Re: Plea for mentor help

2003-12-11 Thread Steve Kemp
On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 12:38:23PM -0700, Jamin W. Collins wrote:

> What do you mean by "autoconfiscate"?

  Presumably to make it compile and build with autoconf/automake.

  For that the "GNU Autoconf, Automake and Libtool" book is very useful.
 It's available online and in print:


Location of/methods of handling themes.

2003-12-11 Thread Matthew A. Nicholson
I am trying to package the bootsplash userland utilites.  Boot splash 
stores themes in /etc/bootsplash/themes/$THEME/
Should I make a link (/etc/bootsplash/themes/current/) to the theme to 
use, then make an entry in /etc/alternatives to that link, or should I 
make a variable in an /etc/default/bootsplash file?

Matthew A. Nicholson

Sponsor for Scorched3D (game) wanted

2003-12-11 Thread Tom
Hello -

I'm looking for a sponsor for the game Scorched 3D which I am currently
packaging. I have the support of the original author and the packaging
process is almost finished (must only correct a few paths and rebuild).

Original website:

The game is GPL.

PGP/GPG key:
pub  1024D/2D7A04F5 2002-05-16 Tom Vogt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Key fingerprint = C731 64D1 4BCF 4C20 48A4  29B2 BF01 9FA1 2D7A 04F5

Packaging a perl-script

2003-12-11 Thread Andreas Metzler
I'd like to see (Swiss Army
Knife SMTP) in Debian. As the name suggests this is a wonderful tool
to test SMTP servers (including starttls and lots of SMTP auth), for
all of us who are tired of "telnet foo 25". ;-)

However this is only 40KB (with pod) and I think it might be rejected
by ftp-master. - Are there any better possibilities?

This is not very urgent, I have to clear up a copyright issue (it is
GPL and uses libnet-ssleay-perl) anyway.
 cu andreas
"See, I told you they'd listen to Reason," [SPOILER] Svfurlr fnlf,
fuhggvat qbja gur juveyvat tha.
Neal Stephenson in "Snow Crash"

Re: Plea for mentor help

2003-12-11 Thread Millis Miller
Sorry, yes, I mean automake/autoconf.

I do already have that book and followed it to get what I have now
working. I only have a small problem in that in that some scripts are
not being marked as executable.

The main problem is trying to get the deb correctly generated by fixing
the lintian errors.

Rather than hassling this list with this, I was hoping somone would step
forward and help me out. I've alrady got one package correctly done
(sux) so I do have some idea already of what is needed, but this package
is more complex.


On Thu, 2003-12-11 at 07:47, Steve Kemp wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 12:38:23PM -0700, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
> > What do you mean by "autoconfiscate"?
>   Presumably to make it compile and build with autoconf/automake.
>   For that the "GNU Autoconf, Automake and Libtool" book is very useful.
>  It's available online and in print:
> Steve
> --
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Sponsor for Scorched3D (game) wanted

2003-12-11 Thread Geert Stappers
On Thu, Dec 11, 2003 at 10:19:23AM +0100, Tom wrote:
> Hello -
> I'm looking for a sponsor for the game Scorched 3D which I am currently
> packaging. I have the support of the original author and the packaging
> process is almost finished (must only correct a few paths and rebuild).
> Original website:
Cool graphics.

> The game is GPL.

But where is the work that your wannabee sponsor should look at?

Geert Stappers

Matt, people.d.o. is still download, would you please post the mentor FAQ here?

Re: Packaging a perl-script

2003-12-11 Thread Joerg Jaspert
Andreas Metzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> However this is only 40KB (with pod) and I think it might be rejected
> by ftp-master. - Are there any better possibilities?

Why should they reject it? "Only 40kb" is not a reason.

(If its split out from another source into too small packages, then
yes, a reject maybe ok. But not if the whole tool is 40kb).

bye Joerg
Linus: "Wenn Darl McBride die Macht hätte, würde er wahrscheinlich die
Ehe als Verletzung der Verfassung auslegen, weil sie ganz klar die
kommerzielle Natur der menschlichen Interaktion entwertet und damit ein
großes Hindernis für die kommerzielle Entwicklung der Prostitution darstellt."

Re: Packaging a perl-script

2003-12-11 Thread Andreas Metzler
On Thu, Dec 11, 2003 at 01:46:58PM +0100, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> Andreas Metzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > However this is only 40KB (with pod) and I think it might be rejected
> > by ftp-master. - Are there any better possibilities?

> Why should they reject it? "Only 40kb" is not a reason.

> (If its split out from another source into too small packages, then
> yes, a reject maybe ok. But not if the whole tool is 40kb).

I see. Thanks.
  cu andreas

Re: How to package a database (not program)?

2003-12-11 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 11:06:51PM -0800, David Braun wrote:

> The data comes from the USDA as a file designed to be imported into a
> relational database (such as MySQL).  It's really not very useful
> otherwise.  My question is how do I package this correctly?  I want my
> package to import it into a database, but I don't want to dictate to the
> user which database program to use.  Something appropriate might be for
> the configure script to ask the user for the name of a SQL server, along
> with a user name and a password.  I'm not sure this would be sufficient,
> though, because as a new student of SQL I'm learning there's no standard
> way of creating a database (horror!).  So maybe this would mean the
> package would have to look for local client drivers of MySQL,
> PostgreSQL, etc.

Not only that, the data types often vary for different databases, though
hopefully your data is simple enough that this isn't a problem.

I would simply include the SQL dump under /usr/share and leave it to the
user where to import it.  It's possible that they will want to create a new
database, or import it into an existing one (perhaps even with different
table names), or transform it from SQL into something else.

 - mdz


2003-12-11 Thread Florian Zaehringer
Hi folks!

I am planing to adopt my first package (emelfm, orphaned). So I checked what 
needs to be done to equip myself for this task.

There seems to be one current problems with that package:
The ToDo says the Standards-Version is too old 3.5.2. Should be 3.6.1.

So I wonder how I can do that? Is there some ChangeLog for the Debian Policy?
Does somebody know where I can find the right docs? Or better: Does somebody 
perhaps know what needs to be done for a simple gtk-program to be moved from 
3.5.2 to 3.6.1?

Thanks for any help,

Re: Standards-Version

2003-12-11 Thread Joel Baker
On Thu, Dec 11, 2003 at 05:31:51PM -0500, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2003 at 11:00:45PM +0100, Florian Zaehringer wrote:
> > I am planing to adopt my first package (emelfm, orphaned). So I checked
> > what needs to be done to equip myself for this task.
> >
> > There seems to be one current problems with that package: ToDo says the
> > TheStandards-Version is too old 3.5.2. Should be 3.6.1.
> >
> > So I wonder how I can do that? Is there some ChangeLog for the Debian
> > Policy? Does somebody know where I can find the right docs? Or
> > better: Does somebody perhaps know what needs to be done for a simple
> > gtk-program to be moved from 3.5.2 to 3.6.1?
> /usr/share/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.txt.gz

Which can be found in the debian-policy package. Which can safely be
installed from unstable, even on non-unstable systems (as far as I can
tell; I keep that one package manually up to date, since I develop on a
woody system and use pbuilder to run my builds/lintian/linda checks).

Have I mentioned lately how much I love pbuilder hooks? :)

Now, to get the NetBSD port up to the point that I can make pbuilder-bind
(bind-mounts /var/cache/pbuilder/build/ on top of a single
unpacked copy of base.tgz, rather than unpacking the tarball every time -
saves an unbelieveable amount of time on systems with only moderately fast
Joel Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,''`.
Debian GNU NetBSD/i386 porter: :' :
 `. `'

Description: PGP signature

Re: Standards-Version

2003-12-11 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Thu, Dec 11, 2003 at 11:00:45PM +0100, Florian Zaehringer wrote:

> I am planing to adopt my first package (emelfm, orphaned). So I checked what 
> needs to be done to equip myself for this task.
> There seems to be one current problems with that package:
> The ToDo says the Standards-Version is too old 3.5.2. Should be 3.6.1.
> So I wonder how I can do that? Is there some ChangeLog for the Debian Policy?
> Does somebody know where I can find the right docs? Or better: Does somebody 
> perhaps know what needs to be done for a simple gtk-program to be moved from 
> 3.5.2 to 3.6.1?


 - mdz

Re: Standards-Version

2003-12-11 Thread Leo \"Costela\" Antunes
On Qui, 2003-12-11 at 20:00, Florian Zaehringer wrote:
> Hi folks!


> So I wonder how I can do that? Is there some ChangeLog for the Debian Policy?
> Does somebody know where I can find the right docs? Or better: Does somebody 
> perhaps know what needs to be done for a simple gtk-program to be moved from 
> 3.5.2 to 3.6.1?

(package debian-policy)

There souldn't be much that needs to be done to keep your package up to
date policy-wise. Using lintian and linda should catch most mistakes
before you upload anything.

Good luck

 Leo Costela
 "you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest... with... a herring!"

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

debconf db_input in postinst / horde2

2003-12-11 Thread Jeremy Lainé

I am trying to put the finishing touches on a package of Diogenes, a
web content management system. The package relies on a MySQL database,
and this database is created based on some information provided by the
user through debconf. I am down to one lintian warning :

W: diogenes: postinst-uses-db-input
N:   It is generally not a good idea for postinst scripts to use
N:   commands like db_input. Typically, they should restrict
themselves to
N:   db_get to request previously acquired information, and have the
N:   script do the actual prompting.

My debian/postinst and debian/config are heavily based on those of the
horde2 package so I checked, and sure enough the "db_input" in
postinst which is causing the warning came from horde2. It concerns
the MySQL admin user and password, which is in fact already asked for
in the debian/config file.

I can see how it is a Bad Thing to prompt the user for input both in
postinst and in config, but the fact still stands that it's the way
it's done in horde2, and I'm sure there must be a good reason for it!
Any ideas here? 

Is there any scenario (recovering from a failed install..) which would
involve running the postinst without the config, and hence justify the
prompt for the admin user/password? 

In a similar line of thought, the admin password is stored in the
debconf database in config and reset in postinst, so I suppose that
means that if for some reason the installation fails, we still have
the password stored in database. Any pointers to policy reference on
dealing with this?

Thanks for your time and have a pleasant day!


-- :  : Sailcut CAD MPman MP-F70 support for Linux

Re: Standards-Version

2003-12-11 Thread Frank Lichtenheld
On Thu, Dec 11, 2003 at 11:00:45PM +0100, Florian Zaehringer wrote:
> So I wonder how I can do that? Is there some ChangeLog for the Debian Policy?
> Does somebody know where I can find the right docs? Or better: Does somebody 
> perhaps know what needs to be done for a simple gtk-program to be moved from 
> 3.5.2 to 3.6.1?

install the debian-policy package (from unstable of course) and
read /usr/share/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.txt.gz

Frank Lichtenheld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: debconf db_input in postinst / horde2

2003-12-11 Thread Jamin W. Collins
On Thu, Dec 11, 2003 at 11:51:01PM +0100, Jeremy Lain? wrote:
> I can see how it is a Bad Thing to prompt the user for input both in
> postinst and in config, but the fact still stands that it's the way
> it's done in horde2, and I'm sure there must be a good reason for it!
> Any ideas here? 

Ask it during config, store it in debconf until your through using it in
postinst and then clear it from debconf.  It's how I do it in mediamate.

> Is there any scenario (recovering from a failed install..) which would
> involve running the postinst without the config, and hence justify the
> prompt for the admin user/password? 

Honestly don't know.

Jamin W. Collins

Remember, root always has a loaded gun.  Don't run around with it unless
you absolutely need it. -- Vineet Kumar

Re: Standards-Version

2003-12-11 Thread MJ Ray
On 2003-12-11 22:00:45 + Florian Zaehringer 

I am planing to adopt my first package (emelfm, orphaned). So I 
checked what 
needs to be done to equip myself for this task.

Hasn't upstream gone away? Are you taking that over too?

You probably should retitle bug 158150 and note your intentions.

MJR/slef My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.
Please on lists to be sure I read gopher:// [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Creative copyleft computing services via

Re: Plea for mentor help

2003-12-11 Thread Neil Roeth
On Dec 11, Steve Kemp ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 > On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 12:38:23PM -0700, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
 > > What do you mean by "autoconfiscate"?
 >   Presumably to make it compile and build with autoconf/automake.
 >   For that the "GNU Autoconf, Automake and Libtool" book is very useful.
 >  It's available online and in print:
 > Steve

apt-get install autobook


Neil Roeth

Re: Plea for mentor help

2003-12-11 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
On Wed, 10 Dec 2003, Millis Miller wrote:

> my curent mentor
> seems to be a bit busy and hasn't replied to my emails for a good few
> weeks.

That's because your current mentor has a memory like a sieve. :-)

I took a look at the package.

First problem is you need a build dependency on libpcap-dev and rrdtool

Second, the scripts do get made executable by your auto* stuff so that's
working ok.  It's dh_fixperms which is unsetting them again. After the
call to dh_fixperms, add something like the following code ($ signs have
to be doubled because debian/rules is a Makefile.) :

for i in $(CURDIR)/debian/iptotal/var/www/iptotal/*.cgi; do chmod +x $$i; done

which brings me to the third problem.  Your scripts are actually getting
installed into /var/www/iptotal/iptotal/www. iptotal.cfg is getting
installed into /.  I'm guessing that's not actually what you want.  To get
the proper behavior you're going to have to restructure your

The top level will look like this:

sbin_PROGRAMS = iptotal
sbin_SCRIPTS = src/iptotald src/makegraph
iptotal_SOURCES = iptotal.c
iptotal_LDADD = -lpcap
EXTRA_DIST = src/ src/ www/*.in www/images/* \
 www/archive/* iptotal.1 iptotald.8 iptotal_config.5 \
 etc/iptotal.cfg etc/
SUBDIRS = etc www

Note the SUBDIRS statement.  This says to call 2nd level's

in etc like this:

sysconf_DATA = iptotal.cfg

and in www like this:

nobase_pkgdata_DATA = archive.cgi iptotal.cgi iptotal_w.cgi iptotal_m.cgi \
  iptotal_y.cgi images/* archive/*

Don't forget to run automake, aclocal, and autoconf afterwards.

Then in the call to configure in debian/rules, change
--datadir to /var/www and --sysconfdir to /etc

This together with the permissions fix should get rid of most of the
issues.  Lintian complains about a few minor things though.

* makegraph needs a manpage
* there are typos in the path to the GPL in debian/copyright
* the short description ends with a .  It should be a phrase not a
  sentence.  You can ask for advice on the debian-i10n-en mailing list.

The other warnings can be ignored or overriden.

Jaldhar H. Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
La Salle Debain -

Re: Plea for mentor help

2003-12-11 Thread Steve Kemp
On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 12:38:23PM -0700, Jamin W. Collins wrote:

> What do you mean by "autoconfiscate"?

  Presumably to make it compile and build with autoconf/automake.

  For that the "GNU Autoconf, Automake and Libtool" book is very useful.
 It's available online and in print:


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sponsor for Scorched3D (game) wanted

2003-12-11 Thread Tom
Hello -

I'm looking for a sponsor for the game Scorched 3D which I am currently
packaging. I have the support of the original author and the packaging
process is almost finished (must only correct a few paths and rebuild).

Original website:

The game is GPL.

PGP/GPG key:
pub  1024D/2D7A04F5 2002-05-16 Tom Vogt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Key fingerprint = C731 64D1 4BCF 4C20 48A4  29B2 BF01 9FA1 2D7A 04F5

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Packaging a perl-script

2003-12-11 Thread Andreas Metzler
I'd like to see (Swiss Army
Knife SMTP) in Debian. As the name suggests this is a wonderful tool
to test SMTP servers (including starttls and lots of SMTP auth), for
all of us who are tired of "telnet foo 25". ;-)

However this is only 40KB (with pod) and I think it might be rejected
by ftp-master. - Are there any better possibilities?

This is not very urgent, I have to clear up a copyright issue (it is
GPL and uses libnet-ssleay-perl) anyway.
 cu andreas
"See, I told you they'd listen to Reason," [SPOILER] Svfurlr fnlf,
fuhggvat qbja gur juveyvat tha.
Neal Stephenson in "Snow Crash"

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Plea for mentor help

2003-12-11 Thread Millis Miller
Sorry, yes, I mean automake/autoconf.

I do already have that book and followed it to get what I have now
working. I only have a small problem in that in that some scripts are
not being marked as executable.

The main problem is trying to get the deb correctly generated by fixing
the lintian errors.

Rather than hassling this list with this, I was hoping somone would step
forward and help me out. I've alrady got one package correctly done
(sux) so I do have some idea already of what is needed, but this package
is more complex.


On Thu, 2003-12-11 at 07:47, Steve Kemp wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 12:38:23PM -0700, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
> > What do you mean by "autoconfiscate"?
>   Presumably to make it compile and build with autoconf/automake.
>   For that the "GNU Autoconf, Automake and Libtool" book is very useful.
>  It's available online and in print:
> Steve
> --
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Sponsor for Scorched3D (game) wanted

2003-12-11 Thread Geert Stappers
On Thu, Dec 11, 2003 at 10:19:23AM +0100, Tom wrote:
> Hello -
> I'm looking for a sponsor for the game Scorched 3D which I am currently
> packaging. I have the support of the original author and the packaging
> process is almost finished (must only correct a few paths and rebuild).
> Original website:
Cool graphics.

> The game is GPL.

But where is the work that your wannabee sponsor should look at?

Geert Stappers

Matt, people.d.o. is still download, would you please post the mentor FAQ here?

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Packaging a perl-script

2003-12-11 Thread Joerg Jaspert
Andreas Metzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> However this is only 40KB (with pod) and I think it might be rejected
> by ftp-master. - Are there any better possibilities?

Why should they reject it? "Only 40kb" is not a reason.

(If its split out from another source into too small packages, then
yes, a reject maybe ok. But not if the whole tool is 40kb).

bye Joerg
Linus: "Wenn Darl McBride die Macht hätte, würde er wahrscheinlich die
Ehe als Verletzung der Verfassung auslegen, weil sie ganz klar die
kommerzielle Natur der menschlichen Interaktion entwertet und damit ein
großes Hindernis für die kommerzielle Entwicklung der Prostitution darstellt."

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Packaging a perl-script

2003-12-11 Thread Andreas Metzler
On Thu, Dec 11, 2003 at 01:46:58PM +0100, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> Andreas Metzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > However this is only 40KB (with pod) and I think it might be rejected
> > by ftp-master. - Are there any better possibilities?

> Why should they reject it? "Only 40kb" is not a reason.

> (If its split out from another source into too small packages, then
> yes, a reject maybe ok. But not if the whole tool is 40kb).

I see. Thanks.
  cu andreas

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to package a database (not program)?

2003-12-11 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 11:06:51PM -0800, David Braun wrote:

> The data comes from the USDA as a file designed to be imported into a
> relational database (such as MySQL).  It's really not very useful
> otherwise.  My question is how do I package this correctly?  I want my
> package to import it into a database, but I don't want to dictate to the
> user which database program to use.  Something appropriate might be for
> the configure script to ask the user for the name of a SQL server, along
> with a user name and a password.  I'm not sure this would be sufficient,
> though, because as a new student of SQL I'm learning there's no standard
> way of creating a database (horror!).  So maybe this would mean the
> package would have to look for local client drivers of MySQL,
> PostgreSQL, etc.

Not only that, the data types often vary for different databases, though
hopefully your data is simple enough that this isn't a problem.

I would simply include the SQL dump under /usr/share and leave it to the
user where to import it.  It's possible that they will want to create a new
database, or import it into an existing one (perhaps even with different
table names), or transform it from SQL into something else.

 - mdz

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2003-12-11 Thread Florian Zaehringer
Hi folks!

I am planing to adopt my first package (emelfm, orphaned). So I checked what needs to 
be done to equip myself for this task.

There seems to be one current problems with that package:
The ToDo says the Standards-Version is too old 3.5.2. Should be 3.6.1.

So I wonder how I can do that? Is there some ChangeLog for the Debian Policy?
Does somebody know where I can find the right docs? Or better: Does somebody perhaps 
know what needs to be done for a simple gtk-program to be moved from 3.5.2 to 3.6.1?

Thanks for any help,

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Standards-Version

2003-12-11 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Thu, Dec 11, 2003 at 11:00:45PM +0100, Florian Zaehringer wrote:

> I am planing to adopt my first package (emelfm, orphaned). So I checked what needs 
> to be done to equip myself for this task.
> There seems to be one current problems with that package:
> The ToDo says the Standards-Version is too old 3.5.2. Should be 3.6.1.
> So I wonder how I can do that? Is there some ChangeLog for the Debian Policy?
> Does somebody know where I can find the right docs? Or better: Does somebody perhaps 
> know what needs to be done for a simple gtk-program to be moved from 3.5.2 to 3.6.1?


 - mdz

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Standards-Version

2003-12-11 Thread Frank Lichtenheld
On Thu, Dec 11, 2003 at 11:00:45PM +0100, Florian Zaehringer wrote:
> So I wonder how I can do that? Is there some ChangeLog for the Debian Policy?
> Does somebody know where I can find the right docs? Or better: Does somebody perhaps 
> know what needs to be done for a simple gtk-program to be moved from 3.5.2 to 3.6.1?

install the debian-policy package (from unstable of course) and
read /usr/share/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.txt.gz

Frank Lichtenheld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Standards-Version

2003-12-11 Thread Joel Baker
On Thu, Dec 11, 2003 at 05:31:51PM -0500, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2003 at 11:00:45PM +0100, Florian Zaehringer wrote:
> > I am planing to adopt my first package (emelfm, orphaned). So I checked
> > what needs to be done to equip myself for this task.
> >
> > There seems to be one current problems with that package: ToDo says the
> > TheStandards-Version is too old 3.5.2. Should be 3.6.1.
> >
> > So I wonder how I can do that? Is there some ChangeLog for the Debian
> > Policy? Does somebody know where I can find the right docs? Or
> > better: Does somebody perhaps know what needs to be done for a simple
> > gtk-program to be moved from 3.5.2 to 3.6.1?
> /usr/share/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.txt.gz

Which can be found in the debian-policy package. Which can safely be
installed from unstable, even on non-unstable systems (as far as I can
tell; I keep that one package manually up to date, since I develop on a
woody system and use pbuilder to run my builds/lintian/linda checks).

Have I mentioned lately how much I love pbuilder hooks? :)

Now, to get the NetBSD port up to the point that I can make pbuilder-bind
(bind-mounts /var/cache/pbuilder/build/ on top of a single
unpacked copy of base.tgz, rather than unpacking the tarball every time -
saves an unbelieveable amount of time on systems with only moderately fast
Joel Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,''`.
Debian GNU NetBSD/i386 porter: :' :
 `. `'

Description: PGP signature

Re: Standards-Version

2003-12-11 Thread Leo \"Costela\" Antunes
On Qui, 2003-12-11 at 20:00, Florian Zaehringer wrote:
> Hi folks!


> So I wonder how I can do that? Is there some ChangeLog for the Debian Policy?
> Does somebody know where I can find the right docs? Or better: Does somebody perhaps 
> know what needs to be done for a simple gtk-program to be moved from 3.5.2 to 3.6.1?

(package debian-policy)

There souldn't be much that needs to be done to keep your package up to
date policy-wise. Using lintian and linda should catch most mistakes
before you upload anything.

Good luck

 Leo Costela
 "you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest... with... a herring!"

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

debconf db_input in postinst / horde2

2003-12-11 Thread Jeremy Lainé

I am trying to put the finishing touches on a package of Diogenes, a
web content management system. The package relies on a MySQL database,
and this database is created based on some information provided by the
user through debconf. I am down to one lintian warning :

W: diogenes: postinst-uses-db-input
N:   It is generally not a good idea for postinst scripts to use
N:   commands like db_input. Typically, they should restrict
themselves to
N:   db_get to request previously acquired information, and have the
N:   script do the actual prompting.

My debian/postinst and debian/config are heavily based on those of the
horde2 package so I checked, and sure enough the "db_input" in
postinst which is causing the warning came from horde2. It concerns
the MySQL admin user and password, which is in fact already asked for
in the debian/config file.

I can see how it is a Bad Thing to prompt the user for input both in
postinst and in config, but the fact still stands that it's the way
it's done in horde2, and I'm sure there must be a good reason for it!
Any ideas here? 

Is there any scenario (recovering from a failed install..) which would
involve running the postinst without the config, and hence justify the
prompt for the admin user/password? 

In a similar line of thought, the admin password is stored in the
debconf database in config and reset in postinst, so I suppose that
means that if for some reason the installation fails, we still have
the password stored in database. Any pointers to policy reference on
dealing with this?

Thanks for your time and have a pleasant day!


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Re: debconf db_input in postinst / horde2

2003-12-11 Thread Jamin W. Collins
On Thu, Dec 11, 2003 at 11:51:01PM +0100, Jeremy Lain? wrote:
> I can see how it is a Bad Thing to prompt the user for input both in
> postinst and in config, but the fact still stands that it's the way
> it's done in horde2, and I'm sure there must be a good reason for it!
> Any ideas here? 

Ask it during config, store it in debconf until your through using it in
postinst and then clear it from debconf.  It's how I do it in mediamate.

> Is there any scenario (recovering from a failed install..) which would
> involve running the postinst without the config, and hence justify the
> prompt for the admin user/password? 

Honestly don't know.

Jamin W. Collins

Remember, root always has a loaded gun.  Don't run around with it unless
you absolutely need it. -- Vineet Kumar

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Re: Standards-Version

2003-12-11 Thread MJ Ray
On 2003-12-11 22:00:45 + Florian Zaehringer 

I am planing to adopt my first package (emelfm, orphaned). So I 
checked what 
needs to be done to equip myself for this task.
Hasn't upstream gone away? Are you taking that over too?

You probably should retitle bug 158150 and note your intentions.

MJR/slef My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.
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Re: Plea for mentor help

2003-12-11 Thread Neil Roeth
On Dec 11, Steve Kemp ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 > On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 12:38:23PM -0700, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
 > > What do you mean by "autoconfiscate"?
 >   Presumably to make it compile and build with autoconf/automake.
 >   For that the "GNU Autoconf, Automake and Libtool" book is very useful.
 >  It's available online and in print:
 > Steve

apt-get install autobook


Neil Roeth

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Re: Plea for mentor help

2003-12-11 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
On Wed, 10 Dec 2003, Millis Miller wrote:

> my curent mentor
> seems to be a bit busy and hasn't replied to my emails for a good few
> weeks.

That's because your current mentor has a memory like a sieve. :-)

I took a look at the package.

First problem is you need a build dependency on libpcap-dev and rrdtool

Second, the scripts do get made executable by your auto* stuff so that's
working ok.  It's dh_fixperms which is unsetting them again. After the
call to dh_fixperms, add something like the following code ($ signs have
to be doubled because debian/rules is a Makefile.) :

for i in $(CURDIR)/debian/iptotal/var/www/iptotal/*.cgi; do chmod +x $$i; done

which brings me to the third problem.  Your scripts are actually getting
installed into /var/www/iptotal/iptotal/www. iptotal.cfg is getting
installed into /.  I'm guessing that's not actually what you want.  To get
the proper behavior you're going to have to restructure your

The top level will look like this:

sbin_PROGRAMS = iptotal
sbin_SCRIPTS = src/iptotald src/makegraph
iptotal_SOURCES = iptotal.c
iptotal_LDADD = -lpcap
EXTRA_DIST = src/ src/ www/*.in www/images/* \
 www/archive/* iptotal.1 iptotald.8 iptotal_config.5 \
 etc/iptotal.cfg etc/
SUBDIRS = etc www

Note the SUBDIRS statement.  This says to call 2nd level's

in etc like this:

sysconf_DATA = iptotal.cfg

and in www like this:

nobase_pkgdata_DATA = archive.cgi iptotal.cgi iptotal_w.cgi iptotal_m.cgi \
  iptotal_y.cgi images/* archive/*

Don't forget to run automake, aclocal, and autoconf afterwards.

Then in the call to configure in debian/rules, change
--datadir to /var/www and --sysconfdir to /etc

This together with the permissions fix should get rid of most of the
issues.  Lintian complains about a few minor things though.

* makegraph needs a manpage
* there are typos in the path to the GPL in debian/copyright
* the short description ends with a .  It should be a phrase not a
  sentence.  You can ask for advice on the debian-i10n-en mailing list.

The other warnings can be ignored or overriden.

Jaldhar H. Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
La Salle Debain -

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Re: How to package a database (not program)?

2003-12-11 Thread David Braun
On Thu, 2003-12-11 at 12:42, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> I would simply include the SQL dump under /usr/share and leave it to the
> user where to import it.  It's possible that they will want to create a new
> database, or import it into an existing one (perhaps even with different
> table names), or transform it from SQL into something else.

Thanks for the advice.  Since sending my original message I've
discovered SQLite and think it's the most appropriate database for my
application (and probably for anyone else's application).  SQLite stores
its data in a file and doesn't use a server so it simplifies the problem
significantly--all my package has to do is provide the file (under
/usr/share as you suggest).  There is value in my providing an SQLite
file instead of what one gets from the USDA because they describe their
tables in a PDF document, and it's nontrivial to type in the table
description for the import process.

If in the future someone has a need that goes beyond an SQLite file I'll
be happy to package it differently, but I think this should be fine for


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