Re: more debian-installer hooks

2008-10-21 Thread Alex Owen
I am interested in the firmware issue. too late to expand on my ideas now though

2008/10/21 Chris Lamb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
>> or a separate config/binary_debian-installer-includes to work as other
>> -includes, files with full path to be included in the initrd
> I think this is the best solution:
>  * We already have -includes directories, so the concept is familiar.
>  * It's not magic; it just copies files.
>  * It covers almost all use cases I can think of, including:
>- Overriding random bits of d-i (e.g. #498143)
>- Adding firmware
>- Adding preseed.cfg
>- Modifying graphical d-i theme
>  * Avoids another difficult-to-name config option ("preseed-initramfs"?).
> Some thoughts:
>  * This doesn't handle the case where you want to remove files or
>   programmatically modify things, a necessity where you want to reduce the
>   size or make minimal/non-brittle changes to the code.
>   A hooks directory could thus complement the aforementioned includes
>   directory - the semantics of this directory are obvious, which smells
>   good IMO.
>  * I would still prefer to handle binary_debian-installer/preseed.cfg
>   seperately - it think it is an acceptable courtesy to automatically
>   include it in the initrd when building a netboot image, otherwise we
>   surprise people moving to this image type.
>> Or I'm open to other suggestions/critics.
> This would probably great time for the EEEPC guys to ask what they want,
> even if they don't have the manpower or priority to actually make use of it
> right away.
> Regards,
> --
>  ,''`.
> : :'  : Chris Lamb
>   `-

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Re: Debian Live Lenny with live-getty on serial port

2008-12-16 Thread Alex Owen
2008/12/16 Mark Gannon :
> On Monday 15 December 2008 11:53:15 pm Frédéric BOITEUX wrote:
>> boot=live live-getty [... other options...] console=tty0
>> console=ttyS1,115200n8
> Changing my boot paraemeters (based on the above) from:
> live live-getty console=ttyS0,38400n8
> to:
> live live-getty console=tty0 console=ttyS0,38400n8
> Changed the behavior so that I now get a shell prompt on the serial port after
> the console output appears.

That is odd!
I wrote the original live-getty and auto serial console code.
I have not looked at the current code but if we NEED "console=tty0"
followed by "console=ttyS0,38400n8" for a serial console prompt then
that is a BUG!

Glad there is a work around though!

Alex Owen

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Re: Debian Live Lenny with live-getty on serial port

2008-12-17 Thread Alex Owen
2008/12/17 Frédéric BOITEUX :
> Le mar 16 déc 2008 17:13:38 CET, "Alex Owen"  a
> écrit :.
>> I have not looked at the current code but if we NEED "console=tty0"
>> followed by "console=ttyS0,38400n8" for a serial console prompt then
>> that is a BUG!
>  I've tried to boot a Debian Live system (latest
> live-helper/initramfs) with only console=ttyS1,..., and I get a bash
> prompt at the end of boot, as expected.

OK so no bug! Phew!

Thanks for testing and explaining what happens!
Glad it is working as expected.
Alex Owen

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Re: syslinux patch for xen flavour

2008-12-27 Thread Alex Owen
Will this work on USB stick boot and netboot also??

2008/12/27 Tzafrir Cohen :
> On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 03:44:15PM +0900, Satoru KURASHIKI wrote:
>> hi,
>> To boot xen dom0 from debian-live, I tweak lh_binary_syslinux.
>> I'm glad if someone check and integrate it.
>> regards,
>> --
>> diff --git a/helpers/lh_binary_syslinux b/helpers/lh_binary_syslinux
>> index 2d7cf33..ef5d962 100755
>> --- a/helpers/lh_binary_syslinux
>> +++ b/helpers/lh_binary_syslinux
>> @@ -94,6 +94,22 @@ Syslinux_live_entry ()
>>   INITRD="${4}"
>>   APPEND="${5}"
>> + # Check xen-flavour
>> + if [ "$(echo ${KERNEL} | grep 'xen-')" != "" ]
> Useless use of test:
>if echo ${KERNEL} | grep -q 'xen-'
> But more seriously:
>> + then
>> + # prepare multiboot module
>> + case "${LH_CHROOT_BUILD}" in
>> + enabled)
>> + cp chroot/usr/lib/syslinux/mboot.c32 
>> + ;;
>> + disabled)
>> + cp /usr/lib/syslinux/mboot.c32 ${DATA_PATH}
>> + ;;
>> + esac
>> + XEN_KERNEL="$(basename chroot/boot/xen-*)"
> Is that guaranteed to be the only xen kernel there?
> --
>   Tzafrir Cohen
> icq#16849755
> +972-50-7952406
> --
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Re: noautologin & live-getty

2009-01-31 Thread Alex Owen
2009/1/31 Cyril Jaquier :

>>> if [ -z "${NOAUTOLOGIN}" ] && [ -n "${USERNAME}" ]
>>> then
>>> if [ ! -z "${LIVE_GETTY}" ]
>>> then
>>> ...
>>> What is the reason not to permit this? Maybe I missed something... But
>>> this is not really a problem as I will provide my own /etc/inittab
>>> because I need only one getty.
>> what you are saying is 'why do we only allow serial console login if
>> login is not disabled?'? otherwise i don't get the questions/problem.
> I meant: why do we only allow serial console login if auto-login is
> enabled? Having "live-getty" and "noautologin" at the same time does not
> give me the opportunity to login using an username/password.
> I do not want the "auto-login" feature because someone could connect a
> computer to the serial port and thus would be directly able to type in
> commands. When connected to the serial port, I want the user to enter
> valid credentials first.
> I hope it is a bit more clear now ;) Thank you.

Hi Cyril

Thanks for the clarification... That is a usage case I had not
envisaged when I wrote live-getty and auto serial port code.

I think I have a way to re-factor the code so that a getty is added
for the serial port if the kernel is using a serial console solving
your prolem...  Then later we can rewrite that line to to use
live-getty if that is what is required by the user (ie solves my usage
case)... then we can all be happy.

I'll try and submit a patch tomorrow... but depends how hard I party tonight!

The code as writen is careful to check if you have a custom serial
port line and not amend it... so by editing the /etc/inittab at the
chroot stage is also a solution to your problem... as you already

Maybe we should also put in some code so that users placing a custom
inittab in the chroot stage can add a magic comment to their
/etc/inittab so that 25configure_init  leaves the custom inittab
Any comments on this idea welcome!

Alex Owen

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Re: noautologin & live-getty

2009-01-31 Thread Alex Owen
2009/1/31 Cyril Jaquier :
> Hash: SHA1

>> I'll try and submit a patch tomorrow... but depends how hard I party tonight!
> Good. I provide my own inittab as I only need one getty on the serial
> port (qemu support this too). And I think I will keep using this
> solution for the moment. So enjoy the party ;)
No problem...  I will take that use case into account when I write some code.

>> Maybe we should also put in some code so that users placing a custom
>> inittab in the chroot stage can add a magic comment to their
>> /etc/inittab so that 25configure_init  leaves the custom inittab
>> alone.
> Do you mean something similar to "ip=frommedia"? That could be great.

I don't know what "ip=frommedia" does...
I was suggesting that in the chroot stage you cound edit the
/etc/inittab to start with the line say:

and put the whole of 25configure_init inside a

if ! grep -q ^#LiVeHeLpErHaNdSoFf >/dev/null; then
#do what we do now
  #do nothing

Hope that explains what I was thinking.

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Re: How to resize ramdisk?

2009-03-19 Thread Alex Owen
I think the ramdisk is now an initramfs loaded into a ramfs.. so by
deleting stuff at runtime should free up memory

Alex Owen

> Hi,
> I'd like to ask if there is a way to resize the ramdisk on a Debian live cd, 
> either at boot time, or while running.
> My problem is that I have a not very current machine with only 256 MB of 
> memory (that seemed to be plenty when I bought it), thus the ramdisk is set 
> to only 128 MB, and it isn't very hard to fill it up when, for instance, 
> installing some extra packages with their dependencies (I've used a Lenny 
> live cd a few times to try things that I don't want to install on my regular 
> system, e.g., packages from experimental). I have however a swap partition of 
> ~1 GB, and figured that I could dedicate part of it to the ramdisk -- the 
> performance isn't supposedly going to be worse than that of a regular on-disk 
> partition. So I tried booting with the "swapon" option: the swap partition is 
> recognized and used ("free" shows it) but the ramdisk is still set to 128 MB. 
> I'm not sure whether this should be considered a bug and I should file a 
> report on the BTS, or it is indeed the desired behavior. Anyway, can I get 
> the ramdisk bigger?
> By the way, may I ask if you plan to resume publishing autobuilt testing and 
> unstable live images? Trying experimental packages on a Lenny live cd has 
> been doable while there was little difference between Lenny and Sid, but now 
> that base packages have been upgraded (e.g., I see that Squeeze/Sid now have 
> glibc 2.9, while Lenny has 2.7) it is going to be increasingly harder (given 
> the limited ramdisk space, it is probably already impossible for me).
> Thank you
>  Gerardo
> --
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