Clarifying the FAQ: Running a script after booting from CD

2009-09-09 Thread Tim Legg
After booting using a CD, I would like a script to run.

I did find an entry in the FAQ at:

I don't understand the instructions.  Maybe somebody could clarify.  Here
is how I interpreted to answer in the FAQ.

So I created the directory that didn't exist.

$ mkdir -p

and then I ran chmod -x on that path

$ chmod +x

I got my script which has already had its permissions and executable flag
set and copied it there

$ cp script.scr

but when I become root and:

# lh_build

It goes on with all it's business and exits successfully, but never
creates an image.  The tail end of it's output is below.

Hit lenny/main Packages
Reading package lists... Done
P: Deconfiguring file /etc/hostname
P: Deconfiguring file /bin/hostname
P: Deconfiguring file /etc/resolv.conf
P: Deconfiguring file /etc/hosts
P: Begin unmounting filesystems...

The reference in the FAQ for the example script says it can be found at
/usr/share/live-helper/examples/hooks/  I followed the
instructions in the file by copying it to ~/live/config/chroot_local-hooks
, but lh_build exited with an error.

I have been able to successfully create an image by running lh_config and
then lh_build in a separate directory with none of the files modified.

Tim Legg

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Starting bash script upon bootup

2010-08-04 Thread Tim Legg

What is a recommended way of executing an interactive bash script
automatically upon boot-up on a live system?

In the past, I've kept the script in /bin and the user boots from the CD
and executes the script.  I think it would be cool if I could remove a
step and have the script start itself for the user.


Tim Legg

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Re: Starting bash script upon bootup

2010-08-05 Thread Tim Legg
> On Wed, Aug 04, 2010 at 01:51:54PM -0500, Tim Legg wrote:
>> Hello,
>> What is a recommended way of executing an interactive bash script
>> automatically upon boot-up on a live system?
> What do you mean by "interactive"? Where does this interaction happen?
It is a script that interacts with the user.  This is usually run from the
command line, but I would like to spare the user of such a step and have
it start on its own after boot.

I would have it called from bottom of /home/user/.bashrc, but that file
doesn't exist until after lh_build is executed.

>> In the past, I've kept the script in /bin and the user boots from the CD
>> and executes the script.  I think it would be cool if I could remove a
>> step and have the script start itself for the user.
> When / if the script exists, what should happen:
> * Restart the script
> * Start a shell
> * Shutdown the system?

This is a bash script that I expect to be owned by user.  When/if the
script exits, going back to the shell is fine.

> Is this a system based on Lenny or Squeeze? (in case of Squeese: is
> upstart used?)
This is Lenny (stable)
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Re: Starting bash script upon bootup

2010-08-09 Thread Tim Legg
So where is the .bashrc file located prior to the install so I can edit it
so the script can begin execution when the shell is started upon bootup?

Even if I have that piece of information, I can accomplish my goal.

>> On Wed, Aug 04, 2010 at 01:51:54PM -0500, Tim Legg wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> What is a recommended way of executing an interactive bash script
>>> automatically upon boot-up on a live system?
>> What do you mean by "interactive"? Where does this interaction happen?
> It is a script that interacts with the user.  This is usually run from the
> command line, but I would like to spare the user of such a step and have
> it start on its own after boot.
> I would have it called from bottom of /home/user/.bashrc, but that file
> doesn't exist until after lh_build is executed.
>>> In the past, I've kept the script in /bin and the user boots from the
>>> CD
>>> and executes the script.  I think it would be cool if I could remove a
>>> step and have the script start itself for the user.
>> When / if the script exists, what should happen:
>> * Restart the script
>> * Start a shell
>> * Shutdown the system?
> This is a bash script that I expect to be owned by user.  When/if the
> script exits, going back to the shell is fine.
>> Is this a system based on Lenny or Squeeze? (in case of Squeese: is
>> upstart used?)
> This is Lenny (stable)
>> --
>>Tzafrir Cohen
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Re: Starting bash script upon bootup - SOLVED

2010-08-12 Thread Tim Legg
> Greetings,
> On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 10:22 AM, Tim Legg 
> wrote:
>> So where is the .bashrc file located prior to the install so I can edit
>> it
>> so the script can begin execution when the shell is started upon bootup?
> You include the .bashrc as you would want it to look by using
> chroot_local-includes .
> Try something (this example is not tested) like the below from your
> build directory:

I tested it and it worked.

> mkdir -p config/chroot_local-includes/etc/skel
> cp  /path/to/your/configured/.bashrc
> ./config/chroot_local-includes/etc/skel/
> Now rebuild your image.

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Which torrent trackers are authorized?

2011-01-06 Thread Tim Legg
As I am downloading at a very glacial 20Kb/sec from a server in Sweden, I
have been wondering which torrent trackers are authorized to be used to
download your images?

Is there any particular tracker that the Debian Live team prefers?

Tim Legg

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Functionality of more command, possibly broken

2011-01-22 Thread Tim Legg

I am using the image:


I noticed for quite a while that the more command doesn't work the same as
it does on any other linux distribution I have used.  It only displays the
first [page|screen] of data and then exits.  Even the man page for more
seems interrupted, maybe because it might be using the more command
internally to display the page.

Is anybody aware of this problem?

Try this:

% dmesg | more

% man more

Thanks for a cool project,

Tim Legg

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Re: Functionality of more command, possibly broken

2011-01-22 Thread Tim Legg
Thanks for the info.

I see this has been around for a while.  I have noticed it for some time
myself and never said anything since bugs of that magnitude tend to
disappear soon.

I am not a developer on such a large scale as to fix a bug that is almost
two years old, but to help things along, if this bug is fixed in the
debian-live-standard before June 2011, I will donate $250 to the Debian
Live project.

Tim Legg

> On 01/22/2011 07:48 PM, Tim Legg wrote:
>> Is anybody aware of this problem?
> yes, see #518454.
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live support for ext3 volumes > 1.8TB (2TiB)

2011-02-04 Thread Tim Legg

I bought a 3TB USB hard disk and repartitioned using parted.

I use mke2fs to create a journaled ext3 partition, but it is only 1.8TB
(2TiB) in size.

Can the default live images that are downloaded from the
support the creation/mounting of larger partitions, or do I need to create
a custom image for that purpose?

Tim Legg

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Re: live support for ext3 volumes > 1.8TB (2TiB)

2011-02-04 Thread Tim Legg
> On 02/04/2011 09:17 PM, Tim Legg wrote:
>> I use mke2fs to create a journaled ext3 partition, but it is only 1.8TB
(2TiB) in size.
> (i would use ext4, not ext3. ymmv.)
>> Can the default live images that are downloaded from the
>> support the creation/mounting of larger partitions [...]?
> this is not live specific, but yes.

I created it as 3TiB ext4 partition initially, and when I went to mount
it, mount told me that it was a wrong fs type, bad superblock, missing
codepage and many other dreadful things, even though it was created and
mounted fine on Ubuntu 10.04.  I got the idea that Debian Live doesn't
support ext4 as of debian-live-507-i386-lxde-desktop.img, so I used ext3.

I thought maybe I need to be more explicit with mount here and pass it
some parameter to identify what it is...  mount -t ext4 actually informed
me that etx4 was an unknown filesystem type.

Which gets me right to the point:  How do you mount this 3TiB ext4
partition within Debian live.


> --
> Address:Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist

I envy your geographic location, if I could only be 100km from the Alps...

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Re: live support for ext3 volumes > 1.8TB (2TiB)

2011-02-05 Thread Tim Legg
> On 02/05/2011 01:18 AM, Tim Legg wrote:
>> I created it as 3TiB ext4 partition initially, and when I went to mount
>> it, mount told me that it was a wrong fs type, bad superblock, missing
>> codepage and many other dreadful things, even though it was created and
>> mounted fine on Ubuntu 10.04.  I got the idea that Debian Live doesn't
>> support ext4 as of debian-live-507-i386-lxde-desktop.img, so I used
>> ext3.
> no wonder if you used lenny. lenny (aka debian 5) was released in 2009.
> you should use squeeze. (aka debian 6).
>> Which gets me right to the point:  How do you mount this 3TiB ext4
>> partition within Debian live.
> this is not live specific, you mount it the same way as you always do.

Actually it is live specific since the most recent image (508) that is
downloaded from does not appear to support ext4, I cannot
mount it the same way as I would in a conventional Debian 6 environment. 
I believe that if I brought a thread like this to debianusers, I would be
suggested to try the debian-live list.

The testing link under "Download Releases" on the site is broken, so the
stable image is the only one I have access to.



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