Re: Semi-official KDE SC 4.4.1 available (external repository)

2010-03-06 Thread Edward Shornock

05.03.2010 04:45, Modestas Vainius kirjoitti:


if you are interested in upgrading to KDE SC 4.4.1 and giving developers some
feedback about packaging quality, check .

The only "problem" that I ran into was one that a few have mentioned 
already: I did the upgrade from within a KDE 4.3 session and the window 
manager was terminated.

The upgrade itself completed successfully. I've not noticed any problems 
yet, i.e., KDM "just worked".

Thanks to the packaging team for their (never-ending) hard-work. :)

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breeze task switcher crash (sid)

2022-10-29 Thread Edward Shornock


I haven't seen my problem reported on the list yet and haven't found any 
applicable bug reports.

Debian Sid
Plasma: 5.26.0
Frameworks: 5.98.0
Qt: 5.15.6
Nvidia Legacy driver: 390.154-2
kernel: 6.0.0-2-amd64

kwin crashes when I press ALT+Tab with the Breeze task switcher enabled.

   Message: Process 59013 (kwin_x11) of user 1000 dumped core.

Module without build-id.

Module without build-id.
Module without build-id.
Module from deb systemd-252~rc3-2.amd64
Module from deb systemd-252~rc3-2.amd64
Stack trace of thread 59013:
#0  0x7fb84d48e657 __GI___pthread_sigmask ( + 
#1  0x7fb84d43dc99 __GI___sigprocmask ( + 0x3dc99)
#2  0x7fb8509c0eab _ZN6KCrash15setCrashHandlerEPFviE 
( + 0x4eab)
#3  0x7fb8509c1bd9 _ZN6KCrash19defaultCrashHandlerEi 
( + 0x5bd9)
#4  0x7fb84d43daa0 __restore_rt ( + 0x3daa0)
#5  0x7fb84fd934e0 
_ZN10QSGTexture12setFilteringENS_9FilteringE ( + 0x1934e0)
#6  0x7fb8504bbb26 
( + 0x2bbb26)
#7  0x7fb8504bc2a1 
 ( + 0x2bc2a1)
#8  0x7fb84fe666d8 
_ZN19QQuickWindowPrivate15updateDirtyNodeEP10QQuickItem ( + 
#9  0x7fb84fe66c6b 
_ZN19QQuickWindowPrivate16updateDirtyNodesEv ( + 0x266c6b)
#10 0x7fb84fe687dd 
_ZN19QQuickWindowPrivate14syncSceneGraphEv ( + 0x2687dd)
#11 0x7fb84fe23923 n/a ( + 0x223923)
#12 0x7fb84fe769f0 _ZN12QQuickWindow5eventEP6QEvent 
( + 0x2769f0)
#13 0x7fb84dd62f5e 
_ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent ( + 
#14 0x7fb84e6b1718 
_ZN16QCoreApplication15notifyInternal2EP7QObjectP6QEvent ( + 
#15 0x7fb84eb2c623 
_ZN15QPlatformWindow20deliverUpdateRequestEv ( + 0x12c623)
#16 0x7fb84dd6a1a9 
_ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent ( + 0x16a1a9)
#17 0x7fb84e6b1718 
_ZN16QCoreApplication15notifyInternal2EP7QObjectP6QEvent ( + 
#18 0x7fb84e7088b1 _ZN14QTimerInfoList14activateTimersEv 
( + 0x3088b1)
#19 0x7fb84e706e30 
 ( + 0x306e30)
#20 0x7fb8480fc4ae 
 ( + 0x6e4ae)
#21 0x7fb84e6b019b 
_ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 
#22 0x7fb84e6b8306 _ZN16QCoreApplication4execEv 
( + 0x2b8306)
#23 0x559c33eaf0ae main (kwin_x11 + 0x420ae)
#24 0x7fb84d42920a __libc_start_call_main ( + 
#25 0x7fb84d4292bc __libc_start_main_impl ( + 
#26 0x559c33eb0511 _start (kwin_x11 + 0x43511)

A few of the other options (brought with kwin-addons) also crash but breeze 
dark, for example, does not crash.

I don't believe I have any package mismatches. I don't know if installing 
additional packages would make the crashing stop, hence posting to this list 
before filing a bug report.

Re: KDE/Frameworks/Plasma/Apps + QT from experimental

2024-08-03 Thread Edward Shornock

Sedat Dilek kirjoitti 22.7.2024 klo 11.49 ap.:

KDE/apps partly from experimental like konsole - akonadi/kmail etc.
still works but from unstable.

The upgrade was mostly done manually - some QT packages were required
from unstable.

I have done the upgrade to Plasma from experimental and everything 
appears to be working quite well, other than System Settings → Wallpaper 
doesn't show any images for the various wallpaper choices. I guess I'm 
probably missing a package, but which one I haven't figured out yet.

Re: Some feedback on KDE6 install

2024-08-31 Thread Edward Shornock

Eric Valette kirjoitti 19.8.2024 klo 11.00 ap.:
However when I logged in, the screen went back, stay so for one minute 
or so and then I was back to sddm prompt.

So I though some pacage where missing and did an experimental upgrade 
from console login. I saw that some packages like dokphin, kwrite, 
kgamma, ... were missing and installed them.

Just to discover that this did not fix the problem. So I was about to 
change my session type to fvwm that I keep when kde breaks, just to 
realize that during sddm upgrade, the session type was not set to 
plasma-x11. Changing it back to it, made login work successfully. 

For what it's worth, I had this too with Wayland. I have an old Nvidia 
adapter. The X11 session type works fine for me.

Re: Merkuro Calendar and Contact do not start

2024-10-06 Thread Edward Shornock

Martin Steigerwald kirjoitti 6.10.2024 klo 10.08 ip.:


Does not want to start:

I found this bug:

The patchelf commands in comment 5 fixed it for me.

% LANG=C.UTF-8 merkuro-calendar
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/main.qml:328:19: Type MainDrawer unavailable
qrc:/MainDrawer.qml:341:9: Type CheckableCollectionNavigationView
qrc:/CheckableCollectionNavigationView.qml:11:1: Die Metadaten des Plugins
'/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt6/qml/org/kde/merkuro/contact/' konnten nicht bestimmt werden: '/usr/
lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt6/qml/org/kde/merkuro/contact/' ist kein Qt-Plugin (Metadaten wurden
nicht gefunden)

Well means that it could not check the metadata of that plugin. And that
is would not be a Qt plugin.

% LANG=C.UTF-8 merkuro-contact
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
: No module named "" found

Some QML stuff missing?

merkura-mail works :)
