Re: unofficial apt source setup

2001-10-08 Thread Oohara Yuuma

On Sun, 7 Oct 2001 21:43:38 -0500,
Scott Dier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [011007 19:44]:
> > Read about the 'apt-ftparchive' program, specifically the 'packages' and 
> > 'sources' options to it.
> Or, if your like me and a glutton for punishment, try using
> dpkg-scanpackages and dpkg-scansources by hand.

Oohara Yuuma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Graduate-school of Science, Kyoto University
Key fingerprint = 6142 8D07 9C5B 159B C170  1F4A 40D6 F42E F464 A695

I always put away what I take.
--- Ryuji Akai, "Star away"

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Need a sponsor/advocate

2001-10-08 Thread Robert Bihlmeyer

David Caldwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
>   First of all, I appreciate the criticism. I've been pondering my eol
>   package throughout the week and I've decided it still has merit. It
>   is not intended to recode between unicode, ebdic, and ascii, like
>   recode. It's merely intended to change out end of lines in a file
>   and make them uniform. Recode can't do this.

Recode won't process files with mixed conventions, that's right. But
"tounix" can actually be replaced by

sed 's/^M$//;s/^M/\

(^M standing for CR; ASCII 0x0d). Likewise for the tomac etc. tools.

Description: PGP signature

Re: unofficial apt source setup

2001-10-08 Thread Robert Bihlmeyer

Warren Turkal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Where do I find some info on setting up an unofficial apt source?

In apt-ftparchive(1), which comes with apt-utils.

Description: PGP signature

new package (rocketworkbench), need sponsor, advocate etc

2001-10-08 Thread Geoff O'Callaghan

Greetings all,

I've packaged a new tool (or suite of tools)...  Here's the blurb...

Package: rocketworkbench
Description: Rocket Design Utilities
 The Rocket Workbench Project is a mission to develop open source
 high quality software tools for the design of experimental rockets.
 Using the most up to date rocket theory allows the software to
 produce the most accurate results.
 This package currently implements the following tools:
 cpropep - Propellant Evaluation Program

Ok...  now rocketworkbench is a 'collection' of tools of which there is 
currently only one prime time ready tool - cpropep - but others are reaching 
varying stages of usefulness which i'll add when they start working ;-)

I created a manpage for rocketworkbench which is going to be used as a 
pointer to all the utilities and a manpage for cpropep which i've fed back 
upstream and i'm guessing i'll be doing that for the other tools.  Also I had 
to do a bit of jiggery pokery to get an appropriate structure for examples 
/usr/share/rocketworkbench/examples/cpropep/  ie other utilities will fit 
at the lowest level ie. ./examples/graindesign/...   etc

There's config files under /etc/rocketworkbench/   again only one conf file 
there at the moment but there will be more.

I'm sure there's problems somewhere with what i've done so please lemme know 
what to fix.

The package can be found at

I've given it a going over with lintian and it doesn't complain (any more :-) 

I've obviously installed it locally and it works for me - but i'm sure you've 
heard that before.

So... If someone would like to a) sponsor the package that'd be great.  If 
someone is happy to be an advocate for me and do the online advocate 
paperwork that'd be even better :-)

Anyway... you may now return to your normal scheduled viewing

Geoff O'Callaghan

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: new package (rocketworkbench), need sponsor, advocate etc

2001-10-08 Thread Hamish Moffatt

On Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 09:02:04PM +1000, Geoff O'Callaghan wrote:
> Greetings all,
> I've packaged a new tool (or suite of tools)...  Here's the blurb...


I don't know anything about rockets but I was intrigued.
Your package looks good. I think you are missing a build-dependency
on cgilib (without it, it can't find cgi.h).

Your debian/copyright file should say where you obtained the sources
(which you currently have in README.Debian).

The layout of the original source is a bit odd. Is cpropep just
part of the sf project, with more tools appearing later? It
has an extra level of subdirectory than is usual eg

/usr/share/doc/rocketworkbench/README.txt only contains build
instructions; are they useful to the end user of the package?

I haven't sponsored anyone before but I can if you wish.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Sponsor needed for xmms-jess

2001-10-08 Thread Eduard Bloch

Hereward Cooper wrote on Sun Oct 07, 2001 um 10:21:05PM:

> I would like a sponsor for the XMMS Visulization -- Jess. I think it
> looks really wickedly slick and even if you don't want to sponsor me, I
> think you should have this anyway (if you run XMMS)!
> Primaraly I wouldn't mind somebody running an eye over it.

Okay, I would sponsor you if noone volunteered before. Please clean up
the changelog, drop the -1.tar.gz file and look how to disable the debug
messages. Then we will see.

"NT ist auch ein UNIX - es ist ja schließlich in C geschrieben."
-- Compaq Techsupport Hotline

Description: PGP signature

Re: Sponsor needed for xmms-jess

2001-10-08 Thread Hereward Cooper

once upon a time Eduard Bloch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> Okay, I would sponsor you if noone volunteered before. Please clean up
> the changelog, drop the -1.tar.gz file and look how to disable the
> debug
> messages. Then we will see.

I've cleaned up the changelog spelling/grammer wise, the upstream was
French and I hadn't got round to correcting the English. I've got rid of
the -1.tar.gz, don't know what that was doing there. To disable the
debugging, I couldn't find a compile option anywhere, so I commented out
all the print lines in the C source, is there a better way to do this?

I think tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> replied first so unless you
desperatly wanna sponsor me I'll use him, thanks for the offer though.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Htdig's english wordlist

2001-10-08 Thread Stijn de Bekker


I've just taken over the htdig package and now I'm going through the
outstanding bugs. My question relates to bugs #74523 and #104607.

The htdig package uses an english wordlist which is now located in
/etc/htdig/ - just a list of english words. Changing this file changes
the behaviour of htdig. According to the Debian policy, it should
therefore be a conffile (11.7.1):

   "A file that affects the operation of a program, or provides site-
  or host-specific information, or otherwise customizes the behavior
  of a program."

The htdig wordlist is 930 kB and pretty big for in /etc. The package
wenglish contains a similar list of english words, only smaller (45392
vs 87536 words).

Should I modify htdig that it uses the system-wide list?

"If you were going to shoot a mime, would you use a silencer?"
 - Steven Wright

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mail access

2001-10-08 Thread peter karlsson

While sifting through the policy upgrade checklist for one of my
packages, I came to the information about changing mail access from
/var/spool/mail to /var/mail. That's not hard. Also, the
upgrade-checklist states that I should "[...] include a suitable
Depends field; details in [12.6]". What Depends? On the policy? There's
nothing in 12.6 about any dependencies required (lest I am missing

peter -

  Statement concerning unsolicited e-mail according to Swedish law:

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: unofficial apt source setup

2001-10-08 Thread John H. Robinson, IV

On Sun, Oct 07, 2001 at 09:43:38PM -0500, Scott Dier wrote:
> * [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [011007 19:44]:
> > Read about the 'apt-ftparchive' program, specifically the 'packages' and 
> > 'sources' options to it.
> Or, if your like me and a glutton for punishment, try using
> dpkg-scanpackages and dpkg-scansources by hand.

been there, done that, and nothing will create the Release file that can
be found on the debian archives.

it seems as if it is not required, but i dislike the warning messages
that apt-get update gives me.

does anyone know how to create a proper Release file?


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Mail access

2001-10-08 Thread Santiago Vila

On Mon, 8 Oct 2001, peter karlsson wrote:

> While sifting through the policy upgrade checklist for one of my
> packages, I came to the information about changing mail access from
> /var/spool/mail to /var/mail. That's not hard. Also, the
> upgrade-checklist states that I should "[...] include a suitable
> Depends field; details in [12.6]". What Depends? On the policy? There's
> nothing in 12.6 about any dependencies required (lest I am missing
> something).

If your package depends on libc6, that's enough, because
libc6.postinst ensures that /var/mail exists on upgrades.

If your package does not depend on libc6 you should make it to depend
on base-files >= 2.2.0, since base-files.postinst also ensures that
/var/mail exists on upgrades.

In debian-policy_3.5.6.0 from woody, it's in "10.1.3".

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please explain this odd lintian error

2001-10-08 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas

lintian -i (v1.20.16) sez:

W: webmin-ssl: postinst-does-not-load-confmodule
N:   Even if your postinst does not involve debconf, you currently need to
N:   make sure it loads one of the debconf libraries. This will be changed
N:   in the future.

But the postinst looks like this:

$ head debian/postinst
#! /bin/sh
# postinst script for webmin
# see: dh_installdeb(1)

set -e

# Source debconf library.
. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
db_version 2.0

Is this a false positive or am I doing something wrong?

Jaldhar H. Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Please explain this odd lintian error

2001-10-08 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 08-Oct-2001 Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
> lintian -i (v1.20.16) sez:
> W: webmin-ssl: postinst-does-not-load-confmodule
> N:
> N:   Even if your postinst does not involve debconf, you currently need to
> N:   make sure it loads one of the debconf libraries. This will be changed
> N:   in the future.
> N:
> Is this a false positive or am I doing something wrong?

The code is in /usr/share/lintian/checks/debconf.  Please give it a look and
point out any flaws.  From the snippet you posted all looks sane in your code. 

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Upstream missing - what to do now

2001-10-08 Thread idalton

Blarrgh. I adopted zicq/krolden earlier this year. Upstream has been AWOL
for months now; his website  appears
to no longer exist, and I have yet to see him connect on ICQ.

I *think* krolden needs a good protocol overhaul to be able to talk to
ICQ server. I'm lately been getting repeated messages, and it appears also
that some messages (both sending and receiving) are not getting through.

I'm also unable (mostly due to skill level, but partly due to Literature
class this semester) to even attempt to update the code. Should I simply
re-orphan the packages, or given the assumed protocol problems and the
lack of active upstream, ask for its removal?


-- Support your government, give Echelon / Carnivore something to parse --
classfield top-secret government restricted data  information project  CIA
KGB GRU DISA DoD  atheist  defense systems military systems  spy steal EMP
Microsoft terrorist Allah Natasha Gregori destroy destruct attack will own
send Russia bank system compromise  World Trade Center  international rule
the world  ATSC RTEM warmod ATMD  force Pentagon  power enforce  Bin Laden
Bill Gates sensitive directorate  TSP NSTD ORD DD2-N AMTAS STRAP warrior-T
presidental elections  policital foreign fnord embassy  takeover democracy

Description: PGP signature

Re: Upstream missing - what to do now

2001-10-08 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh

On Mon, 08 Oct 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Blarrgh. I adopted zicq/krolden earlier this year. Upstream has been AWOL

> I'm also unable (mostly due to skill level, but partly due to Literature
> class this semester) to even attempt to update the code. Should I simply
> re-orphan the packages, or given the assumed protocol problems and the
> lack of active upstream, ask for its removal?

I'd suggest asking for its removal. I'm a former user of zicq, and when I
noticed the first signs of a sinking upstream, I've jumped the boat to other
text-based ICQ clients.

Since we have them in Debian, there's no need to have a broken and mostly
unmaintaneable package.  Should you find yourself with more time later, and
decide to become upstream to zicq/krolden, you are welcome to reupload it.

  "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: new package (rocketworkbench), need sponsor, advocate etc

2001-10-08 Thread Geoff O'Callaghan

On Monday 08 October 2001 23:28, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 09:02:04PM +1000, Geoff O'Callaghan wrote:
> > Greetings all,
> >
> > I've packaged a new tool (or suite of tools)...  Here's the blurb...
> Geoff,
> I don't know anything about rockets but I was intrigued.
> Your package looks good. I think you are missing a build-dependency
> on cgilib (without it, it can't find cgi.h).

Yup... you're right... I'll take care of it.

> Your debian/copyright file should say where you obtained the sources
> (which you currently have in README.Debian).


> The layout of the original source is a bit odd. Is cpropep just
> part of the sf project, with more tools appearing later? It
> has an extra level of subdirectory than is usual eg
> rocketworkbench-1.0.20010807.orig/rocketworkbench/...

Yes, cpropep is part of a set of tools.  It's just the only one that is 
'ready'.  Yes, the source layout is pretty weird, but I didn't want to stuff 
around with it too much to get it into a Debian package.  I just use the CVS 
repository 'as is' except for a couple of 'bug fixes' to get it to compile at 
all which i'm feeding upstream and a bit of surgery to stop really broken 
utilities from attempting to being built.  I need to clean that up some more.

> /usr/share/doc/rocketworkbench/README.txt only contains build
> instructions; are they useful to the end user of the package?

Ok I'll actually *create* some better doco.  A lot of the other Debs i've 
been looking at seem to just find any README.* or other misc text files and 
dump them in doc/package/*.  I agree that it should be useful stuff and not 
just crap.  

> I haven't sponsored anyone before but I can if you wish.

Hey that'd be great.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: unofficial apt source setup

2001-10-08 Thread Oohara Yuuma
On Sun, 7 Oct 2001 21:43:38 -0500,
Scott Dier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [011007 19:44]:
> > Read about the 'apt-ftparchive' program, specifically the 'packages' and 
> > 'sources' options to it.
> Or, if your like me and a glutton for punishment, try using
> dpkg-scanpackages and dpkg-scansources by hand.

Oohara Yuuma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Graduate-school of Science, Kyoto University
Key fingerprint = 6142 8D07 9C5B 159B C170  1F4A 40D6 F42E F464 A695

I always put away what I take.
--- Ryuji Akai, "Star away"

Re: Need a sponsor/advocate

2001-10-08 Thread Robert Bihlmeyer
David Caldwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
>   First of all, I appreciate the criticism. I've been pondering my eol
>   package throughout the week and I've decided it still has merit. It
>   is not intended to recode between unicode, ebdic, and ascii, like
>   recode. It's merely intended to change out end of lines in a file
>   and make them uniform. Recode can't do this.

Recode won't process files with mixed conventions, that's right. But
"tounix" can actually be replaced by

sed 's/^M$//;s/^M/\

(^M standing for CR; ASCII 0x0d). Likewise for the tomac etc. tools.

Description: PGP signature

Re: unofficial apt source setup

2001-10-08 Thread Robert Bihlmeyer
Warren Turkal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Where do I find some info on setting up an unofficial apt source?

In apt-ftparchive(1), which comes with apt-utils.

Description: PGP signature

new package (rocketworkbench), need sponsor, advocate etc

2001-10-08 Thread Geoff O'Callaghan
Greetings all,

I've packaged a new tool (or suite of tools)...  Here's the blurb...

Package: rocketworkbench
Description: Rocket Design Utilities
 The Rocket Workbench Project is a mission to develop open source
 high quality software tools for the design of experimental rockets.
 Using the most up to date rocket theory allows the software to
 produce the most accurate results.
 This package currently implements the following tools:
 cpropep - Propellant Evaluation Program

Ok...  now rocketworkbench is a 'collection' of tools of which there is 
currently only one prime time ready tool - cpropep - but others are reaching 
varying stages of usefulness which i'll add when they start working ;-)

I created a manpage for rocketworkbench which is going to be used as a 
pointer to all the utilities and a manpage for cpropep which i've fed back 
upstream and i'm guessing i'll be doing that for the other tools.  Also I had 
to do a bit of jiggery pokery to get an appropriate structure for examples 
/usr/share/rocketworkbench/examples/cpropep/  ie other utilities will fit 
at the lowest level ie. ./examples/graindesign/...   etc

There's config files under /etc/rocketworkbench/   again only one conf file 
there at the moment but there will be more.

I'm sure there's problems somewhere with what i've done so please lemme know 
what to fix.

The package can be found at

I've given it a going over with lintian and it doesn't complain (any more :-) 

I've obviously installed it locally and it works for me - but i'm sure you've 
heard that before.

So... If someone would like to a) sponsor the package that'd be great.  If 
someone is happy to be an advocate for me and do the online advocate 
paperwork that'd be even better :-)

Anyway... you may now return to your normal scheduled viewing

Geoff O'Callaghan

Re: new package (rocketworkbench), need sponsor, advocate etc

2001-10-08 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 09:02:04PM +1000, Geoff O'Callaghan wrote:
> Greetings all,
> I've packaged a new tool (or suite of tools)...  Here's the blurb...


I don't know anything about rockets but I was intrigued.
Your package looks good. I think you are missing a build-dependency
on cgilib (without it, it can't find cgi.h).

Your debian/copyright file should say where you obtained the sources
(which you currently have in README.Debian).

The layout of the original source is a bit odd. Is cpropep just
part of the sf project, with more tools appearing later? It
has an extra level of subdirectory than is usual eg

/usr/share/doc/rocketworkbench/README.txt only contains build
instructions; are they useful to the end user of the package?

I haven't sponsored anyone before but I can if you wish.


Re: Sponsor needed for xmms-jess

2001-10-08 Thread Eduard Bloch
Hereward Cooper wrote on Sun Oct 07, 2001 um 10:21:05PM:

> I would like a sponsor for the XMMS Visulization -- Jess. I think it
> looks really wickedly slick and even if you don't want to sponsor me, I
> think you should have this anyway (if you run XMMS)!
> Primaraly I wouldn't mind somebody running an eye over it.

Okay, I would sponsor you if noone volunteered before. Please clean up
the changelog, drop the -1.tar.gz file and look how to disable the debug
messages. Then we will see.

"NT ist auch ein UNIX - es ist ja schließlich in C geschrieben."
-- Compaq Techsupport Hotline

Description: PGP signature

Re: Sponsor needed for xmms-jess

2001-10-08 Thread Hereward Cooper
once upon a time Eduard Bloch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> Okay, I would sponsor you if noone volunteered before. Please clean up
> the changelog, drop the -1.tar.gz file and look how to disable the
> debug
> messages. Then we will see.

I've cleaned up the changelog spelling/grammer wise, the upstream was
French and I hadn't got round to correcting the English. I've got rid of
the -1.tar.gz, don't know what that was doing there. To disable the
debugging, I couldn't find a compile option anywhere, so I commented out
all the print lines in the C source, is there a better way to do this?

I think tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> replied first so unless you
desperatly wanna sponsor me I'll use him, thanks for the offer though.


Htdig's english wordlist

2001-10-08 Thread Stijn de Bekker

I've just taken over the htdig package and now I'm going through the
outstanding bugs. My question relates to bugs #74523 and #104607.

The htdig package uses an english wordlist which is now located in
/etc/htdig/ - just a list of english words. Changing this file changes
the behaviour of htdig. According to the Debian policy, it should
therefore be a conffile (11.7.1):

   "A file that affects the operation of a program, or provides site-
  or host-specific information, or otherwise customizes the behavior
  of a program."

The htdig wordlist is 930 kB and pretty big for in /etc. The package
wenglish contains a similar list of english words, only smaller (45392
vs 87536 words).

Should I modify htdig that it uses the system-wide list?

"If you were going to shoot a mime, would you use a silencer?"
 - Steven Wright

Mail access

2001-10-08 Thread peter karlsson
While sifting through the policy upgrade checklist for one of my
packages, I came to the information about changing mail access from
/var/spool/mail to /var/mail. That's not hard. Also, the
upgrade-checklist states that I should "[...] include a suitable
Depends field; details in [12.6]". What Depends? On the policy? There's
nothing in 12.6 about any dependencies required (lest I am missing

peter -

  Statement concerning unsolicited e-mail according to Swedish law:

Re: unofficial apt source setup

2001-10-08 Thread John H. Robinson, IV
On Sun, Oct 07, 2001 at 09:43:38PM -0500, Scott Dier wrote:
> * [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [011007 19:44]:
> > Read about the 'apt-ftparchive' program, specifically the 'packages' and 
> > 'sources' options to it.
> Or, if your like me and a glutton for punishment, try using
> dpkg-scanpackages and dpkg-scansources by hand.

been there, done that, and nothing will create the Release file that can
be found on the debian archives.

it seems as if it is not required, but i dislike the warning messages
that apt-get update gives me.

does anyone know how to create a proper Release file?


Re: Mail access

2001-10-08 Thread Santiago Vila
On Mon, 8 Oct 2001, peter karlsson wrote:

> While sifting through the policy upgrade checklist for one of my
> packages, I came to the information about changing mail access from
> /var/spool/mail to /var/mail. That's not hard. Also, the
> upgrade-checklist states that I should "[...] include a suitable
> Depends field; details in [12.6]". What Depends? On the policy? There's
> nothing in 12.6 about any dependencies required (lest I am missing
> something).

If your package depends on libc6, that's enough, because
libc6.postinst ensures that /var/mail exists on upgrades.

If your package does not depend on libc6 you should make it to depend
on base-files >= 2.2.0, since base-files.postinst also ensures that
/var/mail exists on upgrades.

In debian-policy_3.5.6.0 from woody, it's in "10.1.3".

Please explain this odd lintian error

2001-10-08 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
lintian -i (v1.20.16) sez:

W: webmin-ssl: postinst-does-not-load-confmodule
N:   Even if your postinst does not involve debconf, you currently need to
N:   make sure it loads one of the debconf libraries. This will be changed
N:   in the future.

But the postinst looks like this:

$ head debian/postinst
#! /bin/sh
# postinst script for webmin
# see: dh_installdeb(1)

set -e

# Source debconf library.
. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
db_version 2.0

Is this a false positive or am I doing something wrong?

Jaldhar H. Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

RE: Please explain this odd lintian error

2001-10-08 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 08-Oct-2001 Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
> lintian -i (v1.20.16) sez:
> W: webmin-ssl: postinst-does-not-load-confmodule
> N:
> N:   Even if your postinst does not involve debconf, you currently need to
> N:   make sure it loads one of the debconf libraries. This will be changed
> N:   in the future.
> N:
> Is this a false positive or am I doing something wrong?

The code is in /usr/share/lintian/checks/debconf.  Please give it a look and
point out any flaws.  From the snippet you posted all looks sane in your code. 

Upstream missing - what to do now

2001-10-08 Thread idalton
Blarrgh. I adopted zicq/krolden earlier this year. Upstream has been AWOL
for months now; his website  appears
to no longer exist, and I have yet to see him connect on ICQ.

I *think* krolden needs a good protocol overhaul to be able to talk to
ICQ server. I'm lately been getting repeated messages, and it appears also
that some messages (both sending and receiving) are not getting through.

I'm also unable (mostly due to skill level, but partly due to Literature
class this semester) to even attempt to update the code. Should I simply
re-orphan the packages, or given the assumed protocol problems and the
lack of active upstream, ask for its removal?


-- Support your government, give Echelon / Carnivore something to parse --
classfield top-secret government restricted data  information project  CIA
KGB GRU DISA DoD  atheist  defense systems military systems  spy steal EMP
Microsoft terrorist Allah Natasha Gregori destroy destruct attack will own
send Russia bank system compromise  World Trade Center  international rule
the world  ATSC RTEM warmod ATMD  force Pentagon  power enforce  Bin Laden
Bill Gates sensitive directorate  TSP NSTD ORD DD2-N AMTAS STRAP warrior-T
presidental elections  policital foreign fnord embassy  takeover democracy

Description: PGP signature

Re: Upstream missing - what to do now

2001-10-08 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Mon, 08 Oct 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Blarrgh. I adopted zicq/krolden earlier this year. Upstream has been AWOL

> I'm also unable (mostly due to skill level, but partly due to Literature
> class this semester) to even attempt to update the code. Should I simply
> re-orphan the packages, or given the assumed protocol problems and the
> lack of active upstream, ask for its removal?

I'd suggest asking for its removal. I'm a former user of zicq, and when I
noticed the first signs of a sinking upstream, I've jumped the boat to other
text-based ICQ clients.

Since we have them in Debian, there's no need to have a broken and mostly
unmaintaneable package.  Should you find yourself with more time later, and
decide to become upstream to zicq/krolden, you are welcome to reupload it.

  "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh