Re: Thinkpad 770 screen problem

2008-07-09 Thread James Tappin
On Wed, 9 Jul 2008 00:20:48 -0600
"Isaac MacFarlane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

IM> Hi all. I've installed Debian 4.0 on this system. I can't get X to
IM> go to the maximum resolution of 1024x768. It also doesn't use the
IM> full screen in console mode. I was using Mandriva 2008.1, but
IM> switched to hopefully get a more stable system.
IM> The chipset is a Trident 9337 with 2 mb of memory.
IM> I thank you all for any info you can provide me with.

What colour depth are you using -- with only 2 megs you certainly won't
be able to get 1024x768 at 24 bpp, and I'm not sure that even 16 would
work (back in antiquity I recall that an 8Mb card could not do 1280x1024
at 24 -- and that is only an apparent 3.75Mb). So my guess is you'll
only get the full resolution in 8bpp.

| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: 5.25 inch USB drive?

2008-12-03 Thread James Tappin
On Wed, 3 Dec 2008 14:50:23 -0700
"Isaac MacFarlane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

IM> Does anyone know if this even exists? I have some old floppies that
IM> I would like to get data from, but the only system that I have that
IM> has one has a dead power supply and I'm not sure if it would really
IM> be worth tracking down an old AT power supply for something that
IM> wouldn't likely be put back into service. I would think the USB
IM> drive should be less expensive anyway and I don't have to worry
IM> about how do I transfer the data once I do read it. I haven't looked
IM> at the system in years, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't even have a
IM> nic in it.

As I recall, 5.25 and 3.5 inch drives use the same cable, so if you have
a machine with a 3.5 inch drive that you don't mind taking apart, you
could take the 5.25 out of the defunct machine and put it in a newer
machine, and you're set.

| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Airport problem

2004-07-19 Thread James Tappin
First of all, sorry for cross posting this but I'm not sure if thi is a
general wireless networking issue or "airport"-specific.

I have an iBook with an airport card which is configured to dual-boot
Debian Sarge or OSX Panther, that I would like to be able to use on both
the wireless network at work and at home. Neither network broadcasts its
ID and both use 128-bit WEP keys. I can connect to either net with
MacOS, but only the work network works with Debian. The only obvious
difference between the network configurations is that the work system
uses a router that is the DHCP server while the home access point (an
el-cheapo ME102) has a single IP address and the DHCP server is the PC
to which it's wire connection is made (which also handles the NAT). 

Occasionally kwifimanager manages to find the MAC address of the AP but
usually it doesn't. 

Does anybody have any idea what to try (other than dumping the ME102 and
getting a decent AP).


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Airport problem

2004-07-20 Thread James Tappin
On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 16:55:39 -0400
Derrik Pates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

DP> James Tappin wrote:
DP> > I have an iBook with an airport card which is configured to
DP> > dual-boot Debian Sarge or OSX Panther, that I would like to be
DP> > able to use on both the wireless network at work and at home.
DP> > Neither network broadcasts its ID and both use 128-bit WEP keys. I
DP> > can connect to either net with MacOS, but only the work network
DP> > works with Debian. The only obvious difference between the network
DP> > configurations is that the work system uses a router that is the
DP> > DHCP server while the home access point (an el-cheapo ME102) has a
DP> > single IP address and the DHCP server is the PC to which it's wire
DP> > connection is made (which also handles the NAT). 
DP> This is a NetGear or something? My friend has a Linksys AP that I
DP> was trying to use the other evening at his apartment from my
DP> PowerBook Pismo - for whatever reason I couldn't get it to talk to
DP> the base station until I put the card into "restricted" mode
DP> (/sbin/iwconfig eth1 enc restricted). Then it just worked perfectly.
DP> You might give that a try. Also, what version of the Orinoco drivers
DP> are you using? I'm using the 0.15rc1 drivers (which include
DP> access-point scanning). If you have this, compare the output of
DP> 'iwconfig' by itself to what 'iwlist eth1 scanning' says about the
DP> network.

I'll give that a try. Yes it is a NetGear, but so is the router here at
work. As for module versions, it is whatever comes with the stock 2.6.7
kernel distributed with Sarge; iwlist reports that scanning is not


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Airport problem

2004-07-21 Thread James Tappin
On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 16:55:39 -0400
Derrik Pates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

DP> This is a NetGear or something? My friend has a Linksys AP that I
DP> was trying to use the other evening at his apartment from my
DP> PowerBook Pismo - for whatever reason I couldn't get it to talk to
DP> the base station until I put the card into "restricted" mode
DP> (/sbin/iwconfig eth1 enc restricted). 

Sadly, no improvement.

Is there any way to tell at which stage the access process is stalling?
As far as I can see the access point frequency is being correctly
identified, and it may initially find the MAC of the access point but
that disappears and is replaced by the 44 placeholder as soon as
I try to run dhclient. Not surprisingly nothing gets as far as the dhcp
server. The power and noise levels are fixed and usually identical
(unlike the work access point where there are continual variations even
when the computer is just sitting on my desk).


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Thinkpad 760el

2005-03-22 Thread James Tappin
On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 12:43:47 +
Paul Constable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

PC> The main problem I have is that I am unsure/unable to configure the 
PC> I tried the xf86config, and managed to get to the end however, on startup I 
PC> get errors.
PC> how do I use debconf, or is there a howto for configuring xf86config.
PC> I use to do the XF86Configurator bit,  but have lost me touch.

The Debian X configuration tool is:

dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: dhcp setup on debian woody

2002-11-26 Thread James Tappin
On Tue, 26 Nov 2002 12:01:08 +
Paulo Lopes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

PL> dhcpcd does not show up on my cd installation woody 3.0r0 updated
PL> with
PL> patches. (i don't use testing/unstable packages because last time
PL> i've done it, my the upgrade
PL> to lilo made my system not to boot again. :-)

Doing "dpkg -l dhcp\*" will give you a full list of available dhcp
packages, you need either dhcp-client or dhcp3-client (and -common
apt-get will add that for you).


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

Re: What happen with my screen

2003-02-17 Thread James Tappin
On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 15:49:59 +0100 (CET)

II> Hy,
II> my video changed color from white, first to pink, then to red and
II> now to violet.
II> It seems that a trasparent colored sheet is between my video 
II> and my eyes, I can read the writing but with some difficult.

You don't indicate a timescale for this. But it looks like there are 2
If this happens as you move the mouse around or change focus, then you
probably have something installing a private colourmap and the colour of
everything changes when that window gets focus.
If its happening over days then probably a hardware problem.


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

Re: xdm and twm

2003-03-11 Thread James Tappin
On Tue, 11 Mar 2003 16:41:22 +0100
"Jordi Cerdan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

JC> Will there be any problem if I install Gnome? Will it substitute the xdm
JC> Login window?

You'll need to run:
$ dpkg-reconfigure xdm
and select gdm as the default login manager


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

Switching from static IP to DHCP

2003-03-17 Thread James Tappin
I'm trying to change a laptop that is currently using static IP to use
DHCP instead. Which package do I need to reconfigure to do this.
(netbase and netenv don't seem to have the options to do that).


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

Re: toshiba 490XCDT

2002-09-23 Thread James Tappin
On Mon, 23 Sep 2002 18:22:46 +0200
Benoit Mortier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

BM> Hello,
BM> Helping a friend to install debian woody on is toshiba 490XCDT but
BM> no luck using xfree 4.1 and s3virge and s3virge/mx complete lockup.
BM> does somebody know something about this ??

Try the 3.3.6 driver (xf86-svga IIRC). This is the only thing I could
make work for the Tecra 780 which has an s3virge/mx. This was also the
case with SuSE 7.3. Basically the XF86 4.x drivers for the s3virge
series seems to have serious problems for the portable versions. 

The other thing I've been meaning to try is to give the refresh rates a
list of fixed frequencies as drawn from the manual rather than the range
from min to max as deduced from the allowed modes list in the manual.


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

Re: Seeking recommendation for Laptop, must satisfy:

2002-10-08 Thread James Tappin
On Tue, 8 Oct 2002 12:02:05 -0400
Oleg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

O> There must be a special video output that connects to a projector,
O> and it has to work under Linux. Then one has to be able to display
O> those "slides" (not necessarily powerpoint, but the name stuck) on
O> full screen.

I don't think I've ever seen a laptop that lacked a VGA port (even the
iBook). Usually the selection of output route is controlled by some
"magic" key sequence (on older Toshibas it was Fn-F5) that interacts
directly with the H/W. The only difficulty is when the capabilities of
the screen and the projector don't match up and the X-configurations
give problems. 


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

Re: toshiba 490XCDT

2002-09-23 Thread James Tappin

On Mon, 23 Sep 2002 18:22:46 +0200
Benoit Mortier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

BM> Hello,
BM> Helping a friend to install debian woody on is toshiba 490XCDT but
BM> no luck using xfree 4.1 and s3virge and s3virge/mx complete lockup.
BM> does somebody know something about this ??

Try the 3.3.6 driver (xf86-svga IIRC). This is the only thing I could
make work for the Tecra 780 which has an s3virge/mx. This was also the
case with SuSE 7.3. Basically the XF86 4.x drivers for the s3virge
series seems to have serious problems for the portable versions. 

The other thing I've been meaning to try is to give the refresh rates a
list of fixed frequencies as drawn from the manual rather than the range
from min to max as deduced from the allowed modes list in the manual.


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Seeking recommendation for Laptop, must satisfy:

2002-10-08 Thread James Tappin

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002 12:02:05 -0400
Oleg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

O> There must be a special video output that connects to a projector,
O> and it has to work under Linux. Then one has to be able to display
O> those "slides" (not necessarily powerpoint, but the name stuck) on
O> full screen.

I don't think I've ever seen a laptop that lacked a VGA port (even the
iBook). Usually the selection of output route is controlled by some
"magic" key sequence (on older Toshibas it was Fn-F5) that interacts
directly with the H/W. The only difficulty is when the capabilities of
the screen and the projector don't match up and the X-configurations
give problems. 


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: dhcp setup on debian woody

2002-11-26 Thread James Tappin
On Tue, 26 Nov 2002 12:01:08 +
Paulo Lopes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

PL> dhcpcd does not show up on my cd installation woody 3.0r0 updated
PL> with
PL> patches. (i don't use testing/unstable packages because last time
PL> i've done it, my the upgrade
PL> to lilo made my system not to boot again. :-)

Doing "dpkg -l dhcp\*" will give you a full list of available dhcp
packages, you need either dhcp-client or dhcp3-client (and -common
apt-get will add that for you).


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: What happen with my screen

2003-02-17 Thread James Tappin
On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 15:49:59 +0100 (CET)

II> Hy,
II> my video changed color from white, first to pink, then to red and
II> now to violet.
II> It seems that a trasparent colored sheet is between my video 
II> and my eyes, I can read the writing but with some difficult.

You don't indicate a timescale for this. But it looks like there are 2
If this happens as you move the mouse around or change focus, then you
probably have something installing a private colourmap and the colour of
everything changes when that window gets focus.
If its happening over days then probably a hardware problem.


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xdm and twm

2003-03-11 Thread James Tappin
On Tue, 11 Mar 2003 16:41:22 +0100
"Jordi Cerdan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

JC> Will there be any problem if I install Gnome? Will it substitute the xdm
JC> Login window?

You'll need to run:
$ dpkg-reconfigure xdm
and select gdm as the default login manager


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Switching from static IP to DHCP

2003-03-17 Thread James Tappin
I'm trying to change a laptop that is currently using static IP to use
DHCP instead. Which package do I need to reconfigure to do this.
(netbase and netenv don't seem to have the options to do that).


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Pb with pcmcia ethernet xircom and kernel 2.6

2004-01-21 Thread James Tappin
On Wed, 21 Jan 2004 17:51:06 +0100
Joerg Thoennes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

JT> My current problem is that the PS/2 mouse is not working with the
JT> new kernel...

At least on the one box that I run with 2.6 (not a laptop), that was
just a matter of loading the psmouse module by adding it to
/etc/modules. [Try "modprobe psmouse" and if it works, then add it to
the modules list].


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: USB mouse won't work

2004-04-22 Thread James Tappin
On Thu, 22 Apr 2004 14:15:07 +0200
Marcos B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

MB> Pete Wright wrote:
MB> > It's probably way off base, but are you sure that you have an ehci
MB> > USB bus? When troubleshooting USB on my machines I usually compile
MB> > up UHCI and OHCI as modules and try each one, one at a time. 


MB> How can I try uhci ?
MB> just modprobe ?
MB> Can I have both uhci and ehci loaded, without confilicts ?

Yes -- ehci is for USB 2.0 and uhci is for 1.x. Since (I assume) the
mouse isn't USB 2, the uchi module will be needed. I didn't catch the
start of the thread, but if you are using a 2.6 kernel you will need
mousedev and a usb mouse module (I quite forget it's name) loaded.

If you use modconf (or edit /etc/modules) to add the modules you need,
then they will in future be autoloaded at boot time.


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: USB mouse won't work

2004-04-22 Thread James Tappin
On Thu, 22 Apr 2004 15:06:49 +0200
Marcos B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

MB> By the way, what is mousedev (kernel module ?)
MB> modprobe mousedev returns this : FATAL: Module mousedev not found.
MB> Did I forget a module in my kernel config ?
MB> Do I need this "mousedev" in order to use my usb mouse under X ?
MB> What is the "usb mouse module" you are talking about (is it hid ?)

These are specific to 2.6 IIRC (On my 2.6 boxes I have mousedev and psmouse loaded, 
but they have PS/2 mice).


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Pb with pcmcia ethernet xircom and kernel 2.6

2004-01-21 Thread James Tappin
On Wed, 21 Jan 2004 17:51:06 +0100
Joerg Thoennes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

JT> My current problem is that the PS/2 mouse is not working with the
JT> new kernel...

At least on the one box that I run with 2.6 (not a laptop), that was
just a matter of loading the psmouse module by adding it to
/etc/modules. [Try "modprobe psmouse" and if it works, then add it to
the modules list].


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

Re: USB mouse won't work

2004-04-22 Thread James Tappin
On Thu, 22 Apr 2004 14:15:07 +0200
Marcos B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

MB> Pete Wright wrote:
MB> > It's probably way off base, but are you sure that you have an ehci
MB> > USB bus? When troubleshooting USB on my machines I usually compile
MB> > up UHCI and OHCI as modules and try each one, one at a time. 


MB> How can I try uhci ?
MB> just modprobe ?
MB> Can I have both uhci and ehci loaded, without confilicts ?

Yes -- ehci is for USB 2.0 and uhci is for 1.x. Since (I assume) the
mouse isn't USB 2, the uchi module will be needed. I didn't catch the
start of the thread, but if you are using a 2.6 kernel you will need
mousedev and a usb mouse module (I quite forget it's name) loaded.

If you use modconf (or edit /etc/modules) to add the modules you need,
then they will in future be autoloaded at boot time.


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

Re: USB mouse won't work

2004-04-22 Thread James Tappin
On Thu, 22 Apr 2004 15:06:49 +0200
Marcos B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

MB> By the way, what is mousedev (kernel module ?)
MB> modprobe mousedev returns this : FATAL: Module mousedev not found.
MB> Did I forget a module in my kernel config ?
MB> Do I need this "mousedev" in order to use my usb mouse under X ?
MB> What is the "usb mouse module" you are talking about (is it hid ?)

These are specific to 2.6 IIRC (On my 2.6 boxes I have mousedev and psmouse 
loaded, but they have PS/2 mice).


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

Airport problem

2004-07-19 Thread James Tappin
First of all, sorry for cross posting this but I'm not sure if thi is a
general wireless networking issue or "airport"-specific.

I have an iBook with an airport card which is configured to dual-boot
Debian Sarge or OSX Panther, that I would like to be able to use on both
the wireless network at work and at home. Neither network broadcasts its
ID and both use 128-bit WEP keys. I can connect to either net with
MacOS, but only the work network works with Debian. The only obvious
difference between the network configurations is that the work system
uses a router that is the DHCP server while the home access point (an
el-cheapo ME102) has a single IP address and the DHCP server is the PC
to which it's wire connection is made (which also handles the NAT). 

Occasionally kwifimanager manages to find the MAC address of the AP but
usually it doesn't. 

Does anybody have any idea what to try (other than dumping the ME102 and
getting a decent AP).


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

Re: Airport problem

2004-07-20 Thread James Tappin
On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 16:55:39 -0400
Derrik Pates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

DP> James Tappin wrote:
DP> > I have an iBook with an airport card which is configured to
DP> > dual-boot Debian Sarge or OSX Panther, that I would like to be
DP> > able to use on both the wireless network at work and at home.
DP> > Neither network broadcasts its ID and both use 128-bit WEP keys. I
DP> > can connect to either net with MacOS, but only the work network
DP> > works with Debian. The only obvious difference between the network
DP> > configurations is that the work system uses a router that is the
DP> > DHCP server while the home access point (an el-cheapo ME102) has a
DP> > single IP address and the DHCP server is the PC to which it's wire
DP> > connection is made (which also handles the NAT). 
DP> This is a NetGear or something? My friend has a Linksys AP that I
DP> was trying to use the other evening at his apartment from my
DP> PowerBook Pismo - for whatever reason I couldn't get it to talk to
DP> the base station until I put the card into "restricted" mode
DP> (/sbin/iwconfig eth1 enc restricted). Then it just worked perfectly.
DP> You might give that a try. Also, what version of the Orinoco drivers
DP> are you using? I'm using the 0.15rc1 drivers (which include
DP> access-point scanning). If you have this, compare the output of
DP> 'iwconfig' by itself to what 'iwlist eth1 scanning' says about the
DP> network.

I'll give that a try. Yes it is a NetGear, but so is the router here at
work. As for module versions, it is whatever comes with the stock 2.6.7
kernel distributed with Sarge; iwlist reports that scanning is not


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |

Re: Airport problem

2004-07-21 Thread James Tappin
On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 16:55:39 -0400
Derrik Pates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

DP> This is a NetGear or something? My friend has a Linksys AP that I
DP> was trying to use the other evening at his apartment from my
DP> PowerBook Pismo - for whatever reason I couldn't get it to talk to
DP> the base station until I put the card into "restricted" mode
DP> (/sbin/iwconfig eth1 enc restricted). 

Sadly, no improvement.

Is there any way to tell at which stage the access process is stalling?
As far as I can see the access point frequency is being correctly
identified, and it may initially find the MAC of the access point but
that disappears and is replaced by the 44 placeholder as soon as
I try to run dhclient. Not surprisingly nothing gets as far as the dhcp
server. The power and noise levels are fixed and usually identical
(unlike the work access point where there are continual variations even
when the computer is just sitting on my desk).


| James Tappin   | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham  | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722  | |