Re: Package for development of out-of-tree kernel modules written in Rust

2025-02-26 Thread NoisyCoil

On 26/02/25 19:47, Miguel Ojeda wrote:

On Wed, Feb 26, 2025 at 7:24 PM NoisyCoil wrote:

It does indeed depend on the configuration, because at least some
abstractions are enabled via the configuration and different metadata
will be produced depending on whether they are or not (Miguel should
confirm this, but I'm pretty sure about it). The first example that
comes to my mind is the firmware abstractions, which are already in
stable. So it can't go in linux-kbuild, and if it can't go in
linux-headers either then it needs a new package.

I was referring to the `.so`, not the `.rmeta`s, i.e. I thought Ben
was referring to the last paragraph quoted.

The `.rmeta`s definitely depend on the kernel config (and always
will). The `.so` do not get the config passed right now, but we may
end up passing it if we need it. So I would just assume they do.

Ah, I assumed he was talking about both. Ben, do I understand correctly 
that the .so files shouldn't go in linux-headers because you want to use 
*linux-headers* for cross-compiling, meaning everything in linux-headers 
should be usable by the build arch instead of target arch? If this is 
the case, then I would also ask Miguel if the .rmeta files can be used 
from another architecture for cross-compiling. I think the .rmeta files 
can only be used with the same rustc that compiled the kernel crates? 
Don't know exactly which checks are performed on the compiler, are they 
only version checks?


Re: Package for development of out-of-tree kernel modules written in Rust

2025-02-26 Thread NoisyCoil

On 26/02/25 13:40, Miguel Ojeda wrote:

Ah, and by the way, there will likely be way more `.rmeta`s and `.so`s
generated (and where they get placed will change) in the future, since
the system will change, so please keep that in mind (e.g. perhaps try
to avoid hardcoding details and/or overfitting on the current setup).

Yeah I'd imagined this could happen. Currently d/rules just copies 
rust/{*.rmeta,*.so} into the destination directory. My guess was that in 
the future they could be placed in subdirectories of rust/, but on a 
second thought I think as subsystems accept Rust they could be located 
kind of anywhere in the build directory? If this is the case, then I 
think hardcoding can hardly be avoided. One will just have to change the 
hardcoded paths as needed (not ideal, but oh, well; also, absolutely not 
unheard of :-)). I say this mostly because of the *.so files: assuming 
that all *.rmeta files must be installed probably is a good enough 
assumption, but the same is not true for *.so files.

On the other hand, one could maybe use something like `objdump -T | grep rustc_proc_macro_decls` to discover if a .so file is 
a rust proc macro?

Re: Package for development of out-of-tree kernel modules written in Rust

2025-02-26 Thread NoisyCoil

On 26/02/25 14:22, Bastian Blank wrote:

case one can just add the Rust bits there. But I still think the Rust bits
should be installed in /usr/lib [1] instead of /usr/src.

There is no need to get picky, sorry.

No need to be sorry, this is the kind of feedback I am looking for. If 
you confirm you are fine with linux-headers-@abiname@@localversion@ 
installing binary files (including shared libraries) under /usr/src then 
that's what I'll do, and there will be no need for new packages. I had 
assumed this shouldn't be done (and I personally frown upon this, but 
this is of course matter of opinion). My assumption however can be 
wrong, and in the end my main interest is shipping these files in *some* 
kernel package. Which one is not that important to me.

Re: Package for development of out-of-tree kernel modules written in Rust

2025-02-26 Thread NoisyCoil

Hi Ben,

On 26/02/25 19:11, Ben Hutchings wrote:

This shouldn't go in a linux-headers package, because we aim to support
cross-builds of modules.  If it doesn't depend on the kernel
configuration (aside from CONFIG_RUST being enabled) then it belongs in


It does indeed depend on the configuration, because at least some 
abstractions are enabled via the configuration and different metadata 
will be produced depending on whether they are or not (Miguel should 
confirm this, but I'm pretty sure about it). The first example that 
comes to my mind is the firmware abstractions, which are already in 
stable. So it can't go in linux-kbuild, and if it can't go in 
linux-headers either then it needs a new package.

Re: Package for development of out-of-tree kernel modules written in Rust

2025-02-26 Thread NoisyCoil

On 26/02/25 19:10, Miguel Ojeda wrote:

On Wed, Feb 26, 2025 at 3:15 PM NoisyCoil wrote:

Yeah I'd imagined this could happen. Currently d/rules just copies
rust/{*.rmeta,*.so} into the destination directory. My guess was that in
the future they could be placed in subdirectories of rust/, but on a
second thought I think as subsystems accept Rust they could be located
kind of anywhere in the build directory? If this is the case, then I

Unknown yet -- my current plan is to propose to generate them all in a
single place (which may be different than their current place) for
simplicity. But if people disagree, I may have to place them all over
the tree.

think hardcoding can hardly be avoided. One will just have to change the
hardcoded paths as needed (not ideal, but oh, well; also, absolutely not
unheard of :-)). I say this mostly because of the *.so files: assuming
that all *.rmeta files must be installed probably is a good enough
assumption, but the same is not true for *.so files.

If a single place is better for you, that is another argument that I
can use to push for the thing I mentioned above, so I wouldn't mind to
hear that! 🙂

My personal opinion (which tbf doesn't matter a lot since I won't be the 
one dealing with this in the long run) is if there is no strong reason 
for placing them at specific but seemingly random places, picking a 
single place would be best. A few reasons I can think of:

1. it makes them more discoverable

2. it relieves packagers from having to manually keep track of what must 
be installed, especially if whether they are generated or not depends on 
the config (I think this is not the case right now, but I don't see why 
it couldn't be in the future)

3. if they are scattered all over the tree the package that ships them 
will be a large tree of directories each mostly containing a single rust 
artifact, which is quite ugly imo.

On the other hand, one could maybe use something like `objdump -T | grep rustc_proc_macro_decls` to discover if a .so file is
a rust proc macro?

In the case where we are everywhere, I guess I could output a file
easily with the paths of all the needed dependencies, if that would

If they cannot be put in a single place then, yeah, properly documenting 
their existence will make life easier for packagers. A config-dependent 
file $file generated at build time that one can just `cat $file | cpio 
-pd $DIR` would be enough. Again, this is not so much for .rmeta files, 
those are specific enough to Rust that one can just pull them all in 
(without solving issue 3. above though), but for other stuff like proc 
macro shared libraries which require deeper inspection than looking at 
file names.

Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you for taking the time to answer!


Package for development of out-of-tree kernel modules written in Rust

2025-02-25 Thread NoisyCoil

Hi kernel team!

I know this is early to say the least, but I would like to ask your 
opinion on the naming of a package that could eventually end up in the 
official Debian kernel packaging.

As is the case for C, building out-of-tree kernel modules written in 
Rust [1] requires some extra files to be installed alongside the kernel. 
For C modules this is covered by linux-headers and dependencies. For 
Rust, one needs to have installed the *.rmeta and *.so files which are 
generated in the rust/ directory during the build. The first of these 
contain metadata like the version of rustc used for the build, 
information on exported types/items/etc., bindings and so on [2][3]. 
They do not contain compiled code but are ultimately dependent (among 
other things such as the compiler) on the .config used to build them, so 
they are arch- and flavor-specific. The only *.so file generated at this 
time is a proc macro, and that, to my understanding, is a regular shared 

Needless to say, Rust must be enabled in the kernel for these files to 
be generated, meaning the Debian kernel cannot currently support this. 
However, there is at least one fork of the Debian kernel being built 
with Rust enabled at present, namely, the Asahi kernel which we are 
maintaining in the Bananas Team [4] (which needs Rust for the Apple AGX 
GPU driver), so I started experimenting with the idea of having a 
package to provide these files. Following the scheme of having a 
metapackage + an actual versioned package I added two packages, 
linux-librust@source_suffix@@localversion@-dev [5] and 
linux-librust-@abiname@ [6], the first of which has the second as a 
dependency, while the second contains the actual files and links needed 
to build out-of-tree Rust modules. I tested it with [1] and it worked 
(modulo a small change needed to build [1] outside of mainline). You can 
find a draft at [7].

I would like to include the new linux-librust-* packages in the next 
version of our fork (6.13), but first I would like to ask your opinion 
on the naming I chose, whether you have suggestions (beyond the naming 
too!) and so on. If (when? ;-)) Rust is enabled in the Debian kernel, it 
would be nice to have a package like this to go with linux-headers, so I 
thought I could as well start this conversation to see if I can work on 
something that can eventually end up in src:linux.

One disclaimer: Miguel Ojeda (whom I cc'ed in case something interesting 
comes out of this discussion) told me he wouldn't recommend people to do 
out-of-tree Rust development e.g. because the kernel crate (which lives 
in rust/kernel) may need to be rebuilt to enable or accommodate new 
abstractions. I use this recommendation to clarify that general 
development is not what a linux-librust package aims to enable. The 
problem it tries to solve is "how do I build out-of-tree kernel modules 
written in Rust that work with the kernel installed by my distribution?" 
(this is why it's packaged from the same source!) If your distribution 
does not provide the abstractions you need then your distribution's 
kernel is not good enough for your use-case and you need to rebuild the 
kernel from source, in which case you don't need a linux-librust package 
(you already have the files you need). On the other hand, if your 
distribution does not provide those files, you will not be able to build 
such modules even if your distribution's kernel is good enough for you.


P.S.: Also cc'ing waldi personally since he recently expressed interest 
in enabling Rust in the Debian kernel, and the Rust Team in case someone 
is interested.


[5] For us this would be linux-librust-asahi-dev, since we renamed our 
source as linux-asahi. For src:linux this would be linux-librust-dev. 
I've been consistent with metapackages such as 
linux-headers@source_suffix@@localversion@ and 
linux-image@source_suffix@@localversion@-dbg and kept @source_suffix@ in 
the package's name.
[6] For us this is linux-librust-$version-asahi, where "asahi" here is 
the flavour name (src:linux-asahi contains an additional asahi flavour 
to enable the configs needed for apple silicon and make it clear to 
users they have to install the -asahi packages instead of the -arm64 
ones). For src:linux this would be linux-librust-$version-amd64, -arm64, 
-arm64-16k, etc.

Re: Package for development of out-of-tree kernel modules written in Rust

2025-02-26 Thread NoisyCoil

On 26/02/25 12:29, Bastian Blank wrote:

I completely miss the reason why this can't be part of linux-headers and
just be used the same way.

Yeah, I should have explained my reasoning in my previous email.

The metapackage is added so users can choose whether to install the Rust 
bits or not. If you think the user should not have this choice (I don't 
disagree) then the metapackage is not needed. I'm not opposed to not 
having the metapackage.

As for the actual contents of the package, the Rust bits, they are 
binary files (and include an actual shared library), so my reasoning was 
that they should belong to a different package than 
linux-headers-@abiname@@localversion@, and be installed under /usr/lib 
instead of /usr/src. This is what's currently being done for the kbuild 

So one alternative could be forgetting about the metapackage, only add a 
new linux-librust-@abiname@@localversion@, and make 
linux-headers-@abiname@@localversion@ depend on 
linux-librust-@abiname@@localversion@ so that's pulled in automatically 
with the headers (like kbuild is). Unless you are fine with 
linux-headers-@abiname@@localversion@ also installing binary files, in 
which case one can just add the Rust bits there. But I still think the 
Rust bits should be installed in /usr/lib [1] instead of /usr/src.

[1] In the draft I'm using 
/usr/lib/linux-librust-@abiname@@localversion@ as installation path.

Re: Salsa CI job 'missing-breaks' to be enabled by default starting March 1st

2025-03-06 Thread NoisyCoil

On 06/03/25 14:25, Lorenzo wrote:

Hello Otto,

[please keep me in CC, I'm not subscribed]

Salsa CI has had for many years the job 'missing-breaks' that
complements piuparts by checking that the files a package introduce
don't clash with files shipped by any other package in the
distribution without having proper Breaks/Replaces in the
`debian/control` file. This job works well, being quick to run and has
had zero false positives in our experience.

In salsa CI now I see:

$ -o ${WORKING_DIR}/missing_breaks.xml 
--changes-file ${WORKING_DIR}/*.changes
[ERROR] Missing Breaks/Replaces found
[ERROR] runit-init conflicts with init-system-helpers files: 
{'/usr/share/man/man8/invoke-rc.d.8.gz', '/usr/sbin/service', 
'/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d', '/usr/share/man/man8/service.8.gz'}
Uploading artifacts for failed job

this looks like false positive, file are in fact diverted. Does the test
check for for diversions?

## Schedule

1. March 1st: Enable this job by default, but in allow_failure mode,
making Salsa CI yellow on packages that fail on this job
2. March 31st: Remove the allow_failure mode, potentially making the
Salsa CI red for packages that fail on this job

Could you please consider delaying 2. until diversion are properly

Another instance of diversions not being detected is in linux's pipeline 
[1,2]: linux-libc-dev and oss4-dev both install 
/usr/include/linux/soundcard.h, oss4-dev diverts it, missing-break 
fails. If my understanding is correct, this will make all unstable/exp 
(oss4-dev is in unstable only) src:linux pipelines break starting March 

I agree that diversions should be detected.


> Best Regards,
> Lorenzo

Re: Salsa CI job 'missing-breaks' to be enabled by default starting March 1st

2025-03-06 Thread NoisyCoil

On 06/03/25 17:09, Bastian Blank wrote:

Open an serious bug report against oss4-dev.  No need to wait, it needs
to go.

oss4-dev is fine (unless diversions of files in linux-libc-dev are 
forbidden): oss4-dev is correctly diverting the header, as a consequence 
it needs not Break or Conflict with linux-libc-dev.

The issue here is that the new missing-breaks pipeline job has no clue 
that packages are correctly diverting files, and it flags as missing 
Breaks packages which, in fact, do not miss Breaks because they aren't 
supposed to have any.