Re: Some feedback on KDE6 install

2024-09-02 Thread Eric Valette
Check if its enabled in Systemsettings / Desktop / Search. If not, enable 
it and relog into the session.

balooctl6 status should show Baloo as running and probably doing some 

If you want to reindex everything, you can try:

balooctl6 suspend; balooctl6 purge; balooctl resume

(or relog)

I aliased balooctl to balooctl6 in my shell configuration file.

The output could look like this:

% LANG=C.UTF-8 balooctl status
Baloo File Indexer is running
Indexer state: Idle
Total files indexed: […]
Files waiting for content indexing: 0
Files failed to index: 0
Current size of index is […] GiB

On my side I have

LANG=C.UTF-8 balooctl6 status
Baloo File Indexer is running
Indexer state: Idle
Total files indexed: 60,390
Files waiting for content indexing: 0
Files failed to index: 0
Current size of index is 35.46 MiB

BUT in dolphin I do have only partial correct information for recent 

Recent File is empty although I created one today
Recent location is also empty
Modified Today is correct (I modified the file I copied).
Modified Yesterday is also correct.

So the two "recent item" are still empty. (NB I translated menu items 
from french I hope translation is correct or at least you can guess the 
item menu).

Eric Valette

Dolphin 24.08 on Plasma 6: protocols in kio-extras Qt 5/KF 5 only (was: Re: Some feedback on KDE6 install)

2024-09-02 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Hi Eric.

Eric Valette - 02.09.24, 11:02:01 CEST:
> On my side I have
> LANG=C.UTF-8 balooctl6 status
> Baloo File Indexer is running
> Indexer state: Idle
> Total files indexed: 60,390
> Files waiting for content indexing: 0
> Files failed to index: 0
> Current size of index is 35.46 MiB

Looks good.

Some baloo processes running/waiting in the background?

> BUT in dolphin I do have only partial correct information for recent
> elements:
> Recent File is empty although I created one today
> Recent location is also empty
> Modified Today is correct (I modified the file I copied).
> Modified Yesterday is also correct.

I can confirm. "Recent File" and "Recent Location" do not even open here. 
Dolphin continues to display whatever it has shown before.

The other two work, but I do get

kf.kio.core: couldn't create worker: "Unknown protocol 'thumbnail'."

messages when I run Dolphin from console. But maybe that error message is 
related to above non working locations. In further testing it seems that 
Dolphin standard output is one message late… i.e. I test sftp and then 
fish, but get another sftp error message and only when I test fish again the 
fish one (see below).

> So the two "recent item" are still empty. (NB I translated menu items
> from french I hope translation is correct or at least you can guess the
> item menu).

It appears to me those are not even working at all.

But search via KRunner works just fine also in contents of files.

I have an suspicion, maybe some kio stuff is missing for that?

Cause fish:// and sftp:// protocols also do not work:

kf.kio.core: couldn't create worker: "Unknown protocol 'sftp'."
kf.kio.core: couldn't create worker: "Unknown protocol 'fish'."

FTP protocol however works okay, like with:

Hmm, I have an idea:

kio-extras is still 4:23.08.4-2 and only contains Qt 5/KF 5 protocols. In 
there are all the protocols that Dolphin said were missing above and then 

I think once someone has updated KIO related packages things will work 

Martin - please no carbon copy to me