Re: How to detect if Sendmail/Postfix/Qmail is installed

2003-02-25 Thread Martin Baehr
On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 03:37:25PM -0800, John H. Robinson, IV wrote:
> to throw even more monkeywrenches in the gearbox, some people may have
> compiled an MTA outside of the packaging system, and be using qmail/
> sendmail/postfix (the uspported MTA's) but not have it registered with
> apt/dpkg at all.

well that is a slippery slope,
because with that argument you could kill any dependancies anywhere.

if someone is replacing a package with something outside of debians
control than that person is responsible for telling debian that the
dependancy is fullfilled after all. if a mail-server is needed then
a mailserver is needed. therefore it should be listed as dependancy.

greetings, martin.
interested in doing pike programming, sTeam/caudium/pike/roxen training,  
sTeam/caudium/roxen and/or unix system administration anywhere in the world.
pike programmer working in europe (www.archlab|(www|db).hb2)   iaeste.(|or).at
systemadministrator (stuts|black.linux-m68k).orgis.(|
Martin Bähr

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to detect if Sendmail/Postfix/Qmail is installed

2003-02-25 Thread Emile van Bergen

On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 01:14:25PM +0100, Martin Baehr wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 03:37:25PM -0800, John H. Robinson, IV wrote:
> > to throw even more monkeywrenches in the gearbox, some people may have
> > compiled an MTA outside of the packaging system, and be using qmail/
> > sendmail/postfix (the uspported MTA's) but not have it registered with
> > apt/dpkg at all.
> well that is a slippery slope,
> because with that argument you could kill any dependancies anywhere.
> if someone is replacing a package with something outside of debians
> control than that person is responsible for telling debian that the
> dependancy is fullfilled after all. if a mail-server is needed then
> a mailserver is needed. therefore it should be listed as dependancy.

Perhaps. However, I think that specifying a dependency on services that
can be accessed using well defined protocols instead of library APIs is an
equally slippery slope. 

For example, I'd truly hate it if something would specify a dependency
on mysql-server when a package merely requires you to configure a
hostname, username and password to a working database somewhere.

As a suggestion: why not draw the border at network interfaces vs.
programmatic interfaces? A package that that calls /usr/bin/sendmail -t
to queue mail could depend on virtual package that supplies this
interface, but a package that connects to port 25 somewhere should not,
even though it depends on an MTA for correct operation. The same for
port 80 or port 3306.

It would be nice if standard programmatic interfaces such as the
/usr/bin/sendmail example would always have virtual packages and an easy
way for administrators to tell dpkg that something provides this common
interface, without having to go out of your way to build a full package.
I may be missing something that already exists though; in that case I
appreciate any pointers you have.



E-Advies / Emile van Bergen   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel. +31 (0)70 3906153|

Description: PGP signature

public access to crest.d.o

2003-02-25 Thread Sebastian Henschel
hello list,

there is a bug reported (Bug#178971) against one of my packages which
only seems to occur on m68k. since i want to test my package before the
next release, i thought about doing test-runs on crest.d.o. the website
at db.d.o/machines.cgi says that this machine is accessble by "all".

so, which user and which password are supposed to used when connecting
to crest.d.o being "all"? or does it work differently? do i have to
apply somewhere?

::: sebastian henschel
::: kodeaffe
::: lynx -source | gpg --import

Description: PGP signature

duplicate-conffile error ???

2003-02-25 Thread Sven Luther
Hello, ...

I am preparing a new version of one of my packages, and lintian claims
that :

$ lintian ocaml-base-3.06-1_3.06-16_i386.deb
E: ocaml-base-3.06-1: duplicate-conffile /etc/ocaml/ld.conf

And effectively, if i open the .deb, i see that /etc/ocaml/ld.conf is
listed two times as conffile.

Now, i have debian/ocaml-base-3.06-1.conffiles which contains only one
copy of /etc/ocaml/ld.conf, not two, so i have no idea where this second
copy does come from.

I am using debhelper, and i guess one of the debhelpers is responsible
for this. Does anyone have an idea of where this is coming from ?


Sven Luther

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: duplicate-conffile error ???

2003-02-25 Thread Jérôme Marant
Sven Luther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello, ...
> I am preparing a new version of one of my packages, and lintian claims
> that :
> $ lintian ocaml-base-3.06-1_3.06-16_i386.deb
> E: ocaml-base-3.06-1: duplicate-conffile /etc/ocaml/ld.conf
> And effectively, if i open the .deb, i see that /etc/ocaml/ld.conf is
> listed two times as conffile.
> Now, i have debian/ocaml-base-3.06-1.conffiles which contains only one
> copy of /etc/ocaml/ld.conf, not two, so i have no idea where this second
> copy does come from.
> I am using debhelper, and i guess one of the debhelpers is responsible
> for this. Does anyone have an idea of where this is coming from ?

Debhelp automaticaly adds every /etc file to conffile.
So, remove this entry from ocaml-base-3.06-1.conffiles.


Jérôme Marant

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: duplicate-conffile error ???

2003-02-25 Thread Sven Luther
On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 09:58:11PM +0100, Jérôme Marant wrote:
> Sven Luther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hello, ...
> >
> > I am preparing a new version of one of my packages, and lintian claims
> > that :
> >
> > $ lintian ocaml-base-3.06-1_3.06-16_i386.deb
> > E: ocaml-base-3.06-1: duplicate-conffile /etc/ocaml/ld.conf
> >
> > And effectively, if i open the .deb, i see that /etc/ocaml/ld.conf is
> > listed two times as conffile.
> >
> > Now, i have debian/ocaml-base-3.06-1.conffiles which contains only one
> > copy of /etc/ocaml/ld.conf, not two, so i have no idea where this second
> > copy does come from.
> >
> > I am using debhelper, and i guess one of the debhelpers is responsible
> > for this. Does anyone have an idea of where this is coming from ?
> Debhelp automaticaly adds every /etc file to conffile.
> So, remove this entry from ocaml-base-3.06-1.conffiles.

Ok, thanks will do.


Sven Luther

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: duplicate-conffile error ???

2003-02-25 Thread Nicolas Boullis

On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 09:31:10PM +0100, Sven Luther wrote:
> Hello, ...
> I am preparing a new version of one of my packages, and lintian claims
> that :
> $ lintian ocaml-base-3.06-1_3.06-16_i386.deb
> E: ocaml-base-3.06-1: duplicate-conffile /etc/ocaml/ld.conf
> And effectively, if i open the .deb, i see that /etc/ocaml/ld.conf is
> listed two times as conffile.
> Now, i have debian/ocaml-base-3.06-1.conffiles which contains only one
> copy of /etc/ocaml/ld.conf, not two, so i have no idea where this second
> copy does come from.
> I am using debhelper, and i guess one of the debhelpers is responsible
> for this. Does anyone have an idea of where this is coming from ?

That's because of dh_installdeb. According to the manpage:
   In V3 compatability mode and higher, all files in the etc/ directory in
   a package will automatically be flagged as conffiles by this program,
   so there is no need to list them manually in package.conffiles.

So you should not list the files in /tmp in ocaml-base-3.06-1.conffiles; 
your ocaml-base-3.06-1.conffiles should most probably be empty...



with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: duplicate-conffile error ???

2003-02-25 Thread Thomas Viehmann
Hello Sven,
Sven Luther wrote:
> I am using debhelper, and i guess one of the debhelpers is responsible
> for this. Does anyone have an idea of where this is coming from ?
man debhelper says that for compat mode >= 3:
Every file in etc/ is automatically flagged as a conffile by dh_installdeb.



Description: PGP signature

Re: duplicate-conffile error ???

2003-02-25 Thread David Grant
Jérôme Marant wrote:

Sven Luther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


Hello, ...

I am preparing a new version of one of my packages, and lintian claims
that :
$ lintian ocaml-base-3.06-1_3.06-16_i386.deb
E: ocaml-base-3.06-1: duplicate-conffile /etc/ocaml/ld.conf
And effectively, if i open the .deb, i see that /etc/ocaml/ld.conf is
listed two times as conffile.
Now, i have debian/ocaml-base-3.06-1.conffiles which contains only one
copy of /etc/ocaml/ld.conf, not two, so i have no idea where this second
copy does come from.
I am using debhelper, and i guess one of the debhelpers is responsible
for this. Does anyone have an idea of where this is coming from ?

Debhelp automaticaly adds every /etc file to conffile.
So, remove this entry from ocaml-base-3.06-1.conffiles.

I've been getting this error too.  I just have a conffiles file in my 
debian directory.  It contains one /etc/ line.  But if I 
remove this line, what do I do instead?  Add "install  
/etc/" to the makefile?  or the rules file?  And then it will 
automatically add this to the conffile?



David J. Grant
Masters Candidate
a-Si and Integrated Circuits Lab
University of Waterloo
Room DC2551A
519-888-4567 x2327

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: duplicate-conffile error ???

2003-02-25 Thread Jérôme Marant
David Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>Debhelp automaticaly adds every /etc file to conffile.
>>So, remove this entry from ocaml-base-3.06-1.conffiles.
> I've been getting this error too.  I just have a conffiles file in my
> debian directory.  It contains one /etc/ line.  But if I
> remove this line, what do I do instead?  Add "install 
> /etc/" to the makefile?  or the rules file?  And then it
> will automatically add this to the conffile?

I think you misunderstood what I said :-)
In other words, I said "Do nothing. Debhelper does it for you" :-)
Remove conffile, and debhelper will feed a completely new one.


Jérôme Marant

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

no debian/ocaml-native-compilers-3.06-1/DEBIAN/control ???

2003-02-25 Thread Sven Luther

It is me again, ...

While trying to build my package on sparc, i get :

dpkg-deb: failed to open package info file
`debian/ocaml-native-compilers-3.06-1/DEBIAN/control' for reading: No such file or 

which has me trully baffled. 

The package builds fine on i386, and two other binary packages provided
by the source package get build fine.


Sven Luther

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A new package which I would like to add to Debian

2003-02-25 Thread Kevin J. Kalupson
There is a biology/bio-informatics package which I would like to add to 
debian.  I have easily installed this package under woody and would like to 
know what steps I should take to turn this piece of software into a deb.
My first question is "Am I writing to the correct list?".  If I am not writing 
to the correct list at this point, please let me know.
My other questions have to do with what I should read to learn how to properly 
debianize this package.  As far as I know it is free-ware, but may end up 
under non-free.
Thank you everyone who replies,
Kevin J. Kalupson

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is sid recommended?

2003-02-25 Thread Volker Sturm
if I want to get into software development for Debian: Is it recommended to
stay with stable or upgrade to sid?

Volker Sturm

Volker Sturm

+++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more +++
Bitte lächeln! Fotogalerie online mit GMX ohne eigene Homepage!

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: A new package which I would like to add to Debian

2003-02-25 Thread David Grant
Kevin J. Kalupson wrote:

There is a biology/bio-informatics package which I would like to add to 
debian.  I have easily installed this package under woody and would like to 
know what steps I should take to turn this piece of software into a deb.
My first question is "Am I writing to the correct list?".  If I am not writing 
to the correct list at this point, please let me know.
My other questions have to do with what I should read to learn how to properly 
debianize this package.  As far as I know it is free-ware, but may end up 
under non-free.
Thank you everyone who replies,
Kevin J. Kalupson


I just started a couple weeks ago myself...
Reading this "New Maintainers Guide" is a must:
It's instructions are actually very accurate and complete.

If you go to the Debian Home Page and click on Developer's Corner, 
you'll end up here:
On the right-hand side of the are some useful packaging links. The 
Debian Policy Manual, Developer's Reference, and the menu systems and 
FHS are the only possible ones you could need to make a first crack at a 
package.  Oh, and I recommend debhelper as opposed to dmake.

Also, install the reportbug package, and then report a bug for wnpp 
(work-needing and prospective packages) package by typing "reportbug 
wnpp" or just running "reportbug" and selecting "wnpp" from the menu.  
You can look through the list for your package (unless you are already 
positive that no one is packaging it, in which case you press 's' to 
skip).  Then select ITP (Intent to Package) and then procede from there.

Good luck,

David J. Grant
M.A.Sc. Candidate
a-Si and Integrated Circuits Group
University of Waterloo
Ontario, Canada
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to detect if Sendmail/Postfix/Qmail is installed

2003-02-25 Thread Martin Baehr
On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 03:37:25PM -0800, John H. Robinson, IV wrote:
> to throw even more monkeywrenches in the gearbox, some people may have
> compiled an MTA outside of the packaging system, and be using qmail/
> sendmail/postfix (the uspported MTA's) but not have it registered with
> apt/dpkg at all.

well that is a slippery slope,
because with that argument you could kill any dependancies anywhere.

if someone is replacing a package with something outside of debians
control than that person is responsible for telling debian that the
dependancy is fullfilled after all. if a mail-server is needed then
a mailserver is needed. therefore it should be listed as dependancy.

greetings, martin.
interested in doing pike programming, sTeam/caudium/pike/roxen training,  
sTeam/caudium/roxen and/or unix system administration anywhere in the world.
pike programmer working in europe (www.archlab|(www|db).hb2)   iaeste.(|or).at
systemadministrator (stuts|black.linux-m68k).orgis.(|
Martin Bähr

Re: How to detect if Sendmail/Postfix/Qmail is installed

2003-02-25 Thread Emile van Bergen

On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 01:14:25PM +0100, Martin Baehr wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 03:37:25PM -0800, John H. Robinson, IV wrote:
> > to throw even more monkeywrenches in the gearbox, some people may have
> > compiled an MTA outside of the packaging system, and be using qmail/
> > sendmail/postfix (the uspported MTA's) but not have it registered with
> > apt/dpkg at all.
> well that is a slippery slope,
> because with that argument you could kill any dependancies anywhere.
> if someone is replacing a package with something outside of debians
> control than that person is responsible for telling debian that the
> dependancy is fullfilled after all. if a mail-server is needed then
> a mailserver is needed. therefore it should be listed as dependancy.

Perhaps. However, I think that specifying a dependency on services that
can be accessed using well defined protocols instead of library APIs is an
equally slippery slope. 

For example, I'd truly hate it if something would specify a dependency
on mysql-server when a package merely requires you to configure a
hostname, username and password to a working database somewhere.

As a suggestion: why not draw the border at network interfaces vs.
programmatic interfaces? A package that that calls /usr/bin/sendmail -t
to queue mail could depend on virtual package that supplies this
interface, but a package that connects to port 25 somewhere should not,
even though it depends on an MTA for correct operation. The same for
port 80 or port 3306.

It would be nice if standard programmatic interfaces such as the
/usr/bin/sendmail example would always have virtual packages and an easy
way for administrators to tell dpkg that something provides this common
interface, without having to go out of your way to build a full package.
I may be missing something that already exists though; in that case I
appreciate any pointers you have.



E-Advies / Emile van Bergen   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel. +31 (0)70 3906153|

Description: PGP signature

public access to crest.d.o

2003-02-25 Thread Sebastian Henschel
hello list,

there is a bug reported (Bug#178971) against one of my packages which
only seems to occur on m68k. since i want to test my package before the
next release, i thought about doing test-runs on crest.d.o. the website
at db.d.o/machines.cgi says that this machine is accessble by "all".

so, which user and which password are supposed to used when connecting
to crest.d.o being "all"? or does it work differently? do i have to
apply somewhere?

::: sebastian henschel
::: kodeaffe
::: lynx -source | gpg --import

Description: PGP signature

duplicate-conffile error ???

2003-02-25 Thread Sven Luther
Hello, ...

I am preparing a new version of one of my packages, and lintian claims
that :

$ lintian ocaml-base-3.06-1_3.06-16_i386.deb
E: ocaml-base-3.06-1: duplicate-conffile /etc/ocaml/ld.conf

And effectively, if i open the .deb, i see that /etc/ocaml/ld.conf is
listed two times as conffile.

Now, i have debian/ocaml-base-3.06-1.conffiles which contains only one
copy of /etc/ocaml/ld.conf, not two, so i have no idea where this second
copy does come from.

I am using debhelper, and i guess one of the debhelpers is responsible
for this. Does anyone have an idea of where this is coming from ?


Sven Luther

Re: duplicate-conffile error ???

2003-02-25 Thread Jérôme Marant
Sven Luther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello, ...
> I am preparing a new version of one of my packages, and lintian claims
> that :
> $ lintian ocaml-base-3.06-1_3.06-16_i386.deb
> E: ocaml-base-3.06-1: duplicate-conffile /etc/ocaml/ld.conf
> And effectively, if i open the .deb, i see that /etc/ocaml/ld.conf is
> listed two times as conffile.
> Now, i have debian/ocaml-base-3.06-1.conffiles which contains only one
> copy of /etc/ocaml/ld.conf, not two, so i have no idea where this second
> copy does come from.
> I am using debhelper, and i guess one of the debhelpers is responsible
> for this. Does anyone have an idea of where this is coming from ?

Debhelp automaticaly adds every /etc file to conffile.
So, remove this entry from ocaml-base-3.06-1.conffiles.


Jérôme Marant

Re: duplicate-conffile error ???

2003-02-25 Thread Sven Luther
On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 09:58:11PM +0100, Jérôme Marant wrote:
> Sven Luther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hello, ...
> >
> > I am preparing a new version of one of my packages, and lintian claims
> > that :
> >
> > $ lintian ocaml-base-3.06-1_3.06-16_i386.deb
> > E: ocaml-base-3.06-1: duplicate-conffile /etc/ocaml/ld.conf
> >
> > And effectively, if i open the .deb, i see that /etc/ocaml/ld.conf is
> > listed two times as conffile.
> >
> > Now, i have debian/ocaml-base-3.06-1.conffiles which contains only one
> > copy of /etc/ocaml/ld.conf, not two, so i have no idea where this second
> > copy does come from.
> >
> > I am using debhelper, and i guess one of the debhelpers is responsible
> > for this. Does anyone have an idea of where this is coming from ?
> Debhelp automaticaly adds every /etc file to conffile.
> So, remove this entry from ocaml-base-3.06-1.conffiles.

Ok, thanks will do.


Sven Luther

Re: duplicate-conffile error ???

2003-02-25 Thread Nicolas Boullis

On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 09:31:10PM +0100, Sven Luther wrote:
> Hello, ...
> I am preparing a new version of one of my packages, and lintian claims
> that :
> $ lintian ocaml-base-3.06-1_3.06-16_i386.deb
> E: ocaml-base-3.06-1: duplicate-conffile /etc/ocaml/ld.conf
> And effectively, if i open the .deb, i see that /etc/ocaml/ld.conf is
> listed two times as conffile.
> Now, i have debian/ocaml-base-3.06-1.conffiles which contains only one
> copy of /etc/ocaml/ld.conf, not two, so i have no idea where this second
> copy does come from.
> I am using debhelper, and i guess one of the debhelpers is responsible
> for this. Does anyone have an idea of where this is coming from ?

That's because of dh_installdeb. According to the manpage:
   In V3 compatability mode and higher, all files in the etc/ directory in
   a package will automatically be flagged as conffiles by this program,
   so there is no need to list them manually in package.conffiles.

So you should not list the files in /tmp in ocaml-base-3.06-1.conffiles; 
your ocaml-base-3.06-1.conffiles should most probably be empty...



Re: duplicate-conffile error ???

2003-02-25 Thread Thomas Viehmann
Hello Sven,
Sven Luther wrote:
> I am using debhelper, and i guess one of the debhelpers is responsible
> for this. Does anyone have an idea of where this is coming from ?
man debhelper says that for compat mode >= 3:
Every file in etc/ is automatically flagged as a conffile by dh_installdeb.



Description: PGP signature

Re: duplicate-conffile error ???

2003-02-25 Thread David Grant

Jérôme Marant wrote:

Sven Luther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


Hello, ...

I am preparing a new version of one of my packages, and lintian claims
that :

$ lintian ocaml-base-3.06-1_3.06-16_i386.deb
E: ocaml-base-3.06-1: duplicate-conffile /etc/ocaml/ld.conf

And effectively, if i open the .deb, i see that /etc/ocaml/ld.conf is
listed two times as conffile.

Now, i have debian/ocaml-base-3.06-1.conffiles which contains only one
copy of /etc/ocaml/ld.conf, not two, so i have no idea where this second
copy does come from.

I am using debhelper, and i guess one of the debhelpers is responsible
for this. Does anyone have an idea of where this is coming from ?

Debhelp automaticaly adds every /etc file to conffile.
So, remove this entry from ocaml-base-3.06-1.conffiles.

I've been getting this error too.  I just have a conffiles file in my 
debian directory.  It contains one /etc/ line.  But if I 
remove this line, what do I do instead?  Add "install  
/etc/" to the makefile?  or the rules file?  And then it will 
automatically add this to the conffile?



David J. Grant
Masters Candidate
a-Si and Integrated Circuits Lab
University of Waterloo
Room DC2551A
519-888-4567 x2327

Re: duplicate-conffile error ???

2003-02-25 Thread Jérôme Marant
David Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>Debhelp automaticaly adds every /etc file to conffile.
>>So, remove this entry from ocaml-base-3.06-1.conffiles.
> I've been getting this error too.  I just have a conffiles file in my
> debian directory.  It contains one /etc/ line.  But if I
> remove this line, what do I do instead?  Add "install 
> /etc/" to the makefile?  or the rules file?  And then it
> will automatically add this to the conffile?

I think you misunderstood what I said :-)
In other words, I said "Do nothing. Debhelper does it for you" :-)
Remove conffile, and debhelper will feed a completely new one.


Jérôme Marant

no debian/ocaml-native-compilers-3.06-1/DEBIAN/control ???

2003-02-25 Thread Sven Luther

It is me again, ...

While trying to build my package on sparc, i get :

dpkg-deb: failed to open package info file
`debian/ocaml-native-compilers-3.06-1/DEBIAN/control' for reading: No such file 
or directory

which has me trully baffled. 

The package builds fine on i386, and two other binary packages provided
by the source package get build fine.


Sven Luther