Re: can't install from a local repository

2003-08-23 Thread Andreas Barth
* Eric Winger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [030822 23:20]:
> I think part of the problem, is that the original problem got lost. I'll 
> snip your comments, because I believe I understand and correctly have 
> implemented what you talked about. The problem is that for some reason, 
> I can't install the package in my repository and I get this message:

Can you post your Packages-File?

   PGP 1024/89FB5CE5  DC F1 85 6D A6 45 9C 0F  3B BE F1 D0 C5 D1 D9 0C

Re: packaged perl module

2003-08-23 Thread Raphael Hertzog
Le Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 10:47:48AM -0700, Josh Lauricha écrivait:
> I'm renaming the libtext-csv-perl module to libtext-csv-xs-perl (it
> provides Text::CSV_XS not Text::CSV).
> It is lintian clean, however linda complains that an arch specific file
> end up in /usr/share/perl5
> If I have it in /usr/lib/perl5 lintian complains...
> What's the correct thing to do here? the perl policy is very vague.

The correct thing to do is to let perl decide where to put it ...
lintian's warning is wrong and you should ignore it. Alternatively you
could try to convince Josip Rodin to remove that warning since it
confuses so many people, but I already tried and failed.

> Since it conflicts with libtext-csv-perl should I Provide & Conflict it?

Sure and replaces also (just to avoid troubles).

Raphaël Hertzog -+-
Formation Linux et logiciel libre :
Earn money with free software:

Re: can't install from a local repository

2003-08-23 Thread Luk Claes
Hash: SHA1

What I did:

I put the *.deb, *.dsc, *.diff, *.orig.tar.gz in public_html/pool

I run dpkg-scanpackages pool /dev/null|gzip -9c> pool/Packages.gz in

I run dpkg-scansources pool|gzip -9c> pool/Sources.gz in public_html

I added deb-src http://mysite/ pool in sources.list

If you are only interested in the debs you put deb http://mysite/ pool in


Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Looking for sponsor for Neverball game package

2003-08-23 Thread Max Gilead


I sent this mail to this list about two weeks ago and nobody volunteered...
well, this package is rotting on my hard disk and I'd like to upload it
to the Debian community to use. Is there anything wrong with my application?
Should I do anything else before applying for a sponsor here?

And this game is really fun! :-) I believe anyone who will volunteer will
have no problems with this package and a little fun for sure :-)

Here is original mail:

I'd like to maintain package with game 'Neverball' and am looking for a
Sponsor (and an Advocate when I prove to be a worthy Applicant :-)

Package description:
Neverball is a colorful 3D arcade game in which you tilt the floor to
roll the ball through the obstacle course before time runs out. It
requires patience, concentration and a bit of luck.


Upstream URL:

Thanks for any help,

Re: Looking for sponsor for Neverball game package

2003-08-23 Thread Michel Dänzer
On Sat, 2003-08-23 at 12:05, Max Gilead wrote:
> I sent this mail to this list about two weeks ago and nobody volunteered...
> well, this package is rotting on my hard disk and I'd like to upload it
> to the Debian community to use.

Could you put up your packages somewhere, including source?

Earthling Michel Dänzer   \  Debian (powerpc), XFree86 and DRI developer
Software libre enthusiast  \

Re: can't install from a local repository

2003-08-23 Thread Goswin von Brederlow
Luk Claes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What I did:
> I put the *.deb, *.dsc, *.diff, *.orig.tar.gz in public_html/pool
> I run dpkg-scanpackages pool /dev/null|gzip -9c> pool/Packages.gz in
> public_html
> I run dpkg-scansources pool|gzip -9c> pool/Sources.gz in public_html
> I added deb-src http://mysite/ pool in sources.list
> If you are only interested in the debs you put deb http://mysite/ pool in
> sources.list

I strongly suggest using the same directory layout as debian
does. That way you can have normaly formated apt sources.list
entries. And can easily provide packages for different archs and dists
(woody/sarge/sid). If your packages are any good soon some people will
want backports.

That means (replace {dist} and {section} with sid,main or sid,local):

You can then generate the Packages and Sources files like this:
% cat repository/
cd repository
dpkg-scanpackages pool /dev/null >dists/{dist}/{section}/binary-i386/Packages
dpkg-scansources pool >dists/{dist}/{section}/source/Sources
gzip -9 dists/{dist}/{section}/binary-i386/Packages.gz
gzip -9 dists/{dist}/{section}/source/Sources.gz

And in sources.list:
deb http://repository {dist} {section}

You should also create Release files which you can mostly copy from
debian. Take care to change the Origin for BTS purposes though.


Re: Looking for sponsor for Neverball game package

2003-08-23 Thread Goswin von Brederlow
Max Gilead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello!
> I sent this mail to this list about two weeks ago and nobody volunteered...
> well, this package is rotting on my hard disk and I'd like to upload it
> to the Debian community to use. Is there anything wrong with my application?
> Should I do anything else before applying for a sponsor here?
> And this game is really fun! :-) I believe anyone who will volunteer will
> have no problems with this package and a little fun for sure :-)
> Upstream URL:

I'm not a DD eigther but I would like to try the packages anyway.
Any url where to get them?

How good are you with upstream? He doesn't seem to have a public cvs
repository for his sources. You could apply on and provide cvs access to the upstream
source and your changes there. Might be easier to coordinate changes
to the source that way.


Re: Looking for sponsor for Neverball game package

2003-08-23 Thread Max Gilead

Michel Dänzer wrote:

Could you put up your packages somewhere, including source?

Yes, of course. I'll put it on my FTP today or tomorrow.


Re: Looking for sponsor for Neverball game package

2003-08-23 Thread Max Gilead

Goswin von Brederlow wrote:

How good are you with upstream? He doesn't seem to have a public cvs
repository for his sources.

We have good contact, he's very responsive and willing to coordinate the 

You could apply on and provide cvs access to the upstream
source and your changes there. Might be easier to coordinate changes
to the source that way

The package is very small and I believe there's no real need for public 
CVS right now but I'll contact upstream and ask him if he's interested.


RFS: sn - Small NNTP server for leaf sites

2003-08-23 Thread Chris Niekel

The 'sn' package was orphaned, and I ITA'ed it. I'm not a DD yet, and
this is my first package, so I would like to receive some feedback on

It is available at
The other generated files are in the same directory.

Chris Niekel

I've been down so long, if I'd cheer up, I'd still be depressed.
- Lisa Simpson, Moanin' Lisa Blues.

Description: PGP signature

When to use debconf, and how much?

2003-08-23 Thread Frank Küster
Hello all,

I know that there has been debate about the use and abuse of debconf;
some packages have been critized to be much to verbose and ask
unnecessary stuff.

However, to me it's not quite clear what necessary would mean. Therefore
I'm looking for a place where I could read about that (perhaps a thread
on debian-devel?): In which cases should a package just act silently,
when should it ask?

The concrete case I'm interested in is the package netenv which has the
"historic" version 0.82 in Debian; I want to adopt it and introduce the
current 0.94. It's a package which allows usage of mobile computers in
different network environments. It doesn't try to autodetect the current
situation with ping or arp-requests, like most others, but relies on the
user choosing one out of a couple of configurations.

If there is no working configuration, networking will problably not work
at all - this is bad, especially if by bad chance somebody installs the
package on a remotely administered machine. Therefore one option would
be to just install the package, but not make links to its init script.

On the other hand, practically every user that installs it on purpose
would be happy to find a working package, with the configuration based
on what he had before. He then can add others manually, using the first
as an example.

So this is the situation, but how should it get to a working
configuration? Unfortunately this is not possible without asking. The
old package asked questions in postinst, but the resulting configuration
worked only on laptops with PCMCIA cards, not with builtin network
adaptors. Furthermore, the automatic parsing of the existent
configuration didn't do so well (see the bug reports).

So I introduced debconf which does the following:

- Check wether there's an old configuration, if yes, do nothing, but
  inform the user; and ask him wether this information should be skipped
  upon future updates.

- Ask wether the laptop uses PCMCIA or not. 

  If yes, /etc/pcmcia/network.opts should contain the necessary
  information, it is parsed.

  If no a scheme is set up based on /etc/network/interfaces and

- Check if everything went well, if not disable use on boot time.

My sponsor now questioned wether it's good to use debconf here at all,
but he wasn't so sure that he would tell me "kick that out". So I'm
wondering what I should do: Disable and ask nothing (and hope that users
will find the Debian sections I added to the html documentation), or
keep asking debconf questions?

TIA, Frank

Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

Re: can't install from a local repository

2003-08-23 Thread dstibbe

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/archive$ ls
> Packages.gz  Sources.gz  binary-i386  source

k... now this is where you are wrong

the structure should be like this :


and those two files point to wherever your packages might be
( normally you'd put them in

and with your sources.list looking like :
deb file:///home/ewinger archive/
deb-src file:///home/ewinger archive/

you should make sure you have run the dpkg-scanpackages/dpkg-scansources
from /home/ewinger/archive

Re: When to use debconf, and how much?

2003-08-23 Thread Joshua Kwan
On Sat, Aug 23, 2003 at 05:00:00PM +0200, Frank Küster wrote:
> - Ask wether the laptop uses PCMCIA or not. 
>   If yes, /etc/pcmcia/network.opts should contain the necessary
>   information, it is parsed.
>   If no a scheme is set up based on /etc/network/interfaces and
>   /etc/resolv.conf

This could be determined based on ps ax | grep cardmgr or something. It
is not necessary to ask a debconf question about it, I think.

As for the others, I think they're ok, except that the notice should be
priority low.

Joshua Kwan

Description: PGP signature

Patch needs Sponsor - List of easily NMUed RC bugs

2003-08-23 Thread Goswin von Brederlow

I went through the RC bug list and collected Bugs with trivial patches
and sorted them a bit. They realy don't need much work so if you have
a minute pick one. If you want to NMU any of them check the
then currently claimed bugs (url under claimed bugs).

So here we go:

g++-3.3 fixes:
The same problem comes up again and again, allways the same fix.

#196324 xosview: FTBFS with g++-3.3: strstream.h is gone

#195527 mysql++: FTBFS with g++-3.3: Missing  include
#200071 zhcon: FTBFS with g++-3.3: Missing #include 
#202032 rumba-manifold: FTBFS with g++-3.3: Missing #include 
#196450 simplecdrx: FTBFS with g++-3.3: Missing  include

#196533 transcalc: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#197214 libggi: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#195577 libnids: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings (wrong pending tag)
#197762 nte: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#198317 pimppa: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#197002 smpeg-xmms: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: configure test uses multiline strings

#193067 rust: FTBFS: g++ 3.2 errors
#198113 stardict: FTBFS with g++-3.3
#190942 tcl-sql: FTBFS: g++ 3.2 errors

Perl touched:
One involves perl and the other patch is for pelr code, knowing a bit
perl might be good.

#204859 FTBFS (unstable/m68k): perl makes abiword fails to build, bad C++
#185479 html2ps generates no output

Other easy stuff:
Bits and pieces

#190260 Segmentation fault on alpha
#184885 LSB 1.3 test suite failures
#196149 mkswap creates invalid swap files
#196850 wall is being distributed under wrong license
#102675 libggi2-dev: should provide static archives
#204456 libjdom-java: Wrong build-dep: does not need xalan2 nor saxon
#203750 log4cpp: FTBFS: `long long' error
#203823 gnuyahoo: FTBFS: automake error
#203973 ext2resize: FTBFS: Automake error

Stuff that should be looked over and tested first:
Those patches have some impact on the packages or arent so clear cut

#192545 pcb: Fails to build with current flex
#194168 preferences: FTBFS with gobjc-3.3: #import is obsolete
#194164 preferences-app: FTBFS with gobjc-3.3: #import is obsolete
#191197 rats: Fails to build with current flex
#166737 snmpkit: FTBFS with gcc 3.2
#173762 FTBFS: Build failure of haddock on i386
#167054 FTBFS: Build failure of xview on i386

M68k related:
#201903 xt: (m68k/unstable) FTBFS

Upload MIA:
An upload was promised but the promised time has passed since

#191199 savant: FTBFS: g++ 3.2 errors

Claimed Bugs:
Claimed bugs as on
Also look at master:/org/

#166865 librudiments0_0.24-2(unstable/ia64): FTBFS: missing config.sub?
#192189 luxman: FTBFS: g++ 3.2 errors
#195064 vlan: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#196313 xdkcal: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#196579 pretzel: FTBFS with g++-3.3: strstream.h is gone
#197262 vflib3: Builds broken package with gcc-3.3 (uses varargs.h)
#198831 tac-plus: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#204483 Bashisms in init.d/oftpd

Bugs pending uploads:
Those should be fixed already.

#198333 legos: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#195157 mps: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Invalid preprocessor pasting
#195546 poppassd: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses obsolete varargs.h
#196463 wordinspect: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#195017 prips: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#199279 gtop: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Invalid preprocessor pasting
#199280 gkrellongrun: FTBFS: Cannot find gkrellm binary

Thats it, more coming.


PS: you can drop me a _private_ mail if you have more or fixed something.
PPS: Please don't reply to this mail saing that bug  is foobar, use the 
PPPS: I didn't check timestamps on all bugs and floow-ups, some might be even 
from today.

Re: When to use debconf, and how much?

2003-08-23 Thread Goswin von Brederlow
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (=?utf-8?b?RnJhbmsgS8O8c3Rlcg==?=) writes:

> Hello all,
> If there is no working configuration, networking will problably not work
> at all - this is bad, especially if by bad chance somebody installs the
> package on a remotely administered machine. Therefore one option would
> be to just install the package, but not make links to its init script.

Very bad, considered a bug by most.

> On the other hand, practically every user that installs it on purpose
> would be happy to find a working package, with the configuration based
> on what he had before. He then can add others manually, using the first
> as an example.
> So this is the situation, but how should it get to a working
> configuration? Unfortunately this is not possible without asking. The
> old package asked questions in postinst, but the resulting configuration
> worked only on laptops with PCMCIA cards, not with builtin network
> adaptors. Furthermore, the automatic parsing of the existent
> configuration didn't do so well (see the bug reports).
> So I introduced debconf which does the following:
> - Check wether there's an old configuration, if yes, do nothing, but
>   inform the user; and ask him wether this information should be skipped
>   upon future updates.

check out ucf if you have generated config files.
> - Ask wether the laptop uses PCMCIA or not. 

Check the config, don't ask. This one is unneccessary.

>   If yes, /etc/pcmcia/network.opts should contain the necessary
>   information, it is parsed.
>   If no a scheme is set up based on /etc/network/interfaces and
>   /etc/resolv.conf
> - Check if everything went well, if not disable use on boot time.

Above you said multiple choises would be generated. You could generate
a list of what you found and let the user choose one config. The list
should contain  and probably . I assume after configuring this would disrupt
the network and it might be a bad time.
> My sponsor now questioned wether it's good to use debconf here at all,
> but he wasn't so sure that he would tell me "kick that out". So I'm
> wondering what I should do: Disable and ask nothing (and hope that users
> will find the Debian sections I added to the html documentation), or
> keep asking debconf questions?

If you can get the autoconfig right often make it try to do
so. Depending on how little failure there is the priority should be
selected. If you say you can correctly set this up for 99.99% of users
a very low priority should be used.


RFS: xtoolwait (orphaned package)

2003-08-23 Thread Dwayne C. Litzenberger
xtoolwait starts one X client in the background, waits until it has mapped
a window and then exits, which can be useful for systems with a small
amount of memory or slow disk drives (including bootable CD-ROMs).

It was orphaned a while ago (wnpp bug #192675), and I'd like to adopt it,
but I'll need a sponsor, because I'm not a DD yet.

xtoolwait is a package which hasn't changed much in the past years, and I
expect this trend to continue; sponsoring xtoolwait would not take much
of your time.

You can fetch xtoolwait by putting the following in /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb unstable/
deb-src unstable/

and then running

apt-get source xtoolwait


Dwayne C. Litzenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The attachment is an OpenPGP (PGP/MIME) signature, which can be used to verify
the authenticity of this message.  See the message headers for more information.

Description: PGP signature

RFS: lfingerd -- a simple, secure Python finger daemon

2003-08-23 Thread Dwayne C. Litzenberger
I need a sponsor for lfingerd.

Description: a simple, secure Python finger daemon
 lfingerd is a simple finger server designed to run from inetd.  It simply
 returns a user's .plan file, or .plan- if a client queries for
 lfingerd is written in Python, and is small enough to be audited by one
 person under the assumption that the Python standard library is not broken.

You can fetch lfingerd by putting the following in /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb unstable/
deb-src unstable/

and then running

apt-get source lfingerd


Dwayne C. Litzenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The attachment is an OpenPGP (PGP/MIME) signature, which can be used to verify
the authenticity of this message.  See the message headers for more information.

Description: PGP signature

Update: Patch needs Sponsor - List of easily NMUed RC bugs

2003-08-23 Thread Goswin von Brederlow
Goswin von Brederlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> I went through the RC bug list and collected Bugs with trivial patches
> and sorted them a bit. They realy don't need much work so if you have
> a minute pick one. If you want to NMU any of them check the
> then currently claimed bugs (url under claimed bugs).

Changes: pending (+1), fixed(+13).
Keep up the good work sponsoring those uploads.
> So here we go:
> g++-3.3 fixes:
> --
> The same problem comes up again and again, allways the same fix.

#196324 xosview: FTBFS with g++-3.3: strstream.h is gone
#195527 mysql++: FTBFS with g++-3.3: Missing  include
#202032 rumba-manifold: FTBFS with g++-3.3: Missing #include 
#196450 simplecdrx: FTBFS with g++-3.3: Missing  include

#195577 libnids: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#197214 libggi: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#197762 nte: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#198317 pimppa: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings

#193067 rust: FTBFS: g++ 3.2 errors
#198113 stardict: FTBFS with g++-3.3
#190942 tcl-sql: FTBFS: g++ 3.2 errors

> Perl touched:
> -
> One involves perl and the other patch is for pelr code, knowing a bit
> perl might be good.

#204859 FTBFS (unstable/m68k): perl makes abiword fails to build, bad C++

> Other easy stuff:
> -
> Bits and pieces

#190260 Segmentation fault on alpha
#184885 LSB 1.3 test suite failures
#196149 mkswap creates invalid swap files
#196850 wall is being distributed under wrong license
#102675 libggi2-dev: should provide static archives
#204456 libjdom-java: Wrong build-dep: does not need xalan2 nor saxon
#203750 log4cpp: FTBFS: `long long' error
#203823 gnuyahoo: FTBFS: automake error

> Stuff that should be looked over and tested first:
> --
> Those patches have some impact on the packages or arent so clear cut

#192545 pcb: Fails to build with current flex
#194168 preferences: FTBFS with gobjc-3.3: #import is obsolete
#194164 preferences-app: FTBFS with gobjc-3.3: #import is obsolete
#191197 rats: Fails to build with current flex
#166737 snmpkit: FTBFS with gcc 3.2
#173762 FTBFS: Build failure of haddock on i386

> M68k related:
> -
#201903 xt: (m68k/unstable) FTBFS

> Upload MIA:
> ---
> An upload was promised but the promised time has passed since

#191199 savant: FTBFS: g++ 3.2 errors

> Claimed Bugs:
> -
> Claimed bugs as on
> Also look at master:/org/
> #166865 librudiments0_0.24-2(unstable/ia64): FTBFS: missing config.sub?
> #204483 Bashisms in init.d/oftpd

> Bugs pending uploads:
> -
> Those should be fixed already.

#198333 legos: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#195157 mps: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Invalid preprocessor pasting
#195546 poppassd: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses obsolete varargs.h
#199280 gkrellongrun: FTBFS: Cannot find gkrellm binary
#200071 zhcon: FTBFS with g++-3.3: Missing #include 

> Thats it, more coming.
> MfG
> Goswin
> PS: you can drop me a _private_ mail if you have more or fixed something.
> PPS: Please don't reply to this mail saing that bug  is foobar, use the 
> bts.
> PPPS: I didn't check timestamps on all bugs and floow-ups, some might be even 
> from today.

#185479 html2ps generates no output
#195064 vlan: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#196313 xdkcal: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#196463 wordinspect: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#196579 pretzel: FTBFS with g++-3.3: strstream.h is gone
#197262 vflib3: Builds broken package with gcc-3.3 (uses varargs.h)
#198831 tac-plus: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#199279 gtop: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Invalid preprocessor pasting
#203973 ext2resize: FTBFS: Automake error
#192189 luxman: FTBFS: g++ 3.2 errors
#195017 prips: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#196533 transcalc: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#197002 smpeg-xmms: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: configure test uses multiline strings


Re: can't install from a local repository

2003-08-23 Thread Andreas Barth
* Eric Winger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [030822 23:20]:
> I think part of the problem, is that the original problem got lost. I'll 
> snip your comments, because I believe I understand and correctly have 
> implemented what you talked about. The problem is that for some reason, 
> I can't install the package in my repository and I get this message:

Can you post your Packages-File?

   PGP 1024/89FB5CE5  DC F1 85 6D A6 45 9C 0F  3B BE F1 D0 C5 D1 D9 0C

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: packaged perl module

2003-08-23 Thread Raphael Hertzog
Le Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 10:47:48AM -0700, Josh Lauricha écrivait:
> I'm renaming the libtext-csv-perl module to libtext-csv-xs-perl (it
> provides Text::CSV_XS not Text::CSV).
> It is lintian clean, however linda complains that an arch specific file
> end up in /usr/share/perl5
> If I have it in /usr/lib/perl5 lintian complains...
> What's the correct thing to do here? the perl policy is very vague.

The correct thing to do is to let perl decide where to put it ...
lintian's warning is wrong and you should ignore it. Alternatively you
could try to convince Josip Rodin to remove that warning since it
confuses so many people, but I already tried and failed.

> Since it conflicts with libtext-csv-perl should I Provide & Conflict it?

Sure and replaces also (just to avoid troubles).

Raphaël Hertzog -+-
Formation Linux et logiciel libre :
Earn money with free software:

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: can't install from a local repository

2003-08-23 Thread Luk Claes
Hash: SHA1

What I did:

I put the *.deb, *.dsc, *.diff, *.orig.tar.gz in public_html/pool

I run dpkg-scanpackages pool /dev/null|gzip -9c> pool/Packages.gz in

I run dpkg-scansources pool|gzip -9c> pool/Sources.gz in public_html

I added deb-src http://mysite/ pool in sources.list

If you are only interested in the debs you put deb http://mysite/ pool in


Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Looking for sponsor for Neverball game package

2003-08-23 Thread Max Gilead

I sent this mail to this list about two weeks ago and nobody volunteered...
well, this package is rotting on my hard disk and I'd like to upload it
to the Debian community to use. Is there anything wrong with my application?
Should I do anything else before applying for a sponsor here?
And this game is really fun! :-) I believe anyone who will volunteer will
have no problems with this package and a little fun for sure :-)

Here is original mail:

I'd like to maintain package with game 'Neverball' and am looking for a
Sponsor (and an Advocate when I prove to be a worthy Applicant :-)
Package description:
Neverball is a colorful 3D arcade game in which you tilt the floor to
roll the ball through the obstacle course before time runs out. It
requires patience, concentration and a bit of luck.

Upstream URL:
Thanks for any help,

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Looking for sponsor for Neverball game package

2003-08-23 Thread Michel Dänzer
On Sat, 2003-08-23 at 12:05, Max Gilead wrote:
> I sent this mail to this list about two weeks ago and nobody volunteered...
> well, this package is rotting on my hard disk and I'd like to upload it
> to the Debian community to use.

Could you put up your packages somewhere, including source?

Earthling Michel Dänzer   \  Debian (powerpc), XFree86 and DRI developer
Software libre enthusiast  \

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: can't install from a local repository

2003-08-23 Thread Goswin von Brederlow
Luk Claes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What I did:
> I put the *.deb, *.dsc, *.diff, *.orig.tar.gz in public_html/pool
> I run dpkg-scanpackages pool /dev/null|gzip -9c> pool/Packages.gz in
> public_html
> I run dpkg-scansources pool|gzip -9c> pool/Sources.gz in public_html
> I added deb-src http://mysite/ pool in sources.list
> If you are only interested in the debs you put deb http://mysite/ pool in
> sources.list

I strongly suggest using the same directory layout as debian
does. That way you can have normaly formated apt sources.list
entries. And can easily provide packages for different archs and dists
(woody/sarge/sid). If your packages are any good soon some people will
want backports.

That means (replace {dist} and {section} with sid,main or sid,local):

You can then generate the Packages and Sources files like this:
% cat repository/
cd repository
dpkg-scanpackages pool /dev/null >dists/{dist}/{section}/binary-i386/Packages
dpkg-scansources pool >dists/{dist}/{section}/source/Sources
gzip -9 dists/{dist}/{section}/binary-i386/Packages.gz
gzip -9 dists/{dist}/{section}/source/Sources.gz

And in sources.list:
deb http://repository {dist} {section}

You should also create Release files which you can mostly copy from
debian. Take care to change the Origin for BTS purposes though.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Looking for sponsor for Neverball game package

2003-08-23 Thread Goswin von Brederlow
Max Gilead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello!
> I sent this mail to this list about two weeks ago and nobody volunteered...
> well, this package is rotting on my hard disk and I'd like to upload it
> to the Debian community to use. Is there anything wrong with my application?
> Should I do anything else before applying for a sponsor here?
> And this game is really fun! :-) I believe anyone who will volunteer will
> have no problems with this package and a little fun for sure :-)
> Upstream URL:

I'm not a DD eigther but I would like to try the packages anyway.
Any url where to get them?

How good are you with upstream? He doesn't seem to have a public cvs
repository for his sources. You could apply on and provide cvs access to the upstream
source and your changes there. Might be easier to coordinate changes
to the source that way.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Looking for sponsor for Neverball game package

2003-08-23 Thread Max Gilead
Michel Dänzer wrote:

Could you put up your packages somewhere, including source?

Yes, of course. I'll put it on my FTP today or tomorrow.


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Re: Looking for sponsor for Neverball game package

2003-08-23 Thread Max Gilead
Goswin von Brederlow wrote:

How good are you with upstream? He doesn't seem to have a public cvs
repository for his sources.
We have good contact, he's very responsive and willing to coordinate the 

You could apply on and provide cvs access to the upstream
source and your changes there. Might be easier to coordinate changes
to the source that way
The package is very small and I believe there's no real need for public 
CVS right now but I'll contact upstream and ask him if he's interested.


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RFS: sn - Small NNTP server for leaf sites

2003-08-23 Thread Chris Niekel

The 'sn' package was orphaned, and I ITA'ed it. I'm not a DD yet, and
this is my first package, so I would like to receive some feedback on

It is available at
The other generated files are in the same directory.

Chris Niekel

I've been down so long, if I'd cheer up, I'd still be depressed.
- Lisa Simpson, Moanin' Lisa Blues.

Description: PGP signature

When to use debconf, and how much?

2003-08-23 Thread Frank Küster
Hello all,

I know that there has been debate about the use and abuse of debconf;
some packages have been critized to be much to verbose and ask
unnecessary stuff.

However, to me it's not quite clear what necessary would mean. Therefore
I'm looking for a place where I could read about that (perhaps a thread
on debian-devel?): In which cases should a package just act silently,
when should it ask?

The concrete case I'm interested in is the package netenv which has the
"historic" version 0.82 in Debian; I want to adopt it and introduce the
current 0.94. It's a package which allows usage of mobile computers in
different network environments. It doesn't try to autodetect the current
situation with ping or arp-requests, like most others, but relies on the
user choosing one out of a couple of configurations.

If there is no working configuration, networking will problably not work
at all - this is bad, especially if by bad chance somebody installs the
package on a remotely administered machine. Therefore one option would
be to just install the package, but not make links to its init script.

On the other hand, practically every user that installs it on purpose
would be happy to find a working package, with the configuration based
on what he had before. He then can add others manually, using the first
as an example.

So this is the situation, but how should it get to a working
configuration? Unfortunately this is not possible without asking. The
old package asked questions in postinst, but the resulting configuration
worked only on laptops with PCMCIA cards, not with builtin network
adaptors. Furthermore, the automatic parsing of the existent
configuration didn't do so well (see the bug reports).

So I introduced debconf which does the following:

- Check wether there's an old configuration, if yes, do nothing, but
  inform the user; and ask him wether this information should be skipped
  upon future updates.

- Ask wether the laptop uses PCMCIA or not. 

  If yes, /etc/pcmcia/network.opts should contain the necessary
  information, it is parsed.

  If no a scheme is set up based on /etc/network/interfaces and

- Check if everything went well, if not disable use on boot time.

My sponsor now questioned wether it's good to use debconf here at all,
but he wasn't so sure that he would tell me "kick that out". So I'm
wondering what I should do: Disable and ask nothing (and hope that users
will find the Debian sections I added to the html documentation), or
keep asking debconf questions?

TIA, Frank

Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: can't install from a local repository

2003-08-23 Thread dstibbe

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/archive$ ls
> Packages.gz  Sources.gz  binary-i386  source

k... now this is where you are wrong

the structure should be like this :


and those two files point to wherever your packages might be
( normally you'd put them in

and with your sources.list looking like :
deb file:///home/ewinger archive/
deb-src file:///home/ewinger archive/

you should make sure you have run the dpkg-scanpackages/dpkg-scansources
from /home/ewinger/archive

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Re: When to use debconf, and how much?

2003-08-23 Thread Joshua Kwan
On Sat, Aug 23, 2003 at 05:00:00PM +0200, Frank Küster wrote:
> - Ask wether the laptop uses PCMCIA or not. 
>   If yes, /etc/pcmcia/network.opts should contain the necessary
>   information, it is parsed.
>   If no a scheme is set up based on /etc/network/interfaces and
>   /etc/resolv.conf

This could be determined based on ps ax | grep cardmgr or something. It
is not necessary to ask a debconf question about it, I think.

As for the others, I think they're ok, except that the notice should be
priority low.

Joshua Kwan

Description: PGP signature

Patch needs Sponsor - List of easily NMUed RC bugs

2003-08-23 Thread Goswin von Brederlow

I went through the RC bug list and collected Bugs with trivial patches
and sorted them a bit. They realy don't need much work so if you have
a minute pick one. If you want to NMU any of them check the
then currently claimed bugs (url under claimed bugs).

So here we go:

g++-3.3 fixes:
The same problem comes up again and again, allways the same fix.

#196324 xosview: FTBFS with g++-3.3: strstream.h is gone

#195527 mysql++: FTBFS with g++-3.3: Missing  include
#200071 zhcon: FTBFS with g++-3.3: Missing #include 
#202032 rumba-manifold: FTBFS with g++-3.3: Missing #include 
#196450 simplecdrx: FTBFS with g++-3.3: Missing  include

#196533 transcalc: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#197214 libggi: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#195577 libnids: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings (wrong pending tag)
#197762 nte: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#198317 pimppa: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#197002 smpeg-xmms: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: configure test uses multiline strings

#193067 rust: FTBFS: g++ 3.2 errors
#198113 stardict: FTBFS with g++-3.3
#190942 tcl-sql: FTBFS: g++ 3.2 errors

Perl touched:
One involves perl and the other patch is for pelr code, knowing a bit
perl might be good.

#204859 FTBFS (unstable/m68k): perl makes abiword fails to build, bad C++
#185479 html2ps generates no output

Other easy stuff:
Bits and pieces

#190260 Segmentation fault on alpha
#184885 LSB 1.3 test suite failures
#196149 mkswap creates invalid swap files
#196850 wall is being distributed under wrong license
#102675 libggi2-dev: should provide static archives
#204456 libjdom-java: Wrong build-dep: does not need xalan2 nor saxon
#203750 log4cpp: FTBFS: `long long' error
#203823 gnuyahoo: FTBFS: automake error
#203973 ext2resize: FTBFS: Automake error

Stuff that should be looked over and tested first:
Those patches have some impact on the packages or arent so clear cut

#192545 pcb: Fails to build with current flex
#194168 preferences: FTBFS with gobjc-3.3: #import is obsolete
#194164 preferences-app: FTBFS with gobjc-3.3: #import is obsolete
#191197 rats: Fails to build with current flex
#166737 snmpkit: FTBFS with gcc 3.2
#173762 FTBFS: Build failure of haddock on i386
#167054 FTBFS: Build failure of xview on i386

M68k related:
#201903 xt: (m68k/unstable) FTBFS

Upload MIA:
An upload was promised but the promised time has passed since

#191199 savant: FTBFS: g++ 3.2 errors

Claimed Bugs:
Claimed bugs as on
Also look at master:/org/

#166865 librudiments0_0.24-2(unstable/ia64): FTBFS: missing config.sub?
#192189 luxman: FTBFS: g++ 3.2 errors
#195064 vlan: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#196313 xdkcal: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#196579 pretzel: FTBFS with g++-3.3: strstream.h is gone
#197262 vflib3: Builds broken package with gcc-3.3 (uses varargs.h)
#198831 tac-plus: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#204483 Bashisms in init.d/oftpd

Bugs pending uploads:
Those should be fixed already.

#198333 legos: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#195157 mps: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Invalid preprocessor pasting
#195546 poppassd: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses obsolete varargs.h
#196463 wordinspect: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#195017 prips: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#199279 gtop: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Invalid preprocessor pasting
#199280 gkrellongrun: FTBFS: Cannot find gkrellm binary

Thats it, more coming.


PS: you can drop me a _private_ mail if you have more or fixed something.
PPS: Please don't reply to this mail saing that bug  is foobar, use the bts.
PPPS: I didn't check timestamps on all bugs and floow-ups, some might be even from 

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: When to use debconf, and how much?

2003-08-23 Thread Goswin von Brederlow
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (=?utf-8?b?RnJhbmsgS8O8c3Rlcg==?=) writes:

> Hello all,
> If there is no working configuration, networking will problably not work
> at all - this is bad, especially if by bad chance somebody installs the
> package on a remotely administered machine. Therefore one option would
> be to just install the package, but not make links to its init script.

Very bad, considered a bug by most.

> On the other hand, practically every user that installs it on purpose
> would be happy to find a working package, with the configuration based
> on what he had before. He then can add others manually, using the first
> as an example.
> So this is the situation, but how should it get to a working
> configuration? Unfortunately this is not possible without asking. The
> old package asked questions in postinst, but the resulting configuration
> worked only on laptops with PCMCIA cards, not with builtin network
> adaptors. Furthermore, the automatic parsing of the existent
> configuration didn't do so well (see the bug reports).
> So I introduced debconf which does the following:
> - Check wether there's an old configuration, if yes, do nothing, but
>   inform the user; and ask him wether this information should be skipped
>   upon future updates.

check out ucf if you have generated config files.
> - Ask wether the laptop uses PCMCIA or not. 

Check the config, don't ask. This one is unneccessary.

>   If yes, /etc/pcmcia/network.opts should contain the necessary
>   information, it is parsed.
>   If no a scheme is set up based on /etc/network/interfaces and
>   /etc/resolv.conf
> - Check if everything went well, if not disable use on boot time.

Above you said multiple choises would be generated. You could generate
a list of what you found and let the user choose one config. The list
should contain  and probably . I assume after configuring this would disrupt
the network and it might be a bad time.
> My sponsor now questioned wether it's good to use debconf here at all,
> but he wasn't so sure that he would tell me "kick that out". So I'm
> wondering what I should do: Disable and ask nothing (and hope that users
> will find the Debian sections I added to the html documentation), or
> keep asking debconf questions?

If you can get the autoconfig right often make it try to do
so. Depending on how little failure there is the priority should be
selected. If you say you can correctly set this up for 99.99% of users
a very low priority should be used.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RFS: xtoolwait (orphaned package)

2003-08-23 Thread Dwayne C. Litzenberger
xtoolwait starts one X client in the background, waits until it has mapped
a window and then exits, which can be useful for systems with a small
amount of memory or slow disk drives (including bootable CD-ROMs).

It was orphaned a while ago (wnpp bug #192675), and I'd like to adopt it,
but I'll need a sponsor, because I'm not a DD yet.

xtoolwait is a package which hasn't changed much in the past years, and I
expect this trend to continue; sponsoring xtoolwait would not take much
of your time.

You can fetch xtoolwait by putting the following in /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb unstable/
deb-src unstable/

and then running

apt-get source xtoolwait


Dwayne C. Litzenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The attachment is an OpenPGP (PGP/MIME) signature, which can be used to verify
the authenticity of this message.  See the message headers for more information.

Description: PGP signature

RFS: lfingerd -- a simple, secure Python finger daemon

2003-08-23 Thread Dwayne C. Litzenberger
I need a sponsor for lfingerd.

Description: a simple, secure Python finger daemon
 lfingerd is a simple finger server designed to run from inetd.  It simply
 returns a user's .plan file, or .plan- if a client queries for
 lfingerd is written in Python, and is small enough to be audited by one
 person under the assumption that the Python standard library is not broken.

You can fetch lfingerd by putting the following in /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb unstable/
deb-src unstable/

and then running

apt-get source lfingerd


Dwayne C. Litzenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The attachment is an OpenPGP (PGP/MIME) signature, which can be used to verify
the authenticity of this message.  See the message headers for more information.

Description: PGP signature

Update: Patch needs Sponsor - List of easily NMUed RC bugs

2003-08-23 Thread Goswin von Brederlow
Goswin von Brederlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> I went through the RC bug list and collected Bugs with trivial patches
> and sorted them a bit. They realy don't need much work so if you have
> a minute pick one. If you want to NMU any of them check the
> then currently claimed bugs (url under claimed bugs).

Changes: pending (+1), fixed(+13).
Keep up the good work sponsoring those uploads.
> So here we go:
> g++-3.3 fixes:
> --
> The same problem comes up again and again, allways the same fix.

#196324 xosview: FTBFS with g++-3.3: strstream.h is gone
#195527 mysql++: FTBFS with g++-3.3: Missing  include
#202032 rumba-manifold: FTBFS with g++-3.3: Missing #include 
#196450 simplecdrx: FTBFS with g++-3.3: Missing  include

#195577 libnids: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#197214 libggi: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#197762 nte: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#198317 pimppa: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings

#193067 rust: FTBFS: g++ 3.2 errors
#198113 stardict: FTBFS with g++-3.3
#190942 tcl-sql: FTBFS: g++ 3.2 errors

> Perl touched:
> -
> One involves perl and the other patch is for pelr code, knowing a bit
> perl might be good.

#204859 FTBFS (unstable/m68k): perl makes abiword fails to build, bad C++

> Other easy stuff:
> -
> Bits and pieces

#190260 Segmentation fault on alpha
#184885 LSB 1.3 test suite failures
#196149 mkswap creates invalid swap files
#196850 wall is being distributed under wrong license
#102675 libggi2-dev: should provide static archives
#204456 libjdom-java: Wrong build-dep: does not need xalan2 nor saxon
#203750 log4cpp: FTBFS: `long long' error
#203823 gnuyahoo: FTBFS: automake error

> Stuff that should be looked over and tested first:
> --
> Those patches have some impact on the packages or arent so clear cut

#192545 pcb: Fails to build with current flex
#194168 preferences: FTBFS with gobjc-3.3: #import is obsolete
#194164 preferences-app: FTBFS with gobjc-3.3: #import is obsolete
#191197 rats: Fails to build with current flex
#166737 snmpkit: FTBFS with gcc 3.2
#173762 FTBFS: Build failure of haddock on i386

> M68k related:
> -
#201903 xt: (m68k/unstable) FTBFS

> Upload MIA:
> ---
> An upload was promised but the promised time has passed since

#191199 savant: FTBFS: g++ 3.2 errors

> Claimed Bugs:
> -
> Claimed bugs as on
> Also look at master:/org/
> #166865 librudiments0_0.24-2(unstable/ia64): FTBFS: missing config.sub?
> #204483 Bashisms in init.d/oftpd

> Bugs pending uploads:
> -
> Those should be fixed already.

#198333 legos: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#195157 mps: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Invalid preprocessor pasting
#195546 poppassd: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses obsolete varargs.h
#199280 gkrellongrun: FTBFS: Cannot find gkrellm binary
#200071 zhcon: FTBFS with g++-3.3: Missing #include 

> Thats it, more coming.
> MfG
> Goswin
> PS: you can drop me a _private_ mail if you have more or fixed something.
> PPS: Please don't reply to this mail saing that bug  is foobar, use the bts.
> PPPS: I didn't check timestamps on all bugs and floow-ups, some might be even from 
> today.

#185479 html2ps generates no output
#195064 vlan: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#196313 xdkcal: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#196463 wordinspect: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#196579 pretzel: FTBFS with g++-3.3: strstream.h is gone
#197262 vflib3: Builds broken package with gcc-3.3 (uses varargs.h)
#198831 tac-plus: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#199279 gtop: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Invalid preprocessor pasting
#203973 ext2resize: FTBFS: Automake error
#192189 luxman: FTBFS: g++ 3.2 errors
#195017 prips: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#196533 transcalc: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
#197002 smpeg-xmms: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: configure test uses multiline strings


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