bug reports / powerdevil/upower

2019-07-01 Thread Andreas v. Heydwolff
Hello list,

two weeks ago I filed a bug report about upower without which powerdevil
won't start. The bug was acknowledged, but there has been no response
from the maintainer so far. What is the recommended procedure when there
is no response? Or should I wait a bit longer as people may be on vacation?




Slow save dialogs

2019-07-01 Thread Andreas v. Heydwolff
Another issue:

On a stretch laptop save dialogs may take a minute or so to appear,
likewise dolphin ist taking a minute to start up.

I read that this may have to do with NFS shares that cannot be found,
but I don't use any. Deinstalled autofs, fstab has not been changed in
ages. This cannot have anything to do with my upower/powerdevil issue, no?

Any ideas?



Re: bug reports / powerdevil/upower

2019-07-01 Thread Xavier Brochard
Le lundi 1 juillet 2019, 13:28:18 CEST Andreas v. Heydwolff a écrit :
> Hello list,
> two weeks ago I filed a bug report about upower without which powerdevil
> won't start. The bug was acknowledged, but there has been no response
> from the maintainer so far. What is the recommended procedure when there
> is no response? Or should I wait a bit longer as people may be on vacation?
>   https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=930539
> Regards,
> Andreas

Maintainer doesn't allways answer because of lack of time. They are all busy 
with next stable release. 

In your case, libssl has nothing to do with powerdevil ; libssl is for 
securing network communications

Xavier Brochard
« La liberté est à l'homme ce que les ailes sont à l'oiseau » 
(Jean-Pierre Rosnay)

Re: bug reports / powerdevil/upower

2019-07-01 Thread Andreas v. Heydwolff
On 01.07.19 13:42, Xavier Brochard wrote:
> Le lundi 1 juillet 2019, 13:28:18 CEST Andreas v. Heydwolff a écrit :
>> Hello list,
>> two weeks ago I filed a bug report about upower without which powerdevil
>> won't start. The bug was acknowledged, but there has been no response
>> from the maintainer so far. What is the recommended procedure when there
>> is no response? Or should I wait a bit longer as people may be on vacation?
>>   https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=930539
>> Regards,
>> Andreas
> Maintainer doesn't allways answer because of lack of time. They are all busy 
> with next stable release. 

Thanks for the swift reply, Xavier. I understand what you say about the
stable release and lack of time.

> In your case, libssl has nothing to do with powerdevil ; libssl is for
> securing network communications

Not with powerdevil directly, but powerdevil depends on upower, and my
only clue was the systemd log:

"upowerd[15367]: /usr/lib/upower/upowerd: error while loading shared
libraries: libssl.so.1.0.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file
or directory" which repeats for a minute until some timeout. The system
has newer versions of libssl.

If you have a guess what other lead I might follow to resolve the issue,
I'll gladly try to do so.


Re: bug reports / powerdevil/upower

2019-07-01 Thread Andrey Rahmatullin
On Mon, Jul 01, 2019 at 01:42:36PM +0200, Xavier Brochard wrote:
> In your case, libssl has nothing to do with powerdevil ; libssl is for 
> securing network communications
It definitely *does* have something to do with powerdevil, please read the
bug report, the part about upowerd failing to start.


Description: PGP signature

Buster RC2 , KDE , icons's untuitive interactions.

2019-07-01 Thread aprekates

KDE Plasma 5.14.5

I drag and drop a menu entry (e.g: firefox) on
the desktop and i choose a copy to be made.
I notice that the icon will have a (!) on it until
i execute it first. ( why is the '!' needed?)

So :

$ cd Desktop
$ ls
-rw-r--r--  1 chomwitt chomwitt 5,0K Μαΐ   2  2018 org.kde.kcalc.desktop

Desktop->Right click on new KCalc icon->Settings->(General tab)->change 
the text field KCalc to KCalc2 and click Ok.

The icon name on the desktop will remain KCalc.

$ ls -al
-rwxr--r--  1 chomwitt chomwitt 9260 Ιουλ  2 02:13 KCalc2.desktop

Now if again :
Desktop->Right click KCalc icon->Settings->(General tab)-> We see that
the field has the KCalc value.

So from the result is as if that field was used to change the filename 
of the Icon but not either the name of the icon or the name of the 
Settings/General/(appname?) field.

So all that interaction (which was the same in debian 9) seems to me 
without logic. Cant we do sthn to change it please???


ps: /usr/share/applications/org.kde.kcalc.desktop is the system-wide file
and links will point to that. Meaning you wont be able to change icon's 
settings.. (isnt that strange too?)

Re: bug reports / powerdevil/upower

2019-07-01 Thread Josep Febrer
Hi Andreas,

El dilluns, 1 de juliol de 2019, a les 14:30:52 CEST, Andreas v. Heydwolff va 

> Not with powerdevil directly, but powerdevil depends on upower, and my
> only clue was the systemd log:
> "upowerd[15367]: /usr/lib/upower/upowerd: error while loading shared
> libraries: libssl.so.1.0.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file
> or directory" which repeats for a minute until some timeout. The system
> has newer versions of libssl.
> If you have a guess what other lead I might follow to resolve the issue,
> I'll gladly try to do so.

Definitively that's the problem, I would like to know which versions of upower 
and libssl1 do you have, can you post the output of the following commands?

apt-cache policy upower

dpkg -l | grep libssl

Best regards,
