Re: Dolphin 24.08 on Plasma 6: protocols in kio-extras Qt 5/KF 5 only (was: Re: Some feedback on KDE6 install)

2024-09-03 Thread Eric Valette

The other two work, but I do get

kf.kio.core: couldn't create worker: "Unknown protocol 'thumbnail'."

messages when I run Dolphin from console.

Hummm. Maybe this could also explin why we do not get thumbnails for 
wallpapers in systemsettings also.

kio-extras is still 4:23.08.4-2 and only contains Qt 5/KF 5 protocols. In 
there are all the protocols that Dolphin said were missing above and then 

Wait and see then. Thanks for the hints.

Have a nice day,

Eric Valette

Re: Dolphin 24.08 on Plasma 6: protocols in kio-extras Qt 5/KF 5 only (was: Re: Some feedback on KDE6 install)

2024-09-03 Thread Patrick Franz

Am Montag, 2. September 2024, 17:19:38 CEST schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
> Hmm, I have an idea:
> kio-extras is still 4:23.08.4-2 and only contains Qt 5/KF 5 protocols.
> In there are all the protocols that Dolphin said were missing above
> and then some.
> I think once someone has updated KIO related packages things will work
> again.

Just upload kio-extras 24.08.0 to experimental as well as an updated 
version of dolphin that will now recommend kio-extras 24.08 or higher. 

I hope that solves some of the problems.

Med vänliga hälsningar

Patrick Franz

Re: Dolphin 24.08 on Plasma 6: protocols in kio-extras Qt 5/KF 5 only (was: Re: Some feedback on KDE6 install)

2024-09-03 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Patrick Franz - 03.09.24, 23:37:39 CEST:
> Am Montag, 2. September 2024, 17:19:38 CEST schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
> [...]
> > kio-extras is still 4:23.08.4-2 and only contains Qt 5/KF 5 protocols.
> > In there are all the protocols that Dolphin said were missing above
> > and then some.
> > 
> > I think once someone has updated KIO related packages things will work
> > again.
> Just upload kio-extras 24.08.0 to experimental as well as an updated
> version of dolphin that will now recommend kio-extras 24.08 or higher.
> I hope that solves some of the problems.

Great! I will give it a try and report back.
