Dolphin dropdown menu broken on multi-monitor

2016-09-13 Thread Joe McEntire
There's an odd issue in dolphin in stretch where the dropdown menus 
(particularly the places menu when used as a drop down) appears on the wrong 
monitor.  I'm using 4 monitors and the newest nvidia driver.  Just wondering if 
anyone knew of any work arounds I could try to get it fixed, other than 
resorting to the places panel view.



Re: Dolphin dropdown menu broken on multi-monitor

2016-09-13 Thread Joe McEntire
Hey Martin,

Sorry for the version omissions.  I was away from my desk at the time.  It has 
been an on going issue throughout my use of stretch since the 5.4 days.  
Currently I'm using frameworks 5.25.0, QT 5.6.1 and plasma 5.7.4 and dolphin 
16.04.2.  Oddly this even happens in awesome Wm when I set the 
xdg_Current_desktop_theme environment variable to KDE (which fixes icon themes 
in kde5 apps run under alternative desktops).  Without that set though it looks 
ugly but the menu works.  also I didn't have this issue until I went to 4 
monitors on an nvidia card.  Very strange.  I did see a bug listed that looked 
relevant for systemsettings5 but not for dolphin so I wasn't sure if it 
applies.  Maybe ill file the bug upstream and pray the fix makes it to stretch.



On Sep 13, 2016, at 3:33 PM, Martin Steigerwald>> wrote:

Am Dienstag, 13. September 2016, 17:35:51 CEST schrieb Joe McEntire:
 There's an odd issue in dolphin in stretch where the dropdown menus
 (particularly the places menu when used as a drop down) appears on the
 wrong monitor.  I'm using 4 monitors and the newest nvidia driver.  Just
 wondering if anyone knew of any work arounds I could try to get it fixed,
 other than resorting to the places panel view.

I have seen something like this with submenus of for example the Dolphin
context menu, when I open it at the border of a screen and the sub menu wouldn
not fit anymore. This is an upstream bug which I think is fixed meanwhile – in
a newer version of I think kwin, than the one currently packaged in Debian

Aside from that you didn´t tell which version of Dolphin / Plasma / KDE
Frameworks if applicable you are using.

Kde window rules dialogue

2020-11-10 Thread Joe McEntire
Does anyone else have issues getting the edit dialogue to come up in kde 5.19 
or higher? Basically if you go to system settings, then to window management, 
then window rules and add a new rule, then finally click the pencil icon to 
edit the rule, nothing happens. This is also true if you right click the 
titlebar of a window and then go to more actions, then configure special window 
setting or special application settings, nothing happens. I'm curious if this 
is a kde bug, that hopefully gets fixed before the Debian freeze, or if I'm 
simply missing a package or something.


Joe McEntire

Re: Kde window rules dialogue

2020-11-19 Thread Joe McEntire
This is exactly what I was looking for. I figured it was something like this. 
Thanks for the help, I appreciate it.


--  Previous Message  ---

Subject: Re: Kde window rules dialogue
Date: Monday, November 16, 2020, 3:30:17 PM EST
From: Martin Steigerwald 

Joe McEntire - 10.11.20, 18:12:01 CET:
> Does anyone else have issues getting the edit dialogue to come up in
> kde 5.19 or higher? Basically if you go to system settings, then to
> window management, then window rules and add a new rule, then finally
> click the pencil icon to edit the rule, nothing happens. This is also
> true if you right click the titlebar of a window and then go to more
> actions, then configure special window setting or special application
> settings, nothing happens. I'm curious if this is a kde bug, that
> hopefully gets fixed before the Debian freeze, or if I'm simply
> missing a package or something.

There was a missing dependency which I wrote in my post

Plasma 5.19.5 and Qt 5.15 in unstable


After installing


the window rules editor worked for me.



Re: KDE Plasma LTS for Debian stable

2020-12-10 Thread Joe McEntire

On Thursday, December 10, 2020 11:08:59 AM EST you wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 07:20:18PM +0330, peylight wrote:
> > Hi Andy,
> > You are talking about freeze timeline and policies.
> > Please look at this document for that:
> >
> > The time and date is defined and any programmer can planning for it.
> > I check the LTS versions of KDE and what can i see Debian choose is v5.14,
> > that is not the LTS version.
> > How ever Debian could choose v5.12 LTS or even v5.8 LTS for bug fixes and
> > security issues.
> > I think Debian should be change the approach for more KDE Desktop
> > stability
> > as for the kernel has taken this approach.
> If Debian keeps years-old KDE in unstable I'll stop using it, tbh.

I don't know where this information is coming from, but 5.19.5 is in testing 
right now. Experimental has 5.20 and there's talk of getting 5.20.5 in time 
for the freeze, so we'll probably end up with some iteration of 5.20 in stable 
if I had to take a stab at it. I cannot imagine a world where Debian's KDE 
team puts in all the work to get these newer versions in, just to roll back to 
something that is older than what is in current stable. Current stable 
(Buster) uses 5.14! So rest easy, there's no way we're going to have 5.12 or 
5.8 in stable, it's just not a thing.



Re: KDE Plasma LTS for Debian stable

2020-12-10 Thread Joe McEntire
I get that, and really I think Debian should target LTS with pretty much 
everything. Unfortunately in my opinion KDE is kind of in a bad state right 
now with regards to wayland. The newest versions offer a much better 
experience for people want a modern desktop with better touch support, etc. 
For instance, I'm using 5.20 on my xps 13 with wayland because I want the 
touch screen to be better supported.  Unfortunately Kontact, trackpad 
scrolling, and other bugs are making the experience pretty rough under 
wayland, even on 5.20. I don't think going backwards to 5.18 is going to fix 
that as those bugs and issues were even worse there. Really I wish that KDE 
could be kept more up-to-date throughout the life cycle of stable. It feels 
like if you have a bug in KDE, you're generally going to have to deal with 
that bug until the next stable, which is why I'm hoping for the newest 
possible release we can get. As it stands I may even continue to track testing 
with my laptop simply because I want the 5.21 changes.

On Thursday, December 10, 2020 12:46:16 PM EST Simon Frei wrote:
On 10/12/2020 18:12, Joe McEntire wrote:
> I don't know where this information is coming from, but 5.19.5 is in testing 
> right now. Experimental has 5.20 and there's talk of getting 5.20.5 in time 
> for the freeze, so we'll probably end up with some iteration of 5.20 in 
> if I had to take a stab at it. I cannot imagine a world where Debian's KDE 
> team puts in all the work to get these newer versions in, just to roll back 
> something that is older than what is in current stable. Current stable 
> (Buster) uses 5.14! So rest easy, there's no way we're going to have 5.12 or 
> 5.8 in stable, it's just not a thing.
I understand the question as why is debian targeting 5.20 for the next
stable instead of 5.18 LTS. The answer is simple: LTS means 1.5 year of
support, maybe more [1]. That's not long enough for the debian release
cycle: 5.18 was at the beginning of this year. That means support will
end at about the time or shortly after the next debian stable will be



Joe McEntire

Re: Broken KDE in Sid/Unstable

2021-09-20 Thread Joe McEntire
The KDE main menu did change in version 22, I believe, but you can download a 
widget to restore the old one if you like it better. That change will happen 
no matter what, because the old menu was removed entirely for some reason and 
you must get the widget to revert the change manually if you want to. The icon 
only task manager is the new default in KDE going forward, but if you're 
desktop is already set up, it shouldn't change yours. Only on new installs 
will you see the change, unless you manually change it yourself as far as I 
know. If your changes aren't sticking then your configs aren't being recorded 
in your home directory properly maybe, dunno. I'm not 100% sure on this though 
because I use the icon only task manager already anyway and I, frankly, 
welcome the new default. You can simply right click the task manager in a 
blank spot and select "show alternatives" to get an option to choose the task 
manager that's right for you.

Also, if you want a stable experience where stuff doesn't really change much, 
run "stable", not "testing", or "unstable". The branches are named truthfully. 
If you stick to stable then you'll only notice a big change when the new 
release happens, sometime 2ish years from now.

Joe McEntire

--  Previous Message  ---

Subject: Re: Broken KDE in Sid/Unstable
Date: Monday, September 20, 2021, 3:06:44 PM EDT
From: Miguel A. Vallejo 

> I somehow disagree. Since I started packaging KDE/plasma with 5.18 or
> so, I have been tracking every single minor and major release within a
> few days, and I never have seen any considerable change in
> layout/design.
> So I am really surprised about your experience.

I am really surprised your experience is not the same if we are
running the same KDE.

One or two months ago the main menu changed drastically. Now the
taskbar is a only icons version, another drastic change. What is the
secret to keep KDE the same across updates? I would love to hear from



Re: Plasma 5.26 coming to unstable - Thank you!

2022-10-12 Thread Joe McEntire
I noticed the very tiny lettering too, switched themes from debian breeze to 
just breeze and swapped background to homewold and all is well. One issue I do 
still have is in wayland my right click menu is not being positioned correctly. 
It's way off to the right of where I click. Thinking that has something to do 
with having 4 monitors with carrying resolutions. 

On October 12, 2022 11:02:18 AM EDT, Diederik de Haas  
>On Wednesday, 12 October 2022 11:07:05 CEST Sedat Dilek wrote:
>> No background wallpaper in SDDM (white background) - only visible is
>> the box where I can type my password.
>I did have a background wallpaper in SDDM, but the password chars were REALLY 
>tiny. I could still login though.


Joe McEntire

Dolphin share tab is blank

2023-03-04 Thread Joe McEntire

I have the kdenetwork-filesharing and the samba packages installed and yet the 
share tab in dolphin when I right click a folder, select properties, and then 
click the sharing tab, is blank. Has anyone else seen this? Am I missing 
something or is this a bug?

Joe McEntire