpms for Mandrake and
compatible rpm-based distros, and have also given permission for
the Darwin project to distribute a packaged version for the Mac.

I also ask that if the programs are used to generate figures for
publication, that they should be properly cited.

The closest formal Open Source licensing document that I know of is
the UW's pine license:

I am *not* saying that the pine license covers Raster3D; just that if
I were to write up a formal license it would look something like that
except there are no trademark issues for Raster3D and I ask for
scientific citation rather that trademark or attachment of legal notice.


Raster3D is a set of tools for generating high quality raster images of
proteins or other molecules. The core program renders spheres,
triangles, cylinders, and quadric surfaces with specular highlighting,
Phong shading, and shadowing. It uses an efficient software Z-buffer
algorithm which is independent of any graphics hardware. Ancillary
programs process atomic coordinates from PDB files into rendering
descriptions for pictures composed of ribbons, space-filling atoms,
bonds, ball+stick, etc. Raster3D can also be used to render pictures
composed in other programs such as  Molscript  in glorious 3D with
highlights, shadowing, etc. Output is to pixel image files with 24 bits
of color information per pixel.

Homepage is:

My package is lintiand and linda clean.
I also created a manpage for the program rings3d included on it.

Someone to sponsor me?

Thank you very much
Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


RFS: sidplay-libs, sidplay

2004-08-23 Thread Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi
Hi Mentors, David,

 I am looking for a sponsor for sidplay-libs and sidplay, both available
from[1][2]. Both needed to play Commodore C64 music
files (.sid) on Linux. As sidplay-libs fixes a FTBFS bug, I would be
very thankful if someone can look into it and upload soon. Please build
the package to include the changes from 2.1.0-3 (ie with debuild
-v2.1.0-2), as it was uploaded, but not processed because my previous
sponsor (Algernon, on holiday now) had several problems ranging from bad
gpg signature on .changes to strange warning messages.

Thanks in advance,
[1] deb-src unstable main contrib non-free

Description: Digital signature

Re: Sponsor for a new package

2004-08-23 Thread Stephen Frost
* Nelson A. de Oliveira ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> There is no license for the program, but talking with the auhtor, he
> allows the inclusion of the program on Debian.

Based on his words, it looks like it'd be at *best* non-free.  It
certainly could not be included in Debian proper.  This is, in fact, the
same situation pine is in.  I'm not sure if you could even get it in to
non-free w/o a formal license, honestly, I would hope you couldn't.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Sponsor for a new package

2004-08-23 Thread Chris Anderson
On Mon, 2004-08-23 at 19:16, Nelson A. de Oliveira wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi people
> I have created a package of Raster3D.
> It's available at
> There is no license for the program, but talking with the auhtor, he
> allows the inclusion of the program on Debian.
> Words from the author:
> I have never attached a formal license document or statement to the
> Raster3D code.  My position has always been that anyone is free to
> use or modify the code in any way they like, but that modified versions
> must not be redistributed.  Binary redistribution is also OK in
> non-commercial formats. The bottom line is that I do not want anyone to
> feel that they have had to pay something to get Raster3D, and I do not
> want them to be running something that claims to be Raster3D but isn't
> really.

This violates section 3 of the DFSG if I understand him correctly.

> I used to ask that the code not be redistributed at all, but I have
> changed my mind about that.  I currently provide rpms for Mandrake and
> compatible rpm-based distros, and have also given permission for
> the Darwin project to distribute a packaged version for the Mac.
> I also ask that if the programs are used to generate figures for
> publication, that they should be properly cited.

Possibly a violation of section 6.

> The closest formal Open Source licensing document that I know of is
> the UW's pine license:
> ~

Ack, comparisions to Pine's license can't be good.

> I am *not* saying that the pine license covers Raster3D; just that if
> I were to write up a formal license it would look something like that
> except there are no trademark issues for Raster3D and I ask for
> scientific citation rather that trademark or attachment of legal notice.
> *END*
> Raster3D is a set of tools for generating high quality raster images of
> proteins or other molecules. The core program renders spheres,
> triangles, cylinders, and quadric surfaces with specular highlighting,
> Phong shading, and shadowing. It uses an efficient software Z-buffer
> algorithm which is independent of any graphics hardware. Ancillary
> programs process atomic coordinates from PDB files into rendering
> descriptions for pictures composed of ribbons, space-filling atoms,
> bonds, ball+stick, etc. Raster3D can also be used to render pictures
> composed in other programs such as  Molscript  in glorious 3D with
> highlights, shadowing, etc. Output is to pixel image files with 24 bits
> of color information per pixel.
> Homepage is:
> My package is lintiand and linda clean.

The newest standards version is 3.6.1, your package is using 3.6.0. You
probably want to update that in debian/control.

> I also created a manpage for the program rings3d included on it.

Judging by what you've said in the mail, I doubt Raster3D could go in
anything but non-free. It would help considerably to get an actual
license with the package (though there could be one, the server is slow
and I don't have time to download the files to examine them).

> Someone to sponsor me?
> Thank you very much
> Nelson
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
> iD8DBQFBKnrQAQwuptkwlkQRAvt9AJ9wcg3d4P6BS5YTbNmZ+kyFWhxZlwCfdhXc
> 4D6M5+TTdCRwGU91CubcRZA=
> =wdOg
Chris Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICQ: 72021847  Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
20B2 CB34 8AA5 05BC A90C  2CDD 2768 D4B4 2B93 424B

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Sponsor for a new package

2004-08-23 Thread Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi
* Nelson A. de Oliveira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-08-23 20:16:34 -0300]:

> There is no license for the program, but talking with the auhtor, he
> allows the inclusion of the program on Debian.
8. License Must Not Be Specific to Debian

The rights attached to the program must not depend on the program's
being part of a Debian system. If the program is extracted from Debian
and used or distributed without Debian but otherwise within the terms of
the program's license, all parties to whom the program is redistributed
should have the same rights as those that are granted in conjunction
with the Debian system.


RFS: zmanim and qtzmanim

2004-08-23 Thread Ken Bloom
I'm looking for sponsors for three small packages that I have written

   Package: qtzmanim
   Version: 1.0.7
   Description: A  program  for  computing  the  times for jewish rituals
This program calculates the zmanim (times for Jewish rituals)
according to the GR"A opinion. This is a GUI version using QT.

   Package: zmanim
   Version: 1.0.6
   Description: A  program  for  computing  the  times for jewish rituals
This program calculates the zmanim (times for Jewish rituals)
according to the GR"A opinion.

I usually have a GPG digital signature included as an attachment.
See for info about these digital signatures.
My key was last signed 08/18/2004. If you use GPG *please* see me about 
signing the key. * My computer can't give you viruses by email. ***


2004-08-23 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Mon, Aug 23, 2004 at 07:14:15PM +0100, Ben Hill wrote:
> This mail registers my intent to take over the package maintenance of
> BOINC as per this bug report:

No it doesn't.  A message to the bug report, renaming the bug from an RFP to
an ITP, and changing the bug owner to yourself, would register your intent.

Instructions for all of these actions can be found in the BTS documentation

- Matt

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFH: strange message after package upload

2004-08-23 Thread Anibal Monsalve Salazar
On Sun, Aug 22, 2004 at 09:35:08PM +0200, Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi wrote:
> My sponsor uploaded sidplay related packages for me. It was like before
>with other packages: I get a message that the upload was ok, then that
>it was accepted. However for two binary packages I get this snippshet:
>-- snip --
>(new) libresid-dev_2.1.0-3_i386.deb optional devel
>WARNING: Already present in main distribution.
>-- snip --

Check the list of binary packages of sidplay-libs at:

and you will see libresid-dev listed there. 

>What does it mean, and how can I fix it? The package already contained
>this binary package, so it is definiately not new. I have triple checked
>that the distribution name is ok: unstable; also it does not happen with
>all the binary packages from that source, only with two of them.
>Thanks for any hints in advance,

Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`. Debian GNU/Linux  | Building 28C
: :' : Free Operating System | Monash University  VIC 3800  Australia
`. `'|

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: sidplay-libs, sidplay

2004-08-23 Thread Anibal Monsalve Salazar
On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 01:25:36AM +0200, Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi wrote:

sidplay-libs_2.1.0.orig.tar.gz doesn't exist:

   => `sidplay-libs_2.1.0.orig.tar.gz'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
11:25:55 ERROR 404: Not Found.


Output from running pbuilder on the source package:

Obtaining the cached apt archive contents
Installing the build-deps
 -> Attempting to parse the build-deps : pbuilder-satisfydepends,v 1.18 
2003/04/20 03:40:36 dancer Exp $
 -> Considering  debhelper (>= 3.0.0)
   -> Trying debhelper
 -> Considering  libsidplay2-dev (>= 2.1.0-4)
  Tried versions: 2.1.0-2
   -> Does not satisfy version, not trying
E: Could not satisfy build-dependency.
E: pbuilder-satisfydepends failed.

It tried to use libsidplay2-dev from sidplay-libs which is currently
version 2.1.0-2 in sid.

Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`. Debian GNU/Linux  | Building 28C
: :' : Free Operating System | Monash University  VIC 3800  Australia
`. `'|

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFH: strange message after package upload

2004-08-23 Thread Anibal Monsalve Salazar
On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 11:43:08AM +1000, Aníbal Monsalve Salazar wrote:
>Check the list of binary packages of sidplay-libs at:
>and you will see libresid-dev listed there. 

Which is a package you are taking over from ivo.

Sorry for the noise.

Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`. Debian GNU/Linux  | Building 28C
: :' : Free Operating System | Monash University  VIC 3800  Australia
`. `'|

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFC: crasm

2004-08-23 Thread Anibal Monsalve Salazar
On Sat, Aug 21, 2004 at 02:54:27PM +0200, Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi wrote:

debian/copyright is missing the following line [6][7]:

Copyright (c) 1987 Leon Bottou

The description in debian/control doesn't mention the upstream
homepage [8][9].


Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`. Debian GNU/Linux  | Building 28C
: :' : Free Operating System | Monash University  VIC 3800  Australia
`. `'|

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: zmanim and qtzmanim

2004-08-23 Thread Anibal Monsalve Salazar
On Mon, Aug 23, 2004 at 04:56:23PM -0700, Ken Bloom wrote:
>I'm looking for sponsors for three small packages that I have written
>   Package: qtzmanim
>   Version: 1.0.7
>   Description: A  program  for  computing  the  times for jewish rituals
>This program calculates the zmanim (times for Jewish rituals)
>according to the GR"A opinion. This is a GUI version using QT.
>   Package: zmanim
>   Version: 1.0.6
>   Description: A  program  for  computing  the  times for jewish rituals
>This program calculates the zmanim (times for Jewish rituals)
>according to the GR"A opinion.

Where are the .dsc, .diff.gz and .orig.tar.gz files? I can only find
the .changes and .deb files at:

Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`. Debian GNU/Linux  | Building 28C
: :' : Free Operating System | Monash University  VIC 3800  Australia
`. `'|

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: kst: A KDE data analysis program

2004-08-23 Thread Anibal Monsalve Salazar
On Sun, Aug 22, 2004 at 09:17:09AM -0600, Wesley J Landaker wrote:
>The debian/copyright lists the upstream authors, but doesn't give any 
>copyright declaration:
>Also, AUTHORS also includes "Rick Chern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>", 
>which is not listed in debian/copyright.
>Also, there are quite a few other copyright holders not listed:
>$ grep -ih copyright kst/kst/* | sort | uniq  | wc -l

Include the upstream homepage in the description in debian/control.

Also, remove the commented out lines in debian/rules.

Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`. Debian GNU/Linux  | Building 28C
: :' : Free Operating System | Monash University  VIC 3800  Australia
`. `'|

Description: Digital signature

Re: Need sponsor for packages python-irclib and jabber-irc

2004-08-23 Thread Alexey Nezhdanov
At 23 Aug 2004, 09:30 Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> I have prepared new version of python-irclib (I'm maintainer of it). It
> contains small modification to allow jabber-irc package work better.
> The jabber-irc is the new package and it is not in Debian archive yet.
> This is the IRC-transport for jabber server. It is written in python basing
> on the libraries python-xmpp (that I'm the maintainer too) and
> python-irclib.
I have uploaded the source packages here:

Alexey Nezhdanov

irda-utils: howto dist-upgrade when package name has changed?

2004-08-23 Thread Sebastian Henschel
hello list...

i am the maintainer of irda-utils which recently got this bug filed
against it:

the fix suggested there does not work.
the problem is that the package(s) in stable are called irda-tools and
irda-common and the current version is called irda-utils. when doing a
dist-ugprade from stable to unstable, irda-tools and irda-common are
not replaced automatically by irda-utils. how can i handle this?
irda-utils defines:

Replaces: irda-common, irda-tools
Provides: irda-tools
Conflicts: irda-common, irda-tools

but that does not seem to suffice. is a pseudo-package irda-tools
necessary which depends on irda-utils?

thanks for suggestions,
::: .O.
::: ..O
::: OOO
::: lynx -source | gpg --import

Description: Digital signature

Re: irda-utils: howto dist-upgrade when package name has changed?

2004-08-23 Thread Frank Küster
Sebastian Henschel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> hello list...
> i am the maintainer of irda-utils which recently got this bug filed
> against it:
> the fix suggested there does not work.
> the problem is that the package(s) in stable are called irda-tools and
> irda-common and the current version is called irda-utils. when doing a
> dist-ugprade from stable to unstable, irda-tools and irda-common are
> not replaced automatically by irda-utils. how can i handle this?
> irda-utils defines:
> Replaces: irda-common, irda-tools
> Provides: irda-tools
> Conflicts: irda-common, irda-tools
> but that does not seem to suffice. is a pseudo-package irda-tools
> necessary which depends on irda-utils?

I think it can be done with Replaces/Provides/Conflicts. 

- Did you try with "Provides: irda-common, irda-tools"

- What does apt say if you do the dist-upgrade from woody to sid/sarge
  with /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10debug containing

  pkgProblemResolver "true";
  pkgAcquire "false";
  pkgAcquire::Worker "false";
  pkgDPkgPM "false";
  pkgOrderList "false";
  pkgInitialize "false";   // This one will dump the configuration space
  NoLocking "false";
  Acquire::Ftp "false";// Show ftp command traffic
  Acquire::Http "false";   // Show http command traffic
  aptcdrom "false";// Show found package files

Regards, Frank

Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

Re: irda-utils: howto dist-upgrade when package name has changed?

2004-08-23 Thread Andreas Metzler
On 2004-08-23 Sebastian Henschel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> the problem is that the package(s) in stable are called irda-tools and
> irda-common and the current version is called irda-utils. when doing a
> dist-ugprade from stable to unstable, irda-tools and irda-common are
> not replaced automatically by irda-utils. how can i handle this?
> irda-utils defines:

> Replaces: irda-common, irda-tools
> Provides: irda-tools
> Conflicts: irda-common, irda-tools

> but that does not seem to suffice. is a pseudo-package irda-tools
> necessary which depends on irda-utils?

Yes, a empty pseudo package is necessary.
   cu andreas
"See, I told you they'd listen to Reason," [SPOILER] Svfurlr fnlf,
fuhggvat qbja gur juveyvat tha.
Neal Stephenson in "Snow Crash"

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

library packaging problem

2004-08-23 Thread mzenker

I am trying to package a library. This is my first package (yes, I know that it is 
depreciated for packaging newbies, but I need it in my job...). I have used upstream 
.tar.gz sources (they use autoconf and automake) and tried to follow the new 
maintainer's guide. 
The problem is that the dpkg-buildpackage produces packages with just the docs, but no 
library files inside (the appropriate directories have been created, but they are 
empty), although they reside in debian/tmp. This is true for both the libxxx.deb and 
the libxxx-dev.deb

Could anyone give me a hint where I have to look to find my (certainly trivial) error?

Thank you,


GN Otometrics -- Hortmann   
Dipl.Phys. Dr. Matthias Zenker
Entwicklung / Development
Auchtertstraße 4, D-72770 Reutlingen
Tel. ++49(0)7121/99435-60, Fax -79
eMail: mzenker at gnotometrics dot de  


2004-08-23 Thread Ben Hill
This mail registers my intent to take over the package maintenance of
BOINC as per this bug report:

Any problems, please mail me.



GPG Fingerprint: 4309 1C58 5143 AFAC F69E  11CD 76FD 56D4 1223 E387

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: library packaging problem

2004-08-23 Thread Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-08-23 18:16:20 +0200]:

> Could anyone give me a hint where I have to look to find my (certainly trivial) 
> error?
 Can we look into the package's source? Without checking we have a hard
time guessing.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sponsor for a new package

2004-08-23 Thread Nelson A. de Oliveira
Hash: SHA1
Hi people
I have created a package of Raster3D.
It's available at
There is no license for the program, but talking with the auhtor, he
allows the inclusion of the program on Debian.
Words from the author:
I have never attached a formal license document or statement to the
Raster3D code.  My position has always been that anyone is free to
use or modify the code in any way they like, but that modified versions
must not be redistributed.  Binary redistribution is also OK in
non-commercial formats. The bottom line is that I do not want anyone to
feel that they have had to pay something to get Raster3D, and I do not
want them to be running something that claims to be Raster3D but isn't
I used to ask that the code not be redistributed at all, but I have
changed my mind about that.  I currently provide rpms for Mandrake and
compatible rpm-based distros, and have also given permission for
the Darwin project to distribute a packaged version for the Mac.
I also ask that if the programs are used to generate figures for
publication, that they should be properly cited.
The closest formal Open Source licensing document that I know of is
the UW's pine license:
I am *not* saying that the pine license covers Raster3D; just that if
I were to write up a formal license it would look something like that
except there are no trademark issues for Raster3D and I ask for
scientific citation rather that trademark or attachment of legal notice.
Raster3D is a set of tools for generating high quality raster images of
proteins or other molecules. The core program renders spheres,
triangles, cylinders, and quadric surfaces with specular highlighting,
Phong shading, and shadowing. It uses an efficient software Z-buffer
algorithm which is independent of any graphics hardware. Ancillary
programs process atomic coordinates from PDB files into rendering
descriptions for pictures composed of ribbons, space-filling atoms,
bonds, ball+stick, etc. Raster3D can also be used to render pictures
composed in other programs such as  Molscript  in glorious 3D with
highlights, shadowing, etc. Output is to pixel image files with 24 bits
of color information per pixel.
Homepage is:
My package is lintiand and linda clean.
I also created a manpage for the program rings3d included on it.
Someone to sponsor me?
Thank you very much
Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RFS: sidplay-libs, sidplay

2004-08-23 Thread Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi
Hi Mentors, David,

 I am looking for a sponsor for sidplay-libs and sidplay, both available
from[1][2]. Both needed to play Commodore C64 music
files (.sid) on Linux. As sidplay-libs fixes a FTBFS bug, I would be
very thankful if someone can look into it and upload soon. Please build
the package to include the changes from 2.1.0-3 (ie with debuild
-v2.1.0-2), as it was uploaded, but not processed because my previous
sponsor (Algernon, on holiday now) had several problems ranging from bad
gpg signature on .changes to strange warning messages.

Thanks in advance,
[1] deb-src unstable main contrib non-free

Description: Digital signature

Re: Sponsor for a new package

2004-08-23 Thread Stephen Frost
* Nelson A. de Oliveira ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> There is no license for the program, but talking with the auhtor, he
> allows the inclusion of the program on Debian.

Based on his words, it looks like it'd be at *best* non-free.  It
certainly could not be included in Debian proper.  This is, in fact, the
same situation pine is in.  I'm not sure if you could even get it in to
non-free w/o a formal license, honestly, I would hope you couldn't.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Sponsor for a new package

2004-08-23 Thread Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi
* Nelson A. de Oliveira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-08-23 20:16:34 -0300]:

> There is no license for the program, but talking with the auhtor, he
> allows the inclusion of the program on Debian.
8. License Must Not Be Specific to Debian

The rights attached to the program must not depend on the program's
being part of a Debian system. If the program is extracted from Debian
and used or distributed without Debian but otherwise within the terms of
the program's license, all parties to whom the program is redistributed
should have the same rights as those that are granted in conjunction
with the Debian system.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Sponsor for a new package

2004-08-23 Thread Chris Anderson
On Mon, 2004-08-23 at 19:16, Nelson A. de Oliveira wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi people
> I have created a package of Raster3D.
> It's available at
> There is no license for the program, but talking with the auhtor, he
> allows the inclusion of the program on Debian.
> Words from the author:
> I have never attached a formal license document or statement to the
> Raster3D code.  My position has always been that anyone is free to
> use or modify the code in any way they like, but that modified versions
> must not be redistributed.  Binary redistribution is also OK in
> non-commercial formats. The bottom line is that I do not want anyone to
> feel that they have had to pay something to get Raster3D, and I do not
> want them to be running something that claims to be Raster3D but isn't
> really.

This violates section 3 of the DFSG if I understand him correctly.

> I used to ask that the code not be redistributed at all, but I have
> changed my mind about that.  I currently provide rpms for Mandrake and
> compatible rpm-based distros, and have also given permission for
> the Darwin project to distribute a packaged version for the Mac.
> I also ask that if the programs are used to generate figures for
> publication, that they should be properly cited.

Possibly a violation of section 6.

> The closest formal Open Source licensing document that I know of is
> the UW's pine license:
> ~

Ack, comparisions to Pine's license can't be good.

> I am *not* saying that the pine license covers Raster3D; just that if
> I were to write up a formal license it would look something like that
> except there are no trademark issues for Raster3D and I ask for
> scientific citation rather that trademark or attachment of legal notice.
> *END*
> Raster3D is a set of tools for generating high quality raster images of
> proteins or other molecules. The core program renders spheres,
> triangles, cylinders, and quadric surfaces with specular highlighting,
> Phong shading, and shadowing. It uses an efficient software Z-buffer
> algorithm which is independent of any graphics hardware. Ancillary
> programs process atomic coordinates from PDB files into rendering
> descriptions for pictures composed of ribbons, space-filling atoms,
> bonds, ball+stick, etc. Raster3D can also be used to render pictures
> composed in other programs such as  Molscript  in glorious 3D with
> highlights, shadowing, etc. Output is to pixel image files with 24 bits
> of color information per pixel.
> Homepage is:
> My package is lintiand and linda clean.

The newest standards version is 3.6.1, your package is using 3.6.0. You
probably want to update that in debian/control.

> I also created a manpage for the program rings3d included on it.

Judging by what you've said in the mail, I doubt Raster3D could go in
anything but non-free. It would help considerably to get an actual
license with the package (though there could be one, the server is slow
and I don't have time to download the files to examine them).

> Someone to sponsor me?
> Thank you very much
> Nelson
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
> iD8DBQFBKnrQAQwuptkwlkQRAvt9AJ9wcg3d4P6BS5YTbNmZ+kyFWhxZlwCfdhXc
> 4D6M5+TTdCRwGU91CubcRZA=
> =wdOg
Chris Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICQ: 72021847  Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
20B2 CB34 8AA5 05BC A90C  2CDD 2768 D4B4 2B93 424B

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

RFS: zmanim and qtzmanim

2004-08-23 Thread Ken Bloom
I'm looking for sponsors for three small packages that I have written

   Package: qtzmanim
   Version: 1.0.7
   Description: A  program  for  computing  the  times for jewish rituals
This program calculates the zmanim (times for Jewish rituals)
according to the GR"A opinion. This is a GUI version using QT.

   Package: zmanim
   Version: 1.0.6
   Description: A  program  for  computing  the  times for jewish rituals
This program calculates the zmanim (times for Jewish rituals)
according to the GR"A opinion.

I usually have a GPG digital signature included as an attachment.
See for info about these digital signatures.
My key was last signed 08/18/2004. If you use GPG *please* see me about 
signing the key. * My computer can't give you viruses by email. ***

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2004-08-23 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Mon, Aug 23, 2004 at 07:14:15PM +0100, Ben Hill wrote:
> This mail registers my intent to take over the package maintenance of
> BOINC as per this bug report:

No it doesn't.  A message to the bug report, renaming the bug from an RFP to
an ITP, and changing the bug owner to yourself, would register your intent.

Instructions for all of these actions can be found in the BTS documentation

- Matt

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFH: strange message after package upload

2004-08-23 Thread Anibal Monsalve Salazar
On Sun, Aug 22, 2004 at 09:35:08PM +0200, Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi wrote:
> My sponsor uploaded sidplay related packages for me. It was like before
>with other packages: I get a message that the upload was ok, then that
>it was accepted. However for two binary packages I get this snippshet:
>-- snip --
>(new) libresid-dev_2.1.0-3_i386.deb optional devel
>WARNING: Already present in main distribution.
>-- snip --

Check the list of binary packages of sidplay-libs at:

and you will see libresid-dev listed there. 

>What does it mean, and how can I fix it? The package already contained
>this binary package, so it is definiately not new. I have triple checked
>that the distribution name is ok: unstable; also it does not happen with
>all the binary packages from that source, only with two of them.
>Thanks for any hints in advance,

Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`. Debian GNU/Linux  | Building 28C
: :' : Free Operating System | Monash University  VIC 3800  Australia
`. `'|

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: sidplay-libs, sidplay

2004-08-23 Thread Anibal Monsalve Salazar
On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 01:25:36AM +0200, Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi wrote:

sidplay-libs_2.1.0.orig.tar.gz doesn't exist:

   => `sidplay-libs_2.1.0.orig.tar.gz'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
11:25:55 ERROR 404: Not Found.


Output from running pbuilder on the source package:

Obtaining the cached apt archive contents
Installing the build-deps
 -> Attempting to parse the build-deps : pbuilder-satisfydepends,v 1.18 2003/04/20 
03:40:36 dancer Exp $
 -> Considering  debhelper (>= 3.0.0)
   -> Trying debhelper
 -> Considering  libsidplay2-dev (>= 2.1.0-4)
  Tried versions: 2.1.0-2
   -> Does not satisfy version, not trying
E: Could not satisfy build-dependency.
E: pbuilder-satisfydepends failed.

It tried to use libsidplay2-dev from sidplay-libs which is currently
version 2.1.0-2 in sid.

Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`. Debian GNU/Linux  | Building 28C
: :' : Free Operating System | Monash University  VIC 3800  Australia
`. `'|

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFH: strange message after package upload

2004-08-23 Thread Anibal Monsalve Salazar
On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 11:43:08AM +1000, Aníbal Monsalve Salazar wrote:
>Check the list of binary packages of sidplay-libs at:
>and you will see libresid-dev listed there. 

Which is a package you are taking over from ivo.

Sorry for the noise.

Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`. Debian GNU/Linux  | Building 28C
: :' : Free Operating System | Monash University  VIC 3800  Australia
`. `'|

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFC: crasm

2004-08-23 Thread Anibal Monsalve Salazar
On Sat, Aug 21, 2004 at 02:54:27PM +0200, Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi wrote:

debian/copyright is missing the following line [6][7]:

Copyright (c) 1987 Leon Bottou

The description in debian/control doesn't mention the upstream
homepage [8][9].


Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`. Debian GNU/Linux  | Building 28C
: :' : Free Operating System | Monash University  VIC 3800  Australia
`. `'|

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: zmanim and qtzmanim

2004-08-23 Thread Anibal Monsalve Salazar
On Mon, Aug 23, 2004 at 04:56:23PM -0700, Ken Bloom wrote:
>I'm looking for sponsors for three small packages that I have written
>   Package: qtzmanim
>   Version: 1.0.7
>   Description: A  program  for  computing  the  times for jewish rituals
>This program calculates the zmanim (times for Jewish rituals)
>according to the GR"A opinion. This is a GUI version using QT.
>   Package: zmanim
>   Version: 1.0.6
>   Description: A  program  for  computing  the  times for jewish rituals
>This program calculates the zmanim (times for Jewish rituals)
>according to the GR"A opinion.

Where are the .dsc, .diff.gz and .orig.tar.gz files? I can only find
the .changes and .deb files at:

Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`. Debian GNU/Linux  | Building 28C
: :' : Free Operating System | Monash University  VIC 3800  Australia
`. `'|

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: kst: A KDE data analysis program

2004-08-23 Thread Anibal Monsalve Salazar
On Sun, Aug 22, 2004 at 09:17:09AM -0600, Wesley J Landaker wrote:
>The debian/copyright lists the upstream authors, but doesn't give any 
>copyright declaration:
>Also, AUTHORS also includes "Rick Chern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>", 
>which is not listed in debian/copyright.
>Also, there are quite a few other copyright holders not listed:
>$ grep -ih copyright kst/kst/* | sort | uniq  | wc -l

Include the upstream homepage in the description in debian/control.

Also, remove the commented out lines in debian/rules.

Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`. Debian GNU/Linux  | Building 28C
: :' : Free Operating System | Monash University  VIC 3800  Australia
`. `'|

Description: Digital signature

Re: Need sponsor for packages python-irclib and jabber-irc

2004-08-23 Thread Alexey Nezhdanov
At 23 Aug 2004, 09:30 Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> I have prepared new version of python-irclib (I'm maintainer of it). It
> contains small modification to allow jabber-irc package work better.
> The jabber-irc is the new package and it is not in Debian archive yet.
> This is the IRC-transport for jabber server. It is written in python basing
> on the libraries python-xmpp (that I'm the maintainer too) and
> python-irclib.
I have uploaded the source packages here:

Alexey Nezhdanov

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: sidplay-libs, sidplay

2004-08-23 Thread Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi
* Anibal Monsalve Salazar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-08-24 12:13:26 +1000]:

> On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 01:25:36AM +0200, Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi wrote:
> >
> sidplay-libs_2.1.0.orig.tar.gz doesn't exist:
> --11:25:54--
>=> `sidplay-libs_2.1.0.orig.tar.gz'
> Resolving
> Connecting to[]:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
> 11:25:55 ERROR 404: Not Found.
 Exactly; if there's no change in the upstream version (like this case),
then it is not uploaded again. I know this is a little bug as does not host the whole Debian tree, but dupload does
not know it. So, as sidplay-libs 2.1.0-2 is in the archive, and I have
done only -3 and -4, dupload uploaded only the diff. It is a feature.
Please fetch the sidplay-libs_2.1.0.orig.tar.gz from your Debian mirror.

> >
> Output from running pbuilder on the source package:
> ...
> Obtaining the cached apt archive contents
> Installing the build-deps
>  -> Attempting to parse the build-deps : pbuilder-satisfydepends,v 1.18 2003/04/20 
> 03:40:36 dancer Exp $
>  -> Considering  debhelper (>= 3.0.0)
>-> Trying debhelper
>  -> Considering  libsidplay2-dev (>= 2.1.0-4)
>   Tried versions: 2.1.0-2
>-> Does not satisfy version, not trying
> E: Could not satisfy build-dependency.
> E: pbuilder-satisfydepends failed.
 See above. Please build sidplay-libs first.


Description: Digital signature

Re: RFH: strange message after package upload

2004-08-23 Thread Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi
* Anibal Monsalve Salazar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-08-24 12:46:32 +1000]:

> On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 11:43:08AM +1000, Aníbal Monsalve Salazar wrote:
> >Check the list of binary packages of sidplay-libs at:
> >
> >
> >
> >and you will see libresid-dev listed there. 
 Yes, but what does warning mean, when libresid-dev already exists? Why
that said a new binary package? OK, my sponsor had some problems
uploading it, somehow gnupg produced bad signature for him, then dsc
changed on his next upload, so the md5sum was not correct, etc. All in
all uploding sidplay-libs 2.1.0-3 failed.

> Which is a package you are taking over from ivo.
 Yes, and? It should not generate that warning.

> Sorry for the noise.
 No problem, I am just curious why the uploading failed.


Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: sidplay-libs, sidplay

2004-08-23 Thread Anibal Monsalve Salazar
On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 07:28:14AM +0200, Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi wrote:
> Exactly; if there's no change in the upstream version (like this case),
>then it is not uploaded again. I know this is a little bug as
> does not host the whole Debian tree, but dupload does
>not know it. So, as sidplay-libs 2.1.0-2 is in the archive, and I have
>done only -3 and -4, dupload uploaded only the diff. It is a feature.

Please see the -sa option of dpkg-buildpackage:

   -si, -sa, -sd
  These options control whether the original source
  archive is included in the upload generated by
  dpkg-buildpackage and dpkg-genchanges if any source is
  being generated (ie, -b or -B haven't been used).

  By default, or if -si is specified, the original source
  will be included if the version number ends in -0 or
  -1, ie if the Debian revision part of the version
  number is 0 or 1.

  -sa forces the inclusion of the original source; -sd
  forces its exclusion and includes only the diff.

>Please fetch the sidplay-libs_2.1.0.orig.tar.gz from your Debian mirror.

Will do.

Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`. Debian GNU/Linux  | Building 28C
: :' : Free Operating System | Monash University  VIC 3800  Australia
`. `'|

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFS: zmanim and qtzmanim

2004-08-23 Thread Ken Bloom
On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 01:29:57PM +1000, Anibal Monsalve Salazar wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 23, 2004 at 04:56:23PM -0700, Ken Bloom wrote:
> >I'm looking for sponsors for three small packages that I have written
> >myself:
> >
> >   Package: qtzmanim
> >   Version: 1.0.7
> >   Description: A  program  for  computing  the  times for jewish rituals
> >This program calculates the zmanim (times for Jewish rituals)
> >according to the GR"A opinion. This is a GUI version using QT.
> >
> >   Package: zmanim
> >   Version: 1.0.6
> >   Description: A  program  for  computing  the  times for jewish rituals
> >This program calculates the zmanim (times for Jewish rituals)
> >according to the GR"A opinion.
> >
> > [my incorrect url snipped]
> Where are the .dsc, .diff.gz and .orig.tar.gz files? I can only find
> the .changes and .deb files at:

I'm not sure why they disappeared, but they're back now.
And thanks for noticing that I got the URL wrong.

I usually have a GPG digital signature included as an attachment.
See for info about these digital signatures.
My key was last signed 08/18/2004. If you use GPG *please* see me about 
signing the key. * My computer can't give you viruses by email. ***

Description: Digital signature