Re: unsubscribe

2003-03-21 Thread Arnaud Vandyck
/ Duane Cone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| I have done this 10 times

>>> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Maybe you can try to send the mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
insteed of [EMAIL PROTECTED] !

Have a nice day,

-- Arnaud Vandyck - OpenPGP: 0xEEB6B4C2 --
«Les eurodéputés veulent durcir les lois sur les prothèses mammaires.»
(entendu sur France-Info)

Description: PGP signature

Re: pgp 2.6.3i vs pgp5i vs gnupgp

2003-03-21 Thread Roland Mas
Kevin Rosenberg (2003-03-20 12:40:17 -0700) :

> Roland Mas wrote:
>>   It works flawlessly, and it allows me to have my GnuPG private
>> key on exactly zero machine, only on this USB key thing (don't
>> worry, I also have backups).  I have recently added SSH to the same
>> scheme.  Protects me from thieves, although not from trojaning.  I
>> assessed the risks :-)
> I do the same. Additionally, I use the Debian cryptoapi and
> cryptoloop kernel modules to encrypt the USB drive. I think the
> chance of losing such a portable, small device is significant. With
> encryption, I feel better about the possibility.

I'm wondering whether this brings any additional security.  Isn't the
GPG private key stored in an encrypted form already?  Or do the
cryptoloop and cryptoapi modules offer more than 128-bit encryption?

Roland Mas

Au royaume des aveugles, les borgnes sont mal vus.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
On Thursday 20 March 2003 21:30, Barry deFreese wrote:
> Thank you for the advice it is much appreciated.  I should have gone a
> little futher in my background.  I have done quite a bit of
> "programming".  I learned FORTRAN/77, Basic on VMS, and Cobol on VMS in
> college.  I have written in VB, VBScript, JavaScript.  In fact part of
> my "job" today is writing Active Server Pages.  So I have some of the
> "concepts" down to a degree.  I will definetely check into the books and
> such you have suggested.  However, two of my fundamental problems are
> thus:  I don't learn a great deal from reading unfortunately.  I am
> pretty much a hands on guy with a background in networking and
> infrastructure stuff.  Two ( too Chad's point ) the problem is, is that
> when I have an enlightenment, I guess I get intimidated because the
> things that I want to do are well above my skillsets.  I want to write
> kernel level stuff when I'm lucky to write my name!! :-) (Somewhat of a
> chicken before the egg type of syndrome I suppose).  I don't want to
> walk into flying, I want to fly into flying!!  :-)

in my experience as a programmer each time I truly learned something and 
reached that next plateau it was because something in work or hobby forced me 
to stretch that extra mile.  Sometimes it is like having your bones broken so 
they can reset properly -- it always hurts and scares you.  Then suddenly -- 
WHAMO -- the next time you are confronted with a big problem it does not seem 
as big.

programming is like growing up.  You crawl, then stumble, then walk and 
finally you run.  Sometimes you learn to swim or mountain climb and these 
seem unrelated.  Then the extra muscle / tone / fitness you gain helps you 
out in other ways.

In physical engineering if you mess up you may destroy precious materials or 
otherwise impact the world.  With a computer the only real cost is time.  
Remember, we learn more from our mistakes than our triumphs.  Skin a knee, 
scrape your knuckles, break a bone.  You'll be a better programmer for it.

Finally I would like to comment on the book recommendations.  These are spot 
on.  If you look at the collections of people who have programmed for a while 
and take it seriously they tend to have books about thought processes, the 
act of programming and the like.  These often outnumber the language specific 
texts 2 or 3 to 1.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread Sven Luther
On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 09:30:49PM -0800, Barry deFreese wrote:
> Thank you for the advice it is much appreciated.  I should have gone a 
> little futher in my background.  I have done quite a bit of 
> "programming".  I learned FORTRAN/77, Basic on VMS, and Cobol on VMS in 
> college.  I have written in VB, VBScript, JavaScript.  In fact part of 
> my "job" today is writing Active Server Pages.  So I have some of the 
> "concepts" down to a degree.  I will definetely check into the books and 

You should try a functional language for a change :)))

(but then, this is biased advice, i am the ocaml maintainer after all).


Sven Luther

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho
On 20030320T214958-0500, Matthew Danish wrote:
> I highly recommend putting aside the IP-address-configuration stuff for
> the moment and consider becoming a better programmer computer-science
> wise.  Get your principles down; that's more important.  If you want to
> move beyond simple stuff you have to learn these things.

Programming is a skill and an art.  The most important thing is to
practice it with as much vigor as one can.  Theory is important, sure,
but one should not study it instead of practical work, it has to
supplement it.  If you restrict yourself to the teory, you are not a

%%% Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho % [EMAIL PROTECTED] % %%%

  Taiteellisen ohjelmoinnin ystävien seura Toys - Ohjelmointi on myös taidetta

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread Brooks R. Robinson

| >The first is looking to other people for problems to be solved.  You'll
| >never find the inspiration in solving problems that don't affect you.
| >Since you don't feel the itch, you don't get much satisfaction from the
| >scratch.

I agree whole-heartedly.  Find a program/package that you actually use that
doesn't work quite the way you want it too.  This can be a messy
configuration or from function overload or you think that you just plain do
it better.  For example, I've somewhat recently been working on a
fetchmail/getmail replacement.  I think that fetchmail suffers from function
overload; and getmail, written in python, can be slow.  I wanted a quick and
simple POP3 tool.  I have written a tool called gathermail to be just that.
It's, IMHO, 621 lines of straightforward, well(?) documented C code that
does just what RFC 1939 says to do.  I'm not entirely happy with it, but I'm
getting there.
In short, find something that doesn't work and fix it.



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May I temporarily move away a conffile of a conflicting package?

2003-03-21 Thread Andreas Metzler
For a complete discusssion see

Currently the exim4-packages cannot provide /usr/sbin/exim (only
/usr/sbin/exim4) because exim v3's init script up to version 3.36-4
uses something aequivalent to this to check whether it should do
anything: [ -x /usr/sbin/exim ] || exit. If you had exim v3
uninstalled (but not purged) and installed exim v4 and it contained
/usr/sbin/exim both init-scripts would try to run a daemon. THe ame
applies to the cron-snippets.

The exim3 init script in sid has already been changed to use another
test that recognizes exim v3 properly but this doesn't help the users
who will upgrade from woody to sarge (when it is stable), switching
directly to exim v4 without installing eximv3 from sarge first. This
leaves me with these possibilties:
* don't ship /usr/sbin/exim in sarge, wait for sarge+1. I'd rather not
  do that because it'll take imho at least another two and a half
* do something unclean. See below.

* postinst configure
  1 When eximv4 is installed check whether eximv3 conffiles using the
bad test are installed, otherwise goto end
  2 move the respective file to $file.exim4disabled and generate a new
$file that says "This file has been temporarily renamed, see
* postrm uninstall:
  if [ -e $file.exim4disabled ] && md5sum shows it is not changed
 if [ -e $file ]
   # exim v3 has still not been purged
   mv $file.exim4disabled $file
 else # exim v3 has been purged
   rm $file.exim4disabled
  else do nothing.

Is this allowed? Yes[ ]No[ ]
Is this too fragile  Yes[ ]No[ ]
Better ideas?

I won't add a debconf question "May I temporarily move" because
imho _either_ my proposal is good enough anyway and there is no use
asking *another* useless question _or_ if it not allowed I would have
to use priority high and default to no.
 thanks for reading, cu andreas

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Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread David Roundy
On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 09:30:49PM -0800, Barry deFreese wrote:
> I will definetely check into the books and such you have suggested.
> However, two of my fundamental problems are thus: I don't learn a great
> deal from reading unfortunately.  I am pretty much a hands on guy with a
> background in networking and infrastructure stuff.

I am of a similar temperment.  I never read a non-fiction book if I can
avoid it (with the exception of ancient historians and philosophers).  I
get by quite well just picking up a little at a time, and what I do pick up
I really understand.

> Two ( too Chad's point ) the problem is, is that when I have an
> enlightenment, I guess I get intimidated because the things that I want
> to do are well above my skillsets.  I want to write kernel level stuff
> when I'm lucky to write my name!! :-) (Somewhat of a chicken before the
> egg type of syndrome I suppose).  I don't want to walk into flying, I
> want to fly into flying!!  :-)

As the angel Gabriel said:  Fear not!

First of all, you mustn't be afraid of throwing away code.  Write it, and
if it sucks, rewrite it.  Again and again.  Every time you do this, you'll
learn something, at least, if you pay attention to what you're doing.  And
don't worry about This doesn't mean you shouldn't think before you code
(you should), but that you shouldn't _not_ code because you aren't sure
that you're doing it right.  Rewriting something is almost always easier
than writing it the first time was (says I, who just rewrote the card
display code in my bridge game twice in the last week--maybe two weeks).

Secondly don't worry about wasting time on a project that you drop later.
You will have learned from it.  I spent three or four months a couple years
back working on a recipe database program, which I later decided was crud
(it really was, although I did use it for a few months to print out my
shopping lists).  This wasn't a waste of time, as I gained an understanding
of writing GUIs and learned a bit of SQL, and more importantly learned more
about databases.

Thirdly, don't be afraid to start a project that you don't know enough to
finish.  Learn as you go.  The best way to learn to do anything (well,
almost anything--don't try this with airplane piloting), is to do it.  With
most of the projects I've worked on, I started out by learning either a
language or a GUI library (or something else equally complicated) just for
that project.

Finally, I want to reiterate what someone else said, which is that you need
to work on a project that you want to use.
David Roundy

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

out-of-date-standards-version 3.5.6

2003-03-21 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz

I'm not Debian developer but I maintain few packages outside. 
Main package is rox (ROX-Filer). Some time ago new version (3.5.9) of 
Debian policy came out and version 3.5.6 is marked as 'out of date'.
After checking upgrading-checklist.txt I don't know clearly if I can 
bump it or not - can someone get a look at this package?

deb apt/sarge/
deb apt/sid/
deb-src apt/src/

Package name: rox
Version : 1.3.7
License : GNU Public Licence
Upstream Author : Thomas Leonard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Upstream URL:
Package APT : apt/sid/
Package APT/SRC : apt/src/
NM status   : none
GPG key ID  : ED1F 99E1 45B0 ABE9 17E9  0ED1 B31F F326 F0E6 5735
Description : a simple graphical file manager for X11

Long description:

ROX-Filer is a simple and easy to use graphical file manager for X11, 
the windowing system used on Unix and Unix-like operating systems.

It  is  also  the  core  component  of  the  ROX  Desktop:

Invoking rox opens each directory or file listed, or the current working
directory if no arguments are given.

APT: deb apt/sid/

Vi has two modes: the one in which it beeps, and the one in which it 

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread Matthew Danish
On Fri, Mar 21, 2003 at 03:21:35PM +0200, Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho wrote:
> On 20030320T214958-0500, Matthew Danish wrote:
> > I highly recommend putting aside the IP-address-configuration stuff for
> > the moment and consider becoming a better programmer computer-science
> > wise.  Get your principles down; that's more important.  If you want to
> > move beyond simple stuff you have to learn these things.
> Programming is a skill and an art.  The most important thing is to
> practice it with as much vigor as one can.  Theory is important, sure,
> but one should not study it instead of practical work, it has to
> supplement it.  If you restrict yourself to the teory, you are not a
> programmer.

Neither of the programming books I recommended restrict themselves to
the theory.

; Matthew Danish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
; OpenPGP public key: C24B6010 on
; Signed or encrypted mail welcome.
; "There is no dark side of the moon really; matter of fact, it's all dark."

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho
On 20030321T123756-0500, Matthew Danish wrote:
> Neither of the programming books I recommended restrict themselves to
> the theory.

Reading books is theory, regardless of what they cover.

%%% Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho % [EMAIL PROTECTED] % %%%

  Taiteellisen ohjelmoinnin ystävien seura Toys - Ohjelmointi on myös taidetta

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread deFreese, Barry
> -Original Message-
> From: Sven Luther [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 1:18 AM
> To: Barry deFreese
> Subject: Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration
> On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 09:30:49PM -0800, Barry deFreese wrote:
> > Thank you for the advice it is much appreciated.  I should 
> have gone a 
> > little futher in my background.  I have done quite a bit of 
> > "programming".  I learned FORTRAN/77, Basic on VMS, and 
> Cobol on VMS in 
> > college.  I have written in VB, VBScript, JavaScript.  In 
> fact part of 
> > my "job" today is writing Active Server Pages.  So I have 
> some of the 
> > "concepts" down to a degree.  I will definetely check into 
> the books and 
> You should try a functional language for a change :)))
> (but then, this is biased advice, i am the ocaml maintainer 
> after all).
> Friendly,
> Sven Luther

I'm certainly not opposed to learning anything, unfortunately I was "raised"
in the M$ world and it currently pays my bills.  Though I have actually
written a few RPG programs on the AS/400 also - Yuck!!! :-)

Barry deFreese
Technology Services Manager
Nike Team Sports

"Technology doesn't make you less stupid; it just makes you stupid faster."
Jerry Gregoire - Former CIO at Dell

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread Thomas Viehmann
Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho wrote:
> On 20030321T123756-0500, Matthew Danish wrote:
>>Neither of the programming books I recommended restrict themselves to
>>the theory.
> Reading books is theory, regardless of what they cover.
Reading man pages, too, unless you want to practice using man.

In my limited experience, most people that fail or perform poorly at programming
tasks do so due to lack of theoretical understanding.
I fully agree that only reading doesn't gain you much, but the same can be said
about the most theoretical aspects of mathematics, too. (Well at least for
regular users.) After one does understand, implement and trace trough all
algorithms in Knuth's TAOCP, one is bound to have some experience, too.

That said, experience certainly is invaluable, too, but that's a second step.



Description: PGP signature

RE: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread deFreese, Barry
> -Original Message-
> From: Thomas Viehmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 11:06 AM
> To: Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho
> Cc: debian-mentors
> Subject: Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration
> In my limited experience, most people that fail or perform 
> poorly at programming
> tasks do so due to lack of theoretical understanding.
> I fully agree that only reading doesn't gain you much, but 
> the same can be said
> about the most theoretical aspects of mathematics, too. (Well 
> at least for
> regular users.) After one does understand, implement and 
> trace trough all
> algorithms in Knuth's TAOCP, one is bound to have some 
> experience, too.
> That said, experience certainly is invaluable, too, but 
> that's a second step.
> Cheers
> T.

I notice that many of you have mentioned Knuth.  Are all of you talking
specifically about "The Art of Computer Programming" volumes?

Thanks again!!

Barry deFreese
Technology Services Manager
Nike Team Sports

"Technology doesn't make you less stupid; it just makes you stupid faster."
Jerry Gregoire - Former CIO at Dell

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread Matthew Danish
On Fri, Mar 21, 2003 at 08:14:26PM +0200, Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho wrote:
> On 20030321T123756-0500, Matthew Danish wrote:
> > Neither of the programming books I recommended restrict themselves to
> > the theory.
> Reading books is theory, regardless of what they cover.

Indeed, I am recommending learning some theory.  Do you consider
exercises in programming to be merely theory, as well, though?  Your
statement, as is, is absolute nonsense.  I am assuming the existence of
initiative in the reader.

PAIP teaches you good solid programming practice through example.  The
examples are interesting programs, not some obscure mathematical
formulae.  (Othello player, Scheme compiler, Eliza, line diagram
labelling, to name a few).

If you don't learn, you're going to make the same mistakes that were
made before.  These books guide you through exercises which allow you to
learn important principles and will help to catch your mistakes.  If you
read them all the way through without actually doing some actual
programming yourself, you've lost half their value.

; Matthew Danish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
; OpenPGP public key: C24B6010 on
; Signed or encrypted mail welcome.
; "There is no dark side of the moon really; matter of fact, it's all dark."

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: General programming questions list?

2003-03-21 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 03:41:11PM -0600, Drew Scott Daniels wrote:

> Where should I post general programming questions? What are some good
> (interactive) resources? I'm still reading the required and suggested new
> maintainer's documentation, so forgive me if it's pointed out somewhere.

I apologize for not answering your actual question, but the C++ FAQ-lite is

There is a section on operator overloading.

 - mdz

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Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread Thomas Viehmann
> I notice that many of you have mentioned Knuth.  Are all of you talking
> specifically about "The Art of Computer Programming" volumes?
Yes. It's the classic on algorithms.

However, recall Mark Twain's definition of a classic:
A classic is something that everyone wants to have read
and nobody wants to read.
-- Mark Twain, "The Disappearance of Literature"

Specifically TAOCP has an extremely condensed style and a lot of stuff (e.g.
most of volume two) makes very interesting reading, but probably is not
considered compulsory by most people. Also, I disagree that his MIX is optimal
choice of a language to express algorithms in. (To quote my favorite c.s.
professor "pure would have been better".) In summary, TAOCP is a book for people
who like math and theory.

If you want a book about algorithms, and I strongly believe that anyone should
have read something, you're probably better off with [CLR] or [S]. IMHO the
first provides more insight, but the latter might be easier to read. (Usually, I
recommend Sedgewick's book to high-school students, also because it has a German
translation, and the other if I get asked at university. But then the language
barrier isn't a problem for you.)

If you prefer a book on programming more specifically, then you might try
something like the open book "How To Think Like A Computer Scientist" (found for
various languages at google), or if that is too basic, Bruce Eckel's online
books [E]. (Only browsed them, though.)

Depending on what you're looking for, I can happily recommend other books on my
shelf, but knowledge, I'd start talking about computer algebra or statiscal
learning theory next, and that might be somewhat off the point unless you have
specific interests. Though with the recent use of baysian spam classification,
anyone should have read... never mind.



CLR: Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest: Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press
S: Sedgewick, Algorithms, Addison-Wesley, also as Algorithms in You-Name-It

Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread Jim Penny
On Fri, Mar 21, 2003 at 02:23:30PM -0500, Matthew Danish wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 21, 2003 at 08:14:26PM +0200, Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho wrote:
> > On 20030321T123756-0500, Matthew Danish wrote:
> > > Neither of the programming books I recommended restrict themselves to
> > > the theory.
> > 
> > Reading books is theory, regardless of what they cover.
> Indeed, I am recommending learning some theory.  Do you consider
> exercises in programming to be merely theory, as well, though?  Your
> statement, as is, is absolute nonsense.  I am assuming the existence of
> initiative in the reader.

This reminds me of a very good book that is now out of print
"Etudes for Programmers" by Charles Wetherell.  I can't find it online.
And, as the only copy I ever saw was a oversize trade paperback, it may
be hard to get a copy of.  A good academic library might have it,

Jim Penny

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Re: joining Debian / packaging buildd

2003-03-21 Thread Roger Leigh
Jeremy Lainé <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > You might be interested in
> >
> Definitely, I'm looking through it right now.
> > You should probably subscribe to buildd-discuss at
> Done, and browsing through the archives I see I'm going pretty much
> the same way as you as I also rely on autoconf/automake and have moved
> to debhelper.

I've uploaded (or will upload shortly) a new version to the above
URL.  This includes a number of changes, and removes andrea and
rbuilder, and updates sbuild to the apt-patched version in common use.

I've not yet included the debconf patch you sent, since I'm not at all
knowledeable about it, and I'm also going to alter the conffiles in
the future, which would break it.  I was also not happy about
generating the .global conffiles--these are not supposed to be changed
by the user (the .local or non-suffixed version should be used
instead; buildd uses a per-user conffile).


Roger Leigh

Printing on GNU/Linux?
GPG Public Key: 0x25BFB848 available on public keyservers

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Question about ITP and where to go first

2003-03-21 Thread Morgon Kanter

I have been working on packaging libgdsl (the general data structures library), 
and am almost finished packaging it, and I have permission from its author. I'm 
unsure exactly what to do next, however, because it is unclear. Am I supposed 
to file an ITP bug against WNPP? Or should I find a sponsor first? (it seems 
that I should have one before applying to be a new maintainer). The 
documentation is a little unclear as to the order of things, what am I supposed 
to do next?


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RE: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread deFreese, Barry
> -Original Message-
> From: Thomas Viehmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 12:16 PM
> To: deFreese, Barry
> Cc: debian-mentors
> Subject: Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration
> > I notice that many of you have mentioned Knuth.  Are all of 
> you talking
> > specifically about "The Art of Computer Programming" volumes?
> Yes. It's the classic on algorithms.
> However, recall Mark Twain's definition of a classic:
> A classic is something that everyone wants to have read
> and nobody wants to read.
> -- Mark Twain, "The Disappearance of Literature"
> Specifically TAOCP has an extremely condensed style and a lot 
> of stuff (e.g.
> most of volume two) makes very interesting reading, but 
> probably is not
> considered compulsory by most people. Also, I disagree that 
> his MIX is optimal
> choice of a language to express algorithms in. (To quote my 
> favorite c.s.
> professor "pure would have been better".) In summary, TAOCP 
> is a book for people
> who like math and theory.
> Cheers
> T.
> CLR: Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest: Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press
> S: Sedgewick, Algorithms, Addison-Wesley, also as Algorithms 
> in You-Name-It
> E:

Hehe, I got the company to buy all three volumes!!  Suckers!! :-)

Barry deFreese
Technology Services Manager
Nike Team Sports

"Technology doesn't make you less stupid; it just makes you stupid faster."
Jerry Gregoire - Former CIO at Dell

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: unsubscribe

2003-03-21 Thread Arnaud Vandyck
/ Duane Cone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| I have done this 10 times

>>> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Maybe you can try to send the mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
insteed of [EMAIL PROTECTED] !

Have a nice day,

-- Arnaud Vandyck - OpenPGP: 0xEEB6B4C2 --
«Les eurodéputés veulent durcir les lois sur les prothèses mammaires.»
(entendu sur France-Info)

Description: PGP signature

Re: pgp 2.6.3i vs pgp5i vs gnupgp

2003-03-21 Thread Roland Mas
Kevin Rosenberg (2003-03-20 12:40:17 -0700) :

> Roland Mas wrote:
>>   It works flawlessly, and it allows me to have my GnuPG private
>> key on exactly zero machine, only on this USB key thing (don't
>> worry, I also have backups).  I have recently added SSH to the same
>> scheme.  Protects me from thieves, although not from trojaning.  I
>> assessed the risks :-)
> I do the same. Additionally, I use the Debian cryptoapi and
> cryptoloop kernel modules to encrypt the USB drive. I think the
> chance of losing such a portable, small device is significant. With
> encryption, I feel better about the possibility.

I'm wondering whether this brings any additional security.  Isn't the
GPG private key stored in an encrypted form already?  Or do the
cryptoloop and cryptoapi modules offer more than 128-bit encryption?

Roland Mas

Au royaume des aveugles, les borgnes sont mal vus.

Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
On Thursday 20 March 2003 21:30, Barry deFreese wrote:
> Thank you for the advice it is much appreciated.  I should have gone a
> little futher in my background.  I have done quite a bit of
> "programming".  I learned FORTRAN/77, Basic on VMS, and Cobol on VMS in
> college.  I have written in VB, VBScript, JavaScript.  In fact part of
> my "job" today is writing Active Server Pages.  So I have some of the
> "concepts" down to a degree.  I will definetely check into the books and
> such you have suggested.  However, two of my fundamental problems are
> thus:  I don't learn a great deal from reading unfortunately.  I am
> pretty much a hands on guy with a background in networking and
> infrastructure stuff.  Two ( too Chad's point ) the problem is, is that
> when I have an enlightenment, I guess I get intimidated because the
> things that I want to do are well above my skillsets.  I want to write
> kernel level stuff when I'm lucky to write my name!! :-) (Somewhat of a
> chicken before the egg type of syndrome I suppose).  I don't want to
> walk into flying, I want to fly into flying!!  :-)

in my experience as a programmer each time I truly learned something and 
reached that next plateau it was because something in work or hobby forced me 
to stretch that extra mile.  Sometimes it is like having your bones broken so 
they can reset properly -- it always hurts and scares you.  Then suddenly -- 
WHAMO -- the next time you are confronted with a big problem it does not seem 
as big.

programming is like growing up.  You crawl, then stumble, then walk and 
finally you run.  Sometimes you learn to swim or mountain climb and these 
seem unrelated.  Then the extra muscle / tone / fitness you gain helps you 
out in other ways.

In physical engineering if you mess up you may destroy precious materials or 
otherwise impact the world.  With a computer the only real cost is time.  
Remember, we learn more from our mistakes than our triumphs.  Skin a knee, 
scrape your knuckles, break a bone.  You'll be a better programmer for it.

Finally I would like to comment on the book recommendations.  These are spot 
on.  If you look at the collections of people who have programmed for a while 
and take it seriously they tend to have books about thought processes, the 
act of programming and the like.  These often outnumber the language specific 
texts 2 or 3 to 1.

Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread Sven Luther
On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 09:30:49PM -0800, Barry deFreese wrote:
> Thank you for the advice it is much appreciated.  I should have gone a 
> little futher in my background.  I have done quite a bit of 
> "programming".  I learned FORTRAN/77, Basic on VMS, and Cobol on VMS in 
> college.  I have written in VB, VBScript, JavaScript.  In fact part of 
> my "job" today is writing Active Server Pages.  So I have some of the 
> "concepts" down to a degree.  I will definetely check into the books and 

You should try a functional language for a change :)))

(but then, this is biased advice, i am the ocaml maintainer after all).


Sven Luther

Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho
On 20030320T214958-0500, Matthew Danish wrote:
> I highly recommend putting aside the IP-address-configuration stuff for
> the moment and consider becoming a better programmer computer-science
> wise.  Get your principles down; that's more important.  If you want to
> move beyond simple stuff you have to learn these things.

Programming is a skill and an art.  The most important thing is to
practice it with as much vigor as one can.  Theory is important, sure,
but one should not study it instead of practical work, it has to
supplement it.  If you restrict yourself to the teory, you are not a

%%% Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho % [EMAIL PROTECTED] % %%%

  Taiteellisen ohjelmoinnin ystävien seura Toys - Ohjelmointi on myös taidetta

RE: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread Brooks R. Robinson

| >The first is looking to other people for problems to be solved.  You'll
| >never find the inspiration in solving problems that don't affect you.
| >Since you don't feel the itch, you don't get much satisfaction from the
| >scratch.

I agree whole-heartedly.  Find a program/package that you actually use 
doesn't work quite the way you want it too.  This can be a messy
configuration or from function overload or you think that you just plain do
it better.  For example, I've somewhat recently been working on a
fetchmail/getmail replacement.  I think that fetchmail suffers from function
overload; and getmail, written in python, can be slow.  I wanted a quick and
simple POP3 tool.  I have written a tool called gathermail to be just that.
It's, IMHO, 621 lines of straightforward, well(?) documented C code that
does just what RFC 1939 says to do.  I'm not entirely happy with it, but I'm
getting there.
In short, find something that doesn't work and fix it.



May I temporarily move away a conffile of a conflicting package?

2003-03-21 Thread Andreas Metzler
For a complete discusssion see

Currently the exim4-packages cannot provide /usr/sbin/exim (only
/usr/sbin/exim4) because exim v3's init script up to version 3.36-4
uses something aequivalent to this to check whether it should do
anything: [ -x /usr/sbin/exim ] || exit. If you had exim v3
uninstalled (but not purged) and installed exim v4 and it contained
/usr/sbin/exim both init-scripts would try to run a daemon. THe ame
applies to the cron-snippets.

The exim3 init script in sid has already been changed to use another
test that recognizes exim v3 properly but this doesn't help the users
who will upgrade from woody to sarge (when it is stable), switching
directly to exim v4 without installing eximv3 from sarge first. This
leaves me with these possibilties:
* don't ship /usr/sbin/exim in sarge, wait for sarge+1. I'd rather not
  do that because it'll take imho at least another two and a half
* do something unclean. See below.

* postinst configure
  1 When eximv4 is installed check whether eximv3 conffiles using the
bad test are installed, otherwise goto end
  2 move the respective file to $file.exim4disabled and generate a new
$file that says "This file has been temporarily renamed, see
* postrm uninstall:
  if [ -e $file.exim4disabled ] && md5sum shows it is not changed
 if [ -e $file ]
   # exim v3 has still not been purged
   mv $file.exim4disabled $file
 else # exim v3 has been purged
   rm $file.exim4disabled
  else do nothing.

Is this allowed? Yes[ ]No[ ]
Is this too fragile  Yes[ ]No[ ]
Better ideas?

I won't add a debconf question "May I temporarily move" because
imho _either_ my proposal is good enough anyway and there is no use
asking *another* useless question _or_ if it not allowed I would have
to use priority high and default to no.
 thanks for reading, cu andreas

Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread David Roundy
On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 09:30:49PM -0800, Barry deFreese wrote:
> I will definetely check into the books and such you have suggested.
> However, two of my fundamental problems are thus: I don't learn a great
> deal from reading unfortunately.  I am pretty much a hands on guy with a
> background in networking and infrastructure stuff.

I am of a similar temperment.  I never read a non-fiction book if I can
avoid it (with the exception of ancient historians and philosophers).  I
get by quite well just picking up a little at a time, and what I do pick up
I really understand.

> Two ( too Chad's point ) the problem is, is that when I have an
> enlightenment, I guess I get intimidated because the things that I want
> to do are well above my skillsets.  I want to write kernel level stuff
> when I'm lucky to write my name!! :-) (Somewhat of a chicken before the
> egg type of syndrome I suppose).  I don't want to walk into flying, I
> want to fly into flying!!  :-)

As the angel Gabriel said:  Fear not!

First of all, you mustn't be afraid of throwing away code.  Write it, and
if it sucks, rewrite it.  Again and again.  Every time you do this, you'll
learn something, at least, if you pay attention to what you're doing.  And
don't worry about This doesn't mean you shouldn't think before you code
(you should), but that you shouldn't _not_ code because you aren't sure
that you're doing it right.  Rewriting something is almost always easier
than writing it the first time was (says I, who just rewrote the card
display code in my bridge game twice in the last week--maybe two weeks).

Secondly don't worry about wasting time on a project that you drop later.
You will have learned from it.  I spent three or four months a couple years
back working on a recipe database program, which I later decided was crud
(it really was, although I did use it for a few months to print out my
shopping lists).  This wasn't a waste of time, as I gained an understanding
of writing GUIs and learned a bit of SQL, and more importantly learned more
about databases.

Thirdly, don't be afraid to start a project that you don't know enough to
finish.  Learn as you go.  The best way to learn to do anything (well,
almost anything--don't try this with airplane piloting), is to do it.  With
most of the projects I've worked on, I started out by learning either a
language or a GUI library (or something else equally complicated) just for
that project.

Finally, I want to reiterate what someone else said, which is that you need
to work on a project that you want to use.
David Roundy

out-of-date-standards-version 3.5.6

2003-03-21 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz

I'm not Debian developer but I maintain few packages outside. 
Main package is rox (ROX-Filer). Some time ago new version (3.5.9) of 
Debian policy came out and version 3.5.6 is marked as 'out of date'.
After checking upgrading-checklist.txt I don't know clearly if I can 
bump it or not - can someone get a look at this package?

deb apt/sarge/
deb apt/sid/
deb-src apt/src/

Package name: rox
Version : 1.3.7
License : GNU Public Licence
Upstream Author : Thomas Leonard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Upstream URL:
Package APT : apt/sid/
Package APT/SRC : apt/src/
NM status   : none
GPG key ID  : ED1F 99E1 45B0 ABE9 17E9  0ED1 B31F F326 F0E6 5735
Description : a simple graphical file manager for X11

Long description:

ROX-Filer is a simple and easy to use graphical file manager for X11, 
the windowing system used on Unix and Unix-like operating systems.

It  is  also  the  core  component  of  the  ROX  Desktop:

Invoking rox opens each directory or file listed, or the current working
directory if no arguments are given.

APT: deb apt/sid/

Vi has two modes: the one in which it beeps, and the one in which it 

Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread Matthew Danish
On Fri, Mar 21, 2003 at 03:21:35PM +0200, Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho wrote:
> On 20030320T214958-0500, Matthew Danish wrote:
> > I highly recommend putting aside the IP-address-configuration stuff for
> > the moment and consider becoming a better programmer computer-science
> > wise.  Get your principles down; that's more important.  If you want to
> > move beyond simple stuff you have to learn these things.
> Programming is a skill and an art.  The most important thing is to
> practice it with as much vigor as one can.  Theory is important, sure,
> but one should not study it instead of practical work, it has to
> supplement it.  If you restrict yourself to the teory, you are not a
> programmer.

Neither of the programming books I recommended restrict themselves to
the theory.

; Matthew Danish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
; OpenPGP public key: C24B6010 on
; Signed or encrypted mail welcome.
; "There is no dark side of the moon really; matter of fact, it's all dark."

Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho
On 20030321T123756-0500, Matthew Danish wrote:
> Neither of the programming books I recommended restrict themselves to
> the theory.

Reading books is theory, regardless of what they cover.

%%% Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho % [EMAIL PROTECTED] % %%%

  Taiteellisen ohjelmoinnin ystävien seura Toys - Ohjelmointi on myös taidetta

RE: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread deFreese, Barry
> -Original Message-
> From: Sven Luther [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 1:18 AM
> To: Barry deFreese
> Cc: ''
> Subject: Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration
> On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 09:30:49PM -0800, Barry deFreese wrote:
> > Thank you for the advice it is much appreciated.  I should 
> have gone a 
> > little futher in my background.  I have done quite a bit of 
> > "programming".  I learned FORTRAN/77, Basic on VMS, and 
> Cobol on VMS in 
> > college.  I have written in VB, VBScript, JavaScript.  In 
> fact part of 
> > my "job" today is writing Active Server Pages.  So I have 
> some of the 
> > "concepts" down to a degree.  I will definetely check into 
> the books and 
> You should try a functional language for a change :)))
> (but then, this is biased advice, i am the ocaml maintainer 
> after all).
> Friendly,
> Sven Luther

I'm certainly not opposed to learning anything, unfortunately I was "raised"
in the M$ world and it currently pays my bills.  Though I have actually
written a few RPG programs on the AS/400 also - Yuck!!! :-)

Barry deFreese
Technology Services Manager
Nike Team Sports

"Technology doesn't make you less stupid; it just makes you stupid faster."
Jerry Gregoire - Former CIO at Dell

Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread Thomas Viehmann
Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho wrote:
> On 20030321T123756-0500, Matthew Danish wrote:
>>Neither of the programming books I recommended restrict themselves to
>>the theory.
> Reading books is theory, regardless of what they cover.
Reading man pages, too, unless you want to practice using man.

In my limited experience, most people that fail or perform poorly at programming
tasks do so due to lack of theoretical understanding.
I fully agree that only reading doesn't gain you much, but the same can be said
about the most theoretical aspects of mathematics, too. (Well at least for
regular users.) After one does understand, implement and trace trough all
algorithms in Knuth's TAOCP, one is bound to have some experience, too.

That said, experience certainly is invaluable, too, but that's a second step.



Description: PGP signature

RE: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread deFreese, Barry
> -Original Message-
> From: Thomas Viehmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 11:06 AM
> To: Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho
> Cc: debian-mentors
> Subject: Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration
> In my limited experience, most people that fail or perform 
> poorly at programming
> tasks do so due to lack of theoretical understanding.
> I fully agree that only reading doesn't gain you much, but 
> the same can be said
> about the most theoretical aspects of mathematics, too. (Well 
> at least for
> regular users.) After one does understand, implement and 
> trace trough all
> algorithms in Knuth's TAOCP, one is bound to have some 
> experience, too.
> That said, experience certainly is invaluable, too, but 
> that's a second step.
> Cheers
> T.

I notice that many of you have mentioned Knuth.  Are all of you talking
specifically about "The Art of Computer Programming" volumes?

Thanks again!!

Barry deFreese
Technology Services Manager
Nike Team Sports

"Technology doesn't make you less stupid; it just makes you stupid faster."
Jerry Gregoire - Former CIO at Dell

Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread Matthew Danish
On Fri, Mar 21, 2003 at 08:14:26PM +0200, Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho wrote:
> On 20030321T123756-0500, Matthew Danish wrote:
> > Neither of the programming books I recommended restrict themselves to
> > the theory.
> Reading books is theory, regardless of what they cover.

Indeed, I am recommending learning some theory.  Do you consider
exercises in programming to be merely theory, as well, though?  Your
statement, as is, is absolute nonsense.  I am assuming the existence of
initiative in the reader.

PAIP teaches you good solid programming practice through example.  The
examples are interesting programs, not some obscure mathematical
formulae.  (Othello player, Scheme compiler, Eliza, line diagram
labelling, to name a few).

If you don't learn, you're going to make the same mistakes that were
made before.  These books guide you through exercises which allow you to
learn important principles and will help to catch your mistakes.  If you
read them all the way through without actually doing some actual
programming yourself, you've lost half their value.

; Matthew Danish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
; OpenPGP public key: C24B6010 on
; Signed or encrypted mail welcome.
; "There is no dark side of the moon really; matter of fact, it's all dark."

Re: General programming questions list?

2003-03-21 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 03:41:11PM -0600, Drew Scott Daniels wrote:

> Where should I post general programming questions? What are some good
> (interactive) resources? I'm still reading the required and suggested new
> maintainer's documentation, so forgive me if it's pointed out somewhere.

I apologize for not answering your actual question, but the C++ FAQ-lite is

There is a section on operator overloading.

 - mdz

Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread Thomas Viehmann
> I notice that many of you have mentioned Knuth.  Are all of you talking
> specifically about "The Art of Computer Programming" volumes?
Yes. It's the classic on algorithms.

However, recall Mark Twain's definition of a classic:
A classic is something that everyone wants to have read
and nobody wants to read.
-- Mark Twain, "The Disappearance of Literature"

Specifically TAOCP has an extremely condensed style and a lot of stuff (e.g.
most of volume two) makes very interesting reading, but probably is not
considered compulsory by most people. Also, I disagree that his MIX is optimal
choice of a language to express algorithms in. (To quote my favorite c.s.
professor "pure would have been better".) In summary, TAOCP is a book for people
who like math and theory.

If you want a book about algorithms, and I strongly believe that anyone should
have read something, you're probably better off with [CLR] or [S]. IMHO the
first provides more insight, but the latter might be easier to read. (Usually, I
recommend Sedgewick's book to high-school students, also because it has a German
translation, and the other if I get asked at university. But then the language
barrier isn't a problem for you.)

If you prefer a book on programming more specifically, then you might try
something like the open book "How To Think Like A Computer Scientist" (found for
various languages at google), or if that is too basic, Bruce Eckel's online
books [E]. (Only browsed them, though.)

Depending on what you're looking for, I can happily recommend other books on my
shelf, but knowledge, I'd start talking about computer algebra or statiscal
learning theory next, and that might be somewhat off the point unless you have
specific interests. Though with the recent use of baysian spam classification,
anyone should have read... never mind.



CLR: Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest: Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press
S: Sedgewick, Algorithms, Addison-Wesley, also as Algorithms in You-Name-It

Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread Jim Penny
On Fri, Mar 21, 2003 at 02:23:30PM -0500, Matthew Danish wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 21, 2003 at 08:14:26PM +0200, Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho wrote:
> > On 20030321T123756-0500, Matthew Danish wrote:
> > > Neither of the programming books I recommended restrict themselves to
> > > the theory.
> > 
> > Reading books is theory, regardless of what they cover.
> Indeed, I am recommending learning some theory.  Do you consider
> exercises in programming to be merely theory, as well, though?  Your
> statement, as is, is absolute nonsense.  I am assuming the existence of
> initiative in the reader.

This reminds me of a very good book that is now out of print
"Etudes for Programmers" by Charles Wetherell.  I can't find it online.
And, as the only copy I ever saw was a oversize trade paperback, it may
be hard to get a copy of.  A good academic library might have it,

Jim Penny

Re: joining Debian / packaging buildd

2003-03-21 Thread Roger Leigh
Jeremy Lainé <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > You might be interested in
> >
> Definitely, I'm looking through it right now.
> > You should probably subscribe to buildd-discuss at
> Done, and browsing through the archives I see I'm going pretty much
> the same way as you as I also rely on autoconf/automake and have moved
> to debhelper.

I've uploaded (or will upload shortly) a new version to the above
URL.  This includes a number of changes, and removes andrea and
rbuilder, and updates sbuild to the apt-patched version in common use.

I've not yet included the debconf patch you sent, since I'm not at all
knowledeable about it, and I'm also going to alter the conffiles in
the future, which would break it.  I was also not happy about
generating the .global conffiles--these are not supposed to be changed
by the user (the .local or non-suffixed version should be used
instead; buildd uses a per-user conffile).


Roger Leigh

Printing on GNU/Linux?
GPG Public Key: 0x25BFB848 available on public keyservers

Question about ITP and where to go first

2003-03-21 Thread Morgon Kanter

I have been working on packaging libgdsl (the general data structures library), 
and am almost finished packaging it, and I have permission from its author. I'm 
unsure exactly what to do next, however, because it is unclear. Am I supposed 
to file an ITP bug against WNPP? Or should I find a sponsor first? (it seems 
that I should have one before applying to be a new maintainer). The 
documentation is a little unclear as to the order of things, what am I supposed 
to do next?


RE: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration

2003-03-21 Thread deFreese, Barry
> -Original Message-
> From: Thomas Viehmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 12:16 PM
> To: deFreese, Barry
> Cc: debian-mentors
> Subject: Re: [OT] A question for programmers - Inspiration
> > I notice that many of you have mentioned Knuth.  Are all of 
> you talking
> > specifically about "The Art of Computer Programming" volumes?
> Yes. It's the classic on algorithms.
> However, recall Mark Twain's definition of a classic:
> A classic is something that everyone wants to have read
> and nobody wants to read.
> -- Mark Twain, "The Disappearance of Literature"
> Specifically TAOCP has an extremely condensed style and a lot 
> of stuff (e.g.
> most of volume two) makes very interesting reading, but 
> probably is not
> considered compulsory by most people. Also, I disagree that 
> his MIX is optimal
> choice of a language to express algorithms in. (To quote my 
> favorite c.s.
> professor "pure would have been better".) In summary, TAOCP 
> is a book for people
> who like math and theory.
> Cheers
> T.
> CLR: Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest: Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press
> S: Sedgewick, Algorithms, Addison-Wesley, also as Algorithms 
> in You-Name-It
> E:

Hehe, I got the company to buy all three volumes!!  Suckers!! :-)

Barry deFreese
Technology Services Manager
Nike Team Sports

"Technology doesn't make you less stupid; it just makes you stupid faster."
Jerry Gregoire - Former CIO at Dell