Re: Looking for a sponsor: geektool

2004-02-08 Thread John Buttery
* C?dric Gehin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-11-04 00:16:22 +0100]:
> geektool prints file's content on screen's background, in real time. It 
> allows 
> to keep any file on background, with any new line added to the file  
> automatically printed on screen. For exemple, you can use it to be informed 
> of system's message by printing /var/log/message.
> It allows to choose the geometry of output window, color of police, if you 
> want all the file or only next lines, and the refresh delay.

  This sounds a lot like a subset of "root-portal" and a clone of
"root-tail", which are already in Debian...

  John  ! Being a local sysadmin/network admin is different. It's your
 Buttery! baby, you get the call at 3am when things go bad, you make! sure that doesn't happen. Too bad employers don't see that..
om/~john!  --

Description: Digital signature

GNU polyxmass: brand new lintian-linda-clean packages

2004-02-08 Thread Filippo Rusconi
Hi all,

Some days ago I asked if someone would help me assess if the packages
I prepared for the GNU polyxmass project were OK, and some kind soul
pointed me to some errors that were detected by lintian.

(This project is GPL'ed software, aimed at allowing user perform
simulations and analyzes of polymer mass spectrometric data.)

I've reworked the packages now and they are lintian-linda-clean unless
for two things:

1. the menu icon (that is limited to 24 colors using The Gimp) makes
   the verification programs complain about colors which are non
   correct. I could not find a solution to this problem and found on
   the web that lintian was buggy with this respect. Anyone ideas ?

2. the verification program also pretends that the detailed
   description might contain a non-indented section (control
   file). However, I could not find why there was this diagnostic.

Apart from those lintian W/E messages, the packages are clean.

I would be glad if someone was interested in that software, and would
try the packages that I made.

The packages should be apt-get'table from

deb binary-i386/
deb-src source/

I tried this with

# apt-get install polyxdef

and it correctly determined the dependencies on a virginal Debian
GNU/Linux machine, downloading everything needed (what a wonder !).

Overall, the fact that I had to prepare Debian packages certainly made
me improve the upstream material. That's clever, for a packaging

Thanks for your help,




Mass spectrometry in GNU/Linux ? GNU polyxmass ! or

  Free software that you are welcome to distribute!

Description: Digital signature

Re: Packaging .deb vs .rpm - Re: C library for numerical analysis and math

2004-02-08 Thread Florent Rougon
Zenaan Harkness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Anyway, I know I wouldn't want to spend time learning _two_
> packaging systems - .deb (and .tar of course) are surely enough?

It seems you don't realize that converting from one packaging system to
another and hoping the results works correctly in most cases is doomed
to failure. Debian Policy is not Redhat Policy (if a such a thing
exists). This will suck. Definitely.

If you are upstream, I wouldn't advise you to prepare .deb and .rpm for
your programs unless you know the packaging system and distribution
*well*. Otherwise, the packages will suck. If the software is valuable,
someone is going to package it anyway.



2004-02-08 Thread 富友教育














小学生(五、六年级)阅读速度   300字/分钟 理解率 70%以上
初中生  阅读速度   500字/分钟 理解率 70%以上 
高中生  阅读速度   600字/分钟 理解率 70%以上 










中国送礼的习惯源远流长从送烟送酒过渡到20世纪未送健康, 21世纪信息时代送礼送学习能






Is this sufficient for an application?

2004-02-08 Thread Florian Effenberger
Hello there,

some of you might remember my name, I have already applied for a Debian
maintainer status some time ago, but dropped it because of personal time

I've been working with Debian for three years now and consider myself to be
very experienced regarding the system. I maintain several servers and
routers and even support datacenters using Debian systems. I've written down
about 100 pages of documentation for myself right now.

To show my enthusiasm and to be "a part of the community", I would like to
become an official Debian "developer". The reason why I wrote developer in
quotation marks is that I'm not a programmer all the way. I can "hack" down
some scripts, but that's not my best job.

Mainly, I would like support the marketing and user support area, especially
focussing on Germans educational and governmental institutions, as I already
have experience in that field. I work together closely with some schools (on
a honorary basis, so I don't do this commercially) and plan to extend my

My question to you is: Is this already sufficient for an application, or do
I need to do all those technical skills tests like packaging, which I do not
need, as I don't want to contribute in that area?

Would like to be a part of the community and I hope someone can help me :-)

-- florian

Re: Is this sufficient for an application?

2004-02-08 Thread Joe Nahmias
Hello Florian,

Florian Effenberger wrote:
> I've been working with Debian for three years now and consider myself to be
> very experienced regarding the system. I maintain several servers and
> routers and even support datacenters using Debian systems. I've written down
> about 100 pages of documentation for myself right now.

Wow!  That's certainly impressive.

> To show my enthusiasm and to be "a part of the community", I would like to
> become an official Debian "developer". The reason why I wrote developer in
> quotation marks is that I'm not a programmer all the way. I can "hack" down
> some scripts, but that's not my best job.
> Mainly, I would like support the marketing and user support area, especially
> focussing on Germans educational and governmental institutions, as I already
> have experience in that field. I work together closely with some schools (on
> a honorary basis, so I don't do this commercially) and plan to extend my
> work.
> My question to you is: Is this already sufficient for an application, or do
> I need to do all those technical skills tests like packaging, which I do not
> need, as I don't want to contribute in that area?

There are many ways to contribute to Debian besides maintaining
packages.  In fact, the current NM process already has a number of
alternative tracks for those who are not interested in packaging.

AIUI, you follow the normal NM process, but when it comes time for the
Tasks & Skills check, you will get something different than a packager
will.  See  for more
information on this.  Also, you can ask on the debian-newmaint list, as
it is more appropriate for NM questions of this type [M-F-T set].

> Would like to be a part of the community and I hope someone can help me :-)

Thank you for your offer!


Re: Is this sufficient for an application?

2004-02-08 Thread Florian Effenberger
Hi Joe,

and thanks for your reply. Glad to hear that this could be possible! I'm
crossposting this reply to both lists. If someone gives me his OK to support
my application, I will start to enter my data on ;-)

> There are many ways to contribute to Debian besides maintaining packages.
> In fact, the current NM process already has a number of alternative tracks
> for those who are not interested in packaging.
> AIUI, you follow the normal NM process, but when it comes time for the
> Tasks & Skills check, you will get something different than a packager
> will.  See  for more
> information on this.  Also, you can ask on the debian-newmaint list, as it
> is more appropriate for NM questions of this type [M-F-T set].

Looking forward of being a part of the community,

Re: Is this sufficient for an application?

2004-02-08 Thread Thomas Viehmann
Florian Effenberger wrote:
> crossposting this reply to both lists. If someone gives me his OK to support
> my application, I will start to enter my data on ;-)
You should cooperate for a while with a DD already working on something
that you intend to be your primary field of contribution. Then that
person will advocate you. (Unless you think you're famous enough that
most people will advocate you immediately. Sometimes this seems to be
the case.)


Thomas Viehmann, 

Description: PGP signature

Re: Is this sufficient for an application?

2004-02-08 Thread Florian Effenberger
Hi Thomas,

> You should cooperate for a while with a DD already working on something
> that you intend to be your primary field of contribution. Then that
> person will advocate you. (Unless you think you're famous enough that
> most people will advocate you immediately. Sometimes this seems to be
> the case.)

Well, that's exactly the problem when you're not maintaining docs or
packages, nothing to prove what you're doing ;)

However, I hope this helps - some suggestions and bug reports:

Hope that is okay so someone can support my application! :-)


Re: Is this sufficient for an application?

2004-02-08 Thread Thomas Viehmann

Florian Effenberger wrote:
> Hope that is okay so someone can support my application! :-)
Well, I'd probably tell you to stick around some more and try to submit
bugs with patches or do whatever you do. If you're not doing package
maintentance you'd probably not be in a hurry to become a developer
anyway. There's quite a few applicants or new maintainers that are
probably much wider known for their work on various areas (e.g. Joe,
Nathanial, Frank, ...).
OTOH, obviously someone advocated you last time around.
But I'm not a DD, so I have no say in it anyway.

Kind regards

Thomas Viehmann, 

Description: PGP signature

Re: Is this sufficient for an application?

2004-02-08 Thread Florian Effenberger
Hi Thomas,

> Well, I'd probably tell you to stick around some more and try to submit
> bugs with patches or do whatever you do. If you're not doing package
> maintentance you'd probably not be in a hurry to become a developer
> anyway. There's quite a few applicants or new maintainers that are
> probably much wider known for their work on various areas (e.g. Joe,
> Nathanial, Frank, ...). OTOH, obviously someone advocated you last time
> around. But I'm not a DD, so I have no say in it anyway.

Well, I've been waiting for quite a while, and if I want to start more
projects with Debian, now it's time to become an official developer. :-)

So I hope someone on the list with appropriate permissions could help me *g*


Re: Is this sufficient for an application?

2004-02-08 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
On Sunday 08 February 2004 12:43, Florian Effenberger wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> > Well, I'd probably tell you to stick around some more and try to submit
> > bugs with patches or do whatever you do. If you're not doing package
> > maintentance you'd probably not be in a hurry to become a developer
> > anyway. There's quite a few applicants or new maintainers that are
> > probably much wider known for their work on various areas (e.g. Joe,
> > Nathanial, Frank, ...). OTOH, obviously someone advocated you last time
> > around. But I'm not a DD, so I have no say in it anyway.
> Well, I've been waiting for quite a while, and if I want to start more
> projects with Debian, now it's time to become an official developer. :-)
> So I hope someone on the list with appropriate permissions could help me
> *g*

Not to sound negative but ..

What will you give to Debian directly?  We do not really have marketing people 
per se.

From your intro it looks like you could assist with the documentation 
projects.  Perhaps with the new installer docs?  We always need more and 
better documentation.

Debian likes new blood, really we do (-:

RFS: python-albatross (due to original sponsor's time constraints)

2004-02-08 Thread Fabian Fagerholm

I'm looking for a temporary sponsor for the python-albatross package.
Due to time constraints, my original sponsor has been unable to upload
the package. I'm hoping someone could take a look at the package and
then upload it fairly quickly. I've progressed in NM queue and this
would be a one-time sponsorship only.

The package is temporarily available at or I can send whatever
you need by email.

* Package name: albatross
  Version : 1.01
  Upstream Author : Object Craft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL :
* License : BSD
  Description : a Toolkit for Stateful Web Applications

Albatross is a small and flexible Python toolkit for developing highly
stateful web applications. It includes, among other things:
 * An extensible HTML templating system similar to DTML that promotes
   separation of presentation and implementation.
 * The ability to place Python code for each page in a dynamically loaded
   module, or to place each page in its own class.
 * Optional sessions.
 * Deployment as CGI programs or mod_python modules.


Fabian Fagerholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Is this sufficient for an application?

2004-02-08 Thread Florian Effenberger
Hi Sean,

> Not to sound negative but ..

> What will you give to Debian directly?  We do not really have marketing
> people per se.

> From your intro it looks like you could assist with the documentation
> projects.  Perhaps with the new installer docs?  We always need more and
> better documentation.

> Debian likes new blood, really we do (-:

Well - due to a lot of contacts I have and a lot of projects I support, I
might have good possibilites of getting more attention to Debian, especially
in the educational area in Germany. Doing that as an "official" Debian guy
is better than doing it as just a "fan" of Debian.

I can be your man! The fact that you don't have official marketing people
yet doesn't mean you can't have some in the future. What did you just say
about new blood? :-)

So, what do you think? :-)

-- florian

Re: Is this sufficient for an application?

2004-02-08 Thread Joe Nahmias
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> From your intro it looks like you could assist with the documentation 
> projects.  Perhaps with the new installer docs?  We always need more and 
> better documentation.

Agreed.  I would recommend that Florian subscribe to the debian-boot
mailing list and see what you can do to assist the people putting
together the installation manual.  There's definitely alot of work that
needs to be done in this (release-) critical area and not many people
who are doing it.  So, that would be an ideal proving ground for getting
an advocate and into Debian.

Just my $0.02,

Re: Looking for a sponsor: geektool

2004-02-08 Thread John Buttery
* C?dric Gehin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-11-04 00:16:22 +0100]:
> geektool prints file's content on screen's background, in real time. It allows 
> to keep any file on background, with any new line added to the file  
> automatically printed on screen. For exemple, you can use it to be informed 
> of system's message by printing /var/log/message.
> It allows to choose the geometry of output window, color of police, if you 
> want all the file or only next lines, and the refresh delay.

  This sounds a lot like a subset of "root-portal" and a clone of
"root-tail", which are already in Debian...

  John  ! Being a local sysadmin/network admin is different. It's your
 Buttery! baby, you get the call at 3am when things go bad, you make! sure that doesn't happen. Too bad employers don't see that..
om/~john!  --

Description: Digital signature

GNU polyxmass: brand new lintian-linda-clean packages

2004-02-08 Thread Filippo Rusconi
Hi all,

Some days ago I asked if someone would help me assess if the packages
I prepared for the GNU polyxmass project were OK, and some kind soul
pointed me to some errors that were detected by lintian.

(This project is GPL'ed software, aimed at allowing user perform
simulations and analyzes of polymer mass spectrometric data.)

I've reworked the packages now and they are lintian-linda-clean unless
for two things:

1. the menu icon (that is limited to 24 colors using The Gimp) makes
   the verification programs complain about colors which are non
   correct. I could not find a solution to this problem and found on
   the web that lintian was buggy with this respect. Anyone ideas ?

2. the verification program also pretends that the detailed
   description might contain a non-indented section (control
   file). However, I could not find why there was this diagnostic.

Apart from those lintian W/E messages, the packages are clean.

I would be glad if someone was interested in that software, and would
try the packages that I made.

The packages should be apt-get'table from

deb binary-i386/
deb-src source/

I tried this with

# apt-get install polyxdef

and it correctly determined the dependencies on a virginal Debian
GNU/Linux machine, downloading everything needed (what a wonder !).

Overall, the fact that I had to prepare Debian packages certainly made
me improve the upstream material. That's clever, for a packaging

Thanks for your help,




Mass spectrometry in GNU/Linux ? GNU polyxmass ! or

  Free software that you are welcome to distribute!

Description: Digital signature

Re: Packaging .deb vs .rpm - Re: C library for numerical analysis and math

2004-02-08 Thread Florent Rougon
Zenaan Harkness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Anyway, I know I wouldn't want to spend time learning _two_
> packaging systems - .deb (and .tar of course) are surely enough?

It seems you don't realize that converting from one packaging system to
another and hoping the results works correctly in most cases is doomed
to failure. Debian Policy is not Redhat Policy (if a such a thing
exists). This will suck. Definitely.

If you are upstream, I wouldn't advise you to prepare .deb and .rpm for
your programs unless you know the packaging system and distribution
*well*. Otherwise, the packages will suck. If the software is valuable,
someone is going to package it anyway.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2004-02-08 Thread 富友教育














小学生(五、六年级)阅读速度   300字/分钟 理解率 70%以上
初中生  阅读速度   500字/分钟 理解率 70%以上 
高中生  阅读速度   600字/分钟 理解率 70%以上 










中国送礼的习惯源远流长从送烟送酒过渡到20世纪未送健康, 21世纪信息时代送礼送学习能






with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is this sufficient for an application?

2004-02-08 Thread Florian Effenberger
Hello there,

some of you might remember my name, I have already applied for a Debian
maintainer status some time ago, but dropped it because of personal time

I've been working with Debian for three years now and consider myself to be
very experienced regarding the system. I maintain several servers and
routers and even support datacenters using Debian systems. I've written down
about 100 pages of documentation for myself right now.

To show my enthusiasm and to be "a part of the community", I would like to
become an official Debian "developer". The reason why I wrote developer in
quotation marks is that I'm not a programmer all the way. I can "hack" down
some scripts, but that's not my best job.

Mainly, I would like support the marketing and user support area, especially
focussing on Germans educational and governmental institutions, as I already
have experience in that field. I work together closely with some schools (on
a honorary basis, so I don't do this commercially) and plan to extend my

My question to you is: Is this already sufficient for an application, or do
I need to do all those technical skills tests like packaging, which I do not
need, as I don't want to contribute in that area?

Would like to be a part of the community and I hope someone can help me :-)

-- florian

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Is this sufficient for an application?

2004-02-08 Thread Joe Nahmias
Hello Florian,

Florian Effenberger wrote:
> I've been working with Debian for three years now and consider myself to be
> very experienced regarding the system. I maintain several servers and
> routers and even support datacenters using Debian systems. I've written down
> about 100 pages of documentation for myself right now.

Wow!  That's certainly impressive.

> To show my enthusiasm and to be "a part of the community", I would like to
> become an official Debian "developer". The reason why I wrote developer in
> quotation marks is that I'm not a programmer all the way. I can "hack" down
> some scripts, but that's not my best job.
> Mainly, I would like support the marketing and user support area, especially
> focussing on Germans educational and governmental institutions, as I already
> have experience in that field. I work together closely with some schools (on
> a honorary basis, so I don't do this commercially) and plan to extend my
> work.
> My question to you is: Is this already sufficient for an application, or do
> I need to do all those technical skills tests like packaging, which I do not
> need, as I don't want to contribute in that area?

There are many ways to contribute to Debian besides maintaining
packages.  In fact, the current NM process already has a number of
alternative tracks for those who are not interested in packaging.

AIUI, you follow the normal NM process, but when it comes time for the
Tasks & Skills check, you will get something different than a packager
will.  See  for more
information on this.  Also, you can ask on the debian-newmaint list, as
it is more appropriate for NM questions of this type [M-F-T set].

> Would like to be a part of the community and I hope someone can help me :-)

Thank you for your offer!


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Is this sufficient for an application?

2004-02-08 Thread Florian Effenberger
Hi Joe,

and thanks for your reply. Glad to hear that this could be possible! I'm
crossposting this reply to both lists. If someone gives me his OK to support
my application, I will start to enter my data on ;-)

> There are many ways to contribute to Debian besides maintaining packages.
> In fact, the current NM process already has a number of alternative tracks
> for those who are not interested in packaging.
> AIUI, you follow the normal NM process, but when it comes time for the
> Tasks & Skills check, you will get something different than a packager
> will.  See  for more
> information on this.  Also, you can ask on the debian-newmaint list, as it
> is more appropriate for NM questions of this type [M-F-T set].

Looking forward of being a part of the community,

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Is this sufficient for an application?

2004-02-08 Thread Thomas Viehmann
Florian Effenberger wrote:
> crossposting this reply to both lists. If someone gives me his OK to support
> my application, I will start to enter my data on ;-)
You should cooperate for a while with a DD already working on something
that you intend to be your primary field of contribution. Then that
person will advocate you. (Unless you think you're famous enough that
most people will advocate you immediately. Sometimes this seems to be
the case.)


Thomas Viehmann, 

Description: PGP signature

Re: Is this sufficient for an application?

2004-02-08 Thread Florian Effenberger
Hi Thomas,

> You should cooperate for a while with a DD already working on something
> that you intend to be your primary field of contribution. Then that
> person will advocate you. (Unless you think you're famous enough that
> most people will advocate you immediately. Sometimes this seems to be
> the case.)

Well, that's exactly the problem when you're not maintaining docs or
packages, nothing to prove what you're doing ;)

However, I hope this helps - some suggestions and bug reports:

Hope that is okay so someone can support my application! :-)


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Is this sufficient for an application?

2004-02-08 Thread Thomas Viehmann

Florian Effenberger wrote:
> Hope that is okay so someone can support my application! :-)
Well, I'd probably tell you to stick around some more and try to submit
bugs with patches or do whatever you do. If you're not doing package
maintentance you'd probably not be in a hurry to become a developer
anyway. There's quite a few applicants or new maintainers that are
probably much wider known for their work on various areas (e.g. Joe,
Nathanial, Frank, ...).
OTOH, obviously someone advocated you last time around.
But I'm not a DD, so I have no say in it anyway.

Kind regards

Thomas Viehmann, 

Description: PGP signature

Re: Is this sufficient for an application?

2004-02-08 Thread Florian Effenberger
Hi Thomas,

> Well, I'd probably tell you to stick around some more and try to submit
> bugs with patches or do whatever you do. If you're not doing package
> maintentance you'd probably not be in a hurry to become a developer
> anyway. There's quite a few applicants or new maintainers that are
> probably much wider known for their work on various areas (e.g. Joe,
> Nathanial, Frank, ...). OTOH, obviously someone advocated you last time
> around. But I'm not a DD, so I have no say in it anyway.

Well, I've been waiting for quite a while, and if I want to start more
projects with Debian, now it's time to become an official developer. :-)

So I hope someone on the list with appropriate permissions could help me *g*


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Is this sufficient for an application?

2004-02-08 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
On Sunday 08 February 2004 12:43, Florian Effenberger wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> > Well, I'd probably tell you to stick around some more and try to submit
> > bugs with patches or do whatever you do. If you're not doing package
> > maintentance you'd probably not be in a hurry to become a developer
> > anyway. There's quite a few applicants or new maintainers that are
> > probably much wider known for their work on various areas (e.g. Joe,
> > Nathanial, Frank, ...). OTOH, obviously someone advocated you last time
> > around. But I'm not a DD, so I have no say in it anyway.
> Well, I've been waiting for quite a while, and if I want to start more
> projects with Debian, now it's time to become an official developer. :-)
> So I hope someone on the list with appropriate permissions could help me
> *g*

Not to sound negative but ..

What will you give to Debian directly?  We do not really have marketing people 
per se.

From your intro it looks like you could assist with the documentation 
projects.  Perhaps with the new installer docs?  We always need more and 
better documentation.

Debian likes new blood, really we do (-:

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RFS: python-albatross (due to original sponsor's time constraints)

2004-02-08 Thread Fabian Fagerholm

I'm looking for a temporary sponsor for the python-albatross package.
Due to time constraints, my original sponsor has been unable to upload
the package. I'm hoping someone could take a look at the package and
then upload it fairly quickly. I've progressed in NM queue and this
would be a one-time sponsorship only.

The package is temporarily available at or I can send whatever
you need by email.

* Package name: albatross
  Version : 1.01
  Upstream Author : Object Craft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL :
* License : BSD
  Description : a Toolkit for Stateful Web Applications

Albatross is a small and flexible Python toolkit for developing highly
stateful web applications. It includes, among other things:
 * An extensible HTML templating system similar to DTML that promotes
   separation of presentation and implementation.
 * The ability to place Python code for each page in a dynamically loaded
   module, or to place each page in its own class.
 * Optional sessions.
 * Deployment as CGI programs or mod_python modules.


Fabian Fagerholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Is this sufficient for an application?

2004-02-08 Thread Florian Effenberger
Hi Sean,

> Not to sound negative but ..

> What will you give to Debian directly?  We do not really have marketing
> people per se.

> From your intro it looks like you could assist with the documentation
> projects.  Perhaps with the new installer docs?  We always need more and
> better documentation.

> Debian likes new blood, really we do (-:

Well - due to a lot of contacts I have and a lot of projects I support, I
might have good possibilites of getting more attention to Debian, especially
in the educational area in Germany. Doing that as an "official" Debian guy
is better than doing it as just a "fan" of Debian.

I can be your man! The fact that you don't have official marketing people
yet doesn't mean you can't have some in the future. What did you just say
about new blood? :-)

So, what do you think? :-)

-- florian

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Is this sufficient for an application?

2004-02-08 Thread Joe Nahmias
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> From your intro it looks like you could assist with the documentation 
> projects.  Perhaps with the new installer docs?  We always need more and 
> better documentation.

Agreed.  I would recommend that Florian subscribe to the debian-boot
mailing list and see what you can do to assist the people putting
together the installation manual.  There's definitely alot of work that
needs to be done in this (release-) critical area and not many people
who are doing it.  So, that would be an ideal proving ground for getting
an advocate and into Debian.

Just my $0.02,

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]