Bootsplash Updates

2003-12-30 Thread Matthew A. Nicholson
Some time tommorrow (aka in the morning/afternoon) I should release 
updated (and IMO improved) versons of my bootsplash packages.  I have 
moved some stuff around and added some config options.  Right now the only 
thing keeping me from uploading these packages to are 
licence clarifications.  The bootsplash-theme-matrix and 
bootsplash-theme-tuxntosh packages currently do not have a licence, I am 
in the process of contacting the original developer and clearling this 
up.  If I cannot contact him I will not upload any new versions of these 
packages (unless someone has a better solution (im sure someone does)).

Also I have changed the name of the bootsplash-theme-debiantux package to 
bootsplash-theme-debian-tux and inorder for it to install correctly you 
must first remove the bootsplash-theme-debiantux package (it should be 
removed when installing the new package, but I had problems with this).

Let me know if ya have any problems.

Matthew A. Nicholson

Re: RFS: ike-scan

2003-12-30 Thread Benoit Mortier
Le Lundi 29 Décembre 2003 23:54, Jochen Friedrich a écrit :
> Hi Benoit,
> > i just uploaded ike-scan 1.5.1 to and i'am looking
> > for a sponsor.
> >
> > The package is lintian and linda clean, here is the control file
> - you should provide the file downloaded from
> as ike-scan_1.5.1.orig.tar.gz.

ok done it

> - you ship an empty /usr/sbin directory. Please remove from debian/dirs

thanks removed

> - your Standards-Version is ancient.

bumped to 3.6.0

> - do you really need to link /usr/share/doc/ike-scan to /usr/doc?
>   If not, you might remove the postinst and prerm scripts.

thats what lintian wanted but linda not so i removed it

> The package itself compiles OK, even on Alpha and recognized
> FreeBSD/OpenBSD-isakmpd and FreeBSD-racoon (both running on Linux) OK for
> me :-)

glad to hear it ;-)

I have just uploaded a new package to

Could you check it ?

OpenSides sprl
Free Software Specialist
Benoit Mortier - Linux Engineer

Description: signature

Re: RFS: ike-scan

2003-12-30 Thread Andreas Metzler

On 30.12.03 12:12 Benoit Mortier wrote:

Le Lundi 29 Décembre 2003 23:54, Jochen Friedrich a écrit :


- do you really need to link /usr/share/doc/ike-scan to /usr/doc?
  If not, you might remove the postinst and prerm scripts.

thats what lintian wanted but linda not so i removed it

You should upgrade you version of lintian. A not completely outdated 
version of lind (i.e. the version in sid or sarge) should not "want" the 
/usr/doc/ symlink but should issue a warning if it exists.

   cu andreas

RFS : sipcalc -- Advanced console-based ip subnet calculator

2003-12-30 Thread Adriaan Peeters

I packaged [1] sipcalc [2] and I'm looking for a sponsor for the
package. I already have the dnstop package in Debian. Sipcalc is lintian
and linda clean and available for review [3].
Bernhard, I am cc-ing this to you, because you sponsor my dnstop

Sipcalc is an advanced console-based IP subnet calculator. It
can take multiple forms of input (IPv4/IPv6/interface/hostname)
and output a multitude of information about a given subnet. As
opposed to ipv6calc, all output can be generated using a single
command and thus requires less knowdledge of the different command
line options.

Adriaan Peeters


RFS: eli, eli-doc -- compiler construction kit (and documentation)

2003-12-30 Thread Frank Lichtenheld

I just wanted to ask again for a sponsor for
for eli.

Packages are available at:
deb ./
deb-src ./

I've also attached the changelog for eli which is already rather
long since I'm maintaining this package locally for over a year
now. ITP bug is #68262.

I'm in the NM queue and maintain two other packages in Debian.


eli: compiler construction kit
 Eli provides modern compiler construction facilities to users with a 
 wide range of sophistication. It offers complete solutions for
 commonly-encountered language implementation subtasks and contains 
 libraries of reusable specifications, making possible the production of
 high-quality implementations from simple problem descriptions.

odin (built from same source): powerful make replacement
 Odin is a build manager like make with some important differences:
  * derived files are stored in a central cache
  * dependency and timstamp information are collected and stored
 This avoids some of the major problems of make: Different
 and/or parallel builds from the same source tree, time skew problems, 
 and dependency control.
 This package contains version 1.17.4 of odin with some
 additional patches and is built from the Eli source (see eli

eli-doc (separate source package): HTML and PostScript documentation for eli
 The eli package contains extensive documentation in the
 Texinfo format. This package provides the same documentation in
 alternative formats (HTML and PostScript).

Frank Lichtenheld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Description: PGP signature

Re: RFS: ike-scan

2003-12-30 Thread Benoit Mortier
Le Mardi 30 Décembre 2003 14:20, Andreas Metzler a écrit :
> On 30.12.03 12:12 Benoit Mortier wrote:
> > Le Lundi 29 Décembre 2003 23:54, Jochen Friedrich a écrit :
> [...]
> >> - do you really need to link /usr/share/doc/ike-scan to /usr/doc?
> >>   If not, you might remove the postinst and prerm scripts.
> >
> > thats what lintian wanted but linda not so i removed it
> You should upgrade you version of lintian. A not completely outdated
> version of lind (i.e. the version in sid or sarge) should not "want" the
> /usr/doc/ symlink but should issue a warning if it exists.

This package was first build on my woody box but now is builded inside 
pbuibler ( was a nice tol ;-) ) and now this is corrected

OpenSides sprl
Free Software Specialist
Benoit Mortier - Linux Engineer

Description: signature

debian packages: single diff vs multiple patches (as in rpm)

2003-12-30 Thread Jay Berkenbilt

Although philosophically more aligned with Debian, I had been a RedHat
user for almost 8 years largely pragmatic reasons that aren't
relevant.  As such, I have developed a large rpm-based infrastructure
for releasing my company's own software to our production facilities
and have become quite familiar with RedHat's rpm system from the
developer's perspective.

Now I'm strongly considering making the switch to Debian and am
evaluating moving my whole installation system over to dpkg.  dpkg
seems superior to rpm in almost all respects (richer dependencies,
better documentation, more robustness, apt, etc.), but there's one
thing that bothers me.  When building an rpm, multiple source files
and multiple patch files can be specified, and arbitrary commands can
be used to extract sources and apply patches.  This makes it easy to
build an rpm of a standard package with a handful of separately
maintained patches applied.

As far as I can tell, a Debian package consists of a single source
tarball and a single diff.  Is this right, or have I missed something?
Coming from an rpm perspective, it seems to me that this would make it
much more difficult to manage locally modified versions of packages.

I'd appreciate if someone could either explain to me that I've got it
all wrong give me a pointer for what to look like, or confirm that my
understanding is correct but explain why this isn't really a problem.
I'm especially interested in hearing thoughts from other people who
have converted an rpm-based infrastructure to a dpkg-based

Lastly, please feel free to correct my terminology if I'm using it
incorrectly.  For example, is it correct to say dpkg-based rather than


Jay Berkenbilt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: debian packages: single diff vs multiple patches (as in rpm)

2003-12-30 Thread Thomas Viehmann

I suppose you have already found the most generic pointers like new
maintainer guide ans such.

Jay Berkenbilt wrote:
> As far as I can tell, a Debian package consists of a single source
> tarball and a single diff.  Is this right, or have I missed something?
> Coming from an rpm perspective, it seems to me that this would make it
> much more difficult to manage locally modified versions of packages.

Although patch management is not directly included in dpkg-source it is,
naturally, widely used by debian source packages.
Almost any of the larger packages apply patches (stored themselves in
the diff.gz) during package building, so you have plenty of examples.
There also are specialized tools, e.g. dpatch.

It is also not uncommon to make an orig.tar.gz of (possibly multiple)
upstream tarballs by putting them in a directory and tarring that. As
there is a distinct preference to ship pristine upstream tarballs in
some form or other, this is preferable than extracting them and tarring
the result.
(The first package doing this I could think of is sendmail, but there's
plenty of other, potentially better examples.)

Kind regards


Description: PGP signature

Re: debian packages: single diff vs multiple patches (as in rpm)

2003-12-30 Thread Santiago Vila
On Tue, 30 Dec 2003, Jay Berkenbilt wrote:

> As far as I can tell, a Debian package consists of a single source
> tarball and a single diff.  Is this right, or have I missed something?

It's right, a Debian source package is usually distributed as a single
source and a single diff (sometimes there is no diff when the package
is "debian native"), but nothing prevents you from having several
sources and several diffs internally, see the dbs, cdbs and dpatch
packages, for example (if you want real usage examples, look for
source packages which have those in the Build-Depends).

未承諾広告※5000円で開業 しませんか!

2003-12-30 Thread ギフト

 未承諾広告※ ご迷惑な方は削除してください。
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   販売者 ギフト 所在地 京都府城陽市寺田8−2
代表者 山本しおり  TEL  0774-56-6428



Re: debian packages: single diff vs multiple patches (as in rpm)

2003-12-30 Thread GCS
On Tue, Dec 30, 2003 at 05:56:33PM +0100, Thomas Viehmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> It is also not uncommon to make an orig.tar.gz of (possibly multiple)
> upstream tarballs by putting them in a directory and tarring that.
 Ofcourse you mean tar+gzip that, as orig is always tar.gz; alhough I
think it's quite unefficient to have upstream source in tar.bz2 in some
dir, and tar.gz it into orig.tar.gz ... Sometimes I feel that it would
be better to utilize source mirrors. I mean Debian ftp servers would
carry the diff.gz+dsc files, but not the package source (orig.tar.gz) -
instead a mirror list for that source should be maintained, and
automagically downloaded by 'apt-get source' from the first available.


Re: debian packages: single diff vs multiple patches (as in rpm)

2003-12-30 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Tue, Dec 30, 2003 at 11:06:35AM -0500, Jay Berkenbilt wrote:

> Now I'm strongly considering making the switch to Debian and am
> evaluating moving my whole installation system over to dpkg.  dpkg
> seems superior to rpm in almost all respects (richer dependencies,
> better documentation, more robustness, apt, etc.), but there's one
> thing that bothers me.  When building an rpm, multiple source files
> and multiple patch files can be specified, and arbitrary commands can
> be used to extract sources and apply patches.  This makes it easy to
> build an rpm of a standard package with a handful of separately
> maintained patches applied.

While multiple patches are certainly advantageous (and are, I believe,
intended to be supported in the next version of the Debian source package
format), I don't like the idea of arbitrary commands to extract sources and
apply patches.  I very much prefer being able to unpack and examine the
source of a package without trusting the person who created it.

There are various systems used in Debian which pack multiple patches into
the Debian .diff (see dpatch, cdbs, etc.).

> As far as I can tell, a Debian package consists of a single source
> tarball and a single diff.  Is this right, or have I missed something?
> Coming from an rpm perspective, it seems to me that this would make it
> much more difficult to manage locally modified versions of packages.

I prefer to use CVS (see the cvs-buildpackage package) to maintain local
branches of Debian packages.  Since CVS doesn't separate patches either,
there isn't much lost there.

> Lastly, please feel free to correct my terminology if I'm using it
> incorrectly.  For example, is it correct to say dpkg-based rather than
> deb-based?

dpkg is a program which operates on Debian packages.  "deb" is a common
shorthand for the Debian binary package format.

 - mdz

Re: debian packages: single diff vs multiple patches (as in rpm)

2003-12-30 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Tue, Dec 30, 2003 at 08:55:55PM +0100, GCS wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 30, 2003 at 05:56:33PM +0100, Thomas Viehmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> > It is also not uncommon to make an orig.tar.gz of (possibly multiple)
> > upstream tarballs by putting them in a directory and tarring that.
>  Ofcourse you mean tar+gzip that, as orig is always tar.gz; alhough I
> think it's quite unefficient to have upstream source in tar.bz2 in some
> dir, and tar.gz it into orig.tar.gz ... Sometimes I feel that it would
> be better to utilize source mirrors. I mean Debian ftp servers would
> carry the diff.gz+dsc files, but not the package source (orig.tar.gz) -
> instead a mirror list for that source should be maintained, and
> automagically downloaded by 'apt-get source' from the first available.

In addition to unnecessarily complicating what is currently a simple and
reliable process, this would violate the licenses of much of the software
that Debian distributes.

 - mdz

Bootsplash Updates

2003-12-30 Thread Matthew A. Nicholson
Some time tommorrow (aka in the morning/afternoon) I should release 
updated (and IMO improved) versons of my bootsplash packages.  I have 
moved some stuff around and added some config options.  Right now the only 
thing keeping me from uploading these packages to are 
licence clarifications.  The bootsplash-theme-matrix and 
bootsplash-theme-tuxntosh packages currently do not have a licence, I am 
in the process of contacting the original developer and clearling this 
up.  If I cannot contact him I will not upload any new versions of these 
packages (unless someone has a better solution (im sure someone does)).

Also I have changed the name of the bootsplash-theme-debiantux package to 
bootsplash-theme-debian-tux and inorder for it to install correctly you 
must first remove the bootsplash-theme-debiantux package (it should be 
removed when installing the new package, but I had problems with this).

Let me know if ya have any problems.

Matthew A. Nicholson
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: ike-scan

2003-12-30 Thread Benoit Mortier
Le Lundi 29 Décembre 2003 23:54, Jochen Friedrich a écrit :
> Hi Benoit,
> > i just uploaded ike-scan 1.5.1 to and i'am looking
> > for a sponsor.
> >
> > The package is lintian and linda clean, here is the control file
> - you should provide the file downloaded from
> as ike-scan_1.5.1.orig.tar.gz.

ok done it

> - you ship an empty /usr/sbin directory. Please remove from debian/dirs

thanks removed

> - your Standards-Version is ancient.

bumped to 3.6.0

> - do you really need to link /usr/share/doc/ike-scan to /usr/doc?
>   If not, you might remove the postinst and prerm scripts.

thats what lintian wanted but linda not so i removed it

> The package itself compiles OK, even on Alpha and recognized
> FreeBSD/OpenBSD-isakmpd and FreeBSD-racoon (both running on Linux) OK for
> me :-)

glad to hear it ;-)

I have just uploaded a new package to

Could you check it ?

OpenSides sprl
Free Software Specialist
Benoit Mortier - Linux Engineer

Description: signature

Re: RFS: ike-scan

2003-12-30 Thread Andreas Metzler
On 30.12.03 12:12 Benoit Mortier wrote:
Le Lundi 29 Décembre 2003 23:54, Jochen Friedrich a écrit :
- do you really need to link /usr/share/doc/ike-scan to /usr/doc?
  If not, you might remove the postinst and prerm scripts.
thats what lintian wanted but linda not so i removed it
You should upgrade you version of lintian. A not completely outdated 
version of lind (i.e. the version in sid or sarge) should not "want" the 
/usr/doc/ symlink but should issue a warning if it exists.
   cu andreas

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RFS : sipcalc -- Advanced console-based ip subnet calculator

2003-12-30 Thread Adriaan Peeters

I packaged [1] sipcalc [2] and I'm looking for a sponsor for the
package. I already have the dnstop package in Debian. Sipcalc is lintian
and linda clean and available for review [3].
Bernhard, I am cc-ing this to you, because you sponsor my dnstop

Sipcalc is an advanced console-based IP subnet calculator. It
can take multiple forms of input (IPv4/IPv6/interface/hostname)
and output a multitude of information about a given subnet. As
opposed to ipv6calc, all output can be generated using a single
command and thus requires less knowdledge of the different command
line options.

Adriaan Peeters


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RFS: eli, eli-doc -- compiler construction kit (and documentation)

2003-12-30 Thread Frank Lichtenheld

I just wanted to ask again for a sponsor for
for eli.

Packages are available at:
deb ./
deb-src ./

I've also attached the changelog for eli which is already rather
long since I'm maintaining this package locally for over a year
now. ITP bug is #68262.

I'm in the NM queue and maintain two other packages in Debian.


eli: compiler construction kit
 Eli provides modern compiler construction facilities to users with a 
 wide range of sophistication. It offers complete solutions for
 commonly-encountered language implementation subtasks and contains 
 libraries of reusable specifications, making possible the production of
 high-quality implementations from simple problem descriptions.

odin (built from same source): powerful make replacement
 Odin is a build manager like make with some important differences:
  * derived files are stored in a central cache
  * dependency and timstamp information are collected and stored
 This avoids some of the major problems of make: Different
 and/or parallel builds from the same source tree, time skew problems, 
 and dependency control.
 This package contains version 1.17.4 of odin with some
 additional patches and is built from the Eli source (see eli

eli-doc (separate source package): HTML and PostScript documentation for eli
 The eli package contains extensive documentation in the
 Texinfo format. This package provides the same documentation in
 alternative formats (HTML and PostScript).

Frank Lichtenheld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Description: PGP signature

Re: RFS: ike-scan

2003-12-30 Thread Benoit Mortier
Le Mardi 30 Décembre 2003 14:20, Andreas Metzler a écrit :
> On 30.12.03 12:12 Benoit Mortier wrote:
> > Le Lundi 29 Décembre 2003 23:54, Jochen Friedrich a écrit :
> [...]
> >> - do you really need to link /usr/share/doc/ike-scan to /usr/doc?
> >>   If not, you might remove the postinst and prerm scripts.
> >
> > thats what lintian wanted but linda not so i removed it
> You should upgrade you version of lintian. A not completely outdated
> version of lind (i.e. the version in sid or sarge) should not "want" the
> /usr/doc/ symlink but should issue a warning if it exists.

This package was first build on my woody box but now is builded inside 
pbuibler ( was a nice tol ;-) ) and now this is corrected

OpenSides sprl
Free Software Specialist
Benoit Mortier - Linux Engineer

Description: signature

debian packages: single diff vs multiple patches (as in rpm)

2003-12-30 Thread Jay Berkenbilt

Although philosophically more aligned with Debian, I had been a RedHat
user for almost 8 years largely pragmatic reasons that aren't
relevant.  As such, I have developed a large rpm-based infrastructure
for releasing my company's own software to our production facilities
and have become quite familiar with RedHat's rpm system from the
developer's perspective.

Now I'm strongly considering making the switch to Debian and am
evaluating moving my whole installation system over to dpkg.  dpkg
seems superior to rpm in almost all respects (richer dependencies,
better documentation, more robustness, apt, etc.), but there's one
thing that bothers me.  When building an rpm, multiple source files
and multiple patch files can be specified, and arbitrary commands can
be used to extract sources and apply patches.  This makes it easy to
build an rpm of a standard package with a handful of separately
maintained patches applied.

As far as I can tell, a Debian package consists of a single source
tarball and a single diff.  Is this right, or have I missed something?
Coming from an rpm perspective, it seems to me that this would make it
much more difficult to manage locally modified versions of packages.

I'd appreciate if someone could either explain to me that I've got it
all wrong give me a pointer for what to look like, or confirm that my
understanding is correct but explain why this isn't really a problem.
I'm especially interested in hearing thoughts from other people who
have converted an rpm-based infrastructure to a dpkg-based

Lastly, please feel free to correct my terminology if I'm using it
incorrectly.  For example, is it correct to say dpkg-based rather than


Jay Berkenbilt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: debian packages: single diff vs multiple patches (as in rpm)

2003-12-30 Thread Thomas Viehmann

I suppose you have already found the most generic pointers like new
maintainer guide ans such.

Jay Berkenbilt wrote:
> As far as I can tell, a Debian package consists of a single source
> tarball and a single diff.  Is this right, or have I missed something?
> Coming from an rpm perspective, it seems to me that this would make it
> much more difficult to manage locally modified versions of packages.

Although patch management is not directly included in dpkg-source it is,
naturally, widely used by debian source packages.
Almost any of the larger packages apply patches (stored themselves in
the diff.gz) during package building, so you have plenty of examples.
There also are specialized tools, e.g. dpatch.

It is also not uncommon to make an orig.tar.gz of (possibly multiple)
upstream tarballs by putting them in a directory and tarring that. As
there is a distinct preference to ship pristine upstream tarballs in
some form or other, this is preferable than extracting them and tarring
the result.
(The first package doing this I could think of is sendmail, but there's
plenty of other, potentially better examples.)

Kind regards


Description: PGP signature

Re: debian packages: single diff vs multiple patches (as in rpm)

2003-12-30 Thread Santiago Vila
On Tue, 30 Dec 2003, Jay Berkenbilt wrote:

> As far as I can tell, a Debian package consists of a single source
> tarball and a single diff.  Is this right, or have I missed something?

It's right, a Debian source package is usually distributed as a single
source and a single diff (sometimes there is no diff when the package
is "debian native"), but nothing prevents you from having several
sources and several diffs internally, see the dbs, cdbs and dpatch
packages, for example (if you want real usage examples, look for
source packages which have those in the Build-Depends).

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2003-12-30 Thread $B%.%U%H(B

(B $BL$>5Bz9-9p"((B $B$4LBOG$JJ}$O:o=|$7$F$/[EMAIL PROTECTED](B
$B$K$O$9$4$$%A%c%s%9$,$*K,[EMAIL PROTECTED];W$&$3$H$O$"$j$^$;$s$+!)(B
(B  $BI4J9$O0l8+$KG!$+$:(B,5000$B1_$G3+6H$7$F$_$^$;$s$+(B!! 
(B $B(B
(Bwith a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: debian packages: single diff vs multiple patches (as in rpm)

2003-12-30 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Tue, Dec 30, 2003 at 11:06:35AM -0500, Jay Berkenbilt wrote:

> Now I'm strongly considering making the switch to Debian and am
> evaluating moving my whole installation system over to dpkg.  dpkg
> seems superior to rpm in almost all respects (richer dependencies,
> better documentation, more robustness, apt, etc.), but there's one
> thing that bothers me.  When building an rpm, multiple source files
> and multiple patch files can be specified, and arbitrary commands can
> be used to extract sources and apply patches.  This makes it easy to
> build an rpm of a standard package with a handful of separately
> maintained patches applied.

While multiple patches are certainly advantageous (and are, I believe,
intended to be supported in the next version of the Debian source package
format), I don't like the idea of arbitrary commands to extract sources and
apply patches.  I very much prefer being able to unpack and examine the
source of a package without trusting the person who created it.

There are various systems used in Debian which pack multiple patches into
the Debian .diff (see dpatch, cdbs, etc.).

> As far as I can tell, a Debian package consists of a single source
> tarball and a single diff.  Is this right, or have I missed something?
> Coming from an rpm perspective, it seems to me that this would make it
> much more difficult to manage locally modified versions of packages.

I prefer to use CVS (see the cvs-buildpackage package) to maintain local
branches of Debian packages.  Since CVS doesn't separate patches either,
there isn't much lost there.

> Lastly, please feel free to correct my terminology if I'm using it
> incorrectly.  For example, is it correct to say dpkg-based rather than
> deb-based?

dpkg is a program which operates on Debian packages.  "deb" is a common
shorthand for the Debian binary package format.

 - mdz

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: debian packages: single diff vs multiple patches (as in rpm)

2003-12-30 Thread GCS
On Tue, Dec 30, 2003 at 05:56:33PM +0100, Thomas Viehmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is also not uncommon to make an orig.tar.gz of (possibly multiple)
> upstream tarballs by putting them in a directory and tarring that.
 Ofcourse you mean tar+gzip that, as orig is always tar.gz; alhough I
think it's quite unefficient to have upstream source in tar.bz2 in some
dir, and tar.gz it into orig.tar.gz ... Sometimes I feel that it would
be better to utilize source mirrors. I mean Debian ftp servers would
carry the diff.gz+dsc files, but not the package source (orig.tar.gz) -
instead a mirror list for that source should be maintained, and
automagically downloaded by 'apt-get source' from the first available.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: debian packages: single diff vs multiple patches (as in rpm)

2003-12-30 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Tue, Dec 30, 2003 at 08:55:55PM +0100, GCS wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 30, 2003 at 05:56:33PM +0100, Thomas Viehmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It is also not uncommon to make an orig.tar.gz of (possibly multiple)
> > upstream tarballs by putting them in a directory and tarring that.
>  Ofcourse you mean tar+gzip that, as orig is always tar.gz; alhough I
> think it's quite unefficient to have upstream source in tar.bz2 in some
> dir, and tar.gz it into orig.tar.gz ... Sometimes I feel that it would
> be better to utilize source mirrors. I mean Debian ftp servers would
> carry the diff.gz+dsc files, but not the package source (orig.tar.gz) -
> instead a mirror list for that source should be maintained, and
> automagically downloaded by 'apt-get source' from the first available.

In addition to unnecessarily complicating what is currently a simple and
reliable process, this would violate the licenses of much of the software
that Debian distributes.

 - mdz

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]