Bug#1029435: The describes bug is fixed

2023-08-11 Thread Jan Ries

Dear Maintainers,

the aformentioned bug is fixed as of linux-image-amd64  6.1.38-1.

Thanks a lot!

Best regards


Processed: reassign 1041437 to src:linux

2023-08-11 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:

> reassign 1041437 src:linux
Bug #1041437 [linux-image-6.1.0-9-rt-armm] [debian bookworm] [kernel 
6.1.0-9-rt-armmp] Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! 
Warning: Unknown package 'linux-image-6.1.0-9-rt-armm'
Bug reassigned from package 'linux-image-6.1.0-9-rt-armm' to 'src:linux'.
No longer marked as found in versions 6.1.0-9-rt-armmp.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #1041437 to the same values 
previously set
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
1041437: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1041437
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact ow...@bugs.debian.org with problems